• Published 31st Mar 2024
  • 464 Views, 54 Comments

The Glue of Harmony - Twidashlover123

Spike is alone on Hearths Warming. Strange things happen. What will he do about it

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Fear: Part Two


At the same time, Spike was enveloped in a bright light for a few seconds before finding himself standing in a familiar yet distinctly different place. He blinked, taking in his surroundings with a mixture of awe and disbelief. This wasn't Ponyville. It was a bustling city, filled with many different creatures of all shapes and sizes bustling about their daily lives. This was definitely a more cheerful and lively place than Darkness' cave. As he looked around, he noticed his friend missing.

"Shooting Star?" he called out in the city, but there came no response from the pegasus.

Spike's heart pounded with a blend of excitement and apprehension as he scanned the unfamiliar cityscape. The towering buildings and bustling streets were a stark contrast to the quaint charm of Ponyville. But despite the bustling activity around him, there was an eerie silence that didn't sit well with Spike at all.

Spike took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves as he navigated through the unfamiliar city streets. His mind raced with questions about where he was and how he had ended up there when he went through the portal. Among these thoughts was one thought that made him want to go through the portal in the first place. That was his parents. Darkness said that it was a possibility that he might be able to see what happened to his parents.

Spike's determination to find answers about his parents fueled his steps through the bustling city. Every corner turned, every face he glanced at, held the potential for a clue. As he walked, he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, as if unseen eyes followed his every move. Spike's journey through the bustling city continued, each step a mix of excitement and trepidation. He wandered through vibrant streets, lined with shops selling wares he'd never seen before and filled with creatures he'd only heard about in stories. Despite the initial shock of being in such a different place, Spike found himself intrigued by the diversity and energy of this new world.

But as he searched for any sign of his friend Shooting Star or clues about his parents, Spike couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't quite right. The city seemed too perfect, too orderly, as if it were hiding secrets beneath its polished facade.

He continued searching for any clues about the whereabouts of who he was looking for when something caught his attention. It was the sounds of possibly something bad going on.


"WHY!? HE WASN'T SUPPOSED TO EVEN EXIST IN THE FIRST PLACE!!" Another voice said, this time male.

The distant sounds of commotion drew to Spike's attention like a magnet, his curiosity overriding his caution. With determined strides, he followed the noise, navigating through the bustling streets until he reached its source.

When he found the source, he found 2 dragons arguing. One of the dragons had green scales, blue eyes and from the looks and sounds of it, it was a female. The other dragon had purple scales, red spikes on his head and bright, emerald green eyes. And from the looks and sounds of that dragon, it was definitely a male. In between the 2 dragons was an egg. It was a light lavender egg with purple dots on it. Spike was shocked at this, because he knew that the egg in front of him was his own egg. That means that he found his parents.

Spike's heart raced as he watched the scene unfold before him. His parents, arguing fiercely over his very existence, stood on opposite sides of the egg that held him. It was a surreal moment, one filled with a whirlwind of emotions. On one hand, there was a sense of relief and excitement at finally finding his parents after so long. On the other hand, seeing them argue over him filled him with a deep sense of sadness and confusion.


"Mom, Dad, please stop fighting. I can't stand to see you guys like this." Spike tried to intervene, but it felt like an external force was keeping him in place, so he wouldn't intervene. Spike struggled against this force, but nothing happened as he kept put. Meanwhile, the argument between his parents continued escalating.


Spike, powerless to intervene, was just forced to watch his dad saying these horrible things about him. His eyes started watering and he started breathing heavily as he watched. His dad was calling him a hellspawn, something from the very pits of Tartaraus, even though he was just an egg, and he started believing that he might go hostile on his wife for fighting for her son's life.

Spike couldn't take it anymore. "Stop. Please, stop. Please stop I-"

Just then, his father's hands glowed and coming out of nowhere, appeared 7 balls of small ice pellets. His mother now had a look of horror on her face.

She started tearing up. "Honey, please don't. Y-you don't have to do this."

"Sorry, but this is for the good of Equestria." After saying this, he shot the ice pellets at his wife at what looked like the speed of light. She was knocked back a foot every time an ice pellet hit her. After all 7 of the pellets were shot at her, she fell to the ground, with blood trickling out of the places the pellets hit her.

Spike's heart clenched with horror and anguish as he watched his father unleash his magic upon his mother. The scene unfolded before him like a nightmare, each moment etching itself into his memory with painful clarity. He felt a surge of powerlessness, unable to do anything to stop the violence unfolding before his eyes.

Tears streamed down Spike's cheeks as he watched his mother fall to the ground, her form battered and broken by the onslaught of ice pellets. His mind raced, filled with a whirlwind of emotions — shock, anger, and profound sadness intermingled within him.

Spike watched his mother struggle to gasp for air and it broke his heart to see her so hurt. His father walked up to his mom with a smirk of evil in his eyes.

"You're lucky that this is the only magic I know of right now. I would have made it much more painful for you if I had more to my arsenal."

Spike's mother gasped for a final time before saying, "P-please.. don't make it.. too.. painful for... little Pogum." With a final, shuddering breath, his mother's eyes closed, her body going limp

Spike just broke down sobbing. He found out why he never saw his parents. His dad killed his mom and then he just abandoned him. He looked down, not wanting to see what happened next.

All he heard was his father saying, "How am I gonna get rid of you, little hellspawn?" before he heard him fly off, likely with Spikes egg. He didn't want to move, not like he had a choice in the first place but then his vision became blurry before everything went black.

When Spike's vision returned, he looked around and saw that he was in a dark jail cell. He tried to get up from his bed, but saw that his legs were chained to the frame of the bed. He was confused as to why he was here of all places before he heard the clattering of armor and the hoofsteps of ponies coming towards the door to his cell.

As the door creaked open, Spike squinted against the sudden flood of light. Three guards stood at attention, their expressions stern and unyielding. Behind them stood a figure draped in shadow, their silhouette imposing against the corridor's dim glow.

"Spike the dragon," the shadowed figure's voice boomed, echoing through the stone walls of the dungeon. "You stand accused of crimes against the Kingdom of Equestria. How do you plead?"

Spike blinked, his mind racing to make sense of the situation. He had no memory of committing any crime, yet here he was, shackled and accused. "I... I plead not guilty," he finally managed, his voice wavering slightly.

The figure stepped forward into the light, revealing Princess Celestia herself, her expression grave. "Very well," she said solemnly. "Guards, beat him up and break his arms and legs. When you're done having fun, take him to the courtroom where he will stand trial."

Princess Celestia left them alone and the guards looked at Spike with smirks as Spike himself was scared out of his mind. Spike's heart raced as the guards advanced, their armor clinking with each step. He struggled against his chains, but they held fast, imprisoning him on the bed. Fear coursed through him as he braced himself for the impending assault.

The guards wasted no time, descending upon Spike with ruthless efficiency. The first guard pounced on Spike as he dealt punch after punch to the sides of his face. The second guard charged and started punching him in the ribs and stomach. Blows rained down upon him, each strike sending waves of pain through his body. He cried out in agony, feeling helpless and vulnerable beneath their onslaught.

As Spike endured the brutal assault, his mind raced with confusion and fear. Why would Princess Celestia, whom he had served faithfully for so long, order such violence against him? What had he done to deserve this? His thoughts were interrupted by a royal guard speaking.

"So have you had enough dragon?" All Spike could do was whimper.

"I don't think he had enough yet." He looked over to the third guard who had been standing idly all this time. "You, use this mallet and break his limbs."

He grinned as he grasped the mallet in his magic. The second one used his own magic to lift Spike up and extended his limbs. Spike was beyond horrified now. He closed his eyes and tried to brace himself for what was about to come, but he was still powerless. Then it hit him, literally.

The mallet hit his left leg with so much force that his entire leg was shattered. Spike screamed loudly in pain and agony, but that wasn't the end of it. A few seconds later, his right leg was shattered, then his left arm and then his right arm. Spike was screaming and crying because of the pure pain.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the guards relented, leaving Spike battered and bruised but still conscious. They roughly unchained him from the bed and trapped him an a cage with shackles on his arms and legs, their grip unyielding as they escorted him through the dim corridors of the dungeon.

As they approached the courtroom, Spike's heart pounded with apprehension. What awaited him beyond those doors? Would he find justice or further betrayal?

When he entered the room, he saw everypony looking at him with scornful looks that screamed "KILL HIM!!" Even his own friends Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Shining Armor and Princess Cadence were looking at him with those same glares. He closed his eyes to block out the glares from everyone. He felt like his cage was being set down so he opened his eyes and saw Celestia's and Luna's eyes boaring directly right into his soul.

"Spike the dragon," Celestia said. "You have caused fear and unrest in all of the ponies in Equestria."

"He's a ticking time bomb, waiting for the perfect time to destroy everything." Said a random pony

He then heard Twilight say, "He caused a lot of harm and destruction on his birthday a few years ago. Time will only tell if he actually starts killing ponies. We need to take care of this 'problem'." All her friends agreed and nodded.

Spike's tears started anew at this statement. The pony who cared for him, hatched him and abandoned him was turning her back on him. Spike stood there, feeling the weight of their accusations like a heavy shroud around him. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. These were the same ponies he had grown up with, the ones who had been by his side through thick and thin. And now, they were all condemning him.

Celestia spoke again, her voice cutting through the tense silence of the courtroom. "I agree with you my dear faithful student. Spike, to make sure you don't harm anypony by being a dragon, you must be put to death."

Spike's heart tied into a knot. He was about to be put to death for being a dragon, something he had no control over. Spike's cage and restraints were opened and they brought Spike out in front of everypony. Once he was out, everypony laughed at him, gawking at him, mocking him, even Twilight and her friends.

It was then that he was turned around to face Princess Celestia. She got a spear and pointed it directly at Spike. After a few seconds of miserable waiting, she plunged the spear into his chest. His eyes instantly went blurry and he could barely hear the cheering and laughter of the ponies as well as Pinkie Pie's party cannon. Before his vision goes blurry, a bright light engulfs his vision.