• Published 13th Dec 2022
  • 391 Views, 5 Comments

Tales Of The Gargoyle King - discordjediknight

Is the Gargoyle King just a legend? while on a journey to save her sick mother, a young girl in search of her father unleashes the devil from hell not knowing how true the old bedtime story is.

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Chapter 11 the pirates

Melody looked up from the book when she heard snoring coming from cheese. She smiled slightly and took the upper bunk bed above him. "Yeesh now, how am I supposed to sleep with all that noise?" She muttered as the sound of his snoring filled the room.

She shrugged and yawned, as she stared at the title of the book in the yellow glow from the lantern. It was still light out, but on the lower decks of the boat, it was pitch black except for the lantern's light. She smiled at the thought of a king coming to sweep her off her feet with a dance challenge like in the story. But truly, it wasn't some prince or king she would want to dance with. She half sighed and half yawned as she place the book down on the bunk. But as she lay down, she decided to take one last look at her mother's ring. She traced her fingers over the strange symbol that was carved in it.
I wonder what he'll be like, she mumbled and drifted off to sleep.

Melody knew she was dreaming. It was a dream she had before. She smiled at the thought of this dream. She twirled around as she noticed her dress. She wore a dress-like vampire costume. With her teeth and eyes, she looked just like the description in her book. She thought maybe that's why her mother wrote it like that. Because when she was young she used to get teased for her sharp teeth, and when she messed up they call her screwball the freak, or vampire. Vampires tho, were cool. So by making the M'C look like a vampire, her mother let her pretend she was the main character of the story.

She stood in a grand ballroom. But it wasn't decorated for nightmare night. Instead, it was dressed for a birthday party. Cake and cookies and all her favorite desserts lined the walls. She grinned ear to ear, showing off her sharp teeth. She knew what or better who would be coming next.

A tall suit of armor took a few steps toward her. She could hear him behind her. Prince charming perhaps, NO. she turned excitedly towards the knight.

Wearing classic silver-plated armor. With a long flowing purple cape that covered his left shoulder. The strange symbol that was on her mother's wing was molded into the armor on his right shoulder. He held out his right bare hand to her. On it, a ring similar to her mother's, but something a man would wear.

She giggled. "A father-daughter dance on my birthday. Really dad. "
The suit of armor nodded. It kept its helmet on. All that could be seen from it were red eyes. She guessed she had her father's eyes, so she always imagined him when she looked in a mirror.

She giggled more and took his hand as they danced silly across the floor. Her mother in the background, young and happy, was just pulling out a birthday cake.

The two dancers stopped as they saw her.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you." Her mother began to sing. Her father waved his hand and the candles set themselves on fire on the cake.

She knew what just to wish for. She took in a deep breath and blew out the candles as she turned to see her father.
He set his hands over his helmet and began to pull it off, when suddenly a crack of thunder shook the room.

Her eyes flew open as she fell off the top bunk and hit the ground. She looked over and saw a very green-looking Cheese rock back and forth because of the swaying room.

"Morning already?" He asked, trying not to barf.

Melody was still very tired. Even so, she stood up quickly and ran up the stairs, bobbing from side to side as the boat shook. "What's going on, she yelled at the two sailors."

Flim was trying to grab the sails and pull them down as flam tried to keep the boat steady, (and failing at it)." Grab the sails!" Flame yelled. Melody did as she was instructed, but not with her hands. "(Sales down) nwodseles" she muttered. A flick of fire spread through her eyes as she did. The sales by themselves came down, and the rope tied itself to the raft. Flim a little dazed stumbled to his feet. "Uh, thanks for that." He said, as he just remembered she was a sorcerer.

A loud thunder sound of thunder came above as the sound of powerful waves crashed into the side of their boat, nearly tipping over the ship.

"Ahh, I told you. No one goes out to sea during this time of the year, it's far too dangerous to cross!" Flim shouted at her.

"Would you rather be in jail for stealing my horse?!" She shouted back as she ran over to her horse, who was flailing about being scared of the storm and the ocean currents. "Get that horse under control," Flam yelled.

"Sorry about this flash." She whispered in its ear. "(Sleep) Peels." The horse instantly calmed down and sat on the rocking floor of the deck fast asleep.

"well at least one of us will be able to sleep," Melody muttered to herself out loud.
Cheese finally got to the top deck, only to run to the side and finally let out the contents of his stomach.
With another wave crashing against the haul, cheese fell back landing next to the sleeping horse. "Did I mention I hate boats?" He asked with a deadpan look. His face was less green than it was before. But he still looked rather ill.

The storm raged on and flam couldn't keep the boat from tipping over any longer. It crashed as a large wave smashed into the side of it. But before they could drown a large hook caught the port side, pulling them over. The storm raged on and on, but to the passenger's shock, it wasn't the typing of the boat they had to worry about. Someone quickly gagged and tied them up, leaving no time to process what was happening. they even gagged the horse and threw them over the edge. They fell with a thud onto a much larger deck.

A loud booming laughter could be heard just over the sound of thunder and flashes of lighting. They looked up to see a skull and crossbones flag flying in the wind. A crazy-looking old guy standing on top of the flag pole leaped down, landing in front of them. What do we have here, boys? He grinned

"Couple of moron sailers." Said a girl with dark purple hair.

"Good work tempest. Anything worth keeping."

" No captain, just a few crates of food and junk, but the horse will sell for a lot. Oh, and I got this off of the girl." A girl said with an eye patch,Her hair rainbow-colored. She placed the ring in the hand of the captain. Some other pirates pulled up the crate of food and the bags.

The captain grumbled at the sight. "Toss the junk overboard, keep the food and any goods. Sink the boat! "
What! Flim and flam cried out, muffled by the rags tossed in their mouths.

"Be thank full. We're saving your skins. A little dingy like that will only sink in these waters."
"What do you want us to do with them?" Tempest asked.

He then ripped Flam's gag out, making the man chock. "Here's the deal. Got anything worth something and will drop you off at the next port. If ya don't well make ya swim back." He chuckled darkly. "Don't worry, we won't kill ya. But we can't say the same of the waters. Hahahaha." The man chuckled.

The man had a crazy look in his eye. His eyes tho, were a cold blue. He wore a white shirt, red jacket along with a matching hat and white feather. A tiny thin mustache was on his face along with an evil grin. The jacket had two blue stripes running down it like a lightning bolt.

One of the pirates rolled over a canon ball and shouted fire in the hole as it blasted a canon ball toward the ship.
Melody's eyes widen as she remembered what was down in the ship, her book. She grit her teeth as a fire wheeled up in her ruby eyes. She yelled (ball stop) "potsllab!"

The canon ball stopped midair to the pirate's surprise.
Even the pirate captain stopped in his tracks. She then whispered something, and the ropes and gags undid themselves. Cheese fell to the floor, sick as another large wave hit the side of the ship. "Oh god, can we please get out of here?" He said about to vomit, aging.

Melody raised her hand and whispered something. The water then wiped out of the air and picked up Cheese, Flash the horse, and the two sailors setting them on the boat. She then flicked her wrist and the canon ball flew backward, destroying the canon.

The captain looked at her, surprised by the sudden shift in tone. Just a second ago, this girl was frightened out of her mind like she should be. And now she was standing with such determination. Knowing her friends were safely back on the boat, melody glared daggers at the pirate.

"I'm going to say this once. Give me my mother's ring back. And let us go. You can keep the food, I don't care. But you're not getting my horse or sinking that boat."

The captain, a bit stung by the actions of the girl turned his gaze to the ring. Then to her. Her eyes. The fiery ruby color in them. He mouthed something, but melody couldn't make out what it was nor did she care.

"I said, give me my ring". She then raised her hand and other pirates laughed maniacally.
"Shut up, you fools before I make you walk the plank."

He eyed the ring carefully. His eyes widen as he saw the symbol carved into the ring. "Well, well, well. If it isn't the pirate king's brat."

"pirateS what now?" Melody said still with a fiery glare. The two sailors jumped up in fear. "Black beard!" They shouted.

"Hahahaha. That's what they called my brother. 'Tis a stupid name you have given him, all because his beard was black. Truth be told, that was not his name. Tho he did sail the seven seas and was colder-hearted than I ever was." he rolled his head left and right as if he was mauling something over in his mind. "If he were here, he wouldn't have thought twice about throwing you to Davy Jones locker. Fortunately for you, your uncle's a bit nicer."
"Uncle?" Melody's eyes widen at that. "pirate king black beared. My father was a knight that stopped the devil, thus ending the never-ending war."

"Hahahaa. Stop the war, he did. Oh, but he was no knight in shining armor." The man smiled. His eyes soften along with his tone. "He was a good man. One who was no man." His tone shifted back to the crazy guy he was. "I am the storm king. King of the stormy seas, that is. I'll make you a deal. Your father, he was... Hmm. always a thorn in my side. He was the only one capable of besting me. Besting me at everything. "He chuckled. "Except looks."

"If you can out sorcery me and prove your worth of his title. His throne. I will let you pass my seas without the thunderstorms."

Melody raised an eyebrow at this. "You mean you control the thunderstorms.

The captain shrugged. "More like I am the thunderstorms. It's hard to explain. So." he said as he pulled out a thin, short, but very sharp sword. On its blade was the same strange blue lighting symbol.

Melody raised her hand. "(Lightning spark). Krapsgninthgil." A rainbow of lighting came out from the sky at her command. The pirate king laughed as he flung his sword up in the air. He made a strange symbol with it and whispered something. Suddenly blue and yellow bolts clashed with the chaotic rainbow, one stopping in its tracks.

He then caught his sword midair and swiped it at her. Tho he was nowhere near to cut her, he didn't have to be. He mumbled something ranging and the wind howled. The wind became sharp and began twirling all around her. Before she knew it, she could see a tornado forming in the distance. No, not a tornado. A hurricane. Rain and lighting clashed. It was soon hard to tell what was sky and what was water on the horizon.

Melody flung her arms up in the air and shouted (stop wind) "dniwpots"

To the pirate's surprise except for the captain the wind stopped completely. The captain had an amused look on his face. Very good. You definitely have some power. But it will take more than that if you want to win.

Melody dropped to one knee. She never used that much power before. She have never been in a spell battle before with another sorcerer. She breathed heavily as she raised her head to her so-called uncle.

"Um, sir," Tempest called out, a bit concerned.

"Not now, I'm just begging to have some fun."

" But sir, if she really is."

"Give her your sword!" The captain barked.

"Huh" the pirate was confused

"Give her your sword. Shell needs a way to defend herself. and it is obvious that magic wise we're pretty matched."
Tempest was nervous about this, but gave the sword to the sorcerer. The sword had the same strange symbol on its blade.
Melody stood up, still catching her breath as she took the sword from the pirate.

"Now listen here. You see this sword. Look at its craftsmanship". holding up his sword to her. "This is a very special type of medal. This meddle can harness magical energy. It is a natural medal that is even rarer than diamond. Carved into it is a powerful sigil. A rune. To activate it. Say the word stormer."

Melody didn't understand what his game was. She did however know that runes could only be used once a day. After that they were useless. The question, why did they have runes carved into their swords, would have to wait.
Melody gripped the sword with both hands, shoeing her fang-like teeth. The pirate captain only grinned a half-amused smile, half insane smile.

"Do you know how to sword fight?" He asked her.

"I'm a quick learner." She said unimpressed.

"It's simple, really. It's kinda like dancing. All you have to do is watch your opponent carefully. If I step here." He said as he took a step to the left.

She shadowed his movements. "Correct. Only unlike with dancing, youl want to keep yourself from your partner at all times. Like if I do this." He said as he lunged forward with a small skip. She jumped back, shadowing his movements. "Very good. Now, it's not just my feet youl have to be aware of. Say if I…" he swung his sword at her head. She blocked it with hers. "Very good." He then drew his sword back with a half step backward. He stepped forward swinging his sword at her legs only for her to catch on. She blocked each swing. Up left, slash to the right. She blocked each movement to the captain's amusement. "Very good." But you should know I'm a pirate." He chuckled darkly.

Melody took what she thought was a strong sword stance.

"Which means I don't play fair. Get her!" He shouted. The other pirates drew their swords and slashed at her.

She was surprised at her own ability to block. Tho tired and almost out of breath. With the smell of the salty sea air. And the loud thunder of the storm around her. She felt strangely calm. Almost as if she was at home in the woods. All she needed to do was focus. Her eyes dashed left and right, seeing each next move coming from her opponents. She slashed her sword up and blocked them only to jump and kick one of them in the gut, swinging them over board. The captain chuckled.

"Tempest, get that fool back on board". He ordered. tempest not having a sword, did as she was told.
Flim and flame watched in horror, not knowing what they could do to help. Cheese stood up only to vomit over the side of the boat, aging. He wished he didn't have seasickness. If he could just get control of his stomach, he'd be able to help her.

The pirates were tired of being beaten by the girl. They whispered stormer to their swords, and a powerful shock wave of electricity sparked from their blades. Melody had to think quickly on her feet. She dodged one sword and blocked the other. Tho she blocked it, she couldn't stop the surge of electricity from their blades. It zapped her, making her cry out in pain.

"Melody!" Cheese shouted as he felt another surge of bio in his gut come up. "Come on, I can't have that much in my stomach, can I?" He mentally cursed himself. He looked over and saw the flash. The horse was still sleeping. "How can you sleep in a time like this, wake up?" He said as he shook the horse.

Melody collapse to the deck. The pirate king smiled wickedly. He took his own sword and waved it high above everyone's heads.

Cheese shook the horse harder. "Wake up, wake up."
The horse slowly came to and shook its head, trying to focus. "Yeah, come on, flash." Cheese smiled. The horse was seeing double, no triple. But as it slowly came, too soon it saw his master's friend standing over it.

His expression gave the horse all he needed to know as he flung his head left and right looking for its master. It saw her collapse on the ground on the other ship. Cheese quickly jumped on its back as the hose got up and took off. It jumped the distance between the two boats.

The captain slowly walked with his sword high in the air, a crazed look in his eye. "Now, don't go falling asleep on me yet." The pirate said slowly. His voice just above a whisper.

Suddenly, before he could cloes the distance between him and his niece he was knocked off the boat by a horse and cheese.

Melody looked up, seeing her two best friends trying to protect her.
The pirate king looked as if he was going to land in the sea, instead he stopped just before he could hit the water. He stood floating. And flew back up to the deck. The boy and the horse were terrified by this. There was no way they could defeat a pirate sorcerer.

"I didn't say you were allowed to play." He said annoyed. He then whispered stormer to his word, it cackled in lighting. A bolt came from the sky and nearly hit the boy, only for melody to see it coming. She swiftly without thinking jumped in front of the boy and the horse. The lighting hit her sword. She then grew an idea as she whispered "stormer tcelfer "(reflect)

The energy then reflected back at the pirate. He barely dodged it.
He laughed manically as he watched the lightning pass by him. Melody collapsed to the ground. Feeling her energy drained out of her.

The last thing she could hear was her name being called by cheese as she blacked out.

Author's Note:

sorry its taken me some time to write this. now that i am at my new place i should have more time to get this stuff done.
the storm king is dressed like captian hook and i threw in a few refrences to pirets of the caribean for fun.
let me know what you think so far.

(update 2/27/23) gone back and fixed a few grammer mistakes and spelling issues. if thire are any more feel Free to let me know.