• Published 4th Jan 2024
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Twilight the Saiyan - Xalok

Twilight Sparkle a Saiyan with God Ki and magic how will she fair in the world of Dragon ball as the Daughter of Vomi of the Red Ribbon Army

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Chapter 7 : Twilight Goes Raiding

After waking up Jaco and helping him and Meruc get their criminals free from the ground, Twilight, Vomi, and Tights followed them back to their headquarters, where Twilight let herself be questioned on everything she knew about the Saiyan Race, even showing them Wrathful, something many of them had not believed to be real. And as a promise for her time and knowledge, Twilight and Earth were put under protected status, and she was given a card to show as proof that she was not a threat, and earth being under her care. After this, Twilight and Vomi left, saying goodbye to Tights, Jaco, and Meruc as they went out to do their own things again. Going around the GP space, they learn as much as they can about all the races in the space and look for tech they might be able to use. However, the technology they came across is either the same as the station they first came into GP space had, or worse, after looking over Twilight, had learned that most of the scientists in the universe had joined up with Frieza's Empire. This is due to Frieza letting his scientists do what they want, with the only rule they had to follow being that they clean up their own mess, while the GP had so many rules that Vomi and Twilight both agreed that Frieza was the better choice for a scientist, for at least they get to do their job. Meaning new tech in the GP space was rare. And after 2 years of looking, they had looked everywhere and found little of use, only two thing that had happened in that time was Twilight's training, which was now up at 400x times Earth's gravity. Which Twilight had was up to being on 350x this was do to the spirit training she had done on Yardrat, for it turned out mastering ones spirit was the key to great growth, so maxing out the gravity training would probably happen soon. And the Titan's Binds were now able to do just as much gravity as the chamber itself. So Twilight had started to wear a set every time they left, leaving her multiform back in the ship with little power catching up on her reading. So they had gone back to their ship to talk.

"Mom I think we need to accept that we will not find anything useful in GP space, which leaves us with one thing we can do, and that is to try and take over a Frieza base. And before you say it, I know it's dangerous, but from everything we have heard, Frieza has all the high-end tech in his empire. And at this point, I would probably be able to take down a full base myself, which would let you look over everything in the base while I would make sure no one comes and gets in the way." Twilight said as she was looking over at her mom.

It was quiet for a bit. "I really do not like this Twilight, for after what we learned on Yardrat about how Frieza is, if he finds out that we are doing this, he will probably come and blow up where we go. "sigh. "But you are right, if we really want to get our hands on some high-level tech, we need to go for one of his bases. So I have an idea to how we can go about it; we will do it by stealth. We will find one of his bases on a planet where it's the only thing there, and then you will use your instant teleportation down to the planet, out side of the base, then go on foot to it, and then start taking them all out one by one without making any major nosy, and with your ability to feel Ki, you can find all of the people on the base that need to be dealt with, and when I feel that all of the forces are gone, I will land the ship in stealth mode as close to the base as I can, and come in this way, we can move everything we want to the ship fast."

"I fully agree, and we should probably kill the outside light as well, for if the light of the base is gone, then we might not have anyone land there while we are there, for anyone coming by might just think the base has been abandoned."

"I fully agree with you on that Twilight, for we can't be too careful when we are doing this. We want to leave as little proof of us being there as we can; that way, there will be less chance of us dealing with attacks on Earth. And with the information we got from the download you did, we should be able to find a base where there are no innocent people getting mixed up in this."

"And we have 2 years before we need to go back to Earth so we can take our time and find the perfect base to raid, for then we do not need to do more than one." When done speaking, Twilight got up from her chair and was about to go and look into the date for the right base, when she was stopped by Vomi hugging her from behind.

"Twilight I need to ask: Are you sure that you're ready for this? For doing this, you will have to kill. Frieza's men are trained to kill, so you will not be able to leave them alive, and I need to know that you are sure you can do this. I do not want to lose you because you were not ready."

Turning around while still in the hug, Twilight hugged her mother back and gave her a smile. "Mom, I'm sure I can handle this; otherwise, I would not have come up with this idea. And I know that I need to kill, but there is a part of me that tells me I will be more than fine. Besides all these people I will be killing, will probably have killed hundreds, if not thousands, of people. Killing these people will just be good for the universe."

With tears in her eye's and a smile on her face, Vomi was looking Twilight in the eye's while holding her face between her hands. "My little Star is all grown up. It will probably not be long before you want to get away from your old mother; you will probably not need me any more soon."

"Don't say that, Mom; I will always need you, and I will always want you to be part of my life, even if I one day find my birth mother. You will always be my mom, and I will always be your little star." where she ends that with a close hug. before going to the computer to look for the right place to raid.

As Vomi watched Twilight get to work, there was only one thing she was thinking about, and it was how she would one day find a way to help Twilight, where it really mattered, but for that she would need the right tool, of which she was not sure what it would be.

One and a half years later, Twilight and Vomi had found their way. A base there had just had the Saiyan Prince on it, who left not long ago, followed by the second highest power on the base. which makes this the perfect time to go in, and with only twelve people on the base, due to Frieza having been there not long ago and picking up nearly every one the base, for what He needed all those for troops they did not know, but this was good, for it would not take a long time to clean the base up with so few guarding it. Making it so there is only one thing there makes things hard. And that is the scouters they are using, for with those they can see as others die if they use their scouters, and they can even warn each other do to part of it being a phone, which means she is on a timetable for killing them all while doing it while making no sound. Luckily do to her, God Ki, their scouters can't spot her. So before starting her attack, she hacked into their security; using the camas, she found a way to find every soldier and found who she was going for last, for there were three on the base who did not have scouters on, which made them less of a threat. So the plan was as follows: Instant teleportation into a room with a solider kill them fast and go to the next one. But one of them stood out: a woman with a mohawk who looked to be human, and for some reason Twilight felt the need to talk to her so she would not kill her. and with her not having a scouter on and sitting as far away from the others as she is, it would be easy to keep her for last. And with a plan set, Twilight looked down at the gift she had been given. before going down to the planet. Vomi had given Twilight what she had been working on ever since they left Namek.

Six years ago.

"Well, it's a good thing I got a third wish then." Vomi said as she looked toward where Twilight had vanished into the ship and turned around to look up at the dragon. "I got the last wish, and I hope Twilight will like the gift I am going to give her. Porunga, for our final wish, I ask for the perfect sword for Twilight."

Porunga was quiet for a bit. "This wish can't be done; I am not allowed to make weapons, for it goes against the will of Namek's people."

a bit shocked Vomi looks over at the Namekians with her. "Would wishing for the items needed to craft the perfect blade for her be allowed?" Vomi, ask them. Getting a smile and a head nod was all she needed. So she looked back to Porunga. "My wish is for the perfect materials to craft a blade like no other."

Porunga's eyes lit up for a second. And then the materials came into being in front of Vomi. "You're wish has been granted. And now my work has been done." and with that, Porunga with the dragon balls left.

"Now then, I will put this stuff away. I want this to be a gift for Twilight later, so please don't say anything about it to her." Vomi said as she looked around, only to see everyone just smile.

Back to the present.

With that, Twilight started to pull out her new sword from its sheath, for it would be perfect for this job. And what she found was a beautiful blade; it was colored Black with small sliver sparkles in it like stars of the night. And the handle felt perfect in her hand, which was black rubber. With a black crossguard with a golden rim on it, there was a dragon that looked like shenron earths dragon that Twilight had only seen in recordings, but made in gold, which was swimming around the blade handle. In Twilight's eyes, it's a master piece. And she had eleven targets to try it out on. But before that, she would name it. So she thought about it for a bit before naming it Tranquil Night.

And with that, she was ready. And then she used Instant Transmission, and it became really clear to Twilight that she had overprepared far too much. For only one of them even saw her; before his head had been removed from his shoulders and he was flying in the air, he did not even have time to try and raise his arms. And with all the killing done, and with only herself and the woman she wanted to talk to left, so Twilight started to walk towards where she was, and while walking, she looked over her blade to see if there was any blood on it, and not one drop of blood was left on it; she had cut them so clean and fast that their blood had not even gotten on the blade. So she sheathed the blade and looked over the sheath. And it fit the blade perfectly where it looked like it was covered in lavender-colored scales, with the bottom of it made out of gold and a star just like the one on her back made out of amethyst set into it on both sides. How her mother had been able to do this was something she would have to ask her. Otherwise, it turned out she was right about how she handled killing, for she was not feeling anything after having done it; she believed it was do to her Saiyan genes.

And so Twilight got to the door of the room, and as she walked in, she was greeted. "Will you people stop coming in here, I said I want to be left alone." where she stood up and grabbed one of the chairs in the room and threw it at the wall next to where Twilight walked in, where it embedded itself in the wall.

With Twilight just looking at the wall with the chair now embedded in it, "I'm not sure if I'm more impressed by the chair for staying in one piece, or the wall for not breaking from that throw, "said Twilight as she was turning back towards the woman, who was slowly turning towards her. "Or should I be more impressed by your throw? For it was a good throw as well."

As she was still turning, the woman started to talk again, but really low. "That voice it can't be..." when their eyes meet the woman's. And her rages died, and hope was now in them, as well as a few tears. "Is that you, Twilight?" Ask the woman in disbelief.

"How do you know my name?' asked Twilight, confused, as she looked over the woman. She had a mulberry-colored mohawk and was built like a brawler. And with a scare over her right eye, while standing at 215 cm. And she was dressed in the normal Frieza Force outfit. And for some reason, it felt like she knew her from somewhere.

Twilight's answer lit a light in the eyes of the woman, and she ran forward and pulled Twilight into a hug. "You have no idea how happy I am that I finally found you, Princess. I have been looking all over this universe for you!" now fully crying happy tears.

While Twilight was just getting more confused and not even trying to fight the hug, she just looked up at the woman. "Again, why do you know my name? And why have you been looking for me? And why does it feel like I know you when this is the first time we meet? At least from what I know off," Ask Twilight, there was getting more confused by the second, just for her to realize the last thing she said, "And why did you call me Princess?" Now Twilight was really confused.

The woman looked Twilight right in the eye's for a bit before realizing something. "You really do not remember me? you---." As she was trying to explain herself, the woman's mouth closed and from what Twilight was able to see there was some magic over her mouth, but not anything she had seen before, and she tried to speak many times the magic seem to get stronger so nothing ever came out. And when she tried to write something down her hand crushed her writing tool every time. And when she tried to use the computer in the room it out right blew up on her before she even put down the first letter.

The woman was clearly fighting some force that was stopping her from speaking or even writing, and from how it looked to Twilight, whatever force there was stopping her from speaking was getting more aggressive the more she tried, not wanting the woman to get hurt Twilight stepped in. "Please, for your own good, stop," said Twilight as she looked at her, which
made the woman look at Twilight before giving up, "It's clear to me that whatever it is you are trying to say is being stopped by a force bigger than us, so how about we focus on your name first?"

With a sigh, the woman started to speak again. "My name is Tempest Shadow, and you are my first real friend, and more than that. But as you said, there is something stopping me from saying it, and as we can see I would not even be able to write it down either, and I can feel it when I can't say something. And I called you Princess, for that is what you are, or was."

"Well, this is news to me when I learn that even the dragon balls do not have the power to tell me where I came from or even tell me anything about myself. And it's only the gods who can tell me that. I did start to believe that there was something stopping others from telling me anything. And It seems I'm part of a bigger game here, and I don't like that, just what I needed with everything else there is going on around me, but this also brings up other questions. Why do you know were we came from, and why am I blocked from those memories?" said Twilight as she put a hand to her forehead," Though I do find it funny that you say I am a princess, for it makes me hope I meet this Vegeta one day, for he will have a flip if he learn of a another Saiyan royalty." Which made her smile thinking about how it would probably drive the Saiyan Princes crazy if he knew about her.

"How are you here anyway, Twilight? This base is filled with assholes who kill for fun."

Looking back up again, Twilight answered as she looked around relaxed, "Oh, they are all dead. Me and my mom came here to raid the base tech Frieza has."

Shocked at what Twilight had just told her, Tempest started to talk. "Twilight, are you saying you killed everyone on the base here?" where Twilight confirmed it by giving Tempest a scouter to look for herself, where she found no Ki nearby at all. "That is so unlike you; I was honesty fearing for the worst, because of how you were before coming here; you had never killed before, and here you are now having kill and not showing a care in the world. And I think the scouter you gave me is broken for it can't seem to find your Ki?"

"Really? Huh, well I have now, and it was easy to do due to knowing what these monsters have done before, and I left you alone due to something telling me you were not like the others, which was the reason I decided to talk with you. And the reason you can't see my Ki is that my ki is that of a gods, and the Ki of God's can't be found normally, which means the scouter can't see me. Which also help in taking care of this base, for if the only thing there is happing is ki's disappearing on the scouter then it can be put out as a bug, which game me enough time to kill everyone before they realize that I was here. And that the people here was stupid enough to not keep the scouter on did help a lot as well."

"Well, that explains how no one set the alarm off, for if they couldn't see you with the scouter, they would not have had their guard up. But you must still be really fast to pull that off."

"Oh, that was really easy. And with the help of my sword, making a killing blow is easy, and due to one of the skills I have learned in my travels, getting the jump on them all, fast and really easy. And with how everyone was focused on using their Scouters, finding me was not going to happen, even if I missed a killing blow I would be able to kill them anyways with how weak everyone here was. So the chance of them setting off the alarm was low."

"It seems I have a lot to learn and training to do, for I'm not that much stronger than everyone here."

This made Twilight laugh. "Don't worry about that. I got something there can help you train, and I know how to heal with magic, so the training should be easy to do. Else, I got to ask, What were you doing on this base? You did not sound like you liked the people you were working with."

"You got that right. I hated everyone there was here, but it was my best chance of not being found while looking for you. For you see, when I first came to it, in this universe or wherever this is, I had a tail, like the race of warriors there called Saiyan's, and I did not want to be found by them and forced into working with them, even though only one of them would be able to beat me. So I cut off my tail and went into hiding as just another soldier in Frieza's army, which so far has kept me out of trouble. But with you here now, I got no reason to stay any more, and I hope you will let me come with you."

"I'm fine with that myself. But I want you to gain my mother's approve, for I care to much about what she thinks, to make this choice on my own."

"Then I will just have to do that, for now that I found you, I'm not letting you go again, for I own you far more than I can ever pay you back Twilight."

"Alright, I will let her know she can come down now; she is probably worried about me due to how long this has taken." And with that, Twilight pressed a button on a small remote she had with her. "Now then I need to clean up after killing all those random soldiers, for my mother and I were planning on staying here for a bit, taking as much tech as we can get from here, before going back to our home planet." She said as she walked out of the room with Tempest in toe.

"Let me help you with that Twilight; that way it can be done faster."

"Sure, do you have magic as well?"

"Yes, I do, and if anything good has come of this, it is that my magic is fully under my control. Else, I need to ask, did you end up becoming a Saiyan as well?" Tempest asked. To answer her question, move her tail free and wave it at Tempest.

"The race has a lot of power to it, so I am not going to complain about it. Also, if you want, I can look into finding a way to get you your tail back."

"Oh, don't worry about my tail; it has kept growing back every week; it should be back soon; it's going to be good not having to remove my tail anymore, for I can tell you, cutting it off hurts like Tartarus."

And so Twilight and Tempest started to clean up after Twilight's killings. and do to there not being any life left in the body's, Twilight was able to teleport them to another room that Tempest told her would not have anything worth their time, so they used it for dumping, while cleaning the blood by using their magic to move water around and wash off the blood. They were going to be here for as long as it took to learn all the technology there was on the base, for from what little Twilight had seen, there were some useful things here. Like the scouters they were using, but not as it stands, for the power reading they used it for would not be useful due to Ki being able to be hidden or lowered, so using that would just give the user false information. But improving the Ki finding of it would be great, for then she would even be able to find targets who are lowing their Ki. And adding new things for it to search for, like the ability to pinpoint the power of the cyborgs and androids, for they are not running on Ki, so finding them will be hard without anything to track them. And do to the phone part of the scouter, they can make a version of it there is just that, while allowing people to store information on it as well. But for now, she would go out and welcome her mother to the base and let her multi-form come in and work on the Scouter, for she needed to keep an eye out for anyone who might come to the planet and take care of them fast if it's needed.

And something else she would have to work on would be an item to hide Ki, for Tempest would probably need help to hide herself on earth, so that needs to be made before going back to earth, for else they might as well tell Goku and his friends were they are. So it's a good thing that they had already been looking into something like that, so it would just be about finishing that project.

And as the ship landed, it did not take long for Vomi to come running out of the ship. "You are not hurt, are you? Did everything go as planned? Did the sword help you?" And then Vomi notices Tempest: "And who is this woman with you?"

"Don't worry, Mom, I'm fine. And everything went according to plan. And the sword was a great help. It's a master piece you have made!. I can feel how well the ki runs in it, which is not surprising given the metal, for it came from a wish. And this woman is Tempest Shadow; from what I understand, she was a friend of mine before you found me. It turns out there is a lot more to me than what we have found so far, but she is sadly not able to tell me anything about where we came from, how we got here, or how we met. Only thing she was able to tell me is that, I'm apparently royalty." said Twilight as she was calming her mother down. While her Multi Form just walked by to start it's work on the scooter, And Owlowiscious flew out to look the planet over for anything that might be hidden.

Where Vomi looked over to Tempest, who gave her a bow of the head and a smile. "Well, that is a lot to take in. But it's nice to know Twilight has a new friend, and you are more than welcome to come along with us, Tempest, and you can call me Vomi," said Vomi. after which she gave Tempest a handshake.

"Thank you, Miss Vomi; I hope I will be a great help to Twilight and yourself." Said Tempest. She gave a full bow back to Vomi, making her laugh.

"Else, Mom, you can go in and start looking for technology that we want to keep. I will take care of the ship and keep an eye's open for ships there might try and land. Do you want to come with me, Tempest?" Getting a head nod

"Alright Twilight. And I am happy to hear that the sword worked well for you. It's good to know your old mother can still be helpful now and then. And I will make sure to fix the light. Else, I welcome you to our crazy little family, Tempest." Said Vomi. after which she hugs Twilight and walks in to start doing what she does best.

Leaving Twilight and Tempest to go over to the ship and get it back to its capsule, for if anyone comes, there is a chance they will just land on top of the ship, which is not a good thing. Otherwise, keeping an eye on ships incoming should be easy, for the base has a warning system for when ships come down, so all she had to do was keep an eye on that, and she should be able to keep everyone away. And just as she got done putting away the ship, the main lights of the building went out, making things. And now guard duty truly begins.

"Say, Twilight, did I see an owl and another you walk out of the ship when it landed, and how did you put that ship away like that?" asked Tempest as Twilight turned around.

Giving a nod of the head as she began to explain her time on Yardrat and the skills she learned there, while promising to teach Tempest as well, while going over her making of Owlowiscious, who had somehow gotten more and more real as time had gone on, which was do to the self-learning A.I., and then finishing up telling her about the capsule technology back on earth. Hearing Twilight talk about the things she had asked about, Tempest became sure of one. No matter how many changes the world throws at you, some things will never change, which made her happy.

"Though there is something I want you ask you as well Tempest." said Twilight pulling her out of her thoughts.

"Sure ask away, if I can answer it I will." said Tempest relaxed

"How come you did not question me when I said I had God Ki? For you said I was a princess, the idea of going from that to a god sounds like something to ask about." questioned Twilight.

"Oh that, yeah I can see how you would question that, sadly I can't full explain it do to how I'm being blocked, but your old form was something that some saw as the closest thing to a god around, and those who had the same form as you did not really want to talk about if you were gods or not, which left 3 groups of people, those who believe you to be gods, those who saw you as just powerful, and the last group which is the middle ground thinking you demi-gods, so the idea of you having only god Ki just makes me feel that it was the god group there was right." explain Tempest.

"Huh well that answers that, shame you can't say more then that. Well with that out of the way, do you want to get started on training while we stay here on guard?" asked Twilight as she remove the Titan's Binds.

"Sure I would not mind that, it would make time go by easier. But why are you removing those bracelet's?" ask Tempest as Twilight threw them to her.

"Take them on and I will tell you," said Twilight as Tempest got them on, and when she had them on Twilight continued, "These are call Titan's Binds, and with my watch here I'm able to make them produce a gravity field on your body, this will allow me to set up how many times my homes Gravity you feel. So are you ready for this Tempest?"

"Wait what about yourself? Don't you need training." asked Tempest looking a bit unsure.

"Oh Don't worry about me, I'm already up at 350x gravity, and it's max setting being 400 right now, I can handle waiting for when we got more sets of TBs." said Twilight casually.

This shocked Tempest, "So I have been on planets with 10x gravity and those were able to be a bit hard after some time, so I can't even imagine what 350x is like." said Tempest while not being sure if Twilight was playing with her.

"Well you will learn that when you have trained long enough, and with our Saiyan traits that will probably not take long with me healing you. So are you ready for this?" said Twilight.

"Sounds good Twilight, you can start when you are ready."

"ok I will start it up at 15x gravity and from there I will go up and when it's hard enough, you say so, then I start and you just start doing what you see fit as training, be it sit ups, push ups, or shadow boxing, anything goes." and then Twilight start, setting it up getting to 20x before she was told to stop.

And so Tempest start, "Man you were not joking about these things, and I can see how you have gotten so powerful so fast like this."

"Well I'm happy to help you Tempest, and when you get stronger we can start training together, and doing worry about getting hurt, I got healing magic, so I can get you up in no time." said Twilight as she start to work a bit on her magic.

"Well then it seem I get all the cheats for my training to catch up to you, and with how far ahead you are, I'm going to need it." said Tempest while showing her determination.

And with that Time went by, with Twilight working her magic, and Tempest training her body.

And it took a full week to get everything worth their time from the base that they found useful. But that mostly came down to how both Vomi and Twilight's copy kept tinkering. Twilight changed the scouter a lot. The first change was to remove the power readings, for those would just get in the way, and from what she had been able to read about the scouter, they had the habit of blowing up when too much power was used near them, which is a really bad thing. Next, she had improved the Ki radar to allow the scouter to find even the lows of Ki signature. Next was to allow the scouter to find other power sources, like what her dad was using for the cyborg program and the three androids he had made. Last was the phone part and data-storing ability, which was the part she was going to sell it as on earth, for it worked perfectly. Of course she was going to remove the other parts of the model; she was going to sell them because, for normal every day people, they would not need them. And when she finished making an arm band, there was able to hide Ki as well, which Tempest was more than happy to get.

While Vomi had been working on the healing tank's, pulling 3 of the 4 apart, learning everything about them, and testing the water they use for healing, what she had learned was that the water seems to be the main source of the healing, and it seems to be easy to make, which will help a lot of people back on Earth. Otherwise, she would find some of their bigger spaceships and look them over to see if any of them had anything worth taking, and it turned out that the only really good thing they had going for them was their engines. Otherwise, there was the blaster tech everyone of the soldiers had been using, something that allowed anyone who ever was using them to shoot out a Ki blast. Sure, it's far from being anywhere near as powerful as Twilight's, but it would be useful for their guard force back home, and with a bit of tinkering, they would be able to up the firepower. Of course, there were more things they had found, but those other items were not that important.

And with Tempest training with the TB's Twilight focused on her magic, where she made a new spell, and pocket spell to allow her to keep more items with her no matter where she travel, she would be able to pull out any item she place in it, and the first item she place after making sure it worked, was Tranquil Night for it's always good to have it close at hand, and carrying it this way would allow her to use it as a surprise attack.

Else Twilight had only had to blow up five pods; there had tried to land in the time they had been there. And now that they had everything there that seemed to be worth their time, they started to pack up and return to Earth. And with two and a half years left before Lapis, Lazuli, and Gevo would be free of their pods, They will have time to integrate their new technology into their lives.

So after ten and a half years in space, Vomi, Owlowiscious, and Twilight return to earth with a new old friend, Tempest

Author's Note:

So to explain a few things here Twilight and Tempest's tails will grow back if they are cut, and this is do to their inner magic they got form their old home mixing up with Saiyan genes, the idea for it comes from how the Saiyan body does what it can to stay Combat ready for as long as the Saiyan lives, with them only becoming weak and old near their death to age, and with those genes now having magic to work with, means it can do this for ever more of their body. So no matter how many times the Tail is cut it will come back again. There is of course more to this, but that is something there will be learned later.

And Tempest's tag will be added on the upload of Chapter 8.