• Published 9th Mar 2013
  • 9,125 Views, 10,169 Comments

Innavedr - Imploding Colon

A broken party of friends struggles to reunite. Rainbow Dash continues to fly east.

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Just Refresh. Damn...

"Spkkkt—Guhhh!" I gasped and sputtered. I felt sopping wet bangs flinging past my horn as I thrashed at the surface of the pond. Lavender starlight glittered in my foggy peripheral vision.

I plowed through wet sand, my hooves clambering to anchor myself. Grass blades tickled my neck and forelimbs. As I crawled onto land, I heard children laughing... giggling... chanting. I rolled over and shuddered, trying to fill my lungs with air.

"Jazzuluth thriem slien. By the everlasting winds we summon you, the missings ghosts of the twelve. Haliem mussu drellen thritt. Follow the wings of your children to our hearts and minds..."

Wheezing, I rolled over to my left. What I saw made me blink.

A Xonan child—devoid of tattoos—floated through the air upon a slab of clay where he rested. Above him and to the side, another child floated, upside down. Finally, a third meditating foal levitated past the starlight. All three orbited a powdery flurry of dust in the air. I watched as the white, calcified material solidified in the form of a pegasus skeleton, blew apart, and reformed. The dust cloud brimmed with twinkling energy, resonating with the lavender aura all around us.


As two other foals scampered past me—giggling—I sat up in the grass besides the pond and looked to my left.

I saw nothing but purple starlight, an infinite expanse of stars, stars, and more stars.

Curious, I spun and looked to my far right.

More stars. Nebulae and gaseous clouds bathed the heavens. All that separated me from the infinite expanse was a paper-thin stretch of land.

Breathing easier, I nevertheless looked ahead of me. I saw grasslands, valleys, rivers, hilltops, and mountains—but no horizon. So I looked up... and up... and up further. My jaw dropped more and more as I saw nothing but landscape as far as my vision would allow. Eventually, I was looking straight up, and it felt as though I was floating hundreds of miles above the world and looking down. Beyond a haze of cosmic forces, I could see entire continents and oceans mingling across a narrow strip of fragile terrestria. At last, the swathing band of landscapes rolled straight around to come up from behind me.

"It's round..." I thought aloud, hearing my trembling voice squeaking between the high-pitched giggles of the foals. A gasp escaped me as I stammered, "A ring... it is a ring."

More chanting kissed my ears from afar.

Gritting my teeth, I stumbled up, pivoted around, and faced the direction of the voices. I made an assessment of the foals cavorting about this patch of soil. It took a few seconds of ascertaining all three dimensions of movement around me, but I realized that the twelve sequencers were accounted for, including the young colt who I had spoken to earlier.

I saw him standing at the edge of the pond besides two other foals in deep concentration. They tossed stones against the water with glowing horns. As droplets of liquid flew into the air, they paused and hovered to form various symbols—some recognizable, and others perfectly random—before falling back down once more into the pond's rippling surface.

"Tulunzien melethrikk balasaad austraeoh revvunaart urohringr," the colt said. "Skim like the spark and bring wholeness to the ring."

"Hey!" I scampered towards them. "Eljunbyro! Innavedr! Remember? Please! I need to speak with you!"

"Lassuun thiel odrsjot helissa austraeoh reste," a filly chanted, tossing another stone. "Through a frantic compansionship will the spark complete its journey."

I bit my lip. Then, with a bright expression, I shouted, "Kera!"

All three foals froze. The splashing water stopped floating, cascading neatly into the pond as they turned slowly around to face me. I saw their eyes reflecting the lavender starlight all around us... and beyond us.

I gulped. "You know her... you know that she got out of here..."

The colt gazed at me with jaded eyes as he said, "She does not have the power to know. She dies alone."

"But you all know something..." I trotted forward, my brow furrowed with emphasis. "And I would kindly like you to share it with me..."

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