• Published 9th Mar 2013
  • 9,125 Views, 10,169 Comments

Innavedr - Imploding Colon

A broken party of friends struggles to reunite. Rainbow Dash continues to fly east.

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Something Something Brink

“Haaaaaugh!” Rainbow Dash barreled her way through a line of soldiers, knocking them against the deck of the battleship. Any exposed part of her blue body was covered in soot and sweat as she looked over her shoulder at the others. “We having fun yet?!”

Crimson came smashing down from a high jump, slamming his metal prosthetic with sonic reverberation. A wave of energy flew at the soldiers, shoving them down onto the lower deck. “You know wh-what?! This is surprisingly easy! Haugh!” He telekinetically tossed a mess of splinters at a group trying to flank him.

All the while, Josho crouched behind a mast, clutching a rifle to his chest as shots whizzed all around him. “Yeah!” he wheezed. “Real easy!”

“Hold on, Mr. Slobberknocker!” Rainbow Dash dove low. “I got them!” With waving forelimbs, she burned her thrusters in the faces of the opposition. The enforcers flinched with their rifles, allowing Rainbow an opportunity to dip in and pummel half of them with her quick hooves.

One of Evans' fellow officers galloped up on a higher platform and fired with a floating pistol.

Rainbow Dash dodged the shots, frowning. “When will these morons run out of bullets already?!” She dove up at him to take the pony out... but fell flat on her belly. “Unnf!”

“What is it?!” Josho shouted over the sound of his return fire. “Now's not an opportune time to go 'Unnf!'”

“My... m-my thrusters!” Rainbow's voice cracked. She was wide-eyed. “They're running out of juice!”

The officer took this opportunity to aim at her forehead. A wooden beam floated into the back of his skull. As he reeled, Crimson came in from the charge, knocking him hard into a nearby railing. Panting, the stallion gazed down at Rainbow. “You alright?!”

“I... I don't know...” Rainbow stood up in the middle of the chaos. All the while, her suit puttered and hissed from several places. “This outfit's been through the wringer. I think it might be starting to go 'kerplunk' on me.”

“Then un-kerplunk it!” Josho shouted, firing at a line of soldiers cowering behind wooden crates. “We need to get off this stupid piece of driftwood somehow!”

“You think I don't know that?!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she galloped on her hooves and dove into the body of an enforcer trying to sneak in from the side. “Nnngh!” She headbutted him and bucked his body down onto a lower deck. “The Noble Jury needs us! And so does Belle!”

“Look, girl, all we know is that you're hallucinating a lavender turd from beyond the walls of the world!” Josho said while reloading his gun. “Let's focus on the task at hoof!”

“I don't remember asking a walrus to lecture me on saving the day!” Rainbow Dash retorted.

“You wanna see some tusks?!” Josho growled. “Crawl over here and pucker up, sunshine!”

“Everypony, be quiet!” Crimson shouted with the authoritative voice of a commanding officer. He pointed across the stunned silence. “Look!”

Josho and Rainbow Dash craned their necks to see a solid cluster of enforcers running away from their end of the top decks.

“They're fleeing,” Josho said, panting. He stood up and cracked the joints beneath his fat. “Serves them right.”

Rainbow Dash squinted. “I've dished out worth punishment than this and it didn't stop them before.”

“Then tell us, Einstallion. What are they running from—?”

The deck exploded in two places... then two more. Chunks of metal and wood flew up towards the balloon from which the battleship was floating. While dodging the raining debris, the three looked northwest to see a burning object screaming down towards them.

Inside the ship—or what was left of it—Terra squatted at the controls. The dead and mangled bodies of metal mares were slumped on either side of her. As blood ran down her face, she sneered through the carnage and sped the vessel on a suicide run towards the battlecruisers.

“All m-must die...” She grinned psychotically, her frenzied eyes reflecting the rainbow-colored shape in the middle of the mess. “No other colors, blessed Searo... Snktttt-heheheheh...” She coughed and wheezed into the smoke. “Only red...”

Down below, Josho let out a wild yell and unloaded an entire rifle clip at the incoming craft. Every round simply bounced off the nose of the dive-bombing vessel.

“It's no use!” Crimson stammered, crouching behind a stack of crates. “Whoever or whatever it is, I don't think they plan to survive this charge any more than us!”

“Could you give me a boost?!” Rainbow Dash said, pointing at Crimson's horn. “Maybe I can... uh... glide into the ship and stop her!”

“You said yourself that your suit is failing!”

More manashots landed all around them. The battlecruiser to their starboard side got hit in the armory, exploding in a huge burst of flames. The entire deck heated up as Rainbow Dash shouted, “What other choice do we have?!”

“I'd drop everything and make passionate love to the nearest mare right now if I could find one!” Josho shouted.

“Yes, well, good luck finding a—Hey!” Rainbow Dash snarled.

“Blessed Spark—!” was all Crimson could be heard saying, for the air was suddenly awash with the noise of Terra's burning ship, inbound.

And then, just seconds before it could fly into the battlecruiser's hull like a missile, a second burning manaship swerved up. The hollow, decrepit thing fired its last engines, spun around like a slingshot, and slammed Terra's ship in the side. The collision the two made was downright musical to the beleaguered ponies' ears. They were almost too dazed to see the red and black figure darting out of the ship at the last second.

Alas, both vessels—spinning like conjoined comets—flew off to the right and slammed into the already-burning wreckage of the collapsing battlecruiser beyond starboard. What was left of the massive ship was reduced to melting splinters, and the whole thing rained fire and ash onto the Ledomaritan countryside below.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash, Josho, and Crimson flinched as the red and black figure skidded to a stop between them.

“Nnnngh...” Roarke braced herself, every square inch of her armor steaming with fire and ash. “Mmmf... Yeah, that's more like it.”

“Roarke!” Rainbow Dash chirped with a smile.

“Buck me sideways!” Josho grinned. “I could kiss you, girl!” He blinked, then looked aside at Crimson as he pointed at the bounty hunter. “She's a mare too, r-right?”

“You're alive!” Rainbow Dash galloped up, breathless. “That's so cool!”

Roarke opened her helmet and stared back with emotionless eye-lenses. “You owe me a new manaship.”

An artery in Rainbow's temple pulsed. “Nice to see you too, gearhead.”

“I see we've saved the day by tearing it a new flankhole,” Roarke said.

“I wouldn't exactly put it that way,” Crimson said. “We really need to get off this thing.”

Roarke shrugged. “Why not just take it over? We seem to be more than a match for these losers.”

“Uhm...” Josho pointed towards the stern.

Roarke and the others looked. Over a hundred soldiers were lined up, all with rifles. Those who couldn't carry weapons were sliding over no less than four cannons, and all of them armed with exploding ammo.

“You know what?” Roarke tilted her head towards the others. “Who needs a battlecruiser? Battlecruisers suck.”

“We have a ride already.”

“Yeah? Where is it?”

”Scrkkk! Rainbow! Rainbow, come in! Are you alright?!”

Rainbow floundered before finally speaking into her sound stone. “We're here, Pilate! Though we're about to become mana sponges! They have enough guns here to light up the night's sky!”

“Then get on the Noble Jury!” The zebra's voice was accompanied by the distant rumble of the vessel in question. Its sleek red body shot across the sun's glow as it roared south of the group. ”Floydien says that he can only afford one pass if he's to outrun what's left of the armada!”

“Nopony needs to ask me twice.” Roarke closed her helmet and grasped Crimson.

“Whoah whoah whoah!” Crimson gasped. “What about Rainbow Dash?!”

“I guess I'll have to make trips then.” She yanked the stallion off his hooves and flew south towards the rumbling body of Floydien's airship. “I'd suggest using fatso as a shield, Rainbow.”

“Are you kidding?!” Rainbow Dash shouted back as the first of several hundred shots landed around them. She and Josho flinched behind a gradually dissolving stack of crates. “We'll never last that long! And we still got Belle to catch up with!”

”Scrkkkk—Did you just say... 'Belle?'”

“A little busy here, Pilate...”


“Look, I'll fill you in when I'm not being filled in by manabullets myself!”

“Ahem...” Josho not-so-gracefully gave Rainbow a hug from behind. “You may want to try holding your lunch in.”

“Huh?” With a wincing expression, Rainbow gawked at his brightly glowing horn. “What are you doing?!”

“Believe me, if I was trying to make a pass at you, I would have done a suplex by now...” He held his breath, clenched his teeth, and...

The two ponies disappeared. Seconds later, the gunfire burst through the crates, eating up the space where they would have been positioned.

Stallions galloped across the carnage, assisting the bodies of their fallen comrades as they stirred and moaned from the rogue equines' punishment. Among them was Evans, being helped up by a fellow enforcer's forelimb. He stood up, limping towards the edge of the ship as he squinted towards the southern horizon.

He saw a flash of light, almost too otherworldly to be real. Then, in an even more enchanting show of whimsy, two bodies materialized hundreds of meters away, only to fall and land atop the deck of a red ship powered by a large red shard. With a glint of reflected light, the vessel pivoted about and shot southeast, carving a shadow against the horizon opposite of the sunset.

Evans exhaled heavily. He turned and looked past the starboard side at the plume of dense smoke rising from the fallen body of the battlecruiser's ill-fated sister ship. During this moment of quiet reflection, a pony trotted up with a grave expression on his face.

“Uhm... Enforcer Evans, sir? It's Prime Enforcer Shell.” He raised a glowing soundstone. “We finally got in contact with him, and... h-he's wanting an update, sir.”

Evans blinked. He looked down over the railing, spotting fields of burning wreckage and flames. It all looked so far away... and yet so inviting.

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