• Published 13th Dec 2022
  • 391 Views, 5 Comments

Tales Of The Gargoyle King - discordjediknight

Is the Gargoyle King just a legend? while on a journey to save her sick mother, a young girl in search of her father unleashes the devil from hell not knowing how true the old bedtime story is.

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chapter 1 the sorcerer

Once upon a time, there was magic and wonder across the land. Those who had the most magic were those of the spirits. The god's and goddesses, whose duty was to uphold the balance across the land. Magic could be sorted through many elements. Fire water and so many more. Including some of those with darker purposes. Tho magic is not inherently evil, there are those who would miss use it and thus darker elements emerged. Among them was the Gargoyle King. Once he was seen as evil because of his powerful magic. But after meeting him, the vampire queen found kindness in his heart. Kindness the gargoyle king thought was gone. But after spending time with her, his heart began to change. Kindness grew in his heart thanks to the vampire queen. Until one day the mighty gargoyle king, a creature unlike any other, put a stop to the war entirely. He did so for his love of the vampire queen. Afterward, peace was restored by the mighty king who…

"Who married and lived happily ever after." A little girl said. The little girl had jet-black, curly hair that flowed down to her shoulder, and an innocent smile as she jumped up and stood on top of her bed.
Her mother, an older lady who sat next to the bed put down the book titled tales of the Gargoyle King. Yes, dear, she told her daughter. She spoke with such happiness. But anyone could take one look at her and see she was very tired. The bags under her eyes made her look far older than she actually was. Her hair didn't help either. What must have been once a rosy pink, was now a faded tone of pink. It wouldn't be long before it was gray. She had her hair up in a braid. Held up by blue flowers.

"Ok, dear time for bed. "

"Yes mother"

The little girl got underneath the blankets. By the surrounding walls, it was clear she lived in a small cabin just outside the woods. The little girl yawned as her mother tucked her in.

"I love that story. I hope one day ill meet my own king."
Her mother giggled. "Perhaps one day. But for tonight you must rest."

"But mother." She yawned. "You haven't sung the lullaby yet."

Her mother smiled softly as she blew out the oil lantern they had for light.
"Now I can't forget that. Now, can I?" She said and began to sing.

The little girl was a striking resemblance to her mother, other than her jet-black hair and eye color. Her mothers were turquoise that almost glowed as the moonlight hit them from just the window. Hers on the other hand glowed a bright ruby in the dark of the room without the lantern light.

In a sweet and yet somber tone, her mother began to sing her lullaby...
Hush now quiet now it's time to lay your sleepy head. Hush now quiet now it's time to go to bed.

the little girl felt her eyes grow heavy and closed them.

Drifting off to sleep leave your troubled day behind you. Drifting off to sleep let the sweetest dreams come find youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

Her mother held the note until a small snore could be heard.
Her mother leaned in and kissed her forehead. As she whispered the last of the song.
I hope you'll find peaceful dreams, do not let a nightmare consume you.
"Good night Melody."

Chapter 1 the sorcerer

Melody woke up. As the sun began to rise and shine through her window. She yawned and stretched as she slowly got out of bed. She headed out of her room and into the small kitchen.
"Good morning mother." She said cheerfully.

Her mother turned around. "Good morning dear." She set a pile of pancakes down and gestured her over to sit. "Happy 15."

Melody smiled. "Thank you, mother." She started to chow down on her pancakes. She was no longer a little girl, but a young woman.

"I had a dream last night. Rember when you used to read me that old fairy tale? I dreamt you telling me that old story."

Her mother shook her head. "I remember it well. You used to love that story, you wouldn't go to sleep unless read some of it to you when you were younger and sang the lullaby from it to you." She giggled as her mother smiled.
Tho she wasn't that old, her mother looked twice her age. Her hair turned gray with only one strand of pink hair left in it and her tail. Her face looked sunken in and she looked very tired.

Her mother began to cough, much to her sadness of Melody. Melody's head jumped up away from her food.
Her mother saw the concern in her daughter's eyes. With a smile, she waved her hand at her to ease her worry. "It's only a small cough, honey, eat your breakfast. "

Melody said nothing and returned the smile as she finished her breakfast. "Well, I'm going to get to my chores after…"

"Nonsense." Her mother interrupted. "'Tis your birthday. Go, head to town. Enjoy a day off. Ill attends to…"
"No mother, I cannot let you do the chores by yourself."

"I'll be carefu,l I promise."


"I won't overdo it. I will follow the guidelines the doctor has set. You enjoy your day. Take the horse and run free today. You deserve it."

With that, she knew she wasn't going to win against her mother. She grew excited at the thought of running into the forest.

"Thank you. Thank you, thank you." She quickly got up and hugged her mother, to her mother's surprise.

"Of course, dear, of course. But." her mother's expression grew serious. "You know you must be careful."
Still excited as ever Melody jumped up. "Yes, yes, I know."

Her mother glared at her. Staring at her with one eye.
A shiver ran down Melody's spine. For some reason, she always felt as if she couldn't do anything except what her mother said. As if she was being mind controlled. And not just her. Anyone or anything. If her mother gave them that look. That stare. They instantly could do nothing except what she told them

"Yes, mom. I'll be uh. Careful". She said nervously.

Her mother nodded. "See to it, you do. Not everyone has your unique talents. And some can be troubled by them."
Her mother then rubbed her finger over her wedding wing, as she often did whenever this topic came up.

Melody looked down at her mother's hands and then back up at her face. She gave a reassuring smile and a quick but reassuring hug to her mother that she be alright. Her mother nodded. "Well, get going then." She chuckled.
Melody ran out of the cottage. She lived on a small farm. Not even a farm, really. There was no barn, just a small stable. Other than the chickens, an old goat and a few pigs she was raising for slaughter could be found there. She interns the stable and ran past the spooked pigs and hungry goat to the rather impressively large and fancy horse. The horse looked as if it belongs to a royal family. Not some random nobodies in a cottage. Near the woods. She quickly brushed its fur and saddle it. She jumped on and with a Whip of it's raines the hores quickie ran down dirt rodes that lead away from her cottage. Coming to a crossroad just up ahead. One leads to town, the other leads into the forest.

The horse didn't even need directions, it knew where to take her. Then ran through the trees. Miles being crossed. She rode the horse over a river and up a large hill until she came to a small valley where a meadow sat. Some dear heard her coming and ran away as birds began to take flight.

Once the horse stopped, she jumped off and tied up to a tree. She patted the horse's head as she took in the sounds of the forest. Calm quiet. She breathed in the cold morning air and breathed out softly. She stood there with her eyes closed as she took in the sweet sounds surrounding her. A river flowing over a creak. The chirps of birds far in the distance. The sound of little animals like squeals and rabbits scuffling through the bushes.

This is where she could find her peace. She opened her eyes. They were a deep crimson red. She softly smiled as a fire glowed within her eyes.
Suddenly, two large wings popped out of her back. The horse had no reaction to it at all. It was used to it by now.
Melody raised her hands. And whispered something. (Blow wind) "Dniwwlob". The wind picked up great speed. She chuckled and ran in it as she jumped she took flight flapping her wings as she sores threw the sky laughing and loving every minute of it.

A few hours later, she sat on a blanket she created with her magic. She waved her hand and a vine sprouted by her. It grew on its own until an orange spouted from its leaves. She took it and taped it .it split on its own as if it was sliced by a knife, forming a little flower. She ate a slice and sat back against the tree that her horse was tied to. She sighed in delight. As she slowly blinked and looked up at the branches of the tall tree above her.
What a day. Her mind drifted to the story her mother used to tell her when she was little. She remembered in the story the gargoyle king had unusual powers. Like turning water into chocolate milk.
She wanted to try it. She held out her hand. She whispered something and a glass grew out of the ground. She took it and got some water from the creak. She remembered her mother saying the gargoyle king would whisper something and tap the glass three times.

Spells usually were very simple. At least for her. Most spells were one or two words said in reverse. Setting your imagination into them. All she ever had to do was imagine she would have a cup and poof a cup would appear so long as she said the word backward. But without the words spoken, it wouldn't work.
She whispered chocolate milk backward and taped the glass three times. Unfortunately, nothing happened. She tried aging and nothing happened. She sighed. In her defeat. Tho magic seemed to have simple rules, the more she learned about it the more she learned it was anything but simple. And she wondered if spells like that just didn't exist.
The horse neighed at her. It stomped its hooves as if in a panic. "Yes, yes, I know. It will be supper soon, we should head back." She got on her horse and set her course for home.

Author's Note:

so this is just a pile of random ideas i had merged into one story. i hope you like chapter one.
(update 2/27/23) gone back and fixed a few grammer mistakes and spelling issues. if thire are any more feel Free to let me know.