• Published 26th Jan 2013
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Mordane Stronghoof - Mr Stargazer

After an existential journey goes wrong, a man finds himself in Equestiria. With no way to return home he has no choice but to find a path in a new body. Will he discover a place to belong once again in this new land, or be forced to carve one out?

  • ...

Starting again

"Well crap, at least now I know why it was so cheap."

The shack was six meters square with a bathroom tacked onto the side. An old rusted wood burning furnace was the only furnishing. It seemed to be made from unvarnished wood and it was notably warping in places. There was a window on both sides of the front door and one on two of the other walls as well. The wall opposite the front door had another door leading to the bathroom. The whole place sat only two dozen meters from the forest edge.

"This place could use some furnishing. I have a cot already which will do well enough. What I really need is a desk, candles, ice box, pens, paper, and a chair...and some food...and new glass for the broken window. How did I miss that?"

Mordane was about to head back into town, but before going he pried up a floorboard. There he dug out some of the gravel underneath to make a hidey hole. He hoped that his money and the three books would be safe there.

Taking special care the colt carefully floated a folded napkin into the space. Making sure the hair inside did not fall out.

The money and books would bring questions that he did not wish to answer. He needed isolation and room to study. It would be a balance. He would have to go to the school, appear vaguely normal, and not make any major waves in the community.

"Shouldn't be too hard to stay under the radar. As long as no pony finds out I'm living alone. That does mean I'll need to go to school though. Well, at least I'll get some knowledge of history out of this. The library will be my reward for all this trouble and if Celestia gets wind of me I can make a run for it...Come to think of it, how the heck would I get away from her? If she hears of me she will come to find me. Then I will have no choice. Either I join her and live with her hoof on my throat, or I flee. I guess this means I'll need to practice speed. Wind manipulation? Darn, I'm going to have to find somewhere to practice my flying. Anything else? Hmm, healing as well and maybe this war magic could be useful."

Mordane knew that the spells he had now were parlor tricks really. Star Charmer had known more than him by far.

She was stronger too.

The colt bit back tears.

”S-Supplies, I need supplies and knowledge. Who knows where I’ll find more information about this ‘War Magic’ “

After all, Celestia would not want a regular pony to have real strength.

Walking through the town, Mordane was lost in his thoughts. He came to in front of a fountain. Looking around, he saw a Quill and Sofa shop.

“Quills and Sofas? Well I at least hope they have paper as well.”

"Hello! Welcome to the Sofa and Quill, how can I help you my young colt?"

Mordane almost answered normally before remembering the false image he needed to put forward.

"Hello sir. How much for the paper and quills?"

The stallion behind the counter smiled at the young smiling unicorn colt in front of him.

"Well now, a quill hmmm? Not a pencil?"

"Well, I recently learned how to make things float with magic. It is really neat!"

The stallion laughed. Young unicorns were always so excited after first discovering magic.

"Yes, how much paper and quills would you like?"

"What is the cost?"

"A hundred sheets for ten bits and one bit for a quill and one bit for an ink well."

"Ok, I'll take--"

"Oh wait, how will I carry it? "

"Actually, I'll be right back."

Mordane ran out the door. He looked around for a few minute before finding the wagon shop.
The problem was that most of them were too big to pull. He suspected that the one he was forced to buy was meant more as a toy than a method of transporting goods.

It did not do his pride any good to be seen pulling a little red cart with 'Trotty' painted on the side.

"Hello again Sir. I would like four quills, five ink wells, and two hundred sheets of paper."

The store owner smiled again at seeing the young one and proceeded to load up his cart. Mordane paid him and made the trek back to his shack, unloaded the items, and returned to the town again. It took a few trips, but in time he was able to get most of what he needed. It was on the last trip with a few sacks of food and a magical cooling box that the colt noticed the wooden tree had a library symbol on the front door. He pulled up to it, pushed on the door, and went inside leaving the cart out front.

Books...hundreds of books. In his old life Mordane had been only mildly interested in learning. He would read occasionally and usually remembered some of it. But now...now he wanted to read many as he could. Knowledge is power, after all, and power means safety for you and those you care for.

"So many books, what topic to start with? Well I suppose I first must find a librarian."

This task proved easier than he thought.

"Hello! Welcome to the Ponyville library! I've never seen you here before. My name is Twilight Sparkle. Who are you little colt?"

Mordane resisted the urge to backhoof the librarian mare and instead forced on a smile while turning around. The dilation of his pupils a second later reduced his eyes to near whites.


"Yes, I was looking to get a book to read." He said with only a small tremor in his voice.

Twilight looked down at the young colt, feeling a twitch of pain at the obvious fear. It hurt her every time when ponies would be afraid simply because of these new wings. However, his strength impressed her. Not many had a reaction of fear so strong and even fewer contained it so well.

"What would you like to read about? Don't be scared by the whole wing thing--I'm friendly once you get to know me."

"Good question. I suppose I better learn about my...our kind." Mordane thought, gaining better control of his emotions every moment.


"First thing to know: the correct plural form is 'Alicorn' not 'Alicorns'." A book floated over from the shelf labelled 'Your princess and you'.

"Here you go! I just need your name for the checkout book." Twilight felt good to help such a young and curious colt.

"Oh for the love of all things holy don't notice my nature!"

After a few moments of flipping through the book Mordane nervously spoke up.

"Umm, could I have something a little more advance? I really want to learn about them...your kind in depth--not just surface knowledge."

Twilight's eyebrow rose with and questioning look on her face. "Oh really? We do have one with more detail, but it may be above your reading level. Let me give you a little quiz to see if you're up for it. Do you know what 'prestigious' means?"

"Honored. As in 'I received a prestigious reward'."

"Ok...how about 'condensation'?"

"That is when water appears on the edge of a glass." by cooling water vapour in the air and it turning into a liquid form.

"Ok, how about 'prejudication'?"

"Ummm pre means before and T I O N usually means an act and jud is like judge. So to judge someone before you know them?" "Specifically in a courtroom setting."

"Actually it means in the sense of judging somepony before seeing the evidence in court, but that was close enough. Here." She floated a second book over. Mordane reached out with his mind and grabbed it with magic and floated them into his satchel. The mare seemed surprised.

"You know levitation magic? That's very good, not many learn it so early. Who taught you?"

OH no, I'm not going through this again. No way!

"I learned it from a pony in my home town" Think Mordane think!" He couldn't teach me anymore though. So that's why I moved here!"

"Well that was nice of him, but...there really is no program to teach magic here in Ponyville. Occasionally there's a seminar to teach levitation but not much beyond that." The colt looked sad about that. Twilight glanced over at him and remembered when she had been a filly and how she had been as curious as this colt. She knew, however, not every pony could afford to send their children to magic school...

"Would you like me to tutor you?"

Mordane's heart leaped into his throat.

"Ok ok ok ok she wants to teach me. That's OK. Pros: she probably would be a good teacher. Cons: She is likely under the hoof of Celestia. This is how Star Charmer...no no this is different. I have more control now. The bracelet will not fail and I need somepony to teach me. Celestia may find me at any time. I may need to risk now but the reward will be better in the end. Plus she may get suspicious if I say no."


Mordane quickly left for his shack, assuring himself of safety from being found and fighting the fear instilled unwitting by his parents. Unfortunately he was half way there when he remembered his cart.

Mordane collapsed onto his worn mat. His hooves felt as if they were going to break in half. The shack was clean as could be. The windows were repaired. The stove: inspected and determined safe. He had fixed up the shack all he could and was very tired. He was about to go to sleep, but decided to read a bit from the journal instead.

Log#3 Day 365 Year 1 AM
The last day of the year. I have been studying Star Swirl's notes for some time now. Winter has stopped most of the fighting and given me ample time...I can feel the magic wearing on me. Manipulating the fundamental rules was something no normal pony could do. Yes, even I feel its pull, but I can resist. I will not be corrupted. I will save him.
Log#4 Day 52 Year 2 AM
The war is going well. Recruiting is going well. However, I feel a growing unease. The magic of Star Swirl is starting to affect me--or is it just this war? There is a shadow in my dreams...a nightmare. Baltimare burns. I can't bring myself to even care anymore.
Log#5Day 101 Year 2 AM
The war is at a standstill and neither side can gain an advantage. Celestia now reigns from Canterlot--a fortress on the mountain. I was able to use some of the new magic during the last battle. The effects were...more extreme than I intended. It seems that the old castle will now have a blight. Much of pony magic does not work correctly there anymore. Inevitably it will become a wild place. In the confusion my sister was able to claim the three elements of mine. It will do her no good. Half of them are bound to me and I will hold it even if it means their destruction. No other but us two may wield them and if she tries then the Elements will be destroyed.

”What kind of magic could do something like that? The only place I know that is like that is the Everfree.”

Mordane yawned and put the journal away then went to sleep.

Princess Celestia of Equestria was standing on the balcony looking over to the city of Las Pegasus on the horizon. She looked back to the letter from her fellow princess and student. It seemed she was thinking on taking a student and teaching him some basic magic.

Celestia lovingly smiled, her coat shimmering ever so slightly in the evening light. The princess loved all her subjects, but Twilight came second in her heart. Right after Luna.

As the scroll reminding Twilight that she no longer had to ask permission popped out of existence into a trail of flame, she turned to address matters of state. The report had come in a day ago of riots in the streets. The princess was in shock. What could she have done to anger them so? She and Luna were now waiting for the guard to give his follow up report.

"The riots have been contained and have fizzled down. Martial law was enacted within the city limits. There were no serious injuries reported."

"It is good to hear that our subjects have been calmed down without violence. Do you know what caused the disturbance?" Luna asked, the worry on her face showing clearly.

"Yes we do." The guard shifted uncomfortably. "There was an individual who the party goers called the 'Party King'. He was the one throwing the party. Despite our best efforts he has proved impossible to find. The strange thing though is that he was reported to be a green coated, red maned alicorn."

Both sisters grew somber. They turned to each other. Stern faces reflecting the seriousness of this situation. This matter must be settled immediately.

"Ok. Luna, I thought we talked about this. Turning yourself male and going out to pick up chicks is not how a princess should act."

The guard was trembling trying not to laugh at the undignified expression on Luna's face and the mocking grin on Celestia's.

"Me!? This was obviously your doing! Who was the one that snuck out of our parents house all the time?"

"Well that would be your various coltfriends. They tended to try to sneak out before Mom woke up. Oh the indignity of this!" Celestia said sarcastically as she touched the side of her hoof just below her horn. "Why ever would you do such a thing. *Gasp* Was it to sow chaos throughout our nation?"

The guard was on the ground laughing full out as Luna grinned.

"Oh yes, Celestia, you have seen through my deception! THE PARTY SHALL LAST FOREVER!"

The two sisters tackled each other to the floor and rolled around mock punching. It took accidentally rolling right over the grinning guard to get them to stop.

"I'm sorry about that Sergeant, but there's no need to be so worried. The whole ordeal is over and nopony was hurt. As for this 'Party King' character, I can assure you that to my knowledge, there are no male alicorn. Clearly this was just some pony under an illusion spell. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the Element of Laughter was involved in this somehow. You can submit your report and then return to your normal duties."

Mordane stepped out of the shack and headed toward the school. It was a short trot through green fields and dirt roads before he arrived.

”Why the heck are all the roads in this country made of dirt? They can build a freaking city on a mountain, but won't make cobbled roads?

He was walking toward the door when a ball impacted his face.

It displeased him.

"Oh hey! Sorry about that." a purple haired filly pegasus yelled, running up to him. "Are you new?"

Possibilities passed through the colt's mind on how to handle this situation. Many involved complex plots of vengeance, none of them productive. He sighed.

"Ya! It's no problem. I'm not hurt."

"Whew, that's good to hear. You're new to town right?"


The bell atop the school house began to ring.

Heading inside, he stepped up to the teacher's desk. She seemed to be grading work.

"Hello, I'm Mordane Stronghoof."

The teacher mare looked up smiling. She had a face that made him feel confident that she would teach him what he needed to know.

"I'm Miss Cheerilee. Mayor Mare told me you would be attending my classes from now on. Here, take this test and after completing it place it on my desk. Do you know how to read and write?"


"That's great. Take your time."

Mordane took the packet using his hooves. The test was incredibly simple at first with just addition and subtraction. The history section he left blank leaving a note saying he had zero knowledge there. The math went up to basic algebra, which was easy. The writing section was easy as well. Science it was a little tricky as mostly it was mixed with magic and he had so many errors to remember. Of course he also made sure to make a decent amount of errors on the harder material.

An hour into the class he placed it on her desk and went to sit back down.

The teacher had given a reading assignment to the rest of the class as she finished looking through his test. She seemed confused by the strange spread of knowledge but just chalked it up to him being mostly self taught.

As he sat there looking at her face he felt a paper wad impact the back of his head. He turned and saw a filly with a diamond tiara on her head seemingly interested in the boards that made up the ceiling.

"Well I think I just found the bully. Wonder what her name is? And what's with the tiara? Hmm I'll probably have to do something about her. I think I'll just call her Diamond Tiara--that should annoy her.".

The purple haired filly from earlier took the opportunity to throw her own ball of paper at the tiara girl. She seemed shocked that anypony would dare to throw something at her.

"What is going on here?" Cheerilee stood over the tiara filly. She had noticed the angry looks and heard the shifting chairs.

"Miss Cheerilee, Scootaloo threw a paper at me!"

"Is this true Scootaloo?" The pegasus was about to respond when Mordane spoke up.

"Ma'am I was looking in that direction and did not see any paper moving through the air."

"Ya, that's right!" Spoke a white coated filly with a multicolored mane. "Scootaloo didn't throw the paper!" Nopony else saw what really happened so the teacher would have to believe them.

The teacher looked at Mordane and the other filly before warning that she would assign a writing assignment as punishment to the next one to throw anything. Scootaloo and two others gave him a small smile which he returned.

"Well, it seems I've made some friends."

The tiara filly glared at him angrily.

The rest of the class was rather boring even though the teacher gave him a history book to read. She seemed to be making a separate curriculum.

The class let out around two. Most of the students left immediately, but six, including the five from earlier, stayed behind.

"Why were you throwing stuff at the new student Diamond Tiara?"

"Holy crap that really is her name."

"Because that colt made us have to read more than normal. He deserved it. Why should we have to do more work just because there is a new kid?"

"Hey now, Miss Cheerilee was just finding out how much he knew."

"What does it matter what a blank flank from the wilds knows? He's just a pathetic farmer like you Apple Bloom."

"You take that back! There ain't nothing wrong with being a farmer."

"He doesn't have a cutie mark." Scootaloo's eyes lit up. "We can ask him to join us!"

"Oh yay, just what you need--more blank flanks. You three will never get your cutie marks. Come on, Silver Spoon."

The two fillies with cutie marks left as he walked up to the three other blanks in the class.

"Hey, Mordane right? I'm Apple Bloom."

"I'm Sweetie Belle!"

"I'm Scootaloo."

"And we are..." He was not comfortable with how close they were getting.

"THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!" Mordane slapped his hooves over his ears to block out the massive noise. "AND WE WANT YOU TO BE OUR NEWEST MEMBER!"

" My God! They are loud.” He thought “Cutie Mark Crusaders. A group trying to get their cutie marks? Well that sounds pointless. Isn't a mark supposed to be your destiny? Won't you inevitably find it?"

"Ah sorry...wow are you loud. I'm Mordane, it's nice to meet you and yes I will join the Crusaders. Sounds like fun."

"Still, going with them is better than being alone. I mean what's the worst that could happen."

"How could this have happened?"

The four of them were standing in front of a yelling mare named Applejack. Behind them stood the ruined, burning remains of the barn.

"What I really don't get is how we got covered in tree sap."

"What I don't understand is why you thought that building that...thing was such a good idea. How would you even be able to have a mark in something like that?" Applejack did not wait for an answer; instead, she turned and mumbled as she moved to tell the incoming pegasus to bring more clouds.

"Well Crusaders, it looks like it was another failed attempt today." Said applebloom. All of them hung their heads low. After a few moments Mordane spoke up.

"I got to go. Stuff at home to do."

"Like find a way to send Applejack money for a new barn without suspicion."

The walk home was a solitary one. When thoughts of Star charmer came again he shook his head and decided to do something to occupy his mind.

Pulling out the tools he had bought the day before, the colt set to work on the ground. Money was a terrible thing to waste, and a farmer who cannot grow his own food is a disgrace. It took a few hours, but with his magic to break up the ground and to pull away the loose stones he was able to make a small garden. Going inside he took a shower and lit a candle to read.

The two books concerning alicorn were surprisingly brief on the subject. Though it did bring up some more questions. According to the book there was only one true example of alicorn in existence, that being Celestia. She was the only one who was naturally born as a being that carried the nature of all three races within her. Not that she was the only alicorn. In fact, there were three others, Luna, her sister who is only six years younger than Celestia, Cadence, who was raised only a hundred years ago, and Twilight, who was raised...one month ago. The book said that Celestia seemed to have the ability to make ponies like herself, though she refrained for moral reasons. The author considered this was wise since alicorn are immortal.

"Immortal...I am immortal? Surely this document is mistaken. I mean...But here it has material to prove their vast age and apparently they are not getting any older. Seems only one has been born in history...and three made. If alicorn cannot die from old age...my God how long will I live on? Even as others die? Maturity of an alicorn is said to be thirty here. That's when the natural level of magic is reached for their bodies to become fully grown? Alicorn strength appears to be about equal to four times a unicorn at full power. Then how does she move the sun?"

Most of the book appeared to reiterate things about the races, and very little was actually said about the alicorn. One thing did draw his attention however. According to the book there had yet to be another alicorn ever recorded. Celestia was nearing four thousand and even she had not heard of one. According to the book it was probably impossible.

"So I will live on even as those around me turn to dust. "

It is a fearful thing to realize you will be alone. That the only constant will be a few beings that will have no care for you. Mordane began to tremble. He would have to live on without her. The worst part was wondering if it was not a blessing that she had died before he had to make such a choice.

Mordane quickly put down the book. It had nothing else to teach him. What it had may be too much. He took out Luna's journal. Now aware that this was not a being from long ago or any such trickery. She was a true immortal.

Log#6 Day 150 Year 2 AM
I've put aside the journal of Star Swirl. It sickens me. What use do I have for his work? He should have been content with his place as a unicorn. However he bound himself to chaos, I do not know. Though it is the only way I can see that he was able to gain the strength to bend the fundamental rules.
Log# 7 Day200 Year 2 AM
Bah. I have begun to teach my fool of a sub commander war magic. It is simple enough. Use your cutie mark as the focus for your magic and bind yourself to a particular element. Fire, earth, water and air are the normal choices. The fool has a standard cloud mark and decided to stretch it out to being bound to lightning. I'm the only pony who wields it in the army and he will need it in order to continue the fight. It is an extension of my connection to the glorious moon. This connection gives me access to shadow, lightning, and dreams. Celestia, however, has the sun. It gives her power over light, fire, and life. Life...without that she could not have raised me. One must understand however that the power one aligns themselves with does not grant strength only speed and simplicity in casting. Basic spells won't even require a new binding.

Mordane was shaking. The understanding of his immortality and the incredible strength of a being that has had millennia to practice magic was sitting on him. The colt walked shaking over to his mat and laid down, fear consuming him as he fell to sleep. That night was spent shivering and staring into the darkness.

School the next day was as mind numbing as one would think. The teacher never questioned his strange array of knowledge. She just seemed intent on getting him up to speed on history. The Diamond filly was as annoying as the day before. He was already thinking of ways to deal with it if he needed to take care of it directly. After school he and the other crusaders went swimming. It was pretty fun. After that though he had to leave. Apple Bloom watched as their new friend walked over the hill.

"Hey Scootaloo, where do you think he's going off to?"

"Well I guess he has somepony he stays with--he isn't at the orphanage or anything."

"I wonder where he's staying?" said Sweetie bell, furrowing her brow as she came up out of the water.

Scootaloo looked after him with a smile on her face.

"Let's follow him!"

The three fillies smiled at each other and stashed their swimming gear in a nearby tree to acquire later.

Sneaking around behind trees and bushes, they followed the colt.

"Why is he heading away from Ponyville?"

"Do you think he knows we're here?"

Soon the colt turned off the road and headed over a hill. They went over after him only to see him walk into a shack.

Mordane placed his bag in the corner and began to make dinner. A hay burger and fries sounded delicious. He was about to throw the soy patty in when there was a knock at the door. He froze immediately as fear flooded his heart. For a moment he wondered if Celestia had found him. This however was banished with the second knock. Mordane prepared mentally and opened the door.

He facehoofed.

"What are you three doing here?" The rest of the crusaders were standing in front of his door.

"We got curious were you were going, so we followed you."

"Well, come in," Mordane sighed.

The CMC came in and looked around at his shack.

"Is this where you live?"

"Yah who owns this place?"

"Do you have permission to be here?"

"Well, girls...I own this place. It was really cheap."


Mordane gained a severe headache in the next few minutes before he could calm them down.

" Listen, girls. I got to go to meet Twilight...Could you promise to keep this a secret? I don't want anypony to come bothering me sept you guys."

The three fillies looked at each other smiled and shouted in unison


Mordane made a mental note to pick up another window.

Twilight was a monster. In terms of raw power he could not even compare with her strength.

In terms of spells she had mastered nearing sixty standard ones and knew enough to make some up on the spot.

She demanded his full attention and seemed intent on shoving as much knowledge into every moment as possible. Attempts to hide his strength were laughable under her gaze. It was ten minutes before she found him out.

"Why would you hide your strength from me? Were you afraid that I would push you too hard? Do you not trust me? If you don't trust me then why do you want me to teach you?" Her gaze was like steel.

"I-I was just scared. This place is so different from where I'm from. I just held back subconsciously." He lied through his teeth. He had already reinforced the illusion hiding his wings. Nothing would be worse to him than being revealed to Twilight.

The anger in the mare's eyes faded away and was replaced with a bit of sadness.

"Ok then. Don't be afraid...It may be strange here but I will keep you safe." she said as Mordane smiled in return. His mind only thinking on what he would do if she ever realized it was Celestia he feared.

"I would like you to now lift the rock up to your chin. No drawing power from the wind or from the sunlight. I'm also limiting you to two bindings--and not from anypony as well."

"Dang. That just leaves me heat from the earth unless, "

"Do objects moved by the wind count?"


"Dang again. Ok, I'll use heat from the earth and...uh, come on! Heat from the earth and...light from the stars! Now how to locate the light from the stars...dang. OK I'll just use--oh! There is a river about a thousand meters over there. I could draw from it...no no, it's too far. I'll lose too much strength. Nothing living, no light, no wind. Motion? What about an underwater stream?"

Mordane reached out with is will deep into the earth. There he found a small stream about a hundred meters down. Making a binding, he moved some of the energy of the flowing water into the upward direction of the rock.

Twilight fought him every step of the way without breaking her encouraging smile. She had to allow him two bindings. One to move the rock another to defend himself from her spells made to stop his rock and distract him. She would take the heat from the air and leave him cold. Then she would shift the ground. Just small things but it was enough to make him lose his concentration.

Needless to say, it was pointless to resist that onslaught, but in trying it would make him have to be quick on his hooves. Her obsession knew no bounds. They were sitting in a field just out of town. She had set him to levitating stones and moving them around. Much of the training seemed mental. After a time she stopped the orders and gave him books on shields of air, light, and force.

"A balance of all three is required in order to protect properly. Read these and give me a report in one week." Mordane deadpanned.


Twilight smiled at the stuttering colt. She had always been glad that Celestia pushed her in the end. Now here she was teaching a student of her own who was making great progress. In time it would slow, but for now she would pile it on.

All their weekly meetings were like this. She would stuff as much as she could into ever meeting. In time Mordane started thinking of her as the purple bitch princess. Even if he was thankful for it later on.

A few weeks had passed since Mordane's first lesson. He and Twilight had met once again afterward and said his progress was 'satisfactory'.
Mordane was tending his garden when across town a certain stallion was making his way out of the train station.

Stone Stronghoof, his father, had come in order to check on his son and bring him another two cloaks. Sunny Fields, his wife, had been worried the entire month and a half since the colt had left. He had left a week ago and hitched a ride on a train over at Las pegasus.

"Now where is that orphanage? "

Stone found it pretty quickly. The orphanage caretaker, however, had not even heard of Mordane. It was against his nature to panic, but he felt honest fear at his son's absence. Logic took over. He would need to go check with the mayor.

The office was easy to find and luckily the mayor was not busy and could see him immediately.

"Hello Mr. Stone. It is good to meet you finally. How are things out in...your home town?"

Stone felt relief that she seemed to have seen Mordane.

"It is well Mayor. However, I don't have time to chat. I'm looking for my son, and he hasn't turned up at the orphanage."

The mare blinked as she looked at him, brow furrowing slightly.

"Mr. Stone, your son is at the orphanage just as we agreed. My secretary told me so herself."

His hoof stomped on her desk nearly breaking it with his strength. His eye twitching.

"Ms. Mayor...It is taking a good deal of strength in order for me to not raise my voice. I have just come from the orphanage. He was not there. Now please, help me find my son."

Twilight was flying toward Rarity's house as fast as she could. She already had Rainbow flying around looking and Pinkie asking around. She was following a clue. During their last session Mordane had been wearing a crusader patch. He said it was a gift from the other crusaders. It was a bit of a long shot, but Sweetie Belle might know where to find him. Twilight was already blaming herself for not trying to learn more about the colt beyond what was needed to teach him.

He had just been such a good student and never seemed to complain.

"Oh he must be staying somewhere! I just assumed he was safe. If we can find him I'm going to make sure to get to know him better. Just because I'm his mentor doesn't mean we can't be friends."

Busting through the door into the boutique Twilight was glad to see the filly sitting next to Rarity.

"Twilight! What are you doing barging in like that!?"

"I'm sorry Rarity, I have to ask Sweetie bell a question! Mordane is missing!"


"My student!"

"Oh! That nice colt that was over here? How terrible!"

The filly was shifting uncomfortably already anticipating Twilight's next question.

"Do you know where Mordane is staying?"

"Umm Twilight...I can't say. I promised."

Twilight felt relief flood her.

"It's ok Sweetie Belle. Mordane's father arrived earlier today and just wants to talk to him and see that he's alright. Can you please tell me? I'm sure he will understand."

Sweetie bell looked up from the floor and swallowed.

"Ok, I'll tell you."

Mordane was sitting on his front porch using his magic to tend the garden when he heard a familiar voice call out to him.

"Hey son, did I not tell you to always use your own hooves to work the soil?"

Turning around, he saw Twilight, Mayor Mare, Sweetie Belle and his father all coming over the hill.

He was grinning ear to ear by the time they got close. He walked up and hugged his father without a word. Twilight had never seen him so happy. Mayor Mare, however, was sweating bullets.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Stone. If I had known that Mordane was trespassing in this governme-"

Mordane did not even let her get that far.

"Trespassing? I'm not trespassing. I own this land! I bought it at your very office!"

If the mayor had been sweating bullets before she was a veritable fountain by now. This was the kind of thing that would end a political career.

" I-I-"

"It's quite alright Miss Mare. She did give you the pass to the orphanage son?"

"Yes Father." Mordane nodded " She was very helpful. I just chose to ignore it."

His father stared at him for a minute before nodding back.

"Very well then. Thank you ma'am, you kept your side of the agreement. There is no more complaint from me."

The mayor sighed in relief. If he made no issue of it then she could probably glaze it over.

"If you want, Mr. Stone, I will go ahead and send word he is to be allowed in at any time in the orphanage."

"Thank you ma'am. I'll see to his living arrangements now."

Sweetie Belle had a bit of tear in her eye ash she hugged Moredane who forgave her for telling them where he was and promised to meet her in a few days.

Twilight was equally as happy to find out he was okay and told him that she couldn’t wait to see him next session.

In the end he was left alone with his father.

The two of them waived goodbye as the other ponies left before looking at each other again. Mordane nodded his head toward the shack. His father nodded before the two of them headed inside.

Mordane poured a glass of water for his father before talking.

"So Dad, how are my siblings?"

That struck his father as odd. In fact, a few things did not add up. Like where he got the money to buy this place, and his voice seemed...strained.

"They're doing fine. Missing you already though."

He paused. Eyes flicking to his sons back.

"So...your wings?"

"An illusion." Mordane loved these simple and direct conversations, but now he wanted to avoid a topic. He had to put effort into smiling.

"The alicorn mare?"

"Personal student to Celestia and a princess. She was made not born." The silence was encompassing.

"Alright, I trust your judgment. You do realize how dangerous training with her is right?"

"Yes, more so the more I do. She is incredibly strong and absolutely loyal to her master. Honestly, when she talks about her, it's like she is brainwashed."

Stone nodded his head. That much was to be expected.

"Two more things. How did you pay for this place and why are you so sad?"

Mordane sighed. His father was always could see right through him.

"It was...a rough trip here Dad."

"Tell me about it." Nothing but concern showed threw his father's eyes. Mordane never could lie to him...well, not outright at least.

"Well at first it was normal. Until I got to the first town. There I met up with a group who were heading into the wilderness in order to explore some ruins..."

Mordane spent the better part of two hours explaining the entire trip to him. He left out the things about his humanity and the drunken party before Ponyville, but by the end he was in tears.

"It's just so hard Dad. I am trying to go on but it's just, it's just...Dad I'm going to outlive you. All of you. So much is just so wrong. Why did I have to be born this way? Why couldn't I have just been a unicorn!?"

Stone had always had a strong personality, but even his heart was breaking after hearing all Mordane had been through and all that he would face. He felt strange about this mare, but she was gone now and it would only hurt him if he tried to say anything bad about her.

"Mordane, my son. You were always going to outlive us. That is the nature of things. Immortality does not mean an eternity of isolation, but of purpose. You will live on and through you all that you meet will live on as well. Star Charmer sounds like a wonderful mare. She saw your age despite your years and was willing to wait. Remember her Mordane. Remember her and live on so she will as well."

A loving father will know what to say to calm his child. Mordane was comforted for a time by him and in the end they set about to have a good time before Stone had to leave.

They fixed up his house. Went and bought needed things. Told jokes and had a generally good time in each other's company. He could not stay long, however.

He confirmed with the mayor that his son would be ok alone before leaving. It was the following day when it was all said and done. He hugged the colt.

"Now here son.” he said suddenly firm. “I will visit in a year. I expect letters. And if I don’t get them then I’ll tan your hide." He sheepishly grinned “You know, to save you from your mother when she gets her hooves on you.”

Both of them laughed and hoof bumped before Stone turned to leave.

Mordane watched until his father passed over the hill and beyond his sight, then turned to go to bed.

School was mind numbing, but it passed quickly at least. The other CMC were calling him for a day of fun.

"You go on, I'll catch up!" Mordane finished the extra work he had and put it on the teachers desk. She had left a few minutes ago saying that he should close the door after him when he left.

He walked out the front door and was confronted with Diamond Tiara and Silver spoon sneering. The filly had not forgiven him for the incident on the first day and had continued to make both his and the other crusaders school days a little worse. She would prank them and call them names. In all honesty, he thought that she hated him the most.

Well maybe she shouldn't have thrown the paper wad at me.

"Well if it isn't Mr. Blankflank. What's wrong? The extra work making your brain hurt?"

Mordane mentally sighed. Moving to go his own way.

"Not at all. Now if you'll excuse me."

The filly stepped in front of him an evil grin coming on her face.

"Not so fast, stupid. I heard your father came to visit." She said with a nasty grin.

"Yes, so?"

"Well I think I know why you don't have a cutie mark yet. I mean with a dad like that nothing is surprising." She continued looking meanifully at her friend.

"Be careful what you say next." His heart was already starting to speed up even as a more rational side tried to push what she said away. Something about it just got under his skin. Like she somehow knew just what buttons to press.

"Yeah, what kind of father lets their colt go on a trip alone. Then he threatens the mayor when you're not there. No wonder you left him."

"Are you implying that my father is abusive?" Mordane said through clenched teeth.

"Hey, you said it, not me blank flank. It's obvious that he doesn't love you. I me-"

Mordane stomped his hoof and his horn flared clamping both the filly's mouth shut. Her eyes went wide as he began to warn her.

"Listen closely little one...I do not care that I have no mark on my rear. It's unimportant and only a weak little brat like you would make fun of somepony for not having one. However, my father is the best parent I have ever seen. If you say one more word against him I'll bust in your teeth."

Mordane's horn stopped glowing releasing both of them. At first Tiara had a fearful look in her eye, but it was shortly replaced by anger.

"Do you know who my daddy is? He could have you taken from your parents and put in a foster home!" Diamond said angrily.

Mordane let loose a laugh that chilled them to their souls.

"Do you think that will stop me from getting to you? I would only hurt you worse."

"Y-you can't say this to me, I'm going to tell!" She sputtered.

"Oh yes, go ahead tell them." Mordane's voice and demeanor changed to that of a scared little colt. "B-but Miss Cheerilee, I didn't do that." He forced tears into his eyes. "Why does she hate me so! It must be because of when I told on her my first day. Why can't she just be my friend?"

The two were shocked at the performance.


The scared colt was gone. An evil grin returned.

"Oh yes, yes I am. Though I ask once again. How will that prevent me from hurting you? Look, I don't care about you. Turn around a walk away and we will never speak again. If you don't, however, I will return the favor."

Mordane pushed between the two young ones. His face growing sad as he got further away. The truth was he could never harm those two. No matter what they said. Fear, however, would keep them away. Only one more thing was needed to push them over the edge. He knew they were still looking so he floated a large stone nearly a meter across out of the ground and up into the air. He looked back at the two fillies and dropped in with a solid thud then left.

Mordane opened the journal. His father had calmed him. Twilight, Celestia...It did not matter. What he needed was to gain more strength. He needed power to be safe.

Log# 8 Day3 Year 3 AM
Tomorrow I go to face my sister. My destiny will rise. THE NIGHT WILL LAST FOREVER!
Log#9 Day 5 Year 3 AM
I am Commander Firmhoof. Leader of the Nightmare forces...what is left of them, at least. Some of us are still loyal to the Night queen even if she is now sealed within the moon. It was I who was taught lightning war magic by Nightmare Moon. Yes, Nightmare Moon. Here at the end of her journal I am writing to give another perspective on what has occurred. It is obvious to any who would read that as time passed Luna went mad.
At first, the Rebellion was against Celestia for her crimes against pony kind. However, after reading from that book of Star Swirl's and learning his last discovery she slowly began to obsess over her own power. Perhaps just like the discoverer himself.
In the last battle we found ourselves in a position to save Star Swirl. His form sealed away when she simply ordered us onward. I asked if she intended to save her beloved, but she just looked at me, confused.
"Why would I wish to save Discord?"
She had never called him that. It was then that I knew she was lost to us. It was then that I knew the war was over.
I will fight on, but our forces are broken. In time, we will lose.
Log# 10 Day 246 Year 20 Am
It has been so long since I have written here. I sit now in the last fortress. The enemy is closing in. We will charge out to them. The Lunar flag will wave one last time. In all my years I never could bring myself to read that journal. Despite the knowledge it contains, learning, even the safe things, from that journal that destroyed my queen is just wrong. I will leave three books here.
This journal.
My strategy journal
And Star Swirl's Journal.
Luna was vague before, and with Celestia's suppression of knowledge many may not know how to open a mind lock.
Simply pretend the book is a pony and mind link with it while holding the image of your first kiss in your head. The book should open. It is only now that I think maybe Nightmare Moon stopped reading, not because she found it pointless but because she could no longer remember the kiss.
May Luna rest in peace and her majesty rise again after her return.

Mordane placed down the book.

"Twenty years of fighting for a mad mare. And Discord...Star Swirl became discord. Does that mean that messing with the fundamental rules is chaos magic? Well, I'll think on that later. For now, it is time to open the Journal of Star Swirl."

Mordane placed the dark journal on the desk and focused. The image of that one kiss with Star Charmer coming to his mind. The journal flared in a blue glow and the magic flowed through him. With a click the book popped open and a woman's voice spoke.

"Hello Mordane. I am the spirit of this book. Created and bound by Star Swirl. He commanded me to answer all questions for those who could open me."

The colt's surprised expression turned to a smile. It was more than he could have hoped for.

"I am Mordane Stronghoof. Do you have a name?"

"No, I don't. Luna and Star Swirl never gave me one. Would you give me a name?" The voice sounded almost hopeful.

Mordane thought for a moment before smiling.

"Hmmm...I think I'll call you Kindle."

Fear. Mordane ran through the dark. Rage boiling under his skin. All around him images of his childhood appeared twisted and flawed. Did he love or hate his dad? Was his mother virtuous or a slut? Was he an only child, or one among many? Did he have hands or hooves? Was he a young or old.

Was he human or pony?

The darkness shattered as he screamed his defiance against these questions. Images fluttered by of Star Charmer. Her smile, a kiss beneath the moon, the dungeon, her death.

"Mordane...avenge me."

The human-turned-pony snapped awake. Blinking slightly he was met with the image of Kindle kicking his hoof sitting near the book's edge.

"Wake up sleepy head! It's been exactly eight hours!"

"If I ever get my hooves on a time spell I'm going back and kicking Star Swirl in the nuts...somehow."

Mordane had been at it for hours during the sleepless night. The journal was aptly named considering it was filled with research notes. Page after page after page of nearly incomprehensible research notes. The problem was that they were organized in such a manner as to assist somepony already knowledgeable in the subject. It was a book meant solely for a pony like its creator: Star Swirl.

Not mentioning the annoying interface.

He once again sat and tried to wring more information from it.

"Oh come on! You can't tell me that you know nothing of tridimensional gateways? They form the nexus for teleportation!"

"I can't teleport," said Mordane banging his forehead against the table edge repeatedly ." Even if I could, that is theoretical. I need applied."

"Well, I don't have any applied teleportation."

"...and no basic healing either."

"Yes! No basics! I'm filled with only the greatest knowledge, the highest learning!"

"You're useless, that's what you are."

The tiny pony in the shape of a blue alicorn gasped at his words. Her lower lip trembling as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Oh cut that out...stop it."

The journal burst into tears.

"Please stop it, sigh, please Kindle?"

"Ok!" The magical construct smiled and perked up at the mention of her name, to which she had grown immediately attached.

Mordane rubbed his forehead.

"I don't suppose you have anything on war magic?"

Kindle looked surprised for a moment, then smiled.

"One document, yes."

"Really!? Show it to me."

Her image faded into nothing as Mordane looked at the opened page. It was very short, with only a small diagram and paragraph describing a single spell.

"This is it?"

"This is everything concerning war magic. It is rather simple. Even you should be able to use it." she said while rolling her eyes.

Mordane hmphed and read the two short paragraphs.

War magic is not like other kinds of spells. It is both simple and complex. Simple in its application. Complex in its effects. Any student of magic may tell you of the difficulty of using destruction spells correctly. In fact, even in combat a magic user must nearly stand still in order to focus enough to cast their spell.

This magic will circumvent that problem by making the binding before going into combat. You must choose one concept and then bind yourself permanently to it using the below formula. You will become an aspect. A manifestation of an idea. Popular bonds include the basic forces of nature, such as fire or water, but almost any idea can be used. You can be bond to a hair comb or crystals maybe even both, but heed this. The more illogical or complex the idea, the more difficult the binding is. For instance, if you want air and fire, imagine a burning tornado. The central idea must be basic so that you can easily conceptualize it. Hold it deep, know it and feel it. Then become it.
note: should be avoided by those without cutie marks as it is best to choose something related to said mark.

"Well that was...surprisingly informative."

"What? You don't expect a lady to reveal all her secrets on the first date, right?"

”Got dang this interface.”

Mordane rubbed his head. The construct was obviously not truly sentient, so whatever possessed Star Swirl to make it act this way he could never guess .

He memorized the simple binding spell and turned to get to work. As the night had worn on the research proved to be more and more fruitless.

Mordane had even taken up another project in the night to make a hidden room under his house. Some of the experiments he may decide to partake in might not be in line with all of ponykind's morals, but one also did not survive danger without knowledge. Though to do it alone would take a few months.

He would collect dirt into a bucket then take it upstairs and walk around the house finally throwing it evenly into the woods. Then he would do it again.

Probably should go and fly at some point. Last time was...a month ago? Well anyway I need to get back into the habit again.

Mordane continued to move dirt one bucket at a time. Soon his thoughts turned to Luna's journal.

"First she rebelled against Celestia, then she was captured again...I always thought it was an old mare's tale before, but then why would that book be hidden. Not to mention the moon changing that one night a few years ago, makes me wonder. Then there’s Discord, I heard of him from that traveler. He attacked...what was it? Some town near Canterlot, I'll ask Twilight. I wonder if there is a book confirming that Star Swirl became him...The information on Discord makes him sound like a monster. How could they have been the same pony?"

Mordane sat down on a stone after dumping his fifteenth bucket. It was a simple place behind his shack. Calm...Quiet...and on the edge of oblivion. Even on Earth he had learned to leave his mind behind, but here in this world it was different. In order to cast even the simplest magic the unicorn had to reach beyond and feel around them. He was doing something like that now.

The oblivion of the forest fascinated him. Beyond the threshold...it was like blackness. His mind would just not enter there. That is not to say that there was nothing. No, he could feel a twisting even if he could not see it. Whatever it was that Luna did to this place...this blight, just drew him in.

He had yet to show his mentor this method of reaching out. It seemed not too important. Instead of reaching in a line to his target, he would spread out in all directions. Willing his perception to expand. During this he would sit with his back hooves crossed and touch his front ones together. Then he would feel. His sight showed the grass move and the small critters scurrying about. He felt the energy flow around him. Once he had even tried to possess an ant again, but unsurprisingly it failed. There was just too much magic in the air to both reach out and control another.

Mordane sat there for hours, feeling the world around him before going to bed.

"Twilight is insane."

Mordane sat drinking tea as his mentor trotted around the library reshelving. Why she pulled all of them off in order to do so, he could not know.

"If you're worried about ponies misplacing the books why don't you just put them up yourself?"

"Because! Somepony may come inside and do some reading then put it back up when I am not here!"

"Then just close the library when you're out."

"But how will ponies acquire knowledge then?"

His teacher smiled at him filled with confidence of the unbreakable fortitude of her logic. After all, she was Celestia's student.

Former student, Mordane reminded himself.

"So Princes-"

"Just call me Twilight from now on Mordane. The title gets old."

"...ok, Twilight, what are we going to learn today?"

The mare winced slightly at his statement. Mordane's suspicion began to grow.

"Well, I was thinking that we should just talk about you...since you're my student and all."

Mordane groaned inside.

Great, more lies to remember.

"Sure...ask away."

"Thank you! Now uh hmm." She cleared her throat as a fearfully thick scroll and quill came over and floated before her. "Now...Tell me about your parents."

When did this turn into a psychological examination!?

"I was born to a family of farmers with four siblings in a small town on the side of a mountain. It was a...quiet place to live. I did my chores and worked the fields. Though with time I gained an interest in magic. As I aged my parents found a way to get me access to this library. What about you?"

Questions may throw her off track.

"Oh!" Twilight smiled, glad that she was already breaking through the little one's tough exterior. He always seemed...almost too calm. "I was born in Canterlot and lived with my two parents and brother until Celestia took me in as her student. After that I spent most of my time in the castle."

"The castle? She took you away from your parents? How old were you?" Mordane tried to contain his shock. Such an act was incredibly dark, even for the image he had of the ruler.

"I knew my parents were not far off about Celestia."

"Well...Yeah. My parents were glad to let me go. I mean I was only seven, but-"
Only a child.

"- to go the castle. After all, it was the princess who asked. It was for the best, and I learned so much!".

"And missed more. Could they have said no?"

"It was the best day of my life!"

"Stockholm syndrome? Certainly believes Celestia can do no wrong...In fact, could she have manipulated her from the beginning? What if Twilight is brainwashed in some form or fashion? I joked about that but to actually see evidence of it..."

The mare continued to babble on about how the Princess was so great and strong. Mordane wondered at the motivations of the Princess even as their training commenced.

Mordane sat grumbling in front of the Sugarcube Corner. He had quickly realized that sources of income were limited, not many ponies would hire a child.

"Hey Mordane! What's up?" asked Pinkie, entering his vision from above.

"How does she do that?" "I'm fine. Can I have a sund-" Suddenly Pinkie Pie jumped into the air.

"OH NO WE ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO TALK YET!" She ran screaming away before he could even get another word in.

"What about my...oh." Sitting in from of him was a large sundae next to a newspaper.

"Ok that mare is going on my list of things I need to understand. Right under healing spells...Why do I feel a sudden dread?"

He floated the paper and spoon over to begin before pausing. The first article nearly screamed at him.

Party King still unfound
As this writer began to report on the increased party activity in Las Pegasus he could never have imagined the following events. That the activity would increase until it overflowed into the streets. That the guard would be forced to section off parts of the town. In two days the party had grown to legendary proportions. It looked like it would die out as the police force began to close down on supplies running into the area, however, this proved presumptuous as the party zone had an alcohol storage facility near its center that was broken into on the third day. It was nearly a full week before the zone was disbanded. The local governor has instigated new laws concerning the starting and duration of parties. Now citizens of Las Pegasus will have to file a permit to have planned social gatherings in numbers above six.
Who is to blame for this turn of events? Some point to the one called the Party king. It was he who started to encourage others to join. He who gave the mantra of party till you drop. He who led others to go and bring other parties in to join with his. Who was this stallion hidden beneath enchantments? We may never know but that will not stop us from searching. Be it for justice or to raise him in glory, everypony wishes to find the one called the Party King. I, however, feel that he will not be found, whether he is as great as ponies believe, or he falls short. Either way, he will hide himself from prying eyes. Celestia bless you Party King. Celestia bless you.

"...note to self: Do not party in Las Pegasus again...additionally, do not ever get drunk again."

Mordane was strolling down the street with a slight strut in his step and a self satisfied smile on his face. Many years ago as a human he had been able to reach out with his mind after concentrating for a while. After coming to Equestria however his awareness simply refused to separate from his new flesh. It was like the magic of this world resisted, like it was too strong to move through. So he had practiced and practiced until just a few months ago he had begun to feel the world around him as he once did. He continued to grow stronger and stronger mentally till he could reach out even better than when he was human. However, a week ago he hit on an idea. What if he used this sight to sense around him all of the time? He knew this would prove difficult since it would mean reaching his mind out without breaking from his physical form, but certainly such a balance could be achieved. Six days ago he found that balance.

After several dry runs he felt ready to put his new skills to the test, which was why he was currently wearing sound canceling enchanted earmuffs and blacked out sunglasses, leaving him completely blind and deaf. The ear muffs were bought at a local bed store, while he was able to find the shades at a joke shop. He strode confidently down the street, swerving to avoid ponies and other obstacles, his magical senses granting him near perfect awareness within a twenty foot radius. Well it was twenty-point-oh-eight-two feet to be exact, but who was counting? In theory he was capable of expanding that radius considerably wider, but doing so caused the image to become blurred, kind of like an improperly focused camera lens. He had found that if he limited it to a more manageable area he was granted much greater clarity, not to mention it was also a lot easier to comprehend. As it was he still felt flooded with all the information he was picking up.

Not only could he feel the crowd around him but he could also see a colt in the building next to him preparing to flick a small spoonful of peas at his sister, a bird flying around behind him with what seemed to be some kind of large beetle in its mouth, and even a field mouse that had burrowed underneath a hedge, presumably to hide from the cat that was eyeing it hungrily from the alleyway.

Given the up-until-this-point resounding success of his endeavor, it came as a rather rude surprise when Mordane felt his face collide with a deceptively solid section of nothing.

Stumbling back the colt felt shock run through him at the impact with another's flesh. He could feel every moving body, ever surface, every grain of dirt. How could he have hit somepony? Ripping off his sunglasses and ear muffs. Mordane found himself staring at an earth pony stallion that apparently had been trying to sneak through the town. Dressed in full body faux leather like some kind of spy. A silver candlestick with a price tag still on it was hanging out of the saddle bag on his hip. His mane was brown, and his coat dark gray. It was strange how many ponies seemed to go out of their way in order to avoid going near him. Did he really think nopony could see him? Plus Mordane felt he looked familiar.

"Is that who I think it is?"

"Smut Peddler? Is that you?"

The stallion froze before turning to stare at the young pony.

"...no...I'm Shop Lifter...You have met my brother?"

Shop Lifter? What is with this family? " ...yeah. I owe him a favor."

"Really now. That is interesting. It's rare that anypony meets more than one of us...Tell me have you seen another pony that looks like me in this town?"


"Ah of course not," he shook his head vigorously up and down. "Well anyway I have some bad news."

Mordane did not like where this was going.

"What kind of bad news?"

"Well, the annoying kind." Lifter looked pained. "It seems that at some point you may have attrac- no...no bad choice of words. Earned the attention of my second brother."

”A third one?!”

"Hey Lifter, you know it's rude to inform my target."

Mordane nearly jumped ten feet in the air as a nearby trash can sprouted legs and a head and began to talk to him.

"The name's Child Stalker. How do you do?" The stallion grinned at him with a slight manic look in his eye. The trash lid strapped to the top of his head.

"Child Stalker, anoth- wait...I can't feel him either. Also if Shop Lifter stole that candlestick and Smut Peddler was a peddler...oh sweet lord."

Mordane continued to stare at the strange stallion for a few moments before Lifter spoke again.

"Look Brother, now you have gone and startled him. Listen colt, he won't follow you anymore since you know abo-"

"Oh no, not this one Lifter," said Stalker. "There's something special about him, I can tell." He turned and stared with eyes that seemed to pierce the colt's very soul. "I'll be watching you." He said in a whisper as he began to back into a dark corner. "Watching you...watching you..." Mordane lost sight of him in a moment, before yelling out.

"You stay away from me, you hear!" Mordane turned and looked at the other brother "...that is by far the most disturbing thing to ever happen to me...Surely he isn't going to stalk me, right?"

"Unfortunately yes." Lifter began rubbing his forehead. "Don't worry, he ain't no foal fiddler or nothin'. He just seems to think it's his destiny to follow random children around."

"...ah, that makes me feel so much better " Mordane said sarcastically before a nervous thought came onto him again." what if he does...you know, try something like that?"

Lifter laughed.

"Well then, I guess you are-" He slipped on the blackout glasses, "-bucked."

"YEAAAHH- wait what!?"

But by then Lifter was gone and with that Mordane decided he would forego any more practice for the day and head back to his small shack. Then begin to wrapping it in spells...lots of spells.

However, hanging on the door to his house was a sign.

Watching you


"...and Lifter took my glasses."

Later Mordane laid down ready to go to sleep after such an eventful day when he heard a cooed whisper;

"Watching you...forever."

Never has a colt run so quickly into the night screaming.

The following day after going to school Mordane sat bored until recess where he hung out with the other CMC. He was not a happy colt that day.

There goes the idea to use the sensing ability all the time. God, it feels like I've had an ursa major tap dancing on my head. While wearing heels, which were on fire, and made of bees.

The magic had proven to put too much of a strain on his body, to which the headache and runny nose stood as a good testament. After all, he had only used it for four hours yesterday.

"Maybe it could be used in combat..."

Mordane had chided himself all night for his stupidity. After all, it was the same type of thing that caused his human body to die. After asking Kindle he found out ponykind had this magic as well but seldom practiced it. Apparently the act of 'forcibly dismembering one's soul from their own body' was considered to be the height of foolishness, as Kindle had quite vehemently felt to point out.

"Too bad I don't intend to stop. Just maybe tone it down."

The rest of the cmc were sitting under a tree whispering to each other and when he came up two of them giggled.

"What's so funny?"

Sweetie Belle blushed as the two others laughed.

"No-nothing Mordy," said Apple Bloom through her chuckling. Mordane furrowed his eyebrows. He hated to be called that.

"Ah fine. So what do y'all have planned for this evening?"

"Hehe not much, more crusading. You coming?"

"Sure." Mordane smiled. He wondered what crazy complex idea they had come up with in order to get a cutie mark. Whatever it was would certainly be interesting.

"Well I certainly did not expect this."

All four were sitting in the club house knitting a quilt. This was turning out surprisingly fine...though it lacked any pattern to speak of. Sweetie Belle was making a diamond shaped pattern. Apple Bloom seemed interested in straight lines. Scootaloo seemed interested in putting as many colors as she could in there. Mordane just stuck with a simple circle square pattern.

"Ugh, sweet Celestia this is so boring!" "The pegasus groaned."

"But what if this is our special talent?" "Apple Bloom retorted."

"YAH! Some of us want a dress making mark Scootaloo," "yelled Sweetie Belle."

"...oh God I'm so bored I'm narrating ponies around me."

"So what marks do you girls want?"

The three paused a moment before Apple bloom answered.

"Ah would just be happy for any apple mark. Just like my brother and sister!"

"Really?" moaned Scootaloo. "That is just so boring. I want a flying mark. Just like Rainbow Dash!"

"You want to BE Rainbow Dash," laughed Sweetie.

"Hey Mordane, what kind of mark do you want?" asked Apple Bloom.

"...well I don't really care." he replied shrugging.

"What!" yelled the three shocked fillies.

"What's the point of worrying about something that everypony gets eventually?"

His question was met with looks of confusion.

"Well why do you crusade with us then?"

"Because I like hanging out with you."

The young ones laughed at that statement. However, Mordane did not notice the blush that came to Sweetie Belle's face.