• Published 3rd Jul 2019
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Fire and Steel - shirotora

A man finds himself in a strange world in a body he knows very little about. Now, with a little help from his reluctant acquaintance Ember, he must either find a way home, or a reason to stay

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Chapter 31: Look What I Made

As much as I liked Pinkie's thing, it was way too rich for my taste. Thus, I had to cast my vote for the honey cakes.

Not that I actually had a vote.

Still, they were all good. Those berry tarts were actually not even in my top five, surprisingly.

"I've never eaten so many sweets at once," Ember said, rubbing her belly as we sat on a bench. "We're probably going to regret it later."

I leaned my head on her shoulder. "It was worth it."

"So..." Ember said, after a few moments of silence. "You and your friend gonna bang again?"

I laughed. Leave it to a dragon to be so blunt. "First of all, we didn't 'bang' last time. We just fooled around."

"Yeah, well, I don't really know what that means," Ember said.

I rolled my eyes. "The stuff I do to you before we bang."

"Oh, that first play stuff," Ember realized.

"Foreplay, but close enough," I said. "Anyway, second, that's not really up to me."

"Well, bang or don't," Ember shrugged. "What you do is your business. I can't understand what you guys say, anyway, so I'll probably go talk to that Velvet pony. She's kinda cool."

"Aw, you sure you don't want to come with?" I asked. "We could have a threesome."

"The heck is a 'threesome'?" she asked.

I looked at her with wide eyes as the possibilities of what I could do with that flooded my mind. "I'll teach you about it when we get home."

Maybe she and Smolder would be willing to learn together.

"Anyway, have fun, and try not to hurt her," Ember said as she got up and walked off.

I forced my fat ass up, and waddled toward my friends.

Okay, that's an exaggeration, but I felt like I just gained thirty pounds.

Anyway, I focused on my aura sense, trying to feel out where they were. As soon as I got a lock, I started toward the garden gate.

“But, anyways, that doesn’t matter right now.” Zann was saying. An ear swiveled towards me, before the fire type twisted around to look at me. “So… Ya said you had something to share?”

I gave them a smile. "Oh, I have a lot to tell you, but first, come with me. I have something you gotta see."

I led them into the palace, guiding them through the twisting hallways. "So, how have things been in Crazyville?"

As we walked, they told me about all kinds of crazy stuff that they had gotten up to in the past week and a half.

Abes already told me about the Running of the Leaves, but it was nice hearing about it from Leo's perspective. Leo was apparently still a little salty about losing.

It was also kinda bittersweet hearing that they found Peewee's parents. Sad that they had to say goodbye to Peewee for a while, but nice that Peewee and his parents were together again.

"So, Eros and I came to an understanding. I apologized for being a jerk and promised I wouldn't hurt Sweetie Belle or the other Crusaders. In return, she'd stop being so suspicious of us," Leo finished.

"That's good," I said. "I wouldn't mind meeting her. She might help me with a theory of mine."

I opened the door to my room and invited the pair inside.

"Wait here," I said and went back to the bedroom. I gently lifted my egg from the crib, still swaddled in the warming blankets and went back into the living room.

Leo looked confused, while Zann just looked excited.

"What is that?" Leo asked.

I sat down and carefully pulled a bit of the cloth down, revealing what lay beneath.

Leo went wide eyed. "Is that..."

I nodded, excitedly. "I'm going to be a father!"

Leo smiled and began cooing over the egg. Zann stepped to the side to give her more room. “Have you or Ember thought of names yet? And are you hoping for a boy or a girl?”

I laughed. "We don't even know what species it is."

I felt my smile fade. "To be honest, I'm kinda scared. Ember isn't a pokemon. Do you guys know the kind of complications hybrids have on Earth? That's if it even hatches at all."

I saw Leo flench at that.

"S-sorry. I didn't mean to rain on the good feels," I said. "I'm just... so excited and terrified at the same time. I never thought it was possible to feel both those feelings so strong."

“Heh.” Leo chuckled, her ears and tail drooping. “Preaching to the choir, there. If you think this is bad now, you should wait a few moons.”

“Leo…” Zann placed a paw onto the Eevee’s shoulder.

“Then you’ll be worrying about every little thing.” She steamrolled on. “And- And scrutinizing everything you do, wondering if this is what you’ve been fucking up on. After a while, you start worrying if-!”

Zann shoved a paw into Leo’s mouth. He gave me a sad look. “She’s been like this for a while now. I actually brought her up here to distract her from her eggs.”

I winced. "Oh... sorry. I didn't even really mean to vent like that... anyway..." I wrapped the egg back up. "We figured out how to give Smolder magic. So, we're probably going back to Ponyville with you guys. I got everyone gifts, too."

Leo perked up at that.

"No, you can't have it now, nor will I give you any hints," I said, cutting off anything she might have asked.

I could feel the gratitude coming from Zann. "Anything else interesting happen?"

"Well..." I thought for a moment. "I found out I have metal bones."

"Called it!" Zann snickered.

"And Abes has been teaching me how to use psychic abilities," I added. "I made a couple new friends, including Blueblood. He's actually not a bad guy, just socially awkward. I was actually talking to him when you guys got here. He left when he saw Rarity.

"Oh, and one important thing." I stood up and went back into the room, putting my egg back in its crib. As I came back out, I finished, "Celestia knows we aren't from this world, but doesn't know we weren't always what we are."

I sat back down beside Leo and absentmindedly started scratching her behind the ear. "She promised not to tell Twilight and the others so long as you tell them when you're able."

“Oh, good. Great.” Zann sighed, rubbing his snout. “Anything else you want us to know?”

Leo flopped over onto her back, pulling my paw down with her. I took the obvious invitation with a chuckle. Zann could only shake his head.

“Leo, stop it. You’re embarrassing yourself.”

“Yer just jealous.”

I grinned, mischievously. "Zann, you might have to leave the room."

His metal paw latched onto my other arm. “Nu-huh. You owe me some ear scritches.”

I shrugged, "I mean, I don't mind if you want to join in, but Leo might."

“It’s good…” Leo groaned out from the floor.

“No, Leo.” Zann chuckled. “We were going to see the town, remember?” He looked back up at me. “Got any recommendations?”

I sighed at the ineffectiveness of my innuendos.

"Yeah, there's this great place we found," I replied. "It's like Mediterranean food, but pony. They do meat dishes, too. There's also a couple shops that specialize in casual clothing like hats, scarfs, shirts, and whatever. You guys might like to personalize your look."

“We’ll look into those,” Zann nodded, “but I meant places we could check out without having to have a chaperone around. Ponies’ll just assume we’re strays, and we don’t want to be hassled while we try to relax.”

"Ah, yeah, that might be hard," I said. "Outside the palace, there really isn't anywhere that isn't a possibility. Hell, there were a couple times I had ponies asking where my owner was. Though, in my case it just ended up being funny after they found out I could communicate. Can either of you write Equestrian?"

“Nope.” Leo sighed out from under my paw, squirming around while pulling on my wrist.

Zann just shook his head. “We could always wait until Abes shows up. Then he could give us a tour.” A sly smirk stole across his muzzle. “Unless Luna decides to monopolize him tonight.”

I laughed. "Considering how thoroughly her scent covers him, I'm sure they spend plenty of time together, but he still found time to help me out.

"How about this. I'll have a friend write you couple notes. One explaining you're intelligent beings that can't speak the language, and another for anything you think you might need. Also, we can inform the guards and they'll spread word of who you are. We could also talk to Moondancer, see if she might have a magical solution."

“Eh.” Zann shrugged. “You can bring it up, but she won’t be able to do anything with us until she gets back to Ponyville.”

"But she's here now, so I can at least talk to her about it," I said. "For now, why don't I introduce you to a friend of mine. She should be able to help you."

"I thought I was going to die. It was amazing!" Velvet said, excitedly.

Ember laughed. "You know, I was wrong. You aren't a dragon in a pony body, you got way more guts."

"Aw, thanks," Velvet said with a slight blush. "Hey, how would you and your hus- er, mate like to attend one of the biggest events of the century?"

Ember raised an eyebrow. "I would say it sounds tempting. What is it?"

Velvet leaned in and whispered conspiratorially, "I can't actually say. I promised not to, but let's just say it'll be news that travels to every corner of Equestria and beyond. You showing up would help endear dragons to ponies and help with any future dealings after you take over as ruler of the dragons."

Ember thought about it for a moment. "When is it?"

"Well, the date hasn't been set yet, but it'll probably be sometime in spring," Velvet said.

"If it's as big as you say, I'm guessing Celestia has a hoof in it?" Ember asked, to which Velvet nodded. "Cool. Just have her burn me a letter when you got a date. I'll let you know if we can show up."

Velvet clapped her hooves. "Excellent! I hope to see you then. We can talk about going lava surfing. I should be able to find a fireproofing spell that works on ponies by then."

"Can't wait."

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