• Published 26th Jan 2013
  • 20,756 Views, 1,924 Comments

Mordane Stronghoof - Mr Stargazer

After an existential journey goes wrong, a man finds himself in Equestiria. With no way to return home he has no choice but to find a path in a new body. Will he discover a place to belong once again in this new land, or be forced to carve one out?

  • ...

New places old faces

"If you say a lie loud enough and long enough, the people will believe it." - Adolf Hitler

The space between the truth and the lie is a fickle thing.

If one tells a lie about themselves long enough.

Ponies won't follow me for my own revenge.

You begin to tell yourself that lie.

I'm not just doing it for myself.

You act on the lie.

I have to free those under Celestia's rule.

Then you believe the lie.

I will save them.

Then it no longer is a lie.

I'll fight her, for others.

It's the truth.


In a flat spacing of land among the rolling hills, a little town of less than forty houses was resting beside a river. The leaves of trees were just beginning to brown and loosen, in preparation for their journey to the ground below a few weeks from now.

Throughout the streets, young played while the old sat grumbling about the children playing, and the middle aged worked in the shops and fields. On one corner of the dirt roads interlaced in the small town. Mordane cautiously walked out of the pawn shop while keeping his hood low. The bitter taste of that clan's memory left little room for appetite in the young stallion. In all truth he just wanted to break something. The frustration from being so close to success, only for the lack of perspective to cut under him, put his teeth on edge.

I could have used them...no! I must not think that way. It’s dangerous.

Dark thoughts played out in his mind as impulses long suppressed from the now released part of his personality came to the surface. His perception seemed to expand and contract. One moment he would be so aware of everything around him, from the smell of oil in the wood floors and the distant look of the shop owner, and the next he would fall back. The necromancer had thought himself quite strong willed, cruel and terrifying. His evil intentions however did not compare to these thoughts.

The worst part was knowing they were his own.

Yet he would not give into them. No they simply focused on efficiency without morality. The shopkeeper not giving you enough gold?

Threaten him. Find that mare enticing? Sleep with her, all you have to do is act tough but with a hint of kindness. Obvious daddy issues.

On and on it would go. There was the other ones that were just as extreme but on the opposite side of the spectrum and would still feel twisted.

Get some food for that homeless man. Treat him kind and use him after he becomes your friend.

Say hello to everyone you meet with a smile. Treat them with respect and they will respect you even more.

Follow that pick pocket and stop him when he does try to steal something. How do you know he's a pick pocket? By the way he looks at others of course.

All for himself. This side of him did not care if it was with sugar or blood, he would twist whatever he could to his advantage.
It would be up to his more...humane side to control this.

The wind blew hard through these streets catching up dust and blowing his cape in the wind. A string on the inside held the cloth close to his body. He had sown it in so as to prevent the cloak from blowing up and revealing his wings.

As he stepped out of the shop that little cord snapped from the winds pressure. Desperately the stallion grabbed for his cloak billowing upward. His wings were out for anyone to see for a full four seconds before he grabbed onto it and pull down.
His eyes darted around. Did anyone see?

"Well I be a Diamond dog! You got both wings and a horn? That's Something! What, was one parent a pegasus and the other a unicorn?"
Spinning around, an old earth pony was looking at him with a smile on his face. Mordane stared at the smiling stallion his panic quickly subsiding into confusion as he tried to grasp what the pony had said.

What it's almost like-

More ponies crowded started to gather around having overheard.

"What, he has wings too?" asked a construction worker

"I won't believe it till I touch em-"

"Never been with a stallion like you before," said a mare with a seductive smile

"Let us see em!"

Hesitantly while still forming a plan. Mordane slipped off his cloak. The crowd ooh-ed and ah-ed.

"What’s your name?" said the original stallion.

Oh buck...

Mordane thought nervously.

What if Celestia hears about me? I coul-

Suddenly he had an idea.

oh god why

Looking up he smiled as apprehension filled his stomach and yelled.

"Why little old me? I'm called the Party King!"

As some ponies laughed he could already see how to get the party going.

I really did tell myself not to drink again...Well it should be fine. I just won’t get drunk Celestia is over the mountains and tails of the 'Party King' will only be taken as rumors from all those years ago.

With that thought Mordane lead several of the ponies into a nearby bar and took his first drink

______________________________(fifth teen hours later)________________________________________

Mordane opened his eyes.

Groan. I said I would not get drunk!

Pushing up from between the three mares on his coach Mordane stumbled up and looked around the room. Seeing his cloak, bag and sword leaned against the wall he walked over and checked it making sure that nothing was missing.

Oh buck did I do anything with them...best check

Casting a detection spell noticed that there was a contraception spell activated on himself.

God I though for a moment it was going to be like the last time. Having to check up on here a year from now would be terrible.
After packing up he walked out of the room and into the main bar area.

You know what I'm not even going to ask how they got the flag that close to right.

He thought while looking around the nearly destroyed bar.

Mordane stepped over the fallen bodies even as the few still awake saluted him.

"Hail party king!"

"uhh thanks."

Opening the front door of the bar Mordane stepped out onto the street.


All around him ponies were passed out in the street reflecting the look inside the bar.

"Everything is looking better than I thought it would."

As Mordane flew away from the town, with only a few fires and a lot less alcohol, he pointed himself south and aimed for the city that the townsfolk had told him of last night. Apparently there was a lot of jobs available there for those skilled enough. Mordane felt a small smile on his lips. The idea that no one knew about alicorn was just so strange to him. After last night at both the pawn shop and gambit table he had a tidy sum of just over a thousand bits.

He was excited to see a city state. At first he had not really caught onto its nature but a few questions at the town told him what he needed to know. It was said to be the center of the northern region. It was there where he could find out how things around here tick.

Mordane felt uncertain about his future, but happy considering his prospects. The townsfolk had known nothing of alicorn but that would not stop him from wearing his cloak. Best to avoid such attention. He glided down and landed at the entrance.

He moved quickly toward the City called Tietus. Which was said to be in a state of unrest. Mordane chuckled to himself thinking it likely meant rebellion.

Mordane did not know what to expect from the great city but his gut told him it was the place to go.


Flying over the last of the hills, Mordane looked out over the plains and down on the city. The sight that came to him was impressive.

The coastal city seemed to be divided into four districts, and had two outer gates. The docks stood out fairly clearly, as did the marketplace, with its many brightly colored marquees. The bulk of the city was taken up by slum-like masses of buildings, with the last section containing larger, roof tiled houses surrounding the castle. Obviously the respective domains of the poor and the rich.One river ran through the three poor districts. It had an odd color to it but Mordane just chalked that up to weather.

Quickly his mind ran predictions.

Looking at the various sections and how run down they are one can make a fairly good estimation of the population...about five hundred thousand. No wonder this is the center of power. It's as big as Manehattan. From what I can see it's the port that gives it strength...block that off and the city would empty.

Mordane shook his head and smiled before setting down. As he made his way to the main gate he noticed as the guards considered stopping for a moment before shrugging and letting him walk past.

Inside, he was assaulted by the sight and smells of the city. Trash, dust, smoke and feces. The reality of a middle age city came up and slapped him in the face. Sewage ran freely along the street edge with trash floating through it. Carriages carry both the wealthy and goods through the dirt roads of the city.

Mordane gagged.

Wh-what the hell...this place is...Even basic sanitation?

The sickness growing in Mordane surged. He ran over to the road edge and threw up his last meal. Looking around in disgust he saw that nopony had even looked twice.

This is atrocious. I have to hand it to the bitch, she at least lifts Equestria out of this sickening state.

Mordane knew even with his knowledge, anything he revealed would likely cause him to be seen as a threat by the elite. Something to be fought or controlled.

As Mordane walked through the town he purposely avoided bumping anypony. He down two raggedy individuals who actually purposely tried to bump him. A slight thrill ran through him both times, even as he watched them go to talk to others who were standing on corners as money exchanged hooves.

...organization. A thieves’ guild of some kind most likely.

He resisted the urge to laugh at that thought. What a world.

As he stepped through an unavoidable puddle of what he assumed was water, the stallion overheard something that gave him pause once more.

"Why, mares and gentlecolts, we have a fine selection today!"

Mordanes head tuned as his heart sank at what he saw.

Down a large alley, ponies stood close together in front of a simple wooden stage. Eight ponies stood on it. Two were guards. A third was the salesman.

The rest stood in line with neck collars and chains.

A few were mares, others stallions. They ranged from teen to middle aged.

Mordane found himself making his way through the crowd toward the stage. A sense of foreboding filled him and words he only thought to hear said in film came to his ears.

"Yes, before you today we have a fine selection indeed. These slaves were captured as part of campaigns in the south and are legally claimed. Just look at this stallions thick back legs. He could do some fine field work-"

The former human watched as the first batch was sold. On the second he was wondering why he was not crying out... All he felt was just shock. Slavery is just so unfathomable to those who have lived in a land where all are free.

It was only on the third line that he was snapped out of his stupor by a voice that sounded familiar.


"Shut up, you!"

The guards dragging out the stallion viciously bucked him in chest, causing Mordane to flinch.

As they held him in the middle of the stage the earth ponies face caught his attention. The stallion seemed familiar. In fact he was sure he had seen him before. It took a few seconds but soon Mordane remembered.

"Brawny Boulder? Is that you?"

The old drunk Mordane had meet after first leaving home stopped long enough to stare at the stallion. His eyes searching to something he could recognize. It had been years since the alicorn had even thought of his old temporary companion.

"Who the buck are you?"

"No talking to the merchandise!" shouted the sale pony. "Now this one may be feisty but he is strong! Chain him up to an entrance and use him as a guard! Do I hear five hundred bits?"

Utter silence. No pony would want such a hoof-full. Many in the crowd were muttering about how the pony should of been broken before being brought out.

He does not remember me. Understandable. Luckily I should be able to buy him.

Mordane of course knew he would buy him. The question was how much it would cost.

"Four hundred bits!"

"I don't know, Boulder, that’s a might expensive," Mordane spoke to his chained up companion in front of him.

A pained look came over the former guard’s face.

"Buck you! If you know me then save me and then we can talk!"

"Three hundred fifty bits?" the sale pony’s look was even more pained.

"I'll give you two hundred bits," Mordane said with a smile.

I cannot believe I would run into this guy again.

"Only two hundred bits?" The sales pony looked around. "Do I hear three fifty...One twenty five? Yes you two hundred twenty five!" A random mare made a bid.

I have to end this.

"Three hundred bits!"

Nopony decided to go against Mordane’s offer. Handed a simple key they asked him three times if he had a guard to handle him, before letting him walk the stallion out himself.

As Mordane and Boulder walked out of the alley way the old stallion was giving his new owner odd looks.

"Why don't we get a drink, old buddy, and catch up."

"I don't know how you know me, colt, and if you think you can hold me..."

"Wouldn't dream of it. Just consider the three hundred bits a loan. I know you're the type to repay debts."

The old stallion grumbled and followed Mordane into a bar. The alicorn ordered them both a soda, drawing a smile onto the owner’s face.

"Really, soda? You really are a colt," Boulder grumbled.

"Not as young as I once was, old timer... Do you really not recognize me?"

He glared at Mordane before drinking the glass dry.

"Can't say I do."

The laughter bubbled up easily though Boulder did noticed it was a little strained.

"Well what if I told you we met in Equestria?"

Brawny Boulder took another long look at Mordane before shaking his head.

"I left there about two years ago and had a lot of drink before being hit in the head and taken as a slave." The shame of being caught so unaware was evident in his voice. Mordane felt pity at how far the earth pony had fallen. He hair was ragged and worn where the collar was hung. The eyes looking out at Mordane looked deader than the ones from all those years before.

"Heh. Guess I can't blame you then ...Perhaps if I tell you my name?"

"Out with it. I ain't got all day."

"I'm Mordane Stronghoof."

The old stallion spat out his drink as his eyes widened in recognition, and after a few seconds he smiled as he started to recognize the colt from all those year before in the stallion before him.

"By Celestia’s name, it is you! I can't believe you saved me," he shouted "What are you doing down here?"

"I could ask you the same. What happened to that mare, Sugar?"

"No idea. She left me after we came over the mountain, before I was captured. We were just running from some fines."

"Disorderly conduct?"

Boulder laughed.

"Yeah. What about you?"

This guy hated Celestia right? Perhaps I can find an ally.

"Oh you know," Mordane said awkwardly. Boulder raised an eyebrow and Mordane sighed. "I'm on the run."

"The run?" Boulder said with surprise.

"Aye, from Equestria and her queen...I remember you did not like her as well.”

The older stallion grunted an affirmation.

"She has no respect for conflict. It will come to bite her again one day."

"Aye, it did. Diamond dogs attacked Equestria."

Boulder’s mouth dropped open, but he quickly recovered.

"I assume the defenses failed?"

"The attack was on multiple fronts simultaneously... The ill trained guard had terrible response time." Disgust and a slight sense of loss filled Mordane. It only magnified as the conversation continued. “The dogs were after slaves...I lived in a town called Ponyville at the time."

"Ponyville?" he cut in, "The home of the Elements of harmony?"

"You know about them?"

"Of course I do. I was part of the guard before...Well before I fell out of favor"

Mordane sat back."Interesting. What did she say about it?"

"Basically, don't respond to anything and leave it up to her student."

"...Huh. That's an...odd command."

"We got a lot like that. So were you able to repel those dogs?"

"Yes. Though it wasn't easy...I lost a few."

"Only a few?" he responded shock "Gods, boy, how did you fight them? I would think the town would be taken. No matter if Princess Twilight was there."

"I burnt the bridges and put all the colts and fillies in the town hall. Then built the defenses around it."

Boulder raised an eyebrow.

"You put young ponies’ lives in danger?"

"They were already in danger. I just forced the parents onto ground they would not give up for anything. Because I let them know what would happen to their little ones," Mordane explained. "After the battle I ran from Ponyville and was chased by Celestia."

This time the shock expression did not go away so easily.

"Why did she chase you? If you were just leaving?"

"...Well. I did something that threatened her authority. After that she chased me down and ran me into a storm trying to kill me. It was only through teleporting in said storm that I was able to escape."

Boulder sat in silence for a moment staring at Mordane.

"Look, colt, I'm not going to take it as rent that Celestia wants you dead! That’s just crazy. Nearly as much as you wanting revenge for it. Nopony is going to die for your revenge."

That was obvious to Mordane.

Ponies won't follow me for my own revenge.

He would just have to give them something more to fight for.

" ...This is unimportant. We have a problem. I only have six hundred bits. That is enough to start a home but not enough to really gain some wealth."

"We? And what is this about wealth?"

"Look, you old stallion, I might have freed you for our former acquaintance, but I remember how you thought. You're a pony of honor. The real kind. I helped you and now I need your help. Money is power and I need power."

Boulder leaned back and thought for a time before his face lit up.

"Well I do owe you some money it would seem...There is a way for us to make it back."


Mordane turned to look at Boulder with his face devoid of any emotion. Before them was a brothel with a hiring sign being held by a stallion as another stallion danced on a pole.


"But the pay’s good. With your tight fla-"

"No, and if you complete that sentence I'll sell you to a fat, gay stallion who obviously has various STDs.”

Boulder burst into laughter.

“You're a backside, you know that?"

"Fine then. I do have one more idea. Though you'll wish you went with this one."


"What is this dump?"

Mordane and Boulder were standing before a rundown warehouse on the edge of the dockyards. A bunch of stallions were standing in line leading up to a door.

"It's a recruiting station for the mercenaries."

"So you want us to join them."

"Uhh..." Boulder frowned at Mordane "Yeah...The pay is ok, but the real pay is from the salvage. After a round I can pay you back and you can do...whatever it is you’re planning."

Mordane felt an odd sense that this was an important moment in his life. From this point on he would be building a destiny for himself. Such time come and go in life but Mordane was ready.

I need money if I'm to succeed. While becoming a mercenary was not in the plan.

It does make sense however, there is not much I can be hired for...The experience would come in handy as well.

His pace quickened.

Besides...I'm not just doing it for myself...It's for those others under her hoof as well.

"Well...I really have no other plans."

The recruiting process was surprisingly simple. When it was your turn, walk out into the middle of the open space and state your specialty before demonstrating it. Mordane calmed himself before entering the line with Boulder.

With his sword strapped onto his back, Mordane walked calmly into the warehouse once his turn had arrived.

Three ponies stood in front of him with bored expressions.

The first was an earth pony in heavy armor. His light blue coat and dark blue mane were offset by orange eyes. On his back rested a greatsword. The sight of him filled Mordane with unease. He fidgeted a bit.

The second was an unarmored pegasi and carrying a lacer: An air blade dragged behind a flyer, meant to remove heads."

The third was a cloaked figure. Mordane tensed up as he felt the necromantic energy. Though quickly he recognized it was not the one from his childhood.

"State your specialty," said the first.

"...Magic. If you mean what kind, I can perform both elemental, necromancy, minor healing, and illusions."

The first two raised an eyebrow at that while the third simply said. "Show me."

He paused for a moment and made up his mind. There was no use in lying about his power. This necromancer was good enough to know.

"I guess I'll do an illusion first."

The three stared forward as Mordane’s eyes grew red. Quickly he was transformed wrapped in shadow.

"Fear me." His voice had unearthly quality to it.

"Is that rea-" Instantly he was cut off as he flinched. A wave of fear rolled off of Mordane. The necromancer fought off the mental attack with little difficulty, but the first two felt a little jittery on their hooves. He smiled at the younger stallion. Using illusion magic to dirctly induce fear was not bad. Inefficient but it showed proficiency.

"Good enough. Necromancy and minor healing are related. Leave them till last. Show your elemental magic."

"Are you aware of war magic?"

Approval radiated from the third one."Yes. Please show me yours."

"Of course."

Mordane did not need to restrain himself. Reaching out he took command of the local energy that was unclaimed. The third seemed to be holding onto over half of it, though his grip was nothing impressive.

Must be self taught. No use in holding back.

Mordane quickly found his center. This was much easier since he had allowed his regressed trait free.

His eyes snapped open. The calm flowed and stirred. The dust from all around the room moved and collected into a sphere. He compressed it to half the normal volume.At the same time he drew the moisture into a stream of water orbiting the compressing dirt clod.

The third one was smiling and nodding but the two pegasi seemed almost bored.

Well then. I guess it's time to pick it up.

"I advise you to cover your ears."

Mordane pulled a shockwave spell and stomped his foot down. The ball of dirt compressed and then with an exhale he formed it into a stone sword. At the same time the water formed razor edges on the blade.

The two pegasi eyes were wide as he stabbed the sword into the ground.


The necromancer burst out laughing.

"Hahaha. No need to impress these two, Mordane."

"What's funny?" said the first pegasi, confused.

"Oh, he simply was trying to impress you, but to someone who is skilled the first part was far more impressive. His control and strength were precise. Not perfect, but very good. That alone would’ve gotten him into the university."


The first pony, named High Rise, nodded his head and chuckled.

"Well I don't know a thing about magic. Though from your comment I can tell this one is worth the money." He turned to Mordane as the alicorn felt a flush of pride.

"Do you have any other skills?" he asked catching Mordane off guard.

"Well...yes. Though what more could you want to know?"

“It helps our command. We do pay more if you have extra skills.”

I really do need the money, I suppose being winged would pay more. Eh it's worth the risk.

"What if a pony claimed to be a winged unicorn?"

That gave them pause. The first one frowned.

"I would kick him out for lying."

Mordane laughed nervously.

"I'm sure that the other necromancer over there could verify my wing’s authenticity... or I could just hover."

They exchanged looks and the third one nodded.

"...Very well."

With that Mordane pulled off his cloak and stretched out his wings. Causing all of the three judges eyebrows to rise.
With a few flaps he took to the air and hovered.

Quickly, a bolt of thunder passed through where he had been as a rolling sensing spell ran across him causing a mildly unpleasant feeling throughout his body.

The unicorn’s eyes became thoughtful as he set back down.

"...He's genuine."

Curiosity in each other their eyes was evident. High Rise leaned forward.

"I'll pay you sixteen hundred."

Mordane thought for a moment before responding.

"Make it fifteen. Then you keep my nature to yourselves and whatever flying group I work with."

After a pause High Rise gave a simple nod of understanding. As long as he did not get too big, most would dismiss the idea of a pony with both wings and horn as ridiculous.

"I'll label you as a unicorn in the books and we will downplay your wings."

"Thank you. Where should I report?" Mordane asked with a stern face.

"Here. In two days, with equipment," chucked the unicorn while leaning back in his chair "You're going to need some armor. That is, if you intend to survive."

"Of course. I will be here at noon, sir." With that he saluted and marched out. The eyes of High Rise watching him as an unease settled into his stomach.


Mordane sat looking at the entrance for the few minutes before Boulder came out. The human alicorn slight smile reflected the surge of energy and excitement of somepony who knows they are about to go and spend a lot of money.

The guard pony walked out grumbling under his breath a look on his face as if he had spent three hours sucking on lemons.

"Four hundred bits. Those bastards."

"Only four hundred? That's half what a unicorn gets."

The earth pony winced at that and had a slightly jealous look entered his eyes. "Aye. Unicorn mercenaries are rare."

Mordane decided to refrain from telling him how much he was given. It would bring up questions.

He knew for a fact that Bounder had no idea he was an alicorn... Mordane had no idea how he would react to that knowledge. The very thought caused Mordane stomach to turn.

"We better use your money and buy our supplies." Boulder cut into his thoughts. "Who knows where we can find the things we'll need."

"Well I have the basics. We will need a sleeping bag for you...and a sword. Both of us need armor. You more than me...You’re expensive, you know?"

"Shut it, young’un. Lets go find what we need."


The armor was easy for them to find. For Boulder, he needed iron leg bracers and a center piece that covered mid drift and his flank. Mordane pointed out this would leave his breastbone unprotected. He grumbled something about stupid children knowing nothing of war. Iron is very rare in this world. Many nations would hold it. Tartris being the main port city of the south however guaranteed a steady supply and the lowest prices in the world.

This gave them a price that most would've called a steal at fifty bits a kilogram.

Mordane just took Boulders word that the armor was necessary and dished out six hundred bits.
For himself he was much more careful.

He found a battle cloak in one shop that was basically a regular cloak with metal plates put in sewn up pockets.

Once realizing that Mordane saved money by buying the metal plates and some sewing material. Then he bought some quality gems for fifty bits.


Mordane made his way to the room he and Boulder were sharing. Sighing, he entered and rubbed between his eyes.
Boulder laid on his small bed his side gently rising and falling.

The room was tiny and beyond plain, filled with only the two old and dirty beds. The room was cool, but Mordane was sure it would have been freezing or burning depending on the weather considering it had such thin walls. The smell of dust and the kitchen below mixed to give the feeling of an abandoned part of a home.

Opening his pack, Mordane laid out a large piece of paper made of pressed wood.

Next he pulled out a paint brush and ink bottle. Finally he opened a book of magic symbols.

With a calm demeanor he began his work.

Learning enchanting was more of an art than a science. The symbols in truth held no power; they just acted as a means of fitting the entire idea of the spell firmly in your mind. The markings could be anything. It was just easier to use the magical standard markings.

After about four hours Mordane stood up and looked down at his work. He stared at the waving lines and worked to hold the entire spell in his head.

Reaching into a bag he pulled out a hoof cuff and some gems before placing it on the paper center where there was no ink.
Then he drew on the power from the fire downstairs. Pouring in the power, he gave the matrix existence independent of his mind using the magic of making. Once the magical matrix came to be, he then bound it to the cuff.

Small pieces of the cuff’s surface fell off leaving engravings similar to the ones on the paper. The very nature of the cuff was changed as it shifted from a dull bronze to a cold gray. Small pops were heard as the gems were pulled and set into the metal.

Excitement built in Mordane as he lifted up the cuff.

For a long time he had been certain that there were ways to magically store power. Why did Celestia’s troops wear armor with gems?

Crystals jewels are mostly made from carbon and a naturally occurring magical field. It forms a sort of spreading structure throughout the gem. Normally when one tries to hold power in an item it will eventually lose it yet the Equestrians used several items that seemed to hold power indefinitely.

It was a closely guarded secret but soon it came to Mordane that the structure of crystal could be used to hold the energy better since its tight molecular bonds could more easily hold power.

That is what he used to make his copy of the clandestine bracelet...even if the end product was not as good as his original.
Now however he had far more strength and skill.

Though he would not be making a Clandestine bracelet. No this one would be a well of power. It would have a limit but with it he would have a store of strength that only he could access.

All of this flashed through his mind as he lifted up the cuff and put it on his arm.

"Go to sleep, Mordane...leave your magic till the morning."

Boulder grumbled having been woken by his annoying comrade.

"...Ok, Boulder. Good night."

Mordane pulled on the surrounding energy and stored enough in the bracelet to make a building burst into flame before going to bed.


Boulder and Mordane sat on a curb just outside of town. Both had agreed that staying in the city would be extremely boring. While going out the sit next to the forest would be better.

The sun was hanging. Birds flew across the sky accompanied by the occasional pegasi. The wind blew softly making the trees, grass, flowers and pony hair wave in its flow.

Boulder did not know what to think of this runt.

He remembered back to all those years ago when he accepted him into the party.

Then he watched his girl die, What would that do to a kid? After he was able to lift up that huge boulder. Now all these years later... Hating Celestia.

The old stallion would never admit it but he felt protective of the kid and at the same time afraid.

If his story is to be believed, he had escaped Celestia...Impressive. Though I don't know what to think of that look.
Boulder sat there as the question worked its way up through his thoughts. Growing and festering until it popped out.

"Why do you think Celestia is evil? She has made mistakes but I don’t think she does it for herself."

Mordane turned glaring before responding in a terse voice.

"What, besides her blatant abuse of power and Equestria being stuck in the a technological rut?"

Boulder’s reply came back quickly with irritation creeping into his tone.

"Look Mordane, Celestia has not abused her power. She uses it every day to raise the sun and fights monsters who would destroy Equestria."

"Tell me, Boulder. You know that long ago the unicorn tribe, whose name is forgotten, use to raise the sun. Celestia took over not as an act of kindness but as a display of power. Are you suggesting that the unicorns could not take over again. Oh yeah! That's right, we no longer remember how. Instead she sits in her unicorn noble court and rules from on top of the mountain. Throwing parties and wasting taxpayer money on maintaining a home there instead of somewhere more accessible. Then she leaves the roads of Equestria unpaved and maintains military control with her guard acting as a police force."

Boulder raised his voice to match Mordane’s increased one.

"Are you saying she made us forget? That's insane. It would take hundreds of years. Canterlot I admit is not the best location for a capital, but it is in the exact center of Equestria. And why would you pave roads?"

"You pave roads so citizens can travel with more reliability or you at least build enough railroads instead of one way passenger cars between the major cities and Canterlot alone. Do you need more? Children are raised with her image on the glass walls. The holidays are designed to build her image. She has ruled unopposed for over a thousand years and only recently has her sister returned from a banishment caused her loneliness. Loneliness! Celestia's pride is such that she would rather send her sister away then let her be an equal in the eyes of her people."


"Nevermind that!"

"Luna betrayed the Equestrian ponies wh-"

"Look you're already spouting her propaganda"

"You are just jealous of the love she receives!"

Mordane and Boulder were on their hooves glaring at each other, but at that Mordane took a few steps back.


"What! What could she of possibly done Mordane!?"



Boulder stared at the panting stallion. Unable to believe what he heard. Mordane spoke quietly.

"On the day of the diamond dog attack my parents were in Ponyville...I saw them alive after the fighting was done. DONE! I threatened her power and she killed them."

Mordane sniffed and blinked a few times before turning and bolting out the door torward the forest leaving Boulder to watch him go.

The old stallion only stood, blinking before opening him mouth to wisper.

"She...couldn't have."


Mordane galloped away from the stallion, his eyes burning. Rushing between trees and fallen logs he growled before seeing a clearing between the trees teleporting into the sky.

To far away to been seen by Boulder he flew like a rocket until landing in a flat clearing.

Snarling he lashed out with his mind scouring the area for any sapient that could hear him before pacing around. He snarled and stopped staring into the distance.

Mordane had thought his anger had grown cold yet all it took was a little hot air from Boulder to set it ablaze.

With his emotions running high, the old magic of Star Swirl was activated and soon he could hear music.

With rage filling him he sang the song that came from his heart.


What does that bastard even know!
How can he not see what she sows!
The fire of nations , misery and woe!
How can he not see her flow.
How she keeps them in depravity. Making markers.
Nothing as it seems.
She taxes the poor to give parties to the rich.
She sets above to glow and makes her sister a bitch.
She builds castles to scrape the sky
Yet does not pave the roads
so my father has a hospital for his wife!
For over a thousand years she has reigned.
Hiding behind her smiles a million ponies pain!
Well this pony, no this human sees true.
Watch out I'm coming for you.
Hell and fire I'll bring.
To twist your throne at its seams.
All the world is a stage
now I know the part I play
So rest in peace
You avatar of the sun
for when I come before you
your last song will be


Drained of his rage Mordane leaned on his front hooves that he had been pounding into the now cracked stone. Shacking only one thought ran through his mind.

I have to free those under Celestia’s rule.

Child stalker watched the panting alicorn beneath him from the trees as the dust began to settle and Mordane's horn stopped glowing.

"Well Buck, Somepony gots problems."

He leaned back in the tree and covered in shadow.

"Poor colt."

Author's Note:

I am not sure about this chapter. Thoughts?