• Published 26th Jan 2013
  • 20,757 Views, 1,924 Comments

Mordane Stronghoof - Mr Stargazer

After an existential journey goes wrong, a man finds himself in Equestiria. With no way to return home he has no choice but to find a path in a new body. Will he discover a place to belong once again in this new land, or be forced to carve one out?

  • ...

Herridon: Fractured edge

Trixie inwardly groaned as One Eye and the two numbskulls trotted off with a small fortune. Her first instinct was to keep her disapproval to herself, but Mordane had insisted that was a bad idea. A position she still disagreed with.

“Why let those three fools trot off with all that gold? One Eye is just going to drink it all.”

“Some, for certain. What he does with the rest will tell me a lot.” Mordane replied with a small smile. “Maybe I know that, if he takes it, it would be worth knowing now rather than later.”

Mordane leaned next to her ear, sending a shiver down her spine.

“Or maybe, trust given often breeds trust in return.”

Mordane pulled back and smirked again. Looking up to the High District he inhaled deeply before reaching into his satchel and pulling out a second smaller bag of money.

“I need you to go up to the second level market. I’m told by Charon that most of the manufactured goods are from there. I want you to go there and purchase some quality equipment, as well as something healthy and fresh for a change. Also,” He handed her a small note “Please purchase these items for my experiments.”

“Trixie will do so.” She smiled “Do not think though I will be tricked into trusting you more.”

“No need for that with you.” Mordane replied. “I’ll see you this evening.”

Trixie nodded and left. Going out alone she headed straight for one of the hanging car stations which was a short ways outside of the docks.

As she walked her attention was focused completely internally as she tried to suppress a blush.

Once she came to the station she quickly got in line. It was a large platform with great spinning wheels bellow it with about a dozen earth ponies strapped in. The line went up a narrow staircase where ponies were waiting. Trixie noted that almost all the ponies were unicorns, or pegasi. As she went slowly up the line she jolted as the admittance officer shouted suddenly.

“I don’t care if you're a trader, dirt pony! You are not allowed to the second level without a slave collar. Do you want me to give you one?”

The earth pony trader shook his head and decided to take the quick way out by jumping the rail into the street.

Watching the pony go the unicorn officer sneered before shouting for the next pony.

Arriving up the top the Officer asked Trixie:




“Shopping.” She smiled, feeling a bit sick at her stomach.

“Up to the platform then.” He waved her past making a mark in his journal.

Trixie nodded her head and went onto the platform. As carts came down the left in pair she watched as the doors on the other side of the cart opened to an exit platform. Ponies quickly rushed off. Two unicorns stood to assist ponies get on and off.

When the car came back around and Trixie and the dozen other ponies rushed to get on as they had about a thirty second window.

Trixie ended up next to the window, looking down as the cart quickly ascended over the rooftops. It was only then that she was able to get a good look at the bottom level.

Filthy would be the one word she would use to describe the place. Narrow streets and ponies packed in by the thousands. In the distance she could see the mines lining the mountains and the furnaces where the ore was smelted all tucked into one corner.

Charging her horn she cast a spell to see the lay lines. She was a little dismayed at what she saw.

I’ve never seen the lines of energy so twisted except in Canterlot.

The free energy of the city was pulled from everything. The wind, sea, deep in the earth and even waste heat from the furnaces were all gathered, strung up into twisting lines, and converged into cords, and then into thick ropes which all came together into a single stream flowing up the mountain. Moving that kind of power was no small feat and something she hadn’t expected to see in the southern lands.

What are they doing with it all?

She focused and searched for the spell exit but she just couldn't’ find it.

“Miss, what are you doing?” Asked a unicorn beside her. “You shouldn’t disrupt the stream.”

“Yes, I know thank you.” she replied smiling at the mare “I was just trying to figure out where all that energy is going.”

“Oh. Its for the royalty and to move water up to the reservoir and clean it.”

“Oh? Is that the source for all the cities water?”

“Yes it is. I can see you’re new here, so i need to warn you… Be careful when walking around, the city is super strict.” She leaned in “Also… don’t go too far off from the market. You should be okay, but…”

“Thank you.” Trixie said before pulling out Mordane’s list. “Do you know where one might buy these items?”

The pony frowned and shook her head.

“Your best bet would be a smithy, or maybe an apothecary? I’m not sure.”

Trixie thanked the pony and continued to look out the window as they passed over the first inner wall.

The shacks and hovels streets were replaced with neat rows curving with the wall in evenly spaced patterns. There was a notable change of air and Trixie noted a slight unnatural draft wafting down over the wall. More spellwork.

This kind of magic was beginning to remind her of some of the older stories she had read about Unicorn cities. Built like fortresses sitting at mountains with great nexus of power.

The buildings were made from colored and treated brick, in matching colors and the spicots which were more evenly split.

The cart came up to a matching raised platform. She exited the cart as quickly as possible and made her way down the steps, and into the market.

The place was filled with ponies, but it seemed like there was a lot of sellers and not so many buyers. Trotting up to a stall Trixie was shocked to see metal utensils for sale, that by itself was not unusual, but the price… the price was at least three fifths what it would have been anywhere else in the southern lands.

Trotting past, she moved from stall to stall, then store to store. She saw plenty of utensils, jewelry and other high end items, but no weapons, or armor. Each store started to make her worry more and more.

“Hello miss! Would you happen to be looking for something in particular?”

Trixie gave a little start at the sudden address to her. A little unicorn colt with an orange coat and green eyes, had popped out in front of her giving a small smile.

“What are you interested in? I know where to find the cheapest prices in all the kingdoms.”

“I believe it!” Trixie smiled. “This places prices are ridiculous. How can they be so low?”

“Iron is about half the price in Herridon. It is our main export and production commodity after all.” The colt replied nonchalantly, giving Trixie a look up toward where the mines were.

“Oh. I had no idea.” She replied. “Do you know where one might pick up some arms?”

The pony frowned.

“That would be difficult. The production of them is tightly controlled. Only a few ponies even have the permits…, but I do happen to know where one would be who isn’t working now. I’d point you in the right direction for ten bits.”

Trixie frowned but floated the bits over. The orange coated colt grinned and motioned for her to follow him.

Down the street they went and soon he pointed toward the shop he talked about. Thanking the colt, Trixie walked off.

As she came close she saw guards standing out in front of the shop. Coming close enough she overheard two ponies arguing.

Curious she went down the alley beside it and chuckling to herself at the guards oversight, she casted a simple illusion spell to copy and move air vibrations, so she could hear what was being said.

“I’ve already given you the payment for this month. Please, I can’t keep my business open like this.” Wafted out a broken hearted mare's voice.

“And I can’t keep the way open for what you have been currently paying.” Another mare replied exasperatedly. “I have my own ponies to pay, bread to move, mine guards to bribe… If you don’t pay, then I’ll have to lift the protection.”

“Just..just give me till the end of next month. I’ll pay… We wouldn’t want them to win yes?”

“Sigh. Yes. For the princess.” The pony replied firmly. “This is your last chance Starlight.”

“For princess Platinum.” Grumbled the shop mare as clopping hooves led toward the front of the smithy.

Trixie decided to be a little careful and cast a simple visual cloak as the guards passed. They were led by a pony in a long flowing robe of purple and black.

After they passed Trixie dropped her cloak and quickly made her way into the shop.

“We’re closed.” Grunted Starlight.

“Are you certain? I have a rather large sum of coin.” Trixie smiled and shook her bag. “I heard this is where one could procure weapons?”

The mare perked up, her ears straightening slightly before dropping again.

“I’m sorry, but no. I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” She sighed.

“Why ever not?” Trixie asked coming up to the counter and sitting the satchel on the counter.

“Because of these-!” Starlight caught herself and took a moment to take in a deep breath “Because, I have no iron.”

“I see.” Trixie said in a low tone, her eyes softening. “Is there a shortage?”

“No… I just can’t get to where it is being sold this month.”

Trixie blinked.

“I’m sorry? Where is this?”

The mare looked at Trixie for a few moments before giving a small smile.

“You are not from Herridon, are you.”

“No, I am not.”

“Then listen carefully. There are… factions. They exist in trade blocks that are seeking to control various areas of the Herridon economy.”

“Tri- I see…” Trixie said rubbing her chin. “And one of these factions is blocking you from getting iron?”

“Yes.” she nodded “They cut the ropes to the eastern sides cargo elevators and moving from the sea side is dangerous.”

“Could I just purchase from their side?” Trixie asked while sliding across Mordane’s note. “I mean, the things I can’t get from you.”

The mare took the note and read through the short list before frowning.

“I should be able to get these things, but they won’t be cheap. Some of this… I don’t know what you would be using it for. Nearly pure nitrogen? Copper spool one centimeter in diameter… You would need to go to a different store for each of these. I can supply the copper myself. I will do this for” The mare bit her lip. “one thousand gold.”

Trixie nearly melted into the floor. That was a fourth of what Mordane had given her. With that much she couldn’t possibly get the arms and armor they would need…

“What if… I could bring you a shipment of iron?” Trixie said quietly. “I mean… just how much would you need?”

The mare blinked before a grin slipped on her face. She giggled and gave a little snort before becoming serious again.

“Unless you have a noble friend somewhere. Then you can use their guards to escort it. Then ANY amount of Iron you bring to me would be stolen and you would be well, dead, before you made it back.”

Trixie smiled. She in fact did have soldiers and Mordane to move the iron. She opened her mouth to say as much when she froze.

You are not ready to lead, or speak for me Trixie.

She closed her mouth and frowned, furrowing her brow.

After a few moments she made a decision.

“I don’t have one I can call on, but let's say I was able to move Iron back to you… How much would I need to bring to cover this and armament for fifteen ponies?”

The mare seemed to want to dismiss her, but stopped. After a few moments she reached below the counter and began to do some number work.

After a few minutes she chuckled.

“Six pony lengths cubed. That should cost you… ten thousand bits, plus the guards, and haulers.”

“That's… not feasible.”

Trixie and the mare began to argue, Trixie considered offering to pay now for the goods needed later that week, but they needed the ponies to have weapons and armor immediately.

The first thing Trixie asked was if she would make the armor thinner.

She immediately refused, saying that she was already considering it at the thinnest it would still be viable as armor.

Eventually the blacksmith owner figured out how much gold Trixie had and so it became a negotiation about the amount of iron Trixie would bring, and what she would receive.

First to go was the helmet followed quickly by the metal hoofcups. Then the flank guards. Even then there wasn’t enough.

“I suggest you take a shield, spearhead and longswords as a certainty. From what you have left… You have just enough for a helmet and one greave with a little extra, or just a whole breastplate.”

Trixie considered for a minute before asking.

“One hoof will be used with the shield yes? So what about armor covering the right hoof up to the shoulder?”

“Hmm, I’d have to use leather straps to hold it to the body… Okay. One cartload of iron and one thousand coin and I’ll provide you with twelve sets of armor like that and the items on the list.”

“It's a deal.” She bumped hooves in agreement before floating out the coin bag and started to count eight hundred bits. “Here is the coin for the items from the list. Please have them available by this evening.”

The mare grinned but immediately frowned.


“Yes.” Trixie said. “I will have your iron today… otherwise you should deliver those items to dock D13.”

The mare nodded as she drew her lips into a line.

“Good luck.”

“Thank you.”


Trixie left the blacksmith and trotted down the street.

“You shouldn’t do this.”

Trixie nearly jumped out of her skin again. Flipping around she saw the same orange coated colt from before.

“You!” Trixie caught herself. “You shouldn’t come out of nowhere like that.”

“Sorry. I thought I would hang around and see if you need some more help. I overheard your conversation with the blacksmith owner.” The colt frowned. “I just wanted to tell you, you will be killed if you try moving that amount of iron.”

“That amount?” Trixie replied causing the small colt to blanch. “Have you moved iron before?”

“I-...Yes. I have, small amounts only a few hooffulls at a time.” The colt replied. “But if you try to move a whole cart there is no way you won't be seen.”

Trixie smiled and ruffled the colts head. He quickly shook her off and glared at her.

“There is definitely a way with Trixie! The question is will the little colt help?”

The colt sighed and clopped his hooves in place.

“How would you even do it?” he frowned “also, why do you keep using your name like that?”

Trixie blushed slightly before smiling.

“I used to be an entertainer specializing in illusion. I can make the cart invisible.”

“What about sound?” The colt asked.

“No… I can make noise but I don’t know how to hide it. I figure if we move slowly…”

“That...might work. That is if you know where to move it. Streets wide enough, straight enough and practically abandoned.” He rubbed the back of his hoof and looked seaward along the street. A couple of ponies came from out of a building. They were two earth ponies wearing slave collars flared with symbols.

It was only that moment where Trixie realized she hadn’t seen any earth ponies on the second level. As if seeing what she was thinking the colt spoke up.

“There are no free earth ponies in midden, just as there are no free pegasi in the Top.”

Trixie frowned, a look of disgust flashed across her face.

“So can it be done?”

“...Yes, but it will cost you.”

Trixie looked the pony up and down. The orange pony was rather dirty.

“I’ll give you two hundred bits.”

“One Thousand bits.”

“Four hundred.”



“...Okay, I accept.”

Getting to the side of Herridon with working freight elevators was the easy part. The two ponies simply trotted along unmolested.

The streets looked much the same at first but quickly began to degrade the farther you got from the hanging carts. Trixie was surprised to learn that the central line was for nobles going to the third level only. Passing over the second level Trixie could only imagine what it would be like to see a poverty you know you are causing.

As they passed the midpoint Trixie began to notice more ponies openly staring at them.

“There are at least seven groups. They have carved out sections of the city, guards stations, elevators, stores, stalls, manufacturers, tax collectors, even entire streets. Everypony is in their pocket, or paying them.”

“How can they do this?” Trixie asked as a guard patrol passed by “I mean these guard look well paid.”

“Who knows. All I know is that this all started about five years ago. I remember… well, I’ve lost my parents to this.” He gestured all around himself “ The guards just started working for the tax collectors though, ALL the guards. It wasn’t that bad until the sides started disrupting goods flowing through the territories. Now they are breaking things”

“We should be careful then… by the way, what is your name?”

“Didn’t i tell you? It’s Mortimer.”

Trixie and Mortimer arrived at the freight area shortly later.

Trixie swallowed. There was iron everywhere, lying in open on pallets with stallions shouting down at the passersby trying to sell it.

“IRON FOR SALE!” “REFINED IRON NEAR PURE!” “Adamite! Get your Iodine!” “Marble!”

And so on. Iron was by far the most common being saved though. Passing another stall, she saw prices for iron products twice the price of the other side of Herridon.

This can’t be maintained.

Trixie looked around as she trotted up to a stallion near the edge, standing next to a medium size cart, with iron in it.

“Hello Miss! May I interest you in Iron ore?”

“Maybe. How much for that cart?”

The stallion frowned.

“I’m sorry. I’m selling the iron, not the cart.” He started turning away when Trixie spoke up again

“No, I mean how much for the cart with all the iron inside.”

The stallion stopped mid turn and snapped back as half a dozen nearby ponies heads turned.

“Well. There is a cost of me acquiring another cart to consider. How about...five thousand bits.”

Trixie frowned.

“I know math, you want to charge me two thousand five hundred bits for a cart?”

A few of the other stallions around snickered but another bit on his carts saddle and brought it around to Trixie.

“Saddle, Straps, Iron and cart for three thousand bits.” He said bluntly.

“This is my sale firm!”

“Buck you Rawhide!” sneered the stallion “I’m getting out of this city while I still can. He turned back toward Trixie. “What do you say?”

“Twenty five hundred.”

“Deal.” He grunted. “You do have it with you right?”

Trixie reached into her satchel and floated out three small bags of one thousand she had moved the coins into. Pulling out five hundred from one bag she then trotted around and made sure there was enough iron and that the cart was in good shape before handing over the coin.

“Good luck.”

“You too.” Grunted the stallion.

The pony headed straight for the freight elevator ignoring the other ponies giving him scathing looks.

Trixie and Mortimer left the confines of the raw good market quickly and made their way to an alley where they could be alone.

Taking out a sheet Trixie threw it over the cart and charged her horn. A moment later the object shimmered and disappeared from view.

“Okay. Now it's my turn.” Mortimer said.

Moving a loud, creaking, large and invisible cart through a city without being noticed is not a task many ponies would be up for. Trixie could take the weight, she had years of practice trotting down roads pulling carts lightened with magic. It took a constant low level amount of magic to maintain but that was something she did automatically now. The hard part was focusing on maintaining the illusion on both her horn and the car. A dozen interwoven spells had to take in the surroundings and bend light to project a seamless image to the other side.

The colt grinned as they stopped once again in a random alley. Trixie had lost track of where they were an hour ago.

“Your spellwork really is amazing.” he said, trotting to behind her. “I don’t see anything at all.”

“Trixie has much practice.” She said straightening her mane. “What magic does the colt know?”

“Not much.” The foal admitted “I’m average for a unicorn. I can move stuff and make a small light but that's about it.”

Trixie nodded.

Mortimer was moving them slowly. The colt estimated it would take another hour for them to reach the shop. Internally he was grinning. This was going very well and with the money he got from this he should be able to meet his needs and more. Going on he would actually have enough to start making more money! This could be the start of his way out of poverty.

Soon though they would need to cross the main road. The two of them took to leaning against the alley entrance.

After a few minutes the road randomly clears and the two ponies rush across. Hitting a small bump splashing a bit of water before making it across.

They rushed down the alley and turned left. Slowing down the two of them shared a grin.

“Hey Mortimer, what you doing?”

Three ponies trotted up from the front of the two of them. Two were unicorns and one collared pegasi. All three were grinning in a way that made him shiver.

“Hardhat! What are you- how are you?” He smiled.

“Doing well,”The stallion motioned Mortimer over. “Doing escort?”

“Yeah, “ he stood still as the stallion patted him over “it's just a simple job. We aren't carrying anything.”

Looking behind them the pony frowned then grinned even larger.

“You sure you are not carrying anything? You remember what I told you would happen if I found you doing that again.”

“I know…” His eyes shifted between the three ponies as they came in closer. “What's the problem then?”

Hardhat leaned in sneering with gleaming eyes.

“Where did those wheel tracks come from, hmm?”

Mortimer and Trixie looked back and winced. Their cart had picked up mud leaving a trail behind them. Turning back Mortimers eyes had dilated.

“Do you remember what we told you would happen if we caught you moving goods through our blockade again Mortimer.” The three ponies came a little closer.

Mortimer swallowed. He glanced at Trixie and scratched the back his head.

Trixie only saw it for a split second as he pulled a small ball out of his mane and threw it against the ground.

A huge plume of smoke covered the area.


Trixie felt the colt pushed her back. It took her a fraction of a second to realize what was happening before backpedaling and turning down another alley.

“What in Tartarus!” “Get them!”

The two of them came out of the cloud at a full run, their cloth billowing in their wake. The alley barely wide enough for the cart.

“What do we do!?” Trixie shouted.

“Keep going!”

The two of them kept moving for a few seconds as they heard the thunder of their pursuers hooves before Mortimer pointed at an upcoming turn.


They took the turn, hard. They could hear their chasers following just behind.

Then she noticed the clothes line hanging down low enough to hit the top of the cart.

“Keep going!” Mortimer shouted.

Trixie complied and was surprised when she only felt a slight slowdown followed by the cart getting slightly lighter.

Glancing back she saw the cloth was gone and just behind in the roads curve she caught sight of ponies struggling under it.

“The sheets tangled them!”

“I know! I planned it! We are pretty close, we should be able to make it into the other's territory!”

Trixie thanked the maker and focused back on Mortimer. Within a few minutes they were safe and proceeding easily toward the blacksmith.

Once arriving Trixie paid Mortimer and bid him adieu before entering with a big grin on her face.

Hours later, as the sky was turning gray, Trixie stood at the counter across from a grinning blacksmith pony.

“I still can’t believe you actually made it through.” The mare said as she hoofed over Trixie’s goods. Swords, armor and other items completed, polished and shined. “I couldn’t have done it alone.” The mare waved at two other ponies heading out the back.

“That's why I paid extra. With this I may have troops to physically escort the iron, so you may hear from me again… though probably not with such a time constraint.”

“Take care~!” The mare smiled as she helped them out of the store quickly before slamming the door.

Trixie stood there floating the bag of goods beside her frowning and looking at the door.

Maybe I will go somewhere else


“AH!” Trixie jumped a bit and spun to see Mortimer again.”Stop doing that!”

“Sorry…”The colt rubbed the back of his head. It was then she noticed his black eye and ruffled fur. It didn’t take her long to put together what happened. “I was… wanting to ask you a question.”

“Did… you have your pay stolen?” Trixie asked pensively.

“Yes… and my cabin raided. I’ve lost everything. I was wondering if...if you had a job for me?” The colt winced at his own words. “I have a lot of skills, connections…”

Trixie nodded and sighed. Looking the colt up and down she considered.

He is a good worker and I could use an assistant if things get more hectic.

“Okay Mortimer. I’ll give you room and board as an opening pay and more if you prove more useful than just as a gofer.”

Grinning the small unicorn gave a small bow then the two unicorns headed back to the tram and onto the ship where Mortimer would learn just who he was going to be working for.

Author's Note:

2 out of 3

I hope you enjoy this. Do you like Mortimer?:pinkiehappy:

This was not my best work in my opinion, but I decided to not obsess over it. Probably should have gone into more detail about the fighting on the second level, but I decided to leave that for later.

Comment below and tell me what you think! See ya soon!