• Published 4th Jan 2024
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Twilight the Saiyan - Xalok

Twilight Sparkle a Saiyan with God Ki and magic how will she fair in the world of Dragon ball as the Daughter of Vomi of the Red Ribbon Army

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Chapter 5 : Planet Yardrat

After having dragged Twilight away from the video call with her now-alive son and telling him it's good to see him back alive again, Vomi brought Twilight out to say goodbye to the friends they made and pick up Owlowiscious. for do to the help of Guru, Vomi knew the best place to bring Twilight next, and so Twilight and Vomi went back into space and started to travel towards their next stop.

Twilight returned to the gravity room, where she continued her gravity training, and found out that she was now able to do 130x earth gravity with easy, which surprised her, for she had only been able to go 40x times when they landed on Namek. The training with Nail had done wonders for her. She had asked her mother what the last wish was for, only to be told it would be a surprise for later. Else Twilight had been looking over the upgrades that her mother had made while they were on Namek, and she had done wonders. The gravity machine was now able to go all the way up to 200x earth gravity, and she had been working on a set of two arm bracelets and two for legs that was able to do the same as the gravity machine, but only up to 100x times, which is still really good, for that would allow her to train wherever she goes, and with time the tech will become better. These four bracelets have been named Titan's Binds.

Now it's just about getting back into her solo training, for they have 5 months before they get to the new planet, giving Twilight a lot of time to push herself, and her aim is that of 180x, for with her new understanding about how to train her body and mind and with her new ability to heal herself with her magic, this goal should be easy to reach. and with her being able to join the call back home to earth, she made it so she had some good company while doing her training. Talking with her dad about everything she has learned about Ki control and strength would help him a lot in the cyborg program he is working on.

Else She had been talking with her brother, bringing him up to date on everything that happened while he was dead, and learning about what being dead was like. Learning that there was a hell and a form of heaven was not something Twilight had expected, but it was nice to know, for it made death less scary, do to knowing there is still more after death. Else Twilight learned that he had joined Lapis and Lazuli for the Cyborg program. When she asked why he had joined it, he had answers: He wanted to be able to still be there for his little sister, for if she was going to be fighting, so would he.

Sadly, her talks with her brother and her friends Lapis and Lazuli had to stop a month into their travels towards the new planet, for they were going to start on the project to be turned into bio-androids, as they have been calling it Cyborgs. for Gero was ready to begin, and the work would take at least eight years and maybe more, where they would not be able to talk to anyone, for they were going to be sleeping the whole time, so that left Twilight to talk with her mother or father.

which gave her time to think about what she had learned on Namek. Like the things she learned about the Saiyan race from the book of legends, there was one thing that stood out to her: the Legend of the Super Sayian God, which needed 5 Saiyans of pure heart to unlock God Ki, yet here she is, pure God Ki. Did some do the ritual on her before she came to earth, or was she born special? Another thing that had never left her mind was about how she felt the first time Guru, for two of the three things she felt reminded her of the blood sample that was taken from her a long time ago, while the last one fit her God Ki, the feeling of being a sun, fit how her blood became fire instead of evaporation, and being Ice itself as well, with how her blood did not freeze no matter how cold it got, yet the last one, the powers of a true god, was in her blood as well? for they had never been able to look closer in on her blood, like it was blocking whatever they did, and she never felt cold or extreme heat; she had even tried to burn herself. But what worried her the most was the darkness, why did Guru not tell her anything about that? was it normal? It seems no matter how she went about it, she would always find more things to ask about herself, but never finding the answers; it's always 1 step forward and 3 steps back, it almost made her want to cry thinking about it, for how can there be so much about herself she did not know

And so time went by while traveling, with both body and mind training for Twilight, while talking with both her mom and dad, mostly answering questions from her father about her training and showing her growth when asked. And talking with her mother about how to improve the Titan's Bounds, which is the name of the Vomi had given the gravity bracelet, made the 5 months feel like days, with Twilight reaching her goal and then some hitting 140x gravity, so as the new planet they were going to land on came into view, Twilight stopped her training and joined her mother after having a bath.

As they were flying, they were trying to pick out a landing spot. They saw a place that looked like it had been set up for them to land on. As they were landing, Vomi told Twilight about the new planet they were going to spend time on. The name of the planet was Yardrat. The race on this planet has developer the ability to fully control their spirit, something that Guru said would be great to learn.

And he had told her how they looked as well. Some of its people are pink, with spots on their heads. Those spots are mostly blue, while having large heads, bulbous eyes, and two whisker-like appendages on the sides of their heads. The second type, the more powerful one, is a lot more funny looking which does say a lot. They are shorter, lacking ears, and have rounder heads and smaller eyes. Their skin tone now varies from several different colors, including blue and green. Now, the people of Yardrat are not normally fighters; their bodies do not allow for that kind of power training; however, they make up for this with the abilities they have learned by controlling their spirits, which is why they were here.

And as they landed, they were greeted by two of the planet's people, both of the first type, who asked them to follow them to their leader, who had been waiting for them to come, which was something that Vomi had been told to be ready for, due to the planet's leader being very keen on keeping an eye on the universe, and a God Ki like Twilight's moving around would catch his eye fast. So they quickly guided towards where he was, for he had been looking forward to the meeting with the young God. But what they were not ready for was how big he was, standing over 6 meters tall, which was far taller than any of the other people of Yardrat, and he had features from both types of the people, where his skin is light blue and mostly looking like the second type has two whiskers along with two pointed tips at the top of his head as opposed to the one like the other Yardrats.

"Welcome to the planet Yardrat. I hope you found the landing spot there that had been set up for your stay with us," said the giant. where Vomi told him they did find it. "Excellent, then I will like to invite the two of you for dinner. You are coming in perfect time for food, and it's always better to talk while enjoying a good meal." He said as he started to walk towards another room, followed by both Twilight and Vomi. As they got into a big room set up for them to eat in, he asked them the golden question. "Now then, I would like to ask the two of you: What brings you to my people's little planet?"

Twilight being a bit faster, her mother asks him. "Well, first, I would like to know your name, and second, how come you are this much bigger than the other people here?" Making Vomi look at her like she had just shot the man, she really needs to work on Twilight's blunt way of talking to people.

But as it turned out, the man did not get upset with her for asking these things; he had found it funny. "My my, you got some fire in you, young god." He said with a smile, "But to answer your question My name is Pybara, and I am happy to meet the two of you and to answer why I am so much bigger than everyone else." Pybara gave them a smile only a joker would be able to, while at the same time becoming much smaller, now only a small bit bigger than the rest of the people. "Because I like being big, and it's a lot of fun seeing new people come being ready for someone smaller than them, just to find a giant, and when they have come over how big I am, I normally start playing games with them, either becoming slowly bigger or smaller. Now then, what about you two? What are your names?" he asks with a smile.

Looking a bit shocked after Pybara's size change, Vomi decided to answer before Twilight was able to. "Well, that was a bit of a surprise. but else My name is Vomi, and this is my daughter Twilight. and the god stuff is really new to both of us, and we would like to keep that for ourselves for as long as we can, for if it came out that she is a god or at least has the Ki of one, then that might be us dealing with far more than we are ready for. Else, to answer the other question, we have come to your home to ask if your people would teach Twilight here how to do spirit control for a friend of ours who told us that it would help her, with understanding her, Ki a lot better."

Pybara looked to Vomi and then to Twilight. "Sure, I can teach her, but she is going to have to deal with my humor, and the training can take a long time." after which he took a sip from his drink.

"Wait, you will train me, and just like that as well, that seems far too easy. There has got to be something else to this." said Twilight as she looked at Pybara. while partaking in the food, which was surprisingly good.

"Oh, there is more to it, and that is, I want you to learn to control your inner beast, for I know of the great Oozaru form you can transform into when looking at the moon, but I have never gotten to see the form, so my payment would be that, as a trade of, I will teach you everything I can do, and even let your mother look around and learn as much as she wish, and the two of you will in as much time as you wish, as long as the first thing you learn will be the Instant Transmission, for then both of You can come and go as needed." replayed Pybara. while holding back a small laugh at Twilight's eating manners, for she was not eating like a young lady but eating like she had not eaten in days. But that is understandable with how much Saiyan's are known for their two loves: fighting and food. "And don't worry about losing control of your form; we know of the rage you feel in the form, and we have ways to help you control it. This will be a plus for you, as well as allowing you to control the form fully once we are done."

"So other than everything you have said so far sounding really good, you name something you want me to learn. 'Instant Transmission' what is that?"

"Oh yes, I forgot to tell you what that is. 'Instant Transmission' allows the user and anyone that is in physical contact with them to instantly travel great distances; this great distance goes as far as you can feel and to where you have been before, as long as you can pin point it, and while learning this, we will improve your ability to sense Ki when you focus on it, for that will let you use this to its fullest. There will be other things to learn while you are here, but that is for later. and to show you that what I am saying is true, I will use it." As he finished saying this, he stood up and disappeared, surprising both Vomi and Twilight. with him reappearing, but now holding one of Namek's dragon balls. "I hope this is proof enough to make you believe how useful this is, and if it is, then I will put it back where I took it, for else the people of Namek might panic a bit," getting a head nod from both of them. He went back to Namek with the dragon ball.

As he got back and sat down to finish his food, he started talking again. "And a last thing, as much as I want to teach you everything that I know about Spirit Control, there might come a time where I ask the two of you to leave, for we are on the radar of Frieza, meaning we will be dealing with a planet-ending threat, and we do not wish to get you into the crossfire. And before you start talking about staying and helping us, you do not have to worry; we already have ways to avoid our deaths, but we would not be able to do it while the two of you are here, so it's for both your own good and our good that we ask this of you, so do we have a full agreement on this?"

"But did you not say that we would be allowed to come and go as we pleased, and now you say this, and how will we know when it's safe to come back?" asks Twilight.

"These are good questions, and yes you will be able to be her as much as you want, but not while there is a thread there can destroy the planet, for you see Frieza knows of God Ki, and everyone in his army got something call a Scouter, these Scouters can see how Much Ki someone got, but do to how God Ki is they will not see you, however that is bad, for if they look at you and their Scouter does not give them any info as they normally do, Frieza will know, for the Scouters are linked as well to Frieza's main forces, and if they get the information, that someone with God Ki is on our planet and it's not Beerus the Destroyer, he will have the Planet blown up, especially if it's a Saiyan like you, Frieza fears your kind a lot." Finish Pybara as he took his glass for a drink.

"Wait, who is Beerus the destroyer, and why does Frieza fear my race? For what I have learned, Frieza does not really have much to fear from the Saiyan's, for from what I have learned, my race is nearly death and might as well be death, for the only other Saiyan I have seen is someone I really wish would drop death, for that would make my life easier."

"I take it there is some story to the last remark?" asks Pybara. where both Twilight and Vomi told him about how he had ended up killing her brother. "I see, well, it was good that you were able to bring him back again, but I will have to ask: do you really think seeking the death of this man is really what you want to do? You do not need to answer that; just think about it for yourself," Getting a head nod from Twilight was more than enough, "Then you ask about who Beerus is? Well, the most blunt way to put it would be to say that he is the main god of this universe and the most powerful being in this universe as well. He is not a god to mess around with; he has removed many planets for small reasons. Now I have to ask, Why do you wish to know about Beerus?"

And so Twilight explained what happened when she wished to know more about where she came from and how the dragon was not able to tell her, due to it being information only for the gods, which made it so the dragon was not able to say anything. And when Twilight was done, Vomi explained how she had come to find Twilight.

"That is troubling indeed, but I can understand why you might want to seek him out one day to learn more about where you came from. But if I may, I would recommend that you ask the Kaioshin before going for Beerus, they are his counterpart, they are not as powerful as he is, but they are gods themselves as well, so they might have what you seek, and before you ask, I sadly do not know where you can find them or how they know when something big come around. But to answer how you will know when it's good to come back to us, we will let you know, it will take but a blink of the eye, and we will be there with you or Vomi. Now, then, do we have a deal?" asked Pybara as he gave them a smile.

Vomi and Twilight Both looked at each other before, telling him that they agreed to everything.

"Good then, now let's finish our food, and then we can talk about when training begins.

Some time later, and a good bit outside of town.

"Now that we are done eating, we will go over how your payment will be done. For do to you're already great power, if this goes wrong, you might blow up the planet, and I personally think that would be bad, so we are going to cheat a bit. So by using spirit control, we can force you into being clam while you try to regain control, and when you regain it, we will spend some time with you getting used to this form. Is this fine with you?" asks Pybara. where Twilight gave her agreement and was just about to take out her shielding eye lens, when Pybara, in a hurry, stopped her. "Now wait a second. As much as I want to get into this and get it over with, you might want to change clothes, for else the new size you will grow into will just destroy your clothes."

Twilight just smiled at Pybara. "It will be fine, for You see, My Mother and I have studied the battle armor I came to earth in, and the stretchy ability of it has been added to most of our clothes, though I should probably give You My lab coat, for it's more for training, so it's not as stretchy as the rest of my clothes," said Twilight as she hung up her coat on a nearby rock. and walk out into the open space. There had been preparation for this, so Twilight took off her lens and looked up at the full moon.

At first it looked like nothing was happening, but then Twilight's eye's changes became pure red, where a heavy heartbeat was able to be heard, and then she started to grow in size slowly as brown fur started to cover her skin, growing bigger and bigger, growing to be about 20 meters tall. When she finally stopped growing, she let out a mighty roar, which was shaking the ground they stood on. But that was all the rage she got out before Pybara and his people had clam her down by channeling their spirit into her, making Twilight sit down and look confused. This lasted for about 5 minutes before Twilight gained control of the form, where she stood up and gave them a thumb up before trying to speak.

"This is really weird yet the power I can feel in this form is great," said Twilight while throwing a punch. "But the speed is lagging, my movement feels sluggish, and against someone fast, this would be bad. I would need to be around the same speed as them before turning for it to not become a problem, or else they would just have a bigger target like this. but I can probably take a hit far better at this size." She finishes saying as she had been doing a lot of punches and kicks out into the air, stopping and looking over at Pybara. "So what is it you need me to do now that I'm transformed?"

"Now just do what you do when you train your body, this way we will get to see how you move, and we do want to see one Ki attack. We have put a target for you to hit up in the sky, and we can get one more if we feel the need for one more blast, but for the moment, just go about your normal training for a bit while we make sure your target is ready for you to hit." He yelled back to her, so she was able to hear him.

And so Twilight started her training, which to Vomi looked like a bull in a china shop next to how she normally looked when training, for normally it would even look beautiful, which was a big surprise to Vomi, for as much as she loved Twilight, she would never be able to say that Twilight was able to dance, for her dancing had always been really bad as a kid, but who knows, it might have gotten better now that Twilight was learning to fight, for many say that dancing is just another form of fighting, and if that is true, then Twilight would have a good chance of becoming good. Vomi's thoughts were interrupted by the sight of the target Twilight was going to blast down, coming into view far in the air, just at the edge of space.

"Twilight, I think it's time for you to show us your Ki blast, for I have just gotten word that we are ready for it." yell Pybara

This made Twilight look up and see the target, and so she took aim and fire off a small blast, just to see if she was able to hit, which she was, so she started to charges her Ki to fire of a Dragon Buster, but before getting it to full power she realized that she might want to hold a bit back, so she pull some of her Ki back before fired it off, and the attack fully destroyed the target, which left such a shock wave that it was felt on the ground.

"Well, that was a great showing Twilight, a bit load, but I am happy that you realize that pulling some of your power back before firing, for if you had fire that with full power you might have kept going, and I am not sure how far your attack would have kept going before dissolving, if it would have done that at all, and with how much power it would have had it might have blown half a planet up." said Pybara, who had teleported up to her shoulder. "Now then, with this over, I think we can start on the first part of your spirit control training, so let's get going."

While following Pybara, Twilight asked him if they should not wait for her to get out of her form because of how big it is, which he told her would be fine, though Twilight had an idea that there was more to this than he was saying, and it turned out she was right.

They had just gotten to where they were going, which was an area with a lot of spiked rocks up in the mountains. where Pybara when they got there, Pybara flew over to one of them and landed on it by putting his feet on both sides of the spike and holding himself there like that.

"Now, Twilight, I want you to do the same as I am doing right now, for this is how we are going to start your training, and for the rest of the night, I want you to do this so you can get used to this meditation stances."

Now, at a small point, the spikes that Pybara was doing this on were just about big enough for him and someone at Twilight's normal high to do this on. However, Twilight was nowhere near her normal high right now.

So she was not ready for this. " With all do respect, HOW I THE WORLD WOULD I DO THAT IN THIS FORM MY FEET ARE FAR TO BIG FOR THIS RIGHT NOW!." Yell Twilight at Pybara, who nearly got blow away from his stances by the force of her voice, but somehow stayed on it.

after getting his stance under control again. "I will be honest; I did not think about that when I asked you to do it right now." Answer Pybara, a little embarrassed. So Pybara started to think about where there might be one big enough for Twilight to use for he really wanted to see. Her do this in the form she was in for the picture he was getting in his head just made him smile. Lucky there was one big enough for this, but they would have to cut off a bit of the spike tower. So they went to this tower, and he had Twilight cut a bit of it, and to see her putting both her giant feet on the sides of this small tower was worth it to him.

And lucky for Vomi, she had released Owlowiscious after having been allowed to do so, and a small part of the bird Twilight did not know of was that he had been told to take pictures of Twilight when there was a chance for a good one, and right now Twilight was a perfect target for a picture.

And when Twilight finally got out of her form, she was led back to the city for rest, for today was only about learning what was in store for her.

2 years later

Twilight had nearly learn everything there was to learn about Spirit Control learning ability's like, Instant teleportation, that she had already been told about, which Both Twilight and Vomi now knows how to do, this of course also came with improve Ki Sense, for it would it be worth if they did not have a way to lock on to where they wanted to go, next was Size Control, which does what the name says allowing her to grow to be at least 5 times bigger then she is, or 10 times smaller, this power was one Twilight really liked, for it would allow her to anyone at their eye level, for if your going to beat someone, then you want to do it while looking them in the eyes. and Multi Form, which allowed her to make copies of herself that she chose how much of her power they got, and when she wanted to pull them back, she would remember everything they did. This she had already started to use to make a copy of herself with as little power as possible and send it back to the ship, where it started to study anything she might find useful, letting her be in two places at once, and she had ideas on how to make it better, but that is for another time. and she would have learned more about spirit control if it had not been for what happened half a year into her training.

Do to Pybara wanting Twilight to use her great ape form more, which at the start she had gone against, but gave in quickly when Realizing it would let her become better at using the form, so she had been about to go into great ape form when something else happen, that of nothing when she looked at the moon, which was odd to her, and yet there was something she was able to feel, but before trying to do anything with it she warned Pybara, that she was about to try something, and after doing that Twilight started tapping into her Ki, tapping into a power that felt just like her great ape form, but as she was doing it her Ki started to make a aura around her in purple Ki which was spiking up just like her hair, and her eyes became yellow, and she started to feel a Rage coming up in her, like she had only felt one time before, it was like she was back on earth right before Goku give her a smock grin, and then it came the power she had in her form, and if it had not be for Pybara being ready she might have lost control of herself, but she barely kept herself under control, with his help, and as she was getting herself under control slowly she felt, that her great ape form was still there, but she had to chose if she wanted to use it, but what would be the point, with this new power she had, she had gain it's power without losing speed and becoming sluggish, but the Wrath she felt in this form was something she need to control, which Pybara was more then happy to help her with. And so her spirit train had gone on hold for a full year to control her new form, a form she had named Wrathful, due to the rage that always came with it. even when she learns to fully control the rage in this form.

But it was around this time, 2 years later, that Twilight and Vomi had been told that they needed to leave, for it seemed that the Frieza force had decided that Yardrat would be a great target for them, and sure, Twilight wanted to help them, but due to who they were dealing with, it would be better for Yardrat that they leave, for they did not have anything major that Frieza would want, and if a Saiyan as powerful as Twilight was found here, who the force would be sure held God Ki, Frieza would just blow up the planet to be safe. So it was with a heavy heart that Twilight and Vomi had a last great meal with Pybara and his people before they left for the stars. Again, this time they had a new goal, for Pybara had told them about the Galactic Patrol and about their tech, which was something Vomi and Twilight both agreed would be fun to learn about for both of them. Sure, there had been some tech for Vomi to play with on Yardrat, but most of her time had been used to learn the instant Transmission and improve Ki Sense, due to her not having any major training other the flying. Vomi had taken a full year learning this, while Twilight had learned it in half a year, so going to the Galactic Patrol Control Space would be fun for both of them, and with Twilight now having the Multiform Technique, she would be able to send a copy of with her, while training in their ship, so it would not even slow Twilight's training down. So it was easy to pick where to go. and before they fully left, Pybara gave them a card so they would be able to pay for anything they would want on his bill, which took him a bit to get them to take with them, for they felt it was a bit too much, but he assured them that it was nothing, and what he had learned from Twilight was more than enough to earn such a reward, so they accepted the card before they left.