• Published 9th Mar 2013
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Innavedr - Imploding Colon

A broken party of friends struggles to reunite. Rainbow Dash continues to fly east.

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What Destiny Takes

Prime Enforcer Shell stepped closer. He stood before Belle, staring the mare down. His eye traveled over her shaved mane, across her midnight satchel, and finally on the sight of the hyperventilating little foal beside her.

"You certainly are taking up interesting company," he said in a dull tone. "What became of the coward from Franzington? Did the managlider crash end him?"

Belle stood stock still, saying nothing.

Shell exhaled quietly before saying, "No matter. We will find him eventually. Even if it's just a corpse, all traitors belong to me." He turned towards two of his heavily armored soldiers. "Signal the search team. We finally found our target."

"Aye, sir." The nearest officer pivoted to speak into a sound-stone located in his shoulderpad. "Tertiary Target has been found. Repeat. Tertiary Target has been found. Groups Beta and Ceti rendezvous in the northwest warehousing district."

"Confirmed. Heading towards your location."

"How..." Belle tried backtrotting, only to bump into a strong stallion's chest. "H-how did you—?"

"My good Doctor, please..." Shell sighed as he turned to glare at her. "How many times do I have to prove to you that, when the safety of Ledomare is at stake, I always get what is requested of me? The only reason we're both here is because of the manic, suicidal actions of a single stallion whose strength I had sorely underestimated in a moment of pure triumph. I shall not make that mistake again. You will be escorted to the Steel Wing, just south of Blue Nova, where you will join the experimental pony in incarceration."

"You..." Belle's chestnut eyes twitched. "You... c-captured Rainbow Dash?"

"She was on her way north, presumably to perform some foolish raid on the Northern Facility." Shell's features passed through the sun's glare as he paced icily around her. "The Steel Wing intercepted her just hours ago. According to Captain Filta, she put up quite a fight. I almost wish I was there to see her wings torn off by cannonfire." His hooves scuffed to a stop. "Alas, we can't be everywhere at once. Duty comes before celebration, after all. But I wouldn't expect you to understand that. You know nothing beyond your own selfish cowardice, Dr. Bellesmith, and look at what it's cost you. First a beloved... and now a friend..."

Belle's features paled. With her mouth agape, she hung her head towards the dank floor of the alleyway. She sensed Shell leaning in close enough to feel his breath on her cheek.

"Why did you come here, Doctor? What brought you to this city?"

The mare bit her lip. She began to shake uncontrollably.

"Why didn't you flee west? Or east?" With a cold hoof, Shell yanked Belle's gasping face to stare into his scowl. "I want to know what brought you to this place in particular." His eye traveled down to her satchel, then back up to her face. "Was it a secret that the experimental pony imparted you? She hasn't talked since she was reeled on board the Steel Wing, battered and broken like the shredded meat I'm going to make of you if you keep up this infernal charade any longer."

Belle gritted her teeth; she was powerless to stop the tear or two from trickling out of her eyes.

Shell brought his hoof down. He leaned back, exhaled, and looked aside at Kera. His eye darted back to Belle. "I can see that this is going to be difficult, as always." He motioned to a nearby guard, then pointed at the little filly. "You should have thought of that before you brought a child into the mix."

Belle stammered. "Wh-what?"

"Nopony in her right mind would care for a common street urchin," Shell said while a meaty soldier stomped over towards the tattooed foal. "The screams of this country's starving filth continue undaunted every evening. Tonight, I suspect, will be no different."

"Belle, I-I'm scared..." Kera backtrotted in the shadow of the guard.

"You wouldn't d-dare!" Belle exclaimed.

"For Queen Ledo, without hesitation," Shell practically snarled. His eye became a knifepoint. "The question is, would you?"

"Belle!" Kera gasped, then shrieked in pain as the guard bent her forelimb at a rough angle.

"No!" Belle shouted. She jerked forward, only to be restrained in the hooves of two heavy guards behind her. "For Spark's sake, don't do this!"

"You have the power to do that which needs to be done, Doctor!" Shell's voice resonated like a brass cymbal across the crooked alleyway. Drops of water and stabs of light christened the crowded niche as his shadow sliced across the mare's wretching face. "You always have! Tell me what secrets the winged pony exposed you to! Without them, I won't be able to continue the experiment!"

"I... I..."

"Augh!" Kera shrieked again, doubling over in agony as the soldier applied pressure on her fragile little shoulder.

Belle gnashed her teeth. A wave of pain washed through her head, and she clenched her aching eyes shut. In her dizziness, she envisioned an unmarked grave the size of hers and Kera's bodies combined. The world spun into the ether without them, neither a slice nor a circle, and it was powered darkly by a mutated pegasus cocooned in Ledomaritan silver. She tried to breathe, to squeak, to scream, but nothing came out. She remained still, tearful, mute. Loyal.

Just then, Kera made a new sound—an angry grunt. "Nnngh!"

"Gaaah!" the stallion breathed in shock.

Belle's moist eyes flew open. In the first blink, she saw Kera miraculously slipping free from the heavy-set guard. Snarling, the filly spun and flared her Xonan horn at the stallion.

With a blast of bright blue mana, the soldier was knocked back so that he collided with one of the two holding Belle from behind.

Kera broke into a brisk gallop, making for the far end of the corridor.

"Kera!" Belle shrieked. "Don't—"

"End the runner," Shell droned.

Belle heard a manarifle cocking beside her left ear. Gritting her teeth, she bucked her rear limbs blindly.

"Ooof!" The guard fell back, firing awkwardly skyward.

The hovercraft above veered away in time to dodge the blast. A chunk of granite was blown out of the building's wall, and it rained a thick stream of pebbles down onto the scene.

Belle galloped forward, knocked aside the first stallion trying to get up, and ran around the bend right as the rain of stones fell between her and the tight group of enforcers. Several manablasts ripped through the air behind her, but missed by a hair on either side of her kicking limbs. Shell shouted something, but the mare was beyond earshot, hearing nothing but the rush of blood through her skull.

The world bobbed and weaved. Twenty paces ahead of her, like a flicker of pale candlelight, Kera could be seen rounding a corner.

"Kera!" Belle shouted, galloping faster. She felt the echo of angry soldiers' hooves vibrating through her bones and teeth. "Kera, it's me! Wait for me!"

"I-I don't want to g-go back!" Kera's voice was a distant rattle of fractured bells. "I won't let them!"

"Kera, please!" Belle rounded corner after corner. Panting. Aching. The world rumbled behind her, laced with manashots and hovercraft jets. An entire continent of murderous militants caved in all over her. "Slow d-down a little! Don't leave me! Please!"

"Belle! I... I found a way!" Kera's voice was cold, muffled. Belle rounded one last bend, and there she saw the filly at the far end of a straightaway, facing a concrete wall with glowing blue seams. She pressed her tiny self up to the structure and tilted her shimmering horn forward. "There's a passage here! Like the others! I-I can open it!"

"Kera..." Belle looked behind her in mid-gallop. The long, looming shadows of their pursuers slithered around the edge of the dead end. "Kera, please! Hurry!"

"Just a second! I'll get us through!"

"Kera, there's no time—" Belle tripped over a mound of garbage. "Aaaugh!" She fell flat on her chest, sliding through a splashing puddle. "Mmmnngh... Unngh..." Dizzy, she struggled on bruised limbs to get up. A glass bottle in front of her rotated to a stop, and as it did so, it reflected the pale image of a one-eyed enforcer.

"It's okay!" Kera shouted as the door before her slid open. Blue light and cold air blew on the foal's figure like a heavenly kiss. "We're free!"

The reflection in the bottle held a hoof out. Another soldier passed Shell a manarifle. He squatted. He aimed. A flash of blue.

Belle sputtered, "Kera! Get down—" Her voice was swallowed by a stream of burning magic streaking past her ear.

The filly didn't answer. At first, she didn't even move. Finally, after the crackling in the air had dissolved, she shuffled around. The expression on her tattooed face was almost apologetic, until the shock wore out. Kera gargled up blood, as red and rich as the fountain springing forth from her little belly. She joined the puddles in a doll-like flop, lying stiller than stones.

With fitful, spastic breaths, Belle crawled towards her. She flopped and collapsed twice, but nonetheless continued her numb scurry through the refuse until she squatted by the tiny shell of a foal. She reached down, her hoof brushing through those bushy green bangs until she felt the warmth seeping away from the soft pale coat beneath. Kera's eyes gazed forever into the misery and detritus between them. There was no magic left to be found in all that gloss.

Someway, somehow, Belle must have seen where it vanished to, and it ripped the breath out of her in a choking sob. She curled over, wrapping her forelimbs around Kera's limp head and neck, cradling the foal to her golden body as her lungs expanded once more, only to launch wail after wail, ricocheting off the cold walls of the street like hollow bones. No matter how closely she cuddled the filly, the warmth would not return. It drifted away in her tears, like so much hope and color, until even the stripes receded as well, being flung overboard with everything that the mare had ever believed in.

And before she could sob the loss of that too, strong hooves yanked her back, fastening the mare's hooves in shackles. She shrieked and struggled, fitfully scraping at the dirtied floor as Shell and his enforcers dragged the mare away from the wall, where Kera's body lay like a rag of meat, one with the garbage of Blue Nova.

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