• Published 4th Jan 2024
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Twilight the Saiyan - Xalok

Twilight Sparkle a Saiyan with God Ki and magic how will she fair in the world of Dragon ball as the Daughter of Vomi of the Red Ribbon Army

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Chapter 14: A Girl From His Past!

The last 3 years had been wild for Goku. He had barely gotten done talking to his friends about what the Man from the Future had told him, before Chi-Chi had demanded that Goku return home with her, while asking if anyone can keep a eye on Gohan for a time.

And well he was now a dad to two kids, it had only taken a day, but it was a long day, but with the Androids coming they did not have second to wasted. Training had started after, with Chi-Chi letting Gohan have freedom to go and train with Goku and Piccolo. later when the Kid was born Goku found himself a dad to a healthy baby girl, who they end up naming after Supreme Elderly Lord who is the guardian of the sacred Furnace of Eight Divisions, the border between life on Earth and the Other World. Also known as Annin, do to how she help them save Chi-Chi's dad, and is also Grandpa Gohan's Boss in the after life where he work as her bodyguard.

Chi Chi was so happy when she got a little girl and she was a little angel for the first 2 years... However after those two years Annin stop doing what she asked her to, and just started doing what she wanted, and controlling a little half Saiyan there did not want to do what she was told, was not possible, at least for Chi-Chi, for the second Goku and Gohan comes home from their training Annin goes back to being a little angel, which got Chi-Chi to send Goku to Vegeta to ask if he knows what is going on. And it was clear he knew, for he just laugh and told them he would enjoy the show. For why should he help them?

Lucky for Goku he knew someone else he knew would be able to ask, King Kai. And it was here he learned that Saiyan Kids are a little different then normal ones, at a young age Saiyan kids fall into two camps. First one is the more well behaved like any normal kids. The second one however, is the camp Annin fell into, were they only follow or do what those stronger then themselves. If they are stronger then their family they will ignore the weaker members. Which is a problem for Chi-Chi for she is not stronger then Annin, for Saiyan kids can inherit some of the power of a parent, and Annin had taken after Goku's power, and her tail had kept growing back no matter how many times they cut it, which would have been great if it had been a weakness for her, but it was not. So Chi-Chi had two choices. One she can give up and let Goku take Annin with him when he goes training. Or two she can try and become stronger so Annin will hear what she is telling her. And to Chi-Chi she was not going to give up on this, so she had help set up the ability for her to train. She had gotten Bulma to build a gravity gravity chamber, to try and get strong enough that her girl would hear what she had to say. This had the added effect that Chi-Chi ended up learning to fly, making her life easier, but getting full control over Annin was not happening, for the girl saw Chi-Chi's training as a challenges and started her own training.

Right now he and the rest of his friends. were waiting for something to happen outside of South City as the time travel had told them to.

"So what do you guys think we are looking for?" asked Goku as he was looking out over South City.

"To be honest Goku. I got no idea for all we know the guy might have been lying to us, maybe it was some sort of bad joke." said Krillin while giving a nervous laugh.

"The chance of that is low if not nothing. For the kid seem to be really scared of them, and its the type of fear you don't fake," said Piccolo as he was studying the city just like Goku, "Though I will agree that this is becoming a bit of a joke, for from what the traveler said, the attack should have happened already, either he is bad at times or something has changes when he came back, for he said 09:30 and it's now 09:45 and even Vegeta has shown up now." Finish Piccolo as he looked towards Vegeta who was looking towards town as well, and looking more annoyed the ever.

"Well if my future self is really hired him to travel back in time he should be right, for I would not make such a rookie mistake as sending someone back who don't know what they are doing." remarked Bulma as she was mostly focusing on Trunks, who seem like he was enjoy everything there was happening.

"The fact that you want to see these ''Killer Machines'' Is beyond me Bulma." responded Krillin while giving her a look that show he was thinking she was crazy

" Well I'm still not leaving before I see what they look like, and nothing you say will stop me from doing this. And don't you look at me like that, I'm the smartest woman on earth!" said Bulma with pride.

"But mom did you not say that the tech coming out of 'Sparkle Industry' is some times beyond you?" said Trunks as he pointed towards her scouter phone. This made everyone but Bulma and Vegeta laugh

"Ok maybe one of the Smartest. Dr. Vomi and her daughter Dr. Twilight, has been pushing the tech world forward like I would not believe, they are even catching up to my family. And Twilight is probably the reason all of this is going so fast for them, for at the age of 9 she made the 'DNA splicing pods' and improve the Animorphaline, this made the whole animal splicing keep going, and even help fix those who had gotten stuck ugly." said Bulma

"And that is not all there is to the Animorphaline now," said Yamcha getting everyone to look over to him, "From what I have learn about it, then Animorphaline also gives the one who goes under it a physics boost based on what animal they go for. and these Boost are no joke, there was a old guy who was on his last leg at the age 110 years, but he really wanted to live far longer, so he was offer to be sliced with a Tortoise and took it, and now he is still going over 5 years later, and is happy, sure he is a lot slower then before, but his body is perfectly healthy they think he will live over another 100 years! And those who have gotten themselves sliced with stuff like wolfs have found themselves far faster, and also that their work out is giving far more result." explain Yamcha

"How do you know so much about this Yamcha? For you are not the type to look into this sort of stuff." asked Bulma while looking at him.

"Well I will be honest I have though about trying it, maybe it would be able to help me get stronger you know, for these days I'm not really that useful." said Yamcha while looking a bit down about it.

"Well maybe if you put more into your work then that would not be a problem." said Tien while still studying the city.

"Ah come on Tien you can't be serious," said Krillin while looking at Tien like he was stupid, "When was the last time you were more useful then Yamcha? for if I recall he only went down early do to a surprise attack, and it was not like you were able to much batter against Nappa, and I don't even want to talk about how out classed I felt on Namek, it was pure luck that I was helpful there. So that Yamcha is looking into stuff like this is perfectly fair. Hell I might even want to look into it as well." As Krillin finish speaking Tien just look at him for a moment before agreeing that yes they were lagging behind. Which just made Vegeta laugh for the first time. Which they ignore.

"But yeah 4 years ago they just started pumping out new tech left and right, and everything has been a banger. It got so big in the news while you were all training that pictures were finally taken off Twilight for she has been staying away from the spot light all her life. It was taken while she was out and about with her Bodyguard, which I most say is one big woman, and she also seem to have a friend with her," said Bulma as she pull out the picture of Twilight. And gave it to Krillin with Yamcha looking over his shoulder "Twilight is the one with the lab coat."

"Wow those three are some good looking girls and... IS THAT A SAIYAN TAILS!!!" scream Krillin getting everyone to come over even Vegeta. And when Vegeta got there he took the picture from them and pure shock was on his face.

"Why is Tempest here? And When did she become a Saiyan? Or was she hiding her tail this whole time! I can't believe this! Another Saiyan was hiding from her Prince I will punish her for this!!! And this Woman Twilight why is she having a strip in her hair. Yet she has a tail as well what is going on here." said Vegeta mad that he had been tricked by Tempest.

Not noticing Goku looking over his shoulder, it took a moment before he realize he had seen her before. "Wait a minute," said Goku as he took the photo from Vegeta and studying it a little closer, "I have seen this girl before! And man was she a wild one, she nearly killed me when I was a kid." laugh Goku.

"Hold up are you telling me you were nearly killed by The Dr. Twilight, Goku? And when did this happen." Asked Bulma wanting to know more.

"Oh yeah it was wild. It was just before The 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament, she is the reason why I was in that tiger skin when I showed up. I was just flying there on my nimbus, and then I got hit by a massive rock, and when I got to the ground there she was... And now that I'm thinking about it she looked like she was out for blood, like she knew me before then," said Goku thinking about the fight a bit, "But I can't say the fight with her was anything like I tried before, for she was using some sort of power I have never seen before making the rock in the area fly at me with such a speed that even today they might hurt."

"That just sound like Telekinesis like Chiaotzu does Goku." said Tien showing he is not impressed. Just for Goku to shake his head.

"No I'm sure it was not just Telekinesis, for when I touch the stones she using against me, I was able to feel her emotions, at the time I did not care... But now thinking about them, they were filed with sorrow and rage, "said Goku as he looked over the picture again, when he notice an Owl just flying over head of her. That was when he hear a hoot and looked up the cliff side and notice a tree branch sticking out of the rock side, and on that branch sat the same Owl there was looking down at him like it was angry. He was so focus on the Owl he did not react to Future Trunks come in and apologize for being late and asking why they were still here, it was first when everyone looked over to Goku and to where he was looking.

"Is there something wrong with the Owl Goku?" asked Yamcha as he walked over a put a hand on Goku's shoulder.

"Oh Please it's just an Owl, so stop looking at it Kakarrot," said Vegeta but Goku just kept looking at the Owl making Vegeta mad that he was being Ignore, and raise his hand and aimed it at the bird, "If you will not do as I ask. The I will just blow the stupid thing away." when the words left Vegeta mouth Goku tried to turn and tell him not to, it was to late and Vegeta fire a blast at the Owl.

And to the Surprise of everyone there, the Owl just raise it's wing batted the blast right back at Vegeta who was so stunned by this allowing the blast to hit him right in the face knocking him over, and then went back to looking at Goku while giving a hoot in victory. While everyone else looked up at the Owl not knowing what to do.

"Well Future boy. One of the Androids don't happen to be a bird does it?" asked Piccolo while looking over a Trunks.

"No not what I know off, the Androids are a boy and a girl, I have never seen this bird before." said Future Trunks while looking towards his dad to make sure he was ok.

And before anyone was able to do anything the Bird flew down and landed on Piccolo's shoulder and dropped a Scouter Phone into his hand, and it had a Namekien design then gave off a hoot.

"I think the Owl wants you to take it on Piccolo." said Bulma

Piccolo looked over the scouter and realize that it would fit him perfectly, so he took it on and turned it on, and the second he did he got a call. And when he picked it up he hear a voice.

"Hallo I take it I'm speaking to Piccolo?"

"Yes what do you want, and who are you?" ask Piccolo.

"Great, and before I tell you. You might want to put the scouter on speaker, that way you do not need to explain what I'm going to tell you to the others, for they will just hear it when I say it." said the voice is a calm and relaxed manner

Agreeing to this Piccolo did as he was asked but while he was doing it he realize the voice sounded familiar. "Alright it's done. But I need to ask, have we meet before? For your voice sounds really familiar to me."

And before the Voice was able to answer Vegeta finally out of the surprise of having a Owl send back his own Ki at him, and he was seeing red "How...Dare that bird do that to me and was just about to fly at the bird when he was stopped by Future Trunks, "Move out of my way brat, I'm destroying that bird!"

"You need to relax and listen to what is going to be said. I might not know what is fully going on right now, but I know this, things has changes a lot more then I wanted, and this is our only chance of finding out how." said Trunks in a bit a panic, for he was not sure what was going on, other then the Owl was part of it.

Before he was even able to respond to Future Trunks, the Scouter talked again, "I would advise you to do what our time traveler is telling you Vegeta," said the voice after which had started to take on a deadly tone, "For if even one feather is wrong on my Pet... I swear to you, that Trunks will be a only child, for I will do things towards you not even the dragon can fix," Normally Vegeta was not the type to stop just do to a thread, but for some reason he felt a bit of fear from this one, so he stood down," Good now that is handle. To answer your question, it's both a yes and a no, for from what I understand you Piccolo have assimilate my teacher, Nail."

This shocked Piccolo, for sure he had been told about Twilight, and some times when he had done his meditation , he had gotten images, and even hear voices talk, which made him remember what he had promise, "Before you go on there is something I need to tell you. Nail asked me to tell you sorry... Sorry that he was not able to live to see you again like he had promise you, he felt the need to sacrifice himself to make it so we were able to end Frieza..." said Piccolo not even realizing he had gotten a bit emotional. And it had shock all but Vegeta who was there.

There went a bit of time before there was a response, "Thank you that does mean a lot to me," said Twilight sounding a bit thankful, but that did not last long before the tone became hard, "Now back on topic. The reason for me to talk to you all is not so simple. Lets start out with what my plan was, and then I will tell you what it has become. In the start I was planning on fighting you Goku and Just you, and so you know why, and do not think this is something silly like wanting to be the strongest. No that would have been a silly reason, no the reason is that you killed my brother when you were still a kid, and I will give you one guess where that happen."

The news of Goku having killed her brother was a surprise to everyone there. "Well this is a surprise. The pure hearted Saiyan killing another brother, so it's not just your own you kill." said Vegeta with a laughter

"I would recommend you don't get to high on your house there Vegeta, for I might just let them all know about your brother!" came Twilight's reply

"You got a brother Vegeta?" asked Bulma while looking at the now stunned Prince.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT!" yell Vegeta now in a bit of a panic, do to how shameful he found his brother.

"I have my ways. Now back to the question I asked" said Twilight a bit commanding.

"It was when he attacked the Red Ribbon Army?" asked Bulma making the others look towards her.

"That is correct, for when Goku went there he did not take account for collateral damage he was doing, and hit the school there was on the grounds there, the school my brother was working at the time of his attack. Now you might think that my family would care about the army being dead right?" hearing them agree she continued, "Well then you would be wrong, for my family dislikes the army, and was just using it to make our own goals come true, and if my Brother had not be killed, we would never have had this talk." Twilight was just about to go on to her new plan when something happen she had not been ready for.

"I will be honest I have never really thought about what damage I might have done when attacking the RR back then," said Goku before taking a deep breath, "I'm probably never going to make it up to you, but I want you to know that I'm sorry for what I have done, and it's clear this has had a big impact on you. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" It was clear to hear that Goku meant what he said.

It took some time before there was a answer, "There is a part of me there really hates you right now, for you are making me question my future plans which means I have wasted time... I will need time to think about this. But for now I want to go over the new plan, for that one will happen no matter what, thanks to Trunks from the Future, making one big mistake." said Twilight.

This made everyone look towards Future Trunks. And the first one to come out of the shock was Kid Trunks who just point towards his Future self, "So I'm going to look like that... Cool." said Kid Trunks, as his mother was just looking at the two, and having a hard time coming to terms with it

Now in a panic Future Trunks went over to Goku and start to ask questions wanting to know how she knew who he was, and why she blame him. And so Twilight start to explain them everything about Cell from the Future and about how he got here in Future Trunks own Time machine, and how she heard everything Future Trunks told Goku.

"Now with all this explain. Here is what will happen, I'm Inviting you all to come and fight me and my friend, for we would like to test you all, to see what you can do. You can of course ignore this, and go and look for Cell or ignore everything you have been told if you think you can't handle it. And yes this invitation is for the humans as well, we can even offer you help to grow stronger if that is what you wish for, now before I tell you where you can find us any questions?" finish Twilight.

"Yeah I do have a question, if you are as powerful as you think then how come we have never felt your power?" asked Vegeta

"Oh that is easy, myself I'm a bit of a special case and I will let you all try and find out on your own, I will be surprise if you find out however I do not think any of you will... Well maybe Nail will. As for Tempest, she got a item I have made there hides her Ki fully, the only way to find her is to have one of the more special scouters I have made for family and friends, for where the old model only looked for Ki and gave you a number for the power, which made them blow up a lot, so I remove the power reading and just made it into a pure scouter making it able to find nearly any Ki, sadly Cell is one of those who are still able to hide, but I know where everyone of you are right now, and even the friends you left behind at Master Roshi. Speaking of the model you have been given Piccolo is one I made just for you and I hope you will keep it, it got the ability to find my friend if you want to, and got my number in it already so if you need to ask something you can call at any time." explain Twilight.

With that said everyone looked to Piccolo, "What does she mean Piccolo?" asked Gohan.

"Well I have been seeing some of the things I did with her as training, and I can feel I know what she is meaning, but I'm not fully sure on it, for Nail's memories are not fully mine so they are a bit hard to look into. But there is one thing I'm sure on, and that is that we can trust her." reply Piccolo, and it was at this moment Owlowiscious landed on Gohan's head giving off a happy hoot.

"Any more questions or are you all ready for the test?" asked Twilight

Looking around at the others before saying anything Goku felt sure when he said," we're ready!" he said with determination.

"Good the way you find us, is by following Owlowiscious, he will show you the way." and with that said Owlowiscious took off towards the testing grounds.

Author's Note:

The reason for Naming Goku's new kid Annin and not naming her after Chi Chi's Mom is do to not knowing her name, and I do not know if she has ever been named.

Also Annin got the normal hair color of the Saiyans, and she also got her tail.
And for those who have never seen Annin before.