• Published 20th Aug 2023
  • 6,259 Views, 512 Comments

Live, Die, Repeat - Hidden_Night

An Isekai starts when you die, so what if you kept dying and got placed somewhere else?

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Taking no chances.

I have to get out of here. I don’t think staying in Longsword will be very beneficial. I don’t have a power source nearby to draw from, Celestia and Luna aren’t going to be stepping over to Longsword considering it’s placement on the map. They already have one foot on the door with New Manehatten, they don’t need to be smack dab in the middle. If they push themselves right into this spot, Griffonia will most likely take offense, and the River ponies won’t exactly like big sister breathing down their necks either.

So I’m getting the fuck out. I look at the two bird gentleman before me, they’re still struggling with their paralysis. “Eh. You’ll be fine.”

“Fuck you!” He started yelling in German again. Probably saying a ton of slurs my way. Okay dude, we get it you’re bilingual. Shut up. I give him a good kick on the beak for good measure. I heard something crack, how fortunate for him, he has something to remember me by. That reminds me, while I’m in Canterlot I should get Twilight, and Spike some doughnuts.

With my portal still opened I turned around and went through, kicking some dirt behind me on the griffon’s face. He deserved that. With myself back in the room, I check outside. Still within the night hours, good. I can get at most four hours of sleep. Hopefully the princesses won’t ask what I’ve been up to, but how do I give them this note from the griffins? It’s hopefully solid proof of their involvement with the whole kill all ponies on sight thing. Is it war plans? Orders? A random poem from a lover? I’ll need someone who can read German to do that for me. I can write it off as something I took when I was saving Nameless.

Is this even called German in this world? I’ll give a minor guess and call it Gryphon language for now. Unless someone has a really funny pun they’ll tell me relatively soon.

When I close the portal behind me, that strong sense of love magic is live again. I felt it once before, now I’m feeling it again. How am I absorbing this much love magic? I don’t even know any charm spells! Unless I can shoot it as a laser beam, then fuck yeah love magic. For now, I just see pointless magic I can’t use, but hey, it’s there.

I just sit there waiting for the eventual sudden rise of love magic to happen before I sleep. So, sitting there I think about what to bring from Canterlot. I wonder if they got some book stores around, I do need some sort of magic book to study while I can. The whole griffon duo reminded me that my life can be taken away if I don’t put action into my life.

I wonder what I should study…I should ask Twilight, she’s a massive nerd she can probably help me with my studies. It’ll actually make me go through a book way faster if she’s also familiar with the magic we are studying. Damn, I’m actually looking forward to that, it will actually be nice to hang out with Twilight.

Wait, that source of love magic stopped all of a sudden. Hearing loud clip clop noises outside my door. Oh no, is she.

“I feel a love problem!” With a powerful kick the the door slammed open, causing my body to jump as a very sweaty pink alicorn was staring at me, panting and smelling really strong. Nameless was surprisingly still asleep, inherit my heavy sleeping why don’t you?

“Can I help you?…”

“No! I can help you!” She was okay? I think I can smell fish, do Pegasi eat fish or was that just her?

“Oookay? Can we take this outside? There’s a filly sleeping here.”

“Oh. Right sorry.” She immediately quieted down. I guess she might be good around fillies. She slowly stepped back from the room, I followed after her and closed the door behind me.

“Who are you anyway? I can recognize the other two Alicorns I know, but not you.” She is definitely royalty with the whole wings and horn thing.

“Oh. I’m Princess Cadance. Princess of Love.” She is a mess right now, messy hair, kinda sweaty, baggy eyes. To be fair I guess she doesn’t really care if no aristocrats are here. Plus she seems young, absurdly young compared to Luna and Celestia. Early thirties or late twenties. So she has some wiggle room to cut loose.

“Oh. Love magic. We got the sun, moon, and love. You’d think there’d be a planet princess with the space gimmick that was happening until now.”

“Haha, yeah, but love is important too. Like the sun and moon, love makes the world go round.”

“Fair.” Wait I thought this planet was stationary, unless that’s a saying about the cycle of life…I’ll file that under strange circumstances.

“So, if you were wondering, my job is usually to manage foreign relations, but I dabble in a couple of relationship advice here and there. So, lay it on me, I can feel you’re in love with some pony, and you’re not sure how to approach.”

“…Isn’t it a bit late for that?” I take a look around, there’s no windows. Probably because this is a hallway for rooms.

“It’s never too late to recognize your feelings.” She is excitable, reminds me of Twilight. “Like right there! I felt it right there.” She suddenly puts her hoof to my chest, stopping my train of thought.

“I…uh…don’t know what you mean.” She’s scaring me slightly, is her obsession with love how she became a princess of love?

“So tell me. I need to know so I can help you!”

I need to get out of here, if anything I’d rather confess my feelings towards Twilight myself. I ain’t taking any chances on love advice, I’m going to be me.

“I…I think I can do it myself. I thank you for your support in my endeavor, however I believe what I’m doing will secure my spot in that pony’s heart.”

“Yeah. But love is fleeting, it’s not like you can generate love on a whim.”

“…” I’m going to be mean. Fuck the consequences. “You mean like the ones you generate all the time?”

“I mean. My love is different. It’s not like-“

“No, I mean the ones you generate in your room.”

“Wait..no…I thought no one can…sweet Celestia have you been watching?!” She is suddenly angry at me, and now I’m stuck cowering before a very angry women. Note to self, don’t poke the lion.

“What?! No! I absorb magic passively, and every time I’m in this castle, I feel a sudden urge of love magic from you!” Is it good to yell back when a women is yelling at you? No, does it feel cathartic? Also no, I’m chalking this up to bad decisions volume 48: Equestrian edition.

“But…” Her face turned red, I swear I could see some tears from her eyes. I guess she’s really mad and embarrassed at the same time. There’s a word for this I think…

She takes a deep breath and huffs my direction. “Fine. But mark my words, you will need my help with your love life!” She marches away back to her bedroom. Crisis averted!

Yet, I don’t feel very accomplished, just very hollow after making someone almost cry. This isn’t a good feeling.

“…stagnant air is a common sign of foreshadowing.” I’ll definitely be seeing Cadance again, hopefully I can make amends. Women are difficult.