• Published 5th Apr 2013
  • 41,667 Views, 2,089 Comments

A Voice Among the Strangers - Tystarr

An unsuspecting girl finds herself in Equestria, thrust into a world she has no concept of. Unable to communicate with the inhabitants, how will she cope?

  • ...

Chapter twelve: Acceptance


Two fingers slid over one eye to clear the sleep within, a lingering dream teasing the edge of Jessica's consciousness. Surprisingly she felt fresh tears caught within her eyelashes resulting in her trying to think back to what may have been the cause. Yet no matter how much Jessica concentrated she could scarcely grasp the details, that fact strange in and of itself given her experience thus far with Luna and lucid dreaming. Drifting images of her mother slipped from her mental grip the more she tried to focus, the reason for her utterance upon waking frustratingly fading along with them.

Was I dreaming about my mother?

Blinking slowly she found the moonlight creeping away from the bed as the lunar body slowly slipped into the horizon, marking the start of a new day. Still confused but not overly daunted, she found two small bodies pressed against herself to be of much greater importance. Tala continued to sleep upon her chest, Mayari having cuddled closer to her shoulder as Jessica closed her eyes, enjoying the simple bliss of the moment.

With fingernails gently trailing over their small backs Jessica knew she must have had a goofy smile upon her face at that particular moment. The way they nuzzled closer to her body only increased her happiness as one fact hammered into her skull, now also engraved upon her heart.

They are my daughters... mine.

When she was thrust into this world finding herself plummeting towards the ground, only to be seriously injured and found by two horrible unicorns... When she saved Espa with Ebony's help in the forest and found herself captured and then healed, making new friends who she valued dearly... When she found herself led astray, only to find a group of ~changelings~ and then reunited with the other equines and then eventually meeting the princesses...


All of those events, every single one of them led up to her current point, this specific moment. She would never have believed for a second had she been told upon arrival that this is what would happen, this is where she would be. That she would have adopted these two strange alien creatures as her daughters, that she would have befriended several equines, along with Spike and even having a strange minotaur have a crush upon her.

It would have been incomprehensible, outrageous even to believe for a second that such events would come to pass. Yet they had.

Tilting her head up to look at the sleeping form of Tala, noting the morning sun's rays starting to catch the modified bracelet around her neck, Jessica could only smile. No matter everything else that had happened, this... this one second here made it all worth while. To be their mother had filled her heart with such peace that she couldn't even remember why she had ever felt so conflicted over the choice.

It feels... right...

With the warm rays now spilling fully over the floor she felt her mind turn back to her friends, the friends she left behind back on the world she was born upon, where her life once was. She longed to see them again, especially given after the death of her mother they became her rock of stability. A small sliver of shame pushed through her as she realised she had not thought much of them the last few days, how were they coping with her disappearance?

I hope they're okay and not too worried... oh who am I kidding. Priya will be beside herself and Kimiko will be looking everywhere, not to mention the others...

Exhaling slowly she closed her eyes, the sensation of the four equine creatures sharing the bed with her creating a soothing atmosphere before she realised not all were still slumbering. Possibly woken by her shifting, or more likely by the uttered word earlier she found herself being regarded by crystal blue cat-like eyes.

"~'Jessica' is okay?~" Ebony's voice was soft, quiet in an attempt not to wake the foalings, yet the concern was evident. Wriggling her free arm out from under the sheets Jessica brushed fingers gently over the pegasus's muzzle, smiling warmly to reassure her friend.

"~'Jessica' is fine... think of home, friends... got sad.~" Finding herself longing for Sparkle to translate she still tried to get her views across as eloquently as possible, yet Ebony frowned softly at the words before looking up earnestly.

"~'Jessica's home is here... with us.~" From the disguised-equine's voice she sounded not quite pleading, but more wanting confirmation of this essential fact. The look on her friend's face caused Jessica to smile, she had never seen her look so vulnerable as she did at that very second.

Home is where your heart is...

A small nod was given towards Ebony, the gesture neither committing nor dissenting from the opinion put forward. Thankfully any attempt to get a more accurate answer from her was interrupted by the waking of two small foalings. Tala gave a wide fang filled yawn before rubbing her head affectionately to Jessica's fingers. With a quiet yet heartfelt chirp upwards, Mayari announced her arrival into the world of the conscious, nuzzling into the hair that she had made herself comfortable against.

"Hee... okay, okay... I love you both too." Despite the clear lack of understanding, the tone of her voice was enough to communicate the emotion held within. Two gentle chirps were offered upwards as Jessica wriggled to sit upright, hugging them both to her chest. For that second, that one instant everything felt right in the world before she placed them both down.

A gentle knock on the door was given and Bubbles' voice called through saying the shower was free. A word of gratitude was provided back before Jessica moved to grab clean clothing and the towel provided. Peeking behind her she noted the two foalings, her daughters having followed her although the light scampering of hooves had already given that fact away. A smile passed over her lips before she opened the door to take a shower, hesitantly eager to see what the day would bring.


After getting up and her two daughters showing off their bracelets turned necklaces to Espa and Bubbles, Jessica had found breakfast already made for her. Her three guards had unexpectedly announced they would be back shortly and departed, their absence keenly felt by Jessica but she knew at the moment she was safe. Yet it still felt odd being for the first time without any of her constant bodyguards and protectors.

Knowing they would be back soon she instead thanked her pegasus host yet again for the hospitality. Watching the mare assure her it was no problem Jessica had also noted that the clumsiness inherent to the mother seemed to increase when she tried to do mundane activities such as cooking, or clearing the table. Espa seemed well accustomed to this, not even batting an eye as she lifted up a plate to avoid Bubbles' wing from spreading the contents across the floor.

Upon closer inspection Jessica started to have a hunch why; given her cross-eyed nature she lacked spatial awareness in close quarters, or that was Jessica's current theory.

If it even works that way...

The room being somewhat cramped with furniture and more equines than normal didn't help matters at all. An attempt to question this was met with Espa offering a warm smile explaining her mother didn't always think before acting, Bubbles shyly smiling and seconding the opinion in a bashful manner. From what Jessica had noticed at the castle, the mare meant well and was extremely kind and maternal but she did seem to be... clumsy on occasion.

Yet, that was one of the endearing features about the pegasus. She always tried her best, it was evident to see and despite being accident prone she never faltered when it came to her daughter. Voicing this fact she found Bubbles giving her thanks before continuing to work around the kitchen, Minder trying to help where she could despite the pegasus's insistence they were guests.

Come to think of it, she is never clumsy when it involves Espa directly...

The thought was something to be mulled over as Jessica bit into her toast, somewhat amused by the appliance that had created such a simple item of food. Most things seemed to run off magic in this world and the toaster was no exception, a crystal pulsing within having provided the heat. Shaken from her observation she watched the pegasus try and balance plates upon her head, moving towards the sink before tripping on one of the chair legs.

Thankfully Minder had fast reflexes, a green glow surrounding the tumbling dinnerware stopping the catastrophe before being placed beside a thankful Bubbles, a mess narrowly avoided. Watching the mare thank the ~changeling~ Jessica smiled at Espa, the filly offering one back of her own as she too enjoyed breakfast. Mayari and Tala were both inquisitive about the food being eaten but after the incident with the pie, neither were too eager to try their luck and risk another shower.

Eventually breakfast was finished and despite Bubbles' protests, Jessica assisted with the dishes along with Minder. A small part of her was still coming to grips with the fact that after the dishes were washed by a mouth held sponge, they were then handed to Jessica or Minder by the same body part to be dried, completely defeating the purpose of washing in the first place in her eyes.

Don't dwell on it to much Jessica, that way lies madness.

Pushing aside the possible repercussions of using their mouths for everything if they were lacking a horn, she instead was surprised by the announcement that both mother and daughter would not be joining them today. Espa looked especially crestfallen, when prompted it was explained she had to go to school although a mention from Bubbles about an ~Amethyst Star~, whatever that was managed to cheer the filly up.

Wondering who, or what that was Jessica found herself about to ask only for a knock at the door to sound through the house. Bubbles made her way over to open the entranceway revealing two unicorns and a small dragon. Two of those were easy to identify, the third however was a pink equine she had not seen before, yet by the reactions from Bubbles and Espa they knew her well.

The new unicorn wrapped a foreleg around the pegasus, nuzzling her gently and the affection was returned in kind. The two toned purple and lavender maned mare, which Jessica had to admit was rather striking, smiled brightly as Espa bounced over and rubbed her head to the unicorn's muzzle. Sparkle and Spike watched on with amusement, Bubbles conversing with the pink equine while the blonde filly bounced around the two of them.

The way she is acting, are they related?

Sparkle noticing Jessica's perplexed look trotted inside with a nod from the owner of the house, the pegasus from what Jessica could tell was recounting where she had been to the new arrival. A brief exchange at the amount of letters sent was met with a sheepish smile from Bubbles', the unicorn dismissing the comment with a wide smile saying how much she enjoyed them. Sparkle's glance back towards the conversing equines created a smile on her face before the mare explained to Jessica what was going on.

"Her name is ~Amethyst Star~, she look after ~Dinky~... she is ~Derpy's~..." Pausing for a second, Sparkle chewed on her lower lip before procuring one of her notebooks to flick through. After a few seconds she looked upwards, stressing the words to see if it was correct, "Not... daughter, but daughter?"

Jessica blinked at this before maintaining a thoughtful expression in an attempt to deduce the meaning. She barely heard Spike sounding impressed about something behind her as he walked inside, instead voicing her own thoughts on what Sparkle meant.

"So... she is Bubbles' daughter... but not a daughter, sorry I mean ~Deer-py's~ daughter." Hoping she got the pronunciation right, Jessica knew she had to start using their real names more often. Sparkle nodded to this before Jessica tilted her head, all the while the commotion both outside and in was beginning to rise in volume. "Is she related by blood?"

Sparkle thought on this, a nervous look given behind before looking over Jessica's shoulder. Turning her head to see where the unicorn was looking she noticed Ebony had the expression she normally held when communicating in her silent manner with the other ~changelings~. Most surprisingly however was the clear exasperation held on her features, Minder looking a little nervous didn't help matters.

Jessica did however notice Spike having clear appreciation for Mayari and Tala's new accessories, her new daughters proudly showing them off as he gave a low whistle.

Wait... that's it!

Brought back to the problem at hand she looked towards Sparkle and smiled. "You mean she's adopted, right... when... she took her in as a daughter, but is not actually born from her?"

Her words seemed to intrigue the unicorn who hummed and tilted her head, musing on this before giving a smile and nod of the head. "Yes... that sound good."

Happy the admittedly mundane mystery was solved, Jessica then noticed ~Amethyst Star~ looking a little perturbed towards the others in the room. Bubbles quickly calmed the mare down before smiling, Ebony however, once blinking out of her silent conversation waved a hoof nonchalantly and offered a half-hearted comment that she wouldn't eat anyone. A stern look from Jessica made her friend roll her eyes and put forth a more sincere proposal to not reign havoc upon the peaceful town.

...I really think sometimes she is just trying to rile others up.

An innocent grin split over Ebony's muzzle as Jessica gazed at her which melted any annoyance she held at the bug-mare's actions. It was Minder shyly voicing the truth they meant no harm that seemed to quell the pink unicorn's fears; that, and Mayari and Tala deeming the unicorn no threat had led to them bounding over to show off their jewellery seemed to help immensely.

They seem so proud of their gifts...

A smile tugged at her lips watching her adopted daughters chirp happily, displaying their new necklaces off to both unicorns, Sparkle sounding very impressed as she nuzzled them both gently. ~Amethyst Star~ also couldn't help but smile at both foalings, Espa bouncing beside them showing her excitement also aided in this regard.

Sparkle was smiling warmly as she gently tapped one altered bracelet with a hoof, Mayari giving a questioning chirp as the unicorn spoke in the equine tongue. Jessica heard her name be mentioned as well as that of her mother, followed by the foalings' names. Realising that the inscriptions etched upon the jewellery were being explained, she smiled but found her attention torn suddenly away, primarily due to a bizarre strangled sound from Ebony.

She doesn't like it?

Fears that her friend was upset about the names on the bracelets were quickly dismissed seeing the mare was instead looking outside the door, a hole filled hoof now pushed to her muzzle accompanied with a groan of annoyance emitting from dark lips. Bubbles began to enquire why before she looked outside and gave a little nervous step back from the entrance way. Slowly the mare's daughters did the same while Sparkle, having finished explaining looked outside, blinking twice before exhaling.

Following their gazes Jessica could make out the fact the front yard of the house had become filled with several various equines, all lowering themselves in a bowing gesture towards the door. Espa despite her mother's tone of voice, edged outside to pose a question forth only to receive a nasty toned comment from a mare amongst those assembled on the lawn.

Why would she say that to ~Dinky?~

Jessica couldn't understand it completely, but she did pick up a few things that made her annoyed. The mare had dismissed the filly, mentioning she was not the queen and that food should know its place. Reigning in her anger Jessica was not the only one surprised when Ebony stormed out the door, the eight equines pushing themselves closer into the ground in response. From each of their mouths came an utterance of their devotion to the queen, an act that confused Jessica greatly as she had not seen any other ~changeling~ do such a thing.

Ebony moved to stand beside Espa prior to giving a look and gesture for her to re-enter the house. The small filly nodded but didn't retreat fully instead moving back just behind the tall insectile-equine while Bubbles moved forward to place a wing protectively over her daughter, ~Amethyst Star~ moving to stand on the other side of her sister. Minder, Sparkle and Spike stood near the doorway with Jessica, the two foalings looking curious while pressing to their mother's legs.

What's going on?

Unable to see Ebony's expression she could at least hear the tone of her words, neutral, leveled and almost regal in their delivery. She knew instantly her friend was doing it for the others present who could not be communicated with as she did with her kind. Surprisingly, Ebony was also wording it in a way Jessica could easily understand, avoiding contractions and other word traps as if she wanted her to listen in specifically.

"~You say I am your queen?~" The mare's words held little emotion as the stallions and mares continued to bow, only one lifting their head... the blue mare which had just previously spoken so rudely to Espa. She answered the affirmative, and from what Jessica could understand that they would all serve her as their new queen. Mention of ~Chrysalis~ was brought up by one of the stallions and her absence, also a comment about her being weak... but Jessica was unsure of that one.

"~You will do as I say?~" Again Ebony's voice was neutral, no emotion betraying her words as Minder trotted forward to stand beside the tall queen, a look of jealousy briefly flashing over one of the subjugated equines before they all confirmed they would do so.

Spike whispered something to Sparkle who looked puzzled but nodded after, Jessica unable to hear before she watched Ebony take one step forward, her friend acting in a way she had never seen before. Gone was the snarky tone of voice, gone was even the shy and hesitant mare that still showed through on occasion. Ebony was confident, her tone clipped as she regarded the ~changelings~ before her impassively. A short duration of silence followed, but with several of the insectile-equines' ears flicking it was a clear indication of the silent communication resuming.

"~You understand my rules?~" Again there was a murmur of consent amongst the equines before Ebony gave a small nod of her head. "~Then so be it.~"

One by one those bowing slowly straightened up, the outspoken mare eyeing Jessica with a hungry look that made the recipient more than a little nervous. What she spoke of caused a reaction that completely conflicted with how Ebony had been presenting herself up to that point.

Did she call me food or a buffet?

No one expected Ebony's horn to glow, her aura encompassing the outspoken mare. Nor did they expect the magically gripped equine to suddenly have her face pushed against the ground, a low growl emitting from Ebony as she lowered herself to speak very menacingly into the startled equine's ear. By the reaction of the restrained equine, her blue fur burning away to reveal a confused and suddenly frightened ~changeling~, she was the most surprised by the hostility. Jessica couldn't understand her friend's words due to how quietly they were uttered, but they were laced with venom and spoken in a way reminiscent of how Luna spoke to ~Blueblood~ that night.

W-What... did Ebony just... do that for her saying those things about me?

A quick glance around told Jessica the others were equally caught off guard, and even more so with Ebony's mannerism that had followed. Trying to go over the events in her head, Jessica found herself absolutely baffled by how her friend had reacted, never seeing her act so... aggressive before, except for the time Ledger had insulted her. Chewing upon her lower lip she frowned at this, a part of her flattered but a larger part confused and a little upset by the aggression shown. Sparkle upon seeing the confusion on her face offered a quick translation.

"Ebony say that Jessica is not 'food', she is protected by the queen and a dear friend... she warn the s-shape shifter not to ever say again." A small smile crept along Sparkle's lips as if she was just realising what the regal ~changeling~ was saying. "Also say no active feed or insult to us will be t-toler...tolera-... accepted or will be cast out. Also say princesses will be watching, will enforce rule as will Ebony."

Ah... that's a bit better then... I guess.

Startled by Ebony's actions, the other equines dropped their disguises until the lawn was full of very nervous looking ~changelings~, a rather bizarre event if the other townsfolk watching on was of any indication. The reprimanded one shakily raised herself to four hooves before offering consent to the clarification, briefly wording an apology Espa's way who gave a nervous squeak and one worded acceptance in reply. With that all done, Ebony's mood shifted completely, her posture became more relaxed as she gave a more friendly greeting... her reversal of attitude catching the ~changelings~ off guard.

Now that's the Ebony I know... was it all an act just now?

A fanged grin spread along the queen's muzzle as she looked over her shoulder, primarily gazing at Jessica who gave a small smile back, simply glad her friend was no longer behaving strangely. Part of her considered it was almost like a test for those on the lawn on how they would react, but it was still out of character none the less. She found herself recalling how Ebony was when they first met, her attitude had been a little dismissive, cynical and if such a thing could be conveyed through body actions, snarky. But she had also shown a more caring side under that, and that was how Jessica knew her.

Even now, after she has changed so much... physically, along with like me also emotionally... she is still the same Ebony. I guess she was acting more how she used to than how she does now...

Almost as if to punctuate this claim a multi-coloured blur flew over the house before trailing back and landing beside the tall equine. The new ~changelings~ narrowed their eyes at the appearance of Rainbow, Sparkle slowly trotting out only intensified this expression as if both were recognised and distrusted. A raised brow and curious question from the recently arrived pegasus made Ebony exhale loudly, her expression turning dead pan before she eyed the now smug looking Rainbow, the comment meanwhile baffling Jessica.

What did she mean are they more of my fan club?

Rainbow gestured with a hoof, her tone decidedly casual as she lifted off the ground to now direct both hooves. The forelimbs gesturing from Ebony to Jessica with words accompanying before the tall equine started to blush, how that was possible was still a mystery to the girl. The ~changelings~ were now wearing looks of bafflement, the same now crossing over ~Amethyst Star's~ features while Bubbles, Spike and Sparkle merely sighed at what was now a usual affair of good natured teasing.

I really do wonder why she is referring to Ebony as mine... and what the relevance is, does she mean mine as in my friend... no, that wouldn't be much to tease over... unless... no, that can't be right.

Dismissing the concept before it could fully form within her mind, Jessica watched on as Ebony made a attempt to swat at the pegasus with a foreleg who quickly darted out of reach. Continuing to laugh in amusement Rainbow made sure to keep out of reach as she threw in another few jibes for good measure. With teeth gritting the queen's expression changed as she chose a change of tact and instead offered a teasing tone back to the mare, who in turn spluttered and folded forelegs over her chest, now looking indignant.

Hiding a giggle behind her mouth at the implications that Rainbow was a so called '~book obsessed mare~' if she had understood correctly, the two started to trade insults between each other, their audience holding various expressions amongst their number. Eventually the appearance of Jessica's guards reminded her of their absence, the three having gone to 'check up on something' once she had woken having otherwise guarded outside through the night.

To her credit, it took Dusk at least ten seconds before she broke into laughter at the scene presented to her; a lawn full of bewildered ~changelings~ standing audience to a bickering ~changeling~ queen and a pegasus apparently the epitome of hilarity.

Scar and Stoic exchanged a glance between themselves before emitting sighs, the former summing it up nicely when he asked if the children were ready would they be able to get going. It took another ten seconds before Dusk lost it to laughter further, rolling on the ground as Rainbow and Ebony realised it was them he was referring to and not the foals.

Despite herself Jessica tried to hide the giggle along with the mares near her, Spike's pointing and laughing was not quite as subtle but at least the tension from earlier was completely shattered by this point.

After a brief discussion between the guards and Sparkle resulted in Spike sending another scroll into fiery oblivion, the new ~changelings~ were escorted away by Scar. As he took to the air with the insectile-equines in tow, three more pegasus guards flew in to help, almost looking to melt out of the clouds themselves.

How long have they been there? Is that why Scar, Dusk and Stoic left... because we were being guarded this whole time anyway?

Wondering just how many of the other clouds contained other hidden guards, she was tugged from her thoughts by Sparkle announcing they really should get going. Offering a wave to ~Amethyst Star~ which was returned, and a hug to Bubbles and Espa, Jessica fell into step behind the others. Minder paused briefly before trotting back, reapplying her unicorn-guise before politely thanking Bubbles for her hospitality. Jessica smiled as she watched on, the expression shared with Sparkle while Bubbles looked taken back before mentioning they were most welcome.

Ebony just gave a soft snort at Minder's antics but Jessica could see a small smile pass over her friend's muzzle when she thought no-one was looking. One slit pupil regarded her curiously before noticing that the mare had been spotted, a soft cough escaping before she trotted closer to Jessica, a glossy wing pushing to her back. Leaning back against the cool surface Jessica picked up her daughters gently and smiled.

Abruptly Rainbow flew off into the sky as they walked along, confusing Jessica in her actions while Spike, Sparkle, and Dusk conversed to the rear of the group. Stoic as always led the way with Minder staying close by, filling the role as second body guard... a strange contrast to her usual personality, something that Stoic found a little confusing himself by his expression. A shy smile was directed his way from the disguised mare as she kept pace, avoiding eye contact where possible. Coughing gently the gold clad guard focused ahead, Jessica suppressing a small giggle at what she just witnessed.


A hushed voice whispering near her ear made her jump, peeking to see Ebony as the speaker. Unable to discern everything spoken she at least got the general idea, a smile coming to her lips as she gave a nod to what her friend had spoken of. With a happy chirp up from those in her arms she felt her steps become a little lighter, content with how her life was going so far.

Thank you Ebony, queen or not, you are my friend too and I know you don't want me to leave.

A sharp crash of thunder made Jessica jump slightly, the foalings in her arms twitching to the sound before an angry shout reverberated from above. Shortly after amused laughter floated down, the culprit being Rainbow as she swooped away from a guard leaning out of one cloud, another darker variant suspiciously hovering above him crackling with discharged electricity. The guard was shaking his hoof angrily at the pegasus, his tail frazzled and blackened before huffing and disappearing once more inside his hide-away.


Dusk seemed quite pleased by this development, raising a hoof upwards which Rainbow smacked with one of her own before puffing out her chest mentioning something about being awesome, a fact that Sparkle could only look mollified towards. Suddenly on the defensive Rainbow directed a fore hoof at Dusk who sniggered and seemed to take the blame for the action quite happily, Sparkle giving an exasperated sigh after before dismissing the issue. From what Jessica could pick up, more to save the unicorn's sanity than anything else.

Stoic most amazingly of all was trying not to smile at what occurred, from what Jessica could pick up from the explanation he gave to Minder was that that particular pegasus guard always followed Dusk around, having something of a crush upon her or the like. Knowing how that was beginning to feel, Jessica felt a shiver up her spine expecting a certain minotaur to appear out of nowhere. After a few seconds of tempting fate she exhaled happy that she had dodged a metaphorical bullet, at least for now.

Once more finding herself walking through the town, Jessica was surprised how well the villagers were taking their appearance today. A few of course gave Ebony a wide berth but there were no slamming doors, barren streets or screaming in hor-

Oh... no wait, there goes that mare again... and she has friends this time.

Now something of a curiosity she watched three mares run screaming down the other side of the street only for Rainbow's exasperated comment of 'oh come on!' to follow after the fleeing equines

More bemused than anything why it kept happening, and always with that particular mare involved Jessica smiled as the rest of the townsfolk... or town-ponies just exhaled and went back about their own business. A mumbled comment from her left about 'ponies being crazy' made Ebony's thoughts on it known well enough, Sparkle's questioning tone got an amendment put onto the end with head gesture upwards of 'all present company excluded, except.'

To Rainbow's credit, it didn't take her much longer than the previous comment about children to give a sound of indignation while Ebony directed a fanged grin her way. Just happy to see them all get along Jessica pondered as to where their destination could be, now noticing they were heading out the other side of the town along a wider and well worn path. Curiously she shielded her eyes to gaze in the sky noticing several clouds move in a completely conspicuous fashion. Well, admittedly they were actually acting like natural clouds by moving seemingly without assistance which for what she knew so far was... well it was suspicious for this world.

I guess even here I continue to get protection, or is it to protect Ebony? I don't know anymore.

Finding that the thought didn't bother her terribly, except for the additional guilt she was still disrupting others and their normal lives, Jessica smiled down at her two daughters who chirped up happily. Both were enjoying their outing, taking in their surroundings with wide luminescent blue eyes while they made their way down the road to a point unknown.



The sound brought a smile to the owner of the name's face before she had even seen the one responsible for shouting. Looking around she found an orange mare waving a hat over her head near a fence on the side of the road, a grin clear across the equine's muzzle. Promptly returning the wave with her free arm she gently set the foalings down with the other, smiling as they peeked up at her confused.

"~Want show off gift?~" Her tone was playful as her adopted daughters gave excited chirps and cantered off towards Apple, clearly approving of that particular idea. Giggling behind one hand Jessica noted Ebony give a small snort, yet the tall equine for the slightest instant held a fanged smile upon her lips. Looking forwards once more Jessica saw the foalings bouncing before Apple, who while chuckling was attempting to get them to sit still long enough for her to look at the jewellery.

They're so excited...

Her heart felt warm seeing them, the feeling only increasing when Apple's little sister trotted towards the gate with a large red stallion, a sound of excitement emanating from the filly as she cantered over and marvelled at the necklaces. As the rest of the group approached Jessica heard an appreciative whistle from Apple as she moved to nuzzle each foaling in turn, both smiling in delight at her praise. Jessica herself felt a little bashful as a big smile was directed her way with a firm nod of the pony's head, the mare's thoughts on the issue readily apparent

A voice from above echoed the approval, Rainbow circling before giving a hoof wave. Before Jessica could even return the gesture the pegasus was off in a contrail of colour, bursting off in another direction entirely. Seeing the perplexed look now settling upon her face, Sparkle explained that Rainbow was heading off to get ~Fluttershy~, for what reason though the unicorn remained tight lipped over.

"~Miss Jess-a-ka?~"

Blinking at the sound of her name, especially spoken by an unknown male speaker she turned her head to see the impressively large stallion looking sheepishly towards her. With one fore hoof pawing at the ground he drew in a deep breath, moving the fore limb to instead rub at his orange mane nervously.

Why does he...

Recognition struck her like a brick to the head, she remembered the beast of an equine pushing her down into the grass the first time she had arrived in this area, restraining her during her panic attack. The nervousness upon Apple's face also made an appropriate amount of sense when Sparkle mentioned that the stallion was her brother.

"You pinne-... ~Twilight Sparkle~ can you please translate for me?" A small rush of anxiety filled her, she felt spikes of anger towards him, fear also present but at the same time curiosity at what he wished to say. A small nod was given by the unicorn but with one caveat attached.

"Jessica call me ~Twilight~, all friends do." The smile that went with the comment made Jessica forget her mixed emotions for a second, giving a small nod of consent to the request before speaking.

Friends... Oh!

"Okay ~Twilight~, but you have to call me Jess in return." The smile given from ~Twilight~ was enough to show what she thought of this, the two coming to an agreement. Turning Jessica looked at the stallion, now aware Apple was biting her lower lip looking a little anxious, green eyes peering between her brother and Jessica. The foalings seeing their mother looking a little unsure quickly returned to her legs to rest forelegs against shins, their young voices chirping upwards to try and cheer her up. With her anger melting away almost instantaneously, she picked up her daughters to nuzzle them softly, smiling wider as the gesture was returned. "~Thank you, mother is alright.~"

Setting them back down, both now sure she wasn't upset they trotted over to the stallion if a little hesitant. Shyly they showed off their necklaces which made the large red equine look startled, an eyebrow raising as Apple nudged him in the side with a foreleg. She explained what they were and their relationship to Jessica which made him relax somewhat, exhaling as he offered a tiny, yet earnest smile downwards.

"~Big Macintosh~ does not talk much outside family... but he is good ~stallion~, he very sorry for scaring Jessica." ~Twilight's~ words caught Jessica's attention, looking from the unicorn to the stallion and his interactions with her daughters. ~Apple Bloom~ at that moment was excitedly directing his attention to their necklaces as he gave a single worded answer in the affirmative, Jessica's daughters chirping happily at his approval.

I can't hate him... That's not fair to him or anyone else when they were just trying to help.

Apple's eyes looked imploringly up towards Jessica, the mare gazing back at her brother while Ebony stood to the opposite side of Sparkle, regarding the stallion with narrowed eyes. Minder however approached ~Big Macintosh~ a little nervously, her voice gentle as he regarded her with a little suspicion when her eyes flashed blue, yet she continued to retain her disguise. Unable to hear what Minder was saying, Jessica watched as Mayari and Tala moved closer to her, chirping excitedly as she blinked when a smile came to her lips, nodding her thanks up to the stallion who gave the smallest of grins.

"He was doing what he thought was needed, and while he did scare me... and... while I know I can not be angry at him for it, I am still annoyed." Sparkle blinked at Jessica's words, the others watching as she sighed softly after speaking to place hands to her hips. "But... tell him, ... tell him that I do not hate him, and if he is ~Applejack's~ brother, then he must be a good person... er, horse... pony... stallion!"

The purple unicorn slowly digested the information, nodding before a relieved smile came to her lips as she deciphered the words. Speaking to the others in equine there was noticeable relief upon Apple and her brother's face while ~Apple Bloom~ talked excitedly to Jessica's daughters, enquiring if they wished to play.

Mayari and Tala seemed to pause, offering a questioning chirp up to their new mother who smiled back down and gave each a soft stroke over their heads.

"~Can play, mother will watch, be here.~" With her words their eyes lit up and they cautiously approached the taller filly, only for her to get a warning from Apple consisting of their shyness and easily startled nature. A long sigh escaped ~Apple Bloom's~ mouth before she replied that she wasn't going to startle them, speaking instead to the two foalings, their exhilaration clear.

Mayari chirped back, the bow wearing filly looking confused before mentioning she couldn't understand, Tala offering a more meek sound which only confounded the other foal further. It was Ebony who finally spoke up, ~Apple Bloom~ jumping in surprise at the sight of the tall bug-mare having snuck up behind her, yet the queen kept her voice soft so not to frighten.

I think Ebony has a soft spot for children as large as I have.

Watching on curiously, Jessica spied her friend explain that the two foalings were still learning how to form words in the equine tongue but could still understand most, if not all that was said. The filly looked confused by this before rubbing under her muzzle, putting forth the question if they could nod or shake their head instead as an alternative. With a soft chirp the two foalings looked at one another before Mayari nodded with a wide fanged smile, all three foals looking excited now.

A sudden scoff from Ebony directed towards ~Big Macintosh~ got a few glares her way before a sigh escaped her lips. Looking towards the stallion she gave a small dip of her head, her words surprising all except Jessica. ~Twilight~ gave a small smile afterwards as Apple issued a 'tsk' prior to grinning. Peeking to the side Jessica saw Stoic gain a tiny upward curl of his lips, although he hid it well behind his half eaten apple.

Ebony, you didn't have to thank him for apologizing and helping me too... now I feel awkward.

Even with her inner thoughts she felt warmth radiate from within her heart. The feeling only intensified as she giggled spying her daughters being shown how to get apples into the basket by ~Apple Bloom~. Minder and Spike watched close by as the two foalings nuzzled an apple across the grass and then attempted to get it up into the container. Several tries were given until with the two working in tandem they managed to roll it up and in.

Jumping about on their hooves at achieving their goal the others kept tactfully silent that in the time it took them both to get one in, ~Apple Bloom~ had almost filled the other basket she was using. Regardless Jessica applauded her daughters, both bouncing over to chirp excitedly up at her, clearly proud of how they helped. Unable to help herself she scooped them both up, a warm smile dominating her face as Apple gave an amused chuckle at their efforts. A promise of when they got older they could come help on the farm was met with two sets of wide delighted eyes, which in turn led to a little chuckle from ~Big Macintosh.~

My wonderful girls.

Her heart swelled with pride as Ebony leaned in to nuzzle them both, the affectionate gesture returned earnestly. Seating herself on the grass Jessica let her daughters down to continue helping, Apple and her brother bucking several more trees loose of their produce. Eventually the others joined in retrieving the apples, Jessica included until an excited voice gave Pinky away before she was even noticed.

Brushing the grass off of her skirt, Jessica stood to regard the new arrivals, smiling when she saw all of the familiar faces, some of which she had only become acquainted with yesterday yet all held a friendly expression. Jewel was in deep conversation with Flitter as they walked, the look on Rainbow's face was telling on how she found their talk; lowered eyebrows and a mouth wide open in a guttural sigh were rather... obvious signs of boredom.

If there is one thing Rainbow clearly is not, it's subtle.

What got Jessica's attention was Pinky mentioning something about a party and being '~super happy-cited~' whatever that was, only for Rainbow to push a hoof to the mare's mouth to stop her saying anything more. Curious about this development Jessica found herself being greeted by the approaching equines, two small foals she met last night bounding past the adults to greet ~Apple Bloom~, the three fillies looking thrilled before Mayari and Tala tilted their heads curiously at the young equines.

With the new arrivals Apple and her brother ceased kicking the apple trees, moving instead to greet the others although ~Big Macintosh~ remained almost as stoic as, well... Stoic, that is with the exception of the small smile he wore. Jewel and Flitter curiously put a question towards ~Twilight~ once they were close enough who answered with a smile and nod, stepping aside for them to see Jessica just as her two daughters moved beside her feet. A loud squeal of delight came from the white unicorn as she trotted over, lowering her head down to regard the two foalings with deep blue eyes. Flitter also approached with Pinky close behind, all three gazing closely as Mayari and Tala gave questioning chirps.

Ebony perked one ear before Minder trotted over and explained to the foalings why the three were so excited, Jessica smiling as both young foals then proudly displayed their necklaces. A friendly nuzzle was given to both from the three before they looked up and congratulated Jessica, a small blush crossing her cheeks as her daughters trotted over and were picked up, now hugged gently to her chest.

"~Thank you ~Rarity~, never can thank too much for what did.~" Her words were spoken with clear sincerity catching the unicorn off guard. A soft smile was offered back before the mare dismissed the effort mentioning it was a pleasure, the addition about doing something for a mother to give her daughters was always a delight also thrown in.

"~T-Thank you... 'Jessica' hope she make good mother.~" Her nervous words were discarded with a wave of Jewel's front hoof and a supportive toned voice, Pinky seconding the unicorn's words as they proclaimed she would do fine. Flitter gave a more quiet reassurance but looked no less happy as the three fillies were pulled from their chattering to question what the commotion was about.

Apple went about explaining to her little sister and her two friends at this time, Jessica picking up several terms but unable to ascertain much due to the various conversations now taking place. Feeling a little bashful she felt Ebony's comforting presence beside her as a glossy wing pushed to her back accompanied with a smile.

"~You will do fine.~" The words from her friend meant everything to Jessica as she smiled and gave a shy nod. Stoic, having finished his apple by this point gave a small nod in her direction, all that was required to communicate the quiet and steadfast guard's feelings on the subject. Now finding her smile growing she was surprised as Pinky and Jewel were currently lamenting their inability to go with the others, a comment that confused Jessica greatly.

Can't go... where?

Now beginning to suspect this wasn't their intended destination for the day Jessica watched as Flitter shyly offered to stay behind so Jewel could go, the unicorn trying to argue before Pinky gently pushed her forward much to the mare's surprise. A 'tsk' was given from Rainbow before she pointed out all that Jewel had done, Jessica picking up words for house and preparations but failing to fully understand what they were referring too. The unicorn, still unsure had Apple and ~Twilight~ also support her coming along, Jessica now completely baffled as Ebony rolled her eyes.

Her friend's insistence that they make a decision so they could leave was returned by several annoyed expressions in her direction, the bug-mare following up with a grin and also seconding that Jewel should go. With a long drawn out sigh the white mare nodded and conceded the point, ~Big Macintosh~ trotting off with Pinky and Flitter as they waved and promised to meet up later for the '~big surprise~', of which, again Jessica had no idea what they were referring to.

Is she going to surprise me again like at the tree house?

Musing on this she gave a smile as Scar returned, the stallion landing while several other guards flew over head and vanished into the distance. Strangely enough he talked to Ebony just out of Jessica's earshot, the bug-mare frowning before giving a curt nod and gazing at Jessica before looking resolved and gazing upwards at the additional pegasi.

What are they talking about?

Blinking as she became woefully lost in the twists and turns of the conversations and events, Jessica was surprised when a small clawed hand pushed to her leg. Turning to gaze down she saw Spike offering a toothy smile upwards, Mayari reaching down to try pawing at him was met with a little laugh as he tried to explain what she had missed. They were going to be going for a walk to see something, but that was all he was allowed to say; the addition of Pinky screaming out something about 'forever' as she wandered off only adding to the confusion.

... I don't want to know what that is about.

A long sigh was given before she realised that no answers were going to be given, the equines were evidently holding their cards close to their chests so she would just have to wait and see. Thankfully with the return of the guards it was decided to start or else they would be late, another reference to something Jessica was unsure of. The frustration must have been present on her face due to ~Twilight~ offering an apologetic smile and flip through her books.

"Sorry Jessica... but it is a surprise. Please bear with. No want surprise ruined." The mare's words elicited a soft exhalation from Jessica before she nodded, a relieved expression forming over ~Twilight's~ face. Soon with Stoic leading the way they began to walk down a dirt road, surprisingly it looked rather new due to how the ground was churned up at the edges. Confused by this she noticed Rainbow grinning at her, the pegasus promising that the surprise would be awesome.

I guess I will have to wait and see...

With Ebony on one side of her, and ~Twilight~ on the other Jessica found her curiosity growing as to what this surprise entailed, not to mention exactly where they were heading. With Jewel, Rainbow and Apple conversing behind her she found herself a little amused by Minder and Stoic walking together near the front. A small giggle given by the disguised ~changeling~ made Ebony chuckle, Jessica hiding a smile at how relaxed Minder was becoming with the guards compared to how she used to be.

A comment from Dusk in the rear made Jessica look over her shoulder to see Scar being nudged gently by his sister, the stallion exhaling softly while Rainbow's ears perked. With mention of him having a crush brought up the cyan pegasus tuned in and flew back, a teasing tone sneaking into her voice as she tried to question who it was. Jewel took interest as well, a guessing game beginning to form between the two while Scar gave a scowling expression, this only egging on Dusk further mentioning she only promised to never say exactly who it was.

Wait... where had Dusk been this entire time?

Only just realising the bat-winged mare had been absent until just recently, she found herself wondering just where she had been. Filing it away for later into the now incredibly large pile of 'stuff that doesn't make sense', she resumed instead watching the dynamics of the group as they travelled.

It seemed with Minder being off limits to teasing, as much as Bubbles and the foals were, Rainbow and Dusk were happily homing in on a new target. Of course, it was when three young voices sounded intrigued that Scar deadpanned and shot his sister a nasty glance. ~Sweetie Belle~'s cutely inquisitive voice was hard to ignore while Scar tried to remain elusive, thankfully for him a distraction was provided as he went on the offensive.

A sly grin came to his face as he nudged Dusk, the dark guard blinking in surprise to his words before her ears lowered and an annoyed look dominated her face. While several guards flew over head for reasons unknown there was a singular highly suspicious cloud traversing the skies slightly behind their group. His diversion working, Dusk looked towards Rainbow and asked for another favour, forelegs folded over the confident pegasus's chest matched her comment it would be no sweat, a grin plastered over her muzzle making Jessica a little nervous.

What is... oh.

~Twilight~ winced while Rainbow flew off in a blur to retrieve another cloud and push it towards the suspicious condensed water vapor. The response was immediate as the inhabitant of the cloud, having learnt his lesson last time flew off in a hurry, panic written on his features much to Rainbow's amusement. Dusk gave a thankful comment upwards which was dismissed by the other pegasus, a grin offered as she flew back to above the the group now looking rather proud of herself.

Is... she not going to get in trouble for trying to electrocute the guards?

Jessica's inner thoughts were verbalized by Apple, Rainbow blinking before Dusk and Scar eased any fears, Scar in particular looking not at all happy at the retreating guard flying back towards ~Ponyville~, a mention of discipline entering his voice. From there the inquisitiveness of the three fillies was piqued and they started questioning, Dusk for once caught off guard as her cheeks burnt red and tried to explain something about a crush and not being interested in the least.

Suppressing a giggle at the usually unflappable guard being on the defensive Jessica was surprised by how serious Ebony looked, her friend looking to be deep in concentration while ~Twilight~ looked over in worry. Mayari and Tala gave concerned chirps before being soothed by Jessica, ~Twilight~ also working to settle the two foalings.

What is Ebony worried about?

Ebony's worried look was noticed by the mare who smiled back at Jessica, her expression returning to normal as they continued walking. Knowing she would get no answers, the girl sighed and found herself suddenly giving a loud squeal as a thunderous roar ripped through the air. Silence lasted for several seconds before a muted sniggering slowly gave way to uproarious laughter, Dusk falling onto her side and folding forelegs to her chest.

Several baffled looks were given her way until a significantly frazzled and soot covered pegasus guard shakily wavered in the sky. A cough of ash escaped his muzzle alarming Jessica until Rainbow soothed her worries, the pegasus along with ~Twilight~ helping to communicate that winged equines were largely resilient to several elements to help with their weather control. Relieved with that information she watched where the guard had come from, now aware where Dusk had been and what she had been up to.

Oh... that is just not nice.

It seemed that the persistent stalker guard of Dusk's had wandered into a trap upon returning almost immediately, several dark crackling clouds having been hidden amongst their white fluffy cousins within his path. Rainbow had indeed found the funny side in the 'prank', although Jessica had reservations considering what would probably be electrocution for any other species could be considered a 'prank.'

Given no-one else seemed overly worried about the matter she let it drop as they waited for Dusk and Rainbow to collect themselves, Jessica aware that things worked very differently in this world. Despite herself she couldn't help but giggle as the lightning conducted guard in his literally shocked state bumped into another dark cloud. Shielding her eyes from the resulting discharge she heard Rainbow and Dusk burst into more hysterics, now joined by Spike as he rolled on the grass. Soon the three fillies were trying to hold back their laughter as the guard screamed about how his love will give him strength to shield his flower.

The reaction from Scar and Stoic seemed to instantly shift to nervousness as Dusk immediately snorted, her laughter forgotten. Dust erupted from her takeoff as she launched into the air, a dagger somehow now clasped between her teeth which... oddly enough didn't impede her ability to shout threats in the soot covered guard's direction. The age old adage 'discretion is the better part of valor' seemed to come into effect as he gave a girlish scream and flew with impressive speed, trying to escape the wrath of the night guard.

Watching the odd game of cat and mouse being displayed in the air above them, several of the group tried to hide their amusement. Rainbow by this point had tears in her eyes, murmurs of 'sweet blossom' and 'beloved flower' escaping her muzzle between bouts of laughter. Scar decided to explain a bit better, mentioning their families had tried to set them up a year ago until, well... their family decided it was simply not going to work. It seemed the other half of the equation was still hung up on the idea much to ~Aurora's~ disgust.

Parents trying to step into their children's love life... So many things similar to parts of my world and yet so very different...

After several more laps around the sky Dusk finally let him get away without a flaying, landing to slip the dagger back into a hidden slot upon her armor with impressive dexterity. Silence pervaded over the group as the pegasus reigned in her anger only for a small snigger nearby to make an eyelid twitch upon her face. Jessica watched as Rainbow pushed a hoof to her mouth, trying so very hard to restrain herself as tears rolled down her cheeks... yet alas, it was not meant to be.

"~Sweet blossom!~" Laughter erupted from the cyan pegasus as Dusk had a flash of annoyance flow over her face before, much like Ebony earlier she went on the counter-attack instead. A sly fanged smile slid over her face as she made a passing comment that it must be hard being the second fastest around. This abruptly got Rainbow's attention, the laughter ceasing as she gave a cry of indignation, flying up to give an expansive amount of hoof gestures with words accompanying that she was the best there was. The small orange filly backed these claims up without a moment's hesitation, Rainbow shooting her a big grin while the two other fillies sighed and rolled their eyes.

Wait... what is Dusk doing?

Ebony seemed interested as Dusk looked amused, moving like a cat as she trotted with the group, refusing to answer to Rainbow's demands until relenting finally to gesture towards Apple. For her part the ~earth pony~ looked stunned, pushing a hoof to her chest with a simple question of 'what?'

Dusk went fully on the offensive now, mentioning that it was okay for a pegasus to be slower to a normal pony, ~Twilight~ and Jewel both slapping their foreheads with a hoof, clearly aware where this was going even if Jessica had no clue.

A puff of Rainbow's chest was met with an assurance she could beat Apple no problem, the orange pony taking offense to this, each proclaiming they would easily beat the other in a ground race despite a draw yesterday. Now completely baffled, Jessica watched as ~Apple Bloom~ supported her sister while ~Scootaloo~ was clearly in Rainbow's court. Soon, much to Jessica's added confusion the two were lined up side by side while Spike stood nearby with a claw raised in the air.

Waaaait... they're not going to...

As Mayari and Tala watched on with clear interest Spike lowered his claw and the two mares took off, their legs pumping as they galloped off into the distance. A look at ~Twilight~ for clarification was met with a slow shake of the mare's head, her expression said it all, it was simply not worth explaining. Jewel gave a drawn out sigh as she remarked on their uncouth behaviour as the dust clouds spilled off into distance, well, Jessica assumed that's what she meant with the lessons from Fleur on social etiquette coming in handy.

Dusk however gave a grin towards Ebony, the look returned at how the mare had effectively diverted the pegasus's attention so readily. Cheers followed from two of the fillies as the racing equines disappeared into the distance, the group slowly walking in no particular hurry to catch up.

Say what you will about this place, it is certainly entertaining.

A smile came to Jessica's lips as her daughters were watching with excitement the disappearing forms, a soft squeeze given to each as she enjoyed the company she walked with.

And despite everything, I am beginning to like it here more each day.


Jessica was unsure what amazed her most, the fact they had been walking for what ~Twilight~ said was just over an hour, or that they still had not come across Rainbow or Apple. Looking around she took in the landscape, now realising they were moving closer to the large mountain that housed the castle near the peak, yet at the same time also moving closer to a hill range. Oddly enough the path they were walking upon looked new, the sign of stones discarded to the sides and freshly turned dirt easily hinting at signs of recent construction, or at the very least recently maintained.

Just where are we going?

Despite her brain conjuring up interesting scenarios, some downright malicious such as being sold into slavery again... she found herself not giving into them so readily. Her imagination was finding it difficult to create doubt towards those she walked with, Jessica realising a bond had already begun to form. She trusted them, that simple thought was enough to make her smile.

They would never do such a thing...

With its vile plan thwarted, her brain instead turned to pondering just where they were heading. It seemed from her rudimentary understanding that they were heading from ~Ponyville~ towards ~Canterlot~ but also slightly to the west, again with ~Twilight's~ help on directions given. They had just crossed a bridge spanning over a river when she blinked, in the distance, roughly where she had spied the clearing from the train was something that bewildered Jessica.

Blinking she found herself now being smiled at by several of the equines, yet Minder and Ebony both looked as surprised as her. In the distance were a flurry of guards flying around, multitudes more of the unicorn or normal variety on the ground. Spotting their group caused two familiar faces to make their way over, golden armor gleaming as the female pegasus smiled while her ~earth pony~ counterpart reported in to Scar. Seeing this the mare gave a salute, the guard listening as they spoke, although mention of two 'crazy mares' running through caused a long sigh to escape Jewel and ~Twilight~.

I thought they were still with the ~Mayor~, why are they here?

Dusk found it all considerably more amusing, Spike seconding that opinion and also wondering just how far they had gone. Rainbow's voice from overhead startled the dragon as she swooped down looking a little worse for wear after her impromptu gallop, for what Jessica could only assume had been for the entire duration. Apple trotted over after, a smug look upon her face while the pegasus grumbled quietly, something about if she could use her wings it would have had a different outcome.

A grinning retort was given before Jewel cleared her throat and stomped a hoof garnering everyone's attention. A bright smile came across her face as she gestured to Jessica and the accompanying ~changelings~, a nod of understanding coming to the others who stopped their bickering to now smile as well. The three fillies looked confused before their eyes lit up, gazing about their question of whether this was the place or not met with a nod from ~Twilight~.

This is where we- wait... what?

Jessica chewed on her lower lip while Mayari and Tala chirped curiously, there was something odd about the place. Ebony and Minder looking at each other in their silent conversation only validated her growing suspicions. Mingled among the crowd of guards were a multitude of equines, most wearing a band about their left foreleg as they performed various tasks around the area. A few glanced in their direction before noticing the group, murmuring passing between each, until like a ripple on a pond it spread amongst the workers.

Soon all those sporting a gold and silver band trotted over, all bowing before Ebony who gave a snort from her nostrils, an eye roll accompanying the action. One by one green fire erupted around the thirty or so subjugated equines until all were revealed to be ~changelings~ a few fanged smiles given Jessica's way. Unlike the ones outside Bubbles' house these... she found it hard to explain, but she knew them.

"~Yes.~" Ebony's nod towards Jessica's quizzical expression validated her thoughts, they were who she suspected. Mayari and Tala chirped happily as she set them down, the foalings bounding towards the ~changelings~ who smiled and admired the girls new necklaces. Several nods were given Jessica's way as she blushed, a smile coming to her lips.

They're the ~changelings~ from the castle... but how? Why?

Several guards looked over before going back to their work as Scar gave a nod in their direction. Equines not wearing the bands continued to labour but spared nervous glances over at the group now, specifically Ebony who smirked at the attention.

"~Princess Celestia~ and ~Luna~ sent here to help while Jess here." ~Twilight's~ voice from Jessica's left made her look seeing the unicorn smiling and explaining. "They want help, owe Jess, want serve Ebony... they want a home."

As a smile slowly crept along the gathered mare's faces, Spike grinned as well while amazingly, as if they had rehearsed their voices spoke in unison.


Jessica blinked, her eyes starting to mist over as she looked around the area. There was definite signs of construction all around them, several half complete and a few complete structures rising up. A path was continuing to be created by three stallions while a unicorn mare and male pegasus were painting a building, one of several having the same treatment she noted. She didn't need them to tell her what this is, she could already tell as Ebony leaned forward to grin, nuzzling her shoulder.

"~Home.~" The single, simple word spoken from her friend summed it up. There were only five buildings she could see, but one in particular stood out amongst the others. Walking slowly towards it the ~changelings~ parted allowing them access as she rested her fingers upon the wooden door, situated upon the surface was her name etched in what she presumed was silver, underneath rested the symbol that Jewel had put upon her clothing. A loud sniff came from her nose as she looked back, Jewel nodding as the door handle glowed followed by the door opening.

As if in a daze she entered, Mayari and Tala keeping close to their mother's feet as she had her suspicions confirmed. All the items and furniture she had bought on the outing with the others were situated within, set up as if someone had already decorated the room. A mixture of dark green, black, and sapphire blue was used for the internal colors, several instances of the symbol upon her clothing also spread around along with Luna's and one she was not familiar with.

T-This is...

While the guards remained outside, Jessica explored the house as that was what it was... a house, her house. Moving through the main room she found the kitchen and then a staircase leading up a level at the side of a small hallway. Curiously she ventured upwards, picking Mayari and Tala up before making the ascent as they too looked around curiously. Jewel seemed to be holding her breath while Jessica found five rooms upstairs, one's purpose was obvious with a large shower that made her blush softly, her love of them no huge secret. A nudge from Rainbow towards Apple made both chuckle as Jessica also spotted a toilet at the end of the hallway.

Sparkle and Jewel followed close behind while Rainbow, Apple and Minder instead went back downstairs to continue exploring. The three fillies followed after, curious questions following as Jessica heard their voices move down into the kitchen and living room. Swallowing loudly she trailed her fingertips over the next door, eyes threatening to spill tears as her fingernails found names etched onto the surface, 'Mayari & Tala'. Pushing it open she gasped at the sight of two beds set up, various furniture and a few toys placed around the room. Yet...

When did they get them here?

The source of her confusion were two simple items, on each bed near the pillows rested a slightly dusty plush toy. At the sight of them her daughters chirped happily, being set down they clambered upon each bed and gnawed at their respective soft toy's ear. Jessica held a hand over her mouth, tears spilling down her cheeks as she took in the sight of Mayari and Tala residing on... their beds, looking so happy and proud of themselves.

A muffled sob broke through her fingers as alarm spread amongst those in the room until Jewel offered a small smile realising the meaning behind Jessica's reaction. Pulling her hand from her mouth Jessica revealed a smile despite the tears rolling down each cheek, concerned sounds from her daughters preceded them moving off their beds to rest fore hooves to her legs. Bending down she hugged them closely to her body, nuzzling each affectionately.

"~M-Mother okay... j-just happy... n-no know how repay.~" A smile from Jewel and ~Twilight~ followed by a head shake as Ebony lowered her head, rubbing her muzzle gently against Jessica's cheek. Her friend's words explained it was part of the conditions with Sunny and Luna, that Jessica would receive a real home, a place to call her own. A way to thank her for how she will feed the ~changelings~, for their long term plan to hopefully bear fruit.

T-This is all too much... I... I can't ever...

A soft tugging at her skirt made her aware of Spike who was asking if she wished to see her room. A question died on her lips as she found herself nodding numbly, Jewel and Sparkle leading the way before opening the threshold for her. Much to Jessica's amusement she saw her name and Ebony's written in her language engraved on the door, a look at the tall insectile-equine was met with a sheepish grin. Stepping inside she found Luna's banner hanging over an impressively large bed, easily big enough for Ebony to lie on in her natural form, along with Minder, Bubbles... her girls...

T-This... they all... h-huh?

Her cell phone that she had left at ~Canterlot~ due to lack of battery power was situated upon a vanity, yet it was the silver bracelets resting beside with a small note that caught her eye specifically. Walking over she picked up the paper with trembling fingers finding it was written in the equine language, ~Twilight~ instead reading it out loud from memory given Jessica's inability to decipher the scribbles.

"Darling, you had horrible start to Equestria. Let today be formal welcome. Signed..." Three jewels rested where a normal signature would be with a scribble nearby that Jessica presumed was Jewel's name in their tongue, ~Rarity~. The note wavered in her fingers before tears rolled down cheeks again, a sobbing laugh escaping as she turned and threw her arms around Jewel, the unicorn flinching before smiling. Soon a foreleg was wrapped about Jessica's neck, letting her hold for as long as she wanted.

"~T-Thank you... 'Jessica' thank you much... so much.~" ~Twilight~ gave a smile while Mayari and Tala nosed gently to their mother's legs. Eventually they made their way downstairs, the new bracelets slipped onto her wrists after noticing that her mother's and her own name were both engraved inside, along with Mayari and Tala... the small extra additions making her feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have such good friends.

Once they reached the ground level she had almost dried her eyes, the gift of the bracelets, clearly newly crafted having struck her deeply. She felt such deep gratitude for Jewel she couldn't word it, but she also knew the others had parts to play in this as well. ~Twilight~ had obviously had her hand, or hoof with helping with various other matters such as the etchings. There was also Flitter, who probably had influence with the task given how much time she had been spending with the white unicorn.

And the princesses...

It went without saying they definitely had a large part to play in this, obviously with the funding and she had a very clear suspicion Luna was working closely with the project. The most telling fact was that her room upstairs had resembled her one at her mother's house... in fact, a lot of this place was familiar to her. As soon as her eyes had fallen upon it from the outside she had known, it wasn't exact but the key points were there. The two levels, how the kitchen was semi joined to the living room... the shape...


Tears threatened to spill again before she rubbed her eyes with a free hand, trying to distract herself by seeking out the others. Oddly enough she could hear them, their voices muffled until her eyes went wide.

T-They didn't...

Leading the way she moved through the living room into a small hallway, heading down past a large painting of three flying pegasi that Rainbow had picked out to see an open entrance near the end. Swallowing audibly Jessica walked in, breath catching in her throat. The piano in the corner, the desk slightly askew from the wall, the large window dominating the side giving a view into an admittedly still being dug garden...

This was her mother's music-study room, her eyes going wide, barely even noticing the three fillies balanced on each other's backs, between the three of them attempting to reach a flute on a desk while Apple told them to behave. Her fingers trailed over the bookcase, each she knew without being able to read the spines that they were all music related, a bashful comment from ~Twilight~ confirming the fact. Blinking she noticed one book in particular that Rainbow was currently observing, Jewel telling her to put it down making the pegasus huff until she realised the importance.

Wait... that...

"~C-Can 'Jessica' look please?~" Her hand was held out while Rainbow grinned and held the tome forward in two hooves, her fingers gripping it to look at the symbol on the front. She gently removed her hairpin to hold it against the cover, eyes darting between the two before looking at the equines for clarification.

"~Song book.~" The voice came from ~Sweetie Belle~ who blinked as the others looked at her, young cheeks blushing as she wondered if she had done something wrong. A smile from Jessica led to her thanking the filly who flustered a little further under the praise, ~Scootaloo~ giving her playful nudge before the two other fillies giggled at their peers embarrassment.

Song... so this symbol... it's not Jewel's mark is it. It has something to do with the nickname they called me occasionally... not the bad one, the other...

"~Luna's Melody.~" Her lips played with the name, ~Twilight~ trotting close to smile and try translating.

"~Rarity~ gave nickname to diss...d-dissuaa- ...stop use of other. ~Princess Luna~ take lots of interest in you, after hearing music told her about it." A small smile came to the unicorn's face as she looked up. "~Rarity~ thought Jessica should have mark like us on clothing, show you have a name before learnt real name, so not be called..."

Jessica found the equine drift off while the others frowned. Apple and Rainbow appeared the most annoyed, Ebony instead looking aside as her eyes narrowed.

"W-What was the other nickname, what did ~Blueblood~ call me?" Jessica asked quietly of ~Twilight~ before the unicorn winced and looked aside to answer.

"~Foal-Hunter.~" Apple spat the word out before Jessica blinked, unable to understand until the unicorn took over clarifying.

"They call you... Hurt Foals?" Struggling with the translation she removed a book from her saddlebags, clearly not wishing to delve into the issue but not about to do an incorrect job regardless. After several tense seconds of flicking through pages she gazed up at Jessica with an apologetic expression. "Hunter of children."

The name made Jessica feel physically ill, now understanding that's what they had been calling her initially.


Taking a deep breath she surprised those in the room as she gently stroked fingers over her daughter's heads, both smiling up at the action. The expression returned as she looked at Ebony who was trying to reign in her anger only to blink slit pupils as Jessica smiled at her friend.

"It is... okay." Directing towards ~Twilight~ she offered a hesitant smile. "I would never hurt a child... or foal. But... how did I ever get such a nickname, I..." Her question was cut off by an angry glare from the unicorn, not at her but from the source of the name.

"~Flim & Flam~ gave nickname, it spread... why the town would have been scared... why when picked up ~Dinky~ it... caused things." Her expression turned downcast before she looked aside again. "Some at ~Ponyville~ had seen show too... why was fearful..."


Taking a deep breath she tugged in her anger knowing that the emotion might hurt her children, not to mention Ebony and Minder. Gritting her teeth as an alternative she exhaled slowly, most of what she had suffered was directed towards those two stallions... but she couldn't hold onto the anger forever. While that didn't mean she would ever forgive them for what they had done, she wouldn't allow her feelings to hurt those dear to her. Forcing a smile onto her face she smiled and tilted her head, instead changing the subject ever so slightly.

"~Luna's Melody~ sounds prettier though, I like that much more." Her words caused a smile to cautiously come across ~Twilight's~ face before the somber mood was cracked by three high pitched wails. With a loud crash Jessica turned to see the fillies buried under a pile of books that had yet to be stored into the cases, most likely tipped in their inquisitive nature yet thankfully the three were unharmed. Just as Apple and Jewel were about to gently reprimand their sisters they were interrupted by Jessica's giggling at the image, their frowns turning to smiles as she moved to help them out.

Eventually the earlier turmoil was forgotten, enjoying her house as she invited the guards in to have a look.


Heading outside, Jessica noticed the soft toys were not about to be relinquished by her daughters. The way they held them it was almost as if they suspected they were alive and might appear somewhere else were they to let go. Giggling she shut the door behind her, marvelling at the fact this was her home, well home to be. Originally suspecting she might have to stay at the castle, now certain facts made so much more sense in retrospect.

Buying the furniture, the items... Jewel spending nights so often with ~Twilight~, working on those plans she had must have been for the interior, and where Flitter and Jewel went afterwards. ~Mayor Mare's~ comment to me... Luna's insistence to look at my mother's home in my dreams... H-How long has this been going on for it to be almost finished by now?

Mystified by what they were doing she realised it wasn't ultimately all about her, but more a place for the ~changelings~ to live as well, especially with the other buildings being constructed with magical and manual labor. Still, the effort put in made her feel... accepted. Jewel having exhaled happily when Jessica had proclaimed how much she loved it, ~Twilight~ also looking delighted. Confusingly however it looked like they were also building an entrance of sorts into the side of the hill. When questioning this she was given a knowing smile from Ebony who seemed quite proud of herself.

After explaining and Jessica blinking in bafflement several times, her friend had given a sigh of frustration and turned to ~Twilight~ to explain instead, a fact Rainbow, Dusk, Apple and even Jewel found somewhat amusing.

"Shape shifter build... home... underground. ~Changelings~ really good at digging, when build underground home will find metal, gems..." A soft disgruntled groan escaped the unicorn's mouth as she rustled through her saddlebags again, Spike assisting as they continued walking through the sounds of construction. Several equines gave waves and friendly greetings to the mares and Spike, some she recognised from the castle staff, others she had no idea but suspected they were from ~Ponyville~ coming to help out.

Eventually after much searching for the terms she desired ~Twilight~ continued.

"Shape shifters will build... nest... under ground, but also live above ground with Jessica and other ~ponies~. Will mine and dig for metal and gems, send some to ~Ponyville~ and some to ~Canterlot~ as payment." A pause was given as Ebony was looking amused with herself, Minder blinking while the equines wearing bands started to gather around. "~Ponies~ will soon start to live here too, start to mingle. Close enough to ~Ponyville~ for easy travel, for Elements to be nearby, close enough to ~Canterlot~ for... guards."

~Twilight~ blushed a little at the last bit but Jessica understood, especially if the ~changelings~ that had come to Bubbles' house were any indication. Immediately an idea came to Jessica's mind, looking down at Jewel who blinked in surprise to gaze back up through her curls of mane.

"~Can... send...~" Frustration moved over the girl's features before she looked at ~Twilight~ for help in translating, the mare nodding in assent before Jessica restarted. "Would I be able to send some to ~Rarity~ as payment for all she has done for me?"

The lavender unicorn blinked before a smile crossed her muzzle, looking over at the confused looking Jewel as she spoke in the equine tongue. Slowly deep blue eyes went wide, the generous unicorn looking slightly taken aback before offering a nod and consent for the idea. Jessica didn't need ~Twilight~ to translate what was said back, the gratitude was clearly presented. Smiling, and glad she could start to repay her debts, Jessica wondered where Ebony had gone, looking around before feeling a cold muzzle push against her back.

"~Here is our special resident.~" The words from the bug-mare made Jessica fluster as the disguised ~changelings~ clopped their hooves on the dirt and grass in a simile of applause. Her cheeks burned brighter as she felt her feelings for those gathered filter out, feeding them with compassion which they all looked thankful for. Once again she felt a little unsteady on her feet due to feeding so many but the sensation quickly passed. Helped to steady herself by Apple and Ebony, Jessica thanked them both while straightening her skirt.

Yet before she could explore further or spend more time with the ~changelings~ Jewel spoke up, her tone indicating they should head back or they would be late. Gazing up into the sky Jessica found herself surprised by how much time had gone past, unaware they had been in the house for so long when her brain pulled back her train of thought to go over what was said.

Wait... late for what?

Her attempt to question this was met with mischievous smiles from those present, even Minder looked slightly bashful showing even she was in on it. Now thoroughly curious Jessica waved good bye to the guards and equines, both insectile and otherwise resuming work on the town leaving her once more unsure how to repay them, only to be surprised as several earnest farewells were returned. Several of the guards she recognised from the castle, not to mention the equines. Giving as good a curtsey as she was capable of she squeaked as Dusk gently tugged at Jessica's skirt and laughed at the resulting reaction.

The bat-winged guard mentioned that they knew Jessica was thankful but they weren't doing it for just her, this was something that would hopefully help equines in general, the words causing the girl to blush a little. A nudge from the guard was added as she smiled upwards, slit pupils regarding her fondly. Mention of them all volunteering also caught her off guard, a grin given before the guard trotted off to lead the way with Minder and Stoic, Scar falling behind as Jessica mulled over that information until the three fillies ran past, a passing comment about gardening ~cutie marks~ not going well.

What... what happened?

Behind them she saw a discarded hoe and what, at some point had been a garden in progress now looked as if some form of eldritch abomination had tried to make it a portal into reality. A ~changeling~ and ~earth pony~ both looked flabbergasted at what had occurred, three sets of small hoof prints leading from the hoe to the quickly retreating foals helping to connect the dots.

Apple and Jewel shouted after the three, the two older sisters chasing while Rainbow sniggered behind a hoof, ~Twilight~ and Spike also sharing amusement at the scene. Jessica followed the others with a confused expression on her face, mostly curious if this was a regular occurrence. Shaking it off she smiled, noticing the three looking earnestly up at the two older mares as they approached, a nuzzle given to both while ~Scootaloo~ piped up it would have been a silly mark anyhow.

Why do I get the feeling leaving those three unattended is a bad idea?

Two soft chirps from her arms made her smile at her daughters, both looking up with a happy expression. Pushing the thought aside she simply enjoyed the long trek back, despite her legs starting to ache a little it was wonderful to spend time out of the castle with friends.


Approaching the town Jessica saw that two things became readily apparent. Firstly, there was no-one around despite the sun still having to set. Secondly, there was... something about those she traveled with which was beginning to make her suspicious. Nothing malicious, but it was clear they were hiding something from her. The only thing so far that had occurred was Spike had ignited another scroll just before they entered the town, and while... understandably strange it wasn't anything out of the ordinary with the dragon.

Every foot travelled Jessica was readying herself for Pinky to launch herself out of a bush or tree, yet thankfully such an event never came to pass. Looking around the empty streets she let the others lead her, a destination clearly in mind. Most telling however was they had all gone oddly quiet, even Rainbow was resisting speaking as if fearing she would spill the secret.

I... am now officially nervous.

As they moved through the streets she found herself starting to pick up traces of sound which only increased in volume with each additional step. A few looks were given her way as she finally realised what she was hearing, music. Jewel and Sparkle specifically were looking a little nervous, Jessica starting to hear something familiar, a certain tune that got stuck in her ears.

I-Is that?!

The pitch, the rhythm... they were familiar but at the same time also off. The piece was recognisable but at the same time there were errors on several fundamental levels, but this still confused her greatly. A frown found its way over her brow as she tried to listen while they approached, it was almost as if someone was playing the music from memory and not from sheet music, the flute was sometimes off and the harp was...


N-No way...

The penny dropped as her eyes went wide, she could hear the harp strings being plucked to the melody, yet some notes were out of place. It was jarring but not enough to ruin the piece, the flow still holding even if several bits made her wince ever so slightly. Increasing her pace she also noticed one considerable oddity, the Mozart concerto piece was meant to be played by several instruments, she could only hear three.

Despite it all she smiled, wishing to confirm her suspicions as the equines with her moved to keep up with her increased walking. The three fillies rushed ahead, Jessica following as she found herself turning into a large open area near a stream. Blinking twice she saw on a large stage just what she thought she would, Posh, Harpy and Flute all playing their instruments while Shades sat at the piano but had yet to play. A glance from Posh as she moved the bow with one hoof garnered a smile as she gave a small nod in her direction.

H-How do they know this... I mean, it's not played properly but how do they know this piece?! W-Were they... did they piece it together this much just from what they heard? I guess it's kind of like the classical-ish music they play but... wow. Really?

Despite the flaws it was still beautiful to listen to, a large hand that clapped her on the shoulder elicited a muted squeal before looking up to see Mino was beside her, a grin upon his face. One of the goats was warily giving Posh a look while the other bleated into the microphone he wore, the music slowly filtering away as the immense crowd, which Jessica only really noticed at this point, stomped their hooves and gave various sounds of delight to the piece. Given their enthusiasm for the piece they were probably unaware of how badly it had been butchered, although Jessica felt she couldn't be harsh on them; it was still beautiful to listen to with a mix of what she guessed was the equine equivalent mixed into the rendition.

Is... the whole town here?

A loud voice sounded out as Pinky erupted from within the mass of ponies and bounced around Jessica, her voice going a mile a minute before she took a large breath when Flitter trotted over, both exchanging a glance. Quivering with energy the excitable equine threw her fore hooves upwards, standing on hind legs with a loud scream of '~Surprise!~'

Soon all eyes turned to regard the new arrivals, several looking a little nervous at Ebony and the foalings before Mino snorted, the action copied by an unimpressed looking Apple and Rainbow. Getting the message three mares in particular wilted slightly while looking bashful before Shades spoke up, her voice amplified by a microphone she held in her magical grasp. Mentions of guests of honor and a proper welcome to Ponyville were mentioned until Pinky quickly made her way on stage and retrieved the device.

In no time at all she had worked the crowd into a frenzy as the mare moved in ways a five year old tanked up with sugar would grow tired watching, yet it brought a smile to Jessica's face. Sparkle and Jewel gave warm smiles upwards as the unicorns shared a glance, finally Spike slipped off ~Twilight's~ back as she cleared her throat, Jewel giving a nod allowing her the honor.

"As note said Jess, you had bad arrival so..." With a tilt of ~Twilight's~ head towards the stage Jessica found Pinky smiling brightly at her, one hoof held in the air as she spoke, ~Twilight~ continuing to translate so nothing was missed. "So this your official welcome to Equestria and welcome to Ponyville party."

A small pause was given before ~Twilight~ rolled her eyes, Pinky's voice taking on an oddly serious tone although Jessica could guess the context clearly didn't quite match as the unicorn continued. "I am tell you the party at my house was happy to be friends party...so no confusion on the matter." A soft sigh escaped as Pinky nodded seeing the message was passed on, Rainbow and Apple rolling their eyes but all retained a pleased look upon their faces.

Mino grinned as he trotted forward, moving up onto the stage as he took the offered microphone from Pinky, Ebony glaring daggers at him despite Dusk sniggering. His voice boomed out as he held a hand to his ear, the crowd shouting loudly back. Again he repeated the motion, leaning slightly forward as they cheered louder. Finally he pointed at Jessica and gestured for her to come onto the stage, a spotlight forming on her from above as she blinked twice. Gazing upwards and shielding her eyes she saw Rainbow had procured a light from somewhere, a grin on her face as she shined it down.

Wait what.. when did she get... huh?

Encouraging smiles were given her way until Ebony leaned forward, her muzzle brushing to Jessica's shoulder.

"~They want you to sing.~" Her friend's words caused ice to grasp Jessica's guts, having to sing in front of so many, especially so many strangers made her more than nervous. Two soft chirps were given upwards as she blinked, wide eyed wonder directed her way as her daughters seemed to have picked up on the notion their mother might sing. A glance was given Ebony's way which was met with such an innocent look it tilted all the way into remarkably suspicious.

Oh... that is really low... but I guess there is no helping it now.

Taking a deep breath Jessica steeled herself, pausing to set Mayari and Tala onto Ebony's back so they could see as she moved hesitantly towards the stage, murmuring drifting along the crowd while her friend... no, friends watched on. Pinky had a smile that threatened to split her muzzle as she watched Jessica approach yet as she got close the mare took on a more warm expression, leaning close to whisper into her ear.

"~You will do fine, you are among friends 'Jessica', let them hear your heart.~" Blinking she looked as the mare bounced away, once more back to her hyper active self as if the comment had never even come to be. Once more surprised by the pink equine she smiled watching her situate herself near the back beside the others, leaping about while cheering loudly having at some point obtained party poppers from somewhere. Blushing at her antics she looked back at the musicians, all giving her encouraging nods.

Suddenly realising she had no music to sing to, not that it stopped her before she found herself shocked for a second time as piano music started to play. Shades had her glasses pushed up above her horn, magenta eyes focusing intently on the sheet music before her while soon a harp, then also a flute started to accompany the piano. With a moment's pause Posh gave a nod making Jessica blush as she clasped the microphone tighter. Where they had learned to play the music she now heard was leading to suspicions along with amazement at Luna, Posh, ~Twilight~ and Jewel for their dedication to a project, and how attentive to detail they were.

I can't believe they pieced this together from the music I played... given what they've managed to do despite the flaws this is... amazing. I mean... it's not done really well but... okay Jess, you're stalling...

Taking a long deep breath she closed her eyes, in her imagination she was not standing on an alien planet, but instead in the auditorium at her school. Her human friends and mother sat in the audience as they watched on, the latter cheering and trying to make her laugh. Despite it all she couldn't believe how fitting the song they picked was, knowing it was one she played several times in the darkest moments after Starswirl revealed her fate. A small part of her still noticed the music wasn't correct, the instruments were wrong but... the gesture was still beautiful, and she let the melody tug her into song.

"Let me lie on grasses green... on my mother earth I lean..." With eyes remaining shut, Jessica saw her mother's smile at the words but also started to imagine Mayari and Tala with her, seated in the crowd. Tears started to sting her eyes as she found herself wondering what her mother and friends would think of her new daughters. As the image grew in her mind she felt the song flow past her lips, flowing through verse and chorus.

"Heal me through as I lie... Here with you, heal me through... Let me sleep and keep me close." The song flew from her now, imagining her friends cheering her on but now she saw several equines in the audience, Ebony, ~Twilight~ and the others also watching within her mind's eye. Her mother now held both foalings upon her lap, letting them see how Jessica sung, her lips quivering as she continued to not let the budding emotions ruin the song, realising she was nearing the end.

"Under burning sun... Through my veins she runs... Her and I...are...one." Finishing she felt the tears roll down her cheeks, eyes reluctantly opening to banish the cheering images of the audience away, not to mention the proud look on her mother's face. Strangely however the cheers continued, her eyes going wide as she noticed that the equines were stomping their hooves and raising their voices to the performance.

It... was such a song to pick, did they know what the lyrics meant? Did Twilight know at that stage?

Closing her eyes she felt the smile grow on her face, her mother's approval showing through her mind's eye as she gripped the microphone tighter. There could have been no way they would have known it was played so much in her desire to be back on Earth, a song relating to being tied to Earth, to be a part of her. She found herself amazed even as she opened her eyes to take in the crowd once more prior to looking at Mino who was grinning from ear to ear.

They did this... they did this all for me. They must have known... somehow...

A blush came to her cheeks as she looked back at those who had accompanied her with music, a grin given from Shades along with a hoof thrust while the others were a little more reserved in their actions but no less delighted.

T-That's right... even though I am no longer on Earth...

Looking across the audience she saw her daughters in the back, their eyes wide as they looked positively exuberant at their mother's performance. Ebony was smiling along with the others, although Pinky was cheering enough for all of them. Even Apple calling out she did well was soon accompanied by Jewel who blushed and looked demurely around after, pretending to have not raised her voice. Mino took that moment to wander over, a grin on his face as he held his hand for the microphone and gently assisted her off the stage, calling out for the crowd if they enjoyed it which responded with another heartfelt cheer.

Even though I can't do much... I can still sing.

A shy smile came to her lips as Mayari and Tala bounded towards her, their chirps full of excitement as she scooped them up and held them close. With lips brushing gently just under their small horns she enjoyed the cool chitin to her skin, knowing that despite everything the love they felt was real despite their different species.

I have a family...

As Pinky slowly trotted past, a warm smile was given in her direction as Jessica blinked and returned the expression. Moving forward she heard the mare having reclaimed the microphone, her energetic voice once more calling for volunteers to sing. Several murmurs went through the crowd while Jessica sat on an offered bench, Ebony lying beside her as she nuzzled at the two foalings warmly. Surprisingly a small unicorn clambered up beside her and gushed, Bubbles moving beside her daughter to offer a smile upwards as well.

I have friends...

Patting the bench beside her in a clear offer she had Bubbles move up just like old times, complimenting her on her song causing a fluster to burn along Jessica's cheeks. Espa soon was talking excitedly with the other fillies until it became apparent one was missing. Just as she was about to ask Jewel where her little sister was she heard a young voice sound beautifully through the air. Looking to the stage she saw a bashful looking ~Sweetie Belle~ sing, the musicians playing a piece clearly of equine nature yet no less lovely to her ears.

A rummaging to her right made her notice Espa having clambered up on the bench to join her mother, Jessica smiling as she held both foalings up offering her lap to the young filly which was eagerly accepted. Lying down upon her preferred seat the filly was soon joined by the two foalings who sat beside her, each watching the stage in wonder. ~Amethyst Star~ soon moved to sit beside Bubbles, shyly complimenting Jessica on her singing which only added to the girl's flustered nature. A laugh was given by Rainbow as she rested on her hooves, mentioning it was rather cool before Apple added her voice into the mix.

I have people... ponies who care about me...

Turning her gaze back towards the stage she added her applause to the appreciation of the filly once she finished, the young unicorn quickly scampering back to her friends before they all bounced excitedly.

Looking forwards again Jessica was surprised when Shades gave a loud whoop and the other three musicians released tolerant sighs. With Mino's help they moved the piano and other instruments off the stage until the curtains in the back were tugged upwards. What Jessica thought was merely a backdrop actually held something she was rather used to now at her stay in the castle. Shades pushed down her eye wear as she sat behind her preferred musical ensemble, slapping a record down as she raised her fore hooves in the air.

A loud chorus answered her back as she grinned and directed her hoof towards Pinky who blinked and looked elated. Soon the large speakers set up either side were blasting out tunes, the pink mare singing loudly as she moved around the stage, others eagerly joining her in singing the melody. Giggling Jessica enjoyed the spectacle, finding herself drawn in if only to hum along. Strangely a beautiful sound caught her attention, looking to the left she saw Ebony in the midst of humming along with the song before realising what she was doing.

Minder just smiled while Flitter gently complimented Ebony only for the queen ~changeling~ to give a soft strangled noise from her throat and quickly clam up, her face burning brightly as she refused to continue. After the giggling had finished Jessica leaned to hug her friend softly, a smile given her way until they returned to enjoying the concert through most of the night.

I have a home.

Gazing skyward a glimpse of guards flying over head hinted at something more, Scar and Dusk noticing as well as they gave small grins between each other. For a brief second Jessica could have sworn she saw a familiar silhouette resting upon a cloud, observing the events far below. Her suspicions were confirmed when the dark princess held a hoof gently before her muzzle, indicating Jessica to keep her attendance secret. Giving a small smile and nod upwards she returned to watching, enjoying ~Twilight~ singing next.

And I will do my best, I owe it to them to do nothing less.

Time seemed to slip away, the moon rising high into the sky and yet the beautiful music enjoyed with friends and family continued long into the night.


Jessica found herself leaning over the balcony, observing the castle gardens and the activities below while she waited. It had been a week since the concert and she was once more back in ~Canterlot~. Despite several incidents, primarily another run in with ~Blueblood~ she felt oddly at peace, the other nobles either giving her a wide berth or making efforts to talk with her... or at the very least give a greeting when they saw her; which, given how she had been treated prior was infinitely more preferable.

Her mind turned back to the incident with the white unicorn who had almost cost her one of her daughters, even before she had admitted to herself that's how she saw Tala. ~Blueblood~ had approached her once she returned to her room on the second day, a full complement of guards surrounding him but this time she knew it wasn't for his protection, but for her own. Scar had immediately looked distastefully in his direction while her daughters had displayed fear, hiding closer within her arms. Jessica herself would have been more nervous if Sunny, no... ~Celestia~ had not been nearby, her face unreadable.

The regal hybrid went on to explain that in the interests of punishment for his crimes it was up to Jessica to decide how he should be dealt with. The responsibility had surprised her, yet she knew she was not the one who needed to decide. Looking into her arms she gently stroked over Tala's head, the more shy of her daughters looking upwards with a whimper.

With Sparkle nearby she had translated what was wanted, Ebony who was physically restraining herself from mauling the male unicorn communicating for the foalings. Ultimately Tala only wanted one thing, one thing that tore at Jessica's heart. The simple desire for the stallion not to hurt her again.

~Blueblood~ looked almost ill at that comment but had taken a deep breath and stood firm, looking upwards at ~Celestia~ who had nodded, a hint of a smile coming to her mouth. From that it was agreed upon that the stallion's punishment would be to assist with the ~changelings~ village being set up, providing physical labour until it was complete. This made the unicorn blanche slightly before he took a deep breath and nodded formally, shame sliding over his features before he apologized again and trotted off with the guards escorting him until he was out of sight.

Ebony had scoffed at the punishment but ~Celestia~ had just smiled knowingly, the two speaking privately which at least had the benefit of her friend's mood improving somewhat after.

At least she had gone off the idea of using him as Manticore bait...

Amused by the mental image that went along with her thoughts, Jessica smiled brightly at seeing those she had been patiently waiting for. Walking into the front gate were the faces of her friends, having come to visit her while the ~changeling~ town was finished, plumbing and the like still being sorted and wouldn't be finished for another month, or so she had been told.

A loud cry of delight came from within the courtyard as Pinky entered, Rainbow giving a loud groan at her friend's antics before smiling and flying up to give Jessica a friendly nudge on the shoulder. With everyone back to their normal lives only Sparkle and Spike remained at the castle instead of going back to ~Ponyville~. Granted Posh, Flute and Shades were still around but Harpy had remained in the town, yet another of those visiting today with all the others along with ~Bon-Bon~.

Three excited fillies also bounded along the courtyard while Jessica smiled, turning to look at Ebony who stood behind her, Rainbow and the bug-mare already having traded a comment or two. Mayari and Tala rode upon Ebony's back as they started making their way down the hallway, Stoic falling into pace behind while Dusk and Scar had seemingly returned to their duties, of which she was still largely unsure although it seemed to have something to do with the other guards. She missed them both, but they still always found time to visit her, sometimes several times a day.

As her feet impacted upon the tiles she passed Fleur and Snooty, both heading to their quarters and giving a smile and greeting to Rainbow which was returned, a comment of keeping Jessica out of trouble met with a laugh from the couple. Huffing softly Jessica gazed up at Rainbow who replied with a mischievous grin, mentioning she had a way of attracting trouble, a point she was forced to concede with... if a little reluctantly.

Her excitement to meet her friends made Jessica increase the pace, Minder making her way from downstairs to join them, the lower levels still where the other ~changelings~ were housed but at least no longer remaining behind bars. They were however limited to downstairs, but had several items added to keep them occupied. They were also allowed to come up into the castle if Ebony was with them or several guards accompanied, another firm reminder of how far relations still had to progress, a fact Jessica was uncomfortable with yet still understanding over.

Disregarding the depressing thought she took the steps two at a time to exit out into the courtyard, smiling as she saw ~Twilight~ and Spike with the others conversing, the unicorn having been the one to go meet them at the train station. The musicians were all together again, although Shades was already situated half way into a hedge much to Harpy's amusement. From what Jessica could understand it had something to do with a comment about Posh enjoying too much of the luxury food, a volatile comment that even Jessica could concede was not in the mare's best interests to voice, however true it might be.

Upon being noticed several greetings were given, a blur of purple bouncing into Jessica's legs as Espa held her forelegs up, clearly desiring to be carried. Bubbles gave a soft laugh at her daughter's antics as the filly was gladly held in Jessica's arms, the girl smiling as she enjoyed the company of everyone back together again. Apple, Jewel, and Flitter all smiled brightly upon seeing her, pulling away from their conversation with the others to ask how she has been going and to give the two foalings a fond nuzzle upon Ebony's back. Pinky however was already discussing plans for a party, several good natured sighs escaping the group before giggles closely followed.

Looking upwards Jessica spied Luna watching from above upon a balcony, her sister beside her as they both gave a smile down at the gathering. Smiling back she offered a wave upwards, a nod given by ~Celestia~ while Luna offered a small forelimb wave back. A loud smash from behind singled that either Shades had put her hoof in her mouth once more, or Bubbles had accidentally broken something. A glance upwards saw ~Celestia~ tactfully looking away with a warm expression stuck on her face, despite the tiny twitch in the corner of her eye which was noticeable even from down on the ground.

With Luna laughing softly at either the scene or her sister's expense, Jessica could not deny that at that moment she felt... content.

As she walked towards the main entrance of the castle with the others, she knew the reasons why this was so. Despite it all, despite everything that had occurred to her, the injuries, the fear, the pain... it had all led to this point. She would never give up a way to return home, but she would no longer disregard what she had here, she would find a way to retain her family and still see her home world once more. Despite how selfish the dream might be, despite how when trying to get everything, you risk losing all you have she saw no other alternative.

She had friends here, family and despite all that was left behind on Earth she could no longer just push one aside for the other. A creature now with a foot in two worlds, she knew she was needed here but at the same time this was not her home world, no matter how much she was becoming used to it. Yet above everything there was one thing she knew without any doubt.

She was no longer just a lone voice stranded amongst strangers.

She belonged.

And ultimately, that was all she could ever wish to be.