• Published 13th Dec 2022
  • 391 Views, 5 Comments

Tales Of The Gargoyle King - discordjediknight

Is the Gargoyle King just a legend? while on a journey to save her sick mother, a young girl in search of her father unleashes the devil from hell not knowing how true the old bedtime story is.

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chapter 3 the shoe shiner

She rode all night through the dirt roads of her small town, and her humble home looked and felt like that of old fairy tales. Some hay bail haulers and blacksmiths pounding away creating swords and knives. No electricity to be found. What little light there was not from the moon came from oil lanterns or plain torches. She had no time to stop as she, on the back of flash her horse, galloped straight through town waking some of the sleeping people nestled in their homes on the cold autumn night. As she headed out, she turned back to see the small town she grew up in. and wondered what she would find in canter lot.

She galloped through the night, only stopping once for a few hours of rest. She then continued her way heading threw several towns, not stopping for anything. A whole day passed. Just as the moon began to rise, aging she finally saw the gates to the capital city of the kingdom. She smiled with a yawn. We finally made it flash. We finally made it. She rode the horse all the way up to the gates and got off only inside the town.

She was quite surprised and a little embarrassed when she entered Canterlot. Not only that, but she has never been here. Furthermore, she heard many stories and read many letters and news articles about it, but none did the grand city justice.

It was large. The city was not made of wood and grass like her home. It was made of tall brick and cobblestone walls. Rodes paved in it as well. Tho there were some oil lamps and torches, their light was nothing compared to the streetlamps. Cables flowed down the streets, bringing power to all the buildings.

She walked in awe and wonder as she looked around. Several people got in and out of line for a telephone booth at the corner of the sidewalk. Some horse-drawn carriages still walked around, but most traveled by iron horses called cars. They were mechanic machines that breathed smoke from their back. She paused and stared at a few of them, only to have some honk their horns at her for it.

"Get out of the road, don't just stand there." Some of the drivers told her. She decided to take her horse aside and stay on the sidewalk. Tho she was in wonder, she also felt a tinge of fear from it all. She was now the furthest she could ever be from her element. Not a tree was in sight, tho there were many bushes of flowers growing in pots all along the city. What made her the most uncomfortable tho was the way people looked at her. And what they wore compared to her.
Tho, she never felt poor. And didn't feel like she was wearing rags. It was clear that her brown cloak and black shirt and pants looked out of place here in the city. Many of the women wore some oddly bright-colored dresses with white gloves. Even the children. Many of the men wore top hats and crisp suits with ties around their necks, wearing gloves.

She admits she was a bit of a tomboy, always been. But never did she feel more out of place and embarrassed than the moment she walked into canterlot. She continued her way looking for any sense of where she might be able to find help when she finally tripped over something and fell down. Something or someone.

"Oh sorry, sorry, my bad." She shouted. As she quickly got up and reached her hand out to help the guy she knocked over.

"Oh, no prob… lem…. "The guy slowly said as he looked up in her eyes. A bit of a shock ran across the young man's face. He took her hand and she pulled him up as he continued to stare at her eyes. "Wow," he said under his breath.
"What was that?" She asked.

"Oh uh, nothing, nothing. Um." he said frantically. Unlike the others around he was wearing overalls and a white t-shirt with a small cap on his head. His messy hair was a pink color. He kinda reminded melody of her mother. Tho, his eyes were a light green. And he had an odd necklace hanging from his neck. It looked like a blazing sun.

"Uh, care for a shoe shine." He asked.

"A what."

"Oh, I clean boots and shine them up. Yours." he looked down at her boots. They seem quite muddy. In a fine city like this, we try to keep dirt off the rodes as much as possible."

She tilted her head. "That sounds like a waste but uh sure I guess."

He gestured her over to a chair. She sat down, and he began to clean off the mud on her boots.

"You're definitely not from around here. What brings you to town?"

I'm looking for a doctor. I hope to trade in my mother's ring in the hopes they will follow me back to save her life."

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that, if there anything I could do…"

"Yeah, I don't know my way around town, if you could help me in my search I'd be grateful. AlthoughI have nothing to pay you. I only have the ring to help my mother."

The boy stopped cleaning her shoes.

Oh. uh. Most shoo shines are 5 coins and when they're this dirty it would cost 10."

She frowned at that. "Oh, I'm terribly sorry I can't not pay you in any…"

"For payment, I'd rather just have your name. Hell, ill even help you find your way around town for that. "

She smirked." I see. You're gonna be one of those guys, huh?"

"What?" he asked.

"Oh, you know. The smooth, kind, friendly guys who just want to help a damsel in distress. Well, I can tell you I'm quite fine on my own, thank you." She stood up from the chair and walked back over to her horse.

"I was only trying to be kind"

"Your kindness is not welcome."

He shrugged. "Well, I'm sorry I offended you. Trust me, most men here will do far worse."
"I'll keep that in mind."

He nodded and rolled his eyes. "If you head down this street and make a right ,you'll find hooves. He's a doctor who might be able to help you."

She froze, her eyes grew wide. She looked back at him. He shrugged. "No payment required." She nodded a “Thank You”. "Hope your mother gets well soon." He then returned, looking around for another customer.
She smiled slightly and followed his advice.

Oh, I am sorry, Mrs but." The old man in glasses speak. "Sadly, I can not wait a whole day's journey for no money at all. Medicines and supplies, not to mention my time in researching new medicines, are far too valuable. I have several patients here in Canterlot I can not just get up and run to anyone sick in the world."
"Oh, but I would pay you, Mr hooves. This here..." She showed him her mother's ring. "... Is my mother's wedding ring given to her by my father, it is the last thing we have of him. And ill give it in exchange for your help."
The doctor sighed. "Unfortunately, young lady, sentimental value is not worth much in this town.
"Please, it's all I have!" She shouted

The doctor sighed and grabbed his glasses. He held out his hand. "Let me see." She handed him the ring. He looked at it for a few seconds, but dropped it with absolute terror filling his eyes.
"E-gad. What the hell? You dare come to this city with a ring like that." He opened the window. And shouted. Help, help devil worshiper help.

Several officers down the road ran to his aid and opened the door behind her. She saw the fear in the doctor's eyes and shook her head in confusion as she bent down and grabbed her mother's ring.
Two police officers entered the room.

"You're lucky I don't press charges. Gentleman, take out this filth." The doctor demanded.
An officer tried to grab her arm, but she twisted out of it.

"No, no," she said and jumped out of the window. "Hay!" the cop shouted. She ran as the two pursue her.
One of the cops tried to grab her horse, but it pushed him aside and ran off.
The same young man who helped her before was heading on his way home, his work for the day now done, when he hears one of the cops yelling. "Stop. Someone stop that girl."

He turned around and saw the same young lady he helped early on the run. Several other copes joined in, and now she was cornered in the center of town. She was frightened and frantic. She grits her teeth, showing them all. Several of her teeth were large and fang-like. Several of the people jumped back in fear.

"Vampire" shouted one lady.

"No, no. I'm just a..."

"She's a devil worshiper, perhaps one of his demonic vampires here to kill us all." Shouted another.

"No, no I'm."

"Get her." Someone yelled as a large crowd began to jump at her. She had no choice, frightened and cornered like a wild animal something in her roared to life. A fire began to glow in her eyes as she wished nothing more but to get away.
"Stay back!!!" she shouted. And before she knew it, the words already slip her lips. (Lightning) Gninthgil!!! Suddenly, a zap of lightning surrounded her. They all cowered in fear. Giving her a small opening to run towards the city gates.
"Sorcery!" Shouted one. "Magic!!!" Shouted another. "Witchcraft." The crowd cried. "Burn the vampire witch to a stake, send the devil back to hell." Others called out.

The boy could not imagine his eyes. As she headed towards his direction. A sense of panic and fear ran down his spine. Oh god, a devil is coming this way. What do I do? Oh Celestia, what do I do? He placed a hand over his son necklace. His mind raced. Do I try and stop her? Do I run for my life? But for some reason, he was frozen in fear. His fight or flight response wouldn't let him move as she ran past him. For a split second, he made eye contact with the running witch as she ran past him. It was as if time slowed down. And he could actually get a good look at her. All he could see in her eyes. Filled with fear and sorrow.

Something sprained into his mind. Something his own parents once said. "Help those in fear. Put a smile on their face. No one likes to be scared or worried."

In that split second, he followed her as she ran past him. He didn't know why, but he decided he was going to help her. He grabbed her by the arm. She stopped only for a moment, about to fling him off when he pulled her into the shadows of a wall. She wanted to scream out, but he put his hand over her mouth.

"Anyone sees where she went?" An officer barked. "No sir, she's disappeared." He nodded. "Close the gates and let it be known witchcraft is in the city."

When they were finally gone, he let go of her mouth and arm. She pushed him aside. "What are you doing!!!" She yelled. His hands flew in the air. "Saving the damsel in distress." He joked.
She then recognized him. "You. You're that shoo shiner from earlier." He nodded.

"Did you seriously just help me thinking I'd be your girlfriend or something?"
He shook his head. "No, no. My parents taught me to help anyone. Anyone sacred. And you seem so scared back there." He said as he started to paint nervously. "Um, so you're a witch then." He asked slowly.

"I am not."

"But ...but you have..."

"Everyone has magic. It's in every living thing. Or at least..." She stopped and looked away slowly. "That's what I was taught."

Just then, a cloaked figure from deeper in the shadows called out to them. "Need a way out of canterlot. Come with me if you want to find your destiny.

They both turned around. "Do not fear. I am here. Here to help you on your way." By the sound of the voice, it was a woman. "With magic like that, you are very foolish to show it here today."

But fear not. Zecora is here to set you straight now come before it is too late.
Melody blinked in confusion for a moment as she hesitated. But for some reason perhaps agents he better judgment, she could tell the lady meant no harm. She seemed to already have a sense of trust. Even tho she never met her. Something about her seemed familiar, but she couldn't figure out what it was. She began to walk to her but was stopped by the boy.

"Are you mad?"

"She's willing to help us."

"Yeah, well…" he paused. "Us."

She nodded. "Melody. Thanks for saving me back there."
The boy's eyes grew a bit in surprise. "No problem. Cheese. Cheese jr or. Little Cheese my mom likes to call me."
Melody smiled and headed in the direction of the lady. Cheese shook his head. "What the hell did I get myself into." he mumbled as he followed the two.

Author's Note:

(update 2/27/23) gone back and fixed a few grammer mistakes and spelling issues. if thire are any more feel Free to let me know.