• Published 20th Aug 2023
  • 6,261 Views, 512 Comments

Live, Die, Repeat - Hidden_Night

An Isekai starts when you die, so what if you kept dying and got placed somewhere else?

  • ...

Gods! Goddess! And me!

I don’t know what to do. I tried to open the lock on the door to Celestia’s room. It turns out it’s enchanted with a magic lock I can’t absorb or even crack. Almost as if it was tailor-made to prevent anyone from entering. The balcony doesn't look too appealing. I could jump, but that just leaves me at the mercy of the portals I can create. Jumping will keep my momentum, so I’d rather not deal with math to keep myself living.

Now, in someone’s bed-chamber, I feel awkward. So far, my teleportation magic is just within eyesight. If I had any amount of chaos magic, I could force myself just outside the doors by shifting reality, but since that old British man turned chaos magic off for my body, I can't either.

Then, I turned to the extra-large bed in the center of the room. I prefer a corner bed myself, but that's just me, as any normal person would do when they see a massive bed. I jumped upon it and sprawled my limbs everywhere. It was the most comfy bed I've ever experienced, the delicate velvet pillows lovingly pressed against my head. The mattress itself was almost like a cloud, with how fluffy it was. I was in heaven.

That British man said to make chaos, so I'm creating chaos all over this bed. This is not an innuendo; I'm just relaxing.

Closing my eyes, I just retired my body to chill. The chaos around me is still active; it will probably take another 30 minutes to fix, or 22, give or take.

With the door to the room creaking open, I raised my head, peering at Celestia entering her room. She was seemingly exhausted as soon as the door closed. Her poise and grace were lost, now letting her body feel the weight of itself. “Finally. Discord kept his word about my room all these years. Perhaps he has some good within him still.” She used magic to remove her golden accessories, leaving her pure white fur unguarded by materials.

When she turned to me, she was shocked before regaining her poise. “Welcome, my little pony. I wasn't expecting any pony to take asylum in my chambers.”

“It wasn't by choice, Princess.” Her magic is overwhelming. The pressure she exudes from just having her magic up is intoxicating. The absolute power I can get from just being near her is too much. Alicorn magic is one hell of a drug. “That weird…goat, bird, lion, lizard…thing brought me here.”

“So Discord is the one who brought you here.” She walked up to the bed. I just decided to get off. It was her bed, after all. “Thank you.” She began to climb onto the bed, her body perfectly fit in the bed relatively comfortably, but something about her movements felt stiff and anchored, as if my presence was preventing her from getting a pleasing rest.

“You okay there, Princess?” I tilt my head, walking around the bed to get within eyesight of her. Though she may be resting, she still attempts to keep some grace about her.

“Yes. I appreciate your concern. It's only been a long day. My faithful student shall take care of it. I'm only here for a moment once Discord has been finished. You may leave.” Right now, she’s loafing herself, lying down like a cat. I wonder how comfy that is when there's a cushion beneath me.

“Huh. Neat.” I sit down, not exceptionally comfortable on the hard floor, but better than nothing.

“So what brings you to the castle, if I may ask?”

“I was here to teach Princess Luna about Dream Magic, then the whole chaos magic guy came around and shut my lesson down.”

“Never expected Luna to require dream magic. I wonder why she never talked to me about it.” Why is she slightly offended by that? I know they're sisters and spent one thousand years apart. I thought they would know boundaries by now.

“I don't know either, but I'm here. I'm supposed to leave tomorrow, but I don't know if my train schedule will be messed up tomorrow.”

“If it’s the hours you're worried about, it should still be nightfall once discord is defeated. Think of the clock as being paused for the time being.”

“Works for me.” I wonder if it's appropriate to mention my literal broke self or the fact that I’m going to be homeless once on my train ride back.

“Rest, my little pony. You shall receive private chambers for yourself soon, as of now.”

“Thank you, Princess. It gives me time to read now.” So much for the nap I was going to take, but if she’s going to take up the bed, then I won't complain. She is literally three times my size. Opening my pocket dimension caught her attention, and her head turned to look at my magic.

“That’s new. When did you learn that spell?” She was eying up my spell before attempting to replicate it.

“Uh, I don't know when I did. I can sort of open it at will at some point.” I scratch the floor some more. I should kept that spell under wraps.

“It seems that it’s a much more secure place to keep the elements instead of the vault.” She could drag my portal to my pocket relatively easily using her magic, seemingly wanting insight into how I've done it.

“Hey! That's my pocket dimension.”

“Yes, it is. I just needed to look into it…” She focused for a moment. Her power is actively pushing me away, and then suddenly, a poof of magic—Celestia now has her own pocket dimension formed.

“Twilight should be able to access this if given the same spell, correct?”

“I mean, yeah. Technically, it works like hammerspace. Only instead of storing things on you, you put them in what is essentially a safe. Just your own code on the spell.”

“And how secure is this spell?”

“You can set a passcode for the pocket if needed, yes. The only issue is, I think Chaos Magic.”

“Well, considering we only have one active chaos magic user who's likely to be sealed again, then it's secure enough for the elements.”

“Okay. Should I write the spell down for you or?…”

“Yes. That would be most beneficial.”

“Alright then.” I didn't have any parchment on hand, but Celestia was kind enough to hand me over a couple of rolls. Apparently, she keeps them around to send a response to her faithful student.

With the spell written down and instructions on how to replicate said spell. She somehow copied and pasted the ink onto another roll of parchment and rolled it up, sealing it with a red ribbon with her seal, the gold-encrusted sun.

“So we should just wait this out?”

“Yes. It would seem if you don't mind. Discord appeared when I was deep in sleep. I would like to get some rest.”

“It's quite alright. I’ll just be reading.” That brought up a soft chuckle from her.

“You should spend time with my student if you're just going to read.” I could only smile at her request before she lowered her head onto the pillow, giving a giant huff as she got comfy.

You know, I should find a way to spend time with her. I ain't liking how stiff she is and the formalities.

Perhaps, given time, we could be friends.

Author's Note:

I have zero clue as to what I'm doing still.

Gonna take a short hiatus after this to refresh the idea of the story I had in my head. Also to re-watch season two.