• Published 3rd Jul 2019
  • 17,954 Views, 1,922 Comments

Fire and Steel - shirotora

A man finds himself in a strange world in a body he knows very little about. Now, with a little help from his reluctant acquaintance Ember, he must either find a way home, or a reason to stay

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Chapter 16: Ways to a Dragon's Heart

Ember and I sat on the lip of the Volcano watching Smoulder teach Spike how to lava surf.

It was pretty cool watching them. It also got me wondering about some of what Yomega, Leo, and I talked about. Namely, how dragons and ponies seem to display pokemon-like qualities, at least in their abilities.

If that were true, though, it would stand to reason that dragons are dragon type, maybe dragon/fire. However, equestrian dragons are immune to fire, and I know fire works on dragon types, and even fire types.

Then there’s the fact that I’m supposed to be weak against fire, yet Garble’s breath attack was only a little painful. It could have been the way I dodged with a rather uncanny quickness, but could that be all?

“You’re thinking again,” Ember noted.

I smiled and replied, “I do have a nasty habit of doing that, don’t I?”

“What are you thinking about this time?” Ember asked. “You thinking about how that eevee friend of yours was looking at your butt? She totally wants you, you know?”

I gave her a questioning look. “I’m four times her size.”

Ember smirked. “Lucky girl.”

I just rolled my eyes. “I was thinking about my abilities.”

“Still trying to figure out how to use one of those moves your friend told you about?” Ember asked.

I nodded. “Yeah, but not just that. I was wondering about the abilities of native races, like dragons and ponies, and how they compare to pokemon abilities.”

“Ah, yeah, I guess that is something to wonder about,” Ember agreed.

“What a coincidence.” Ember and I jumped with a start as Star spoke. “I was just coming down here to talk about something along those lines.”

“I swear to god, I’m putting a bell on you,” I said with a groan.

The ancient dragon chuckled. “Aw, that’s adorable. You think a bell will do anything.”

Ember sighed. “Hello, Star.”

“Well, if you’re so unhappy to see me, I’ll just leave,” Star said, turning her nose up.

“No, Star, we’re glad to see you, please, stay.”

Star smiled, “Thank you. Besides, I have some information you might like. Specifically, how to possibly give Smolder magic.”

Ember jumped up, wide eyed. “Really?! How?!”

Star took a seat beside Ember. “You must immerse her in the Weave.”

Ember looked on for several long seconds, as if waiting for Star to continue. “Uh... okay... Can I get a little more?”

Star rolled her eyes. “No appreciation for the dramatic, I swear. First, let me explain what the Weave is. The Weave is a field of raw, primal energies left over from the creation of the world. With ponies and most other magic wielding races, this energy is converted via something our ancestors called a ‘soul stone’. I believe ponies call it... corn or... something. Who cares.

“The point is, for these creatures, their soul stone connects them to the Weave. Dragons, however, are the original race, borne of the Weave directly. Thus, we are already a part of it. This is what allows a dragon to grow so mighty.

“That said, we cannot consciously control it without awakening to it. There are two ways one can do this. The first is by drawing the Weave into our spirit. This is what Aura is. The other is to immerse oneself into these primal energies, as you did."

"And how exactly do I do that?" Ember asked. "Empress Aurora did it for me."

"And you'll have to do it for Smolder," Star stated. "As for how, all I know is that it involves taking her into the weave.”

Ember groaned. “Great, and how do I get there?”

Star shrugged. “How should I know? I’ve never been there. Perhaps you can find someone who knows the way. Maybe the pony princess, Celestia, knows something about this.”

I was going to have to ask Leo if the show had anything like that in it if I saw him before going to Canterlot.

Spike’s rock slab skidded to a stop among the cheers of his friends.

“Not bad, kid,” Smolder said with a proud smirk. “You learn quick.”

Spike just chuckled and said, “Yeah, when Twilight Sparkle’s your sister, you learn how to pick up on new things fast.”

“I wish I could have met your sister,” Barb said. “I never met a pony before. Is she strong?”

“Strong?” Spike repeated with a cocky smirk. “She lifted an ursa minor and carried it out of town.”

“Woah!” the other dragon’s echoed.

Even Smolder was surprised. “You mean that purple one that uses all the big words picked up the biggest creature in the world?”

Spike shrugged, “Well, it was a baby, so it was only as big as... that dragon over there.”

Smolder looked back at who he was pointing at. “Dude, that’s Brimstone. He’s the third biggest dragon alive.”

One of his new friends, Emerald, turned to her brother, Onyx, and punched him in the shoulder. “I thought you said ponies were pansies? They sound awesome!”

“Hey, Blaze told me they were! Go punch him!” Onyx complained.

“Well, in his defense, they might seem that way to dragons,” Spike admitted. “Ponies care a lot about feelings, friendship, and harmony. But that doesn’t mean they can’t kick butt. Another friend of mine, Rainbow Dash, can fly faster than the speed of sound. Applejack is stronger than a dragon five times her size. So, yeah, I guess it’s just that they seem weak at first glance.”

“Rainbow Dash was the blue one, right?” Smolder asked to which Spike confirmed. “Yeah, she was actually pretty cool. I could see myself hanging out with her.”

“Yeah, and if they raised you, they have to be pretty awesome,” Barb said with a slight blush.

“Daww,” Smolder cood, teasingly, “You two make such a cute couple.”

“Hey, I’m not cute!” Barb growled.

“Hey, Spike, isn’t she cute?” Smolder asked.

Spike felt his face heat up. “U-uh... yes... I mean, in a good way!”

“R-really?” Barb stammered. She shook her head, forcing those thoughts out. “W-well, I’m not!”

“What’s wrong with being cute?” Spike asked.

“Dragons aren’t cute,” Barb said, crossing her arms and pouting.

“But... why not?” Spike repeated. “Just because something’s cute doesn’t mean it’s not tough. Leo’s adorable, and she’s tough enough to take down monsters twenty times her size. She blew up three dragons the other day, and she’s smaller than me and looks like a super fluffy rabbit-fox.”

Smolder, Barb, and Emerald looked like they were really considering his words, especially Smolder.

Onyx just shrugged. “Meh, I still don’t care about cute, but I don’t hate it. As long as you’re awesome, too, who cares.”

“Enough about that,” Emerald said. “Let’s go play hoard rush!”

As the others ran ahead, Barb asked Spike, “Hey... do you really think you can be cute and awesome?”

“Yeah, of course you can,” Spike said. “I see plenty of cute things that are awesome.”

Barb blushed as she asked, “Am... I really cute and awesome?”

Spike’s face warmed. “Oh... uh... yeah, I guess.”

Spike froze as Barb quickly darted in, her lips pecking his in a quick kiss.

“You tell anydrake and I’ll beat you up... and thanks.”

Spike watched Barb run after the others, still frozen in surprise.

His claw brushed against his lips. She kissed me... my first kiss...

The entire way back home, I could feel the maelstrom of emotions coming from Spike. So, when we got close, I told everyone else to go on ahead.

“Hey, Spike. Come. Sit with me.”

“Y-yeah,” he replied, almost automatically.

I sat down, Spike sitting beside me. “So, what’s on your mind? You seem distracted.”

“Oh...” Spike winced. “Luke... How did you know Ember was the one for you?”

I chuckled. “I didn’t.” He looked at me with confusion. “The truth is, you can never really know someone is for you until you take the plunge. You may think they are, or hope so, but you can’t know.”

Spike sat there, silently pondering my words.

“So, who’s the other girl?” I asked. “I’m guessing it’s a pony.”

Truth be told, I already knew about his crush on Rarity, having watched the show, but I didn't want to freak him out. Plus, there was a chance it was for someone else, being an alternate Equestria and all.

“Y-yeah...” Spike said, hesitantly. “Okay, what I'm about to say stays between us, okay?”

“You have my word.”

“Okay...” He began, steeling his nerves. “You remember the white pony, Rarity?”

I gave Spike a smile. “Ah, you have fine taste. She is a beautiful pony.”

“I know, right?!” Spike exclaimed. “But she's so much more than that. She's creative, generous, smart, caring... everything a dragon could want. Except...”

“Except you feel maybe she isn't the one for you, after all,” I finished.

Spike looked downcast. “Yeah.”

I put my arm around him. “That's not a bad thing. It just means you're moving on and learning.”

Spike sat in thought for a bit. I could feel his emotions working around the problem before slowly starting to settle.

“You know what?” he said. “You're right. I can't hold out for a possibility when a sure thing is right in front of me. Thanks Luke. You're a pretty smart guy.”

I gave a chuckle as I stood up. “Well, I'm glad you approve. Now, why don't we get some food. I snagged a couple rabbits for us.”

“I've never had rabbit before,” Spike said.

“Oh, you're going to love it.”

Meanwhile, in the forest, an angry dragon stormed through the brush.

“Stupid mutt,” Garble said. “Who does he think he is?”

He picked up a fallen branch and swung it at a tree, imagining it was his new rival. “Take that, dweeb!”

The dragon growled. It just wasn't the same.

He continued to grumble and complain, beating whatever foliage he could.

“Now my sister's hanging out with him, too?!” he growled. “He better not think he could be her mate.”

He kicked a rock, watching it bounce into a cavern.

It was greeted with a deep growl.

Garble jolted back in surprise before taking an aggressive stance, legs and wings spread wide. “Who's there? Just so you know, I'm a ticked off dragon, so try something at your own risk.”

From the shadows of the cavern, a pair of glowing yellow eyes stalked out, followed by a scale covered feline face.

Garble took a step back, eyes wide in fear. “Screw this!”

He spread his wings and leapt into the air, only to be struck in the back and knocked to the ground by the creature. It moved so fast, Garble couldn’t believe it cleared the distance between them.

He rolled away and leaped to his feet, wincing at the pain that shot across his back. He could feel the tear in his wing.

“Oh, now I’m really mad,” he growled.

He took a deep breath, and released a stream of fire right in the creature’s face. The creature, unfazed by the fire, swung its massive paw, raking Garble across the chest and throwing him into a tree.

Garble tried to scream, but the impact forced all the air from his lungs.

As he struggled to rise, a part of him realized it was no use.

Darn it, he thought to himself as his strength gave out. You better take care of my sister, you dumb mutt.

He felt himself lifted off the ground in the beast’s jaws and carried off before consciousness finally left him.

Author's Note:

Sorry it took so long to get this out. I've had trouble getting to a computer to do any writing. That said, future chapters will likely be slow in coming out.

Anyway, it would really help if anyone could donate a bit to my Patreon. Any little bit helps.

You can find it here: https://www.patreon.com/Shirotora

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