• Published 26th Jan 2013
  • 20,757 Views, 1,924 Comments

Mordane Stronghoof - Mr Stargazer

After an existential journey goes wrong, a man finds himself in Equestiria. With no way to return home he has no choice but to find a path in a new body. Will he discover a place to belong once again in this new land, or be forced to carve one out?

  • ...

So whats happening in Equestria?

Mr. and Mrs. Stronghoof where standing in the Canterlot castles guest rooms. Rough sacks, worn and torn from long use, sat atop ornately carved desks and cupboards. The room itself was designed to be lively and vibrant.

Sunny Fields, was crying as her husband sat stroking her hair.

"I'm sorry… Mordane was a brilliant student and a brave hero. Without his efforts it is likely that the town of Ponyville would have been overrun. I cannot express my sorrow at his lose…I can only ask for your forgiveness.”

Stone Stronghoof nodded solemnly with tears in his eyes and Celestia lowered her head. He swallowed and answered though with some strain.

“That is all right your highness. We appreciate you coming and telling us yourself. There is no way that you could have known what he was planning when he went toward that storm…” He nodded her head “You did what you could. Being the benevolent ruler you are.”

Celestia hung her head and rubbing her foreleg awkwardly at the complement.

“Well… Yes, thank you. “She perked up when remembering something. “Oh yes. Here you go. She floated over a bag of bits. “These were in Mordane’s bank accounts. He had gathered a small fortune.”

“Thank you, Princess,” Stone said nodding.

“I’d like you to stay here under my protection… there are many ponies that would not treat you kindly if it got out who you were.”

“Yes of course. Thank you for declaring us dead. We know it was the only way.” Stone said. Still nodding.

“...of course. Have a peaceful evening.” Celestia walked out of the room resisting the urge to shake her head.



“Is she gone?” asked Sunny Fields quietly to her husband. Looking up with suddenly dry tears.

“...I think so.”

“Oh, dear,” she said quietly,”what are we going to do? Mordane is gone and… and she wants us to stay here!”

The stallion nodded his head.

“ She is a ruler my dear. Much like the ones from our homeland.”

“Oh, Stone… what should we do?”

The old stallion stood stone faced as his namesake would imply. With a calm demeanor he rubbed his chin and considered their situation with a wisdom born of tilling the earth for untold years before sighing.

"I don't know. She believes Mordane is dead though I am not so sure. He likely would head over the the great southern divide."

"To the south?" Her ears perked up "I am torn my husband. That place is chaos compared to this land."

"That is true. But perhaps he can make his own way." He shook his head " That son of ours was never satisfied. Full of lies and decite. Half truths. Even to us I fear."

The mare nodded.

"I never did find out where he gainned...so much knowledge. He was far older than his years."

"True," he chuckeled before frowning and parting his wife's mane." We kept secrets as well though."

The broken horn was barely visible. just a bump under the fur. Sanded down to make it invisible to those who didn't now of it. The mare in kind grinned and reached into her husbands mane to pull out a pair of lockpicks.

"The apple never falls far from the tree my dear husband."

In the land of Equestria, the sun reached the apex of its path. Birds flew on the western wind as it rustled the trees and flowers of the garden below Celestia.

Two months since Mordane’s death. No, I must not show favoritism to any of my subjects.

Celestia shook her head trying to look at the broader picture. At the thousands that had been captured and killed in the Diamond dog attacks.

The Sun Princess stood, outwardly relaxed, on her favorite balcony in Canterlot castle. Breathing in the brisk morning air she attempted to relax before the evening war meetings. Taking a moment in her day to eat a small meal and sit down.

However, the calming technique did not work and she found her eyes staring down at the town of Ponyville in the distance with her mouth drawn into a thin line. Alone she found it difficult to find peace since the events that started this war were so unexpected. To the public she must appear calm and only saddened by the loss of life. After all, strength is needed at the top.

Privately though, she had to admit that regret was still rearing its ugly head as every moment she was met with stark thoughts on what could have been. Pushing it away had proved impossible so she faced it. This was not a number on a page nor a pony she had never met. This was somepony that she knew personally, had eaten at her table and was a friend of her near son Spike. Above all though, he had been a fellow alicorn.

Now all my plans for him will need to be given to someone else because I made a miscalculation and killed him.

Part of her knew that was not true, that Mordane had killed himself, that there was no foreseeable outcome where she did not chase him or where that storm could have been handled before hoof.

When she had met Mordane for the first time he had been terrified of her but despite this he stood his ground and spoke with a calm voice. It spoke to her of a strong will. That had made her so happy for Twilight. She praised both his magic and how friendly he was with other ponies. He was the second male to ever have the strength to become an alicorn and the first to have the spirit.

Oh Twilight how could you have found him so easily?

Now though she had gained a new perspective on just how rare he had been. She remembered the thoughts that flashed through her head as she flew back to Ponyville.

An alicorn, born like me? Yes, I have Luna and the others but they are all raised by me...not just coming to be. How tall would he have been? What would have been his nature? What would the presence of a male taller than me be like? A new pony to get to know. A friend for eternity...Now I will never understand.

Celestia swallowed her sorrow, resisting the tightening of her throat muscles and water in her eyes. A princess must be strong.

Just like the changelings, the Diamond dogs and my sister, I could not see what was at my hooves. Am I cursed to never truly see? Am I so high up that I cannot see the trees of the forest? Only the green overall?

Celestia gasped as a cold bucket of water emptied onto her head, soaking into her mane. She glared upward as roarous laughter rang out over the city from above her.

"Really, Discord? I have a meeting in a few minutes."

"Oh, you're no fun Celestia, "Discord harrumphed, as he sat crossing his arms on a cloud slowly shifting into a throne like chair."One would wonder what you think about all the time; that makes you so dull." He slithered off the cloud to stand beside her grabbing an ear and summing a magnifying glass to look down the ear canal.

"That's enough, Discord...I'm thinking about Mordane."

"Ah," Discord said sadly dispelling the cloud and glass, summoning a pair of glasses and notepad. "Mordane Stronghoof, Race/alicorn, age eighteen, blood type O negative, harmony level negative five. Loved sitting by fires in the moonlight telling ghost stories. His fear of what you would do was only overmatched by his lack of understanding."

"Were you watching him?"

"Of course, the chaos coming off of him was delightfully delicious,” he said, licking his fingers. “At least I if I remember from that time we met. Not to even speak of his potential chaos," he said fondly. "I only really learned about his personality after asking Fluttershy about him."

"So he had a personality that was disharmonic and chaotic. That could have been troublesome. I wonder why he was an alicorn then."

"Well, he was only chaotic not disharmonic." Discord corrected her pointlessly "In fact, one of his major features was order. He just did not trust you."

"Now my student sits alone in a library, with her friends isolated from each other." She turned and smiled knowingly at Discord. "Planning on spreading chaos with the Elements out of commission?"

"O ho ho, Celestia,” he said placing his hand over his chest, “you know me to well, though nothing too destructive." He laughed before coughing and speaking seriously. "I've realized my mistake, Celestia. Chaos only has value if there is," he gagged, "Harmony to conflict it."

"Yes, yes. I can agree with you that chaos is interesting in small amounts, but the problems and evils it creates," she said awkwardly before Discord interrupted

"No, no, you misunderstand ,Celestia,” Discord stressed, as a monocle and, jacket with leather patches wrapped around him and a blackboard appeared, floating in mid-air “Chaos is not disharmony and disorder since if all was that way it would be uniform. In synch. Chaos is part order and disorder; the opposite of harmony, but not evil."

Celestia shook her head and furrowed her brow. "I still do not understand."

Discord sighed. "Oh, Celestia, Celestia, Celestia. There really is no hope for you, is there?" Discord tutted. "Hmm," he muttered contemplatively, "maybe he could have understood."

"Perhaps." Celestia admitted.

They both gazed down at the city below them as a sad silence washed over them.

"So,” Celestia started changing the subject”Have you spoken to Luna yet?"

"No, I have not." Discord responded with a strained voice.

"You've been free for almost ten years now. You can't just keep avoiding her forever."

"On the contrary, my dear. I'm immortal; I can do anything forever," he said, before snapping his fingers and disappearing.

Celestia blinked then sighed. A small smile played across her lips before she chuckled. With a deep breath she set aside her feelings and went back to work.

The ceremony was simple and stood as a reminder and homage to that day when dozens of ponies lost their lives. The attack had shaken the small town to its core. Twilight was absent from the proceedings, which was the subject of hushed murmurs and curious gossiping throughout the crowd, that was until it was reminded that she had lost someone close.

Spike stood solemn next to Rarity staring out into nothing without out any sign of and emotion behind his stony exterior; his mare friend of five years. She was just as static and unmoving as her drake friend, looking down at the statue. Her black cowl hid the tell-tale twin tracks of sorrow quite well.

Written among the names were her mother and father.

She trembled in place as Spike hugged her. She slowly pushed herself into his arms, tears streaming down her face. A small whine barely able to be heard by even him.

There they stood among dozens. In sorrow. All there to pay homage to those they loved and lost.

Spike trailed silently beside Rarity with eyes low and claws behind his back. The two of them were hauling back a large amount of gems back to town, the most valuable of which would help to pay for damages. Their trip might have gone well financially but an uneasy quiet had followed them the entire time.

Sometimes, what is not said weighs on us most of all, burdening and dragging us down into the depths of despair. At first Spike had been willing to deal with the quiet by giving space, allowing his marefriend to grieve. Over the last month, however, that space had changed into distance, then silence. It made every beat of his heart ache to see her suffer by her own hoof. To see the pain she was keeping bottled inside, when others talked of the battle she would comment normally, but once the death came up she would try to change the subject. Spike suspected the trouble with sales was eating at her as well.

But what do I do? Whenever I try to talk to her all I get is the run around. 'I'm fine Spike. It's ok dear, I'll get over it.' Can't she see that she is not fine, that she is not dealing with this?

Through the town they walked, the same old routine, the same old silence filling the space between them. Long ago their relationship had stopped causing a buzz among the town ponies. Though there were still a few glances.

Now, however, ponies did not even look up. A gray had seemed to descend upon the town.

"Pinkie has not been throwing any parties lately," Spike said aloud softly, trying to not disturb the town’s quiet.

"Really?" Rarity replied disinterestedly.

"Yeah, she has been locked up in Sugar Cube Corner. Perhaps we should go visit her?"

"Leave it alone Spike," she said sadly. "Pinkie will be back to her usual self eventually."

Spike however was not so sure; the Pink mare had been alone since shortly after the cleanup from the attack. Her 'I'm sorry your love ones are dead' party did not go over very well.

It might have been in a bit of bad taste, but her heart was in the right place.

"Fine, Rarity,” Spike whispered his eyes still downcast and face seeming older than he already was. ”Have you seen any of our friends lately?"

"No, not really, I've just been so busy," She dismissed quickly.

His brow crinkled as he looked around the complete mess he remembered back at the shop. Next to no clothes had gone out. She just seemed to work on the same dresses over and over, insisting that something must be wrong with her designs, but Spike suspected it was the feeling of sadness nearly coming off of her in waves.

Her dresses have all been low key as well; He hadn't seen anything but dull colors.

They filed unceremoniously inside the boutique before unloading the gems onto a table and sorting them.

"Spike?" Rarity asked softly after they had done their work in silence. "Could you take these over to the donations?"

"Of course, dear."

Spike raised the bag of gems to his shoulder and headed out the door. Pausing he looked back. His Rarity stood staring at her designing desk. No humming could be heard. No tune to make the work easier.

He trudged out of the library and dropped off the gems, drawing a smile from the mayor sitting next to the drop box. Then he sighed before heading over to Twilight’s. He knew that if he did not hurry over there he would find only a larger pile of dishes. Twilight had been slipping in her tidiness of late. He had still come over to visit and clean for her before the attack, but it was getting worse. All of her focus only seemed to be on one question;How did Mordane die?

The answer may at first glance seem obvious and, indeed it was. Twelve lightning bolts diverging on a unicorn intentionally drawing in all the power he could would be enough to reduce anypony to ash. It had been foolish of him really; Controlling weather with unicorn magic was delicate work and near impossible without a talent in it, and was even above age spells in difficulty. All that raw power balanced on tiny threads, like sewing strings of fire. Mordane likely never even realized what hit him.

“Twilight, what are you even researching?” Spike asked her three days before.

“I’m looking at how Mordane died, Spike. Manaburn,” she recited, “is a phenomenon that takes place when a unicorn trying to manipulate the weather loses control of the vast energy, causing it to rapidly turn mundanatural in nature, typically in the form of heat and light. The lost of spell cohesion results in the energy paling directing into the casters body.

“Before the unification of the three pony races, weather manipulation was an extremely hazardous occupation for unicorns. The level and speed of energy buildup needed for advanced spell casting was notorious for acting like a lightning rod and causing instant vaporization in victims when detonated by lightning strikes. Historical cases of unicorn warriors specializing in lightning magic have also tended to be both rare and feared for this same reason.

“This is one of the first things I taught Mordane. I’ve just got to know; what was he thinking?”

Spike tried to get her up but she just kept up the research, calculating every angle, all the factors that were included in that moment of his death and the patterns of decisions that had lead up to it.

Mordane's last words seemed to be burning behind her eyes.

'I didn't want to do this, Twilight, but I won't be a slave to Celestia. I'm so sorry... I thought of you as my second mother.' He rolled the words around in his head some more, trying to make sense of them.

Spike was not paying attention as he was walking down the road so it came as quite a surprise when Rainbow Dash rammed into him yelling ‘look out’.

He took the blow pretty well, only sliding four feet with his mouth scooping up dirt.

"Oops sorry, Spike."

"It's ok, Rainbow. I'm fine," he said, standing up and walking back to her. "Where are you headed so fast?"

"Oh yeah, I'm going to patrol south of Ponyville. There may still be a few mutts around there." A look of disgust flashed across her face.

"Didn't the military go through there?"

"Yeah! But, uh, the military misses things; after all they are just fresh recruits." Rainbow snorted. "Not like us Wonderbolts. We're the real military." Her voice dropped to a grumble. "At least I would be if they would let me actually fight."

"What? They won't let you fight? Why?" Spike asked, startling her. He had just thought she was on vacation or something.

"Apparently as an Element of Harmony I'm too much of a military asset to fight on the front lines. What a load of poppycock. I should be out there. As Equestria's fastest flyer I could be all over those mountains." She slumped to the ground. "I could actually be doing something."

Spike frowned upon seeing the depressed look on Rainbow’s face.

"Is that why you haven't been seeing Twilight or Rarity lately?"

She looked up with hits of tears in her eyes. "I am the soldier. The Wonderbolt. I should've been the one to save the village, not him... All I did was fly around and be useless. Even Scootaloo got hurt. I'm her big sister!"

"Didn't you hit them with a sonic rainboom. That must have gotten tons of them and even then. Mordane is one pony he didn’t save the town he only helped."

"I know I know! It's just... I remember flying high above them. Thinking I could turn them all back. I'd be the hero, but I was only able to make one pass. It barely fazed them. I nearly died from the hundreds of arrows they fired at me.

Then I had to fly back and just...report to Twilight. I did nothing then Mordane steps up to save the day." Spike placed his claw around her giving a hug. She fought back the tears after only a few gasps. "But I'm not going to be useless this time. NO Diamond dog is getting close to this town without a face full of Rainbow!" She blasted off, leaving a coughing Spike behind. Looking at the trail she left at her wake he could only shrug before going on.

Rainbow seems to be just focused on doing something, anything to help. It’s better than what Rarity and Twilight are doing at least… I wonder how the others are.

He continued to go through the town, but this time he noticed little things. A piece of debris. A crushed picture frame. A pony sitting at a cafe staring at the ground not eating the sandwich before her. He found himself picking up those things and acting on them. Throwing the debris into a bin. Paying for the down ponies bill and ordering a dessert for her without saying. It felt nice.

Arriving at Twilight’s adobe, he walked in with grimness on his face.

The entire first room was immaculate save for one corner around Twilights desk. Dishes were set next to, and on, books as they reached to the ceiling. A quiet mumbling could be heard.

"If he moved twenty thaums of energy to the wind and an electrical field it could have acted as a buffer and diverted the path of ash to quadrant sector nine A. Or he could have activated a short range teleport but at his level he couldn't have been able to maintain above a level three cohesion-”

On and on like that she mumbled.

Spike picked up the dishes and took them to the kitchen and cleaned them. As he sat there an idea began to form. Twilight was already doing like Rainbow but it wasn't getting anywhere. Maybe if he asked the other element bearers what they thought then he could find something that worked for Twilight.

He finished the dishes as fast as he could then and left with only a courtesy goodbye to Twilight, who only grunted in return.


Spike approached Sweet Apple Acres at a steady walk. It still was weird to him that he had grown this much larger before learning to control his size.

He chuckled and walked through the gate spotting Applejack way off bucking apples. She was moving at leisurely pace as it was in the slow season of apple growing. Spike noticed something strange, however.

What's with all these stallions going around Sweet Apple Acres?

They seemed to be everywhere and working as well. In fact, Spike could see Applejack giving a group of them pointers with Big Mac on how to buck apple trees.

They were watching her intently, VERY intently. One of them was even wearing sunglasses and biting his lower lip.

"Howdy, Spike, you coming over for a strong cider? You know that they don't go on sale till next week, right?" Applejack said with a bright smile turning from her smiling students.

"Sure thing, Applejack, though I suspect you will have even more demand this year… Also, what's with the stallions?"

"Them? I’ll tell you in a bit," she sighed before turning to buck one last tree. "Why don't we take a break?" she said to the group near her.

They headed off in various directions to do as they wished.

Spike nodded his head while looking off into the distance with his hands gripped behind his back. A slight frown rested lightly below his questioning eyes.

"On second thought,” Applejack said looking at the drake. “Come on, Spike. I suppose one glass won't hurt too much."
Spike perked up at that. The two of them were setting in the cellar a few minutes later sipping from the apple store.

"I tell you, Applejack, the cider is ready."

"Eyup," Applejack said before burping. "It's ready all right, but the ponies ain't."

"What?" Spike asked with confusion "With how everyone has been feeling they would be even more desperate for some of it."

Applejack nodded. "True, true, but it ain't what they need. Not really."

Spike nodded, guessing that she was kind of right.

"Applejack..." he asked, "How do you deal with grief?"

The farm pony grew still before swishing her jug and downing the rest of its contents.

"Is this about your friend Mordane?"

"Some friend," Spike whispered.

"Now you don't mean that."

"But I do...I was supposedly his closest friend but I had no idea that he was an alicorn." Spike downed his drink. "We talked nearly every other day. I've spent my whole life around alicorn. Yet I did not notice the way he seemed to speak to others. How he pushed them back not with words but with a force of will. An air like Celestia but...twisted.'

"Ah don't right know about that, Spike, but I know he thought you a friend." She paused and seemed to think back before smiling "Don't you remember how yeh got together with Rarity?"

"Oh how could I forget, though it was terribly cliché?"

"Cliché true," she laughed, "but Rarity likes the cliché."

"Where did he even get that armor?" Spike chuckled back, "I wouldn't’ve even thought to use a saddle."

"That stallion had strange ideas about fashion."

"Isn't that true. Using a cloak all the time. I remember when Rarity turned to get him to take it off and he ran through the village nearly getting caught as we laughing tried to catch-" Spikes smile faded as comprehension dawned, "but I guess that was part of his cover up too." Spike reached down and poured himself another mug.

"Aye sugarcube… it was, but he laughed in the end and that memory is still with us. We can keep it locked up, like a treasure."

"But it hurts so much..."

"That's because it’s precious. All things precious to us hurt." She stood up, reaching and pulling off her hat to stare at something underneath. "All things."

She shook her head before putting back on her hat.

"Keep him locked up inside Spike, then they never are really gone. That will be your last glass, ok?"

"Yes ma’am," Spike said with a half smirk.

"Good." Applejack smiled.

“Now,” Spike said with a smile, “Tell me about all of those stallions up there.”

“Oh them?” Applejack said with a sigh. “All of our family from all over Equestria sent them to be trained here for some reason.”

“They’re family then?”

“No no. The letter made it very clear they weren't part of the family. Had absolutely no relation…” Applejack started rubbing her chin and cocking her head. “Come to think of it, each of the letters went to great lengths to tell me just how unrelated they were… and how they had absolutely no attachments in their home towns.” Spike felt a little put off by the silence that followed, like an atmosphere of something horrible discovered. “I need to go talk to Big Mac.”

Spike felt the need to laugh as the mare rushed out of the house. His small smile stayed with him though, even as he drank the mug dry and licked his lips wishing for more. Standing up, he left the cup and walked up out of the cellar.

That was actually pretty good… I wonder how Pinkie Pie is.

From what he had heard the mare had been running all over town trying to cheer ponies up.

On his walk he picked up some more debris bits and straightened a sign post before buying some candy from a sour faced pony to pass out to some of the sadder children he saw.

Passing by the restaurant at the town center next, to the small pond, his mind threw up a small flag that hadn't been activated in years.

Is that the old Cutie Mark Crusaders huddled over a table what could they be talking about. Sitting down he ordered some hay extra crispy french fries before eavesdropping on them.

"I tell ya, Scootaloo, this last month has been hard on my hooves. Not only do we have the mayor ordering the entire town rebuilt to a more ordered structure I have to help build new homes and barrels for cider season. It's a mess."

The bags under Applebloom's eyes stood as testament to her claim. The pony was still wearing her construction gear as well.

"At least you can do your talent. My wings and neck still haven't healed." Her half body cast holding the neck and wings still was covered in pony names.

"I still can't believe they declared you dead!"

"Me neither, but that's what happens when they find you with your head twisted around." Applebloom winced.

"How can you talk about that so easily?"

"Hey, I wanted to be a Wonderbolt as a kid! You need to be ready for death at any time as a stunt artist...Though I will admit. When that Diamond dog grabbed me around the neck and head I ...I was sad I'd never see you girls again."

"We would have missed you so much," Applebloom shouted before reaching to give her a big hug. "What about you, Sweetie Belle?"

The mare looked up from the table only long enough to mumble something.

"That would have been terrible..."

Her two friends glance at each other before Scootaloo spoke up with her concern evident.

"Sweetie Belle... I'm sorry about your parents but they wouldn't want you to be this way… Mordane wouldn't either."

"I… I know." Sweetie whispered tears welling up.

"Come on," Applebloom said as the two of them moved to her side, "we're here for you..."

Sweetie burst into tears.

As her friends comforted her Spike walked scratching her head made his way out and up the road toward Sugarcube corner.

I really need some cheering up after that… and I think I know just the pony to do that!

Heading out Spike headed for Sugarcube corner he moved quickly looking forward to seeing her smiling face and getting a crystal cup cake.

However once he came around the bend he stopped and blinked several times.

Is Sugarcube corner... drooping?

The entire building had a dark air around it. Ponies were not even making eye contact with it as they walked around depressed.

With great apprehension Spike walked up and opened the front door, his heart giving off a little quiver of fear.

"Pinkie Pie?"

From the entrance Spike could see Pinkie Pie sitting in the near dark surrounded by black balloons and gray sweets with a few banners laid about saying things like 'Things will get better' ' Sorry your husband died' 'Don't feel bad, life goes on'. The mare herself was staring at a single cupcake. Her hair was flat and she seemed totally consumed in her sadness.

"No one wants me around... I guess that a party can't fix everything," she mumbled.

"Pinkie are you ok?" he asked hesitantly.

"Oh, hi, Spike… Yes I'm fine." She did not look fine to him.

"You don’t look fine."

"It's just the ponies. They don't want my parties for now… I'm just waiting until it’s over."

"It's the parties that you miss?" he asked incredulously. "Not the ponies?"

"I miss them!" she said, shocked. "I just don't understand. We should be celebrating them. Not trying to forget..."

Pinkie went back to staring at her cupcake.

Spike shook his head and let her be.


Spike walked sullenly from Sugarcube corner. His eyes were staring at the ground as his heart felt like a lead weight had descended.

Maybe Fluttershy can help me... she cares for those animals all the time. She might know how to help Rarity and Twilight.

Making his way out of the town spike walked briskly toward the forest edge to where Fluttershy lived. He arrived before even noticing. Look up he saw Fluttershy and Discord outside making tea.

"I still don't understand why you insist that I let you make the tea Fluttershy it would be so much easier if you just let me create it from nothing," Discord said as he sat on the chair with two clones of himself massaging both of their shoulders."It would be so much easier than waiting."

"I've told you before, Discord; it's the doing of things that matter, not what you get out of it."

"Yes, yes," he said with an exasperated sigh before summoning a carrot to give the rabbit who till that moment had been kicking his leg. "I've heard that before. I just worry you'll burn yourself on the hot pot again."

"Discord," she said with a small laughter, "that was three years ago."

"Three years. Three minutes. Three seconds it's all the same thing really." He laughed as his clones disappeared. "Oh I wish I could see you as a little filly I bet you were adorable."

Fluttershy blushed as Discord laughed.

"Why don't you just look and see like you did with Twilight that time?" asked Spike as he walked up. "Hey, Fluttershy."

"Hello Spike," greeted Fluttershy with a warm smile.

"What a good idea!" Discord shouted nearly causing Fluttershy to drop her tea "I'll just go back and see!"

"Discord, isn't that dangerous?" Fluttershy quickly asked.

"Oh, I can't change the past or anything like that. It's impossible. Paradox you know.” He said wincing and crossing his legs “I'll just go look from outside the time. It will be like I was never there. Because I wasn't!" He snapped his fingers producing a flash of light but appearing to not have moved. "OH you were cuter than I imagined. Those long legs."

"Hey! I was really bullied about those," Fluttershy said tucking her hooves close to her heart as her eyes began to water.

"I'm sorry, Fluttershy, I didn't mean it," he said nervously.

"That's ok," she said smiling, the fake tears being released. "Got ya."

As Discord rolled on the ground laughing Fluttershy turned to Spike and rolled her eyes.

"So, Spike, why are you visiting today?"

"Uhh, yeah, well, umm," he said rubbing the back of his neck and kicking a stone. "I was wondering if you could help me with something. A question that is..."

"Sure," she said looking concerned, "ask away."

"How do you deal with ponies… passing on."

Discord sat up and looked at Fluttershy as he blinked twice and put her cup down on the table.'

"Well...That's a difficult question, Spike. Everypony really has their own way of dealing with it. I could tell you mine though?"

"I would like that." he said with a small smile and sad eyes.

"Oh, um, where to begin," she said rubbing her hooves together with frustration "Ah. Well, Spike... Many animals that come to my cottage are hurt and even though I try to heal them many don't make it. At first this would upset me for days afterward and only Pinkie could cheer me up but then I realized something. The end is not really the point. All those animals and ponies I help will go on and make little themes that wouldn't have been if I didn't. So in a way I'll always be here in this forest or at least what I do will be. Like I said to Discord, it’s what you do now that matters. That's why it matters so much all we have is the now. What do you think, Discord?"

"Well," he said scratching his head, "I disagree, Fluttershy. In the grand scheme of things all of us will die. Even I who am immortal cannot go on forever. In time all that I am all that we are will cease. Change is ever present and what is will never be again. I say live for the now because nothing we do really matters."

"Discord!" Fluttershy shouted in shock.

"What? It's true! Take it from me, kid, in the end it doesn't matter what you do, so live as you wish. Without regret!"

"Wait?" Spike cut in. "Are you saying that we sort of… live on because of what we do?"

"And those we know," Fluttershy nodded.

"And you, Discord, say that what we do in the end is forgotten so we should just try to be happy… Can both be true?"

"I suppose so," said Discord. "Though I do not see it myself. What does it matter that the effects of what you do cascade through time if no one knows you did it? If that makes you happy though, you should do it."

Fluttershy nodded. "That’s one way of saying it."

Spike thanked them for their advice before leaving.

He walked out from her house along the forest line. He passed near some places but soon he saw something he had not even intentionally meant to find again.

Mordane's shack.

Regret filled him and threatened to burst into tears as he walked up to the burned wreckage. It had nearly been as much of a shock to hear that Mordane had burned it down intentionally as to learn that he was an alicorn. He went into the rubble and sat against a segment of wall.

Mordane… why did you do it? Why did you run? Where we not your friends? Were those times I traded secrets as you smiled meaningless? What about all those times I saved you from the crusaders and there disasters? Who was there when those very same crusaders found their marks and you did not? Who stayed by your side even as you grew slowly bitter at the odd looks, denying you even cared about getting a mark so much so that many believed you? Though I saw the pain. I tried to get close to you, Mordane. Celestia knows I tried.

As Spike sat there, a pony suddenly walked through the space where the door used to be, on his right. She walked to the rooms' center before dropping a single rose and standing there. Spike recognized her as Bon Bon and was about to speak up when she pulled out a piece of paper and began to read.

"Hi, Mordane… You don't really know me and I did not know you. That was until the day those Diamond dogs attacked, many ponies died fighting them. Obeying your orders and plan. Most call you are hero, but I can't." she began to shake tears dripping down off her face onto the ground. "How could I call you a hero when you killed my Lyra? When you impaled her on a spike to kill those dogs that were about to kill her as well. How am I supposed to feel about surviving that by pure chance…? Did you even hesitate? Would you be stuck up in the night thinking about it? I would like to say I think you would be but I remember the look in your eyes just afterward. Even as my sight had begun to grow dark. I remember seeing you look on to your next target. You didn't even stop to watch her die. Pawn to rook four, and Lyra was dead… my Lyra." She cried then. Openly sobbing uncontrolled as Spike sat frozen.

"I-I can't lie and say I'm sad you're dead. I feel you deserved it, even knowing that the town was saved by what you did. I know with my mind that you saved lives, but you did not save the life I really cared about." She lowered her head "Rest in peace Mordane, because I cannot." Bon Bon turned and ran out of the ruble with her eyes screwed shut. The sobs being held in as she ran from that place.

Shaking, Spike stood up. His arms hugging his body tightly.

He ran out of there, following the tree line all the way to the Diamond fields. He ran up to a small ridge and sat down, his gasps nearly turning into sobs.

Bon Bon’s stark confession had opened up the floodgates in Spike to the real problem he faced. The question he really wanted answers to.

I'm a dragon… I will outlive Rarity and the others. All the ponies I know save Twilight will grow old and die while I grow bigger and bigger until I can't even live in pony homes anymore then where will I be? What will I do?

He cried

What will I do when Rarity dies?

He cried and cried. He cried like he never had before. Over time though, he calmed down and thought about what he had learned that day. Going down a checklist just like Twilight had taught him.

Rarity threw herself into her work so that she wouldn't have to face the pain of the loss. Twilight grew obsessed with it, studying it over and over. Applejack took the lost ones into her heart so that they would never really leave her. Pinkie tried to make others feel better, only falling into sadness once she could not. Fluttershy could accept it because they live on through their children and friends. Discord said it didn't matter so do what made me happy… What should I do though? I want Rarity, Twilight and Pinkie to feel better as well as come out of their cocoons what can me-

Then it clicked. The pieces fell into place and he jumped into action.

He went up to a secluded stone and pushed it aside. Beneath it laid a small bag with a magical insignia on it.

It’s time.

Taking the bag with him, he ran to get ready.

Twilight was still sitting where he left her when Spike kicked open the door. In his hands were streamers, a bag of chips and various other things needed for the party.

"Spike?" Twilight said eyes wide. “What is all that for?”

"The party that’s happening here tonight. All of our friends are coming here."

"But-" Twilight began looking around the library. Books, dishes and random papers laid everywhere as Twilight stood in the center with a messed up mane. "Spike! How could you!? This place is a mess! I'M a mess! Why-"

Spike had cleared off a table with his tail before setting down the party supplies. He then walked over to Twilight and cut her off, placing a finger over her mouth.

"Shhh, Twilight. We don't have time to argue. This place needs to be cleaned. You go take a shower then come help me."


"GO!" Spike shouted, already rushing around and cleaning with a big smile on his face. Twilight obeyed and ran up the stairs. As she cleaned herself thoughts ran through her head.

What is he thinking no one wants a party! It’s only been a month...Oh no, what if my friends take this the wrong way! I mean, I haven't seen them much, but...

After finishing she rushed back down the steps to find Spike coming back from the kitchen with clean plates and setting them next to the stuff he had brought in on the table.

"Come on, Twilight, let’s get this done!"

The two of them had no time to talk as they rushed about. Twilight putting up the books and papers while Spike sweeped.

Within the hour the place was clean. Spike was making snacks when Pinkie Pie burst through the front door and ran up to him giving one of her signature back crushing hugs.

"Oh, thank you, thank you! I just got your message from Ms. Cake! I did what you asked and they said YES!"

Spike smiled and hugged her back.

"That's great, Pinkie! Why don't you help finish the decorations?"

"Already on it," he heard from behind him. Looking back he saw Pinkie already putting up more streamers on the other side of the library. Looking at his now empty hands he took only a moment to remind himself to not question it.

The rest of the guests arrived shortly. Fluttershy and Discord came together. The later only pausing to snap a chocolate statue into existence. Then came Rainbow, tired but giving a weak smile none the less. Then there was Applejack who brought a barrel of Apple cider. Finally Rarity came in. She however was not smiling and only looked inquiringly at Spike.

"Try and enjoy yourself," Spike told her, softly taking off her coat. "Trust me."

Rarity looked him in the eyes and gave the weakest of smiles and nods before going in to talk to her friends.

The night would later be a blur to Spike. At first the guests had talked to each other quietly, then with more fervor.

There was laughter.

There were tears.

And, as that special kind of magic that always does to those who let it, their friendship was renewed.

As the night wore on, Rarity slowing came out of her shell. Her tears were shared and Spike comforted her. At the turning of the clock Spike got her away from her friends and up the stairs. To the sound of drunken whistling by Discord but up the stairs none the less.

Once there he took his love out onto the balcony nestled in the tree branches.

"Spike." Rarity said as they leaned on the rail "I have to thank you for setting up this party. I know I've been...reclusive lately."

"It's ok, Rarity. I understand."

"No, it’s simply dreadful. I-" Spike put a finger over her mouth.

"No, Rarity, it’s ok. All I want is for you to be happy."

"Oh, Spike," she said, putting her hoof over where her heart would be. "I simply must think of a way to repay you."

Spike blushed before whispering.

"There is..." He reached behind one of the limbs and pulled out the small bag from before.


"Rarity," he said, pulling out a ring with a perfect diamond, "will you marry me?"

"I-I don't know what to say." She stepped, back eyes growing large.

Spike felt his hops get crushed at the fearful look on his loves face. Perhaps it had been too early. Maybe she wasn't ready.

He gulped. Trying to hold back tears as he stood up.

"It’s ok, Rarity I-"


"What?" Spike gulped his eyes bugging out.


Magic grabbed both of Spike’s ears and tugged him down as Rarity wrapped her hooves around his head, kissing him.

Firecrackers went off in Spike’s mind as he filled with warmth.

Going downstairs, Rarity told everyone the good news and showed off her beautiful hoof cuff.

There was even more cheering and rejoicing as the news filled up the other ponies with warmth.

"Say, Spike," Rainbow asked with the biggest smile you had ever seen on any pony besides Pinkie, "what made you decide to pop the question?"

Spike smiled before answering to the waiting crowd.

"I talked to all of you today and to be honest… I was rather down. We all were, but as I sat on that hill I realized something. What are important are our futures, not the past. Sure we need to remember those that have passed on, but we must also remember to honor them with our future. And I know that there is only one pony whose future I want to share."

Spike kissed Rarity then who still had tears in her eyes.

Twilight watched her son/brother/assistant kiss her friend and realized something herself. Walking over to the table she pulled out a piece of paper.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I learned something from my not so little anymore assistant… Those dear to us may be gone but in truth they live on. The magic of friendship is so strong that even death cannot make it truly fade. I can't live in the past anymore. It's not what we could have done that matters but what we do.

Your faithful student with love

Twilight Sparkle.

P.S No matter what you say, I will ALWAYS be your student, Celestia.

Twilight wrapped it up and cast the spell to send it to Celestia herself rather than asking Spike to send it. After all… he was really into that kiss.

Celestia awoke as a letter popped into existence beside her on the bed.

Opening it, she paused before smiling.


In the southern reaches of Equestria, beyond the badlands and near the end of the western coast, Luna stood tall and proud in her new royal battle armor.

She had commissioned it at the beginning of the war a month before. It was designed to guard all her vital spots; under the wings, her back and belly. There she had only the finest blue colored steel. Over her joints laid black chainmail allowing for easy movement. The apex of the design was a helmet which bared many similarities to her one as Nightmare Moon.

“Tonight, brave soldiers of Equestria, we push home our victory over the dog scorn that so wrongly pushed into our land and enslaved your innocent pony brethren. Go now and know that you have your princess blessing. “

The crowed of reporter ponies dashed about eagerly as the crowed of guards burst into a roar. The army itself numbered nearly fifty thousand. Only about half of Equestrians forces but it were all they could bring to the battlefield so far from Equestrians center. The dogs numbered forty thousand. Luna had insisted that the Diamond dog. The mountain would be put under siege even with their only slight numerical advantage. Most of the time ponies only attacked when outnumbered two to one but Luna believed that to be cowardly.

Walking but to her guard Luna perked up upon hearing their comments about her speech.

“Well done, Princess.”

“It was a rousing speech.”

“Thank you” She said with a smile.” I was wondering if I might have been too loud.”

The shadowbolt laughed merrily “Not at all princess. When talking to the army nothing is too loud.”

“Yes.” came a snooty voice from behind Luna “Such a speech is needed by the ponies if we are to settle the fears of comment folk over this Diamond dog debacle.”

Prince Blueblood was wearing a shirt that many in the Trottinghoof area would have described as fabulous. It was blue with white trimming and an excess of ruffles under his chin. On his hip hung a thin rapier. And plain leather boots donned his hooves.

“If I may console you for a moment princess?”

Luna smiled. It was always a pleasure to talk to Blueblood. His regal manner put her at ease ad seemed much more normal than the jovial tone that most took nowadays. Even if his rudeness to those of a lower station did irritate her slightly.

“Ah! Commander Blueblood. Tis a pleasure I’m sure. What canst I help thee with?”

“Oh boy.” whispered one of her guard “she's doing that old style talk again.”

Blueblood smiled at Luan's slip. Matching her tone he continued with his explanation.

“Tis a fine day for glory and honor my liege. Twas fate that brought us upon thine enemies at this time my majesty. Yea even the winds seem to fall favorably upon us. Striking our foes harbor so as to prevent their escape by sea. Indeed if we had not been head up for water before crossing that accursed disaster we would have arrived to likely find naught but abandoned caves. Enough of my dilly dally though let us instead speak of this coming battle.”

Floating three maps out of his bag Blueblood set out to explain his strategy. His accent slipping back into a normal speech pattern.

“Our west flank is strong as it has been held up resting here for the last two weeks. I intend to have them strike at the main force here, on the western side of the mountain near their main entrance. Forty percent of them reside closes to our position to the north that we will have to match in number and send a mere eight thousand to wipe out the ten percent reside on the eastern side. You may watch from here your majesty.” The stallion pointed at a nearby hill.

“Nay Blueblood we shall engage the enemy.”

Several of the news ponies nearby began to murmur and take out their pens. Blueblood coughed awkwardly before stepping closer to Luna. His face having a plastered smile as he waved at the news ponies. Whispering intently he tried to make her understand before the worst happened.

“My princess. I’m sorry but...well princess don't actually go into battle anymore. With the number of ponies involved- They just don’t do it.”

“We do not understand” Luna said frowning. “We- I am fully capable of fighting in battle. Do you believe me weak?”

“Well there was how Celestia-” spoke up a nearby newspony. Turning to him Luna addressed him.

“Would you rather the entire wedding party be ash upon the wall?”

The newspony’s gasped and began scribbling onto their pads.

“Princess! You just can’t-”

“Why not?”

“Because.” He reached for something anything that would let him prevent her from attacking the enemy front and dying. Then he was struck on it. “It’s just not refined. It's...brutish.”

Luna paused as her face softened and turned contemplative.

“I see. I still have trouble understanding many of these new...obligations. If I understand if I fight it makes me seem brutal? Aggressive?”

“Yes.” Blueblood sighed

“Very well we will kill them with as little pain for them as possible. It may be a bit of an overuse of power but I shall do what is needed in this new age.”

“Wait no!”

But then he had to brace himself.

Normally when a winged pony takes off their magic does most of the lifting with the wings providing fine control. This magic is focused evenly around the body however; a skilled pegasus can actually manipulate the field itself with their wings. Taking it a step further they could create wind. Even using it in combat.


Luna flapped her wings willing the air around her to move and bend to her will as she loosened the mental restraints on her war magic.

Taking a moment she addressed the commander wide eyes below her.

“We shall take the western front. Send the troops you would have there to the northern side. Guard. You may follow but stand back.”

Not waiting for a response she rocketed off toward the enemy front. Ready to engage. Very quickly she found herself flying high above them and taking a minute to prepare. The Diamond dog rune carver's magic could be felt even this high as a shield covered the dogs. At her best guess about four thousand troops stood beneath its dark blue sheen.

Reaching out she began to struggle for some of the local energy. Raising an eyebrow she was surprised by how strongly the Dogs held on. Dozens of them must be down there holding the energy in tow.

She however was able to resell a four away by the time her guard showed up.

“My lady.” Said the panting bat pony guard “Be reasonable-”

“I am being reasonable. These dogs have taken the lives of my citizens and I will not let that pass without exacting my toll. I will warn you only once. Do not follow me into battle. You will only get in the way.”

It was then that the attack trumpets sounded across the valley. With nary a farewell Luna began her descent.

As she flew down the smell of smoke greeted her and she could make out details. The earth which had appeared a light brown from above now revealed itself to be trampled ground. Churned by the passing of thousands of paws.

Above her dark clouds began to form and spread over the sky. Even as arrows reached up to meet her. A blast of wind tossed them off course to fall to the ground harmlessly. She landed with barely a whisper not a hundred yards in front of the Diamond Dog line.

“Pony Princess!” shouted a voice from behind the line. “Surrender to us. You die if not.”

Luna frowned and inwardly groaned.

Diamond dogs could never pull of Equestrian speech very well.

Breathing deep she poured energy into the vibrations of her voice using the Canterlot royal voice.


“Prepare to charge!”

Luna sighed. These dogs were just so young. Truly thinking that they could match Equestrians might. That was foolishness...Just like her little ponies forgetting the truth. That the princesses did not rise to power with kind words. That a nation was not built on cooperation alone. That with their magic alone, Equestria was forged after Discords fall. That they had to wrest control of the sun and moon from its traditional unicorn controllers.

But they would remember.

As the last ray of light began to wink out on her face calm entered her being. She could see now what Blueblood had meant. These children where not to be hated...but pitied. Yes. She would bring the end, but softly. With a lullaby.

Dark shadows poured from her body as she raised her hoof and performed a summoning spell. A great scythe appeared. Its long black and blue length ended in a blade that was wide and silver.

As the troops closed the last bit of distance the heavens opened up.

And she began to sing.

In the rain she danced

bathed in shadow used to crush her foes

Lightning tore from her being

Wind forced down her foes

Her blade cut deep and true

Sewing her enemies in two

as from her lips passed a song that was truth.

The fragility of mortals was learned that day

Blueblood waked the western battlefield followed silently by newsponies. All around them lay the dead dogs. Their bodies soaked in water, sweat and blood. Many seemed to of died from the lightning strikes and the blade of his princess. Others had broken necks that seemed to of been crushed by some powerful dragon hand squeezing it alone.

The devastation was total. None had survived.

He remembered the somber demeanor of Luna and her insistence that the dogs had died near painlessly. Then her laughter saying that Celestia was even stronger than her. There had always been legends about their strength...but he had never believed. Always thinking they were exaggerated.

Now though. He knew the truth.

There is no pony more powerful than the princesses.