• Published 20th Aug 2023
  • 6,260 Views, 512 Comments

Live, Die, Repeat - Hidden_Night

An Isekai starts when you die, so what if you kept dying and got placed somewhere else?

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Eggs and Book Horse.

How…advance are these ponies?

I stare at the kitchen before me, this stove isn’t gas powered it’s magic powered. I can feel it, there’s a heating crystal somewhere embedded into the circuits. Yet there’s also electricity, it generates from yet another crystal.

There’s a fridge, dishwasher, blender, microwave, and, a sink all here. It’s way too modern, it’s been a while since I’ve entered a proper modern society. It’s nice to see there’s actual advancements in terms of technology with magic. I can assume they had no need to create microchips, who needs something to be sorted when a simple magic circuit does it for you?

I’m digressing, I still have 3 foals I need to feed. And one adult! I forgot to eat yesterday and I’m pretty sure that made the drained mana thing very difficult.

Digging into the fridge I see oddly cheap looking ingredients. I’d assume there’s a wine bottle in here somewhere, or it’s hidden.

So getting some eggs, biscuits, and oat hay. Hay is for horses. I start to fire them up on the grill. The oat hay oddly behaves like ground beef in this world, so I just made 4 patties with them. Put a sunny side up egg ontop the patty, then layer them into biscuits that have been cut in half. Bam! Breakfast Sandwich. Just some apple slices on the side and pour a good glass of milk. All part of a complete breakfast if I do says k myself. Horse food…I think I did well.

Gotta tell Rarity the damages. Once she comes back from whatever she’s doing. Not my place to know, though I do gotta ask about this Twilight person pony, pony-person. Anyone with spells is automatically useful to me, I learn more by example than with reading, then it becomes second nature once I can replicate it.

While I wait for the girls to come down I crack open one of the books I checked out. The law will be read and it will be understood!

Okay, some interesting points.

First off, it’s pretty standard with normal societies. It’s oddly progressive despite the government body being the Diarchy, the House of Nobles, and the Commons. With the Diarchy being the head of everything, being Judge, Jury, Law makers, and of course, diplomats. That’s a lot of duties, but they mainly hold Day and Night Courts, where they take suggestions from both the Commons and Nobles. It also says they raise the sun and moon, I mean I’m not doubting, but I am doubting. Should keep an eye on the sun and moon, if they’re actually raising it I can probably feel their magic.

The Nobles are the backbone of society, to get elected there is either through bloodline or work hard enough to become rich. There’s at least two nobles per city, with Ponyville’s representative being Filthy Rich and Spoiled Rich, formerly Spoiled Milk. The Noble’s mainly handle economic affairs and development in Equestria. They’re the ones who have developed technology, such as trains and the stoves. They also have a lead head for the nobles, some guy named Prince Blueblood. Fitting.

The Commons are the people, to be elected is to be chosen through democracy, and every city gets one per few thousand citizens. Ponyville being small it only gets one Mayor Mare. Another odd name, was she destined to be a mayor? They are the actual law makers, while the Diarchy can make the laws, it’s up to the Commons to enforce, amend, and implement laws. Usually through a democratic vote.

It also says a Noble can be elected as a Commons Spokespony, and vice versa. So dual classing is quite common. Such as with Jet Set, and Captain Spitfire. Though I’m not sure Wonderbolts Training camp counts as an actual town, I guess the Military does get special privileges.

It’s not a fantasy society without a class system.

Though, it seems the actual law book is quite basic. Don’t kill, don’t steal, don’t be this, don’t be that yadayadayada. Just don’t be a dick, is what I’m seeing. However the book was nice enough to include some humorous laws in a section about failed laws.

Like in Manehatten it was illegal to handle fish with evil intent. Since apparently the pegasi kept dropping live fish on ponies and it caused a panic, thinking it was the start of a tribal war. Fun times with Racism in a fantasy world, I’m so immersed!

And how you can’t kidnap a Stallion as a Mare, but it’s okay to kidnap a Mare as a Stallion. Apparently that law was implemented to fight declining male birthrates. It’s stable now of course, even if it’s 35%/65% in terms of male to female birth rates.

With that I close the book in my hooves, looking at the girls enjoying their breakfast. It was nice to see someone enjoy my cooking. Their plates are empty, bellies full I hope as they thank me for my cooking. Of course, I let it go to my head.

The other two left to go home as promised to their families and they set off. Leaving me and Sweetie Belle alone for a time.

“Hey, A-Anonmous?” She struggles to say my name, but at least she’s trying, getting it right enough for me to look down at her.

“Yeah?” Personally I was going to start digging into the magic book.

“What’s it like being homeless?” Asking the harsh questions right away when others are gone, well might as well be honest.

“Pretty boring, don’t recommend.” What do I say? I’ve only been homeless for a day in this world!

“So why move here?”

“It seems…” Why am I moving here? Other than the trial of seeing how long I last. Just say something cryptic. “Or rather it feels like my destiny to be here.”

“Yeah, lots of interesting things here happen all the time! Maybe you’ll be in one of them!”

Oh, fuck. I’m living in interesting times. That’s a bad prospect for my life. Usually when something interesting is happening in a fantasy world, it’s a monster attack, or a new princess emerges that destabilizes the country, or total war. Placing bets on new princess.

“Maybe. Maybe…” With the Dream Mage in my mists I’m sure I’m now the target of this interesting time already, I could jump ship and move to a new town, but no! I’m not running away! Hear me destiny! I don’t fear you! Come at me, take my life! I dare you! I double dare you mother fucker!

“Anonymous?” Hey she got my name right. “Why are you smiling at the ceiling?”

“Pulp Fiction.”



. . .

There was a knock at the door.

“Oh thank…” Almost said god, what is their god here anyway? The book wasn’t specific. “Gosh?”

I slowly pan my eyes to Sweetie next to me, only to see she wasn’t there. She was already at the door opening it wide open for her sister, which is Rarity, to walk in. Chatting amongst themselves as they walk inside.

It feels rude to intrude on family affairs so I’ll just turn over here. With a quick pan of the neck I look at one of the display dresses, on a mannequin but pony shape. ‘Wow that’s a very nice dress.’ I stare at a simple sundress, spaghetti straps and all. I’d wear that dress. Pink isn’t my color normally, neither is it with this fur color. I think I could get in black, no that would clash to much with my hair and I’d be monotone. Purple, deep dark purple to match my forest green fur. Perfect!

“Oh. See something you like?” I’m startled by a sudden voice behind me, it was Rarity. Having to quickly turn around, pretending I wasn’t taken out of focus. Though her clothes were also nice. With her wearing a traveling outfit. Blue really does work well on her, especially with her make up. Cause damn, that blue sweater and beret makes for a fun outfit to see.

“I am now.” I say as I stare at her outfit, quite captivating if I do say so. Wait, I shouldn’t be flirting this much! We just met, and I got nothing!

Giggling into her hoof she used her light blue magic to carry a small pouch from her…bag. Saddle bags, but without the saddle.


“Here’s your compensation, thank you for watching over my little sister, especially on your first night here.” She seems to really annunciate the ends of her sentences. Very noticeable with her accent. Very cute quirk.

Taking the small bag in my magic, I can feel it’s weight. I think about 20 coins are inside here. Besides a money pouch would actually be great for myself. I can’t exactly just flash my magic in front of the two, rather not get asked questions like with the kids. So just placed the bag on my back for now. Should probably learn that teleport spell soon, so it looks like I am not tearing a hole in reality.

“Thank you Rarity. I shall be on my way now. Have a good day now.” I give a small wave as I make myself towards the door, getting out of prim and pristine, now to the terrible outdoors. I forgot how medieval this place was for a moment. What modern comforts does to someone.

Still, I made my over to the library. A left here, a right there, across the bridge, near the central plaza. Here it is! I approach the wooden door and remembering yesterday prepare myself to knock this time around. Though I do hear someone speak from inside. Pressing my ear against the door, I got a few interesting glances in my direction from others, but I can shut them off.

“C’mon Twilight.” A very tomboyish voice was heard, it was like Scootaloo’s speaking tone only louder, and with slightly more confidence. “If he’s here in Equestria, let the fastest flyer in ponyville search every door in Equestria to catch this guy!”

“Rainbow, I can’t. I just can’t right now. I have so much to do, so much to research, we don’t know what he’s capable of, you’ve seen what happened to Luna this morning! It’s not like this stallion will come knocking on our door.”

A challenge! I shall oblige!

I knock on the door.

“Coming!” A familiar voice, the dragon’s voice. Opening up the door for me.

“Hello!” flash my best neutral face as I’m met with a Cyan and rainbow haired pony and the purplest purple pone to ever purp…le.

“Wait a second! That guy? How’s he dangerous?” The cyan pony points to me. “He looks kinda scrawny.” With her quickly flicking towards me and inspecting me up close. I didn’t appreciate that.

“Rainbow!” A sudden violet mist tugged the girl’s tail. Pulling her away from my presence.

“You!” She looked at me.

“Me!” I have no idea what’s happening, but apparently I did something bad already. Is that a new record? Yes it is! Second day here and I’m already in trouble! Let’s go! “The very same…uh…bad pony you were looking for.”

“See? He’s evil, he’s admitting it. Now if you just.” Rainbow there was already picking a fight with me.

“Rainbow, we can do this diplomatically. After all Luna said she startled him.”

“Princess Luna?” I asked, her name was mentioned in the law book after all, her counter part being Celestia.

“Yes. You caused her magic to stop flowing with whatever you did.” Purple Smart explained.

“Huh. Neat. Didn’t think Vow of Silence worked on dream walkers. I just wanted her out of my head. Don’t worry it’s only temporary, like 4 hours max.”

“You caused a delay for the moon to lower!” Purple kept going. Not my greatest moment. Since I can already see where this is going. I somehow stopped the magic of someone who can carry a giant fuck off rock in space with magic. They accuse me of being a heretic, or a traitor to the crown. I get thrown in jail, I either break out or end myself to continue the cycle.

I’m gonna try to guess her next line, just to see if I’m correct.

“Surrender yourself to the crown!”
“Can you say you’re sorry?!”

We both yelled at the same time. Only for both of us to pause.

“I owe an apology?”
“You’re a prince?”


Interesting things indeed Sweetie Belle.

Author's Note:

I have no idea what I’m doing, but the criticism is actually helping. Thanks y’all!