• Published 4th Jan 2024
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Twilight the Saiyan - Xalok

Twilight Sparkle a Saiyan with God Ki and magic how will she fair in the world of Dragon ball as the Daughter of Vomi of the Red Ribbon Army

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Chapter 8: Interlude

Author's Note:

This Chapter is just to show what changes do to Twilight training with Nail. It will changes some things down the line.

Meanwhile on Namek

With Frieza having found all the Dragon balls, he needs a way to summon the Dragon, but with every Namekie Death or having left the planet do to space ships, that his forces was not ready for, Frieza went for the last 2 big Namekiens powers on the planet.

"And you are sure you do not want Twilight to know what is happening here Lord Guru?" asked Nail

"That I am, which is why I have cast a spell on the planet there will make it seem like nothing is happening here, she will be blind to what is happen here for the next six months, this way we will not put more stress on her, for she might feel some if the planet is gone, but it's nothing next to her having to deal with this monster." said Guru

"Speaking of the Monster he is almost here." Said Nail as he was keeping a eye on Frieza's Ki. While Guru was unlocking Dende's hide powers.

"Go Dende those people from Earth needs you, for unlike our last visited from there these ones do not know how to speak our tongue, so you need to be fast and go to them, This is why I drawn out your latent power. For while Nail will be able to slow this Frieza down he will not be able to fully stop him, So go my son do Namek proud." Said Guru.

"As you wish. Great Elder do not die." Said Dende. As he ran outside, to fly with all the speed he was able towards the people from Earth.

As Dende left, he hear Guru's last words." It is only a question of time... Whether I'm slain first... Or simply die of old age."

As Dende left he flew past Frieza. Who surprisingly let him fly away.

Nail felt it when Frieza landed out side, so he moved to do his part." May I help you?." He Ask, the terrible tyrant.

Giving Nail a smock look." My name is Frieza and I want my wish granted by your Dragon Balls. I've gathered all seven balls, but i don't know what to next. I want you to tell me. How do I get My wish?."

"I Must ask you to leave. I cannot tell one who is evil."

"I think it is to your benefit to be honest. There is two of you, are there not? I can get it out of either of you. It would require no effort to kill you."

This made Nail smile a bit." I think I will be more of a challenge then you might think. But let me warn you before we fight. The one inside is the Great Elder of the planet Namek. It was he who created the Dragon Balls."

This got Frieza to look at Nail more serious." Oh is that so?."

"Indeed and it is his energy that sustains them. Kill him and the Dragon Balls will disappear as well."

"The Great Elder you say." and With that Frieza took of his scouter and blasted a hole in the house and flew up to see Guru setting there. And it did not please the emperor, for it limited what he was able to do to get his will." Indeed... I think it may be true. For he is certainly Different from the other Namekians I have seen. Great Elder... I assume you have no intention of telling me either?. But surely you could not keep quiet if this man were about to be killed?."

"You will find Nail unlike the other Namekians you have murdered. Among all of us, he is our lone true warrior. He will not be defeated as easily as you imagine." said Guru.

Slowly starting to get more annoyed by the Namekiens Frieza ask again." So you still won't tell me... Well if you insist on being so stubborn. You will be privileged to face the Ultimate Power. I will be honest I never imagined that there would be a fool who dare to challenge, Me lord frieza. Of course I'm sure you will quickly regret not simply revealing the secret of the Dragon Balls. When you have to gasp it out in agony."

"I'm sure you've noticed that the Great Elder is near Death. Snice you need him alive, it would be wise to battle where he will not be hurt."

"Ho ho ho. I seriously doubt that the battle will last that long. But if you insist. Show me where you wish yo die." Said Frieza. And so he and nail Flew of leaving Guru alone.

"I'm sorry Nail. you must hold out at least until Dende reaches the Earthlings. they hold the key to this Planet's fate now." said Guru. Talking no one just talking but himself." Wherever you are out there Twilight. I hope that one day you find the peace you need."

Back to Frieza and Nail

"This is far enough. We'll end this farce here." said Frieza as he landed on the ground followed by Nail." I never knew a whole Planet could be so suicidal"

Nail after landing threw his vest away. And started to power up, it was time to stop hiding it. stunning Freiza.

"Now then shall we play" asked Frieza. as he looked towards Nail. only to see his fist coming in at his face hitting him hard enough to send him flying into a rock side. Where Frieza flew out of it instantly and was about to go for his scouter only, for Nail to go at him with a gut punch followed up with Nail grabbing his tail and swing him about from it, slamming him down on top of a rock side breaking it all the way down to the water. Followed up with a barrage of Ki blasted. But it was around this point Frieza had enough, and flew right into the barrage and did not even care to dodge the attacks, just tanking everything and landed both his feet into Nail's guts, and while Nail tried to recover from the attack Frieza had his tail around Nail's neck and had started to try to strangled him, for Nail had been fast enough to grab unto the tail." You know that was very rude of you to just attack me like that out of nowhere, does your people not have any manners." Just for Nail to blasted him in the stomach sending Frieza flying away.

"That was far to close for my linking." Said Nail. While keeping a eyes on Frieze, who seem surprised and happy at the same time.

"I will be honest, I'm happy that when I finally have to do my own dirty work, that it's not a wasted of my power. The only thing there sadness me about this, is that I did not bring Captain Ginyu, he would have love the new body."

"Well that is a shame for you, for you will not even get the chance to tell him, for I am planning on killing you."

"Oh my you truly believe you can kill me? Lord Frieza. I will give you points for spirit. But I will have to ask you, why are you so sure you can take me?."

"Well I had a student some years ago, who grew far beyond what your power is at, and I learned to fight her. And I will be honest I am more wiling to fear a Saiyan God, then someone who thinks themselves a god." said Nail. As he made himself ready to go again.

This was a surprise for Frieza." What do you mean a Saiyan God, there is only one living Saiyan left and he is on this planet right now. What you are saying does not make any sense, and what makes you think this Saiyan is a god?."

The face Frieza had made when, Nail brought up Twilight was priceless." Well she only carriers God Ki, and the speed she was growing at when I trained her was crazy, I would not be surprised if she would be able to kill you in a single hit right now. But sadly we do not have the ability to call her. But with how my own power grew from just training with her, I am probably Twelve times stronger then I was before she got here. And with how you fight, I will say that you barely fight, so that small bit you are stronger then me, I can make up for with skill." As Nail finish speaking Frieza had started to rush at him starting their second round.

And Nail prove himself true to his words, being the one to land the hit right to Frieza face followed up with a kick into his guts. with a meteor slam into his head with both hands sending Frieza flying into the Ground ones again. But this time he did not let Frieza up, and just started to blasted the area. And when all he was seeing was smoke he stopped.

"Do you believe me now Monster?." ask Nail while giving a smile, but that smile die when Frieza started to clap as the smoke clearing.

"Well this is a surprise, and here I thought that I would get my wish without having to try even a little bit." Said Frieza as he smile and look at nail." I think you have Earned a reward. And that reward is a bit of knowledge before I fight you."

"And what would that be." said Nail. As he made himself ready for fighting him again feeling sure he would win.

"I can Transform, and I got 2 more after what I'm about to show you. Now then Prepare to talk, for I will have my wish." Said Frieza as he started to Transform. Nail did try to stop it but was not able to get pass the powers flaring up, if it had not been for his four years of Training with Twilight, he would have been blown fully back form this. His new form was a lot like his old one just bigger and more bulked up with horns on his head. But the power was real." My my it looks like you know just how out match you are now. Well I would like to ask you to watch out. for I won't be as gentle as I was first going to be towards you, but seeing as you got far more power then most. You will instead get the honor of fighting me in my second form. Now then do you still want to fight Or will you give me what I want?. And if you still want to fight I will give you a handicap and only use right arm, see I can be kind when I want to"

Instead if answering Nail Rush him, for he would need to keep him her for as long as he can.

Every punch or kick did nothing but make Frieza smile, it was always funny to him when the lower life forms did this sort of thing. Sure this Namekien was far stronger then many, he had come across in his time, but next to him he is nothing. And to prove it he wanted his first attack at the Namekien to prove his point, and he knew just how to do it. And as Nail punch towards his head, Frieza just rip his arm clean off.

By pure shock and pain Nail was forced to stop his attacks.

"Oh my that looks painful, do you need a moment to recover?." Ask Frieza with a sadistic smile.

Not wanting to give Frieza what he wants. Nail just regenerate himself a new arm. and went back on the attack. Sure he had lost a lot of stamina do to that, But he had to keep Frieza here as long as he can.

"Well now that is a really useful ability you got there. But I do not need my scouter to tell that took a lot out of you. so are you sure you want to keep going?. For I might take another arm or maybe a leg, just to see how many times you can regenerate, before running out of steam"

only thing Nail was sure of was this was going to be the worse day in his life. But before accepting that his fate this day would be to die, he wanted to do a bit more damage to the Ego of the Monster." I will admit that you are more powerful then I first believed, but I can still say she is far stronger then you are when she left." And he got what he wish for, for Frieza did not seem happy about this.

"It seems I have been far to kind to you. So let me make up for that." He said as he used right arm to rip off a leg as Nail was kicking at him." And I will keep making things painful towards you, as long as you keep refusing to give me what I want.

And Frieza had been true to his words for a half hour Nail lasted

But was saved at last when the sky turned dark

Looking up at the sky Frieza saw everything turn dark." What is going on?." Ask Frieza a bit confused. As he was standing over Nail, who was barely hanging on at this point. But seeing the sky turn dark was just what he had been waiting for, so he started to laugh. Getting Frieza to look down at him." Oh have you finally given up, or has the pain just broken you fully?. I hope so for this is your last warning. Tell me the incantation or you will die!."

"heh heh heh. I-It's too late. Even if I tell you now..."

"what do you mean too late?." Ask Frieza not sounding happy at all

"By now Dende will have reached the Earthlings... And told them what you want to know so much..." Said Nail with a smile as he was able to see Frieza fully lose it. as he was putting together what he was saying.

"BLAST YOU!!. So you were only buying time. was the last words Nail hear before he saw Frieza flew away at full speed towards were the Dragon was in the sky.

Some time later

When another Namekien, that Nail had never seen before landed near him who was talking to himself." He looks just like me. He must be Nemekian aswell. Not mush life left in him though." Said the other Namekian.

This must be the Nemekian the Earthlings talked about. And if so his name is Piccolo "You...must be...the Namekian the Earthlings mentioned...I take It...They got their Wish?. I'm...glad." Said Nail.

"Hmph. You seem to be familiar with the details. Then you should also know I'm in a Hurry to save those brats. I'm afraid I have to leave you here to die." Said Piccolo

"Of course I...Don't know what sort of...Training you've had... But...You have an astonishing amount of potential. It's a pity though...If you were truly were whole...AS a Namekian...Then you might be able to defeat...Even Frieza."

"what?!" Ask Piccolo shocked." Are you telling me. If I become one with Kami again, then I could even surpass that scoundrel Frieza's Power?!."

"Yes...I was... Utterly crushed by him...But I think I Understand his capabilities now... For I know he is able to...Transform Two times more...And if his power Grows...The same way it did the first time...Then he will not be outside of your power." explain Nail.

"well There's Nothing I can do Now!. And I have no desire to become one with that fool again."

"Then...Assimilate me!. I am this planet's...Only warrior Nemekian." Offer Nail. For at this point he really wanted to help kill the Monster

"W-What?!. With you?!.

"Yes...Your strength...Will increase Exponentially..."

"Thanks for the offer...But no thanks!. I don't want my personality to become one with you, either I want to be me!." Said Piccolo.

"There's...No time... I Will Soon Die... Hurry and put your hand on my body. And don't...Worry your personality will be your own...I will merely be...The Catalyst, and at max some memories."

"Sigh. You'd better not be lying."

"If you think I am...Go Ahead...Go Just as you are now...And see how you fare against Frieza..."

"All right... I'll give it a try... But if I don't like it even a little then I'm going to kick you out!.

"One last thing before...You take me... I want to ask one thing...Of you. And that is to...Tell my student that I am sorry I did not live to see her again..."

"And how am I to do that?. I am not going to look all over the universe for her."

"You don't have to...She lives on Earth...Her name is Twilight Sparkle..."

"If I find her I will do it. But I'm not going out of my way to do it." Said Piccolo. As he put his hand on Nail's body.

"That's fine...She will probably find you...Now then...let's do this...And remember he can Transform 2 times...He has already done it ones so be careful." And so with that Nail let himself be Assimilate into Piccolo.

And with that history was changes

Piccolo went to hold Frieza back do to knowing about his other forms, so Piccolo did not go for the kill, wanting to wait for Goku to be ready to help just in case, and with the added power of Nail he was able to even hold back Frieza even in his final form for a time, Lasting him all the way to Goku being fully healed. Do to this Vegeta did not die on Namek and live to see The Legend come true