• Published 13th Dec 2022
  • 392 Views, 5 Comments

Tales Of The Gargoyle King - discordjediknight

Is the Gargoyle King just a legend? while on a journey to save her sick mother, a young girl in search of her father unleashes the devil from hell not knowing how true the old bedtime story is.

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Chapter 8 the prince

Fluttershy was helping Twilight get ready for her travels to the dance.
"Oh, what should I go as? Oh, oh, I know. What if I go as star swirl the bearded?"

Fluttershy giggled at her enthusiasm. "I thought you didn't want to go."

"Well, if I have to I'm going to dress up as something I like. She walked into her closet, everyone expects some grand and pretty dress... Well, I say," she came out in a cloak and wizard hat. "We can be anything we want to be tonight, let's have fun and be anything we want. I am definitely not gonna be princess twilight, blah. I'm gonna be a powerful wizard, she cheered. I just need you to make me a fake beard. I know use the cotton from this old pillow." She grabbed a pillow from her bed. "And here's some yarn, can you knit me a fake beard?"

Fluttershy nodded and took the items with a smile the entire way. She always felt safe coming out of her shell a little bit when twilight was around. She might have been the princess's servant, but she treated Fluttershy like a sister. the two have been together since they were very young. her mother was the previous hand maiden. befor she died of sickness.
"So what should I go as?" Fluttershy asked as she started to work on the fake beard. Twilight thought to herself as she reached for a book. "Hmm, go as anything you want. It's nightmare night."
Fluttershy thought to herself about this. "I guess ill go as a maid. I mean, I have the look for it." she gesture to her maid out fit.

"Nooooo nope, no you can't do that. "Twilight said as she picked up an old, dusty book from the back of the shelf. You need to go as something fun. Hmm." twilight opened the book and saw a photo of the moon goddess. "Oh, I know, what about the moon goddess?"

Fluttershy looked up from her work. "Uh, sure but I really don't have anything to make me look like her."

"Oh, but I do. Here." She ran back in her closet. "You can wear this old cloak." She handed Fluttershy a beautiful dark blue robe-like cloak with a hood and simple dress to match." Oh, no Twi i." she tried to interject," And as a finishing touch." The princess ran over to her jewelry box and pulled out a simple but elegant silver necklace. On it was a little stone with a crescent moon carved in it.

"My, my princess, I thank you but i... I can't where such things. Such clothes are made for royalty, not…"
"And who says you're not? at least." twilight giggled. "On nightmare night. Besides, I don't like that cloak, it's not my color. And the necklace you can keep. It was a gift from my brother, he got it on one of his expeditions to the northern kingdom. Honestly, he brings back the most ridiculous things for gifts. Doesn't he know a good book is all I require?"
Fluttershy shook her head but accepted the gifts.

"Alright, then we're all set for nightmare night in a few days, assuming you can finish your chores in time. Oh, I hope you can, these balls are always so boring. I wish I could just sit and read instead of dancing. I'm not even a good dancer." Twilight complained.

Suddenly the trumpets went off just outside. Twilight and Fluttershy ran to the window to see what the commotion was about.

Dressed in a dark wool coat, a man walked out with a scroll. The man was sicking pale and looked to be on death's door. He wore a large black medallion around his neck. And carried a wooden staff. On the medallion was a black cloud. He took in a deep breath and let it out as he spoke. "Presenting his majesty of the northern kingdom, of the crystal empire. Prince Blue Blood." The man then held out his arm and did a slight bow towards the carriage that rolled up behind him.
A man dressed in warm white furs and gold and silver jewelry walked out of a carriage and onto the grounds of the castle. The large doors of canterlot opened, revealing queen Sunset shimmer who reluctantly greeted him kindly.

"And what do I owe the pleasure?" The queen asked in a rather dull tone.

"Same as always. Our two kingdoms stand as allies? Yours of the west and mine of the north. I have already dispatched half of my company to help fight off the attackers at your borders."

"That doesn't explain why you stand at my door." The queen narrowed her eyes.
The prince nodded slowly. "Forgive me. I have come to deliver some sorrowful news of my own. I am afraid the king of the crystal empire has deceased, and you stand before the next."

The queen's expression did not change. "Sorry to hear that."

The prince turned his nose up at her response. "Everything your kingdom has suffered, mine has gone through ten times. You have fertile lands warm sunny days mine is high in the north, barely a step away from a frozen wasteland. And yet I still come to your aid."

"What is it you want?" The queen replied.

"Getting straight to the point, are we? very well. I ask that we join together and take out our true enemy."
"The eastern kingdom is rather strong."

"Griffin stone kingdom is only a fool's errand, those barbarians attack because they too have limited resources. Yes, we fight back, but for what useless bloodshed? There is only one way to end the endless war. I have made arrangements with the kingdom of saddles in the south."

The queen's eyes widen. "What kind of arrangements?"
The prince smiled an evil grin. "if we join forces along with those of the griffins, we might stand a chance against the sorcerer king. We can take all his resources. Maybe even his magic. And we all have endless resources, we will never have to fight aging."

The queens gasped.

"We've all been invited to the king's own castle for the masked ball this year. It's the perfect time to strike, he won't be expecting it in the slightest." He said.

The queen had no words. she looked in surprise. Finally, she spoke. "How can you say such things in open air like that?"

"Behind closed doors would matter, not. I will attack, and I hope your kingdom stands with me."
The queen could give no answer. He nodded his head at her expression. "Very well. But my men and I are weary. He gestured to the man behind him... This is my 2ed hand man. My top adviser, sir Stygian. Along with the rest of my guard, will need a place to stay tonight. "

The queen bowed politely, still in shock. Her words came shakily out of her mouth as she said,“ we have plenty of room for you to stay here. We all leave soon for the dark castle tomorrow.” with that the queen heeded inside, the unwanted guest followed.

Up in the castle, the princess and her servant stood trying to listen in on the conversation. "Ugh, we're too high, I can't hear anything they're sayings." Complained twilight.

"It's rude to eavesdrop, you know." Fluttershy told her. Twilight looked back at her with a raised eyebrow. But she sighed in defeat, knowing her friend was right. She went back to her book. "Well, then I suppose I shall release you. You need to finish your duties if you are to attend the ball." Fluttershy finished the fake beard and nodded. She took her to consume given to her by the princess and headed off.

Author's Note:

ok so here we start the back story lol. i promis you i have a few surprises that wont make this so obvious as to the way this back story is going to go.
(update 2/27/23) gone back and fixed a few grammer mistakes and spelling issues. if thire are any more feel Free to let me know.