• Published 5th Apr 2013
  • 41,665 Views, 2,089 Comments

A Voice Among the Strangers - Tystarr

An unsuspecting girl finds herself in Equestria, thrust into a world she has no concept of. Unable to communicate with the inhabitants, how will she cope?

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Chapter ten: Scars

Eventually Jessica had returned to her bedroom after a few hours studying with Sparkle. Despite her inner pain, despite her depression and despite her desire to return home, she wasn't a fool. Regardless of everything, the laughter and just sheer fun she had with the unicorn couldn't be denied.

With Scar and Stoic escorting her down the hallway she thought back to the hospital, way back to the first encounter with Sparkle and Spike. At that time she had no way to communicate with them, her fear of Sparkle being a unicorn, misunderstanding of magic and otherwise had all led to a pretty intriguing first impression. Yet, Sparkle had been mindful of her fears and Spike, well Spike was just adorable in his own way; although she wasn't exactly sure on his thoughts on being adorable.

A giggle passed her lips, a small grin also tugging at Scar's mouth when Jessica recounted their study session. She was completely amazed at how much Sparkle had grasped her language, sure she couldn't say a fluent sentence and a large amount of terms eluded her...

But she puts my efforts to shame.

A smile came to her face while recalling the mare's thirst for knowledge. Every new word, every new term that Sparkle had gotten correct was met with equal parts enthusiasm and frantic scribbling into her book. That is not to say the learning was all one sided, as Sparkle begun to grasp more of Jessica's native tongue, it allowed easier translations between the two.

In a sense they were teaching each other in a very convoluted manner. Another giggle escaped her lips as she remembered their conversations; the mare seemed patient and happy to help Jessica with her pronunciations and structuring of her sentences, yet she seemed appalled when the gesture was returned in kind.

When Jessica had apologized and stopped, the mare had been adamant she continue. It became clear that even though Sparkle was upset at her own mis-steps, she devoured each mistake and very rarely repeated them. By the end of their little session the unicorn could at least speak a little more proficiently, as compared to Jessica's slight improvement.

My English teacher would love her.

Mentally she chastised herself for thinking about something from home in such a way, but at the same time it brought a little comfort. The idea of a talking, sapient, purple furred and intelligent female unicorn sitting in at one of her tutoring lessons, well it was rather hilarious.

Taking a soft sigh she found herself now outside her room, one hand resting near the door handle before she stopped herself. Scar and Stoic both regarded her with a curious expression, yet Jessica felt something, something tugging at her attention. Moving from the door she felt the cold tiles under her feet with each step, once more making her way to the balcony. A question from Scar prompted her to pause, smiling down at the guard.

"~Hear... no... feel...~" She frowned at her inability to voice her thoughts, considering for a moment she eventually tried another approach, even using Sunny's equine name to try and get them to understand. "~Feel... Princess... Celestia, up?~"

Oh...god, I hope I didn't say what I think I did...

Awkward glances were exchanged between Scar and Stoic before they both looked upwards, understanding and a little relief passing over their features. Over on a spire nearby the white hybrid resided on a much larger balcony, wistfully gazing up into a sky now clear of clouds. Unfamiliar stars once again lined the sky with the moon lazily drifting towards the horizon.

"~Princess Celestia...~" Scar's voice paused, his expression thoughtful as if considering how to communicate with Jessica on just what the princess was doing. Twice he tried explaining and both times Jessica gave a look of confusion back. Looking to his fellow guard for help he was met with Stoic gesturing upwards, both now realizing they were being watched.

Uh oh.

A sheepish grin slowly came to Jessica's lips as she realized that she had the attention of not one, but two princesses with one not looking entirely pleased. Luna flew down to land upon the balcony beside them, the small space now positively cramped as a disapproving look was given her way. Given when she had last seen the dark princess she had been instructed to go sleep, she knew what the mare might think right now.

"No sleep Jessica?" Luna spoke, one eye narrowed as she raised a hoof, gently poking the girl in the chest. Jessica for her part blushed, knowing she had been caught out as she shifted nervously, toying with her nightshirt.

"I'm sorry! I went to go see Jewel and Sparkle, but then Sparkle asked me to help study and..." A raised eyebrow was given in response, Jessica having taken for granted that Luna could understand her. Sighing softly she repeated, but in the equine tongue, "~Saw Twilight Sparkle... study lots.~

A long exhale escaped the mare's mouth before she looked to the guards for clarification. Scar seemed to second Jessica's version but thankfully with a more robust view on what transpired. The explanation seemed to appease the princess who noticed Jessica had begun to look increasingly nervous. Luna moved to nuzzle into her hair, settling her before speaking kindly; now Jessica understood exactly what was said, but the context of it made no sense to her.

She... wants me to watch... the moon and sun be moved?

Confused she looked over at Sunny who was now regarding them with a warm smile, a slight look of amusement clear upon her features. A little bit bashful at the attention of both royal sisters, Jessica was surprised when Scar and Stoic stepped back giving the dark princess room. Watching in fascination, she observed Luna's long horn slowly be encased in an ethereal glow, the mare pausing before she tilted her head skywards with a focused expression.

Slowly the moon started to descend, Jessica only now aware the celestial object had almost been paused until this point in its movement. One teal eye moved to look at her, mirth now upon the princess's face as the moon continued to sink out of view. Strangely enough the stars seemed to act as if they were laid upon an invisible cloth, pulled with the moon as it sunk away.

Jessica however was unsure what Luna was doing, a fact the mare picked up on before a large grin split along her muzzle.

"Watch..." Luna spoke with a mischievous tone in her voice, Jessica looking skyward only for her jaw to instantaneously feel very, very heavy. Abruptly the moon and stars slinked backwards across the sky, a raised eyebrow from the princess accompanying the action. Seeing Jessica's expression seemed to egg Luna on further, the moon moving back and forth several times until finally pausing.

"W-What... you... are... bwah?" Jessica blinked as Luna issued amused laughter at Jessica's confusion, the moon slowly setting once more until the ethereal glow vanished from her horn. Before a question could be asked, a head tilt was given across the expanse to where Sunny sat. The white princess was in the midst of giving a good natured sigh at her sister's theatrics, although Jessica's brain wasn't really ready to make any conclusions yet to what she had just witnessed; once it stopped flailing its metaphorical arms she might think more on what she had seen.

When Sunny's horn was encased in a warm golden glow and the sun slowly tugged over the horizon before stopping a third of the way, Jessica could only blink in response.

They...They move the god-damn sun and moon and stars and... I... I think I need to sleep.

Jessica moved her mouth, trying to make words come out but by this point her brain had figuratively dumped a bucket of gasoline on itself, and now was threatening to light a match should she so much as dare think something, anything else. Taking the message that thinking would probably not be in the best interest of her mental state, she instead found Luna giving an amused little chuckle.

Oh... she knew I would have no idea... Luna has seen how our sun and stuff works from my mind...

Strangely she couldn't get mad at the mare, most likely because there was nothing to be angry with. Of course now knowing that the two princesses could move the sun and moon, or alternatively control the rotation of the planet she was a little more humbled by their presence, not to mention what they had done for her. Deciding that sleep was a very good option she gave Luna a hug, the gesture returned with one wing before setting off down the hallway receiving a fond goodnight.

Scar seemed rather puzzled by Jessica's reaction, but then he would have had no way of knowing that what she had just been shown would have made a physicist cry. The mere idea that there was anyone powerful enough to do such a thing, it was staggering.

I don't even want to consider how that works.

Making her way back to her bedroom she opened the door this time, very mindful to remain quiet. Closing the door gently behind her, she moved to her bed trying all the while to ignore the fact three pairs of eyes were gazing at her. Slipping back under the blankets she gently shifted Tala and Mayari, both wriggling before moving against her as she placed her head upon the soft pillow. The comforting sensation of one foaling curling against the back of her neck, the other moving sleepily to wriggle under her arm could only make her smile.

Peeking one eye down the blankets she saw Ebony regarding her with a raised brow, surprisingly the glow from her eyes was now lacking, having faded completely to clearly reveal two slit pupils much akin to Dusk's. Giving a sheepish smile she tried to explain herself to her friend, aware of the look that demanded at least some answers.

"~Watch ... watch Princess Celestia... Luna move sun... moon.~" It may have been the tiredness or her mind still smoldering in a corner, but Jessica was pretty sure what she said made little to no sense.

Thankfully a voice of understanding came from Dusk before the guard flopped back onto the bed, unperturbed by the sunlight drifting in as she went back to sleep. Ebony however just gave a soft tsk and moved her muzzle a little closer, gazing at Jessica with a small fanged smile. Jessica in response wriggled slightly, careful not to disturb the foaling under her arm as she moved her hand to stroke over Ebony's mane and smooth chitin-covered head softly.

"Goodnight Ebony." With that she let her frazzled mind finally get much needed rest, dreams of Luna and Sunny playing marbles with the solar system accompanying her throughout the slumber.


Given her late night excursion there was no lesson in the morning, or if there was they had not woken Jessica for it. Instead she woke somewhere approximately around lunch time, the food brought to her aiding significantly in coming to this conclusion.

Sitting up in bed she blinked, prior to looking down at the tray that was in the process of being slid upon her lap. Noticing the green glow, she turned to spy Ebony in her natural form with Espa entering into the room, the bug-like equine's now slightly crooked horn giving off a similar aura. Bubbles was watching with a little apprehension until her daughter was once more nearby, although if Ebony noticed this she chose not to show a reaction.


Looking down at the tray Jessica smiled, eyes fixated upon a particular dish sitting innoculously with the rest of her brunch. Thankfully there was one thing Jessica had reacquired a taste for, her fingers gently taking a bit of fish to place into her mouth as she thought back. Coming into the dining room one night after feeding the ~changelings~ downstairs, they had discovered the staff were in the midst of cleaning up a previous meal. For whatever reason scattered among the platters were several plates of fish cooked in a variety of ways, fried, steamed, raw, there was definitely no lack of choice.

Jessica's curiosity who had been eating there earlier had quickly given way to the smells invading her nose. Even despite the less than wholesome memories of the slop given to her while caged, the various fish dishes had smelt divine, a fact to which her stomach tended to agree with demanding she put some in it at that very moment.

After asking permission from one of the maids and a confused nod given, she had sampled a piece only to find it tasted every bit as good as it had smelt. After a couple of confused glances in her direction accompanied with a shrug or two, they had continued cleaning the table. A giggle came to Jessica's lips as she remembered the occupants of the room looking at her oddly as she sampled another piece of baked fish, savoring the taste.

Sparkle had looked absolutely horrified at the time... until she ran off to get the food checklist she did at the hospital from out of the kitchen, just so she could tick the fish box.

The memory still made her slightly amused, but she remained confused as to why that particular food dish had been served in the first place. None of the equines or even Spike seemed to ever consume meat products, so it remained a mystery why it was even there. Letting the train of thought derail she instead savored her lunch, Ebony tugging herself up onto the bed to get a meal of her own as she bumped her head under one of Jessica's hands.

Sipping some water next she heard two distinctive chirps, the sound causing Jessica to glance over the rim of the glass identifying the culprits. Mayari, being always the more curious of the two was leaning forward, sniffing at the food while her sister hung back, moving against Ebony instead. A word of warning was given to Mayari, the small foaling giving a curious chirp back towards Ebony before sniffing a little closer at a slice of apple pie.

Ebony spoke again, this time Minder adding in her own voice to the tone of caution from where she stood near the other equines. A question was given Ebony's way from Bubbles, Dusk watching on curiously as Mayari disregarded the warnings only to open her mouth wide and take a bite out of the pastry.

I don't see what the... oh...

"Oh, Mayari!" Jessica watched with equal parts concern and disgust as the small foaling turned several shades of green before regurgitating the food stuff back from whence it came. Ebony's tone of voice was clear as she spoke, Jessica able to understand it clearly with the evidence of what occurred upon the bed sheet: 'I warned you.'

Stumbling on her small hooves, the ill looking foaling issued a petulant whine before whimpering in a more sympathy inducing fashion. Unable to resist Jessica sighed as she moved to gently cuddle the sick Mayari to her chest, feeding the young one in a way it could stomach.

Is that why Ebony doesn't eat?

Thinking this over while using a napkin to clean up the mess as best she could, Jessica decided that a shower was probably very much needed. Wiping Mayari's muzzle clean she moved out of the sheets, Tala now chirping up at her, clearly not wanting to be left behind.

"~Jessica shower... changeling cleanup.~" Jessica's words were met with a small snigger from Ebony, her friend obviously deciding it was better Jessica than her having to do the task. Espa, watching from the second bed curiously put forth a question, Jessica half listening as she scooped up her clothes for the day along with Tala.

Peeking back over her shoulder as Ebony answered, Bubbles repeated her own question from before as Dusk watched on curiously, Minder giving the smallest of laughs.

"~Changelings eat emotions, no food.~" Ebony seemed to have chosen her words primarily so Jessica could understand. The notion that a creature could survive without any physical sustenance was, bizarre to say the least. Jessica thought it over as she walked down the hallway, the guards and Ebony moving to follow her. As she walked towards the bathroom she could hear Bubbles and Espa questioning Minder about this further.

I guess I was just assuming Ebony was getting food when I wasn't looking, but I guess that didn't make much sense...

Jessica mulled it over further, turning the information around in her head. It was a strange thing to eat emotions as they did but where did they get their energy from? Even with her not being a biologist she still found it difficult to believe, but then again she had just earlier witnessed two equines move solar bodies around at their leisure. Part of her still wished to dismiss that as mere illusion but Luna and Sunny had no reason to lie to her.

And Scar and Stoic treated it as normal!

Feeling a little light headed trying to comprehend everything she had learnt thus far, Jessica allowed her thoughts to wander lest she set her brain figuratively alight yet again. Reaching the shower she noticed the maid waiting for her with a towel, a question forming in her mind.

"~You... You no wait?~" Jessica watched as the maid looked confused, tilting her head until Scar took it upon himself to clarify. Finally understanding the female equine gave a nod of her head along with a smile as Jessica gingerly accepted the linen. The stab of guilt slid into her back as she realized her late rising caused the poor maid to have to stand around waiting for her. A smile was given back as she entered the shower, vowing to get up in the morning from now on.

Setting the foals down she closed the door behind her, wondering where everyone else was. Normally Rainbow would have barged into her room by this point in the day, or Fleur, Ledger and Sparkle would have woken her. Figuring they must have known she went to bed late, Jessica put it down to them letting her sleep in. Placing the towel and clothing into position she removed her nightshirt and panties, her fingers gently trailing over her wrists where the bracelets would normally reside.

That's right, I need to check with Jewel later.

The feeling of loss filled her, but she didn't for a second regret what she had chosen to do. A smile came easily to her lips as Mayari and Tala chirped up at her and bounced towards the shower with boundless energy. Reaching in she turned the water on, this time Mayari backed up a safe distance until steam rose, following Jessica in with her sister.

Much to the foalings' displeasure there was a lack of any bath toys to play with this time, instead amusing themselves with a loofa. Jessica couldn't help but suspect the rubber ducky had been left there previously by Pinky, but she couldn't be certain, nor why the mare would have done so. Pulling her mind back onto the task at hand she snatched up Mayari as the foaling tried to get away, her little legs kicking at the air as she found herself captured.

"Nu uh, you're going to get clean after what you did." Gently retrieving the loofa from Tala she used it to clean Mayari, who in turn evidently took it upon herself as a challenge to try and wrestle it from Jessica's hand. Soon however both foalings had been cleaned and set back down, Jessica finishing up with her hair before she realized the chirping sounds had now retreated out into the bathroom.

I know what has happened, but as long as I don't open my eyes... It hasn't occurred yet.

Figuring that her logic wasn't really fool proof, Jessica exhaled before looking over her shoulder. Much to her complete lack of surprise, her towel was now being tugged about by Mayari with Tala in chase. The sound of the water being turned off alerted them both to the fact they were being watched, pausing to look up at Jessica as she lowered one eyebrow, hands upon brown hips.

A questioning chirp was given her way before Tala wriggled under the towel, trying to avoid the look being given, Mayari instead adopting the defense of acting as innocent as she could manage.

"Yes, you're both adorable... towel now please?" Holding her hand out towards them they looked confused before an understanding was reached. Realizing what it is she wanted, they dragged the towel back over to her before seating themselves, both casting an apologetic gaze upwards. One of Jessica's hands grabbed the towel before the other stroked over each of their heads, a warm smile coming to her face.

One thought ran through her mind as she watched both foalings chirp happily, each trying to nuzzle her hand affectionately one after the other.

I made the right decision giving the bracelets to Jewel.

Drying each of them off after, she went about getting dressed before heading off to see what the day would bring with a smile on her face; a hand straying over her abdomen as she ignored a building cramp within.


So far, Jessica could have summed the day up as reasonably horrible. It had been for the most part average, a language lesson followed her shower and then afterwards she had fed those downstairs. So overall it wasn't as if the day itself was bad, it was pretty normal so far, well as normal as her life here could be all things considered.

No, it was more the uncomfortable cramping that she tried to ignore which had a negative impact on her mood. Of course the situation was only being aggravated by a certain pegasus, the cyan furred mare shouting out encouraging words as Jessica tried to catch her breath.

How the hell did I let her talk me into this, wait... a better question is why the hell am I so angry about this?

Jessica couldn't deny the fact that being able to be talked into anything at all was a definite bonus, it meant her understanding of their language had progressed enough to allow such a thing. Of course the fact in this case that it was to get her jogging, did knock a few points off the self-satisfaction scale. Wearing a pair of tailored shorts and a t-shirt she moved around the castle, a ribbon tying her hair back to keep most out of her face, now getting far longer than she normally kept it.

"~Come on Jessica!~" Rainbow's voice was equal parts irritating and inspiring. The fact Dusk was trotting behind her at a leisurely fashion was not helping much at all, not that she had any right to be angry at the guard. For once Dusk looked genuinely confused for the ire given in her direction, Jessica exhaling and smiling to apologize for any sting her gaze may of given. It wasn't Dusk's fault that Jessica was... uncomfortable, nor was it the mare's fault that she made it look easy to keep up with her, despite the armor being worn.

I know this should... help with my mood but why the hell am I doing this again?

Irritation buzzed around her head like an annoying insect, nipping at her patience as she struggled to keep pace with the pegasus before her. So caught up with the task of maintaining her speed, she failed to notice a rather important and blaringly obvious fact when they once more approached the front courtyard. Only a deep confident voice made her realize that the front gate was open, that observation having escaped her attention even though in hindsight it wasn't anything new around this time of day. That small fact caused her teeth to grit as she remembered that presently was normally around the time equines and others entered the castle to meet with one of the princesses.

Finding fresh inspiration she pushed her legs faster, pretending to not have heard the voice as she moved through the courtyard and around the castle for another lap. An irritated voice from above made her look up through sweat damp hair, noticing Ebony flying in her pegasus disguise, the mare's head looking back the way they had come.

Yes, I know Mino is there Ebony... I'm trying to ignore him.

Surprised by her own mental thoughts she found her teeth gritting, pushing more drive into her legs to keep her pace up. Dusk was talking to her, her tone questioning as Jessica frowned and pushed further, demanding more out of her body than she had any right to do. A grin came from Rainbow's face as she saw Jessica exert herself, increasing her own pace to stay ahead.

Why is he here? Why the hell is Dusk asking me why? How should I know?

Anger bubbled beneath her, fueled by the depression she had tried to keep a lid on as it feasted, gorged. Demanding more out of her body, Jessica increased her pace further. Her shoes pushing to the grass as she followed Rainbow around the side of the castle, taking her mind from the painful cramps assaulting her body while she felt her breathing come out in ragged gasps.

Why... why am I acting so angry? They haven't done anything wrong... this has never... I've never felt this way during it before...

Trying to run from her problems only led to pushing her limits further, stretching them much like a rubber band being pulled past its threshold. Eyes stung as sweat dripped past her lashes, barely able to make out Rainbow's expression shift from a confident grin to that of concern. The pegasus started to slow her pace, Jessica however was having none of it. Her anger was frothing now, like a kettle boiling on a stove there was only one way to release the pressure and that was to... to...

I can't get home, I won’t get home, and I’m stuck here, stuck here like a god damn-

Her thoughts were swirling like a cyclone within her head, battering against common sense that told her to stop pushing herself. Her anger was spiking, feeding upon itself as she barely acknowledged Rainbow's cry for her to stop. With legs burning with exertion she continued on regardless, Dusk growing alarmed as Ebony swooped down from the sky to try talking to her, all were ignored.

I can't... I can't think about it... I can't let myself think about it!

The cramps got worse, her running only increasing the symptoms as her jaw clenched, understanding exactly what was feeding her anger, driving her to ignore the pain. Tears ran down her cheeks to mix with the sweat as she staggered and fell to both knees, her legs finally betraying the desire to outrun the problem, the underlying reason filling inside her mind.

She heard three female voices close in on her, struggling to catch her breath as she dragged fingers along the grass. One hand curled into a fist before she slammed it down with enough force to cause her arm to ache, yet the tears didn't stop. She knew why she was acting this way, she knew why she was cramping... she knew why she was feeling irritated. Jessica also knew why her depression was curling around her like a feral beast, the anger providing a way in to her fragile defenses.

Tear-mixed sweat rolled down her nose and lips as she tried to reign in her emotions, dimly her distressed mind picked up the sound of Rainbow's voice calling out as she flew off in a blur. Not long after a deep voice replied with heavy hoof fall accompaniment, each step getting closer along with the sounds of angered guards telling the owner to stop. Jessica's already fragile concentration wavered as she grit her teeth, she could tell who it was and in her current mental state... it would not end well.

Why now... why the hell now?!

Thinking how wonderful the day had begun she hit the grass again, tears rolling unbidden down her cheeks as her gasping need to refill her lungs of oxygen at least muffled her sobs. She felt the cramps aching, a cruel reminder again of earlier; after the shower she had suspected, no... she had known what it was. Hiding the pain all day, hiding the... other symptoms had not been easy, especially with the foalings, Ebony and Minder nearby. They had noticed something but could not place what, her biology as alien to them as theirs was to her.

Faintly she heard Ebony growl a warning out to someone, the deep voice answering back with concern held in the male's tone. Her eyes tightly squeezed shut as her burning lungs fought to fill themselves between her tearful inhales, she knew trying to push the problem down wasn't helping, that it couldn't help.

Her body was betraying her, a small part of her had partially hoped it wouldn't occur, to spare her being reminded...

Just when I was... when I had tried to forget... I didn't want to be reminded...

A large hand gently pushed to her back, she could feel the hesitant nature of the touch, the attempted tenderness. Her body reacted before she could even think and then it was all over in a flash. She had felt her hand curl into a fist before issuing a scream of rage and launched upwards twisting as she went, feeling her hand impact against something hard before she found herself standing shakily upright, awareness returned to her.

The depression fueled rage faded from her consciousness as she felt her focus return, gazing in shock and surprise at what she had just done, the act she had committed. The guards that had presumably pursued the owner of the hand looked on with wariness, their eyes wide as they kept their distance but remained close enough to restrain her if need be. Dusk and Ebony both were watching on with wide eyes, slit pupils shrinking showing that Ebony had even been startled enough to partially drop her disguise.

Jessica only then noticed her hand was throbbing, looking down she saw who had been struck in her frustration, her sadness... her anger. Mino sat there, rubbing his jaw with one hand while looking wide eyed at her and yet no-one spoke, everyone seemingly too afraid that they might set her off again. Looking at the worry, the fear in the equines' eyes she felt mixed emotions rage within her. Most notably however was the worry and concern upon Ebony and Dusk's faces, both unsure how to react although she knew Ebony could feel the confusing flux of emotions rolling off her.

I... I hit him...

She felt, empty all of a sudden as Rainbow returned leading Sparkle, Spike, Jewel, and even Sunny who was following close behind while Jessica's two male guards flew in from above. A sound of surprise was given by Rainbow as she noticed the large minotaur on his backside and Jessica's standing above him. Her curious question of whether Jessica had punched him earned a hush from Ebony and Dusk, the pegasus clearly realizing that this wasn't a time to joke and bit her lower lip.

The guards slowly parted as another approached, the same stallion that she had seen last night talking to Luna, his eyes were narrowed along with self-satisfaction passing over his muzzle. With voice raised he gestured towards her with a hoof, a certain name passing his lips which caused most to bristle at its use.

Some of the guards mumbled amongst themselves, a few hushed repeats of the nickname passing between them before Jessica felt her already punished legs start to wobble. Part of her knew Mino must have lost his balance more than her injuring him, but that didn't excuse what she had done.

I hit someone... I hit someone who was trying to comfort me...

Tears built within her eyes as the cramps returned to her attention, reminding once more just why she had been so angry, why her depression had returned, and why she felt so hollow. The cramps made her place a hand to her stomach, her emotions fluctuating wildly confusing the issue within her mind.

The day... started off so good... why, why did it have to happen now?!

Fresh tears travelled down her cheeks as she looked through swimming vision to see the noble stallion giving a small speech. He seemed to be trying to gain support from those around him as he pointed with a hoof at her, his voice saturated with venom. Several of the guards were beginning to look convinced while Scar, Stoic and Dusk moved to support Jessica. Then abruptly Sunny's voice cut through the din and everyone froze.

Everyone watched as she moved with poise, her voice firm as she gazed at Jessica ordering the guards to get back. Scar and Stoic looked at each other before hesitantly backing up, yet they remained close by while Dusk stood her ground, lowering herself defensively. A small frown passed over Sunny's features while Jessica wilted under the stern expression, Dusk issuing a disgruntled 'tsk' before slowly moving aside, but like the other two she didn't stray far. Ebony however refused to budge, her eyes narrowed as green fire erupted about her to expose her true form.

She looked... taller, her horn longer as she frowned at Sunny and growled out a warning, Jessica numbly watched her friend defend her. The other mares and Spike looked torn on how to act as the stallion laughed, pointing a hoof at Ebony with glee in his voice. Mino however had his eyes go wide as he stopped rubbing his jaw to regard the bug-like equine with an unreadable expression.

"~Step away 'Ebony'.~" Sunny spoke firmly, her eyes narrowing before a golden glow encompassed her horn, Jessica found herself wondering how her life had just taken such a horrible turn so fast. Yet... yet the cramps wouldn't leave her, reminding her constantly, incessantly of what had caused all this, had caused everyone to seem to turn on her, to call her the name... to...

Shut up brain! I'm not a Monster... I'm... I'm not...

She wasn't sure if that was the nickname, but it was the best she could come up with, and at that moment it fit... she had punched someone who was only trying to help her after all. Her behavior at the moment was erratic, her depression goading the anger on, her fear rooting her to the spot... confusion, confusion struggling to understand how this had all happened from the wonderful start to the day.

Sparkle and Rainbow tried to talk to Sunny yet she seem undeterred, her voice becoming firm as wings spread majestically wide. Ebony growled once more, the guards starting to advance while the stallion looked proud of himself as if his claims were validated, Jessica's confused mind throughout it all struggling to pick up their words, everyone talking so fast. Sentences fell over each other, only bits and pieces filtered through her struggling brain to give some semblance of reason.

Finally Sunny's voice seemed to reach Ebony, her friend's body twitching before she looked over her shoulder at Jessica, mane falling over one eye as the other shone with concern. Ebony's eyes then went wide as she spotted Jessica's hand on her belly, something she had obviously not noticed before, the expression of unease and worry only intensifying.

"~Jessica... no worry.~" Ebony's words passed Jessica's ears as the mare moved out of the way, something she had not expected would ever happen.

E-Ebony, why? H-Have I been betrayed?

With the horrible thought bouncing around her head, Jessica felt nausea start to rise. It felt like her world was crumbling around her, nothing was making sense.


The stallion was looking as if he had just won the lottery when Sunny slowly approached, everyone watching on causing another log to be stoked into the furnace fueling her fear. Was everything she had before this point merely a dream, a fleeting glimpse of what she could have lived with before everything came crashing down? Something however wasn't right, her body was acting strange, her emotions flying out of synch as she found herself recalling a memory.

-"Let home be where your heart lies, you have strong bonds here. You have those who care about you, do not turn your back on them because of what I did." Starswirl closed his eyes before slowly opening them, by the strain speaking was having on him; his time was almost at an end. "You child, if there is one thing I do not regret, it is that you were the one I pulled into my world. I see you accomplishing great things, keep your heart open and let those close to you help mend it after what I have done."-

The memory of Starswirl's words tore through the swirling emotions as she gave a little start, clasping onto them as she found herself looking into the eyes of the white princess.

Keep... keep my heart open. Right...

A shuddering sniffle tore through her before she closed her eyes, taking a long calming breath before unclasping her throbbing hand. Slowly she parted her eyelids, peering through the tears to see what was truly before her and not what her fear had driven her to believe. Where once stern glances were now were those of worry, the guards looking hesitant now even as the stallion bore a self-satisfied smirk.

Jessica's eyes glanced to the side, Rainbow, Jewel, Sparkle and Spike all watching with concern upon each of their faces. Not looking at her as a monster, but looking at her with anxiety for her wellbeing. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she looked directly at Sunny, the tall mare's gaze not one of stern reprimand but of worried focus. Mino was looking at something as well, ceasing his rubbing to instead mouth something in a worried tone.

"Jessica...safe." Sunny's voice was soft, kind as the stallion's expression began to falter, unsure of what was happening now; it was almost as if the princess had purposely chosen to speak in Jessica's tongue for that reason. A sobbing sniffle erupted from Jessica as she rested a hand gently to her abdomen when the cramps were felt again, aching within her body, within her heart. Sunny seemed to notice Jessica's growing distress as she leaned closer, one wing moving to envelope the girl. "Jessica heart among friends."

Jessica shuddered as the floodgates within finally burst, reaching to grip Celestia's mane with one hand as she tried hard to not break down. Yet her body was cruelly betraying her, the mood swings, the anger, the cramps, it all led to one single thing. It all reminded her of one thing she never could have, one thing she had promised her mother, the last thing in fact she had ever promised her mother.

Even as the stallion gave a questioning tone, demanding to know what was happening she felt the wing fold tighter about her form. Concerned voices filled the air until she felt Sunny about to turn and address the noble, Jewel however acted faster. Jessica heard the mare's voice, the tone acidic as she peeked through the wing feathers to observe the stallion blink several times. One step was taken back only for one of the guards to shift a hind leg, coincidentally moving at the exact same time. This resulted in the blond unicorn tripping, giving an undignified shout as he fell upon his plot.

Jewel advanced upon the stallion, each word issued sounding as if it had been held within, stored for just such an occasion. ~Blueblood~, if she had picked up his name correctly among the verbal ordinance looked bewildered as he blinked at the mare. Jewel, having exhausted about every insult Jessica could understand and a vast majority she could not, flicked her mane with one hoof before moving back to the other mares, a relieved sigh passing the unicorn's mouth.

Jessica turned her attention from the chastised stallion, noticing a few guards trying to hide smirks upon their faces, until suddenly she felt a cold muzzle push to her back. However after a few words from Sunny, Jessica felt a rush of warmth before the smooth chitin against her spine was replaced with soft fur. She knew Ebony was trying to comfort her, but she could still hear the worried sounds from the others.

I-I get why they were worried before... but... why are-

Jessica came to the realisation why they were so concerned, so worried. It was due to how she was acting so strange, emotions flaring wildly not to mention how she was clearly in discomfort from the pain in her abdomen. Her body pulled no punches to remind her exactly what her current situation would never allow her to have, almost tauntingly with how her biology was functioning. For them she must have looked to be suffering immensely, possibly in some form of biological shock.

Before she could follow that line of thought further Mino slowly stood, brushing himself off before offering a softer toned voice towards Jessica; concern was clearly evident even as she understood his words. He was apologizing, apologizing for seemingly injuring her. She squeezed tears from her eyes, part of her filled with warmth that built within that so many were concerned about her, the other part angry that she had ever doubted them.

W-Why is he apologizing, I hit him!

Only now could she understand why Sunny's horn was glowing, it was insultingly obvious the princess was trying to heal her as she felt the warmth flow over her skin. Rubbing her eyes with one arm she pushed down her raging emotions and offered a small smile to the concerned sovereign.

"I-I'm not hurt... I'm..." Jessica swallowed the bile rising in her throat as she spoke, looking aside. After a slight pause she continued, switching to the equine language, "~No injure... Jessica need Luna... s-show.~"

Her words were met with the horn ceasing in its glow as pink eyes instead moved to gaze at her with concern. A soft nod was given as the wing drew back, Ebony quickly moving to rest against Jessica's side. In her disguised form she was once again smaller, although Jessica was unsure about Ebony's growth spurts or changes, her frazzled mind was simply glad for her to be close by. A tired smile came to her lips as Sparkle joined them, allowing Jessica to support herself upon the unicorn as well.

"Jessica, Sparkle here too." The unicorn offered a smile upwards, a tired expression given in return as she allowed them to help her limp forward, her tired legs and how she had pushed herself coming back to haunt her with vengeance. Ebony cast a look at Sparkle, the unicorn giving a bashful smile in return before the chocolate pegasus snorted dismissively and offered a small smile instead.

'You have those who care about you'... I guess... I guess I do.

As the others moved forward Jessica's guards formed around her, Sunny leading the way back inside while a stern word from her lips caused ~Blueblood~ to scamper backwards with a terrified squeak. Only glares met his eyes, all aside from Sunny who simply cast a disappointed gaze in his direction. Slowly but surely they made their way towards the castle entrance leaving the stallion behind as Jessica let her thoughts turn inwards.

She knew what her body was telling her but given how long it had taken for it to do so, she had begun to suspect her arrival here had removed such... biological functions. Despite herself she felt fresh tears roll down her cheeks as she watched Spike's concern evident all over his little face. It was clear all of them were worried she had injured herself badly, the way she was wincing and pressing a hand to her belly doing little to lessen their concerns.

It's never been this bad though... I've... never had anything like this. I've gotten a little angry... but never... never how I felt earlier.

The facts had confused her though, the cramps, her fluctuating emotions, they never coincided with... with what was currently happening. Perhaps being torn into this world had altered her chemistry, or perhaps all the stress had messed up her biological clock. Yet ultimately she knew the only thing hurt was her heart, as Jessica understood even if her body was showing she was a normal reproductive capable woman... Even if she made a promise to her mother...

She could never have children in a world where she was the only one of her kind.


After being aided back into the castle Jessica had been gently lowered onto the staircase, the equines not wishing to get her to travel up the stairs and if she was being honest with herself, in the state she was in right now she didn't really wish to attempt them. With hands pressed to her face, she released a groan softly into her palms.

How did I let it get so bad?

What had started as a jog had quickly descended into something so surreal it could have been mistaken for a nightmare. Her raging emotions, her irrationality, the noble equine that seemed to accuse her of horrible things, it all seemed so... not real. That wasn't even beginning to get into the fact that she had doubted the equines yet again, thinking Sunny and the others were going to do something horrible.

Because it's never been this bad... I've never had mood swings before; I have never even had cramps since I was fourteen...

Sighing softly she felt a reassuring nuzzle to her shoulder and with a tilt of her head she smiled seeing Ebony as the owner. Once more inside the castle walls her disguise had been dropped, Jessica so engrossed trying to reflect on what happened she had not even noticed the tell-tale flash of green fire. Now she could clearly appreciate her friend's new look, unsure what had brought on her change of appearance, but it did seem to suit her.

Ebony had definitely gained some height and become more slender in shape, not to mention her dark green mane was now longer, now mid neck length upon closer inspection. Jessica couldn't help but admire how it curled under her muzzle and fell in rich curls, much like when disguised as a pegasus. Her horn was also significantly more developed, longer and slightly jagged.

Truth be told, it didn't look much like her friend that she remembered from a few weeks ago, but even with the soft blue eyes, even with long slit pupils gazing at her... even with...


Jessica offered a small smile, she could see in the mare's expression it was still Ebony despite her change of appearance. Admittedly however, she felt the little protrusion upon her head was a little much, perhaps even a little silly looking but she wasn't about to tell her friend that. Distracted from her thoughts as the bug-like mare spoke with concern in her voice, Jessica sighed softly in response but couldn't fault the equine given how she herself had been acting just previously.

I acted like an idiot... I let my depression creep up on me and then... well...

A soft laugh passed Jessica's lips startling the equines, even Spike's expression edged towards nervousness. The sound was a bitter one, lacking in jovial tone as she rested a palm against her forehead to sigh after.

I am such an idiot, the warning signs were there this morning, throughout the day and I ignored them...

"~'Jessica', no sad?~" Ebony tilted her head, looking carefully into her face as a smile was returned. Pushing down her wild emotions, Jessica gave a small nod.

"~'Jessica'... hurt... talk Luna... explain?~" She tried to word how she felt before sighing, resting fingertips to her forehead as anger budded within. Quelling her irritation down she looked up to eye those around her, Dusk having gone to retrieve Luna it seemed while the rest remained to watch over her. Scar and Stoic stood either side of the entrance while Jewel, Sparkle and Rainbow stood nearby all holding a look of apprehension on their faces.

Mino was also close by, rubbing the back of his head looking otherwise unharmed from her fist having struck him earlier; to be fair though, Jessica expected she had injured her hand more than his chin. Finally she noticed Sunny standing on the other side of her, her mane and tail swaying as if caught on a perpetual breeze that teased the colours within. The princess was watching her with clear worry, quite possibly due to how Jessica grimaced occasionally, one hand resting to her belly.

Jogging... good idea, pushing myself to the limits... horrible, horrible idea.

A voice caught her attention, Spike nudging Sparkle gently as the unicorn blinked and blushed. With a roll of the dragon's eyes he gestured with his claws, their voices hushed prohibiting Jessica from listening in. Eventually Sparkle gave in to whatever Spike was demanding, trotting forward before clearing her throat.

"Hurt... where?" The mare was getting better already Jessica noticed, possibly having been practising more even after they had decided to sleep. Bashfully looking aside, she tried to figure out how to explain even as warmth built within her eyes.

"I'm... I am not really hurt Sparkle, but... it's a human girl thing." She tried to explain as Sparkle frowned a little before picking up meaning within the words. Jessica was growing increasingly impressed as the unicorn chewed upon her lower lip, responding shortly after.

"Human girl hurt? Why?" Sparkle had gotten a hook into something and wasn't about to let go. Jessica felt a little jealousy at how quickly the mare was picking up her language, but also grateful. Another week, another month and she might actually get someone to have a conversation with.

"I... well... you see it's when a-"

Pausing in her explanation she heard Luna's worried voice as she and Dusk flew into the room. Immediately the dark princess spoke with Sunny, Jessica able to pick up on them describing events, a part in particular making Luna's teeth grit before she visibly calmed herself.

"Luna can we talk, in my sleep... now, please?" Jessica's tone was begging, Luna looking confused before Sparkle clarified what Luna had not picked up on. A small sound of understanding was produced from the mare's mouth before she gave a nod, her horn glowing gently. As Jessica felt her head grow heavy, two wings moved to support her. Dimly aware one was soft white feathers and the other insectile, then the last thing she heard was Sparkle starting to explain what Jessica just asked to the others...

Then darkness.


Jessica found herself within her bedroom, not the one at the castle, not the one where she went to university but her bedroom. Granted she had not stayed in it for several years, but it still felt safest. Looking out the window she watched raindrops splash against the pane of glass, smiling a little as she put the weather down to Luna trying to make her feel relaxed.

"You can come in."

Her voice was directed at the door which slowly opened, the mare walking in as she gently closed the door behind her. Seating herself she looked expectantly at Jessica yet the concern remained within her eyes, nothing could hide that. Realising that Luna was not going to initiate this conversation for whatever reason, Jessica sighed and rested fingers to her abdomen.

"Um... well... when a girl reaches a certain age... they...go through some changes." A look at Luna had the mare seeming to understand so she continued, "and well... look, when a girl gets to a certain age her body lets her know she is ready to have children, okay?"

Luna blinked twice and tilted her head, clearly not following as Jessica sighed. She didn't want to have this talk, but the equines needed to know. Strangely though, in her dreams she didn't feel the fluctuating emotions, the anger and depression fighting to over-ride her common sense like she did when awake. Making the best of the situation she gave a soft sigh and moved a hand to the window beside her.

"~Look.~" Jessica switched to the equine tongue and an image was created, within was a rough representation of a girl. Slowly Jessica played back the video she had seen in her health class when she was a teenager, granted her memory wasn't perfect but she had attempted to fill in the blanks herself.

Luna's face went from intrigued, to confused, to mildly disgusted and finally to both ears being flattened with an unreadable expression upon her face.

"Human girl... bleed?" Luna slowly spoke as if the very idea was strange, Jessica nodding and then went about showing why. Luna blinked several times as she observed the image before her eyes went wide and she stuck her tongue out, a very similar reaction to how Jessica had reacted to the film 'how babies are made' when she was younger.

"When that happens we are healthy and can have children, if it does not happen we cannot have children." Jessica carefully avoided using contractions, Luna nodding slowly as she picked up the meaning. Looking at the window as the image ceased, Jessica bit her lower lip as the next part was painful for her. "We have... different reactions... anger, pain... to name a few, like I had today, but I have never had them like that before."

The equine frowned at this, one ear flicking as her horn glowed. Slowly however she drew the meaning out of the words and a nod was given.

"Jessica normal ...no worry?" The mare's concern was clear as Jessica smiled a little, dispelling Luna's concerns. Slowly she slipped off the bed and sighed, looking about her room, even her stuffed red panda was where she had left it. Smiling she gently picked up the plush wondering if when she had named it if she knew the nickname would eventually be given to a small unicorn filly.

Probably not.

"Why Jessica sad?" The question put towards her pierced through Jessica's feeble defences, she didn't really wish to get why she had reacted so poorly in the courtyard. Admitting it to the princess wouldn't change anything, and yet...

"I... well..." She felt tears spill from her cheeks as Luna stepped forward, one wing slipping around her easily in a warm embrace. Steeling herself she focused and changed her bedroom, the environment slowly being replaced with one she knew all too well. A scene she knew Luna had already seen once before... one she held tightly within her own heart.

She was outside their family home, sitting on the patio under the awning with her mother. Rain struck the aluminium above them with the delightful sound Jessica had always enjoyed, nursing the drink within her hand. Well, she wasn't but her copy was as Jessica and Luna sat in the rain yet not a drop touched them as they simply observed.

Her mother was finishing a new song, one she was going to unveil at her next appearance, one that Jessica had fallen in love with immediately. She had always been a little envious of her mother's singing abilities, even when reassured she held the same gift it was never really believed by her. Yet that wasn't what Jessica wished to show Luna, what happened next was.

"Jess dear, how are your studies going?" Her mother spoke to the copy with maternal warmth, the bracelets upon her wrists gently clinking as they brushed to the table. Jessica knew what her copy had spoken of, that she wanted to focus on teaching and continue practicing music on the side.

"That's wonderful honey... now you're going back tomorrow aren't you?" Her mother had sounded as caring as ever, yet Jessica knew she was lonely when she went back to her studies but never voiced it... never asked for Jessica to remain longer. Regret built within as she watched her dream-copy speak, confirming her mother's suspicions and then making the offer to visit the next weekend.

"Hmm... well I know it's not your birthday for another month dear but... I wanted to give you your present before you went back." Jessica almost mouthed the words as her mother spoke them, this memory replayed within her head for almost a year until the pain had lessened. Luna however was listening intently, now able to at least pick up most of the context as opposed to her first viewing.

Slowly her mother had removed the bracelets from her wrists and taken one of Jessica's dream-copy's hands. Placing them within she had folded her fingers over them, letting her see the writing within... the names put inside each. Tears rolled down both herself and her copy's cheeks as she remembered trying to decline the gift, only to be waved off with a small laugh.

"No dear, these are now yours. My mother gave them to me, and now I give them to you. I got both our names engraved in each, then when you have children of your own you can add their names inside as well." Her mother smiled, she had always desired grandchildren and Jessica had made no secret of her desire to have a family.

Lost in the feelings rekindled within she was reminded Luna was still present by a soft gasp, the mare slowly coming to understand what the bracelets meant to her. Jessica closed her eyes, she didn't need to watch to know what came next, her lips moving to match the words as her copy spoke them.

"I promise mom... I promise you'll get a wonderful grandchild to spoil rotten."

The rain beat down in a heavy curtain around them, the images starting to fade as Jessica looked away. She didn't wish for the memory to progress further, and yet she knew with certainty it would. Opening her eyes reluctantly she saw herself at the airport, her mother waving her off before heading outside. Jessica tried pleading with the image, one arm held out from within Luna's wing to beg her mother not to leave, yet she knew it was a fruitless gesture.

She winced at what she knew followed. The squealing of brakes and the screams of alarm muffled from within the terminal, yet she heard them... whether she had actually done so on the day or it was her memory adding in the sounds she couldn't say. Her copy acted in curiosity, then panic as security and medical personal ran past the door, worry playing over her memory's face.

Jessica didn't want to see what happened next, how she had run outside to see the sight of a woman looking horrified as she stood beside a car. The sight of the vehicle, the dent in the front...

She especially didn't wish to see the sight of her mother on the cold unforgiving ground, motionless with an increasing pool of her life essence spilling around her. Instead she turned and buried her face into Luna's side, she didn't want to hear the words as they were spoken, the solemn shake of their heads. She didn't want to see how they finally had noticed her standing there. Nothing she could do though could block out the memory of her scream of anguish, her cries of disbelief.

She felt Luna's wing tighten around her, the mare's voice soothing. She had seen this all before, but now she could at least understand, hear the words that went with and put meaning to them. Jessica tried hard not to cry, she had been plagued by this memory for months after the event yet it always hurt almost as deeply as the first; even two years later and it still hurt as much as the first day. Mercifully the memory faded, the sounds of sirens giving way as the rain eased to a light drizzle.

Soon only the soft sound of rain remained, and as she simply sat against the equine royalty she felt the not unwelcome sensation of her hair being nuzzled. Looking up she saw Luna smiling warmly down towards her, tears marring the mare's cheek fur.

"Jessica sad, no keep promise?" Luna's words were warm, gentle as Jessica gave a small nod. As long as she was trapped in Equestria she had no way to honor her last promise to her mother, nor to have what she herself desired. That is why she had chosen to make the choice, her fingers trailing over her wrists as she tried to stop the tears from flowing.

"I understand." Luna's words eased into Jessica's ears as she held her tightly within a wing, the rain bittersweet to her skin as she finally felt its cool touch. Thus the subject of her happiest memory, and her saddest having once more been brought to the forefront of her mind. Curling tighter against Luna she felt like a child, but right at that moment she didn't care. The princess now knew the story, she knew why she had acted as she had in the courtyard and didn't judge her for it.

They remained there for several minutes until consciousness tugged her from the dream, bringing her back into the cruel reality she didn't wish to face.


Jessica found herself once again in the room allocated to her within the castle upon awakening. How she got there she had no idea, although there were numerous theories on how it could have happened, none of which she wished to think too much on. Thankfully Mino was no longer present, she felt bad but in her current state she really didn't wish to deal with a minotaur that had a crush upon her.

And... I think that without the slightest bit of disbelief...

Blinking away the sleep from her eyes, she slowly sat up only to hear voices talking. Looking to the side she noticed Luna occupying Bubbles and Espa's bed, already conversing with the others. From what Jessica could make out she was describing what she had seen in the dream along with her... biology lesson. That bit did make her hope she had remembered enough to convey it properly, her cheeks beginning to burn. Rainbow in particular was turning a little green about the cheeks she noted.

Strangely enough her symptoms had vanished, well the cramping was still there but her emotional turmoil had lessened significantly. Confused by this she decided not to push too much on the issue just in case she stirred the beast again; she didn't want to try punching out one of the princesses next after all.

And then I remembered that day again.

A cold muzzle pushed to her hand, Ebony seated beside her bed with a fanged smile given. The gesture tugged Jessica's own lips into a warm expression as she gently stroked over her friend's head and mane, mindful of the mare's larger horn as a content feeling built within. Ebony reacted to this with a relieved sigh, evidently glad to feel Jessica acting more normal, and at least somewhat comforted.

"~Thank you 'Ebony'.~ Jessica's tone was sincere as the equines noticed she was awake, their worried expressions turning into smiles. The room was yet again full, with a few notable absences. Posh and Harpy were present, Sparkle and her friends as well while Bubbles and Espa watched on with the guards. Sunny not being around made her realise the princess had been called away from her meetings to see her, more guilt bubbling within.

And yet she came almost immediately...

Two small chirps made her blink out of her self-imposed guilt, a smile coming to her lips as Ebony moved to help the small foalings up. Both bounced over the sheets before nuzzling to her hands, their current thoughts on her wellbeing delightfully transparent. Sparkle watched on with a small smile before a warning glance was given at Spike, who for his part just looked innocent.

"Tala... Mayari." She hugged the foalings to her chest while gasps and slight sounds of disgust filled the room; she knew now what part Luna was up to. Whatever words she couldn't understand were easily filled in by how a few voices reacted when Luna explained why Jessica had reacted as she had. Eventually several comments of encouragement and condolences were given her way afterwards, yet Jewel remained silent.

Looking at the unicorn she saw Jewel frown thoughtfully, her eyes hardened with resolve as she gave a firm nod and quickly excused herself. The others blinked as they watched her go before a knowing smile came to Sparkle and Flitter, whatever knowledge they were enlightened with was not shared with the rest. Pinky bounced about trying to coax the information from them while Rainbow tried the more direct route with gestures and an annoyed tone of voice.

A fore hoof pointed in Jessica's direction caused their voices to hush, this making the clear target of their conversation blink curiously. This was not a reaction she had expected after what had occurred. No anger for her loss of emotions, just calm acceptance and a little sympathy. She knew she should have handled it better, but it had all been so overwhelming, submerging her within... and then there was the stallion and Minos and-

No excuses Jess, you have a lot of apologies to make.

Sighing at her inner logic, Jessica instead trailed nails gently over each foaling's head. Both chirped happily and settled against her, Minder and Ebony sharing a look as they discussed something within the silent manner that still eluded Jessica. Whatever the outcome was surprised Minder, although slowly a smile came to the mare's face and she nodded. A growing grin crept along Ebony's muzzle before she politely asked Luna, and after a pause, Sparkle also to accompany her out of the room.

Confused by her friend's sudden change of character, used to Ebony being more stand offish or at the least neutral with the other equines she watched the three depart into the hallway. An attempt to listen in was met with Pinky bouncing nearby, the mare's excited voice making the foalings chirp enthusiastically as they bounced on the sheets, the mare seeming to egg them on.

If I didn't know better, I would think she's doing it on purpose so I can't hear what they're saying.

Jessica exhaled as she watched the antics, a small part of her torn on how to feel in this situation. The fact they now had to hide their talking from her was a big step up, especially if they felt she could understand them enough to eavesdrop. Of course that line of reasoning led to the other problem, they were now clearly talking about her. Looking about she came to notice Rainbow was still trying to press for information, yet Flitter was not budging, although it appeared the cream pegasus was more deflecting questions with her timidness than steadfastness.

Soon however Jessica watched as the foalings slipped off the bed, tumbling over themselves before chirping as they tried to chase Pinky around the room, Espa quickly joining in followed by Harpy not long after. Watching them play made a heartfelt smile touch her lips, until without realising it she felt moisture roll down her cheeks. Tsking gently at herself she rubbed her cheeks with a finger. Tala, Mayari and Espa... even if they were not her children she adored all three.

Until she made it home, that would have to be enough.

If only my heart would understand that.

Her morose thoughts were interrupted by a loud commotion, blinking as she heard Ebony sounding irritated closely followed by Luna's more cautious tone. The next voice made a shiver run down her spine, a little terrified squeak escaping her mouth as Posh, Bubbles and Flitter each shared a knowing gaze. It was Rainbow and Dusk's reaction however that confirmed her horrified suspicions, their sniggering led to Pinky stopping her bouncing to look excited, her head flicking back and forth trying to get answers.

...I can't be this unlucky can I?

As the door slowly opened Jessica found that yes, lady luck had indeed abandoned her this wonderful day. It was, quite frankly, amazing he could even fit through the doorway, his broad shoulders and large horns impossibly fitting into the room. Pinky watched with a dropped jaw as the large minotaur entered, the sight outside the door momentarily distracting Jessica from her current crisis.

Is... Is Sparkle holding Ebony back from trying to maul him?

Dismissing it as just misinterpreting what she was seeing, she instead noticed exactly what Mino was holding. It looked for all accounts and purposes like he had managed to rip up one of the flower bushes from outside, a ribbon haphazardly tied around the base as he cleared his throat. The minotaur looked rather bashful as he rubbed the back of his head with one hand, ignoring the muted laughter from two certain pegasi.

Scar and Stoic eyed him warily until Luna's voice filtered in allowing permission, upon which both stallions hesitantly stood at ease. Mino passed by the guards while approaching Jessica where she sat on the bed, his eyes looking warily at Minder and the two foalings before he forced a grin upon his face.

"~Flowers...?~" His arm stuck out in her direction, several small bits of dirt falling from the roots of the abused topiary. Stuck between confusion at his actions, not wishing to anger him and the guilt that she had struck him earlier, Jessica instead opted to smile gently.

"~T-Thank you?~" As Mino puffed his chest up slightly, he placed the plant at the foot of her bed, spending a few seconds to try and fluff the leaves up some... a final indignity performed to the bush that's only fault in life was to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time.

Jessica gave a desperate silent plea for help over towards the equines within her room, Posh and Harpy sharing a look before sheepishly grinning back. Bubbles for her part had Espa now sitting beside her, looking apologetic she couldn't do anything to save Jessica from his affections. Flitter, well Flitter looked like she was going to try speaking to Mino that is until another mare in the room came to her aid.

Pinky in a blur of pink and energy, bounced around the minotaur, her words flowing as if someone had blown a hole into a dam and let nature take its course. Mino for his part was trying to follow her as she spoke excitedly, Jessica herself barely able to pick up on anything said. Tala and Mayari slipped away from Minder at this point, scrambling up the side of the bed before pushing to her side; they were either seeking food or trying to protect her from the minotaur, although Jessica leaned towards a more obvious third option, they were scared.

And now Minder looks about ready to have an aneurysm...

The poor bush suffered further insult as Pinky leaned over, smelling a flower before sampling the produce, chewing thoughtfully on the mouthful. The room became silent as everyone watched her, Rainbow pushing a fore hoof to her head with a barely audible mumble.

Is... Pinky purposely distracting him?

Unable to comprehend Pinky's actions at the best of times, she watched as Mino coughed into his hand trying to collect his thoughts. With a pause he spoke, gently moving Pinky aside as he took a step towards Jessica's bed. What he had said made no sense though as he rubbed the back of his head, adjusting his tie in a nervous gesture with the other.

D-Did he just...

Mino had apologized to her and by his body language he was looking guilty, almost as if he was the one at fault. Jessica's conscience couldn't stand by and take that, shovelling guilt upon the already substantial pile until her resolve crumbled which admittedly, did not take considerable effort.

"~N-No, Jessica fault... not Mino.~" Her words were met with a baffled expression on the bull-man's face and in any other circumstance it would have been quite comical. Being within touching distance quelled her humor at the situation, especially when she had struck him earlier, her hand still aching slightly from that particular action. Before the confusion could continue, Dusk took it upon herself to translate.

Understanding came across Mino's face as he snorted from both nostrils, a firm shake of his head given. He spoke clearly and confidently, stating something about a man would never dare, and something about a mare. Really, if she didn't know better she would think he was just spouting out catch phrases.

Taking a deep breath Jessica chose to smile, his face starting to burn red upon seeing her expression; not for the first time Jessica was thoroughly intrigued how such a thing worked with fur. What Mino did next surprised her though, the large minotaur bent down and moved one of his hands, easily able to crush one of the foalings or even one of the equines within its grasp and...

Is he?

His fingertips gently ran over one of the foalings' head, a soft chirp given up to him as he gave a little chuckle. A look of stunned expressions lined the room as Mino blinked and stood up, noticing how he was being looked upon. Pinky raised an eyebrow, mentioning something about Mino being a mean-pants... thing, Jessica couldn't quite follow the flow of words but regardless they seemed to make the minotaur look taken aback.

His voice rose slightly as he held a hand to his chest, speaking with great resolve about how he would never think to hurt a child. The words made Jessica smile a little more, maybe she had misjudged Mino. Maybe he wasn't such a bad guy, well not that she had ever thought that but she saw him in a whole new light. Maybe... maybe he was really a sweet and-

... He saw me smiling at him and now he is trying to pet the bush...

A long sigh passed Jessica's lips as Mino fostered affection upon the plant, which to be honest probably did deserve a little love after all that happened... but it definitely wasn't a 'cute little foal' as Mino kept proclaiming. Rainbow and Dusk's expressions started to lean towards amused once more at the current events, although even Jessica couldn't blame them.

"~T-Thank you Mino, Jessica... happy?~" She ventured talking to try and at least direct this in some way that did not resolve in, well she wasn't quite sure but goring was a vague possibility. Trying to stay kind to him was about the only thing Jessica could think of, especially trapped in the small room.

His reaction was somewhat unexpected, given his head turned an interesting shade of scarlet accompanied with a small snort from the nose. A look of concern passed over those in the room before he took a step back while excusing himself. Turning he abruptly introduced his face into the wall, apologized to the structural integrity of the room and then walked out the door almost mechanically.

...I think... I think I may have just created a monster....

Sighing Jessica rested her head onto her knees, trying to block out the laughter from Rainbow before a hoof gently pushed to her shoulder. Raising her head she saw Pinky smiling encouragingly, the mare's expression contagious as Jessica offered a small one in return.

Despite how the day had gone, they still stayed with her, still worked to cheer her up... still cared about her. Espa scrambled onto her bed next, all three foals blinking at Pinky who talked excitedly. One by one all three gained small smiles before the energetic mare bounced out of the room, the three young ones following as Bubbles gave a small sigh, Minder mirroring the action before realisation dawned over her face and she took off after the group with admirable speed. Spike however looked indecisive before running out, speaking to Sparkle and waving prior to chasing after the other five down the hallway and out of sight.

Harpy had a look of considering following before instead opting to remain, engaging in conversation with Bubbles and Posh as Dusk and Rainbow conversed. A look over at her two guards by the door got a small smile in return from Scar, Stoic instead just giving a small head nod. As Jessica sat upon her bed she was surprised when she felt the sheets move, turning her head to watch Flitter cast a forlorn look at the tortured bush before slipping onto the sheets.

A shy smile was given her way by the mare, Flitter speaking in her quiet fashion as she asked for permission to join Jessica, if it was okay with her. A smile was given and she nodded, the pegasus moving to sit beside her, clearly seeking to comfort Jessica as one of her blue eyes peeked in her direction, the smile growing on the mare's face.

'Keep your heart open and let those close to you help mend it after what I have done' ... I guess he was right in a way.

When Luna, Sparkle, and Ebony returned they were instantly questioned by Rainbow, the mare looking a little aggrieved at being left out of the conversation which to be fair Ebony sticking her tongue out in reply didn't exactly help any. Luna gave a good natured sigh while Jessica giggled, her friend moving to the side of the bed to nuzzle her shoulder in a fond gesture, which in return earned her a hug.

Despite Rainbow's continued desire to find out what the talk had entailed the others weren't budging. Eventually Sparkle had placated the pegasus by promising to tell her and her friends later, Rainbow accepting that for the time being despite Ebony rolling her eyes.

Jessica for her part simply enjoyed the time with the equines, listening to them talk until the night rolled around and Luna raised the moon in front of an audience. All the while she knew she was among friends...

Until Pinky ambushed Rainbow with a pillow, then all hell broke loose.


The moonlight spilled into the hallway as Jessica made her way to Sparkle's room, Scar and Stoic as always following dutifully in her footsteps. The day had passed after... an interesting turn of events but at the moment her mind was clear, even if she still felt slight cramping.

And now they all know what's wrong with me, super.

Sarcastic thoughts aside, Jessica gently knocked on the oaken door and permission for admittance was given. Slowly opening the entrance she spied Jewel was once more conversing with Sparkle, the white unicorn giving a brief flash of guilt upon her face before rolls of paper were hidden from Jessica's view. Deciding they were discussing something she wasn't privy to, and despite it all she couldn't get annoyed at them for it, Jessica just offered a smile pretending not to have seen.

A soft exhale from Jewel was given, aware of Jessica's knowledge that things were being kept from her but grateful she did not kick up a fuss. Well, that's how Jessica interpreted it, the mare instead smiling brightly as she tugged something out of a saddlebag, offering it to Jessica in a soft azure aura. Blinking, Jessica touched the silken cloth; within she heard the distinctive jingle of metal which brought a smile to her face.

"~Rarity finish quick?~" Despite Jessica's horrible syntax, grammar and other assorted issues the point was thankfully reached. Jewel gave a small smile and giggle behind a hoof before nodding, her smile earnest. Whatever she said Jessica only grasped some of, Sparkle taking it upon herself to translate.

I hope I said her name right in their tongue...

"~Rarity~ worked late night... finish... for... Jessica?" Sparkle struggled over some words but again Jessica found herself amazed at the unicorn's progress. She was already ahead of her in comprehending language but she couldn't find it in herself to be envious, only extremely proud of the effort the mare was putting in.

"~T-Thank you!~" Jessica gave a small bow, grasping the cloth tightly between her hands, Jewel in reply gesturing with a hoof absently as she gained a small blush. Mentioning how it was nothing, the mare gave a nod to Sparkle and then to Spike who was watching them with a... longing glint in his eyes that he quickly changed when looked upon.

I am actually starting to get worried he wants to eat Jewel...

The two mares just smiled at Spike's antics along with Jessica's heart felt gratitude. Jewel however excused herself, mentioning something that could have been beauty or looks, but Jessica wasn't completely certain. Whatever it was Spike and Sparkle waved and said their goodnights before the studious mare looked up with her own type of hunger; the hunger for knowledge.

"Okay, okay... I guess we should get started then huh?" Jessica's words were met with a firm nod from Sparkle while Spike gestured with his hand, waving the two of them off and rolled over, donning ear-muffs. With a mighty yawn the small dragon slumbered, Sparkle moving to gently tug a blanket over him before nuzzling his sleeping head tenderly. Jessica was intrigued by this; she also couldn't hide her smile as she watched how the two interacted.

"~Spike~... is he your... um... you act like a mother to him..." Jessica flustered as she looked aside, her next words blurted out to get all the awkward from her throat. "If you don't mind me asking!"

Sparkle tilted her head, frowning as she tried to interpret the words. Before Jessica could try simplifying the mare held up a fore hoof, silencing her as pages flicked over in the notebook, the pink aura tugging each page over quickly. Finally she hunted down several notes, running the sound over her tongue before repeating this action several times.

After roughly a minute Sparkle blinked and gave a small laugh, her eyes looking up at Jessica. "~Spike~ like...“ Her words were slow, thoughtful before a small blush came across the mares face, gazing fondly back at the slumbering dragon who now sucked upon a thumb.

"~Spike~ family, Sparkle...I-I...” The unicorn played the sound over her lips like a child with a new toy, "I... mother ~Spike?~"

Jessica looked as the mare gazed hopefully up at, trying to get the term across before a smile came to her own lips. A nod was given before Jessica corrected how to say it, more furious scribbles jotted into the notebook before Sparkle repeated what was spoken.

"I aaaam li-like a mother t-to ~Spike~." The words sounded odd out of the unicorn's mouth but as she spoke them her eyes lit up, realising what she had just said and accomplished. A nod was given before she spoke in the equine tongue, Jessica getting her own lesson next.

From there the two girls taught each other, Jessica having smuggled her own notebook in, a pen that had been tucked behind her ear used as she took down notes. This only led to Sparkle becoming more curious to the way Jessica was writing, correcting several of her own notations as Jessica did the same. Eventually however, Jessica felt the tugging of sleep, not wishing to have the maid wait for her again today she excused herself, a smile offered back to her. She knew Sparkle would continue on, a little part of her concerned but at the same time excited that soon she would have proper conversation.

Waving to the mare she left, closing the door gently behind so as not to wake Spike. An apologetic expression was given to the two patient guards as she made her way back towards her room... yet, something seemed off. She couldn't quite place it, yet Scar and Stoic reacted, their ears perking as Scar grit his teeth.

"~W-What?~" Jessica made sure to use their language yet Scar didn't answer, he instead jerked his head in a clear gesture for her to follow, the guards taking off at a canter down the hallway. Jessica followed; worry eating into her before she picked up the sound of distressed chirps, ice punching into her gut as she increased her pace.

W-Why are they sounding scared? Why are they not in the room?!

Each step increased her anxiety, the way the guards were reacting was not normal and that only worked to increase her fear. Soon she started to hear voices, a snide male voice that sounded familiar, disturbingly so. Rounding the corner she followed the guards, the sound coming from the balcony as their approach was noticed; which, to be fair was pretty much a given due to metallic covered hooves pounding on the tiles.

"W-What?!" Jessica paused at what she saw. The stallion ~Blueblood~ was standing in the doorway, one unicorn guard either side of him blocking the entrance. Standing on the balcony, pushed against the vertical railing was a sight that ignited the anger she had earlier been so glad to be rid of, this time however she wasn't trying very hard to repress it.

D-Did they come looking for me, is that why the foalings are out here?

Tala and Mayari were backed against the concrete poles, their glowing eyes wide with fear as they chirped up at the blond equine. In turn he sounded agitated, his words demanding to know what they were planning and also where Jessica was. While curious how he still had not looked back despite obviously hearing their approach, she decided she wasn't going to wait for the event to happen.

"Get... the... hell... away... from... them... you... bastard." The words were spat out from clenched teeth as she felt the anger flare, one hand clasping the cloth package tightly in her hand while she glared daggers at him. The pure malice in her vision seemed to surprise not only him but his two guards, although it might have had something to do with Scar and Stoic matching her gesture.

"~Changelings no sad!~" Jessica didn't care if she made no sense, she was angry at how he had frightened the two foalings. The one whom she presumed to be Tala was in particular trembling, her tattered tail curled around herself as she gave a wail of distress; that sound alone was enough to burn into Jessica's resolve. ~Blueblood~ however tried to regain his composure, pointing a hoof angrily at Jessica now instead as he spat out accusations, the term she had come to believe was monster once more levelled in her direction.

To say her guards took kindly to that would have been a mild understatement. Scar snapped something back, Jessica unable to catch the content but picked up the meaning well enough as the two guards either side of the antagonistic unicorn suddenly looked unsure of their decisions in life. She thought she heard Sunny's equine name thrown around, along with changelings and possibly evil... but she wasn't sure. What she was sure of was that the two foalings were now absolutely petrified.

"~Blueblood scare changelings!~" Jessica's voice tried to reason with him, despite her anger she was caught off guard when he looked genuinely confused at her words, not at misunderstanding, but the actual message within.

It was when ~Blueblood~ turned to regard Jessica fully that one of the foalings reacted. Whether it was to seek comfort at Jessica's side, whether she saw a chance to run, or simply the desire to flee what upset her that had nudged her to action... the little bug-like foal pushed herself forward, galloping on her small legs towards perceived comfort and safety.

It was almost like what happened next all played out in slow motion to Jessica.

~Blueblood~ had most likely caught the foaling moving out the corner of his eye, thinking it a threat, or just moving instinctively, one of his rear legs lashed out and caught the foaling in the side. The small equine's body was thrown with the impact, spiralling as physics plunged its cruel talons into her only for momentum to do the rest. ~Blueblood~'s eyes went wide, realising what he had done as the young ~changeling~'s head impacted against one of the railings and she flipped over the edge into oblivion.

"No!" Jessica's scream tore from her throat as she ran forward, the startled unicorn's guards already stepping back, although who they were meant to be guarding was not so lucky as she half punched, half shoved him out of her way. Disregarding her own safety Jessica leapt to try and catch the tiny limp form as she impacted against the railing. Almost falling over the edge herself she felt the tips of her fingers slide along the smooth chitin before she lost contact, her scream following the small foaling down as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Jessica was helpless to watch as the foaling tumbled end over end, knowing she was too late, unable to save the innocent little one, knowing she would never feel her little body cuddling against her, the cute chirps...

No no no no no no no no!

Scar had been weighed down by armor, he was outside the entrance when she had run forward, and in Jessica's mind there was no perceivable way he could have intervened; and yet he was also the one who flew over Jessica's head with barely an inch to spare just as she watched the young equine fall outside her grasp. In a blur he directed himself down, the sound of wind rushing past Jessica's ears doing little to stifle her frantic pleading. Moving with speed Rainbow might have even been impressed with; Scar caught the foaling in his mouth prior to bleeding his momentum off around the courtyard.

Jessica watched while relief soared within until her legs almost buckled beneath her. Falling to her knees she felt the other foaling hide against her side, wailing softly in fear and concern for her sibling. Unable to tell if it was Tala or Mayari, she didn't care and scooped up the foaling, cradling her close. All the while she heard a pitiful mumbling behind her, the blonde unicorn repeating like a mantra that he hadn't meant to.

Jessica felt rage take hold of her, begging her to punch and kick the stallion until he couldn't stand anymore, yet she knew she couldn't, she wouldn't. Scar flew back over the balcony before casting a somber look at Jessica and cantering down the hallway, the precious cargo now upon his back while no-one moved to impede him.


The limp form that had been between his wings had not been moving, she had been so still, silent... like her mother on that da-

"~Not my fault.~" The stallion kept repeating to himself, alternating between that and he didn't mean for it to happen. His words were making Jessica feel physically ill as she wanted to rush after Scar while he took the foaling to Ebony and Minder, yet she knew right now she had to comfort the other being held protectively. The foaling was crying, so she simply ignored the stallion and his guards before whispering soothingly to the quivering bundle within her arms.

Stoic however had no such distractions. The two unicorn guards paled, which given they were already gray it didn't make terribly much of a difference to their complexion. The reason for their growing horror was the stallion moving slowly towards them, his face a look of tranquil fury. Jessica had only seen a similar expression once and that was in the town with Stache and Non-Stache towards the crowd. This one, the look he had at that particular moment made the previous seem tame in comparison.

~Blueblood~ gave a soft squawk from his mouth with pupils retreating into pinpricks when Stoic got closer, his guards having abandoned him hoping to distance themselves from any associated blame. Jessica couldn't make out what Stoic was saying, his voice kept low but from the sheer malice in his eyes and the quivering in the stallion's legs, the message was rather clear.

The other two guards didn't escape blame despite their best efforts, Stoic raising his voice as they gave a little shared whimper, pushing against each other in obvious fear. Jessica felt a little nervous herself, he was always so quiet and... well, Stoic so when he acted like this...

He is furious, disgusted...

With a grunt Stoic returned mostly to his normal self, gesturing for Jessica to follow as she cradled the whimpering foaling in her arms. Walking down the passage she blinked as Ebony approached them. Her friend was moving with purpose, her eyes narrowed as every movement she took radiated malice, anger.

She knows...

"E-Ebony?" Jessica hesitantly got the mare's attention, eyes blinking twice before slit pupils focused upon her with a look of relief spreading upon Ebony's face. Leaning forward she nuzzled the bundle in Jessica's arms, the sniffling reduced by the action before her own shoulder was gently nosed. A concerned look from the mare made her smile gently in response.

"~'Jessica' hurt?~" Ebony's worried tone clear as she looked over a bruise forming where Jessica had crashed against the railing to try and catch the foaling. A shake of her head eased the bug-like mare's concern before her gaze hardened again. "~Go room, Ebony talk Blueblood.~"

Jessica blinked as her friend spoke in a way the message was crystal clear before moving past her with determination. Not wishing to delay any longer she followed Stoic to her bedroom, becoming ever so slightly disconcerted when she heard a fearful scream from behind. Lights were turning on under doors from the commotion, yet Jessica increased her pace, entering her room to look about fretfully.

Distantly she heard the sounds of tired questions being raised, hooves impacting on the tiles within the hallway accompanied with a fresh scream of terror from the balcony's direction. It might have been her imagination, but the moon almost flared brighter for a second.

"~C-Changeling hurt?~" Her tone was hesitant when she saw the concerned looks upon Dusk, Bubbles and Espa, all looking at the bed where Minder sat beside a curled up foaling. Much to her relief the young one was awake and not visibly harmed, but easily identifiable as scared, terrified even and very confused. It was obvious upon her young face, even Jessica could understand it and it tore deeply into her heart seeing such a thing.

Fear of why she had been treated as she had, confusion why... why she had been hurt, kicked...

The small foaling gave a long wail as she squirmed on the bed, Minder looking frantic before she gained an expression of understanding upon her face. Jessica stood with the one in her arms curling closer to her body, whimpering heavily as her mind raced.

She doesn't look injured, well not badly... I guess her shell protected her... but is she okay, why couldn't I have done something? I don't kn-

"~Jessica!~" The abrupt and stern voice from the usually quiet insectile-equine caught her off guard, Minder gesturing for Jessica to approach. Confusion gave way as she blinked, seeing how the little foaling was quivering on the bed but... how her small forehooves pawed towards Jessica, needful, wanting.

Seeing it tugged her body forward before she consciously realised. Seating herself on the sheets she felt the foaling's head push to her hip, sniffling and giving chirping mixed sobs from her young mouth. Gently moving her hand down she held both Mayari and Tala gently to her body, wanting nothing more than to protect them from all the horrible things the world may offer.

No words passed her lips; they weren't needed as heads poked inside taking in the scene on the bed. Two sniffling foalings curled into her arms as she held them protectively, barely noticing as the crowd outside parted to allow Ebony and Luna to enter the room. Side by side Jessica could see how tall her friend now was, only slightly smaller than the dark princess. Not even bothering to focus further on the issue she heard Minder give an apology towards Ebony, the taller mare dismissing it with a tsk.

Almost as an afterthought, Ebony's horn glowed and she levitated a cloth bundle carefully from off her back. Spying the retrieved item Jessica couldn't even remember dropping it, but offered a smile of thanks towards the mare before holding Mayari and Tala closer. A soft muffled voice caught her off guard, Jewel and Sparkle sharing a look as Jessica gazed down. One of the foalings nuzzled to her arm, having settled now before a soft word issued from her young mouth, the equine word for mother.


Slowly the siblings settled into sleep, Jessica using one arm to cradle them both as she was observed by everyone, her mind in a state of shock. Shaking vision found Luna who gave a small smile and nod, the anger she had seen upon the princess's face when entering having vanished into the ether. Slowly Jessica's hand rested over the silk cloth beside her, fingers pressing to the metal objects held within.


Thoughts crawled through her mind, eating away at her confusion, her anger as something else blossomed within. Jessica's heart felt, strangely heavy and yet wonderfully light at the same time, a paradox that she couldn't understand. She initially thought they were thinking she was Minder or Ebony, but how those two were smiling with small nods seemed to indicate they were in support of what the little foaling had mumbled. Clearing her mind she focused on the two young ones soft breathing, closing her eyes as tears started to bead within the corners.

Me? They think of me as their mother?

A smile crept across her lips as she heard another mumbled repeat of the word within her arms, having returned to using both to hold the foalings against her. She couldn't remove the pain they had felt tonight, but she was going to protect them from anything else. As the events of what had occurred caused a variety of angered and outraged reactions amongst those she considered her friends, she looked down at the now peacefully slumbering forms pushing aside her own confusion for the moment.

She would protect them from everything, no matter the threat. She was concentrating onto that one singular thought when Espa crawled onto the bed, the small filly gazing up to nuzzle at one of the sleeping foalings affectionately. The action caused a smile upon Jessica's face as she watched the affection given, seeing how the children had grown a little closer.

Leaning back to the head board of the bed she felt her anger about the night, her anxiety slip away with watching those around her. Seeing those who showed worry for Mayari and Tala made her heart grow a little lighter, especially when Pinky trotted up, depositing a small rubber ducky beside Jessica's lap. A nod and knowing smile came to the mare's mouth before she slipped out of the room, slowly everyone left when they were assured the foalings and Jessica were both alright.

Enjoying the odd serenity, Jessica gazed over at Bubbles, the mare watching as Espa curled upon her lap, falling asleep to remain near Mayari and Tala. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she gazed at Bubbles, patting the sheets next to her, thankful her bed was made larger than most.

Bubbles moved over after a second’s hesitation to lie beside her, nuzzling her sleeping daughter gently before closing her own eyes. Ebony, now a little too large for the crowded bed disguised herself once more and curled against Jessica's legs, Minder to her other side. Surrounded by equines, Jessica just giggled softly, closing her eyes as she felt herself begin to nod off.

To be a mother...

One eye slowly opened to give a glance over at Dusk who smiled in return, the guard remaining open eyed to watch over her for a while, a gesture that was greatly appreciated. With this knowledge Jessica let sleep continue to claim her remaining consciousness, the moonlight that spilled reassuringly into the room making her think of Luna for some peculiar reason. As she felt her vision fade she watched the light gently slide over the two small equines in her arms before she finally joined the others in peaceful slumber.

Despite all the day had wrought upon her and the foalings, when Jessica was with them or her new friends, there was still peace within this strange, confusing world.

And that was enough for her.


Two days had since gone by after the eventful evening and things had thankfully resumed in a normal fashion, well, other than the fact Mayari and Tala had been adamant in their refusal to leave Jessica's side. No matter where she went they were her two little shadows and any attempt by her to be separated would be met with the two quivering foalings whimpering for her return. Her first trip to the toilet had found this fun little fact out, yet... yet she found herself not minding.

Her late night excursions to Sparkle's room now had the two foalings sleep beside Spike as she and the mare worked on their language skills, but otherwise the routine was all the same. That is aside from Shades and Posh on the second day having a minor disagreement that resulted in an hour extricating the unicorn from one of her own speakers. Despite her best efforts, Jessica could only assume it had something to do with how the bow for Posh's cello was being used as a backscratcher by Shades.

That or a certain embroidered pillow having once more found its way into another fight... or perhaps-

Actually... I think Shades deserved it this time.

Sighing wistfully, Jessica found herself in her room with a small sense of excitement building at what was planned. Mayari and Tala remained close by, watching her curiously as she packed her clothing into a suitcase, inquisitive chirps given with each article being added. Bubbles and Espa were also in the midst of packing, Minder sitting nearby with Dusk while Ebony had gone to speak with the princesses, or so Jessica had been told.

As Luna had mentioned earlier in the week, the others were heading back home which Jessica honestly couldn't blame them for doing so. Even if they had all said otherwise she knew they had put their lives on hold to help with her integration, and while in some cases they actually enjoyed it here she could tell others like Flitter were eager to get back to their own normalcy.

That was why it was a surprise when Luna and Sunny had suggested she go with them to visit their town and see her other friends.

Friends... it's strange that now I think of them as such, but nice. It will be great to see Red and Apple again...

It was no secret to Jessica that there was a little unrest beginning to spread amongst certain nobles in the castle, yet she had not seen ~Blueblood~ since the... incident that almost claimed Tala's life if not for Scar's quick reactions. Pushing the memory aside she instead smiled down as Mayari chirped up at her, trying to help by dragging a skirt over. Taking the offered item, she folded and added it to the suitcase, remembering the other event from the night.


The two foalings had seemed to adopt her as a mother figure, a situation she was conflicted about. On the one hand it made her heart feel warm and she was flattered and a little misty eyed that they had done so, but then there was the other fact that kept nibbling at her happiness. She would find a way home one day, that was for certain... but then what would happen? Would she be able to simply leave them, let alone Ebony, the ~changelings~ and all the others she had met?

Zipping the suitcase closed she found her mind once more warring within on the two issues. She adored the foalings, and they clearly returned the affection despite their short time together but would it be fair to actually accept them with her being their mother figure? As an afterthought she slipped the cloth bundle Jewel had given her into a side pocket, securing it shut leaving her fingers lingering upon the clasp.

Why does one word make everything so complicated?

Smiling ruefully at her inner conflict she instead stroked over Mayari's head as she pushed closer to her hand, Minder smiling warmly as she observed. With the unrest around the nobles, the decision for Jessica to leave for a few days had been put forward, a chance to avoid any other confrontations while Sunny and Luna finalized something, what that was she had not a clue.

All she could figure out was it had something to do with her, something about diplomatic relationships and a home. Ledger had lost her when he tried to explain; also the fidgeting as Ebony eyed him warily obviously was counterintuitive to the whole attempt at understanding part. Hefting her bag she made for the exit, Scar and Stoic waiting as the others fell into step behind her. In the hallway the others were talking, all waiting for the last few to finish packing although at this rate it seemed the only one left was Jewel, who at that point had amassed up to five suitcases and counting.

H-How much does she actually have?

Rainbow summed it up with a roll of her eyes and annoyed grunt, Harpy shifting her saddle bags and own luggage as she too provided commentary on the mountain slowly growing by the door. An irritated voice issued from Jewel's room mentioning something about patience and a lady before Spike waddled out, his arms improbably full of various bags. Finally Jewel followed, pushing at her curly mane with a hoof before the group finally got to set off.

Down the bottom of the stairs waited the two princesses, Ebony waiting by their side as she gave a small amused grin at the mobile mountain of luggage sporting two tiny legs approaching them. Pausing before the two royal mares, the group bowed, thanking them for their hospitality although it was quickly dismissed as nothing of concern. A tender nuzzle was shared between Sunny and Sparkle, a whispered word given to the unicorn's ear as a nod was returned.

To the side stood Ledger, Snooty and Fleur along with several maids and butlers she had gotten to know. Smiles and pleasantries were exchanged between everyone, a thankful smile given from Jessica to the three noble equines who had helped her so much.

"~Thank you... Jessica... w-will seeeee y-you soooooon?~" The words stressed out her mouth, glad for the late night tutoring from Sparkle to get the sentence right. A small giggle was given by Fleur before she nodded, Snooty and Ledger both following with a nod of their own.

"Jessica, princess want speak with you." Jessica turned her head at Sparkle's voice, not for the first time a little envious. Knowing however was not the time to correct the mare, she walked before Sunny and Luna, Ebony moving to her side while her two little shadows stayed close to her feet.

"Jessica, see friends, enjoy... see three day?" Luna's words were accompanied with a smile, leaning to nuzzle her hair affectionately before Jessica giggled.

"~Yes...~" Her enthusiastic reply was met with giggles from those watching, even Ledger unable to hide his mirth. Switching to her own language she then continued to speak. "I will see you in my dreams I guess Luna, and I will be back in three days... I will need to feed the others again by then after all."

A look of confusion crossed several faces, Jessica unable to hide the giggle behind her mouth at the novel concept of the others not understanding the conversation. The mirth she felt was shared by Luna and Sparkle, Sunny watching on with a warm smile upon her muzzle.

"~'Jessica', let home be where your heart lies. Your friends, your heart.~" Sunny's tone was warm, welcoming as Jessica offered a smile back with a nod given. Ebony sat beside her, a smile coming to the mare before her disguise was reapplied, shrinking down into her pegasus form.

"~'Ebony' be with Jessica, keep safe.~" The words from her friend making Jessica smile, looking back at all the equines giving small nods or in Rainbow, Scar and Dusk's case a grin offered instead. A muffled voice spoke from within Jewel's luggage which Jessica assumed was Spike also throwing in his two cents, another giggle passing her lips. She was also trying to ignore Pinky who was cheering happily, bouncing about as she proudly proclaimed something about a party of some sort.

I... don't think I will ever understand her.

The royal sisters spoke to the others after Pinky had calmed down, a few kind words exchanged before the group left. Several guards moved to escort them through the city, various expressions given to the procession from the assembled equines, griffons and other inhabitants. Surprisingly she noticed more than a few smiles, although she did have to pick up Mayari and Tala when they began to get nervous. The reason that even if there were some smiles, there were far more looking less than thrilled at her appearance, let alone the two foalings.

Minder however was also disguised, now a unicorn with a lopsided blue bob for a mane that complemented her grey coat nicely. The tattoo or '~cutie mark~' as the equine's called it was a shield with a heart laid within, Jessica couldn't help but find it appropriate for the mare. Eventually however they made it to the train station, a collective gasp followed by angry mumbling given by who was waiting there.

~Blueblood~ stood alone on the platform, scuffing the ground before him with a front hoof. His eyes were bloodshot, and if it were possible through fur it looked like he had bags under each as well. Ebony regarded him with no small amount of hostility, the stallion flinching as she growled a warning his way.

What the hell does he want?

Anger spiked within her as Bubbles spread a wing protectively against Espa, Jessica's guards advancing which only made the noble unicorn look even jitterier. It was what he said next that stopped everyone, a look of disbelief passing from one face to the next as they processed what had been spoken. Jessica blinked twice, the unicorn stallion gritting his teeth as if he was speaking something that cost him, yet he slowly worked the words out again.

"~Sorry...~" More followed but Jessica was lost from that point on, the two foals in her arms hiding from him as they quivered yet... her anger was dampened. He looked like he had been through hell the last few days and given how Luna and Ebony had reacted on the night it might not have been an off assumption.

Rainbow stepped forward, her voice cynical as ~Blueblood~ flinched, with all the talking going around her she failed to pick up the context but she clearly saw the reaction. Like a passing breeze an expression flew over his face of uprighteous indignation before it passed as soon as it appeared. Instead, surprising Rainbow he lowered his head showing the comment had struck true, his eyes going downcast.

Agreeing with the comment she had spoken, he looked towards Jessica and the two foalings she held. An apology crept out of his throat before he gave a wary smile, trotting past the group while Jewel in particular stood stunned, her eyes quivering as if she couldn't comprehend what had just taken place before her.

Soon he was gone; a sea of conversation passing over the group... or herd, as it technically was before a reassuring nuzzle surprised Jessica. Looking to her side she expected Ebony but instead saw Bubbles, the cross-eyed mare smiling up at her before she leaned upwards to reassuringly nuzzle the small siblings in Jessica's arms. A smile easily came to her lips until a loud confident voice disrupted the fragile harmony.

Oh... no...

Turning around to see the owner of the voice she blinked upon taking in what she saw. Standing with a suitcase in each large fist was Mino, flanked by a goat on each side as everyone else turned to regard the minotaur. Jessica felt her head go light while Ebony bristled beside in a rather strange fashion at the sight of him.

Yet it was Rainbow who broke the stunned silence holding the group hostage, a snigger passing her lips before she fell onto her back, kicking in the air with uproarious laughter. Soon Dusk was joining her and even Shades followed suit, currently sniggering behind a hoof. Mino continuing to simply look perplexed at the reaction he was receiving.

Jessica felt the corners of her lips tug upwards despite her conflicting emotions, soon she too was giggling as the minotaur now held up one of his suitcases, thrusting it towards one of the goats to ask their opinion. Jessica was unsure how goat expressions went, but they both seemed pretty impartial to the whole thing. Mino snorted softly, folding his arms almost petulantly as the laughter filtered through the air; even Stoic had a slight smile threatening his expression. His protests of it being the only luggage he could find only sent Rainbow into more hysterics, Flitter and Jewel more politely trying to hide their smiles behind one hoof.

Through it all, whenever Jessica glanced in his direction she felt the giggles build back up. It might have had something to do with the way he was standing; it might have been how he had a tiny little hat on his head he had decided to wear.

Most likely it had to do with the two suitcases with a kitten wearing a tutu dancing amidst a sea of hearts. The group laughing until Mino started to see the funny side of it himself, rubbing the back of his head bashfully until the train arrived, ready to take Jessica back to where her arrival in the world started to turn around.

Back to where she had begun to heal.