• Published 4th Jan 2024
  • 491 Views, 33 Comments

Twilight the Saiyan - Xalok

Twilight Sparkle a Saiyan with God Ki and magic how will she fair in the world of Dragon ball as the Daughter of Vomi of the Red Ribbon Army

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Chapter 12: A Flash of The Future

Five minutes after Ginyo and Tempest's talk. Twilight Returned.

"Well that went far better then I had hope for." said Twilight as she reappear in the middle of the room. And walked over to her place on the couch next to tempest. But this time not leaning on her. "So have I missed anything?"

"Nah they seem fine with just waiting, and if your guess before was right then he will be here soon. So we will be able to know if the boy is form the future or not. What about you? what did you have to leave for?" asked Tempest as she looked over at Twilight. Were she looked a bit nervous but only for a bit before her confidents returned.

"Yeah there was someone who saw us here, and that made me realize that I had to look into it as fast as I was able to. And that turned out to be good, for had I not done that Goku would have known about us. But do to how fast I got there, this is not a problem anymore, and we got a new friend out of it. Which reminds me when we are done here and have looked into everything we learn from this I want to take you there, for he got a technique that I think we both can get some good use out of." explained Twilight as she picked up the date pad they were using to view everything from. And share the feed to the others by their scouter. "I really need to make new models of the scouters, for as much as the normal style it was made in, is a good model, I feel like it can be improved. Which reminds me. Ginyu is the model I gave you fine for you Or do you need a special one made?" said Twilight as she looked towards him.

"Well I would like to get a new one, for this model is not good for the long ears, sure it stays there, but it hurts a bit to have on. And I would like to get a set of new armors made for myself and my team, for we do enjoy our outfits, but we will probably need a new logo." reply Ginyu.

And before Twilight was able to answer, her Mother over the scouter beat her to the punch. "Well Ginyu I will be more then happy to help you find a new logo, and we can even look at the scouter for you, and make sure your team get a few to pick from. And we should be able to get it all done before the month is over."

"Well then. I think I will come back now then, for I'm not really needed here, and then we can get this fix as fast as we can." said Ginyu while giving a wink to Tempest as he walked out the room.

While he was still walking out Twilight told him there was a GPS in the scouter. Before turning back her attention towards the scouter. "Thanks mom, that is a lot of work of my table, but are you sure you can handle both scouters and helping them with the armor sets?" she asked.

"Oh I will be fine, the armor sets I only need to help with a logo for, for we are already making sets for all our guards, so we will just make some small changes to the looks of it, to make it a elite set and then put on the new logo. So that is easy, and the scouter work sounds more fun then anything. And with your old project there improve the animorphaline, there is more animal people around, so we would have to do this anyways before we can start to sell them. That project alone is earning us a lot of money, and if the scouters take off and people start to like them, well then we might catch up to the brief's."

"But what about your other project's mom? For I know you where working on the arm canons for our guard force."

"Oh that is already done, they seem to love their new toys. But we are keeping it hidden for now. For there is still people who has not forgotten the Red Ribbon Army yet, and I know we have nothing to do with them anymore, they sadly do not believe that. So we are keeping the weapons hidden, and only take them out if we need to. Don't want to give anyone the wrong idea. So taking over the Scouter project to give you more time is something I'm happy to do."

"Thanks mon. Oh and before you go, there is something I want to talk to you about later." said Twilight.

"But of course My little Star. You know you can always come and talk to me about anything you need. Else you know where to find me." said Vomi as she left the talk.

"What was that about Twilight?" asked Tempest looking at Twilight.

"Oh I have just been thinking about something that is a bit private, for it's something... Personal." answered Twilight while blushing a bit, while she started to look down.

This made Tempest look at her for a bit. Before she accepted it. "I take it, that it's not something I can help you with at all?." she asked. Getting a head shake from Twilight. Tempest sighed. "Alright I Understand you can't trusted me wi..."

This was as far as Twilight let Tempest get before she interrupted her. "Tempest I told you before I trust you with my life and more. And I would trust you with this to... But it's complicated and there is a good reason for me to go to my mom with this. So I ask you. Please trust me that when I said I got a good reason to go to my mother with this and not you." said Twilight as she was sounding like she was being as honest as she can be

"I believe you. I just feel like there is more that I should be doing for you." said Tempest as she looked down but only for a moment. "And before you tell me to stop looking down on myself. I will try to do that, but it's hard to do so."

Twilight letting out a sigh of relief. "That is good to hear. For I worry about you now and then Tempest... Did you always have a tattoo on your shoulder Tempest?" said Twilight as she was looking at Tempest's shoulder.

"Well I told you about our cutie Marks Twilight. And this" putting her hand on her new mark. "And Is my mark." she said while smiling at the mark

This made Twilight look at her with questions. "So what does it mean? For it looks like an mix of my mark and a fist, and you told me my mark was the star of magic so what does that make yours?" Twilight asked.

"Well from what what I can tell it means, that my special talent is to fight for you, for it reminds me of someone who got their mark by saving you, and it had your star in it as well." explain Tempest

"I take it this is another one of those I can't tell you about them things?" asked Twilight as she looked at Tempest getting a nod, "Ok. But why is it on your shoulder and so small, and not on your back?"

"What in the world do you mean Twilight? For this is the normal size for a mark. At least it fits the size they were before. And speaking of this were is yours?" asked Tempest.

"Well Mine is bigger, and is on my back. Give me a second and I will show you." said Twilight as she took off the top half of her clothes, to expose her back.

Tempest was happy that Twilight had turn her back towards her, for she had not been ready for Twilight to do this, so she had started to blush a little. But as she got a view of Twilight's back she realize why she was thinking it needed to be bigger. "Wow... Ok Twilight normally our marks don't get that big."

"If there is anything you can tell me about why it's so big then I'm all ears. And feel free to touch it, I fully trust you to be allowed that, but be a bit careful... It feels a bit funny when someone touch it. Nothing bad mind you, just funny." Twilight answered while keeping her back pointed towards her.

"I promise I will be careful." said Tempest, as she lay her hand on Twilight's Star. And the second she send magic to her hand to try and feel it out. she felt like she got sucked into all of the power inside the Ki and Magic there was in Twilight. And it was beautiful it was like she was standing in the middle of a field of stars, but before she was able to really look around to much. something made the place turn darker, a force Tempest knew far to well, and before she was able to do more then think the name she was pushed out with a great forces and send her flying into the wall. While looking back at Twilight in pure confusion about what just happed. While Twilight had fully forgot that she had take all her cloths off her top half of her body, and had rushed after Tempest to make sure she was ok.

"Are you ok Tempest? I don't know what happen all of a sudden my magic just flared, and pushed against you." said Twilight while she was looking over Tempest to make sure she had not hurt her. While Tempest was having a hard time to thinking do to the half naked Twilight in front of her. A picture there was going to be living in her head for a long time.

"I'm fine Twilight. But you should probably get your clothes back on fully." said Tempest as she forced herself to look away.

This made Twilight look down and realize what Tempest said. Which made her turn fully red and turn around and rush putting her clothes back on. "Please forget that you saw that." said Twilight while looking a bit ashamed of herself.

Now Tempest had never really had any filter for when she speaks, and had always just said what she was thinking. This time however she did not even think before speaking. "Well you got nothing to be ashamed about, for you look beautiful." And the second the words left her mouth, it was Tempest's turn to become fully red. And she was sure she had messed up, if not for a small and quiet thank you form Twilight. Which was a missive relief to hear. "But back on point, for you need to know this Twilight y..." And that was as far as Tempest got before she was stopped in talking, but where she normally accepted it, this time she took to the fight, for what she wanted to say to Twilight was something she needed to know. And no matter what Tempest tried she was not able to say, write or type down anything, to do with what she wanted to say.

Seeing Tempest like this gave Twilight a shock, for Tempest had promised to not go against what stop her in talking. Do to how much damage it was ok with doing to her. "TEMPEST! I ORDER YOU TO STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!!!" Yell Twilight as she was in a small panic looking at her friend. And Tempest did finally stop as Twilight yell, "What in the world was that about Tempest, you promised me you would not do that to yourself again, and yet here you are doing it again."

Help by Twilight, Tempest was guide over to sit down on the couch again, so she would be able to explain as best as she was able to, "I know Twilight and I'm sorry but what I saw was something you really need to know, and I can't say it... But I can give you a warning, you need to put a full stop to your emotion storing spell... At least with the negative ones, and it's for your own good I say this, and the ones you got stored already, we need to find a safe way for you to let them out."

This came as a shock to Twilight, sure Tempest had told her to stop before, but now she was demanding it, "I mean I can stop if you really need me to, but I do not see why you want me to do it this badly... I take it that is what you can't tell me?" getting a nod from Tempest, "Ugh this is just so annoying, why is it when ever we get closer to any answer there is something blocking it... It's starting to feel like we are someone else's plaything, and I really do not like it." said Twilight as she sat down next to her friend on the couch again.

Before answering Tempest put her arm around Twilight and gave her a one armed hug. "Sadly all the time Princess. But I think worrying about it, will not help one bit. So all we can do is keep going forward, and not let it bug us. For that road leads to nothing but madness. So lets focus on what we know, and what we can do something about. So let's put our focus back on the here and now, and take the rest as it comes."

Relaxing in the hug Twilight sighed. "What would I do without you Tempest? For you always seem to know what to say when I'm stressing out." said Twilight as she looked up at Tempest

Giving Twilight a smile looking at her. "Well what kind of guard would I be if I didn't help my Princess when she needs it." said Tempest. She was about to say something else when they both felt the landing of Goku. Another good moment ruined by a outside force.

Seeing that things were finally happening Twilight and Tempest both focused on what they were seeing on the screen.

At Goku and the Mysterious Man, as they have moved away from the others.

"Hey just wanna say thanks. Thanks for taking care of Frieza for me. I was to easy on him and I let him off with a warning." said Goku with a friendly smile.

"About that. The man I killed here was not Frieza but his Father King Cold. I wanted to ask you if you had killed Frieza? For he was talking about the Saiyan there kill his son lived on this planet. And form what I was told you did not kill him, so I wanted to ask if you had any idea who killed him?" answer Mysterious Man while looking at Goku in surprise.

This shocked Goku. "No I did not kill him. For as I said I let him off with a warning."

The Mysterious Man now looked really worried. "This makes no sense at all. For Frieza was supposed to have been with his dad. And my mother has already given birth to me. Something has majorly changes history already. And I do not like it at all." said Mysterious Man. Not realizing what he had just said.

"Wait what do you mean that you're mother has already given birth to you? And what is this about changing history?" asked Goku looking at The Man waiting for answers.

Taking in a deep sigh. "Before I answer I need you to promise me that not a word of this will get out to the rest of the others." said The Man

"Don't worry. I'll keep it between you and me." said Goku.

And so The Man start to explain. "I know this may sound really crazy to you Goku but heres my secret. I am a time traveler that comes from 20 years into the future I'm here to warn you of the upcoming events."

This shocked Goku. "The future?!! And... 20 years ahead?!!."

"And my name is... Trunks... Trunks Brief and the reason I can become a Super Saiyan is because... Vegeta is my father."

Shock was not the word for what Goku was feeling. "WAIT A MNUTE!!! VEGETA IS YOUR DAD?!!" Yell Goku in pure surprise. "You're not just pulling a joke on me right?"

"No... And if you need proof look over towards my Mother. She is holding the child there will one day become me. Which is one of the things there has change in history for I'm normally not born at this point in time. And speaking of changes. Normally you're wife is not here either." said Trunks As he looked over his shoulder and saw the terrifying woman, who was keeping her eyes fully on him.

"This is wild. Do you have any idea what has changes things?" asked Goku.

Shaking his head Trunks start to talk again. "No not a single one sadly. Normally I'm born in two and a half year time. But at that same time period some events start to appear... I didn't travel here to the past to tell you about me... And Goku... I need you to play close attention and keep in mind about what I'm about what I'm going to tell you..." said Trunk as he was making sure he was serious.

"Go ahead you can tell me." said Goku as he put all his focus on their talk.

"Two new rivals will appear in 3 years from now...On may 12 they will appear on an island 9km southwest from south city."

"What are they? Demon? Aliens?"

"These are no aliens or any demonic beings... Their known as androids. The man responsible for their creation is Dr.Gero a mad scientist from the Red Ribbon Army."

"Wait I know the red Ribbon Army I took care of them as a kid." said Goku shocked.

"My only conclusion is that he is back to take revenge after what you did to them many years back..."

"Are they back to take over the world?"

"I am not really sure... But it could still be one of their motives... But he went and created two androids But they both went against Dr.Gero and killed him...That way they can follow their own orders. And all they do is destroy and kill just for shits and giggles..."

"Frieza was a big threat... But you took him down quickly... But if these guys are like you make them sound... It most be really bad..."

"Yeah and you got no idea just how bad... I have been fight them for years it ain't easy just fighting two against one you know."

"Wait isn't their anyone in the future to help you fight them?"

"No...None... I'm the only one left that is capable of taking them on." said Trunks looking down. "You all... Die in the future three years from now...Krillin, Yamcha, Tenshinhan, Chaotzu, Picccolo... Even my father couldn't take them, and died fighting them... Your son... Gohan survives and hides... And he became my master and taught me how to fight... But 16 years from now he gives his life trying to fight the andoids... Since Piccolo died we can't get dragon balls... so we can't bring anyone back... The android till this day in the future are just bringing terror and making it a living hell for us..." said Trunks but he was not done. "THEY'RE JUST TOO DAMN STRONG !!!! TOO STRONG I TELL YA!" He yell before calming down a bit. giving Goku time to realize something.

"Wait but what happens to me?! You never mentioned me ?! How did I die? Did I get killed?." Goku asked.

"You never make it to that point... You will soon be hit by a bad sickness.... And there was no cure for it... And you passed away... And do to it being a disease there kills you it counts as a natural death so the dragon balls were not able to bring you back..." This was a Major surprise to Goku. But Trunks was not done yet. "The Virus will grow inside you. And it will reach your heart... Killing you..." Finish Trunks.

"...Let me guess... even senzu beans don't work?" Getting a nod from Trunks. "Man... No fair! I'm just to die like that? I wanted to go out at least Fighting them!!!" said Goku sounding annoyed.

"Wait you want to fight them...? And you're not afraid...?" said Trunks confused.

"Oh I am afraid Trunks.. But I want to at least fight them!"

"Man Goku... You really are a true warrior." said Trunk with a small laugh. while he started to look for something in his pocked "My mother and Gohan always told me you were like this... Full of hope and always ready to fight." Pulling out a small bottle from his pocked he threw it to Goku. "Here take this medicine Goku"

"Huh? Medicine I thought that there was no medicine for this virus?"

"Well some time after you die my mother found a way to cure it and you now got it. When the symptoms of the virus start to kick in. Make sure to take this medicine. With this you won't die from the virus."

"Oh GEEZ!! Thanks a lot Trunks. You really are a life saver Buddy." said Goku while looking over the bottle."

"To be frank with you... I'm not supposed to be doing this... This may change the course of history... But my future really needs your help!" said Trunks " My mother worked hard on that medicine for you Goku... And all she wants is to see you
good and healthy."

"I will make sure to put it to good use. For I really want to fight those androids." said Goku with determination.

"Now that I have met you... I have a lot more hope for the future."

"Will you ever come back?"

"I'm not so sure... It takes time to make some power for the time machine... But I do hope to come back and help you fight!"

"take care of yourself Trunks. I will make sure to take down those androids that way we can all live in a brighter future."

To this Trunks gave Goku an thumps up, and flew away. Just to see him leave in the time machine.

Back with Twilight and Tempest

With Tempest now looking worried. Twilight looking over the power reading from the time machine... And the power readings fit perfectly to the old ones that Twilight had pointed out earlier. Meaning they had another Time traveler who never left. For there has only been 3 times this energy has been seen. Two times today and one time a year ago.

Twilight and Tempest got up from the couch at the same time. "We need to go and look where the other place where time travel has happened before. For there might be some hints at who came here and why." said Twilight as they both walked out the door. while also turning the house into a capsule again.

"fully agree there. For I will be honest I did not fully believe the idea of time travel. But with what we have just seen there is no denying it." reply Tempest as she and Twilight had started to move towards their the first time travel had happened.

While flying Twilight called her Mom and Dad. letting them know what is going on and making them both stay on the scouter to see what Twilight and Tempest might find. And as she were flying around looking for anything odd they spotted it.

A time machine looking just like the one that Trunks had been using. Landing near it they looked around for a bit before going to the machine it self. Where they found something there looked like some kind of egg. Which made Gero speak up.

"Twilight I want you to take the machine and the shell and get back here as fast as you can. For I know what this is and it's really bad. But while you are doing this stay alert." said Gero

"Alright dad but I hope you tell me what this is when we get back." reply Twilight as she handed the egg over to Tempest and capsule the time machine. And the second she had put it in away she teleported Herself and Tempest back home. For with her dad like this she was fearing the worst.

As they got back Gero himself asked them to follow him to his lab. As they got there they saw Vomi and Ginyu there already. "Twilight please put down the Time machine over there. And Tempest the Egg shell on the table over there. And before you ask I need a moment before I'm ready to tell you." said Gero as he walked over and started a projector.

"The image you see in front of you right now Is that of a project that I drop here in our time line do to it being far to powerful. But it seems that my future self did not care about it. Which make me fear just what else he might have done with it. He was already suppose to be my most powerful creation. Using the genetics of the greatest fighters that I was able to get DNA from. And from what I hear from the time traveler, my counter part probably get DNA from Frieza and Cold as well making him even more deadly... Though right now he is probably in his larva form so he is a lot weaker" said Gero as he put his hand to his forehead. Before realizing something. "And Before either of you gets the idea to go out and hunt him down. I'm making it a order to not do so!"

This shocked both Tempest and Twilight. "But why dad? I'm sure me and Tempest can take care of him, for if he is in his larva form as you say then what can he do?" asked Twilight looking towards her dad.

"The reason is simple. This project I will call him Cell do to what he is made of. Is able to take DNA from anyone it fights and is only able to that in his earlier forms. Meaning I would only let Tempest try that, yet I do not believe she is ready to fight him. For yes she has gained Super Saiyan but so has Trunks."

This confused them both. "What does Trunks having Super Saiyan have to do with me not being ready to fight him?" asked Tempest.

"Simple" said Gero as he walked over to the time machine and pointed out the HOPE!! on the side of it. "This time machine was Trunks's and I do not think that Trunks would just have given him the machine meaning he would have to kill him. And if he can kill a Trunks there is Super Saiyan before coming here. He will probably be able to do the same here. And with him having been here for over a year, and he got all from form a few weeks to three years before he is back to his normal form. There for I do not want any of you to go out and hunt him. For where he is right now in power he is made to stay out of sight. But if he gets the chance he will take it. And if he gets new DNA his power will get far more of a boosted the normal. And I do not even want to think about what would happen if he got the DNA of a God. And getting a new Super Saiyan as well would not be good. So I order the two of you to stay away from him as long as he is not in his end stages."

"So I get you don't want us to go after this ''Cell'' And I will not do so as long as you want me to stay away. But I would like to know more. Like what is these stages your talking about?" asked Twilight.

"Well there is five of them. one of them does not matter at all, while the second is his larva stage. What comes after is the problem." said Gero as he points a controller toward the projector a new image came up on it.

"This is Cell in his first real stage. And sadly is the only form of his I can show you. For where I drop the project at this area my other self kept going. The only thing I can truly tell you is. His tail is what he use to take DNA with, and before you think you can just remove it. He got cells from Namekies as well so he can just make a new one. And the second thing to remember if he finds you is he can use the ability's of everyone he got the DNA of. And he will use all of it to either get you are get away. And sadly I do not know what the other me made his tool for evolution."

"So what do we do? For we can't just let this thing run loose." asked Twilight.

After a moment to think Gero had a idea. But not one he liked. "I think we might have to drop our goal of vengeance." said Gero who saw Twilight was not happy about the idea but would hear him out. "I understand your feelings on it My Star. But the best choice of weapon against Cell would be them, for while he is still in his first form or second form he will seek to gain more power. And it will be far more limited what he would gain form them. So I proposes we do what Trunks said would happen. But instead of 2 Androids I will send 13, 14, and 15 there..." This is were Twilight interrupt her dad.

"I can agree to the idea of using the Z fighters to deal with Cell, that I'm fine with. But 13, 14 and 15 are far to unstable to be let out, and you know that dad! "said Twilight while looking at Gero who had to agree with her, "So instead of sending them, me and Tempest can test them. And before you and mom gets worried, my plan also got Lazuli, Lapis, and my Brother keeping a eye on us from a safe place. This will let me explain things as well, and get my fight with Goku again, for I have waited a long time for that, and now I need to wait another three years, so me and Tempest will test them and then tell them about Cell, the real threat here." she finished while looking a little mad, but started to relax as she felt a hand on her shoulder lay down on it, which was Tempest letting her own she was there for her, before looking back at her dad.

"I understand you're pain Twilight I really do, for when I first learn of Gevo's death, I was only thinking about how I needed to end Goku, but then I saw you attack him, and I realize that I still had my family which means far more to me then killing the meathead," said Gero as he took a small speaking break to finish his thoughts, "Twilight I will let you have you're way with this, but only if you promise me that you will not kill him without a good reason, for we will probably need him to end Cell before he becomes to big of a problem, and reach his full power

There went some time where Twilight just walked around thinking for a bit before she responded. "Alright. I don't like it and I will probably punch him in the face if I have to work with him. But I will do it, and all after how things go I might give up the idea of ending him." said Twilight before doing a deep sigh." Well then Tempest and I will keep training, for if we are going to test them, then we will need to make sure its a good test."

"That sounds like a good idea, and maybe you can go and finish your training at planet Yardrat. And if things turn out that they are to weak we can always send your friends after Cell, for he should not be able to gain anything from Lazuli, Lapis and Gevo."

"Alright but only if they are ok with it, for I do not want to send them out like that unless they are fine with it." said Twilight

"That is fair. And I do agree." reply Gero.

"So is there anything else we need to talk about?" asked Twilight

"Well you might want to recall Owlowiscious. For he has followed Goku's family home. And his wife has just send Gohan out of the house together with Piccolo while locking herself and Goku in." said Vomi who was looking at what the Owl was doing with a smile.

"Nonononono!" Yell Twilight as she rushed to call back her pet.

"Well there runs our deadly Princess!" laugh Ginyu.

Author's Note:

And it seems Goku's second Kid will be born a lot earlier:pinkiecrazy:

The idea behind that is that Bulma got Trunks early. Making Chi-Chi get the idea for a second kid faster.