• Published 9th Mar 2013
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Innavedr - Imploding Colon

A broken party of friends struggles to reunite. Rainbow Dash continues to fly east.

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Luck Be A

Twin guards in metal armor slapped their spears against the ground. A humongous door to the innermost chamber of Searo's Hold opened, casting torchlight over Roarke's helmet. A grand throneroom stretched before her, flanked by flickering lamps and several feasting tables where the most honorable of mares sat in muttering conversation.

Not wasting time, Roarke shuffled forward, one black horseshoe at a time. The light of the hall glinted off her polished helmet. There was a wheezing, sputtering noise. Roarke glanced to her left.

Two guards were carrying a stretcher in the opposite direction. As they shuffled past her, Roarke apatheticaly observed the spasming body of a frail stallion. His shaved scalp was covered in lesions, and several toxic puddles of green mucuous dribbled out of his orifices as he fitfully died along the way to the throne room's entrance.

Taking a deep breath, Roarke steeled herself for what lay ahead. An even louder wheezing noise greeted her as she came to a stop before a series of steps.

Sitting—more like sprawled out—atop the throne was a lanky, emaciated mare. Her limbs were bone thin, covered in pale, leprotic flesh with sparse patches of hair. The bony joints were hinged together with metal ribs that made her look far longer and slender than the average equine. When Roarke's hoofsteps echoed across the end of the room, the mare raised her head. Her gangly limbs shifted, like a giant wolf spider crawling out of a tight crevice. Seated on the steps on either side of the throne were no less than three stallions in progressive states of diseased health. They trembled at the end of their chained leashes.

"Hchhhhhtt—A schhhhild of sssssShearo returnsssssh to the womb," said the voice of the once-pony thing. Her skull had lost all of its mane, save for a symmetrical pair of locks that dangled from a bald cap of flaking flesh. A mask of dull black metal covered her entire muzzle, and her cranium seemed to dip and sway from the weight of the breathing apparatus as she struggled to talk with the authority that the room gave her. "Roarke. A full blade and a kkkkkcapable ssssshhpear. Hchhhhtt—Have you kkkkkcome to sssssshpill blood or replassssche it?"

Roarke bowed low. "Lady Pestiferous, honorable, bloodiest Top Spear of Goddess Searo..." She stood back up and exposed her face through the outer plates of her helmet. "I come to spill, not to replace."

"Hchhhhtttt..." Pestiferous nodded slowly. She gestured forward with a hoof latched onto the many chained stallions. "Then sssssssshhpill it, blood daughter."

A guard was already by her side. With a metal ringing noise, she presented a ceremonial blade lying across a shallow granite basin.

Roarke tooke one look at it. Her nostrils flared, but nevertheless she swiftly grabbed the dagger in the crook of her hoof. With a single mana-spark, she exposed the armor of her left forelarm, exposing countless horizontal scars. In a single swipe, she added a fresh cut to the skin marks, barely flinching as she dropped a liberal amount of crimson life fluid into the basin.

Once she was done, the guard retrieved the dagger. She sat back on her haunches and lifted the stained blade in one hoof and the basin in the other.

"Blood for Searo!" shouted many of the equines in the room. They raised their drinks, indulged, and returned to their various, casual conversations.

Roarke stood before the throne once more. As she covered her forelimb back up, she spoke, "I was summoned, Top Spear?"

"We are all ssssssshummoned," Postiferous hissed to say, her frail skull bobbing as she gestured with a metal-braced limb. "Sssssshome for ten yearssssssssh..." She pointed at herself. "Othersssssh for two hundred—Hckkkshhttt..." She coughed, wheezed, but nonetheless maintained a dignified pose. "Sssssshearo knowssssh no bottom to the basssssshin."

"But not all become the bloodiest, my Lady," Roarke said. "I, for one, have been busy getting rich."

"Isssssssh thisssssh an admissssssshion of backsssssshliding?"

Roarke gaze steadily at her. "I admit to doing nothing but letting my mind speark first and my spear second. Unlike other daughters of blood..." She glared at the elder mares seated at the various tables. "...my aim is true with both weapons."

Several Searonese ponies glared at her. A few others gave lewd gestures in her direction.

"Ahhhh... Hckkktt—Roarke, the Mosssssht Rare. That issssssh what they call you thessssshe dayssssssh, daughter..."

"What most ponies call a 'rarity,' I call 'skill.'" Roarke's eye-lenses pistoned outward as her jaw grew tight. "Searo rules the bloodspace, but the world speaks in bits. There are kingdoms out there who won't understand the spear as much as they'll understand the profit of the bounty that's claimed by it."

"Issssssh that why you have been in Ledo'ssssh bastardlandssssh for shhhhho long?"

"The Confederacy promises large hunting grounds," Roarke said. "Where most metal mares see vastness and emptiness, I see chances to bloody my spear."

"She means chances to prove her lunacy!" shouted a mare in the background.

"Another wild goose chase for Roarke the Most Rare!" Another guffawed. "Caught any feathers in your search for winged monsters, dull-blade?! Hah hah hah!"

The chamber filled with heavy laughter.

Roarke tilted back, her lenses retracting. After a deep breath, she lisped towards the Lady. "With your permission, Top Spear...?"


A side panel in Roarke's armor flew open. With a muffled shout, she spun about and lashed a chain of metal towards the tables. The cord spun around the neck of the last mare who spoke, ensnaring her. With a single yank, she was thrown from the table of crashing drinks and helmets and dragged to Roarke's side. Roarke gripped her skull in two hooves and slammed the sputtering mare's face repeatedly against the base of Lady Pestiferous' stairs until blood and teeth dribbled down the bottom step.

The stallions squirmed above the violent display, their chains rattling.

After the twelfth concussion-inducing pummel, Roarke hissed into the ear of the twitching victim. "You insult me one more time in the presence of Lady Pestiferous, and I'll gut you deep and turn you inside out. Then they'll have to chain you like the proper stallion you'll have become!" With a snarl, she bucked the mare hard in the ribs, forcing her to roll away in her armor until she formed a coughing, wheezing pile across the floor.

"Hmmmm..." Lady Pestiferous slapped her hoofrest several times in a meager show of applaused. The room was quiet, save for her labored words, "There isssssh sssshtill a beassssht inssssshide you when the moment callsssssh. High Sshhhhhpear Terra issssssh wisssshe to hold you in sssssshuch high regard..."

"High Spear Terra is a waste of muscle and teeth who should have been fed to the eagles when she was still a fetus," Roarke grunted, though there was a programmed nonchalance to the metallic ring in her voice. She attempted to mask it with a deeper voice a she said, "If the blood of Searo called for it, I could impale her in an instant. Searo knows there are droves of Xonans who would give ample bounty for such a dumb mountain of a pony."

"Sssssshe would be pleasssshed to hear sssssshuch insulthhhh..." Pestiferous wheezed, hacked, and ultimately said, "But sssshadly shhhhhe isssssssh away on a grand hunt."

"Yes." Roarke nodded. "To Aurum, crystal pony country, where Aeterna scrapes the land for meat."

"There isssssh more than what mere shhhhcraping will yield," Pestiferous said. "There issssssh shhhhhomething brighter and deeper than blood..."

Roarke's head twitched. She glanced at the several silent drinking tables, then back at the throne. "Lady Pestiferous, are you feeling well?"

"You would do well to lend an ear, Top Shhhhhhpear..."

"Lady, do forgive me for saying so, but you are mistaken. I am just a High Blade. You and you alone are Top Spear."

"Hchkkkkt..." Pestiferous shook her head slowly. "No, Roarke Mosssssht Rare.... Not for long."

Roarke tilted her head at an angle. She gulped and muttered, "Why do I get the feeling you wouldn't have asked for this meeting if Terra was around...?"

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