• Published 31st Mar 2024
  • 406 Views, 54 Comments

The Glue of Harmony - Twidashlover123

Spike is alone on Hearths Warming. Strange things happen. What will he do about it

  • ...

Fear: Part One

Author's Note:

These next chapters may be a bit more dark than usual. Read with caution

The voice echoed through the empty void, sending chills down Spike's spine. He knew exactly who it belonged to- it belonged to the one who popped up in his dreams. The dark alternate version of Spike.

"What do you think of my little abode here my little creatures?" He asked.

Spike's heart pounded as he heard the familiar voice reverberating through the emptiness around him. It was the voice of his darker self, the one that haunted his dreams and filled him with dread whenever it surfaced.

"So you're the dark alternate version of my friend?" Shooting Star asked while glaring.

"Why that is correct, Shooting Star. I'm sure Spike told you a lot about me."

"How do you know my name?"

"Oh, I know lots of things. Especially considering that I have been watching what you Spike have been doing in the town for the past few days.

"I only told her about the letter and horrible theories about you- uhhh... what should I call you?" Spike asked.

"Oh I go by many names my friend, but since I'm a dark version of you, then how about you call me 'darkness."

"Darkness it is then," Spike replied, his voice quivering slightly. He glanced at Shooting Star, concern etched on his face. "What do you want from us, Darkness?"

The void made by Darkness began to let out a sinister chuckle that almost made them freeze with the chills down their spine

"Oh, just a little chat, my dear Spike. I want to discuss... possibilities."

Shooting Star stepped forward, her expression defiant. "We're not here to entertain your twisted fantasies, Darkness. Whatever you have in mind, we're not interested."

"Oh? Well you haven't even heard what I was about to say. You haven't heard the choices I was going to give you two.

Darkness's words hung in the air, heavy with ominous intent. Spike and Shooting Star exchanged wary glances, bracing themselves for whatever twisted proposition Darkness was about to present.

"What choices?" Spike ventured cautiously, his voice betraying his apprehension.

Darkness's chuckle echoed again, sending shivers down their spines.

"Ah, the choices. You see, my dear Spike and Shooting Star, every decision we make in life branches off into countless possibilities, countless realities. And I'm here to offer you a glimpse into some of those possibilities."

"Well, what are these possibilities?" Spike asked.

"Like I said, there are countless possibilities, countless realities, so I will just name a few. Shooting Star, you can see what would happen if you your father never wanted to be a royal guard. You can see what would happen to you if you never lost your family. And Spike, you can see if you were with you so called "Friends" and not staying behind being abandoned. You can even see what happened to your parents."

As Darkness laid out these unsettling propositions, Spike and Shooting Star exchanged uneasy glances. They could actually see what would happen if they had their parents and for Spike, see what actually happened to them. The main question is if they were ready for it or not. The offer seemed tempting yet foreboding, like a dark path leading into the unknown.

Shooting Star's expression softened, a mixture of curiosity and apprehension clouding her features. "You... you can really show us these alternate realities? What they could have been like?"

"Oh yes, my dear Shooting Star. I can show you all that and more. But remember, once you glimpse these possibilities, there's no going back. You may see things that you wish you hadn't."

Just then, a bright circle of light illuminated this dark void and turned into a bright portal that leads to Celestia knows where. Spike and Shooting Star stared at it with awe and curiosity.

Spike shifted uneasily, his mind racing with conflicting thoughts. The allure of seeing what could have been was strong, but he couldn't shake the feeling of dread that coiled in the pit of his stomach.

"C-can me and Shooting Star talk about this first, Darkness?" Spike asked

"Oh of course my little dragon. Take all the time you need. Nothing will change."

Spike and Shooting Star stepped aside, their voices lowered as they deliberated their options. Spike's hands trembled slightly as he glanced back at the ominous portal, uncertainty gnawing at him.

"I don't know, Shooting Star," Spike whispered, his gaze troubled. "It's... it's tempting, seeing what could have been. But Darkness... he's not exactly trustworthy."

Shooting Star nodded in agreement, her expression serious. "I know what you mean, Spike. This feels... wrong somehow. Like we're playing right into his hands."

Spike sighed, running a hand through his spines in frustration. "But what if there's something important we could learn? About our pasts, about ourselves..."

"Or what if it's just a trap?" Shooting Star interjected, her voice tinged with worry. "We don't know what we could be getting ourselves into."

Silence fell between them as they weighed their options, the weight of Darkness's offer hanging heavy in the air.

"But think about it. We could see ourselves living in a happy world with a happy life. You would still have your parents and I would still have my friends." Spike pointed out.

Spike's words lingered in the air, enticing yet laden with uncertainty. Shooting Star chewed on her lower lip, her thoughts racing as she considered his proposition.

"I... I suppose you're right," she admitted, her voice hesitant. "But what if I'm not ready to see what could have been? It might be the life I want to live again, but it could also be something that could be worse than my own worst nightmare."

Spike nodded understandingly, his eyes reflecting the same apprehension. "I get it, Shooting Star. It's a risk we have to weigh carefully. We have to consider if knowing these alternate realities is worth the potential consequences."

"Oh you made such a good point back there Spike. I just want to see if I could be happy again, be loved again." she said

"Me too Shooting Star. Me too."

Spike and Shooting Star glanced at each other, reaching a mutual agreement. They turned to look at the portal and Spike said, "We made a decision Darkness. We will see what these endless possibilities have for us."

"Oh wonderful. You will see quite some things, so head on through and see what those possibilities have in store for you."

As Spike and Shooting Star approached the portal, a surge of anticipation mixed with apprehension washed over them. With one last glance at each other, they stepped forward, crossing the threshold into the unknown.

Shooting Star

Shooting Star was enveloped in a bright light for a few seconds before ending up in what looked like a wide, lush and verdant meadow. The sun hung high in the sky, casting a warm, golden glow over the landscape. Birds chirped merrily in the distance, and a gentle breeze rustled through the tall grass.

Shooting Star blinked in astonishment, taking in the serene beauty surrounding her. It was a stark contrast to the desolate void she had just left behind.

"Spike?" she called out, her voice echoing softly across the meadow. But there was no response.

Alone in this idyllic setting, Shooting Star's mind raced with a flurry of emotions. She couldn't shake the feeling of unease that still lingered within her. Was this truly a glimpse into an alternate reality, or was it merely an illusion crafted by Darkness?

But despite her doubts, a small part of her couldn't help but revel in the tranquility of this new world. For a brief moment, she allowed herself to bask in the warmth of the sunlight, the gentle caress of the breeze soothing her troubled thoughts.

As she wandered through the meadow, Shooting Star couldn't help but wonder what other possibilities awaited her beyond this serene landscape. With each step she took, she braced herself for whatever revelations lay ahead, determined to look for anything that this universe or timeline threw her way.

It was then that she saw the town of Ponyville in the distance. The sight of Ponyville in the distance stirred a mixture of emotions within Shooting Star. It was a familiar sight, yet in this new context, it felt like a beacon of hope amidst uncertainty. She knew that wherever she was, Ponyville could offer her what could happen if here parents were still around.

With determination in her heart, Shooting Star made her way towards Ponyville, each step fueling her resolve to uncover the truth behind this mysterious journey. As she approached the outskirts of the town, she couldn't help but marvel at how unchanged it seemed, yet she knew that beneath its familiar facade, there were bound to be differences, subtle or profound, that would reveal the nature of this alternate reality.

When she entered Ponyville, Shooting Star felt quite a few emotions rush into her. She felt a sense of security, since she was in a place she knows quite well, but she also felt a sense of longing. She mainly wanted to go through with this because she wanted to see her loving parents again, and relive the life she lost even if just for a second.

As she wandered through the town, Shooting Star couldn't help but notice the small details that hinted at the divergence of this reality from her own. Perhaps there were faces she didn't recognize, buildings that were constructed differently, or events that unfolded in unexpected ways. But she heard one thing that made her stop in her tracks.


She knew that voice all too well. "Father."

Shooting Star's heart skipped a beat at the sound of her father's voice. It was a mixture of disbelief and overwhelming joy that washed over her. Without a second thought, she followed the sound, her hoofsteps quickening with each passing moment.

After sprinting towards the sound for a minute and a half, she turned a corner and found a stallion with dark grey fur, just a little lighter than Shooting Star's fur with a black and white mane and tail, and he also had multiple meteors as a cutie mark.

He was yelling at a stallion that had royal blue fur, a van dyke brown mane and tail and a bowl of bits as a cutie mark, and there was another stallion behind him. Shooting Star saw that they were in a really heated argument with each other, so she decided to wait for them to calm down.

That didn't happen though as the blue stallion started talking with a snarl. "Meteor Storm, if you don't give me what is rightfully mine, then I WILL BURN YOUR ENTIRE HOUSE TO THE GROUND, KILL YOUR FAMLY AND MAKE YOU A SLAVE IN STALLIONGRAD!!"


Shooting Star stood frozen in place, her heart pounding in her chest as she listened to the tense exchange between her father, Meteor Storm, and the other stallion. Her mind raced with a flood of emotions, torn between relief at finally finding her father and concern over the confrontation unfolding before her. Her thoughts and emotions were interrupted when the blue stallion spoke again

"Woah there is no need to swear buddy. So do you have my money or not?"

Meteor Storm sighed and said, "No."

The blue stallion shook his head and turned to look at the pony behind him. "You know what to do sir."

Just then, the said pony lit up his horn. Using his magic, he lifted Meteor Storm up into the air and slammed him into a nearby tree trunk at a fast rate.

"FATHER!!" Shooting Star yelled as she tried to use her wings to get to her father to see if he was alright, but it felt like some kind of external force was keeping her put, making her watch this horrible scene before her unfold.

"LET HIM GO! HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" Shooting Star shouted with tears in her eyes, but her pleas went onto deaf ears as they couldn't see or hear her.

Just then, the blue stallion lit a wine bottle on fire with his magic before throwing it inside the house. It exploded in the house and burned everything in the room it was thrown into. He also lit a few more wine bottles and threw them in different places of the house. He just watched with a smirk on his face as the house burned in front of him.

Meteor Storm woke up to see his house burning. "YOU MONSTER!!" he said as he charged towards the blue stallion. He detected this though and dodged, then he used his magic to keep Meteor Storm in his grip and made him watch.

Suddenly, they heard a bloodcurdling scream coming from inside the house. It sounded like a mare that was dying a painful death. Shooting Star's blood went cold as she knew who the voice belonged to.

"MOTHER!!!!" She tries so hard to try and move, but she can't as she has to watch and hear her mother scream and cry while she burns to death. She can't bear this scene anymore as she breaks down sobbing as the blue stallion takes Meteor Storm away from the house. Shooting Star continues sobbing until a bright light engulfs her vision.