• Published 31st Mar 2024
  • 465 Views, 54 Comments

The Glue of Harmony - Twidashlover123

Spike is alone on Hearths Warming. Strange things happen. What will he do about it

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Happy Hearths Warming

The next morning, Spike woke up and he stretched his limbs and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He turned to look at the clock and saw that it was already half past 10. Spike figured that they would wake up later than usual, seeing as how late it was when they finally defeated Timor and went back to the castle. He then looked back at Shooting Star who was still sleeping in his bed with a smile on her face.

Spike smiled warmly at the sight and admitted to himself, "To be honest, she does look pretty cute when she sleeps like that." Spike then decided to leave the room and cook up some breakfast for Shooting Star when she wakes up.

Spike left the room, being very careful to be quiet as to not wake up Shooting Star, and he walked to the kitchen to start making breakfast. As he reached the kitchen, he contemplated what to prepare for breakfast. He wanted something hearty and comforting, something that would make both his and Shooting Star's day start off right. He decided to go traditional and make pancakes, eggs and orange juice.

Spike gathered the ingredients from the pantry and refrigerator, setting them out on the kitchen counter. He began mixing the batter for the pancakes adding a bit of cinnamon, the rhythmic whisking soothing his mind as he focused on the task at hand. As the aroma of freshly cooked pancakes filled the air, Spike cracked eggs into a pan, the sizzle of the cooking eggs adding to the symphony of morning sounds.

With practiced precision, Spike flipped the pancakes, ensuring they were cooked to perfection, golden brown on both sides. He then plated them up, arranging them neatly on a serving dish. Next, he scrambled the eggs, adding a sprinkle of salt and pepper for flavor, before transferring them to another plate.

Finally, Spike poured two glasses of orange juice, the vibrant color of the juice reflecting the morning sunlight streaming in through the kitchen window. He set the table with care, placing the plates of pancakes and eggs along with the glasses of orange juice, ready for Shooting Star to enjoy when she woke up.

As Spike glanced at the clock again, he realized that Shooting Star might be stirring soon. With a gentle smile, he waited eagerly for her to join him, excited to share this peaceful morning together.

A few minutes later, Spike heard Shooting Star come into the kitchen. "Are you cooking something in here Spike? I smelled an amazing aroma from your room and figured you were cooking something." She said in a curious manner. She then got a look at what Spike cooked up this morning.

"Happy Hearth's Warming Shooting Star. I decided to make breakfast for the both of us when you woke up. I made some traditional pancakes with a sprinkle of cinnamon in it, and I also made some eggs with salt and pepper and 2 glasses of orange juice."

Shooting Star's eyes widened in delight as she took in the spread laid out before her. "Oh wow, Spike! This looks absolutely amazing!" she exclaimed, her stomach rumbling in anticipation. "And Happy Hearth's Warming to you too!"

She moved closer to the table, taking a seat and eagerly reaching for a pancake. The warmth of the food and the care Spike had put into preparing it filled her with a sense of comfort and gratitude. "You really outdid yourself, Spike. Thank you so much for this wonderful breakfast."

As she began to eat, Shooting Star couldn't help but smile at Spike. "You know, waking up to this makes me feel truly happy. It's moments like these that remind me how lucky I am to have you as my friend," she said sincerely, her voice soft with appreciation.

Spike returned her smile, feeling a warmth in his chest at her words. "I'm just glad you enjoy it, Shooting Star. And I feel the same way. You've been an amazing friend, and I'm grateful for every moment we share together."

After Spike and Shooting Star ate their breakfast, they cleaned up the kitchen together and went to the main hall to just relax until it was time to head to Derpy's and the Doctor's place for their Hearths Warming party. When they got to the main hall, Spike and Shooting Star saw that on the ground, there stood 2 gifts.

Spike and Shooting Star exchanged curious glances before approaching the gifts on the ground. They were wrapped in colorful paper with intricate designs, tied with ribbons that seemed to shimmer in the soft light filtering through the windows. In the middle of the 2 gifts, there was a note. The note said,

"Thank you for saving my life."

Shooting Star picked up one of the gifts, turning it over in her hands with a smile. "I wonder who these are from," she mused, her eyes alight with excitement.

Spike nodded in agreement, reaching for the other gift. "There's only one way to find out," he replied, his curiosity piqued.

With a gentle tug, they untied the ribbons and carefully unwrapped the gifts, revealing two beautifully crafted boxes underneath. Shooting Star lifted the lid of hers first, gasping in delight at the sight of a delicate necklace nestled inside, adorned with sparkling gemstones that caught the light.

"Oh, Spike, look at this!" she exclaimed, holding up the necklace for him to see. "It's stunning!"

Spike's eyes widened in surprise and admiration as he looked at the necklace. "Wow, that's amazing," he remarked, his voice filled with awe.

Next, Spike opened his gift, revealing a finely crafted journal bound in leather, with intricate designs etched into the cover. He ran his fingers over the smooth surface, a sense of wonder washing over him.

"This is incredible," Spike breathed, flipping through the pages of the journal. "I always wanted a journal to write things down on. It's perfect."

As they admired their gifts, Shooting Star and Spike couldn't help but feel grateful for the thoughtfulness of their unknown benefactor. "Whoever gave us these gifts must know us pretty well," Shooting Star remarked, a smile playing on her lips.

Spike nodded in agreement, a sense of warmth filling his heart. "Yeah, they must," he replied, his gaze lingering on the necklace and journal before turning to Shooting Star. "I'm just glad we get to share this moment together."

With a smile, Shooting Star reached out and squeezed Spike's claws. "Me too, Spike. Me too."

A few hours later at around 2 pm, Spike and Shooting Star were getting ready to head to Derpy's and the Doctor's place for the Hearths Warming party. Spike was putting his jacket and hat on while Shooting Star put a scarf she found in the closet on around her neck. She then put the necklace she got for Hearths Warming on top of her scarf.

Spike saw the necklace and remembered something. "Oh, I'll be right back Shooting Star. I just remembered something." And with that, he bolted out of the main hall and to his room. A minute and a half later, he came back to the main hall with the necklace he got when defeating Timor the previous night.

Shooting Star didn't notice the necklace though. "Where did you get that necklace Spike?" she asked.

"I got this necklace when Timor was defeated. It consists of all of the elements of harmony including the element of bravery and sacrifice in this hexagonal shape." Shooting Star nodded in understanding.

After all of that was said, Spike and Shooting Star walked into Ponyville to find Derpy's and the Doctor's place. As they were walking, he found that Lyra was running up to him. Spike and Shooting Star stopped and turned to face the mint green pony.

"Morning Lyra, and happy Hearths Warming." Spike told her with a smile.

"Good Morning Spike, and happy Hearths Warming to you as well. I can't believe how nice the weather is right now, seeing as there was a massive blizzard last night. Could you imagine that it came with thunder and lightning too? It was absolutely craaaaazzyyyy." Lyra said.

"Yes, I can imagine, seeing as I saw it too." Spike told her. "And before I forget, Lyra, this is my friend Shooting Star."

At this, Lyra smirked. "Are you gonna marry each other one day?" she asked. Both Spike's and Shooting Star's faces turn red upon her saying that.

"We only just met a few days ago. I think it's too soon for that kind of stuff." Shooting Star muttered embarrassingly.

"I'm kidding guys, and the reason I came to see you Spike is because I wanted to give you a gift from me." This got Spike's attention. Lyra showed him a box and he opened it. Inside the box stunned Spike to the core. It was 10 diamonds.

"How did you get all these diamonds?" Spike asked as Lyra smirked again.

"I have my ways Spike. I made a pinkie promise that I would return the favor ten fold and I did. You don't have to thank me, you deserved it anyway."

With that, Lyra walked away from the duo and they continued walking to their destination.

Spike couldn't believe the generosity of Lyra, as he held the box of diamonds in his claws, feeling a mix of gratitude and amazement. "Wow, this is... incredible," he muttered, still processing the unexpected gift.

Shooting Star looked at the diamonds in awe. "That's so thoughtful of her," she said, her eyes sparkling with admiration. "It's amazing how generous ponies can be during the holidays."

"Yeah, it really is," Spike agreed, tucking the box of diamonds safely into his jacket pocket. "I'll have to find a way to thank her properly."

As they continued their walk through Ponyville, the sun shining brightly overhead, Spike and Shooting Star couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building within them. The streets were bustling with ponies preparing for the Hearth's Warming festivities, and the air was filled with laughter and joy.

Finally, they reached Derpy's and the Doctor's place, the place already decorated with plenty of Hearths Warming decorations. Spike and Shooting Star walked to the door where they knocked on it 3 times. 5 seconds later, Derpy answered the door and smiled brightly at them.

"Oh hello Spike, thanks for coming to our house. The doctor was able to get out of the hospital after spending only an hour in there and he is feeling awesome. Also, who's your friend there Spike?"

Spike returned Derpy's smile warmly. "Hey Derpy, it's great to see you! This is my friend, Shooting Star. She's new to Ponyville."

Shooting Star waved shyly, offering a small smile. "Hi, it's nice to meet you," she said softly.

Derpy's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she glanced between Spike and Shooting Star. "Well, it's wonderful to meet you, Shooting Star! Welcome to Ponyville," she exclaimed cheerfully. "Come on in, the party's just getting started!"

As Spike and Shooting Star stepped inside, they were greeted by the lively atmosphere of the party. There was music and there was plenty of decoration. The Doctor looked at them and walked over to them.

"Hi Spike, thanks for coming. Who's your friend?"

"Hi Doctor, this is my friend Shooting Star." Spike told him

At this, the Doctor smirked. "I bet you 2 are gonna fall in love one day." he said jokingly.

"Doctor!" Derpy said angrily as she slapped him across the face. "Don't embarrass our guests again. If you do, then you will be sleeping on the couch tonight." Meanwhile, Spike and Shooting Star were red faced again.

"Like I said before, we only met a couple of days ago. It's too early for this." Shooting Star muttered again.

"I'm sorry guys. My husband really likes to tease. Just don't mind it, ok?" Spike and Shooting Star nodded and that was when they noticed the necklaces on their necks. "Those necklaces look really good too. When did you get them?"

"We got them this morning." Spike and Shooting Star said in unison.

"Well I must say, they look amazing. Now let's go enjoy the holiday celebration together." And with that, Spike, Shooting Star, Derpy and the Doctor started partying like no tomorrow. It was pretty safe to say that they had an amazing Hearths Warming.

Author's Note:

I honestly can't thank you enough for taking the time of your day to read my story and even more of a thank you to those who commented on the story. You guys are the best. Stay tuned for my next story, "The King's Son" which is coming out sometime in June.

Here's a hint to the plot: An threat from 13,000 years returns. Can Spike, Shooting Star and a third friend help keep equestria safe?