• Published 13th Dec 2022
  • 392 Views, 5 Comments

Tales Of The Gargoyle King - discordjediknight

Is the Gargoyle King just a legend? while on a journey to save her sick mother, a young girl in search of her father unleashes the devil from hell not knowing how true the old bedtime story is.

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chapter 5 the servent

"So um, where are we headed?" Cheese asked.

"According to this book, we're heading for the center of the ever-free."

Cheese's eyes widen. "Oh. Sorry, I asked."

"Hmm, why's that?"

"Because the center of the ever-free is said to hold the gates of hell. The chaos realm. Legend has it that 15 years ago when the 4 kingdoms were at endless war with each other, a battle raged there in front of chaos castle to defeat some ancient evil sorcerer. War did not end until a nameless knight was able to cut down the devil king of magic, sending him back to hell."

Melody nodded. "That would have been my father."

"Your father."

"He died before I was born. My mother didn't even know she was gonna have with me. She doesn't ever talk about him. All I know is that he was a knight and a powerful sorcerer. Who used his magic, sacrificing himself to stop the endless war. "

She pulled on the roped to get flash the horse to stop running. "I never even got to know him. Don't know what he looks like. I don't even know his name."

"Sometimes I wonder if she did." Melody got off the horse.

"Well, that explains the horse." Cheese muttered as he got off as well. "But he was a sorcerer too. That makes no sense."

Melody shrugged. "I guess to defeat magic, you needed to use magic."

"Well, that explains your powers. What are we doing now?" He asked.

"Just a quick rest. Flash needs it." She pet the horse, who seemed thankful for the pit stop.

"So what about you? What about your parents?"

Cheese sat on a broken log. "Oh, not much to tell. My mother, she's a baker. Use to be a cook for a royal family, tho she won't tell which. I'm pretty sure she's not from canterlot. My dad. He's a shoe shiner and a boot maker. Tho, he's a jokester. In fact, I don't remember a time when my parents weren't either laughing or having fun." He chuckled. "What about you."

She smiled softly. But sadness filled her eyes. "My mom is always smiling. Always laughing and singing. But… "A silent pause filled the air. "We live in a small town to the south, near the border of the ever-free. We don't have electricity or cars or any of that stuff, just hard labor. And being a single mother, she worked herself till she couldn't stand. She did everything possible just so we survive the next day.

I of course helped, especially when she started to become frail. But…" Melody stated, shaking as her voice became little more than a whimper. "She's growing weaker. And are nabors who's been like family to us…." Melody shook her head, trying to stop the tears. "She may not survive this winter. Not in a tiny, cold cottage we live in. barely enough food or shelter".

Suddenly, she felt two arms wrap around her. Melody turned her head slightly to see him. Tho she had tears in her eyes and was very sad, a glare grew in her line of vision.

"Uh heh. He nervously chuckled and released her. "Sorry, it just seemed like ya needed a hug."
She said nothing but whipped her tears. He backed away slowly.

Once he was back at the log away from her, she started to go through the saddlebag on flash.
"So magic," he said, trying to change the subject and break the awkward tension that now filled the air. "Um every one can do it. He asked.

She nodded. "Yeah, so I've been told."

"And who taught you."

'Uh well." She laughed. I just always seemed to know. Although my mom does know a few spells, most of my gifts come from my father. Tho there have been a few who know about magic and have taught me from time to time. It's weird, the more I practice magic the more I feel closer to him ya know."
"So, how do you do magic?"

"Oh it's… "She paused for a moment. "Huh, you know I never thought about it.
He smiled at the response.

"No seriously. I just always known."

"Care to explain." He persisted.

She smiled. "It's not simple. But it's simple. It's like..." She shook her head." It's like wishing for anything. And then just a build-up of your own energy, your own spark release that energy into the air and let it form into reality."
He laughed. To which she only held up her arms in protest.

"Laugh it up. But that's what happens. I've always just wished for something and poof there it is. well, most of the time any way. There are some spells and tricks that just don't work no matter what I do."
"Ok, so what if I wanted to do magic?" He asked.

This surprised her. "Ummm well. Just..." she thought back to when she was little and how she did magic. It was hard for her to describe, since she always just knew what to do.

"Ok, don't strain yourself." He muttered mid-laughing. She wanted to glare at him aging, but his laughter was contagious.

"What do you got there anyway?" He asked, noticing she had a book now in her hand. And not the one her aunt gave her.

"Oh, this. This is just a fairy tale my mom use to read to me as a kid. Tho I've never read it myself. It was always my favorite story. I kinda wanted to start reading it. Her smile then began to fade away again."
Cheese notices this. Oh, dear, got to thank fast. He thought to himself. "Um, how about you read it then? Read it two me. "She looked at him a bit confused.

"Yeah, I love fairy tales. Cinderella or Alice in Wonderland you know those." She shook her head.
"Well, it doesn't matter, just read it to me. He sat down and laid back, head resting on the broken log. What it's called, anyway."

he walked over and sat by him on the log. "It's called The Tales Of The Gargoyle King."

A beautiful woman was walking down the streets of canterlot heading to work. The streets of canterlot did not have lamps or cars. Most of the cobblestone streets only had a few carriages and were less crowded. The sun sat high in the air and the wind blew softly down the streets of the main road leading straight to the castle.
She had long pink hair. A yellow coat, a simple blue maid uniform, and she carried a basket at her elbow. She held her head up high with a simple, small smile. But she kept her hair over most of her face. One crystal teal blue eye could be seen peering through the waves of pink that made up her hair.

"Hay it's Fluttershy, shouted a few of the men." Several guys stopped what they were doing just to take a look at her. Little did they know she hated the attention. She was quite shy and said nothing to anyone. If you went up to her and asked her how her day was, she would keep the conversation short and to the point, nodding or shaking her head to say yes or no. otherwise, she tended to be an introvert. Keeping to herself whenever possible.

In front of the castle, just before the gates was a large water fountain. She sat there at the fountain and toss leftover bread crumbs from work at the birds. She was an animal lover. And it seems the only ones she could ever actually talk to were the little animals. There weren't many in the big city. Some raccoons or wild dogs. Some flying squirrels or butterflies. Birds of all sorts of colors. But her favorite thing to do was tend to the horses walking by. Some fancier than others. Why, even the occasion mule could be found walking in town.

After feeding the birds, she would head inside the castle gates and start her day cleaning and tending to the royal animals littered across the palace. Swans, ducks and an occasional hair or two. She dusts and sweeps and mops the floors. Tho she wasn't the only maid there, more often than not she was the first one to arrive and the last one to leave. She stayed away from the busier corridors and great hallways of the castle, preferring the peace and quiet ones with only the sound of the birds outside. As she cleaned, she would often hum or even sing a tune while working.

But today was different. After feeding the birds and sweeping the cellar, she would make tea and bring it to the princess and her mother. As she prepared the tea, she did not realize a suit of armor that stood on the wall began to move and follow her. It was surprisingly quiet, even if it wore a bunch of clanging meddles. It tipped toed around her and froze in place every time she looked in its direction.

Finally, she looked up and tilted her head. "Huh, was that always that cloes." She said out loud. "Eh, what I know, there's so many of those darn things." She then went back to work preparing the tea.

The suit of armor then decided to creep closer to her. She didn't notice at all when it was right behind her. Suddenly the suit of armor grab her and she squealed in alarm.
Hahahahahaha it chuckled.

"Uh, zephyr!" She yelled. "You almost made me drop the princess and queen's tea."

"Uh sorry, sis, I had to. It's almost nightmare night. A good fright is all in fun." The knight took off its helmet and grabbed an apple from one of the baskets in the kitchen.

"Ugh, when will you ever grow up, little brother."

"I am grown up." He snorted back at her.

"Shouldn't you be on guard?"

"I am. I'm guarding the kitchen. This is my post." zephyr smiled.

Fluttershy looked at him with a glare.

"No, no honest. Prince armor himself said this would be the best place for my talents."

Fluttershy put a hand over her mouth,catching her laugh before it could insult her brother.

"Hay, I'm not that bad of a knight. I'm a good guard."

"Yes, yes I'm sure you, ah, must guard the food against those thieving mice." Fluttershy smiled.

"Yes, now you get it. "

Fluttershy smiled as he nodded back. "Um, Zephyr."


She pointed in the corner of the room. Zephyr followers her finger. Their two mice were stealing some grain. "Oh no, you don't." He shouted and lunged at them with a sword. They ran down the hall. "See ya later, sis." He called back to her.

Prince armor walked into the kitchen and chuckled at the sight. She turned around, laughing along with him. "You know, a cat would be more useful," She told him.
"Perhaps, but then I'd have to give him a real job guarding. Can you imagine how bad that would be?"
She laughed harder. "Well, I really must get this tea to the princess."
"Oh of course, actually I'm glad I caught you before you did, can you do me a favor?" He held out a scroll to Fluttershy. "Give this to the queen when you see her."

"Of course, my lord."

"I'm afraid I'm heading out. "
Fluttershy frowned. "Can we not make peace with the other kingdoms?"
"They've already crossed our borders. If we don't defend it, they will attack by nightfall. I will do what I can. Although, I could send your brother after them. I'm sure that will scare them."
Fluttershy chuckled at the joke. "That is not funny. He's my only living relative. I don't want to lose him like I lost my father and mother."

The prince nodded. "Yes, this war has raged on for centuries. I hope one day will find a solution to stop it, but for now…"
A large bang could be heard echoing down the hall.

"Perhaps we should deal with the real threat inside the walls. "
Fluttershy put another hand to her mouth trying to hide her smile as her brother called back "I'm ok."

Fluttershy entered the great dining hall. The room was quite large. As a massive wooden dining table sat in the center. At the end of the table, setting in wait was the queen sunset shimmer. Her daughter princess twilight sitting next to her reading a book and paying no attention,
The queen looked as the doors creaked open, letting in the maid. She smiled and pointed at her daughter eagerly. Fluttershy nodded and set the tea aside. She taped on the princess's shoulder, startling her for a moment.
"Oh, Fluttershy when did... Oh, mother, oh I'm so sorry." Twilight quickly put the book aside.
The queen shook her head. "My daughter, you are the future queen of this land. You shouldn't get so distracted. "
On a day like today when my brother is off to war, I find a distraction quite comforting." The princess said and raised her cup of tea.

The queen only shook her head.

"Your highness before he departed the prince told me to give you this," Fluttershy handed her the scroll.
She looked at the seal on it. A weary smile crept along the queen's face. She sighed as she opened it.

"What is it, mother?" The princess asked.

"It's the invitation to the dark castle. I've been expecting them. We must attend the nightmare-masked ball soon."
Twilight rolled her eyes. "Balls are so boring, mother. Can you send word to the king just to help us?"

"Twilight sparkle." The queen barked. This is not an ordinary ball. For one, it is a masked ball. For another, it is from the king of the ever-free. He has endless resources due to his great knowledge of sorcery. Are resources are nearly drawn, I just sent my own son into battle because of it. He gives his resources and asks only that we throw a party once a year in his honor. This year he is hosting it at his own castle. One almost no one ever has the privilege to enter."

Twilight rolled her eyes.

"We will be attending."
Fluttershy smiled. She heard of the dark castle and the king of the ever-free. The evergreen forest was the largest set of land that separated all 4 kingdoms. The masked ball was open to anyone royal or pheasant, so long as they dressed up. And all 4 kingdoms were asked to participate. It was the one night of the year that it seemed like the war-torn world was at peace. Even tho all 4 kingdoms were at each other's throats, they all sent a few representatives to the party so long as they were dressed up in a costume.

And the king would send a large group of goods and resources from the ever-free forest to whoever was hosting the party. And anyone could take anything they want from the shipment back to their own kingdoms.
Fluttershy tho has never been able to attend any of them. She was always so busy doing her chores or working that she could never attend any of them.

"Ok, well if I'm going can my maid join me this time? Twilight complained.
The queen looked at Fluttershy. "If she is able to get all her chores done in time, then yes. But Fluttershy…"
"I know, I know. There is a long list of things I have to do to get twilight ready for the ball. Including looking for a costume myself. oh, but I would love to go. Especially to see the dark castle. I mean, I've only heard rumors of it. If I may queen, have you been there before? What's it like?"

The queen sat back in her chair. "It is called the dark castle for a reason. It looks as if the whole castle is a shadow made of black stone and iron. Protected by the most hideous of gargoyle statues. Some call it gargoyle castles because of how many there are. It has tall walls and even taller towers.

And tho I've stood in front of it. Even in front of the king himself. I have never been inside. Rarely anyone who enters ever comes back out. But he has invited us to it. So surely he will let us in and let us leave."
"And what is the king like?" Twilight asked.

"Whenever he has ever appeared, he has always been draped in shadow. No one knows. Last I was at the castle, I was alongside your father. We were traveling back from a meeting with the kingdom of the east when we were attacked by the kingdom from the north. We ran, we were injured and would have died if we didn't stumble of the castle. As we got to the walls, a voice called out to see if we were alright. We told him we needed shelter, tho he wouldn't let us in. he did however use his magic to heal us."

"He's a sorcerer." Twilight gasped.

"Yes. Magic is beyond dangerous and has been outlawed in 3 of the four kingdoms. But no one can deny the king of the ever-free forest is a king of sorcery. We must stay on his good side. I don't want to think of what could happen if he was ever angered. Magic is an evil practice. "

Hearing this twilight gulped. "Um, I and Fluttershy should go and get ready quickly then." Twilight stood up as her mother nodded in approval.

Author's Note:

I hope you've enjoyed the story so far. Feel free to give me some feed back.
(update 2/27/23) gone back and fixed a few grammer mistakes and spelling issues. if thire are any more feel Free to let me know.