• Published 3rd Jul 2019
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Fire and Steel - shirotora

A man finds himself in a strange world in a body he knows very little about. Now, with a little help from his reluctant acquaintance Ember, he must either find a way home, or a reason to stay

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Chapter 43: Ominous Pink

Smolder let out a grunt as she hit the ground, hard.

“Better,” I said. “Again.”

Smolder got back to her feet with a growl.”One of these days, I will knock you down.”

“I look forward to that day,” I replied.

Smolder cocked an eyebrow. “Really?”

“Of course. It’ll mean that I was an even better teacher than my own, and my teacher was amazing,” I explained.

“Oh, right. Your grandpa, right?” Smolder asked as she stretched out her muscles.

“That’s right,” I said. “He taught me almost everything I know about martial arts.”

“Almost?” Smolder asked.

“Yeah, well, my dad taught me a lot, too,” I said.

“But wouldn’t your grandpa have taught him the same stuff as you?” she asked.

“Oh, no. My grandpa is my mom’s dad. My dad was American,” I explained.

Smolder rolled her eyes. “You know, for only having one race, your world is complicated.”

I laughed. “Oh, that’s nothing. His mom was Irish and his dad was French,.”

“Okay, just stop. Seriously, how many countries can one race need? Humans are so weird,” Smolder groaned. “So, what kind of martial arts did he teach you?”

I grinned. “Oh, how to actually win. You see, traditional martial arts don’t really work in the real world.”

“What?! Then what have I been learning?!” Smolder demanded.

“Non-traditional martial arts,” I explained. “You see, my dad grew up in a rough neighborhood, so he had to learn how to fight. His teacher was the greatest teacher there is; experience. He got beat up so much, he eventually learned how not to.”

“So, your grandpa and you dad taught you how to fight?” Smolder ventured.

“Not exactly. My grandpa taught me. My dad mostly just inspired me. He would always point out the flaws and faults in martial arts, and tell me what a real fight was like. I noticed the main problem was that most of the times martial arts is taught in a nice, padded room with wide open, flat floors.”

“So... nothing like where you’d ever have to use it?” Smolder said with a grin.

“Exactly. So, I started practicing wherever I could; in the woods, alleys, stairwells, you name it. I started incorporating the environment into my training, as well. I taught myself to think on the fly, and use whatever’s around me to my advantage on instinct.”

“Huh... so that’s why we never train inside,” Smolder realized.

“Exactly. Now, break’s over, let’s get back to training,” I said.

Luke, Smolder,” came Ember’s voice, carried by magic. “Hurry up and finish whatever you’re doing. It’s almost time to go.”

“Or maybe not.”

Smolder looked up toward the sun. “Geeze, have we really been out here that long, already?”

“Seems like it,” I said. “You know what they say. Time flies when you’re having fun.”

I grabbed my cloak from the tree branch I hung it on and fastened it around my neck. With a quick word, we were both off, soaring toward home.

We flew over what was quickly shaping up to be New Dragonia’s first trade town. Thanks to Blueblood, we had entire teams of beings helping out with construction. There weren’t many ponies willing to work for dragons, but he had contacts among the griffins and some cat folk from a place called Abyssinia that were more than willing to work for gold.

Celestia was more than happy to begin laying track for our first railway, too. Though, she was only going to go as far as this little town. Any tracks going deeper would be from our own treasury.

Luckily, lumber was plentiful in this area. That made the building so much faster. That, and Ember and Smolder using their magic to build stone foundations. Pretty soon, the first trains were going to begin to travel between Equestria and New Dragonia.

Finally, we came to our home for the past few moons, Castle Drakenhiem.

Three guesses who named it.

Of course, it was more of a palace than a castle, but then the same can be said for Canterlot Castle, and the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters. I think people just don’t realize a castle and a palace aren’t the same thing.

My thoughts were put aside as we landed on the balcony where Ember was waiting, along with Blueblood.

“How was training?” Ember asked.

“Good. She nearly got me a few times,” I said.

“Well, I’m afraid you’ll have to pick it up where you left off later. I’m on a tight schedule, and can’t afford to dawdle,” Blueblood said. “If you want a ride, we have to leave now.”

We followed Blue through the halls, shooting the breeze as he told us of his latest voyage.

“I swear, if Klugetown wasn’t the last port between here and Abyssinia, I would never return,” he finished.

“You could always take us next time,” Smolder said. “I bet you won’t have the same issue, then.”

Blueblood laughed. “I’m sure, but Percy dealt with him nicely, so no worries. Ah, speaking of which. Percy, my friend! Let's get underway as soon as possible, shall we?”

“We’re just waiting on your royal backsides,” Percy replied.

Percy, simply put, was like if Big Bird and Arnold Schwarzenegger had a child. He was a bright yellow bird person built like a linebacker dressed in an old fashioned sailor uniform. He said his people were called harpies, but they certainly weren’t the harpies from Earth mythology.

“We hear you’ve had an interesting trip,” I said, giving him a fist bump.

“Ay, that I have,” he replied. “I’ll tell you some of the spicier bits when we’re airborne.”

Over the past few moons, I found I really liked airships. I had only ridden once, and that was only to Kludgetown, a shit hole city on the other side of the Badlands. Still, it was amazing. And I got to meet one of Blueblood’s contacts, Percy’s cousin. She had her own ship and traveled far and wide enough that she could spread word that the dragons were looking for trade partners.

It was so different than flying with my cloak. With my cloak, I’m focusing on where I am, wing position, air currents, and a dozen other things. On an airship, though, I could just relax and take in the sights.

Smolder and Ember enjoyed it as well, but they liked flying with their own wings better and often flew alongside the ship. They couldn’t keep it up for too long, though, as the ship flew a bit faster than their cruising speed.

It wasn’t a long trip, only about a day and a half. Still, it was a day and a half of soaring through the skies and learning the ins and outs of sailing. I didn’t want to make a living out of it, but it was fun to learn, regardless.

“Still admiring the view, eh?” Ember said as she came up behind me, egg carriage in tow.

“You know you like it, too,” I said.

Ember looked out over the landscape. “Yeah, I’ll admit, there’s something nice about getting a view like this without having to do the work for it... Still prefer flying myself, though.”


As we stood there, admiring the scene, Ember narrowed her eyes as she gazed into the distance. “What is that?”

I looked, but my eyes weren’t as good as a dragon’s.

At least, not normally. But Aurora has been helping me learn some new techniques. She couldn’t teach much, considering she not only didn’t know how to use aura, herself, but also could only communicate through a mirror, but it was enough that I was able to piece together several new techniques.

I channeled my aura into my eyes and the world became sharper, clearer, and more vivid as colors not normally visible made themselves known to me.

With my eyesight enhanced, I could see what she was looking at. In the distance I could see Canterlot and the massive pink bubble surrounding it.

“Hey, Blue?” I focused my ‘voice’ on the prince. “Can you come to the bow real quick. Bring a spyglass.”

A few minutes later Blue arrived. “What’s the matter?”

“We were hoping you could tell us,” Ember said as she pointed toward the oddity.

Blue looked through his spyglass and hummed in thought. “That looks like a shield spell, but on a truly impressive scale. Captain Shining Armor’s work, no doubt. The only question is why?

“Gavin!” Blueblood called.

A young griffin came running and gave Blue a salute. “Yes, sir?”

He was obviously green, considering how stiff and formal he acted around Blue. He would loosen up with time, though. They all did.

“Scout ahead and find out why the city seems to be on lockdown, would you? And find out how we’re supposed to get in,” Blueblood asked.

“Yes, sir!” He snapped another salute and took off like a bolt.

I whistled. “He’s a fast one.”

“That’s why I hired him,” Blue said. “Do keep me abreast of his progress, will you?”

We watched the griffin’s progress as he grew smaller and smaller. Eventually four specks flew out to meet him. They hovered in place for a moment before our speck started heading back our way.

The young griffin came in for a landing, breathing heavily from the exertion, as he said, “They said... we have to... use the... auxiliary docks.”

“The auxiliaries? Did you mention who you’re sailing with?” Blue asked.

“Yes, sir,” the griffin replied. “They said no exceptions.”

“Well, now I’m a tad concerned,” Blue said before turning around and shouting with an impressive set of lungs. “Alright, sailors! We’re making for the auxiliaries! Twenty degrees to starboard! Take us around back!”

The ship swayed to the side as the crew worked to change course. By then the city was close enough to see without enhancing my eyes. It was a good thing, too. That ability irritated my eyes something fierce if I used it too long.

“You would think Celestia would have sent us a message letting us know something was up,” Ember said, a little bit irritated.

“Considering the wedding and whatever calls for such measures, it likely just slipped her mind,” Blueblood said.

“I’m sure that’s it,” I agreed. “Anyway, who cares? It’s a minor inconvenience.”

Blueblood huffed. “Speak for yourself. I have cargo that needs unloading and the auxiliary docks are much further from the warehouse. We’ll have to lug the cargo nearly two kilometers and who knows how many trips.”

As we rounded the mountain, I couldn’t help but notice the dozen and a half ballistae that were trained on us, following us in.

“Well... those are new,” Blueblood commented. “Last we came through here there were only two. What could be the threat that would require this manner of welcome?”

I had a theory, but I wasn’t a hundred percent. I was pretty sure something was going to happen during the wedding, but I wanted to double check with Leo first.

I really should have watched the show sooner, I berated myself, not for the first time.

“You think it might have something to do with what Occelus told me?” Smolder asked, her apprehensiveness seeping into her voice.

“I wouldn’t be surprised,” Ember said. “You going to be alright if it is?”

Smolder nodded, but I could feel her uncertainty. She pretended her time as their captive didn’t affect her, but I knew better. Any time anyone mentioned changelings around her I could feel a sliver of fear.

Then there were the nightmares. Luna was trying to help with those, but she didn’t have the same level of influence over non-pony dreams. Still, it helped.

Our ship docked under the watchful eyes of about four dozen royal guards, ballistae and crossbows at the ready.

As we disembarked, luggage in tow, a guard pony approached. “I’m sorry, your majesties, but I’m going to have to ask you to leave your luggage and come with us. We’ll have somepony bring your bags to your room after a quick scan.”

Ember was about to protest but I interrupted her. “Ember, it’s fine. I doubt they’re stupid enough to steal from a dragon. Especially when that dragon is an empress and sorceress.”

Ember calmed down and gave the pony a glare. “Everything better be in there when we get to our rooms.”

The guard bowed. “Of course. If you’ll follow me, the princess wishes to speak with you as soon as possible.”

A city wide shield, guards everywhere, and crossbows and siege weapons greeting guests? A real fairytale wedding... if it was written by George R.R. Martin.

This was going to be interesting.

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