• Published 20th Aug 2023
  • 6,260 Views, 512 Comments

Live, Die, Repeat - Hidden_Night

An Isekai starts when you die, so what if you kept dying and got placed somewhere else?

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Anonymous was walking down…nowhere, he picked a direction and began to walk. He’s in a middle of a grassy field just moving forward. Due to his distance from Ponyville he couldn’t teleport directly too there, and even if he did the ambient magic found out here meant that he wouldn’t have a second shot if he went into somewhere dangerous. Like Tartarus again.

Yet the grassy fields slowly change, green pastures slowly melded down into a grey dull quarry. His legs were finally aching at the hooves. His body felt like it was being beat down from the heat of the sun. It sucked to put it lightly. “How the fuck did it get hotter as soon as I got here?!”

His voice was hard by no one as the cold wind brushed his already sweaty body. “And it’s windy…am I near a cave?” His question was answered as soon as he looked over to the left, it was a quarry. A giant hole in the ground in a spiral formation for harvesting and collecting minerals for mining. Either that or it’s just a neat hole. Anonymous was standing just at the edge of a sudden drop to the quarry. He took a step back and used his magic to slide down the wall to land himself on the flat ground.

Anonymous looked down at the mine below as he walked up the path, heading towards the only exit to the quarry. “Good start. If there’s a mine, there’s a path to any sort of civilization, mining communities most likely. No Dwarves as far as I saw in this world so probably Earth Ponies manage this place. I hope they’re not racist like Dwarves, but I’ll take what I can get.” Not very good memories with Dwarves, well that’s before he got drunk with the Dwarves. It becomes ‘blood brothers for life’ and the ‘mine is our paradise and home’. A bunch of nonsense that he falls for every time. Though he hates elves though, they suck.

Anonymous stops himself as he looks at a sign. “Welcome to Rockville,” He reads out loud, “Population…Pie…” His head tilts at the latter half, it was a poorly drawn image of a pie nailed on the sign. He lifts up the piece of paper and saw the population was small, only five residents. “It’ll do. Family community most likely, a married family who won’t stop making kids and they had a population big enough to become a village technically, or everyone moved out. Though they have a mine. Miner family?”

He talked past the sign, on his new journey he walked past a couple of rocks littered on the ground, the ground was covered in a thin layer of dirt but clearly was over from a wonderful gray quarry extending this far out. A fence post along the path reminded him that this was probably someone’s land. He didn’t want to test Earth Pony strength firsthand yet.

“Rocks…more rocks.” He looks over the land and noticed a single windmill in the center of this patch of land, running down wires that bump out of the ground and into a house. “At least they have electricity, unless that just grinds rocks. I wouldn’t be surprised if it did.” He was approaching a nearby entrance to the farm, just an opening at fence with another sign. Pie Family Rock Farm. “Huh…rocks…I wonder if there’s a turd farm. Lot of money in turds.”

With nothing left to lose he approached the house, deciding to slowly knock on the door. “Howdy there partner!” A redneck tone of voice rung out to him. His head quickly darts to the left him to see what spoke to him. “Down here buddy!”

Anonymous looked down to see a rock. Not even that it’s more of a pebble just placed on the railing of the porch. “What the fuck…” Anonymous slowly muttered as he stared down at the pebble. He could feel a magic signature in the mineral friend, but he can’t absorb anything from it. Must be because it’s a rock.

“Names Boulder! I hope ya don’t mind me askin’ but what in Celestia’s green pastures is a stringy fella like you doing here?” The rock doesn’t even move, Anonymous had to bring up the stone to his ear to even hear him better.

“I’m Anonymous, uh, are you real?”

“As real as I’d ever be! Hell, it’s nice to finally meat another pony who can understand my persuasion.”


“Correct-o my friend-o, my best buddy Maud takes care of little ol’ me. She’s such a sweetheart she is she is.”

“I feel I should know who that is, but I’m oddly hungry for a Mud Pie…or anything really. I haven’t eaten in a few days.” Anonymous felt his stomach rumble the stocked up magic from Tartarus isn’t going to last for much longer.

“Now dontcha get your little head in a twist. We got tons of things for ya—oh hey Maud!”

“Maud? Who was—“ He turned his head to the right and saw a grey mare stare at him with a blank expression. “Oh Jesus!” He flinched at the sudden friend beside him, almost dropping Boulder from his grasp. He didn’t even feel her!

“Hello. Could you please give Boulder to me?”

“Yeah. Yeah. Sure.” He slowly hands over Boulder to who he can only assume is Maud and give her the rock.

She brought the rock to her ear. He could hear whispers of something.

“So Boulder says you can be trusted. Can you please follow me? With a unicorn we could lessen up our work hours to just a few less hours.” Her voice was almost monotone, slow and tedious but every word given a chance to be heard and spoken.

“Very helpful. I guess. Wait, can I get food after or before working?”

“After. It’s only an hour to lunch.”

“Great. Great. I’m Anonymous.” He held out his hoof in hopes for a greeting

“Maud.” With a curt nod she shook his hoof as well, even her shaking his hoof felt static. It was odd.

“I guess I’m working on a rock farm?”

“Correct. We are harvesting granite today for an order. A pony apparently broke the gate to Tartarus and the groundskeeper has approached us to supply material.” Maud let go and began to walk down the path exiting her home. Anonymous had to follow behind her. Working on a rock farm should be…fun? The children and by extension, Anonymous yearn for the mines.

Author's Note:

Behold! Rocks!

Sorry for the lack of updates recently. I got into FFXIV. Should be pretty obvious where I went with my free time.

Sorry for the short chapter.

Comments ( 22 )

“Correct. We are harvesting granite today for an order. A pony apparently broke the gate to Tartarus and the groundskeeper has approached us to supply material.” Maud let go and began to walk down the path exiting her home. Anonymous had to follow behind her. Working on a rock farm should be…fun? The children and by extension, Anonymous yearn for the mines.

Who could that be hmn?

It took me this long to realize that Maud Pie was a play on "Mud pie"

Anonymous will even get to Sing as he delves into the heart of the earth and harvests its bounty.

I am a Dwarf and I’m digging a hole

Diggy diggy Hole

Diggy Diggy hole

The mines, they call and sing their sickeningly sweet tune.

Great chapters, and you enjoy that Final Fantasy!

Anonymous yearn for the mines.

Guess the pie family had the right idea to use their children as miners. Children love mines after all.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone give Boulder a voice before. I like it!! 👍🏻:twilightsmile:👍🏻

Boulder is a Rock Neck? :pinkiegasp:

Why do I get this thought of a Balrog flying way up in the sky and detonating with a city killing blast, with Maud looking at Boulder and saying. He annoyed me.:eeyup:

We got Turd Mines. Theyre called Sewage Farms. :yay:

It also doubles as plot convenience to not have Tirek around tbh.

Best MMORPG claims another one. Hope you enjoy the journey! :twilightsmile:

Anon's nether portal is probably a huge security risk. If he ends up back in he could just put another together, so he probably should've closed the door behind him

11762817 It was simple for me to figure it out... for you see...

Though he hates elves though, they suck.

I got along well with elves! They start out all tsundere, but then get inducted into my harem! (Alondro gets isekai'd to ecchi worlds... like, a LOT!) :rainbowwild:

By all means, keep going if you're enjoying the writing!
But definitely don't try to rush or force a piece.
Too many stories on here just quietly die because the Author pushes themselves too hard to meet some imaginary deadline, and burn out.
Better to have a story that people keep coming back to, than one that people only read because it updates daily.

At the end of the day, this is YOUR story, and tell it the way YOU want to.

He can talk to Boulder... oh boy...

Damn, I was just checking what to read and boom, story is over, though I’ll await until the remake is out and ready.


As little anon was MADE in a cave. Not found in one.

It’s still a lie.


why cancelled? (((

Looks like hes remaking it. Check authors lastest stories.

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