• Published 31st Mar 2024
  • 465 Views, 54 Comments

The Glue of Harmony - Twidashlover123

Spike is alone on Hearths Warming. Strange things happen. What will he do about it

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The Glue of Harmony

Spike and Shooting Star braced themselves as they entered the dark tornado that surrounded the castle of the two sisters, their hearts pounding with anticipation and determination. The swirling winds whipped around them, threatening to tear them apart, but they pressed on, their eyes fixed on their ultimate goal: confronting Timor and putting an end to the blizzard once and for all.

"Phew, we finally made it out of the blizzard and into the castle. We're safe for now." Spike said, but he got no response. "Shooting Star?" he asked but still no response. He looked around and after some looking, he found her staring at nothing in a look of awe.

"I can't believe I'm actually here, I'm actually in the actual castle of the 2 sisters." She said with glee

"Well, Timor is somewhere is this castle, using some dark magic to control this blizzard, but where do you think he might be?" Spike asked, and that was when he heard some angry roaring.


Spike and Shooting Star exchanged nervous glances, their determination strengthening in the face of Timor's anger echoing through the castle halls.

"I think we found him," Shooting Star whispered, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and apprehension.

Spike nodded. "He is most likely in the old throne room. Let's proceed carefully. We don't want to alert him before we're ready."

Spike and Shooting Star moved cautiously through the corridors of the castle, their steps muffled by the thick layer of dust that coated the ancient stone floors. Distant lightning and thunder could still be heard in the castle. As they approached the old throne room, the air grew heavier with a palpable sense of dark energy.

"Be on your guard," Spike murmured, his eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of movement. "Timor is powerful, but we can't let fear cloud our judgment."

"Right, so I'm pretty sure you know where the throne room is so go ahead and lead the way." Shooting Star whispered.

So Spike led Shooting Star down the corridor they were in at that current moment, before taking a left down another corridor. After leaving that corridor, they arrived in a large room that had lots of tapestries, a long rug that led to 2 run down thrones. In the blue throne stood the one responsible for their pain induced night. It was Timor still in his Twilight Sparkle form.

"Well, now you're finally here. Those idiots couldn't even stop you guys so I guess I have to take you out myself."

Timor's voice echoed ominously through the throne room, sending shivers down Spike and Shooting Star's spines. Despite the fear creeping into their hearts, they stood tall, their determination unwavering.

"You may have caused this blizzard, Timor, but we won't let you continue to terrorize Equestria," Spike declared, his voice steady despite the tension in the air.

Shooting Star stepped forward, her gaze locked on Timor. "You've hurt innocent ponies and endangered lives with your twisted magic. It ends here and now."

"I just need to speak an enchantment, and then we can get this over with and then I will turn your little bodies into corpses, my little creatures." And with that, his eyes glowed even brighter than before and he spoke in a mysterious language that neither Spike nor Shooting Star has ever heard before.

"⏚⌰⟟⋉⋉⏃⍀⎅ ⏚⌰⟟⋉⋉⏃⍀⎅, ⌇⌿⟒⏃☍ ⏁⍜ ⋔⟒. ☌⟟⎐⟒ ⊬⍜⎍⍀ ⌿⍜⍙⟒⍀ ⎍⌿ ⏁⍜ ⏁⊑⟒⟒. ⟒⍾⎍⟒⌇⏁⍀⟟⏃ ⍙⟟⌰⌰ ⌇⍜⍜⋏ ⏚⟒ ⎅⟒⏃⎅, ⏃⋏⎅ ⏁⊑⟒⋏ ⟟'⌰⌰ ⊑⏃⎐⟒ ⟒⎐⟒⍀⊬⍜⋏⟒'⌇ ⊑⟒⏃⎅." After he spoke this enchantment, it felt like everything was changing. 9 beams of dark energy were approaching Timor before directly going into his body. It lifted him up a few feet off the ground and almost all of the dark energy in those beams were coming into him.

As the beams of dark energy converged on Timor, Spike and Shooting Star braced themselves, ready to face whatever twisted power he would unleash. But instead of attacking them, the energy seemed to be absorbed into Timor, enveloping him in a dark aura that crackled with malevolent power.

Spike narrowed his eyes, his instincts telling him that this was a dangerous development. "What's he doing?!" he whispered to Shooting Star, his voice tinged with concern.

Shooting Star watched with a mix of apprehension and curiosity as Timor floated above the ground, surrounded by the swirling dark energy. "I'm not sure," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "But whatever it is, it can't be good."

After 15 seconds, the beams of dark energy stopped going into Timor. He looked at Spike and Shooting Star and gave them this biggest maniacal smile they both had ever seen.

"I just absorbed the spirits of my minions and part of the blizzard itself. The blizzard is still going strong and will last for a long time, don't you worry about that, but now I am truly more powerful than you would ever hope to be." he spoke in a terrifying tone before cackling maniacally.

Spike and Shooting Star exchanged a concerned glance as Timor's laughter echoed through the throne room, his newfound power radiating off him like a suffocating aura. Despite the gravity of the situation, Spike's resolve remained firm.

"We may not be as powerful as you, Timor, but we have something you'll never understand: friendship and the magic of harmony," Spike declared, his voice steady despite the fear gnawing at his insides.

"Well that is just ridiculous. You aren't even one single element of harmony. How can you ever hope to defeat me?

Spike and Shooting Star stood their ground, undeterred by Timor's mocking words. Shooting Star stepped forward, her eyes blazing with determination.

"You may have power, Timor, but you lack the one thing that truly makes someone strong: empathy and compassion. You've hurt innocent creatures and caused suffering without remorse. You may be right, we may not be elements of harmony, but we stand here united, fueled by our belief in the power of friendship and harmony."

Spike nodded in agreement, his gaze unwavering. "Together, we'll overcome any obstacle, no matter how powerful you think you are. Because the bonds we share are stronger than any dark magic you can wield."

Timor's laughter subsided, replaced by a look of disdain.

"You're both fools if you think your friendship can defeat me. I am the master of darkness, and nothing you do can change that." Timor started shooting out a big beam of dark magic, but Spike interfered with the beam with his own fire breath.

As Spike intercepted Timor's dark magic with his fiery breath, Shooting Star took advantage of the distraction, swiftly using her wings to fly up to Timor and punching him out of the throne he sat upon.

With a resounding thud, Timor crashed to the ground, his dark aura flickering momentarily before stabilizing once more. He glared up at Shooting Star, his eyes burning with rage.

"You dare to challenge me?!" he snarled, his voice dripping with venom.

Shooting Star stood tall, her wings spread wide as she faced Timor with unwavering resolve. "I dare, because I believe in the power of goodness and light. And I won't let your darkness consume this world."

Spike joined Shooting Star, standing by her side as they faced down Timor together. "You may be powerful, Timor, but you underestimate the strength of those who fight for what's right," Spike declared, his voice steady and determined.

Timor staggered to his hooves, his expression twisted with fury. But then that fury turned into a smirk.

"Well Spike, you should see how happy Twilight and her friends are without you." He then charged up his horn and conjured up a screen showing the Hearths Warming party at the Crystal Empire. It showed Twilight laughing with the princesses and Shining Armor about some type of funny thing. It then showed the rest of Twilights friends eating a banquet of foods from the royal kitchen, saying how Spike should have been there, saying that he would love the party.

Spike started to get sad. He saw how much fun they were having without him, and he wished he was there as well. Timor on the other hand, took advantage of this moment of sadness and charged at him. Spike didn't see this in time and he was headbutted very far into the back wall of the throne room.

As Spike crashed into the back wall, Shooting Star reacted quickly, diving towards Timor with a fierce determination. She tackled him with all her might, knocking him off balance and sending him sprawling across the dusty floor.

"Spike, are you okay?" Shooting Star called out, concern evident in her voice as she rushed over to where Spike lay, still dazed from the impact.

Spike groaned, slowly pushing himself up onto his feet. "I'm... I'm okay," he replied, shaking his head to clear away the fog of pain. "But we need to focus. Timor won't hesitate to attack again." But just as soon as he said this, Timor tackled her to the ground and started beating her up. Timor was much stronger than Shooting Star, so he was able to knock her out quite easily.

As Timor relentlessly attacked Shooting Star, Spike's heart pounded with fear and urgency. He couldn't let his friend be harmed any further. Summoning all his strength and courage, Spike charged forward, leaping onto Timor's back and digging his claws into the dark unicorn's flesh.

"Get off me, you insignificant pest!" Timor snarled, trying to shake Spike loose, but the young dragon held on with all his might.

Spike's determination burned bright as he struggled to pry Timor away from Shooting Star. With a mighty heave, Spike managed to pull Timor off her, sending the dark unicorn crashing to the ground.

Gasping for breath, Spike quickly checked on Shooting Star, only to find her unconsious. Spike glared and charged at Timor. Timor saw this and shot a beam that knocked Spike back and to the floor. He tried to get up, but Timor had other plans. He pinned Spike down with his hooves, leaving Spike defenseless. Spike stared up at Timor scared, only seeing his eyes until a flash of lightning illuminated the room and for a fraction of a second, Spike could see the rest of Timor's face.

"You know Spike, you have been a nuisance to me all night, so it would be just glorious for me if I could just kill you right here, right now. I won't do that though, because I have another idea."

"What is that?" Spike asked.

"You're fighting your emotions back Spike. You don't need to do that anymore. Come into my embrace. I will make sure you get the happiness you deserve. You won't feel anymore sadness. You won't have to be neglected anymore. You can stay by my side while feeling happy for a long time."

Timor's words sent a chill down Spike's spine. The offer of eternal happiness sounded tempting, especially in his current state of despair and loneliness. But deep down, Spike knew that giving in to Timor's offer would mean abandoning everything he believed in, betraying his friends, and succumbing to darkness.

"Your offer sounds tempting Timor, especially in my time of sadness and need, but there's one thing I have right now that already makes me happier than before. I have true friends Timor."

At this, Timor was confused. "Wait, what?"

"I have true friends Timor. I have Shooting Star. I have Derpy and the Doctor. This may be a bit of a stretch, but I have Lyra too. I was going to leave Ponyville on this very night to quench my own desires, but I didn't think about what they all would think if I left. I'm now staying in ponyville with my actual friends."

Timor was more confused. "What about Twilight and the others. You'll still suffer at their hooves."

"You're right Timor, if I stay in Ponyville, then I will continue to suffer by Twilight and her friends. However, since I have true friends now, it won't be so bad since I can go to them if I have a bad day or a good day. As I already told Shooting Star in the cave a few hours ago, true friends are worth suffering for, and even now, I will never leave them hanging."

Just then, a bright white light engulfed Spike as he rose off the ground. A blast of energy from the light slightly pushed Timor back, but mainly, it made him revert back to his normal dark baby dragon form. As Spike looked down at Timor, he saw a look on his face that he never showed before. It was the look of true, genuine fear.

"No, this isn't possible. You're not an element of harmony." Timor was in true fear now.

"You're right Timor, I'm not an element of harmony. These past few days and the trials I endured showed me that I'm really, all of them." Just then, 6 gems began to surround Spike. These were the elements of Harmony. Timor tried to stop this, but he was frozen in fear, like he knew what was about to happen.

"I showed kindness to Shooting Star and forgiving her when she flew into me." The element of kindness started to glow.

"I showed magic when defeating your beasts." The element of magic started to glow too.

"I showed generosity when giving my last diamond to Lyra so she can buy her marefriend a special Hearths Warming gift." The element of generosity started to glow.

"I showed laughter when I used it to save the town from your dark mounds." The element of laughter started to glow.

"I showed honesty when having that heart to heart with Shooting Star before I left." The element of honesty started to glow.

"Finally, I showed loyalty when I chose my true friends over your offer for happiness." The element of loyalty started to glow along with the rest.

Once all 6 elements started to glow, they all released an aura of light and it was going to one spot in front of Spike. Once the auras were in that designated spot, another bright light began to glow. Spike and Timor covered their eyes for 10 seconds before the light faded and revealed a new gem that looked like Spike's head.

"No, no. This can't be. That element doesn't even exist."

Spike smirked. "That's where you're wrong Timor. This new element comes into existence if you can wield all 6 elements of harmony. Since I can wield all 6 elements, this new element appeared, the element of bravery and sacrifice."

"Wh-what are you going to do to me?" Timor asked.

All 7 elements moved until they were around Spike's neck. They merged and formed a hexagon shaped necklace, with the already known elements of harmony surrounding the element of bravery and sacrifice.

"I am the glue of harmony Timor. And it's my job to STRIKE YOU DOWN!!' Upon saying that, 7 colors flew out of the necklace and towards Timor. The rainbow engulfed Timor and after a few seconds of the magic, Timor flew up into the air and the dark magic began to dissapate from him, before he exploded in a beam of rainbow light. 10 seconds later, the blizzard calmed down until it stopped completely. The wind became calm and so did everything else.

After that whole fiasco, Spike fell to the ground, exhausted. He never knew that wielding so many elements could tucker you out so much. Even though he was exhausted, he ran to Shooting Star and found her waking up.

Exhausted but relieved, Spike collapsed beside Shooting Star, relief flooding through him as she began to stir.

"Are you okay?" Spike asked, concern lacing his voice as he helped her sit up.

Shooting Star rubbed her head groggily, blinking as she tried to focus. "I... I think so," she replied, her voice faint but steady. "What happened? Is Timor... gone?"

Spike nodded, a sense of triumph mingling with his exhaustion. "Yeah, he's gone. We did it. We defeated him," he said, a hint of disbelief coloring his words.

Shooting Star's eyes widened in realization, and she turned to Spike with a grateful smile. "We did, didn't we? We actually did it," she said, awe and relief evident in her voice.

Spike returned her smile, feeling a surge of pride and camaraderie. "Yeah, we did. And I couldn't have done it without you, Shooting Star. You were amazing," he said, sincerity ringing in his words.

Shooting Star's smile widened, and she reached out to squeeze Spike's claw. "And you, Spike. You were incredible. I'm so glad we're on the same team," she said, gratitude and admiration shining in her eyes.

Suddenly a mysterious voice said, "I'm proud of you 2."

Spike and Shooting Star began to turn around and he saw a few figure's he never thought he would see in his life. They were the ghosts of Princess Platinum, Commander Hurricane, Chancellor Puddinghead, Clover the Clever, Private Pansy and Smart Cookie. Spike and Shooting Star were shocked and surprised by their visit.

"You're the ones that founded Equestria." Spike mumbled.

Clover the Clever smiled. "Indeed we did young Spike. We were the ones who founded Equestria."

"We know the blizzard that just happened wasn't created by windigos, but something much stronger." Private Pansy said in a quiet tone.

"Yet you stopped the blizzard and saved our nation once again." Smart Cookie said with a big smile.

"AND WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU 2!!!" Chancellor Puddinghead yelled as she ran and hugged Spike and Shooting Star in a tight bear hug. Even though she was a ghost, they could still feel the hug.

Princess Platinum spoke up. "No one in the history of Equestria has ever had bravery like you to face something stronger than windigos head on. And no one has sacrificed so much to make others happy."

"You 2 will be amazing heroes again one day. Just you wait and then you will see that I am right. And I bet you could make the fire of friendship again." Commander Hurricane said with a smirk on his face.

Spike and Shooting Star were smiling big at them. "Thank you founders." Spike and Shooting Star said in unison.

The founders all smiled and said to the duo, "You're welcome Spike and Shooting Star, and one last time, we're so, so proud of you 2." With that, they disappeared, leaving Spike and Shooting Star alone in the castle.

Spike turned to Shooting Star and said, "Since that blizzard is out for the count for good since Timor is defeated, would you like to spend the night at Twilight's castle? I could use some company."

Shooting Star smiled. "I was actually about to ask you if I could spend the night at your place. I'm actually glad you asked first."

So Spike and Shooting Star left the castle ruins and into the forest. Without the blizzard, everything was quiet and they were glad it was like that. After a half hour of walking in the Everfree Forest, they entered Ponyville and saw that it was quiet as well, seeing as everyone was sleeping. After a few more minutes of walking, they walked up to the castle entrance and entered the castle.

"This place is amazing Spike. You get to stay here?" Shooting Star asked.

"Yeah, although I have to stay here because Twilight makes me clean it whenever she's out somewhere having fun."

"Oh." Shooting Star said in a quiet voice, almost feeling bad for asking. This was not lost on Spike.

"Hey, hey, it's ok. Cleaning this place isn't so bad and besides, when I'm done, I get to spend time with you and maybe Derpy and the Doctor. Speaking of which, would you like to come with me to Derpy's and the Doctor's place tomorrow? They're having a Hearths Warming party and they would love it if you went along too."

Shooting Star smiled and said, "Yes I would definitely love that." Spike smiled at the answer and continued walking through the corridors until they got to Spike's room. Spike let Shooting Star have his bed while he slept on the floor. Spike then took the element's necklace off from around his neck and placed it on his bedside drawer. Spike and Shooting Star got into comfortable positions in their respective places in the room, said goodnight to each other and drifted off to sleep where they had nothing but good dreams.

Author's Note:

Timor has been defeated and Equestria has been saved. We have one more chapter left until this story is done completely. This will be the end of the story itself, but don't worry. I plan to have this as a multi story series. You will see more adventures from Spike and his friends.