• Published 31st Mar 2024
  • 466 Views, 54 Comments

The Glue of Harmony - Twidashlover123

Spike is alone on Hearths Warming. Strange things happen. What will he do about it

  • ...

The Great Chase

After a few tries, Spike and Shooting Star made it through the clearing. Upon making it through, they were met with the full force of the blizzard's fury. The wind whipped around them, biting at their skin with icy claws, while the thunder and lightning crashed and flashed overhead, illuminating the darkened sky with jagged bursts of light.

Shooting Star panted, "I finally made it through the hole in the cave, after a few tries of course."

"You did a good job Shooting Star. I just hope I wasn't too heavy for you." Spike said

"You were just a teeny tiny little bit heavy, but it was barely a hinderance in my flight."

Spike chuckled. "Well, I'll try to shed a few pounds next time."

Shooting Star smiled, her determination unwavering despite the fierce storm raging around them. "Let's focus on the task at hand, Spike. We need to find Timor and put an end to this blizzard before it's too late."

Spike nodded, scanning the swirling snow and darkness ahead. "Right. We need to find where Timor is controlling this storm from."

Spike and Shooting Star looked around them to look for any clues to where Timor might be. A minute later, they saw to the west towards where they came from, a giant dark snow tornado.

As Spike and Shooting Star looked towards the west, their hearts sank at the sight of the massive dark snow tornado twisting and churning ominously in the distance. It seemed to stretch up to the heavens, a swirling vortex of darkness and chaos that threatened to engulf everything in its path.

"That must be where Timor is," Spike said grimly, his eyes fixed on the swirling mass of blackened snow. "He's using his dark magic to control the blizzard from within that tornado."

Shooting Star's wings fluttered nervously as she gazed at the imposing sight before them. "But how are we supposed to get to him? That tornado looks... well, terrifying."

"I'm pretty sure we'll find a way. As long as we're together, we can overcome any obstacle. Besides, I believe I know where the exact location that Timor is at right now."

"Where might that be Spike?"

"He's at the castle of the 2 sisters."

Shooting Star didn't say anything, so Spike turned around and saw that Shooting Star's eyes were small like pinpricks.

"Shooting Star?" he asked.

Shooting Star jumped up and down in excitement. "We get to go to the castle of the 2 sisters. WE GET TO GO TO THE CASTLE OF THE 2 SISTERS! I ALWAYS WANTED TO GO THERE AND NOW WE DO!!" Shooting Star then calmed down and stopped jumping around. "I just wish it was on better circumstances."

"Me too, but after Timor is defeated, We can go there and just explore the place without all life in Equestria being on the line." Spike told her.

"I would definitely like that." With that, Spike and Shooting Star made their way down the cliff and back into the forest just as lightning illuminated the sky for a fraction of a second and saw the trees blowing around at a rapid speed.

Spike and Shooting Star pressed forward, their determination unshaken despite the ferocity of the blizzard. The howling wind whipped at their faces, stinging their skin with icy needles, but they pressed on, their hearts set on their mission to stop Timor and save Equestria.

As they ventured deeper into the forest, the trees groaned and swayed under the force of the blizzard, their branches creaking ominously in the wind. The ground beneath their hooves was blanketed in thick layers of snow, making each step a struggle against the biting cold.

"Shooting Star, do you think that some of these branches might fall down on us as we continue walking?" Spike asked with a little bit of worry.

Shooting Star also had a look of worry on her face. "I don't know Spike, but we still need to be cautious around these trees. Who knows when one will just fall without warning."

"No argument from me." With that, they just continued venturing through the forest, hoping to get to the castle before the blizzard gets any worse.

Meanwhile with Timor still in his Twilight Sparkle form, he stood at the heart of the swirling snow tornado in the castle of the 2 sisters, his dark cloak billowing around him as he channeled his magic to control the blizzard. His eyes glowed with an eerie light as he focused his power, a sinister grin curling upon his lips.

"Ah, the power of the final storm," Timor murmured, his voice carrying on the icy wind. "Such raw, untamed energy at my fingertips. With this blizzard, I shall bring Equestria to its knees."

He raised his hooves, commanding the winds to howl louder and the snow to fall thicker, intensifying the storm's fury. But even as he reveled in his dark magic, a nagging feeling tugged at the edges of his consciousness, a sense of unease that he couldn't quite shake.

"What is this?" Timor muttered, furrowing his brow as he felt a disturbance in the magical currents surrounding him. "Someone dares to challenge me?"

With a flick of his wrist, Timor sent a blast of dark energy shooting out into the blizzard, searching for the source of the interference. And there, in the midst of the swirling snowflakes, he caught a glimpse of two figures pressing forward against the storm.

"Spike and Shooting Star," Timor growled, his eyes narrowing with disdain. "So, they dare to oppose me again. Those 2 are quite a persistent pair if they can make it through my illusions, survive the absolute brutal beating I gave them both and making it through the blizzard as we speak. No matter. I shall crush them like insects beneath my hoof."

He charged up his horn and spawned in all his dark lackeys, such as all the dark princesses, the dark elements of harmony, and Dark Shining Armor. "Minions, Spike and his pegasus friend are coming to this castle as we speak. I believe you all know what to do, but I'll say anyway. Chase after them and take them out." His dark lackeys laughed maniacally before they bolted out into the blizzard, ready to take out the 2 heroes.

"Good luck getting past my minions Spike." He then gave out an evil chuckle before sitting on his throne.

Spike and Shooting Star pressed onward, unaware of the dark forces Timor had unleashed to thwart their advance. The blizzard raged around them with increasing intensity, but their determination burned bright as they neared the castle of the two sisters.

It was still another 30 minutes until they approached the looming structure, but they still journeyed on. Suddenly a sudden movement caught Spike's eye. He turned just in time to see a horde of dark figures emerging from the swirling snow, their menacing forms illuminated by flashes of lightning.

Spike's heart sank as he realized the gravity of the situation. The dark minions of Timor were upon them, ready to strike at any moment. But he refused to let fear paralyze him. With a resolute expression, he turned to Shooting Star.

"Shooting Star, we've got company," he said, his voice steady despite the tension in the air. "We need to be ready for anything."

Shooting Star looked to where Spike was looking at, and her heart sank too as she realized that they have to get away from Timor's lackeys and to the castle before the blizzard and Timor's lackeys finish them off first.

With the dark minions closing in and the blizzard raging around them, Spike and Shooting Star knew they had to act fast.

"Shooting Star, we need to make a run for it. Stick close to me and we can get to the castle together.

Shooting Star nodded, her wings buzzing with nervous energy as they broke into a sprint towards the looming silhouette of the castle. The dark minions pursued them relentlessly, their sinister laughter echoing through the storm as they closed in on their prey.

They continued running for a minute and a half before they looked behind them and saw that there was nothing behind them.

"I don't see any of Timor's minions behind us anymore, but I know what villains can do in the dark. We need to be on the lookout for anything suspicious." Spike explained. Shooting Star nodded and they continued walking, keeping their guards up for Timor's lackeys.

As Spike and Shooting Star continued their approach to the castle, they remained vigilant, knowing that Timor's minions could be lurking anywhere, ready to ambush them at a moment's notice. The swirling snow and darkness made it difficult to see, but they pressed on, their senses alert for any sign of danger.

Just then, Spike saw a circle of yellow light shining in the distance. It kept getting bigger and bigger until they saw that it wasn't a regular light. It was a magic beam that was ready to kill them both. Spike grabbed Shooting Star and pushed her down along with himself, and the beam shot over them and into a nearby tree, where it exploded and completely destroyed the tree. Spike and Shooting Star ran just in time and they weren't hit by any shards of wood. Afterwards, Dark Celestia spawned in front of them.

"You did some good dodging against my beam of magic, but lets see if you can get away from all of us." After saying that, all of Timor's dark lackeys appeared in front of Spike and Shooting Star. They laughed maniacally and disappeared into the dark blizzard. Lightning crackled again but this time, it illiminated the sky and the forest for a few seconds before thunder roared loudly.

Spike and Shooting Star stood firm, their hearts pounding with adrenaline as they faced the onslaught of Timor's dark minions. Despite the odds stacked against them, they refused to back down, their determination burning brighter than ever in the face of danger.

"We can't let them stop us," Spike said through gritted teeth, his eyes locked on the shifting shadows around them. "We have to keep moving forward."

Shooting Star nodded, her wings buzzing with nervous energy. "Right. Let's show them what we're made of."

With renewed resolve, Spike and Shooting Star braced themselves as they darted through the swirling snow, dodging blasts of dark magic and evading the relentless pursuit of Timor's minions. Every step was a battle against the biting cold and the oppressive darkness, but they pressed on, their spirits unbroken despite the chaos around them.

Dark Pinkie Pie broke through the ground and aimed her cannon at Spike and Shooting Star. The cannonball shot at them, but they were able to dodge it in time and the cannonball hit Dark Fluttershy who was attempting to use her death stare on them. She was knocked out for the count, so Spike and Shooting Star pressed on.

After facing Dark Pinkie Pie, Spike and Shooting Star continued running until Dark Shining Armor smashed through one of the trees close to them. They managed to get out of the way before Dark Shining killed them. What the dark captain didn't know was that the tree was going to fall on him. Spike and Shooting Star watched as the tree fell onto Dark Shining Armor, knocking him out for the count.

However, Spike and Shooting Star didn't realize a fast blue blur coming right at them. Without warning, Dark Rainbow Dash hit Spike and knocked him into a nearby tree. She landed on the ground and started laughing cockily, HA. Try and get up from that, dragon."

Shooting Star did not like that at all, so she bolted towards Dark Rainbow Dash and tackled her to the ground. She punched her with such force and such speed that it knocked her out after a couple of punches. Spike was in awe at the spectacle.

"Ho... Wha... Yo..." Shooting Star went over to Spike to make sure he was ok and saw the look of awe on his face before saying,

"You help you father become a royal guard, you pick up a thing or 2."

"Note to self: Never piss off Shooting Star if you value your life." Spike thought in his head.

Spike chuckled weakly, rubbing his sore shoulder where Dark Rainbow Dash had struck him. As they caught their breath, Spike and Shooting Star knew they couldn't linger for long. The sounds of battle still echoed through the forest, and they could sense that more of Timor's minions would be closing in soon.

"We need to keep moving," Spike said, his voice determined. "We're getting closer to the castle, but we can't let our guard down just yet."

Shooting Star nodded, her eyes scanning their surroundings for any sign of danger. "Agreed. Let's stay focused and keep pushing forward."

They ran towards the castle when they were stopped by Dark Rarity and Dark Applejack. Dark Applejack bucked trees so hard that it made branches fall down on Spike and Shooting Star. Luckily, they were able to dodge them before the branches fell on them. They continued dodging trees and getting closer to the castle, but one of the branches scraped Shooting Star's side and causing a big cut on it.

"Only one cut was dealt? That is so uncouth, there needs to be more." Dark Rarity laughed with Dark Applejack following suit. Spike just got angry hearing them laugh. He sprinted to them and tackled Rarity.

"You think that's uncouth? Take this as uncouth." Spike then started punching her, clawing her, and after 2 minutes, he knocked her out. "You say you're the element of generosity but you're actually nothing but a greedy coward."

Spikes turned to look at Dark Applejack, only to find her knocked out too. He looked at Shooting Star and gave her a questioning look.

"While you were taking out of the dark white unicorn, I took out the orange pony attacking us. You're welcome, and no need to thank me."

"Ok." They started running towards the castle until they hit a spell like wall. It was then the most powerful of Timor's minions appeared in front of them, Dark Celestia, Dark Luna and Dark Cadence. The air crackled with dark energy as the trio of dark princesses stood before them, their eyes gleaming with malice.

Spike gritted his teeth, his determination unwavering despite the overwhelming odds. "We can't let them stop us," he said firmly, his gaze locked on the imposing figures before them. "We have to find a way past them and put an end to Timor's reign of terror."

Shooting Star nodded, her wings buzzing with nervous energy. "Right. Let's give it everything we've got."

With that, Spike and Shooting Star braced themselves for the battle ahead. Dark Celestia, Dark Luna, and Dark Cadence advanced towards them, their dark magic swirling around them like a malevolent aura.

"Prepare to meet your doom, Spike and Shooting Star," Dark Celestia said, her voice dripping with venom. "You may have come this far, but you shall go no further."

Shooting Star spread her wings, her eyes blazing with determination as she readied herself for battle. "We won't let Timor win," she declared, her voice ringing out with defiance. "Equestria will prevail, no matter what."

With a battle cry, Spike and Shooting Star launched themselves into the fray, facing off against Dark Celestia, Dark Luna, and Dark Cadence with all the bravery and determination they could muster. The clash of magic echoed through the air as spells and projectiles flew back and forth, each side locked in a fierce struggle for victory.

Despite the overwhelming power of their adversaries, Spike and Shooting Star fought with all their might, refusing to back down in the face of adversity. With each spell cast and each blow struck, they drew upon their inner strength and resilience, pushing themselves to their limits in their quest to save Equestria from darkness.

As the battle raged on, Spike and Shooting Star found themselves locked in a desperate struggle against their formidable foes. Dark Celestia's dark sun magic crackled through the air, while Dark Luna's shadows danced menacingly around them. Dark Cadence's illusions of love and friendship twisted and warped reality itself, testing Spike and Shooting Star's resolve to its very core.

But through sheer determination and unwavering courage, Spike and Shooting Star continued to press forward, their spirits unbroken despite the relentless assault of the dark princesses. With each passing moment, they drew closer to victory, their hearts set on putting an end to the blizzard and defeating Timor once and for all.

The battle between Spike, Shooting Star, and the dark princesses raged on, each side unleashing their most powerful spells and tactics in a desperate bid for victory. Spike and Shooting Star fought with all their strength and skill, their determination unwavering as they faced the overwhelming might of Dark Celestia, Dark Luna, and Dark Cadence.

Despite the ferocity of the battle, Spike and Shooting Star refused to yield, drawing upon their bond of friendship and their unwavering belief in the power of good to guide them through the darkness. With every spell dodged, every blow blocked, they inched closer and closer to their goal of defeating Timor and ending the blizzard that threatened Equestria.

The air crackled with magic as Spike and Shooting Star launched a coordinated assault against their foes, their movements fluid and precise as they worked together to overcome the dark forces arrayed against them. With each spell cast and each attack landed, they chipped away at the defenses of Dark Celestia, Dark Luna, and Dark Cadence, weakening their grip on the battlefield with every passing moment. They were all tired. Spike and Shooting Star knew that too. Dark Celestia, Dark Luna and Dark Cadence used up almost all of their magic, so they fell to the ground and tried to catch their breaths. Spike and Shooting Star didn't let this happen as Shooting Star punched them with lots of ferocity while Spike incinerated them with his fire breath soon after.

"Don't you think that was a little much Spike?" Shooting Star asked.

"No, they gave us a really hard time and they were weak after a few attacks against us so I could do it. Besides, this blizzard is getting stronger and stronger by the second. We need to get into the castle and confront Timor before all of Equestria pays the price for it."

Shooting Star agreed before rushing into the dark tornado that held the castle of the 2 sisters and in it, Timor. Once they got in, another flash of lightning and roll of thunder filled the sky.

Author's Note:

We're getting close to the end everyone. Are you excited?