• Published 20th Aug 2023
  • 6,254 Views, 512 Comments

Live, Die, Repeat - Hidden_Night

An Isekai starts when you die, so what if you kept dying and got placed somewhere else?

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Great and Powerful Tutor! TRRRRRRR-

“WHAT?!” Twilight doesn’t really yell at me, so I had to jump in my chair. Almost spilling my cereal. Having to quickly adjust my bowl, I don’t want to cry over spilt milk today.

Oh hey, I can hear my thoughts again. Neat! Bababooey!

“What do you mean you’re meeting Trixie?” Twilight sat back down in her seat, realizing she’s spilling her milk.

“Oh hey, you know her that’s neat!” I drink my coffee

“I do know her, she’s the mare who embarrassed my friends!”

“Cool. Good to know she is talented enough to do so.”

“Cool? Cool?! Anonymous, if she’s meeting you alone, in the Everfree, with an expected payment. She’s going to rob you! Why else would she meet you in the castle of the two sisters?”

“No she won’t, I’m very capable with my magic. You should know this by now.”

“Yes, while you are talented. You don’t know the basics of magic combat, even I know the basics.” I flinch at the accusation, I do know magic combat Twilight, I just never told or shown you. I don’t think I told her much about myself. I should remedy that.

“Why? Is your brother a soldier who taught you how to defend yourself?”

“Yes, how did you know?”

“…lucky guess.” I sip my coffee as I look outside. I’m a little bit offended. I do know my magic combat! How else would I have survived in multiple lifetimes? It’s quite easy, just blast a bigger bolt of energy, or drain them until they can’t cast magic then retaliate. “But don’t worry, I’ll be fine. I do know how to fight.”

“Please Anonymous-“

I cut Twilight off, “That’s quite enough, alright? I’m a grown ass man, and back where I’m from, we learn to defend ourselves before we can speak! Well, not literally, but I can fight.” Why am I so heated? I didn’t have to assert my voice like that.

“I…fine. If you get robbed, don’t pin it on me. I’ll look for you if you don’t come back.” Twilight is looking a little annoyed. It’ll be fine, I swear.

“Right…I’ll…be on my way.” I get off the chair and take my cereal to the sink, drinking the last of the milk before setting it down.

“You go do that.” Her voice is firm, I can’t help but feel a little bad for my actions. I’ll apologize later, I have to get my priorities straight now. Learn Illusionary Magic, talk to someone about mental health, and then date Twilight. Getting myself back into the dating scene will be difficult, just gotta make myself worthy!

I leave the kitchen. Taking a look back to see a miffed Twilight and Spike just talking, probably about what just happened.

I am stupid, but I’m still stupid. So I’m just gonna go.

Anonymous walked out of the library and made his way towards the forest, his mind feeling a little sealed since he left. “That’s odd, can’t hear myself think now…” He rubs his horn, a slight tingle to his horn shocks his hoof. “Ouch, I’m guessing I’m still at maybe 60%? No, 65% full strength. Twilight must be a strong one for me to get myself to think properly.”

His eyes wander the streets of Ponyville. It’s been a while since he’s been here now. It still doesn’t feel like home to him, still the mentality of a tourist here. Even with his studying at home, he can’t help but shake that feeling.

He needs friends, he knows this. The only ponies he feels a somewhat connection with are the royals, Luna and Twilight. Luna is the Princess of the Moon, and Twilight is straight up a protégé to the Princess of the Sun. He starts to think about visiting Luna, probably to tease her about Blood Moon, and other various jokes.

Also to give Twilight a proper hang out session that isn’t spending hours in the basement creating nothing. The design process of streamlining the Timberwolf Magic Engine (patent pending) hasn’t been going the greatest. Too many failures.

He didn’t realize he ended up at the Everfree’s edge until he bumped his head on a tree with a ‘bonk’ accompanying his new injury. “Ow.” He rubs his forehead. “Yep. Therapy. Should move that up a tier. Why did I need therapy now?” Sidestepping the tree he bumped into he walks through the dark confines of the Everfree. His magic absorption getting more energy the closer he gets to the castle.

He feels, invigorated. His mind slowly forming itself in his head. Though, the magic feels angry. The nature of the energy was palpable, he could taste it. It feels a lot like the energy that Luna and Celestia would give off. Though it’s odd he didn’t feel such power in her dreams.

His hooves shake at the thought of so much power. Excitement coursing through his body. She’s a real deal, a powerful illusionist! No wonder she asks for so much, it’s a necessity. She has the power, she gets to demand as much as she wants. “Is 60 bits a lot? It doesn’t seem like that much to me.” He mutters, still unable to hear himself think. “Doesn’t matter! Let’s go!”

He quickly jogs over the bridge above the dark cavern below as he felt the energy grow stronger the closer he gets to it. It’s beautiful.

“Wait.” He halts himself before entering the castle proper. The door was right before him, he could feel her on the other side waiting.

“If Twilight says she’ll rob me then I got to test this theory first.” He decided to cast a spell on himself first, a quick emergency teleport spell. The destination needs to be set as well, so he let the spell teleport behind the attacker. All in hopes that he could say the funny line.

He stepped inside, seeing the sky blue mare with a black cloak covering most of her body. The magical artifact acting as a collar keeping her ensemble together. She was staring at one the door, awaiting her student. With a smile she brushed off dirt and

“You’ve arrived, Trixie was half expecting a fluke or Trixie’s mind playing tricks.” She looks malnourished, from what little Anonymous can see under her cloak, she hasn’t been eating well at all. “Didn’t even let Trixie confirm if you were real!” She stomps a hoof to the ground.

“Oh, so that’s why you wanted me to wait.” Anonymous couldn’t hear himself think, but still wondered why all the powerful wizards he meet always refer to themselves in the third person. Is it a magic thing, an ego thing, or a title thing? He never really figured it out.

“Trixie will forgive this. As long as you provide the bits.” She looks at Anonynous, inspecting him. The Amulet she bought recently will do wonders with keeping a new stream of income. Bleeding this colt dry of his funds!

“Right. 60 bits…” He opened his pocket dimension, and pulled out a small bag of bits he had prepared the morning earlier to give to Trixie.

Trixie seemed intrigued by such a spell and attempted to replicate it by just seeing. The spell she casted accidentally opened a different type of pocket. It was watery, so purple. An obsidian black edge outlined the portal.

“Ooo. Fancy.” Anonymous was happy with the talent his new tutor showcased, then the edges of the portal began to spin, a suction began to pull the both of them towards the portal. “Wait. What did you do?!” Anonymous yelped out as his bits bag was whisked away into the portal. The edge slowly shifting into a swirling mass of magic.

“T-Trixie is just uh- HAS THIS UNDER CONTROL!” Her eyes lit up red, the horn following quickly. The fury she felt at this embarrassment was enough to shoot a blast to close the portal. In the end, it just made it worse, causing the portal to only grow stronger with its suction.

“Woah!” Anonymous felt his body lift into the air, his instincts kicked into look around to find something to grab. “Chain of Thorns!” Anonymous used his horn to light up a magic chain to grab onto a nearby pillar.

“Noooo!” Trixie began to struggle against her own spell. Using her magic to form crystals to root herself into the ground. “Trixie will not have her own spell backfire! Dissapear!” She closed her eyes and felt a surge of anger, using this emotion she attempted to close the portal again. This time, she tried to forcefully stop the suction. Her magic gripping the sides of the portal like a valve, she attempted to halt the constant turning. It didn’t work, her magical grip slipping as the portal was practically unstoppable. “Gah! I can’t stop it!”

“Maybe I can! But uh…” He looks down at Trixie’s hooves, seeing he’s running out of time with crystals at her hooves began to crack, then suddenly shatter. A scream escaped Trixie’s mouth as she flies towards the portal.

“Damnit! Uh…” He looks at the pillar he is attached to but decided to let go. The chain breaking and he began to let the suction bring himself towards the portal. Reaching out a hoof to attempt to catch her. “Trixie!”

Trixie however was flailing about and accidentally bucked Anonynous in the face, causing his vision to dizzy up for a moment. A moment to long as both of them ended up swallowed by the portal.

The portal lingers for a moment before suddenly closing, leaving no trace of anything being there.

“Ow…” Anonymous felt his eyes finally steady straight as he pushed himself off the oddly blue rock he was standing on. His magic absorption was on overdrive, healing the bruise on his forehead swiftly. His eyes darted around, it was dark. Yet he felt something approach quickly, he turned around to see a growling three headed. He yelped in fear as he jumped back, “Cerberus?! That’s a thing in this world?” His heart was pounding, the magic he’s absorbing from just being here was just too much. It was powerful. Even more so from this dog, who seemed to be loaded with the energy.

The dog didn’t seem keen on killing him, but only to guard something. Like a good guard dog. Even if that guard dog is Cerberus.

Stepping away from the dog, he quickly went away from the area he was guarding. Which seemed to be staircase to a cage. The contents he could not see. It’s not the time to be exploring he has to find someone.

“Trixie?!” He yelled out, trying to see if his mentor was safe. His adventures now taking him to an unknown.

Author's Note:

Welcome to Tartarus. Aka Pony Hell, Aka Cozy Glow’s Time Out chambers.

I wonder if I can keep going with this trait. Think about problems, wants to solve it, goes to furthering his problems without realizing.

For me, it’s a little difficult to write. Yet, fun. Can’t explain why it’s fun, but I’m having fun.

I’m trying to improve my writing. Story beats are getting somewhere now at least. Firm ideas at this point. Just at a loss of how to execute.

To make this easier, I’ll just write it down.

Improvement (Mind TL {We are Here} - Body AJ - Soul FS) - Royalty (T-L-C) - Royalty (PT.2 Cr-Ca-S-D) - Invasion - ???

The future is there at least. Going to try to reach for three chapters per arc for every large arc.

Also, honest thoughts. First or Third Person? I make some funny business happen depending on what gets chosen.

Will keep writing and editing my work, thank you all for enjoying my stuff.