• Published 9th Mar 2013
  • 9,126 Views, 10,169 Comments

Innavedr - Imploding Colon

A broken party of friends struggles to reunite. Rainbow Dash continues to fly east.

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Make My Day

There was a fire in the heart of Aurum. Tweak and his companions saw the ashen fringes of it as they galloped around the final bend leading into the centermost town. When they came upon the straightaway leading down the line of buildings and vendors, a cluster of wooden shards flew their way. One crystal pony gasped, his skull reflecting the splintery material.

"Get down!" Tweak shouted, shoving his neighbor down before his polished head could get decapitated. The three of them rolled in the dust, gasping as another explosion lit up the air before them. They glanced ahead in time to see the general store bursting in flames. A mare and her three children cowered on a street corner as the owner of the establishment was tossed like a ragdoll across the street.

Marching out from the flames, looming above the family and its weakened stallion, was an equine decked out in dark emerald armor. The helmet flared back in twin spokes that danced with electricity like tesla coils. A triply segmented tail comprised of spiked metal twitched left and right, brimming with energy. Hissing misty breath, the metal mare spoke menacingly from within the suit.

"You dare incur the wrath of Aeterna?!" The bounty hunter's right forelimb extended several rows of metal teeth brimming with electricity. "Your time has come, crystal lamb. Searo's spirit needs you to thrive."

"Please..." The stallion hissed, struggling to sit up. "Whatever you do, just leave my family alone..."

"I didn't fly all this way north for work alone." Aeterna's voice rang with a sickly chuckle. She pivoted towards the mare and gasping children. "I got a bunch of new upgrades, and I'm dying to know if they can shatter rock."

"Don't!" The stallion growled. "I'll murder you!"

"Fat chance..." The Searonese attacker then raised her forelimb over the sobbing family.

The other two ponies gazed at Tweak. Tweak was already gazing up above the bounty hunter for options. He saw that the chainlinked sign to the burning general store was still intact. With expert precision, he stood up, aimed his rifle, glowed a bright gold deeply from within, and fired. Energy shot through his body and into the weapon, exploding out the end in a righteous burst. The blast was so hard that it blew him back onto his haunches.

Nevertheless, the shot flew true. Aeterna barely had a chance to turn and see where the blast had come from. The energy discharge flew into one chain of the sign. The heavy oaken emblem flew down and smashed into her metal body, flinging her through a crashing window and directly into the flames of the smouldering store.

Tweak exhaled with relief, then motioned at his two companions. "Go! Now!"

The other two galloped ahead, grabbing the family and pulling them away to safety. Tweak ran to the store owner who was just then getting the strength to stand upright.

"Tweak! You are a m-miracle worker!" the stallion wheezed.

"No, my gun is," Tweak replied, helping the stallion to stand upright. "You had best gallop away before—"

"Raaaaugh!" With a reverberating shout, Aeterna burst out from the burning shop, slamming down between the stallions.

They fell down on the ground, wincing from the burning splinters splashing all around them. The grass steamed from where the metal mare's red hot horseshoes made contact. She shook the smouldering embers off her and turned towards Tweak with a menacing glint of her helmet.

"Searo be praised. I was looking for an excuse to crack more than one skull today..."

Tweak gritted his teeth and summoned another charge of energy through his fallen body. But before he could channel the blast into his rifle, the metal mare had spun and smashed the rifle to bits with her spiked tail. She then lunged forward with a blast of her rocket thrusters, shoving Tweak's body across the street and into the base of a flagpole, denting it.

"Aaaugh!" Tweak hissed in pain, but nevertheless swung a hoof across Aeterna's skull.

Her head turned from the blow, but pivoted slowly back. "Mmmm... delicious." She raised a hoof, protruded a blade form it, and stabbed it into his shoulder. A chip of crystal flesh flew off.

"Nnnngh!" Tweak grunted, his body fluctuating all over in prismatic energy. Before he could summon a pained grasp, he was body-slammed to the ground. He hissed for breath as Aeterna stood atop of him, planting her sharp horseshoes into the back of his skull.

Blasts of energy flew across the street as Tweak's two companions and a belated millitia of ponies finally came to his aid. Before their volley could knock her off the stallion, Aeterna simply turned towards the advancing crowd and shouted, "One more attack, and I snap him in two!" She converted her right limb into a buzz saw for emphasis.

Reluctantly, the furious crowd froze in their place, clutching their ineffectual weapons and waiting the metal mare's next move.

An eerie chuckle escaped from her mask in a vent of steam. She kept the blade trained on Tweak's neck as she lowered her metal muzzle and murmured, "You've got a lot of energy pent up in that crystal shell. I think you'll do fine this month." Panels opened in the side of her armor as metal coils extended to bind his legs up. "Maybe I can test a myth or two before I turn you into Lady Pestiferous. I always wondered how... mmmm... solid crystal stallions can be..."

"I have a family," Tweak grunted, wincing against her weight on his neck and skull. "We all have families!"

"Indeed..." She began coiling the metal around his front limbs. "And that is your weakness, breeder..."

"When I heard explosions, I didn't think they'd be coming from a coward!" shouted a voice from far behind.

Aeterna's whole body twitched. She uncoiled the metal rope in a snap, stood up off of Tweak and pivoted all the way around. "Excuse me?!" her voice rang with vehement fury.

A three-legged unicorn stood at a distant street corner, breathing heavily beneath the billowing fumes.

Aeterna's helmet pivoted to the side, as if the metal mare was squinting incredulously from beneath.

"Hey! You can hear me! Good!" Crimson shouted above the smouldering chaos. His hooves were propped on a fallen metal shingle that had been blown from the nearby building face. "Nice to know that there's more between those ears than manure and pretense!"

"Well, look what testicles dragged in!" Aeterna's voice cackled. "Real meat! This is crystal pony country, breeder. You've come an awful long way south just to explode."

"Shhhh!" Crimson hissed into his bandaged stub and motioned towards the air. "You hear that?"

Aeterna craned her helmeted head to the air. Several seconds of absolute silence followed. She pivoted back towards Crimson. "No."

Crimson frowned. "That's the sound of me giving a flaming crap about your Spark-forsaken whining." His horn glowed as he grinded his one good forelimb into the ground. "Now how do you want to do this, rust bucket? With me kicking your flank? Or me kicking your flank harder?!"

"What are you doing here?!" Tweak sputtered. "I told you to stay with my family—Ooof!"

Tweak had been kicked hard to the side. Aeterna extended a pair of emerald wings from her armor and angled herself to meet Crimson head on. "Ohhhhh, you are really asking to become pulp. I have a spot on my wall back in Searo's Hold that would be perfect for your head."

"The only tropies you're ever going to earn from now on are the notches on your gravestone," Crimson said coolly. "I swear on my life."

Aeterna growled, "Have it your way." With a burst of rocket power, she flew straight forward.

Tweak shouted, "No! He's and outsider! Don't—"

"Raaaaaaaugh!" Aeterna howled, her metallic voice thundering through the burning street. Her forelimbs produced sparkling tasers aimed straight at Crimson's skull.

Crimson held his breath as she charged him. At her angle of approach, she couldn't see the sparkling, dislodged energy core of a Ledomaritan managlider that he was levitating behind his back. With a concentrated burst of mana, he fired his horn at the ground. The soil split in two and launched a fountain of dust towards her incoming figure.

She easily burst through the obscuring veil of dirt. As soon as she emerged, however, she found a glowing orb flying straight at her. Aeterna gasped and skidded to a stop on sparkling hooves. Sitting upright, she flung her forelimbs up—awkwardly catching the bright orb. She gazed at it for the next few milliseconds, dumbfounded.

Already, Crimson was reaching for the family pitchfork he had dragged all the way there with him. Twirling his whole body, he launched the thing like a missile straight at his frozen opponent. "Nnnngh!"

The three-pronged bludgeon flew murderously fast. Its centermost barb viciously impaled the heart of the orb. The managlider's energy, no longer pent-up, exploded instantly, bursting out of the shell and directly into Aeterna's helmet. The resulting plume of heated plasma engulfed her from skull to flank. Two seconds later, she was a stumbling, screaming mess, desperately attempting to peel out of her armor as flames consumed her inside and out.

Tweak's eyes twitched. The other stallions watching gasped.

Crimson wasn't finished. Frowning, he kicked the metal shingle in front of him and performed a running leap. Landing on the rusted platform, he combined his momentum with a burst of mana and slid forward as if riding a sled. When he reached Aeterna's floundering body, he had snapped a burning panel off a nearby building and was presently pummeling across her red-hot armor like a club.

"Raaaaugh!" He smashed across her helmet, shattering it to bits and exposing the second degree burns beneath. He followed this with an uppercut to the chin, a jab to the chest, and a vicious downswing to her back.

Aeterna rolled across the center of Aurum's mainstreet. The flames had ended, but not her torment. Hissing and sputtering for breath, she stumbled to her hooves and extended her thruster wings to fly away.

Just then, Crimson came down at her with the metal shingle like a guillotine, snapping one wing down the center. He tripped briefly, as if forgetting that one of his limbs was freshly missing, but then he jabbed down with the sharp corner of the rusted plate, prying a panel of her armor open. "Nnnnngh-Ghh!" The plate snapped free, and the metal mare's red-hot armor fell apart like an eggshell. Hobbling away, Crimson shouted sweatily into the air. "Now! Now! She's exposed!"

Aeterna merely sputtered in dismay.

Tweak was already standing up. A fellow stallion tossed him a shotgun. He pumped it... smiled, then aimed. So did every other pony in the area. Soon, a solid wall of golden energy was flying down mainstreet, lighting Aeterna's body up like a Hearth's Warming tree. She took the torturous volley with a warrior's scream. When the energy blasts were finally ceased, she lay beside the dented flagpole, crumpled up in a steaming heap, her naked skin singed and bruised all over.

"Unnnngh..." She curled up in a pained fetal position, her exposed teeth gritting.

Cheers lit up the air. The store owner had dashed over to his family and was sharing a hug full of smiles and tears. Several stallions leered over Aeterna, using her own metal coils to bind her twitching body to the flagpole.

Crimson, in the meantime, had found a non-burning building to lean against and rest his hyperventilation. Struggling to catch his breath, he wiped a fountain of sweat off his brow and glanced over to see Tweak hobbling up to him.

Tweak rubbed the fresh wound on his crystal shoulder and glanced at the daredevilish unicorn. "Well," he muttered. His lips curved ever so slightly. "You owe me a new pitchfork."

Crimson looked at him. He smiled.

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