• Published 26th Jan 2013
  • 20,756 Views, 1,924 Comments

Mordane Stronghoof - Mr Stargazer

After an existential journey goes wrong, a man finds himself in Equestiria. With no way to return home he has no choice but to find a path in a new body. Will he discover a place to belong once again in this new land, or be forced to carve one out?

  • ...

Leading a Pony to Water

“The opportunity is too perfect to pass up.”, Bayleaf said with a grin. She gestured to the paper on the table before her. “This isn’t gossip. It's not hearsay. This is a clear and present threat, that was right under her very nose.”

Bayleaf stood in front of her large mahogany dresser. Upon it was placed her signature top hat. The three mirrors on top of it did not reflect the room; instead Blueblood, Legal Surge, and Red Tape sat in various states of undress.

Legal Surge had a kiss on his neck, and donned a bathrobe. Behind him, a mare that was certainly not his wife trotted out of the door.

Red Tape was wearing absolutely nothing at all. One might even say “aggressively nothing”. Her hair, rather than in it’s usual bun, was splayed on her shoulders. Her room a collection of nicknacks and odd seemingly unconnected articles framed on the wall.

Blueblood’s irritated eyes stared emotionless from his stark bedroom, bags clearly visible under his eyes.

“Yes, I just read it.”, he said floating up his own paper. “Going to print in an hour. The nobility is going to, pardon the colloquialism, lose their minds.”

“Hmm, I can set things off at any time darling.” Red Tape said “I’ll have them so tied up in-” she giggled “-red tape they won’t know if they are trying to send out aid, or playing twister.”

“Well, that's interesting news.” Legal Surge said reading the paper on the table. “Hmm, the thing is. Are we ready?”

Bayleaf’s lips curled up. Her eyes glazed over, lips pulled back into a chilling smile.

“With our assets and resources we are more than ready.” She leaned forward slightly, “This is our moment. I’ve already pulled large favors with contacts to hold on its distribution in Canterlot. I have it on good authority Celestia won’t know about this for at least another hour. She has never been able to control Times and they have always been her most critical commentator.”

She slammed her hoof down onto the dresser her smile breaking out into a wide grin.

“I’ve already spoken with Mr.Times, and he has agreed to allow me to expedite delivery. By the morning, ponies everywhere are going to be in an uproar.”

“I’ll spring all my traps then.” Red Tape sighed “It's going to take months to clear the legal backlog.”

“There are a few families I’ll need to contact, perhaps expedite their agreement with a few bribes. It should be within possibility even at this early juncture.” Blueblood nodded whipping and running his hoof through his mane.

“And I’ll gather up some of my boys and declare independence. Then I’ll seize the local royal armory. That should clog up half of the rail lines out this way. Reinforcements will be impossible from the frontier.” Legal Surge grinned.

“It's settled then. I’ll make contact at noon. If all is going well I will be stripping Celestia of her powers before the evening.”

“Her powers?” Blueblood asked raising an eyebrow.

“And soon after I will create a new duchy over Canterlot. Don’t worry my dear Blueblood, you will receive your just reward.”

Blueblood nodded in agreement.

“Let us begin then.”

The connection cut as the three ponies moved to carry out their vital roles.

As the mirrors turned to normal, Bayleaf sat down for a few moments smiling before reaching for her brush. Her hide bristled against the sharp stiff bristles as shivers ran up and down her spine, tickling her hooves and nose.

She would need to look her best this morning.

Twilight had not expected this.

She hadn’t expected this at all.

Celestia had warned her to not be too surprised by ponies’ reactions to the news of Mordane having not died tragically in a magic induced lightning strike. In fact having decided to run away, far away from society, doing who knows what. This was beyond the pale. This was pandemonium.

“We’re all going to die!!!”

“Why didn’t the princess stop this? What are the princesses going to do about this!?”

The small crowd gathering outside of her castle became a little rowdier when they spotted her. Biting her lower lip, she retreated to the corner chair again, where her cook had left her morning breakfast.

The Times newspaper didn’t mince the words. In bold large letters on the front it read,


Celestia unsure of present location!

Council passes vote of no confidence!

At five this morning, just before sunrise, it was discovered that Celestia, alicorn of the sun, had concealed for an undetermined amount of time that Mordane Stronghoof, declared hero of Ponyville a year ago postmortem, has been found to be alive and in a land south of the badlands beyond the princess’ control or reach.

What is known, is that Mordane Stronghoof attacked three of the alicorns with a powerful attack spell two months before the date of this publication.

Why the alicorns did not choose to inform the ponies of this blatant aggression from a nonaligned alicorn was not commented on by the princess, and no other princess could be reached for comment.

An unnamed source in Celestia's court had stated that Mordane escaped over the badlands and the Great Divide to what our contact called ‘Old Equestria.’

This land is beyond our current national diplomatic contacts. However, this reliable source has told us there are many independent pony states there. Our experts express concern of what this alicorn, who has shown leadership qualities already, is doing there.

This reporter though, awaits the princess’s response.

Twilight let the paper flop to the table, her brow furrowing. On a whim, she reached out with her magic and crumpled it.

“Its alicorn, not alicorns.”

With an almost snap of her head, she levitated up the latest article brought by her assistant.


Leading members of the Equestrian nobility and the long-standing Mayor of Manehattan: Bayleaf, along with a coalition of other nobles and democratic offices issue a vote of no confidence.

Such a vote has never been issued against a monarch, however, the council members informed us that the crown serves at the discretion of the council.

Celestia immediately filed a complaint in the national courts. The case was rejected with the head of Justice department stating they did not have jurisdiction over the crown or the council.

In a double decision the justice department also discarded hundreds of complaints concerning council members, leading some news papers to declare the council above the law.

A vote of no confidence-

Twilight rolled up and tossed the paper into the corner, her eyes watering as she curled up on her couch.

She sniffled, wondering if she should send another letter to Celestia, though Spike had disappeared. According to Rarity, he wasn’t taking the news of Mordane as well as she had hoped

More than anything, she wanted to know why Celestia hadn’t contacted her.

She pursed her lips. No one was taking the news as well as she thought they would.

In her heart, she knew that she couldn’t stay cooped up while this was all happening. The dissolution of the Equestrian state wouldn’t happen on her watch.

She sat up sniffling and walked into the bathroom to prepare herself.

Twilight exited the bathroom and trotted down the hallway. Outside her door, two guards had manned their posts, quickly falling in behind her as she continued to her secretary’s office.

“Twilight, I have the reports right here!” The mare pulled out her spreadsheets and laid them on the table. “Ponyville military forces have been called up as you requested. Ninety-eight of your personal guard have reported in. We have supplies to keep them marshaled indefinitely, considering the supplies from Sweet Apple Acres.”

“Princess,” Flash Sentry saluted as he stepped forward. “We are ready to act to secure your dominion. What are your orders?”

Twilight took a moment to take a deep breath that allowed her to steel her nerves again.

“I want a plan to instill martial law in Ponyville if we must. Also, prepare a full take over of weather control above Ponyville and to begin a defensive perimeter with border patrols.”

The ponies’ ears stood up in surprise as several of the assistants paused at her last words.

“Border patrols? Are we expecting a war?”

“I do not know what to expect,” Twilight said. “But, I want us all to be ready if Celestia calls on us.”

She hesitated for a moment, remembering she wouldn’t have expected riots either, before slowly shaking her head no.

“In case this dissolves into civil war...”

After letting that hang in the air for a moment, she sighed.

“That is unlikely, though. I just hope that this doesn’t end with the dissolution of Equestria as a whole.”

“We will be with you, Twilight, and I’m sure many other towns in the area would be as well.” Flash Sentry gave her a small smile.

“I’m sure. Still, I will try to calm the ponies outside. Just, be prepared to step in if it gets out of hoof.”

Twilight trotted to her front doors and swung them open as the guards behind her flew into the air, to corner, and coral the thirty odd ponies outside.

“Ponies! Ponies! Stand back!” shouted the guards.

The crowd rumbled and grumbled, but quieted down as Twilight stood looking them over.

She knew these ponies, many had moved into the small town over the last year. They had come soon after Celestia had given her one of the few titles the old monarch still held. Even though the papers had joked about Twilight receiving a count title AFTER becoming a princess, it had proven very informative.

Some old ponies were here as well. Ones who she had come to know well. There, in the back, was Scootaloo leaning against a pole; packages put to the side along with her scooter.

Applejack could be seen talking to several ponies. Her eyes were full of worry as she placated the few around her.

Derpy was sitting on a cloud, looking sad at all the shouting.

Twilight stood still and strong, a soft smile on her face even though part of her wondered if it was a lie to pretend to be happy.

Still, she couldn’t show her uncertainty. When the crowd was finally quieted enough, she began to speak.

“I’m sorry, my fellow ponies. I know that it has been a very trying day. So, I am here to answer all your questions; and to put your minds at ease.”

“What are you going to do about Mordane!?” Shouted a stallion suddenly gripping his basket of groceries like a newborn foal. “I saw him during the invasion!”

“Yeah, what are you going to do!?”

Twilight tightened her lips and straightened slightly before answering.

“Mordane was a good student, if a bit troubled foal. He had a great deal of trauma placed on him as a young colt and suffered from acute paranoia.” She shook her head. “Mordane isn’t a threat to anypony in Ponyville. He is simply a small colt running away, when he thinks he is in danger.”

“What about his attack on you!?” shouted a voice from the back with a chorus of replies. “Says here that he was raised by his family to hate ponies, especially Celestia! Who would hate Celestia!?”


“Ponies!” Twilight shouted “Please everypony, just calm down. You must understand, what Mordane did was not an attack, it was a response to our scrying spell, to determine his location. I know him. Mordane always puts a little too much power into his spells, and he must have done the same with this one.”

Applejack winced, scrunching her lips and looking away at what Twilight had said. She knew when her friend was lying.

“Please, trust me. Everything is going to be okay.” She gave a soft smile. “I will protect you. Now Please, just return to your homes until this constitutional crisis is over.”

Most of the ponies who had been standing with worried looks quietly loosened at her words, many nodding and even a few turning to their friends to encourage them to obey.

“Please, trust me,” Twilight said again, sitting on her haunches and covering her heart. “I’m YOUR princess in particular. We, the elements, will make sure that you are safe, no matter what happens.”

The crowd seemed to calm down even more. With a few more reassurances, the crowd began to dissipate. Most of them heading to their homes as instructed.

One stallion didn’t. Instead, his jaw tightened, and he stepped in closer. His eyes focused keenly on the mare.

“What about Celestia?”

“Celestia will be alright.” Twilight chuckled softly, still giving a reassuring smile. “I’m sure she has a plan to deal with this vote.”

“Did she tell you her plan?” the pony asked, eyebrow raising slightly.

Twilight blinked and paused for a moment, before responding. Despite the love for her mentor, her lip did curl slightly as she answered.

“Celestia hasn’t seen fit to inform me.”

The stallion’s brow furrowed, and he lowered his head.

Turning and going away, he mumbled nearly too quietly for Twilight to hear.

“Why should we trust you if she doesn’t.”

Twilight stiffened. Her back-locking rigid at his words for a few moments as her mouth opened to give a rebuttal.

But none came.

She closed her mouth and gave a quick glance to confirm that nopony had seen her freeze. Already, her gut was doing flips with regret about the misplaced ball of anger.

“Celestia must have a reason.”

For a moment, her eyes caught Sweetie Drops as she walked home. Their eyes locked, The sweet maker’s filled with rage, before disappearing around a corner.

Twilight shook her head.


She opened her eyes and looked over at a mare she had known for many years.

Sweetie Belle’s music career had really started to take off, and she had grown into a fine mare. She usually had a very happy and cheery outlook. Now though, her eyes seemed sunken. Twilight was immediately thrown back to the time shortly after Mordane had left, when the mare had been totally distraught. In many ways, she had become a staple of Ponyville, helping to put the formally small town on the cultural map.

“Oh, Sweetie Belle, you look terrible.”

“It’s okay, Twilight. I didn’t get much sleep last night,” she said, rubbing her eyes. “A friend let me know in advance. Is it true? Is Mordane alive?”

Twilight smiled sadly, placing a hoof on the younger mare’s shoulder.

“Yes, I saw him through a scrying spell myself.”

“Did… did he look healthy?” the mare squeaked, covering her mouth with a hoof.

“He looked… like it had been a rough journey,” Twilight said quietly. Sweetie’s ears drooped. “,but he has gotten a lot taller, and his wings-”

Twilight stopped herself mid-sentence as Sweetie Belle winced.

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay” She swallowed, eyes watering, “it’s not your fault Mordane didn’t tell us. I guess… I guess I just wasn’t ever good enough for him.”

Twilight moved to hug her, but Sweetie belle choked, turned, and ran towards her home, tears streaming down her cheeks.

The princess watched her go. Her own eyes tearing up as she looked down at the ground. Images flashing through her head of little Mordane in his cloak. Running from her, nodding off into his lunch, his locked focus on a spell and even the few rare smiles she had scrapped out.

Always sad or focused, Mordane had ignored her every attempt to get him to open up. To make friends. It had been her biggest shame and in a way her most cutting failure.

Still, there were good memories, but even those felt tainted, because in them Mordane always wore his cloak, and with it, was his blatant lie.

If only she had pushed a little bit more.

Twilight looked up at Canterlot. Her eyes swimming with a mix of emotion, her decision was made.

After speaking with her officers and a few others, she would be heading to Canterlot, to get some answers.

“Thank you, my liege. Thank you.”

Ponies bowed and groveled, thanking Ice Wing profusely.

The village was like many others, a place of poverty and seclusion. The farming community depended greatly on exports, but due to the war had been forced to store their grain in hastily constructed barns. This town was so remote that the Irona military had not even appropriated the grain.

But now taxes were going to come due, the ponies would need coin as per a new mandate forbidding payment in commodity.

As such, he had seen an opportunity. Using some of his fortune, Ice Wing had purchased as much grain from them as he could. Even purchasing carts and slaves to pull them.

All of which, he would sell when he made it to the city of Tietus. A place he was sure would be having a high demand for the grain.

“Getting over the border would be impossible for a normal trader right now, and considering the city imported a large amount of grain from Irona before the war...”

Ice Wing smiled a bit, he had been finding it much harder to travel alone since being banished. Luckily, the news of it hadn't reached out this far and so his privileges were still intact.

Using that privilege, he would get his grain over the border, and sell it for a hefty profit.

Killing a small manticore for a local reward didn’t hurt either.

Still, he felt unease. His eyes looked toward the horizon. In a few days, he would be coming to the city and then he would charter a boat before finally making it to the far-flung city of Herridon.

Ice Wing felt a chill run up his spine thinking about what Mordane may be doing in that city.

Something was telling him that he had a limited window to get there. The image of Mordane’s wings splayed on his table. Of the colt ripping apart ancient magic and turning it on Ice Wing’s own ponies.

Then the image of his own brother throwing him from the council.

Ice Wing looked toward the horizon, and prepared to leave.

The land Canterlot sat on had been owned personally by Celestia for over a thousand years. She had won it from Spikes mother ,and after the nightmare war, the city was founded officially as it formed around her reclusive grieving spot. Celestia had to abandon her family's ancestral Everfree Castle, unable to bare the walls where she and Luna had played as foals.

Celestia had personally financed the city and owned the rights to all the buildings. If one wanted to use land in Canterlot, they would be purchasing a rental agreement instead of a deed. All ponies paid money directly to Celestia in the form of rent.

Even the Equestrian council was forced to pay rent for the very council chambers in the capital.

With all these funds, Celestia had expanded her personal guard to serve Equestria as a whole, the fractured state that it was.

Twilight thought about this as she rode the train up the mountain towards Canterlot alone. The only other pony onboard being the conductor and his assistant.

Every other pony had been denied entry, under Celestia's orders. After all, as sole owner of the rail lines, they were built to her specifications and at great expense.

Her eyes lingered on the castle as she pulled into the station. Wearily sighing in anticipation of what was to come, she made her way to the door, only stopping when the flash of bulbs started to blind her.

“Princess Twilight, princess Twilight!” The paparazzi surrounded the car’s entrance. Soon they began to push towards her.

Startled Twilight took to the air only for several pegasi officers to block her.

“Miss Sparkle, you need to come with us.”

“Excuse me? Who are you?”

“We are the council’s guard. You’re going to have to come with us, Miss Sparkle.”

The flashing cameras intensified as the crowd became quiet, waiting to hear Twilight’s response.

“There is no council guard, and this is Princess Celestia's Feudal property-”

“The council has ultimate authority in the Capital City of Equestria. Any previous claim-”


A Royal guard shoved his way in, followed by several others who rushed to move between Twilight and the council’s ponies.

Twilight recognized Flashwing from her studies of Mordane’s past.

Meeting him like this caused her to feel conflicted.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle, we should head directly to the castle, your highness.”

The council guard scowled as he pushed forward shouting.

“This is Equestria’s Capital. You can’t-”

Flashwing snorted. Rearing back, he gave a huge thrust with his wings and bucked the stallion across the face.

The council ponies crumpled as the Royal Guard rushed and pinned them to the ground.

Grabbing her hoof, Flashwing forced Twilight to move as the Royal Guard began to arrest the council’s goons.

“I’m sorry, I wasn’t able to reach you, Princess Sparkle. My group had to stop several arguing ponies disturbing the peace,” he said with a grimace.

“I-Its okay,” Twilight said, taking over her own flight “Just take me to Celestia, Flashwing.”

The pony jerked to look at her with surprise at her recognition. Turning back toward the castle he pulled out a mirror and flashed it toward a tower which gave a quick few flashes in response.

“Yes Princess.”

Twilight looked down over the city and the several knots of ponies grouped in arguments. About what exactly she wasn’t sure, but guards were hurrying around to break them apart. She winced seeing some of the harsher treatment that was dealt out.

A few minutes later, Twilight and Flashwing arrived at Celestia's balcony.

“Come in Twilight. I am glad to see you today.” Celestia said walking over to a sitting area.

“Princess”, Flashwing said with a salute before turning to leave.

“If you would Flashwing.” Called out Celestia, “I would like you to come with us as well.”

The stallion paused for a few moments before responding.

“Of course Princess.”

“It is good to see you as well.” Twilight smiled trotting in and giving her former mentor a hug. “Though I’m worried about you.”

The study was in a small room off of Celestia’s bedroom. A small fireplace sat in the corner next to a desk and across from a collection of comfy chairs and a coffee table surrounded by books, scrolls and other assorted items of practical use. The room was closed off save for one wall opened with a large window.

Celestia smiled motherly as she magically turned chairs and floated over some tea from the whistling teapot over the fire.

The three of them sat as she spoke.

“That's sweet of you Twilight, but I am quite alright. This little issue with the council is nothing to be scared about. I’ve had my trouble with them before.”

Twilight nodded and sipped her tea while Flashwing took longer drinks from his cup. His eyes still scanning the horizon behind Celestia who sat across from them.

“I’m sure you do Celestia.” She sighed “I knew you had a plan as soon as I heard. The council has always been putty in your hooves. This city is proof enough of that. ”

Putting down the cup Twilight leaned forward, intentionally ignoring Mordane’s brother beside her.

“But I would like to know what that plan is, please. If the crown falls, all of Equestria will suffer. I’d at least like to know so I can plan for a possible failure.”

Celestia paused for a moment, taking a sip of tea as she looked out the window considering her response.

“Twilight.” She turned and smiled. “It would cause many issues if you were to take any precautions. This plan will work best if everypony only finds out in proper time.” She chuckled.

“After all, there are ears even here.”

Twilight frowned. Looking down she took a sip of her tea. Only to instead put it on the table in front of her.

“That's okay Celestia, I understand.” Twilight sank back into her chair, her ears wilted like flowers.

Celestia frowned before she rushed to Twilights side. She looked down with a concerned smile.

Twilight looked up and gave a weak smile and quick nuzzle in response, before blushing and looking at the stallion in the room.

“Don’t mind me princess.” Flashwing replied. “It is good to see my brother’s teacher is still cared for. He spoke a lot about you.”

Twilights ears perked up and she leaned back as Celestia returned to her seat. As she looked at Mordane’s brother, her nose scrunched up a little.

“What did he say about me?”

“That you were a puppet of Celestia.” Flashwing said nonchalantly. “brainwashed, delusional, and a bit obsessive.” He then smiled.

“But at the same time he praised your skills and insight. Spoke your praises. I remember when our mother started laughing as he stopped calling you the ‘The Purple One’ and instead ‘Master’. It was really touching.”

“Purple?” Twilight stuttered.

Flashwing blushed and set up in his chair glancing between the two mares.

“Sorry princess I didn’t mean-”

“It is quite alright Flashwing.” Celestia said with a smile. “I, in fact, have been meaning to talk to you about this.”


“Tell us,” she said pulling Twilight’s chair from beside to across from Mordanes brother. Her eyes playing all over him. “What kind of pony is Mordane?”

Flashwing sat back in his chair, his eyes looking at the floor for a moment before turning back to the two mares.

“Mordane is… strange. I don’t know how open he was with you Princess Twilight, but he was reclusive even with us.” He rubbed his cheek frowning, seemingly trying to think about what to say. “Mordane never acted like a baby, I was there the day he was born. And even then he would just sit and stare at everything. Never crying, or being demanding.”

“Not at all?” Celestia asked curiously.

“Well, I mean he would tear up sometimes, but only when something wrong happened. Like once when my father was burned by a pot of water. Or another when he was hurt.”

“And he was born an alicorn?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, for sure. My parents used that to explain any strange behavior.” Flashwing laughed “I mean, he was two years old when he started learning to read and write. By three he was teaching our youngest sister, two years older, to do her multiplications.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow, but didn’t comment as Flashwing continued.

“He learned magic not long after. The first thing he focused on was magic for fighting.” Flashwing smiled gently “He would fly with me when no pony was around.”

“Tell me.” Twilight asked. “Is Mordane a good pony?”

Flashwing paused and looked at his princess. Smile fading away into a frown.

He leaned forward and furrowed his brow.

“He is my brother and I love him.” He shook his head. “Mordane can be loving and caring... ,but it just doesn’t come naturally to him. I’m sad to say, but he just isn’t a good pony.”

The room grew quiet. Outside you could still hear the far away shouting of ponies and guards. Twilight floated up her cup again, staring off into the distance as she emptied it, before filling it up again.

Then emptied it again.

Celestia looked off into the distance as well, her hooves together as she contemplated what Flashwing had said.

“I’m.” Flashwing said after swallowing, his brow furrowing. “I’m not saying that Mordane is… evil. He just doesn’t have the same way of thinking as anypony else that I’ve ever met.”

Looking up he grimaced.

“He was a stubborn, aggressive foal with a mind like a whip.” He shook his head. “But he was also kind, considerate, and controlled. At least until he came to Ponyville.”

“That sounds like a contradiction.” Twilight said “How can he be both aggressive and considerate? Controlled and stubborn?”

Celestia frowned.

“I see.” she replied “Mordane is a far more complex pony than I thought.”

She nodded before smiling again.

“Flashwing, thank you for this information.” She tilted her head letting her smile reach her eyes. “However, I do have a few more questions about you.”

“Princess?” Flashwing raised an eyebrow, reminding Twilight of Mordane.

Celestia leaned back and looked down her nose at Flashwing. Her eyes hardening slightly.

“Tell me Flashwing, why did you decide to join my Royal guard?”

Flashwing blinked and scrunched his nose for a moment before straightening again.

“I joined because the taxes were too high. My family needed the money.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow herself.

“I wasn’t aware that the tax burden was so large anywhere in the kingdom.”

“It was on the furthest outskirts of Vanhoover princess, the local governor was exploiting his ponies. The governor pressed the extra taxes way beyond what was legal. Even so no court seemed to know if it was legal for them to try him. So he went free.” Flashwing tightened his jaw. “It was from that and my guard training that I came to realize the necessity of strong central authority. Namely the crown.”

He sighed angrily.

“I tried to convince Mordane of this in my letters, but he just wouldn’t listen.”

“This stubborn streak you mentioned.” Celestia commented.

“I saw that myself.” Twilight cut in. “Mordane would try the same things for hours on end. Meticulously adjusting his spellwork.”

“Reminds me of a little unicorn filly.” Celestia chuckled before turning back to Flashwing.

“But back to the question at hoof. So you joined the guard for money and stayed to serve your nation and princess. That is the proper attitude for a royal guard.” She reached out and floated over a folder. Flashwing’s ears perked up a bit when he saw his name on it. “You served during the war with the Diamond Dogs as a squad commander. Tell me, what did you think of that experience.”

“The ponies I served with and commanded were the finest soldiers. Brave, honorable. It was my honor to command them.”

“And they said the same was true of serving under you.” She nodded her head before flipping the page “However, your platoon commander said that you were aggressive, often attacking the enemy without orders.”

“Often winning ma’m.” He said his brow furrowing slightly.

“Practically always, and you knew when to fall back. In fact my acting captain says here that you behaved ‘in a manner unfitting a guard, brash, aggressive and far too quick to use deadly force’” She looked back at the little pony with a smile. “What do you say to this?”

The stallion stood quietly for a moment. The glass of tea forgotten before him.

“I am reminded of something my brother told me. ‘Only the victor may give mercy’. He said that after beating me in chess for the first time. I had joked I went easy on him.” Flashwing smiled. “I attacked, because despite our force being called a personal guard, we are used as a standing army of Equestria, of your throne. The faster I win, the fewer ponies…, or dogs, have to die.”

Celestia nodded, floating down her folder to the table. For a few minutes she looked the stallion over, considering, as he stood at attention.

Twilight sat quietly, watching Celestia, her heart beating a little faster.

“Ever since I commissioned the creation of the guard and payed for its service with my own currency, I have focused on my guards being ponies who could keep the peace.” She shook her head “That must change soon, and I see what must change in you.”

“I don’t deserve such praise princess.” Flashwing said bowing his head. “I serve at your discretion.”

“Indeed.” She smiled. “It comes to my attention that a new captain of the guard is needed. Would such a position interest you?”

Flashwing straightened, his eyes widening slightly, before loosening again. Setting his jaw the pegasus saluted.

“As you wish my princess.”

“Good,” She floated over a few bundles of paper. “Here are your commision papers and orders. You have a few hours to reach them.”

The stallion took the papers, reading over them, his brow raising only slightly.

“Are there any questions?”

“No ma’am, I will be there within two hours.” He gave a small smile. “First I will need to pick up my new armor.”

He stood, giving the two princesses a bow and received a nod from both in return before he took to the air and flew out of the balcony doors.

“He reminds me of Mordane.” Twilight said quietly.

“Does he?” Celestia asked. “Well, he is a good soldier, just what we need for the coming times.”

“Celestia…” Twilight began, before stopping herself.

She wasn’t sure what to ask.

Her heart was burning with some desire, but she just couldn’t say it. A need that she had to meet flashed anew after speaking to Flashwing.

“I- I think I should go find Mordane.”

Celestia frowned and shook her head, leaning and floating her tea up for another drink.

“We will need to wait until after this crisis Twilight. Then we can decide how to approach Mordane.”

Twilight frowned, the small feeling of unease inside her fanning into a spark. A feeling she just couldn’t ignore, so she pressed.

“The southern lands are a chaotic place and Mordane is a young colt, not yet at his full strength... Plus, he’s an alicorn. What if something were to happen to him?”

Celestia chuckled a small bit as she looked through another folder. “Everything I’ve read suggests Mordane to be a very capable pony. We are at a critical juncture with the parliament. We can’t seem to be weak, if negotiations are going to happen.” Celestia smiled warmly looking at her. “I’ll need my best student. For the good of Equestria.”

“But, you won’t tell me what the plan is.” Twilight grumbled, looking down at the floor. Her teeth gritting slightly.

“I’m sorry, Twilight, it's just the way things are. As princesses we must often make unpleasant decisions, for the good of all Equestria. Mordane chose to fly away, to attack you and us. Luna has been making progress on entering his dreams and we will have plenty of time to find him afterwards. Mordane is a sensible pony, it isn’t as if he will fling himself into danger after danger. Eventually-”

Twilight’s ears flattened back. Her feathers ruffled and eyes flashed.

“Eventually?” She snapped, her tone hard.

Celestia jerked toward her, ears standing up. “When we have time.”

Twilight snorted, stomping a few hooves away, before turning to face her mentor. Her teeth grinding.

“My student. MY STUDENT, is not just missing, or off on a tissy. He is in danger. You know this, so why won’t you let me go get him!?” Twilight's horn sparked as she hunched low in front of Celestia. Even now her horn pointed away, maintaining good discipline even when enraged.

Celestia had to resist smiling in pride at the control, or frown in anger at the harsh words. She instead chose the middle road.

“Twilight, I know how much you are in pain.” Celestia covered her heart with her hoof. “I’d be willing to do almost anything to find you if the situations were different.”

“But it isn’t different,” Twilight replied, her voice mellowing out. “Celestia, I have a bad feeling about this. We can’t leave Mordane alone down there. The look he had when he ran away… I’m afraid if we don’t hurry, I’ll lose him forever.”

“Well, it is not as if you actually had him.” Celestia snapped. Brows furrowing, she slammed her cup onto the table, spilling a bit of tea out of the cup.

A moment later, Celestia's eyes widened as she covered her mouth.

Before Twilight could even register what she had said, Celestia pulled her into a hug.

“I’m sorry Twilight, I don’t know what came over me. It's just the council, all of this legal code, I- I’ve been under a great deal of stress lately.”

“It’s… It’s alright,” Twilight said weakly. Her heart feeling like a pit.

Celestia shook her head. Before her ears perked up a little bit.

“Twilight,” she said floating over a paper. “This is a secret, but I thought you should know.”

“What is it?” Twilight asked.

“Yesterday, while I was in the bath, I had a prophecy.”

Twilights ears perked up, her eyes widening.

“A prophecy!?”

She took to the air, wings beating like a hummingbird.

“Omy gosh, omy gosh, You told me that the last time you had a prophecy-!”

“It was for Tirek.” Celestia nodded. “Not many ponies know that I have prophetic visions Twilight, so please, taper your enthusiasm.”

Twilight winced and settled down floating the paper over. Giving a quick apology she dove in and read the prophecy.

When the lost one that lacks purpose, brings together hoof and earth upon the horn of the world, if his destiny shall be made whole. The sky will march against the earth, crown fallen raised again.

All hail the king. All hail the king. All hail the king.

Celestia took a moment to explain what the horn of the world was and her thoughts on what it meant.

“-It seems Mordane will be finding his destiny on the mountain.”

“His destiny…” Twilight started to nibble on her hoof. “I was worried when he didn’t have his mark. But he has to choose his mark? How is that even possible? What if he chooses wrong!?”

“Twilight!” Celestia said, “Calm down.”

“I’m sorry Celestia, it's just.” She hesitated before her eyes tightened “What will I do if I lose him? Mordane has something wrong with him. I wonder if that necromancer... Celestia, I need to go to him.”

Celestia shook her head no, and sighed.

“I can’t let you go Twilight. As dangerous as leaving Mordane is, I just can’t send you. It’s too dangerous.”

“Too dangerous.” Twilight repeated. Her brow furrowed.

“It’s okay, Twilight.” Celestia said. “Once the spell is ready and the great divide is lowered we will be able to send far more ponies to the south. We will find Mordane ,and then you can go to him.”

“But when?” Twilight asked her ears drooping.

Celestia held her head low.

“I don’t know.”

Twilight nodded her head giving Celestia a hug. She looked up at the mare who had been like a second mother to her.

“I must go to Ponyville. They will need me there.”

“Why don’t you stay ‘till tomorrow evening.” Celesta said softly with a smile. “I would like to talk with you after… tomorrow’s events.”

Twilight nodded and trotted to the window. Celestia turned and went back to her desk. The purple mare paused for only a moment, her mouth opening just a fraction, but seeing the solar princess already absorbed in her work, Twilight closed her mouth into a thin line.

Turning she took to the air and aimed for her parents house. She could at least spend some time with them.

Just outside of the main bridge to Manehattan, ponies were running erratically from side to side, looking around like they couldn’t believe what was happening.

A group of city guards stood at the gate watching as the rich ponies made their way to the villas outside of town.

They were rougher than royal guards ,and far less flamboyant in dress. They wore a simple cloth shirt emblazoned with a star.

Locally, they went by the name of cops, or ‘police officers’. Under the compact however, they were considered the city’s soldiers. Their independence guaranteed by the new constitution of Equestrian Confederation.

“Huh, what's that?” One said, squinting to see down the road.

“Looks like... a Royal Guard column?” A mare cop said. “What do the royals think they are doing?”

The guards sent out a dispatch and soon reinforcements came up. The Royal Guards though, kept marching. As they came near, the thirty officers started to become nervous. The ponies simply going about their business frowned and looked back and forth between the two groups, most not understanding what the problem was.

The column of royal guards continued marching without slowing. At their front, a pony wearing purple armor.

Flashwing, leading the unit marched steely eyed with his ponies. Eyes forward, back straight.

Inside though, conflict echoed about.

Mordane’s little eyes caused his heart to burn. The genuine love and care had been there before, then he came to Celestia’s Ponyville.

Something had happened to him there, closing him up again. He had never been a very open colt to begin with. Fiercely intelligent though, so much that it intimidated Flashwing.

And the darkness.

He remembered once flying over the tree canopy.

There he saw Mordane sitting alone, beneath him, a fish and…

He had dived down to the pony, landing beside him with a frown.

Mordane only looked away from his project for a second before turning back.

“Hello Bro, just give me a minute, I’m nearly finished.”

“What are you doing?” He asked “That…why haven’t you killed it already?”

Mordane turned and blinked, looking at him. In front of the young colt layed a fish, its chest split open and organs exposed, heart still beating.

“It IS dead” Mordane snorted “Come take a look.”

Flashwing slowly shook his head, but stepped closer anyway.

Pegasi would occasionally eat fish, but they didn’t cut them open, instead they would pick them up and fly high, allowing them to drop onto the rocks. The minerals and oils from the flesh were essential to wax production in their saliva.

Once they got down there wasn’t much left, but paste, which was preferable to the ponies.

This though, Mordane had obviously used a knife and telekinetic grip to slit the fish clean in half from head to tail.

“The fish has been dead for about ten seconds, I could actually feel the life leaving it surprisingly, as a large part of it’s magic dissipated within a few moments.”

Mordane looked at him, concern showing up in his eyes. He reached over and touched Flashwings wing. Giving a reassuring smile.

“Why are you doing this?” Flashwing asked tersely.

“To understand why I can’t kill with magic. I tried to crush this fish, rip it apart, or anything with my telekinesis. However it doesn’t seem to hold on. I can’t get the magic to transfer heat directly either.” He pointed at the fish, his eyes lighting up. “ However, the knife I held could still cut, and so I was able to quickly split the creature in half.”

Flashwing looked at the fish and the still beating heart. Indeed it seemed Mordane had succeeded in only removing the outer layer of skin.

“Is that its… stomach?”

“Yes, this here is the heart, that is the brain, then there is the bladder-” Mordane said pointing with his knife before frowning. “Hmm I wonder.”

Mordanes dropped the knife before igniting for another spell. Much to flashwings surprise he heard Mordane grunt.

The fish’s heart collapsed as if put under a press. A few bones cracked and the blood leaked out everywhere.

“Well. That confirms that. This thing’s still harder to manipulate than a rock, but it is far easier than when it was alive, and getting easier all the time.”

Mordane frowned.

“Does this mean it had a soul?”

Flashwing threw up.

He shook his head as the city guards approached and pushed the thoughts away.

“Halt!... I said halt.” Shouted the earth pony police officer. Flashwing ignored her. He had clear instructions. “Halt I say, HALT, I SAID-”

“COMPANY HALT!” Flashwing roared. The Royal guard came to a stop in three steps. Two body lengths away from the bridge line. The police ponies were standing behind rushidly deployed barricades.

As he stood there, he could see pegasi flying in with crossbows, which were then distributed to the police ponies. Several of them were shaking as they looked down at him.

“Thank Celestia.” Hissed the earth pony officer. “The Royal guard are limited to four ponies when Celestia visits and I count about three hundred of you. Now I don’t think you are hiding her under your pretty little gold helmet. So tell me, what are you doing on our turf, bodyguards?”

A few of the police chuckled nervously, Flashwing opted to stay quiet. Eyes locked forward and uncaring at the police ponie’s statement.

Behind him were a line of trained battlemages, ready to raise shields in an instant if the police fired.

So he stood there and waited.

The police officer frowned and spoke up again.

“The Royal Guard are not allowed in Manehattan. You have no jurisdiction here. State your business.”

“I am not in Manehattan.” Flashwing stated. “Me and my fellow guard were ordered to this location.”

The police pony blinked a few times before turning, and told a pegasus to go ask the lawyers while cursing under her breath.

Flashwing waited.

“Order!” Bayleaf cried. Her wig slightly askew. Above her dozens of flashes were reaching down every second.

This time though spellwork could be seen, expensive, but needed, paid for by Bayleaf herself.

They were transmitting to every major city, where they were then distributed to large screens placed along buildings.

All of which had been very, very expensive. However, she needed ponies to see this, to really hammer home the new Equestria she was trying to bring, that her mother and even her grandmother had strived for.

“The riots and chaos all over Equestria, that have rocked our peaceful existence, are due to Celestia's failures as a ruler. For centuries she has overseen the decline of Equestria and struggled vainly against the progress that has brought prosperity.” She paused for a moment letting them think through what she had said. “Long ago, princess was the title held for the queen in waiting. It was one of quiet dignity. Now that title is one held by a mare who expanded its powers to undermine the ancient position of King and Queen. Two! There is always to be two. One stallion and One Mare, born of different tribes. Held to bind the races together. Yet this institution has laid silent, all for the greed of one mare reaching beyond her purpose, a purpose so clearly laid upon her flank.”

Bayleaf covered her mouth, letting out a little choked cry, as if her heart was breaking.

“It has proven that she has become unable to manage the scope of the position trusted upon her. Perhaps we are at fault. Perhaps it is time that we grow up and stop relying so strongly on a mare that has served our ponies so well and so hard until time and progress outpassed her. Even today she is stretched so far that she cannot attend this meeting even when specifically called.”

The crowd whispered in surprise. Everyponies heart twinging at the image. Times winced and frowned, looking down his eyebrows tensing slightly.

Riots rocked the surface section of Las Pegasus.

Ponies rushed around the red-light district. On one building a large white banner was hung showing the Bayleaf image, but her words were drowned out as ponies rushed around.

“Whoooo! Lord Stronghoof, PARTY KING! Let it flow!”

“Las Pegasus for the Party King!”

The shouts by the partiers ricocheted off the walls. Above them Noble looked down from his cloud castle in disgust.

“Light up the third district, make sure the ponies are still able to get out though.”

“Yes my lord.” Said another pegasus.

“Sigh, at least this Party King idea has done some good. This riot can help with our expansion plans.”

The lord sighed as the riots raged on.

“I probably shouldn’t have called the Party King a myth though….”

In Manehattan ponies were clustered in the streets looking up at the large screens beholding the image of their mayor.

At the edge of the crowds, police ponies patrolled protecting the city from the riots of the criminal elements burning parts of the town. Upon the screen their mayor spoke drawing nods of agreement from the crowd.

Above them, mail ponies were quickly heading out. They had received special orders.

With nopony focusing on them, the ponies opened their bags, allowing the pamphlets to fall on the many ponies watching below.

“It is time that we stop being Celestia’s little ponies. It is time that we stand up and take responsibility for ourselves. That is why I propose the dissolution of Celestia’s powers. Let us take this burden from her.”

And into your waiting hooves, I presume?

Celestia’s voice echoed through the room. Bayleaf looked around, but could not see her. She was surprised the mare was here. By all her reports she had gone to Las Pegasus to restore order.

“I won’t answer to a disembodied voice. Come speak to me as an equal Celestia! Equestrian ponies deserve that!” She said, her sneer starting to show.

I would have to fall far to be your equal Bayleaf.

In a flash of light, Celestia appeared. Her wings spread wide and casted a shadow over Bayleaf.

The Manehattan pony was shaking.

His eyes looked down at the pamphlet.

Front and center was a picture. Around it was printed text explaining its context, stating intent. However, none of it mattered next to the picture.

Bayleaf sat in her office chair, the city behind her. Her hoof lifted out. A pony known by everyone to be the meanest, most rude, untrustworthy, extorting pony in all of Manehattan.

And he was kissing her hoof.

The ponies read the paper, slowly drawn into the story ,and soon accepted it.

The police were confused and uncertain what to do about the flyers. Some were shouting to not look at them. Others were reading for themselves.

The ponies currently rioting in Manehattan would answer to the crime lord. They would answer to her.

I would have to fall far to be your equal Bayleaf.

The roaring crowd grew quiet. All eyes turned to Celestia.

“Celestia!” Bayleaf said flipping around and moving slightly to the side. “Teleportation is forbidden in the council chamber, once again you-”

“A council chamber I paid for.” Celestia smiled walking to the other side of the podium. “For a mare that suggests that Equestrians should ‘grow up’ you represent a body that acts as little fillies unable to pay for their toys. After all, who pays for the postal service, for the army, for this nation's very capital.”

“With the taxes of Canterlot, the nations greatest-”

Celestia giggled, loudly cutting her off.

“I haven't had the power to tax in nearly five hundred years. Legally, Canterlot is my private property.”

“Property of the crown.” Bayleaf asserted curtly.

“Property, purchased, financed and managed without a single bit of tax money.” Celestia sighed shaking her head. “Even if you were to ‘strip my powers’, or even take my crown, you still would have no legal right to take Canterlot. I built it. This city belongs to me, every brick, every corner. It would not exist if I did not build it.”

Bayleaf cut in. Her mane becoming frazzled and panicked.

“So we are to continue with this lack of development? Continue to see you trample over the rights and privileges of all ponies?” She turns and looks up to the senate. Only to see the ponies there shying away. So she turned to Blueblood, standing high in the chamber. “What of you Blueblood. What do you and the other nobles say?”

The viewers turned toward Blueblood who stood still.

Slowly, with the pained look on his face, Blueblood trotted down the stairs and onto the stadium. Many ponies whispered in surprise that he hadn’t immediately opted to decline comment as he usually did.

Therefore, him speaking caused ponies pulses to quicken.

Suddenly everypony knew for certain that this was a moment in history. A place in time that their children's, children’s, children would learn about.

The harmony of the universe reverberated. Slowly the ponies could feel the wisps of harmony.

“I put the offer out…”

“But you know I can’t see it.”

“You said you’d run with me.”

“You can’t set me free. I’d never betray the mare that raised and taught me.”

Bayleaf wilted.

Her ears drooped and the manic energy drained out of her. Eyes became haunted as the horror of failure set in.

Celestia smiled sadly at the mare, stepping forward she narrowed her eyes. In a flash Bayleaf disappeared in a golden light. She gave a nod to Blueblood who bowed fully. Firmly and without hesitation Celestia stepped up to the podium.

“My little ponies. I have heard your cries-”

Red Tape sat in her office biting her hoof. Her ear twitched as she read the magically delivered mail from her firecandle.

Ponies were demanding access to records, ordering investigations, demanding assistance, and posting declarations of martial law.

In the next room, she could hear shouting. Briefly she considered jumping out of the window, but dismissed it assuming they would have flyers outside.

The door did not hold long. Soon after, they came rushing in.

“Red Tape, you are under arrest.” Sneered the lead unicorn guard.

“By whose authority!? Do you know who I am!?” She said shrilly. “I was appointed by the council! By whose authority do you arrest me!?”

“You are arrested under royal authority.” The guard said, his ponies started shifting through her cabinets.

“I have immunity! I am appointed by the council! This is against the law!”

The unicorn charged his horn a clasp flew out quickly and hit the mares hooves locking them in place. She fell over and off her chair shouting out in surprise.

“Not anymore.” He said coldly.

“-corruption, uncertainty, and chaos. The ponies pushing for rapid expansion have not revealed themselves to place it upon: ‘the good of ponies in general’.” Celestia said. “Bayleaf and many others are being apprehended by my Royal Guard, rest assured that they will be brought to justice. All ponies will have their day in court. However, I understand that many of you have issue of a more...personal nature concerning my actions.”

Celestia looked sadly at the senate as her sister slowly walked from a shadow to her side.

The princess reached up and plucked off her crown, setting it softly on the podium.

“I’m so sorry. I have failed you.”

Flashwing had been waiting with the guards, ignoring the police ponies.

He wondered how long he would have to wait until Soarin, from the wonderbolts, landed with a shudder. Sparks of lighting curled around her.

“Orders to Captain Flashwing. Begin Operation’s second phase.”

“As the Aliarchy commands.” Flashwing replied, receiving a nod from the pony before she took off again in a flash.

Turning back, he looked at the police line, thinking for a moment. The ponies there had stiffened after hearing of his new orders.

After a few moments he made a decision.

Slowly he stepped toward the line.

“Halt!” The police chief mare shouted.

The captain did not respond.

“Halt I say!”

“By the authority of the Aliarchy, the Equestrian police of Manehattan are ordered to stand down. The princesses will restore order.”

“We answer to the State of Manehattan!” Shouted the chief, her voice breaking slightly. “If you cross the border we will open fire!”

Flashwing stopped just on the edge of the territory of Manehattan, Marked by the paved stone giving way to dirt.

Slowly and deliberately he raised his hoof.

“DON”T DO IT!” the chief cried.

Flashwing placed his hoof over.

The crossbows shook, but no one fired.

Flashwing smiled.

“Royal Guard forward! Secure Manehattan!”

“Yes, I have failed you.” Celestia lowered her head. Visibly showing shame to a shocked crowd.

She allowed the word to hang a moment before continuing.

“For the last millennium I have struggled to maintain the alliance of all pony kind. In this however, I have not succeeded. We are divided. We are disharmonious. So much so that the bonds of Discord were able to be broken. We are lucky that a mare like Fluttershy, or like my student was around to heal him and carry such burdens. One thing can’t be denied. This state has declined. Broken by me.” She turned and pulled her sister into a hug.

“Celly!?” Luna gasped in surprise. The mare glanced down and gave a reassuring smile.

“My sister, so humble, so strong.” She nuzzled Luna. “But I thought I could rule alone. I thought that I was strong enough.”

Celestia shook her head.

“What a fool I was, and Equestria has suffered a thousand years for it. So much death in the war. So much suffering. Even so, I struggled and persevered. As my strength was sapped every day by the maintenance of the solar cycle. Other ponies stepped forward to fill in where I had left off.”

Her smile darkens.

“Soon corruption seeped into the realm, but to maintain peace I kept silent. Asking and speaking as best I could to prevent the decline. Yet even so, decline it did.”

She straightened up again.

“Bayleaf and so many ponies like her inflicted abuse after abuse on my little ponies. They taxed excessively, they allowed the military to fall into disrepair, all the while they took more and more for themselves, carving up the ponyland for their own purpose. Well no more.”

Her eyes lit up. She stepped forward her voice began to boom.

As time rolled on, I was bound to my city, and to my task. I watched as the old light made so long ago faded… But then things changed.” She smiled “I found Cadance, gained Twilight, and then Luna returned to me. And now there is another alicorn. A male.

Celestia’s mane flashed with light, her power echoing through her mane and tail for all to see. Her eyes ablaze yet controlled.

Many of you have read about him. Heard the story of how he grew up on the edge of Equestrian territory, and nestled among the hills to the south, which borders the Badlands. She stepped forward, looking squarely at a particular noble lord who shrank beneath her gaze.

This territory was ruled by a member from this very council. Despite the region being poor and underdeveloped, I see the ruler is here decked in finery. His coat covered by fine Arabian cloth and his hoofs cuffed in steel. Mordane grew up there without protection, without basic services. Suffering only the tax pony, coming every year to take his toll. Tax rates, I am told, were roughly forty to sixty percent of ponies income. If the ponies there had not already been living on subsistence, I fear what kind of starvation would have been found in the land. Even so, I do not stretch to imagine Mordane went to bed hungry. Even so, the guards that came to collect wore the armor of Equestria, not the banner of this lord. So why would it be surprising he would grow to not trust the crown, or to fear what tyranny would be visited upon him. Even so, when the time came, when the danger and dogs howled at the door, he stood up and answered. He earned those wings on his back that night.

She lowered her head, and her voice to a loud whisper.

“This is what I had not seen. Abuse of my little ponies everywhere.”

She snarled. Eyes lighting up again.

NO MORE! This I promise you my little ponies. This corruption that has been felt throughout the land. I will purge it! I will restore the old Equestrian Empire. I will find Mordane and return him to his fellow alicorn.” She paused for a moment. “No, WE will do it. Luna, Twilight, Cadance and I. We will do these things.

Celestia's eyes began to glow, her horn a sphere of roiling lights. As she spoke her voice came out not as a yell, but in clear tones.

On this day I declare the dawn of a new age, and the revival of Equestria. From this day forth I establish the Aliarchy of this land. All equal, we will together carry equestria. When Mordane returns to the fold, when he once again returns to his friends and family, he too shall join us. Thus I have foreseen. Thus, shall. it. be.

Blueblood shot up, his horn glowing as he amplified his voice.

“All hail Celestia. All hail Luna. All hail Twilight. All hail Cadance. ALL HAIL THE ALIARCHY!”

Half the council rushed to their hooves. Stomping and clapping in approval.

The nobles that didn't stand in ovation looked around confused, then quickly began to disappear in flashes of teleportation in moments. This was seen by nopony outside the chamber as the viewer was focused solely on Celestia and not her sisters glowing horn.

Most to await their sentencing in that night. A select few, only awaken to flames and bars in Tartarus. Still others would have a worse fate.

Across Equestria, similar scenes were taking place. Ponies who thought themselves covered in shadow, secrecy, and the law found all that stripped away.

Ponies cheered in Manehattan as cabinet members were lead away. Bayleaf’s tower banners were dropped above cheering crowds only to be replaced with pictures of the aliarchs.

Papers gushed about the possibilities and riled against the corruption. Some like the Times throwing all the blame of their coverage onto to the fallen nobles and criminals.

In the council chamber, a bill, well crafted and considered, was put before the remaining council. It passed unanimously.

It granted Celestia the ability to tax, the ability to charge nobles with crimes, the power to appoint court judges and remove them, the right to destroy and create new titles, and the power to declare war and make peace.

Such broad and unchecked powers had not existed for millennia in Equestria. Indeed, even the king and queen had not had so much power over the various pony states.

Few would comment on this. Fewer still would protest. Most of them would be swept away as the massive reforms began to take effect.

“I, of course, support what my friend and Mentor Celestia has done. She has done so much for Equestria with her own resources. With the added resources of the state, the threats and dangers at our borders can be mitigated. New trade routes can be established, and Celestia can reunify ponykind into a new golden age. I’m ecstatic!” Twilight beamed at the reporters.

“Yes, but how long were you aware of this?” Shouted a newsmare over the rest.

“I have much work to do, as such I cannot answer more questions. I’m sorry, good day.”

The new ponies continued to call out questions as Twilight took to the air, giving a polite wave as she used her magic to gently move a pegasi reporter blocking her path.

He seemed stunned before remembering the recent political changes, giving a quick bow and apology to the new aliarch.

Twilights mask fell away though as she approached the castle. Her smile peeling off to reveal a confused pony.

The guard scanned her as she got closer, not even stopping her as she flew at an illegal altitude.

Twilight felt a bit sick at using her new privilege, but right now she wasn’t feeling well regardless of that, so she focused on a single thought. She needed to talk to her Mentor.

Flying onto Celestia’s balcony, she wasn’t surprised to see Luna waiting with her.

“Twilight. I hope the news didn’t shock you too much.” Celestia said trotting over, and comforting her with a hug. Twilight weakly smiled and hugged back.

“Well it did unsettle me. I am not sure if I’m ready for so much more authority, but I’m ready to do it for the good of Equestria.” She smiled a little more, the smile even reaching her eyes. “I’m also glad you left the door open for Mordane.”

Luna snorted, getting a glare from both mares.

“If what you say is true then I will hold my tongue. Mordane will have to prove his ability to lead, not cower, and not lie.” She turned away. “After all we do not know if what we have seen from him is genuine.”

“Perhaps sister, but he can learn. He did, after all, save our little ponies.”

Twilight gave a reassuring smile as Luna nodded considerately before standing and moving toward the door.

“Excuse me, Twilight. I have noble ponies to try, sentence and strip of all assets.” She stretched her wings with a small series of pops. “It was difficult enough to teleport them, now I will have to listen to a thousand attempts to weasel out of responsibility.”

“I trust you sister.” Celestia smiled warmly, lovingly brushing her as she passed with a wing.

“Yes yes.” Luna grumbled walking out the door.

“Why don’t you sit Twilight? I’m sure you have questions.”

Twilights nose scrunched. She looked at the seat for a moment before shaking her head.

“I don’t have many. It's not hard to see what you have done. It's written in the papers after all.”

“Well, I suppose so. The Aliarchy can guard the Equestrian state far more thoroughly than the council did. With the authority we have gained we can increase infrastructure spending and spearhead the reclaiming of the badlands.”

“To prepare for the lowering of the great barrier mountains.” Twilight replied curtly.

“Why… yes.”

“And then we will go after Mordane, about oh say...” She tapped her chin. “A year from now.”

Celestia frowned.

“Twilight, it would be politically difficult if you were to go after him right now.”

“I know.” Twilight said softly. Before her ears twitched remembering what she had come to ask. “Celestia, why did we have to do this? Why couldn’t we take the reforms slowly?”

“Oh Twilight, the answer to that is quite simple. Time. It would take nearly as long as the fall to gain all the power I’d need, and those nobles would have fought us every step of the way… Several of them would have also eventually turned to more extreme plans.” She sighed. “I even had Blueblood infiltrate them. They were preparing to not only overthrow me, but to carve up all of Equestria into sovereign units. In time that would have meant war. That would be inevitable.”

She trotted over to the window with Twilight following her.

“Sometimes, as princesses, we must make hard decisions. We must do the small evil to prevent the greater evil. That is the burden of a ruler.” A sad smile came over her face, before she turned back to Twilight.

“But how do you not become a tyrant?” Twilight whispered “How do you not become a queen?”

Celestia stiffened slightly, seemingly considering for a moment, before coming to a decision.

“There was one time I did seek to become a queen. My plan was to gain the crown then change the laws to make my sister my fellow queen. However, I did not tell her my plans. I just expected obedience.” She leaned down resting her cheek on Twilight's head. “It was this mistake that led to the rise of Nightmare Moon and so I lost my sister.”

Celestia sniffled.

“A tyrant demands Twilight. A princess… and a prince must lead. That is why I did not dissolve the council and why I did not wait.”

Twilight reached over and wrapped her hooves around Celestia. Giving the mare a hug.

“Harmony’s weight is heavy. You told me that.”

“I-*sniff*, I did.” She smiled “I love you, my little Twilight.”

The purple mare sniffled. Through a smile, she shed a few tears herself.

“Twilight! Twilight!”

“Pinkie!?” Twilight froze as she stepped out of the train. Her vision was eclipsed by pink.

Pinke stood over her, eyes bloodshot and wide, her nose twitching.

“Twilight. Mordane is the Party King?!?!”

“Whoa there missy!”

Applejack pulled Pinkie by the tail as the others came up.

Rainbow Dash swooped in to lift Twilight up.

“Heh, how's it goin’ Twi?”

“Well… I’m a bit…” she shook as if chilled by the wind, concerning her friends.

The other mares, and Spike, came in closer to show their love and support.

A few quick looks conveyed a plan between them.

Spike lifted her into his arms and took to the air to her castle with the others following behind in their own ways.

Arriving at the same time, the ponies ran up the stairs and onto the patio where Spike was hugging her.

The rest of them joined as she sniffled and shook.

“I-I’m sorry girls, Spike. Its just- Its just.” she sniffed, working to gain control of herself.

“Hey Twilight, what's wrong.” Pinkie said reaching over, to place a hoof on her shoulder.

“I talked to Celestia about Mordane.” Twilight looked toward Canterlot her nose scrunching up. “She said I can’t go, and I… just don’t think I can accept that.”

“Whatcha’ mean Sugarcube.” Applejack cooed.

“I- I just don’t think I can be a good ruler, a good princess, if I let my student go like this. I don’t think Celestia is right.”

“Who are you and what have you done with my Twilight.” Spike deadpanned drawing a chuckle from the mare and other ponies.

“What are you going to do, dear.” Rarity said giving Spike an affectionate rub on his shoulder.

Twilight's eyes hardened looking away from Canterlot toward the badlands. Toward the Great Divide.

Toward Mordane.

“I love Celestia, but she can establish the aliarchy without me. Leaving Mordane in the wind is just a wrong decision, for the kingdom, for the future, and for him.” She gave a weak smile.

“Are you sure you want to do this Twilight?” Spike asked eyes and brow furrowed.

“I know you want to see him too Spike.” Twilight teased.

“Of course! I got a knuckle sandwich stewing for the little guy. Find out why he left.” He winced. “Find out why he killed a dragon.”

“And I want to find out if he is the Party King!” Pinkie said.

“I want to give him a talking to. Leaving a mare with so many questions is just so ungentlepony-like.” Rarity chortled.

“Ah, know you love him like one of your own Twi, and family of a friend is family of mine. I’m goin’ with ya’.” Applejack grinned tipping her hat.

“You know I’m always up for an adventure, especially over the Divide! Darring is going to be so jealous!” Rainbow said snickering.

“Um… I just want to see if he's okay.” Fluttershy mumbled.

Twilight smiled happily, glowing with warmth.

“I have such good friends and I’m sure we can save him.” With one last great big hug the ponies began excitedly discussing their plans.

And how to make it so far away.

Celestia frowned looking at the piece of paper. She looked at it in the way one might look at moldy cheese, but even so there was also a hint of pride.

“So, your student did it, then?” Luna asked trotting up to her tub.

“Yes, she has defied me.” Celestia grumbled.

“Good. About time that mare gained a little backbone. You did remember to place the tracking spell though?”

“Of course. All the usual. Sight and other senses, mana funnel, even a psychic link.”

Luna blinked a few times.

“Usual?” she said with an incredulous look.

“Well, okay, I may have added a few extra spells, but it's Twilight! I just want her to be safe.”

“And she will be.” Luna said slowly sitting in the tub next to her sister, looking over her shoulder. “What did she write anyway?”

“Something, troubling.”

Dear Celestia, my friend. There is no good way to say this but this.

I’m going.

Leaving Mordane in the southern lands is a mistake. Every fiber of my being tells me it is so. Even now I can almost feel him hurting. I don’t want him to hurt anymore.

That's why I feel I need to say, I think I understand why he left.

I’m a princess Celestia. Before and now, I am your equal. You shouldn’t have simply told me no. You should have trusted me more.

Celestia, I’m sorry, when we return I’ll come talk to you with Mordane. We can put this all behind us.

With Love, your friend:
Twilight Sparkle.

“I’m so proud of her” Celestia said, running her hoof over the word love.

“Indeed, it is a big moment for her. She must take on the Spirit of friendship.”

“I’ll inform the media that she has gone to rescue Mordane and that I approve. They will be mildly surprised but pleased to hear she has taken the task in hoof.”

“Indeed, with the power of friendship, Twilight will certainly bring Mordane back to the fold, where we can find out his destiny.”

“Yes. And to a greater Equestria.”

“May peace and prosperity follow us.” Luna giggled. “At least for the nine hours of sleep we hath till tomorrow.”

“Well, just a moment sister.” Celestia said before letting her go.

“What is it?” Luna asked.

“Well, the southern lands are dangerous and I am worried…” She pursed her lips.

“It's a little late to be too worried sister.” Luna grinned “She should be already over the badlands.”

“Already? Oh dear… What if I was to send a trusted agent to watch over them? Intervene only if needed?”

“Who would you send?” Luna asked cocking her head to the side.

“Somepony used to working alone.” She trotted slowly to the window. “Somepony who can pack a punch. Somepony who knows Twilight…”

She scrunched her nose a bit before suddenly realizing.

“I know the perfect candidate.”

“Oh, who?” Luna asked genuinely curious.

“A retired special agent of the MDF. She retired a few years ago to Ponyville. Her birth name was Sugar Sweets, but her call sign was Sweetie Drops.”

In the castle gardens where but a few royal hooves regularly tread, there is nopony to know what layed in twists and turns rarely traveled..

The hedges’ bend in a maze-like fashion, maintained by some grand magic unknown.

One wouldn’t know if a section had existed before, save by the stark smoothness of the sculpture. Perhaps the grass would be slightly uneven. She was sitting on her side. Turned with her muzzle pointed slightly up.

Stonework, a pony defiant, tophat slightly askew. If you were to look carefully, you might even notice that the artist had carved the eyes to be slightly wider, as if cast in the moment of surprise.

No pony would give such a statue a second look, though there were so many in this garden. If one did, then they would find that it looked much like the late Counselor Bayleaf. Perhaps a monument to her giving the top hat, which was her signature of course.

But if they would notice, they would remember it only by the word carved into its pedestal.


Looking beyond her one would see several more stone figures, one with a stetson, another covering her face in seeming fear, trails running down her cheeks.

But no pony goes into this old maze.

Only the princess.

Only the chirping of birds.

Only to remember nothing.