• Published 5th Apr 2013
  • 41,665 Views, 2,089 Comments

A Voice Among the Strangers - Tystarr

An unsuspecting girl finds herself in Equestria, thrust into a world she has no concept of. Unable to communicate with the inhabitants, how will she cope?

  • ...

Chapter thirteen: Epilogue

It was a beautiful day.

The term itself might be a little trite, even perhaps considered to be over-used, but Jessica could think of no other way to describe that particular morning.

Getting breakfast ready for others was something novel that Jessica was still growing accustomed to, the experience made even more special by the fact she was doing the act in her own house. As she used the knife she held to cut an apple into quarters, she found herself musing over the knowledge that this was her first ever home of her own, even if on an alien planet. Gazing out the window she saw in the dawn light the first of the ~changelings~ making their way towards the mines, all wearing the gold and silver bands that allowed them to be identified, even when disguised.

A wave was given through the window and a few pleasantries returned, even the newcomers were warming up to her now... thanks in no small part to Ebony giving no quarter on the subject. A little amused by how protective her friend could be, Jessica moved onto grabbing a bowl from a nearby cupboard to prepare another specific meal, now that the other dishes had been completed. Moving to the table she set up four places, one of which should be returning from his walk, while the other two could appear, quite literally in fact she discovered, at any time.

It had been a month since the village had been completed enough for them to move in. The plumbing was finished, which had been the primary concern at the time, and the other buildings were now getting the finishing touches applied. After a wonderful housewarming with all her equine friends, not to mention Spike and Luna also attending, she had finally started getting used to life in the village. Despite it all however, there still remained a degree of awkwardness in being one of the only non-~changeling~ and non-guard living there, yet even that situation was no longer quite as daunting as it had been initially.

Feeding the growing 'hive' was also becoming a bit of a mission, especially given the numbers were ever increasing with each day. Ebony, not that the mare would ever admit it, was clearly beginning to get tired of greeting every new ~changeling~ who pledged allegiance to her, at least in Jessica's eyes. Thankfully most of the new arrivals were cordial enough, while the small number that looked down upon Jessica never lasted too long in their attitude once Ebony, or surprisingly, the other ~changelings~ got involved.

While mulling over these facts, Jessica had continued to get the morning meal ready. Sounds from upstairs brought a smile to her face as she made three coffees, the aroma a welcome visitor to her nose. Granted it tasted far different to anything she had ever had back on Earth, but caffeine was caffeine and she couldn't deny the desire for it. Finally with the salads and fruit ready, and the toast set upon a plate, there was only one thing left to do. Reaching up into the top cabinet, she removed a basket of precious gemstones, selecting a couple to place inside the bowl she retrieved earlier. Returning the gems up into where she kept them hidden, Jessica finished setting the table to look over her handiwork.

"~Perfect.~" The equine word flowed easily from her lips, and while far from proficient she at least had progressed significantly in the journey to mastery of the language. With a glance out the window she made her way to the door, timing the opening just right to greet two equines as they approached.

"~Bastion, 'Minder', welcome back.~" Jessica's tone was pleasant as a disguised Minder smiled warmly, while Stoic, or ~Bastion~ as she had come to know as his equine name, replied with a tiny nod which spoke volumes. As both ponies entered Jessica couldn't help but tease, if only a little. "~Did you both enjoy the walk?~"

The blush that blossomed over Minder's blue fur was enough to almost be incriminating, the mare now in the habit of getting up early to spend time with ~Bastion~ when he went around to check on the guards. The stallion for his part coughed softly and fought valiantly against the slight fluster coming to his face. Impressively, only a slight hue peeked through the fur before he was once more his normal, stoic, self.

Hee, I really shouldn't tease them... but it is adorable.

Before an apology could be made a large flash erupted from outside, several ~changelings~ jerking in mid-step before exhaling. After the initial surprise a few shot unamused expressions at the new arrivals that now obstructed their way. At the epicentre of where the light originated, stood a somewhat sheepish looking ~Twilight~. Spike, who was also beside her, was meanwhile apologizing to several bug-like equines that their abrupt appearance had brought them in the path of.

"~Sorry, sorry guys... or girls, uh... as you were?~" Spike tried to direct the flow around the two of them while a few guards exhaled, the ~changelings~ taking it all in stride by this point. Jessica was mostly impressed by how ~Twilight~ could just... teleport places; the first time it happened had caused the girl to almost have a panic attack.

Given how I used to react around magic, I can understand why she never did it in front of me until recently.

The unicorn for her part smiled softly, offering a few apologies of her own before trotting inside, Spike following behind offering one last apology before the door was gently shut.

"I'm glad you both could make it." Jessica smiled as Twilight sniffed the air, taking in the aroma of the prepared breakfast while offering a warm expression in reply. By this point, ~Bastion~ and Minder had started to pick up a few words here and there of Jessica's language, but for now conversation was only able between a handful of mares. Two of whom were still in ~Canterlot~, which left ~Twilight~ as the only other... and as Jessica had predicted, had become almost fluent far before she herself had in the equine tongue.

"Thank you, we would have been here sooner but ~Owlowiscious~ and ~Spike~ got into an argument over who was cleaning up later today." A pointed look was given towards the young dragon who, despite being unaware of the context of the message, had heard his name and that of the owl, inadvertently putting two and two together.

"~Hey, it's not my fault he kept asking who was meant to... be... doing-... argh.~" A claw met Spike's face as he realised his folly, Jessica having to restrain a giggle, well aware the owl only ever uttered one word. Excusing herself, possibly to hide her amusement at what she had heard, Minder changed back into her natural form and made her way upstairs, Jessica blinking at the sounds starting to emanate from the second level.

With a questioning look from ~Twilight~ as she removed her saddlebags, Jessica moved to the table taking one of the seats, the other offered to Spike who clambered up.

"~'Ebony' offered to do the bath for 'Mayari' and 'Tala' this morning while I get breakfast ready for guests.~" A small nod was given at Jessica's words before a wince passed over the mare's face at the sound of Ebony calling out to Minder for help. "~I am sure they are fine.~"

With the mare not looking overly reassured, although admittedly nor was Jessica, they all sat down to begin eating breakfast. Given she was one of the only creatures living within the village that ate food and not emotions, it was always nice to share a meal with others. Sometimes she would make something for the guards but they rotated often from the castle overlooking up in the hills, either by flying if able or via chariot. Stoic was the only one who had permanent residency, chosen by ~Swift Dawn~ and ~Celestia~ to be her appointed guard, not that Jessica had any reservations about their selection.

At least the guest room is being used.

Spike for his part was salivating upon seeing what was in his bowl, Jessica having selected from several flawless gems that had come from the hive in progress. The rest, along with another few items, were currently sitting in a resilient backpack near the door for her next trip to see Rarity. With great relish the dragon thanked her and bit into a large topaz, the sounds of appreciation spilling out around shards of the currently being consumed gem. Some even made it half way across the table until ~Twilight~ reminded him of his manners.

No matter how often I see that, it's always amazing to see.

Due to her being semi-alone in the village for want of dining partners other than ~Bastion~, this routine of sharing breakfast had become common place over the last couple of weeks. Truth be told she actually rather enjoyed it, and the company was always nice. Occasionally Rainbow would also... invite herself over, depending on where she was currently flying with her training that day, or where she had decided to lounge for a nap.

The morning where the pegasus had been found slumbering within the tree planted outside her house was always a point of amusement with Ebony. This was primarily due to how the task of waking her had been taken upon by the bug-mare.

I am still certain that levitating my daughters up there to nip at her ears was... while adorable, not very nice.

Pulled from her musings, Jessica found ~Twilight~ enquiring as to how their food supplies were going. Given that there were still no grocery stores or alternatives within the village, all the food had to be brought in by pegasus or wagon. Despite Jessica's willingness to go get her own food the others would have none of it, so by this point she found arguing with a princess and several other equines - present company included - was relatively pointless, especially when Ebony got involved as well.

Pointing out that current supplies were relatively good, at least for a few more days, the matter was dropped. Jessica didn't quite want to bring up how some of the ~changelings~ were trying to take up fishing, primarily due to... their lack of finesse. Regardless, their continued efforts were for no other reason than because Jessica liked that particular type of food, so they wished to supply it. Of course her reservations were quickly dispelled when ~Twilight~ had noticed a few with fishing rods upon arriving and queried about the issue, not to mention how they were doing in this endeavour. In response, Jessica could only sum it up in one word; hilarious.

After delving further into the subject at Spike's urging, she skipped most of the details but did mention that once becoming frustrated after several minutes, the ~changelings~ usually tried zapping the water to pluck out fish. ~Twilight~ in response had sighed good naturedly, apparently aware of what trying to magically grasp randomly into bodies of water would do. The end result was that the involved parties always ended up extremely wet, with only one or two fish to show for their efforts, more from luck than skill. Every time, Jessica could not bring herself to dampen their proud looks, especially given that having to do such a chore would most likely not be in any of their skill sets.

"~They do try to look after you don't they?~" Twilight offered a smile around the piece of toast she had bitten into, Jessica offering a shy blush in reply.

"~I guess they do... I am food source for them after all.~" The girl's comment was met with a disagreeing shake of ~Bastion's~ head as ~Twilight~ swallowed before putting her own view across.

"~It's not that 'Jessica', they do it because they care. Well, at least most of them do. I guess that... yes, some unfortunately do see you as just their food source.~" A warmer expression was given by the mare as a few greetings sounded through the window nearby, a few from the guards but also from several of the leg band wearing ~changelings~. "~You're hope to them, and you actually genuinely care... from what 'Ebony' and 'Minder' have told me, that isn't something that has really happened before outside of a few rare cases, although admittedly I am still researching on that particular part.~"

Jessica could only sigh softly at that, she had been told the same thing rather often but never really allowed it to sink in. Although, she was mildly amused by the admission of ~Twilight~ researching the subject; the mare really did put herself whole heartedly into whatever endeavour she set her sights on. Yet, given Jessica had no way to base her experience off, this was all normal to her in how she and the ~changelings~ interacted. They had become like a very expansive family, growing in numbers every week. Her nicknames for them were also starting to take off amusingly enough; inadvertently it had become something of an honor to earn one from her, or otherwise earning one from Ebony.

Names are important to them, that's what Ebony said. A ~changeling~ earns his or her name through deeds, until then it is considered just another '~pupa~', just like all the rest of the un-named.

Amused in the knowledge her small hobby that initially was used to retain her sanity was now becoming something rather important to a culture, Jessica soon found herself again distracted by the sounds coming from upstairs. This time everyone seemed to have heard it, or at the very acknowledged it and by the expressions on at least two of those at the table, it was evidently a most unusual sound. Jessica, however, was more than acquainted with it, especially over the last week.


"~'Mayari!' No! Careful... careful, no don't d- ~"

Spike blinked twice and looked upwards, rubbing his small snout clear of gem fragments as Ebony's voice sounded out from above. The accompanying sounds of water splashing did not bode well for how the bath was going.

"~ ...Should we... be, I don't know... worried about that?~" The young dragon's question hung in the air until light hoof steps reverberated through the ceiling, moving to approach the stairs.

"~'Mayari', get back here!~"

Despite the smile growing on her face at the knowledge of what happened, she still winced at her friend's stern voice. A small laugh from ~Twilight~ showed she at least understood what was going on, even if Spike continued to look perplexed.


Sounds of splashing, Ebony's strangled outburst, and Minder laughing softly all was a prelude to a very wet and distressed looking Mayari cantering down the stairs. Missing the last step in her haste the foaling tumbled over before righting herself, scrambling for purchase on the now slick floor.

Oh dear...

Slowly, almost sullenly trotting down the stairs, followed a remarkably wet Ebony, making the verdict of who exactly was supposed to be having a bath unclear by her current state. Suppressing a giggle, Jessica watched as her daughter finally got all four legs under her and galloped along the floor to rest fore hooves against her mother's chair, starting to whimper upwards. Spike meanwhile was covering his mouth, valiantly trying to restrain his amusement at the sight of Ebony dripping bath water from every inch of the mare's body, her hair so saturated that not a single curl remained.

"~Laugh and I will eat you.~" The threat drifted across the room before, with as much dignity as she could muster, Ebony made the move to flip the wet hair from her face. It was a valiant attempt, but doomed to failure in being so water logged it simply fell once more with a fluid filled slap against her muzzle. A soft snigger escaped, then a chuckle and soon Spike had fallen from his chair, clutching at his sides and trying to draw oxygen into his lungs between the laughter.

"~Terrific...~" With one word summing up her situation, Ebony exhaled while Minder followed down the stairs with a clean looking Tala seated upon her back. Curiously the mare looked between the amused dragon and her queen, a deadpan look given her way easily cut off any question she might have put forth.

"~Momma? Bath?~" Torn from the scene before her, Jessica looked down at her adopted daughter, the small foaling pouting up towards her. Reaching down with one hand she stroked softly over the cool surface of Mayari's cheek, a questioning gaze given towards the annoyed looking queen in the room. "~I guess Mayari still want me to do her baths. Is it okay if I do so?~"

Ebony's eyelids half lowered while her voice took on the most neutral tone Jessica had ever heard. "~No... please, I adore getting the bathroom and myself more wet than the foal I am attempting to bathe.~"

Okay, that was an almost impressive amount of sarcasm.

A soft giggle from ~Twilight~ was hidden behind a fore hoof, instead moving her focus to try and get Spike to stop his rampant laughter. Finding herself immensely glad this was not one of the mornings that Rainbow had decided to invite herself for breakfast, Jessica picked up her damp daughter and sighed in a good natured fashion.

"~'Mayari' you will have to let 'Ebony' and 'Minder' give you bath sometime. I can not always do it.~" Jessica's words were met with a whimpering gaze up at from the foaling in question, a small nod given before Mayari swished her tattered tail softly.

"~Know... want momma though.~" A soft chirp followed the young foal's words before Jessica sighed and smiled at her guests, moving to take her daughter upstairs to hopefully, have a more successful bath.

"~Please excuse me, I won’t be long.~" A few nods and consents were given her way, Ebony however was by that stage pre-occupied with restraining Spike to the ground with magical binds. As Jessica made her way up the stairs she passed Minder, a smile given to the mare as Tala noticed where her sister and mother were going. Not wanting to be left alone, the insectile-filly chirped and slipped off the older equine's back to quickly trot after.

The last thing Jessica saw before she reached the second level was Ebony smiling maliciously down at the pinned dragon. As Spike squirmed and tried unsuccessful apologies, the queen ~changeling~ was using her magic to wring out the sopping wet mane onto his head, ~Twilight~ all the while trying hard not to look amused at his comeuppance.


Moving a towel over her daughters, Jessica smiled as both wriggled closer against her as the fabric was gently rubbed over their smooth chitin-covered bodies.

"~Better girls?~" Her question was answered with two happy chirps as they gazed upwards. Tala, despite being the more co-operative of the two with Ebony, had decided she wouldn't miss out having a bath with her mother and as such had happily clambered into the tub with her sister, much to Jessica's amusement. A gentle tap on each of their muzzles was given as she removed the towel, smiling warmly down at the two foalings.

"~I love you both, you know that right?~" The words came natural to her now, the small bug-like foals, her daughters each giving wide fang-filled smiles in return as they nodded.

"~Love momma too!~" Mayari, the more adept at learning the equine tongue was quick to respond, while Tala instead nuzzled closer to Jessica's lap.

"Love mommy." The shyer of the two daughters’ was the one who picked up on her native tongue the easiest, of course at the moment only knowing a handful of words... yet those she did know were in Jessica's eyes the most important. A giggle came to their mother's lips as she stood, placing the towel into the hamper to wash and hang up later, still having to get used to the lack of a washing machine.

So many things the same, yet even more are different.

A small part of her almost missed the maids and butlers from the castle, but she couldn't deny the feeling of satisfaction in doing a job herself. With a smile at her children she found them both scampering for the door now, both clean and eager to see the guests. Following close behind she found them about to canter down the stairs, a clearing of Jessica's throat stopping both in mid step.

"~Girls, remember what said about the stairs.~" A pause was given as they both digested their mother's words, looking at each other before looking upwards as the epitome of innocence. With a good natured sigh Jessica smiled, a hand placed to her hip. "~We go slowly down the stairs or we might hurt ourselves, right?~"

Two quick nods were given followed by a chirp each, then, with deliberate slowness they gingerly slipped down each step. Being so small it was more of an amazement really that Mayari had not hurt herself at the pace she went down prior, but there was one thing Jessica had discovered about her daughters... their carapaces made excellent protective covers for any little accidents.

Still, I fret... so it's better to be safe than sorry.

Watching them take the stairs one at a time given their diminutive size, their mother followed close behind after grabbing her backpack that had been earlier positioned at the top of the stairs. Slinging it over one shoulder and feeling the contents shift within, Jessica moved down behind the foalings to gently aid them with each step, hearing conversation drift up from the ground floor in the process.

"~Princess Celestia mentioned that she is very impressed with some of the minerals and gemstones your hive has been finding, Queen 'Ebony'. Oh, and Rarity is also very thankful for the gold dust and baby blue sapphires 'Jessica' sent last week.~"

"~Firstly, I told you not to worry with the title when talking to me. I get it enough from the others, and secondly...~" Jessica made her way downstairs just in time to see Ebony replying to ~Twilight~, the royal ~changeling~ waving a hoof dismissively. "~'Jess' is the one who sends the stuff to the unicorn, not me. Thirdly- "

"~'Ebony', her name is Rarity. Be nice.~" Jessica's words cut the bug-mare off as Ebony exhaled, almost making a point of ignoring the small glare she was on the receiving end of from Spike. Regardless, Ebony did look a little chastised at Jessica's words, a fact that didn't go un-noticed by ~Twilight~ as the unicorn's frown at the previous comment turned instead to an amused smile.

I really don't know why they started getting annoyed at each other again, I think I will need to ask Rarity next time I see her. Come to think of it, I think it had something to do with Rarity wanting to make something pretty for Ebony to wear... oh... wait, yes... that would have caused friction.

"~Yes, yes... Rarity. And thirdly, it was part of the deal for 'Pagasa' to be set up in the first place, why would I not honor my end of the deal?~" Ebony paused for a second, then two, the silence starting to pervade the room even while Mayari and Tala bounced around Spike, the dragon suddenly having two excited foalings to occupy his time with. Just as ~Twilight~ was about to speak again Ebony interjected, almost as if waiting for that signal to continue, "~and besides, they are my hive... of course they will find the best.~"

A long sigh escaped the unicorn's mouth before she seemed to resist the urge to place a hoof to her forehead. Taking a deep breath she glared at Ebony, only for her eyes to dart to the side to see Minder and Jessica both looking slightly apologetic and also amused, the penny dropping shortly after.

"~I really wish you wouldn't try to get a rise out of me like that.~" ~Twilight~ exhaled as Ebony gave a wide grin before moving to nose each of the now clean foalings, the bath incident long forgotten.

"~Well, I wouldn't if it wasn't so easy.~" The comment was closely followed by Ebony waving a hoof slightly as she stood upright. "~But for what it's worth, thank you for helping Jess out as much as you do.~"

~Twilight~ just smiled and gave a small nod, becoming quite used to Ebony by this point. Jessica however was still a little bemused at witnessing how her friend behaved, it was almost like she put on a mask sometimes and only a very small amount of people, or ponies were allowed to see the other side to her. Granted, she did know for a fact that Ebony could be very sarcastic, snarky and cynical at the best of times, but... the mare was also capable of great acts of kindness, and always wanted the best for Jessica in particular.

Not to mention her fears, and how protective she can be. It's like she has been putting on an act for how a queen should be... but drops it around us, her family.

Leaving the others to converse Jessica moved to get ready for her outing, today being something special she had arranged with ~Twilight~ and Spike earlier in the week. Satisfied she had everything needed, Jessica moved to hug both her daughters, giving an affectionate nuzzle upon each of their heads.

"~Mother will be back later, behave for 'Ebony', 'Minder', Spike and Twilight, okay?~" Her words were met with two little pouts before both nodded reluctantly, a chirp given in response. Spike, seeing their dampened moods asked if they had any new toys to show him, both becoming excited as they galloped for the stairs.

"~Slowly girls.~"

Jessica's warning was met with reduced vigor as they both slowly clambered up the stairs, amusing several in the room with their actions. A hug was given to Ebony next, the mare nuzzling her shoulder affectionately before looking concerned.

"~Are you sure you want to do this...?~" The question from Ebony made Jessica sigh softly but give a nod in response.

"~I need to do something, don't worry I am not going anywhere yet.~" Despite her reassurance, Jessica knew her friend was still unconvinced. A wave to the others and a farewell was given as she opened the door, making her way outside as she slipped on her footwear.

I need to do this.

Feeling the weight of the backpack, Jessica made her way through the small village to where ~Twilight~ had arranged for the meeting place to be. It was needless to say that she was thankful for the unicorn and Spike offering to assist babysitting the girls while she was out, but at the same time it still amazed her how attached she had become.

I still can't believe they're my wonderful daughters.

A few greetings and smiles were given her way as she wandered through the town, again, some from the ~changelings~ and some from the guards. A few questions were also given her way about the notable absence of ~Bastion~, but as she explained, he was guarding the girls today at her insistence the night before. However, in return there was a deal made that she would receive escort from another, yet none of the guards seemed to know anything about it.

Odd... I wonder who-

"~Hey 'Jessica!'~"

Blinking at the sound of her name, Jessica looked around only to finally turn her attention upwards, a broad smile crossing her lips at who the owner of the voice was. A bat-winged guard flew down to land beside her, stretching before offering a mischievous grin.

"~Aurora! Wait... are you my guard?~" Jessica's question was met with a nod from the mare. Several greetings were also given, and returned ~Aurora's~ way from some of the stationed guard, prior to her trotting to lead the way out of the village. Jessica quickly moved to keep pace with the pegasus, aware that she had not seen the guard for at least a week due to whatever was keeping her busy in ~Canterlot~. Realising the mare must be busy, she felt a small amount of guilt for pulling her away from her duties. "~I am sorry if I burden.~"

~Aurora~ tsk'd softly at the follow up comment, trotting ahead before pausing to gaze over her shoulder. With one slit pupil peering through the lopsided bob of a mane, the mare exhaled loudly prior to speaking.

"~What do you want me to say 'Jess', that you're a burden? If I didn't want to do this, do you think I would?~" A grin followed before ~Aurora~ flapped her wings once before folding them in close. Resuming trotting, she made her way along the path leading towards ~Ponyville~, Jessica following behind slowly until the mare's voice caught her off guard. "~Didn't you know?~"


"~Did I not know what? That you would not do this if you did not wish to?~" Her question was met with a laugh from the night guard, a detour abruptly being taken off the path as several clouds seemed to lazily drift, trailing behind the pair. Moving into the forest Jessica felt confused by the mare's cryptic words. Silence pervaded for several agonising minutes, remaining very much aware of how ~Aurora~ enjoyed taunting and teasing, but never maliciously to those she considered a friend.

She must be meaning something else... but what?

"~About us.~" The comment caught Jessica's attention where it was focused on the clouds that floated above, her mind having been absently wondering how many guards were contained within each. Looking forward she saw ~Aurora~ had stopped, now sitting in a clearing with cat-like eyes staring at Jessica intently. "~Oh, no-one ever told you?~"

At this stage Jessica was perplexed, moving to stand under the shade of a tree before slipping the backpack off her shoulders, realising their current location must be the meeting place. She then gazed at the mare, curiosity having reached a crescendo by this stage. "~No one told what?~"

A laugh escaped the mare until the all too familiar grin slipped over her muzzle, regarding Jessica for a second before indicating her to sit with a hoof gesture. Gently seating herself on a clear patch of ground, the girl listened intently as ~Aurora~ cleared her throat and banged upon the eye situated on her chest armor.

"~I am captain of the Night Guard, or Princess Luna's Royal Guard depending who you ask. Although you might have guessed that already.~" At Jessica's shocked expression ~Aurora~ sniggered before looking genuinely surprised. "~Really? No-one told you that... I can't imagine why. Oh, well then... the next bit of news will be extra special!~"

S-She's in charge of all the bat-winged ones, I knew she must be somewhat special due to how the others reacted to her... but... why then was she my guard? I guess that's why Dusk was so busy when she got back to the castle, but why did no-one tell me? Was it due to me... feeling guilty over it? I guess I do... but then, Scar was busy too... wait...

"~Is... ~Swift Dawn~ Captain of the pegasi then?~ Jessica's question was met with a scoffing sound from ~Aurora~, her eyes rolling theatrically before she kicked at the dirt with an armored hoof.

"~Oh, I wish... no, think bigger.~" The mare's comment was worded in such a way that invited Jessica to take a guess, however before she could open her mouth ~Aurora~ continued. "~No, my brother used to be the Captain of the pegasi. Now he's Captain of the Royal Guard, recently promoted after Shining Armor's move to the Crystal Empire. Shame, he was kind of cute... although spoken for. Oh, uh... please don't tell Twilight I said that... that would be... awkward.~"

Bwah... Scar... I mean ~Swift Dawn~ and ~Aurora~ are that important... and they were guarding me? Why would they... am I taking them away from their duties? Why would...

Noticing that Jessica was more focused on the other issues than ~Aurora's~ slight fascination with the former Royal Guard Captain, the mare frowned before coming to realise what the real issue eating away at Jessica was.

"~'Jess', we all volunteered for it.~" A look of confusion came to Jessica's face at ~Aurora's~ words, blinking curiously.

"~You did? But... why when yo- ~" Once more finding herself cut off by the Captain, Jessica became the recipient of a wide, fang-filled grin.

"~Well, for those two, Princess Celestia asked them to watch you, and they did. But after 'Ebony' seemed to... well you know about that part... after that incident in Baltimare, Swifty really took a shine to you. Can you believe he actually kept that scar over his muzzle instead of getting it healed, to remind himself that he almost failed in his job to guard you?~" A pause was given as the mare sighed a little, a soft chuckle escaping shortly after. "~That's just like him, and just between you, me, and the woodland creatures... my brother really does impress me sometimes. Even if he is a goof.~"

He... did that for me? I can't believe he's keeping it for that reason... Wait, he's considered a goof? I guess... in the standards of the other guards I have seen like ~Bastion~ I guess he would be. Well, the ones in golden armor at least...

"~So, Bastion originally guarded you based off... well, we won’t go into that, but after he saw how frightened you were initially, and then later how you reminded him of his sister... Truth be told, he was the first to volunteer to remain one of your guards once we got to Canterlot again. Swifty was close behind, their reasoning was they knew you, and you were comfortable around them.~" A grin split along ~Aurora's~ mouth as she continued to speak, recounting something as she tapped under her muzzle shortly after. "~Oh and don't think he's staying with you just because of 'Minder', although that is something I must tease him on later. No, he chose to do so because he likes you, and with Bastion that's a rare honor indeed.~"

Digesting this information, Jessica tugged her knees closer against her chest as she sat. Chewing on her lower lip, she admitted to herself that yes, on occasion she had wondered about why they had chosen to remain with her, but eventually had merely put it down to them being given orders to do so. Knowing that they had volunteered certainly put a whole new spin on it, a smile slowly coming to her lips at the new found knowledge. Her question directed to the mare caught ~Aurora~ off guard, clearly not expecting Jessica to be quite so forthcoming. "~Why did you decide to stay my guard as well then?~"

"~Me?~" The newly revealed Captain hummed and tilted her head this way and that. "~Because you and those around you seem to attract fun?~"

A long pause followed before Dusk grinned and stretched, becoming seated upon her hindquarters once Jessica's patience was about to give way.

"~Honestly? Because Princess Luna told me about you and directed me to go help you out once we learned about 'Ebony'.~" A hoof was held up to forestall any questions as the mare continued. "~Which turned out to be fine. But... really, the reason I chose to remain your guard is, I like you. You're a nice girl, you're vulnerable but when the chips are down you can show some backbone. You try despite the situation you're in and ultimately, I can't fault that. Plus, I got to annoy the crap out of a changeling queen and hang around the Bearers constantly, how often do you get to do that even as part of the guard?~"

Jessica couldn't help but laugh at the last part, unsure if ~Aurora~ was merely joking or serious... but that was part of the mare's charm. A smile was given across the clearing before fingers teased the newly reapplied streak of blonde in her hair.

"~Thank you Aurora. I really enjoyed having you and Swift and Bastion with me.~" Jessica stood, brushing off her skirt before a rogue thought struck her. "~Wait, I remind Bastion of his sister, what she like?~"

~Aurora~ winced slightly at that before looking aside, shifting on her front hooves as wings folded closer to her back. Several seconds passed before the mare sighed and directed her gaze back towards Jessica.

"~She's a nice filly, you two would get along but it's really Bastion's place to say.~" From how the mare spoke, Jessica felt she might have stumbled onto something raw. Thankfully any awkwardness was dismissed as the sound of large wings flapping caught their attention. Gazing upwards she saw a dark silhouette fill the sky, ~Aurora~ grinning as she stood to attention as she also noticed the arrival. Slowly, with demure grace the large ~alicorn~ flapped her wings once and settled upon silver clad hooves, teal eyes regarding Jessica fondly.

"Is good see Jessica again." The owner of the name smiled brightly at Luna's greeting, ~Aurora~ instead chose to roll cat-like eyes as they used a language she was unfamiliar with. Amused at how the tables had been turned in certain situations, Jessica playfully stuck her tongue out at the guard only to receive a fanged smirk in reply. Turning her attention back to the princess, the girl gave a small bow, although the smile never once left her face.

"It's good to see you again Luna, thank you for coming on such short notice." Jessica said while reaching into the backpack, and after a brief rummage, pulling out a stack of papers with a bashful smile. "These are them."

Eyeing the presented items warily, Luna gave a soft sigh before trotting closer, her muzzle softly pushing to Jessica's hair which caused the girl to smile shyly. With a look of questioned permission, Luna then gently plucked one from the pile with her ethereal aura and read over the contents of the paper. Eventually she lifted the paper up to reveal a photograph underneath, unable to hide the small smile that came to her mouth.

"Are sure about this?" A raised eyebrow accompanied Luna's words as she met Jessica's gaze.

No... but, I have to do something. No matter how futile.

Not trusting herself to speak, Jessica only gave a small nod in response, Luna in turn giving a sigh before smiling warmly as she moved to the center of the clearing. Gently addressing ~Aurora~ to make sure no-one entered the vicinity, the guard saluted and flew off into the sky; Jessica at that point noting that the clouds which had followed her then discharged several pegasi and bat-winged equines who moved to set up a perimeter.

Okay... a few more than I thought.

"~Jessica, we have no way of knowing if these will even reach their destination, nor, even in the best case scenario that they will be found.~" Switching back to the equine language, Luna pawed slowly at the ground, creating a small circle in the dirt. One of the notes was hovered down upon it, folded nicely and placed delicately upon the surface. "~Although I am sure you have been made aware of this fact by now.~"

Jessica could only nod silently, shifting nervously as she thought about everything that had led up to this moment. She knew that Luna and ~Celestia~ were both trying to find a way for her to get back, but ultimately the progress was slow, although not in any part due to their lack of effort. Especially since all they had to go off was some vague ideas and what Luna had gleaned from the spell Starswirl had cast.

But... there is no way of knowing if it will work, or where it will go.

There had been a few tests conducted so far, small scale to try and replicate what Starswirl may have cast but it presented two fundamental problems, problems that ~Twilight~, ~Celestia~ and Luna had all talked to her about at the castle. Firstly, while the item had vanished they had no way of knowing where it had gone, its destination untraceable as it tore through the boundaries of dimensions, space, or time. Secondly, and most importantly, they had simply no idea if the item had arrived safely.

For all they knew from their attempts, the item may had gone into another dimension entirely, and as ~Twilight~ stressed, even if it had made it to Earth, there was so much more to account for. For one, from what ~Twilight~ had learnt from Jessica, Earth didn't stay still, so there was a high chance it would appear in the emptiness of space. There was also the issue of where it would appear. Would it materialize in the air like Jessica did, or would it appear in the ocean, or in the middle of the wilderness...

So many variables... it could have just been dumb luck that got Starswirl to Earth the first time on the ground. When he brought me here, I appeared in the sky...

Still, knowing all this, Jessica's resolve was unwavering. Watching intently, she observed Luna's horn start to glow, the area within the circle beginning to crackle with barely restrained energy. Almost anti-climatically after all the build-up, the area within the circle simply issued a 'pop' of displaced air and a small circular ditch was created, the note and a small amount of dirt now gone to destinations unknown.

This action was repeated several times with the remainder of the notes, Luna and ~Celestia~ having narrowed down the '~area of effect~' of the spell as they termed it. Now it was safe to use on a small space as Luna demonstrated several more times, each crackling slightly differently as variations were used on the casting. Eventually the notes were all sent, Luna breathing slightly heavily before catching her breath, the spell taking a little out of her with repetitive use. Of course by that point it had also taken its toll on the ground, several perfect bowl-shaped ditches having been created.

I can only hope my writings reach their destination... and even if they don't, at least I did something.

"~There, it is done...~" The regal hybrid stood upright, stretching before moving to seat herself beside Jessica, one wing moving to encompass the girl within a feathery embrace as she too sat down. "~Now, I have further news I must share with you.~"

Curiosity now thoroughly piqued, Jessica looked up as Luna gave a hesitant smile. Questions filtered through the girl's mind, images wondering what this news could possibly be and was it good, or bad. Ultimately there was only one way to find out, a fact her brain provoked her into addressing by jabbing her with a metaphorical stick.

"~News? What is it?~"

Luna looked a little torn on whether she should answer the question before sighing gently and nuzzling Jessica's hair prior to speaking.

"~There is... a high probability that the spell Starswirl...~" Luna's voice faltered a little at the stallion's name but she persevered with only a minor pause. "~...Cast upon the tome, the one that compelled you to write the spell down, is still active.~"

Jessica blinked at this, gazing upwards as the ramifications hit her suddenly. Before she could speak however, Luna smiled and continued upon noticing the warring emotions crossing over the girl's face.

"~Now, keep in mind this is just a theory, but it is the original source of the 'Want-it, need-it' spell you... may have heard about.~" A slightly amused smile crept over Luna's lips before resuming speaking at Jessica's small nod. "~As such, the spell will last until it is dispelled, and I, along with my dear sister have reason to suspect that he never got a chance to do so.~"

T-Then that means...

"S-Someone else could cast the spell by reading the book... and end up here?" Jessica's voice quivered a little, excitement, fear, nervousness all blending together in a muddled mess. Feeling excited that the book may come to ~Equestria~ on its own accord, yet fear and nervousness that it may also never be read, or even found after what happened with her... or worse. "What... what if someone casts it and ends up like me? The person would..."

A cold chill ran up her spine, if Starswirl had not expended his remaining energy to slow her descent, regardless of it being his fault or not...

"~Be at ease 'Jessica', we have already considered this option and there are at least two pegasi who guard that area day and night, simply in the off chance it occurs.~" Luna's spoke with a warm smile seeing Jessica relax slightly, a long exhale passing the girl's lips.

"So you're saying... there is hope?" Green eyes peeked up towards the Princess of the Night, a small nod given in return with a slight amendment added upon.

"~There is always hope 'Jessica', you've shown that to yourself, and to others.~" Luna's kind words made Jessica fluster a little, finding herself relaxing within the feathered hold. For several long seconds they remained there, the occasional flap of wings over the forest's canopy mixing with the sounds of birds within the branches, having returned after the display of magic had ceased.

So... the book may come here... and as long as whoever casts it is okay and brings it with them, Luna and ~Celestia~ can figure out a way to get me and whoever it is back home. I could... I can go home.

Strangely her heart felt torn on the issue, but Jessica pushed the emotions aside. She had made a vow, to herself, and penned upon the paper and thus she would not back out now. Taking a deep breath she found her mind drifting into what could be, mouth moving on its own as she sat, comforted by Luna. Incidentally, in the drowsy state the warmth provided, Jessica spoke before her mind caught up to what she had even uttered.

"When I am around you, you remind me of my mother."

The sentence hung in the air, the only indication it had been heard at all was the slight stiffening of a wing. Oh so slowly, Jessica's brain started damage control, but by that point the fire had spread too far and too fast, the abort button refused to engage which left only one option. A page from ~Celestia's~ book was used, to pretend it never happened.

Of course, when both parties practice such an event, the awkward silence continues indefinitely.

Seconds turned into minutes until Jessica hesitantly peeked upwards due to Luna starting to shiver a little, and soon muffled sounds were escaping the mare's mouth. What she saw confused her, the Princess was trying to hold back in gentle laughter. Eventually a giggle escaped before the mare sighed wistfully, gently smiling down at the one she held within a wing.

I-I'm confused, why is she laughing? Isn't she mad I said something so inappropriate?

"~To raise a child like you, I have but nothing but respect for your mother.~" A soft pause was given as Jessica felt her hair being nuzzled, relaxing as the awkwardness seemed to have flitted away. "~But I can not replace her Jessica, however...~"

Jessica blinked as the mare offered a mischievous grin downwards, a silver clad hoof ever so softly tapping against the symbol upon the side of the skirt she wore.

"~You do bear my symbol, so I guess in some small way I could be considered your guardian.~" A wave of a fore hoof was given as Luna looked to deliberate upon the issue. "~And after all, my dear sister does have Twilight as her faithful student, I could... of course see myself taking personal interest in yourself and your daughters. That is... if you do not mind?~"

Jessica found herself smiling, a nod easily given. She knew Luna could not replace her mother, nor did she ever desire such. But given their interactions, especially after the Starswirl incident and the fact the mare had been exploring her mind and dreams so often that it felt odd when she was not... there was no denying a bond having been established.

"I would like that, I am sure Mayari and Tala would too." Jessica giggled as Luna held her tighter with a wing, waving a hoof with a definite flourish before her.

"~Then let it be so, the Princess of the Night doth command it as a royal decree!~" With the volume of the mare's voice starting to rise, Jessica giggled feeling a little taken back by the whole thing.

"You can do that?" The inquisitive comment from the one held within the wing was met with a confused look, a tap to Luna's chin with a hoof given as she considered the question.

"~We... I, do not see why not. Times have indeed changed since I have returned, but who will argue with me over the matter anyhow?~" A mischievous smile crept along the princess's muzzle, Jessica not for the first time slightly aware of possibilities why ~Aurora~ and the other Night Guards acted the way they did, or were perhaps chosen.

"I guess not." Jessica conceded with a smile, slightly amused by how they were talking in their native tongues yet still able to understand each other. Over the last two months Jessica had pushed herself to learn as much, and as quickly as possible. The reason was remarkably simple, she wished to aid her daughters in learning the language... to read books to them, to help them learn and be a part of their development. As such, she had spent far more time than she could have imagined with her language teachers along with late night sessions with ~Twilight~; So many in fact, that a few times her children, Minder, and even Ebony had fallen asleep on the unicorn's bed while waiting for them to finish studying.

It was cute though.

Gazing through the gaps in the feathers, Jessica took to enjoying the serene sight of the pegasi flying through the air. With thoughts turning to the fate of the notes, she could only hope and wish for the best. There was no way to know what would happen, but... she needed to write it down, for her benefit... to voice her desires. Even if they never were found, even if they had been transported into the depths of the ocean, or another galaxy, Jessica had penned her thoughts.

And ultimately, that's more than what I have attempted so far.

Thinking to her friends on Earth she wondered what they were up to, yet at the same time she found her mind turning over words she had heard long ago. On a night her world had crumbled, her resolve almost fractured, Jessica still held certain phrases from the one responsible close to her chest. Almost as if he was still alive, she heard Starswirl's words echo through her mind.

"Let home be where your heart lies, you have strong bonds here. You have those who care about you, do not turn your back on them because of what I did."

"You child, if there is one thing I do not regret, it is that you were the one I pulled into my world. I see you accomplishing great things, keep your heart open and let those close to you help mend it after what I have done."

With the closing of her eyes, Jessica simply let her mind wander, safe within Luna's wing. She did have strong bonds now, from ~Derpy~ and ~Dinky~ to, ~Twilight~ and her friends. The guards, Luna, even an entire ~changeling~ village. Despite the fact she was a little bit of a cry-baby since arriving in ~Equestria~, the fact her only real talent was to sing and be a living food source for an entire species, she was undoubtedly cared for.

In a way, Jessica had indeed accomplished great things just by being herself. By allowing her heart to remain open she had a family consisting of two wonderful, lovely and adorable foalings. There was also Ebony and Minder who were extremely close to her, Minder having become almost like a surrogate sister. Ebony still confused her though on how she felt about her, but at the same time she was happy, and that's all that really mattered.

Moving a hand to her chest she rested fingers between her breasts, pushing to her ribcage to feel the gentle rhythm of her heart beat within. Luna, sensing the shifting looked down before smiling, turning her own attention into the sky.

My heart... I feel I am stronger due to everything that has happened. I've only been here a few months and yet, it feels like I have life long bonds already.

Removing her hand she felt one more thought bubble up through her consciousness, eyes closing as she recounted Starswirl's very last words to her, his own heart's desire.

"The only thing I wanted more from you dear child is the one thing I know I do not deserve... that is, your forgiveness."

For how long Jessica sat there, she could not say. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves overhead and tried to tease Luna's ethereal mane to no success. Eventually though Jessica spoke, her words causing the mare to shift slightly in surprise.

"~I forgive him.~"

Confused, Luna lowered her head to look down at Jessica, an eyebrow raised to reflect her not comprehending the relevance of the comment. "~You forgive who, Jessica?~"

With a long sigh the girl shifted within the dark feathered embrace, smiling softly as she brushed hair from her face. Checking her feelings again she confirmed how she felt. That deep down, despite all the pain the stallion had put her through, what she had gained was priceless in comparison.

"Starswirl, I forgive him for what he did to me."

Luna looked stunned by Jessica's admission, tears slowly beading within the princess's eyes.

"I mean, don't get me wrong... I still think what he did was horrible, and the hell I went through initially was... words cannot describe it." Jessica paused for a second before continuing, her eyes closing before gazing up into the ~Equestrian~ sky, holding a hand up to peek at the flying equines through spread fingers, in particular a certain Captain among their number. "But... without him, without what he did... and I can understand his feelings. I would... I would never have met you, met Mayari and Tala... or Ebony. Or any of the others... so for that, I forgive him."

Luna simply gazed at Jessica for several long seconds before turning her own attention skywards. The two sat in silence until a spot of moisture fell upon Jessica's cheek, her hand reaching to brush the water away. Noticing there were no clouds in the sky she came to realise where the liquid had come from. Looking at Luna she saw the mare's face angled upwards with fur beginning to become moist under her eyes, tears rolling freely by that point.

"~He would... he would have been honored to hear that.~" A soft sniffle came from Luna as Jessica hugged softly to the mare, trying to comfort her as the emotional wound was unexpectedly reopened. Yet, much to the girl's surprise she saw a warm smile gracing the alicorn's visage as she continued to weep openly, the forest canopy hiding her from the others sight. "~Right until the end he was concerned about you, guilt eating away at him knowing what the knowledge would do to you. He begged me to keep watch over you, knowing that for what he had done he had no right to wish anything from me, and still... he did.~"

Jessica merely listened, allowing Luna to express how she felt. To be there, to remain by her side and hear her words was all that was required.

"~He knew he had ruined your life, but... he was not lying when he said you could achieve great things. He saw how you fed the changelings, he saw your relationship with 'Ebony', and he saw how you reacted to certain situations. I know that doesn't excuse what he did...~" Luna took a deep breath and gently nuzzled into Jessica's hair as she spoke. "~But... thank you, all he desired was your forgiveness, I hope he can rest easy knowing he now has it.~"

Jessica smiled gently, the two remaining where they sat until the sun slowly began its descent signalling the end of another day. With a hug exchanged, Jessica waved to Luna and left with ~Aurora~ once again escorting her. There was no need for words by this point, Jessica knew that Luna would always look out for her, not as a replacement for her mother... but as someone no less special.


After giving ~Aurora~ a fond farewell and asking her to pass on to ~Swift Dawn~ that she and her brother were welcome anytime for a free meal, Jessica made her way to her front door. The lack of security always concerned her, but given the amount of guards at any one time, not to mention the ~changeling~ population almost fanatically protective of her and their queen, it did seem a little redundant for a lock to be placed.

Add into the fact nearly any creature I know of could get through the door with ease, even with a lock... it would seem a little futile.

Pushing concerns for home privacy aside, Jessica entered the house only to encounter a sight that never crossed her mind she would ever see.


Almost as if in shock she shut the door robotically behind her, never once turning her gaze from the figure at the bottom of the stairs. Normally, at the best of times, seeing someone in a very uncomfortable looking heap on the ground would be curious, or perhaps somewhat alarming. What escalated this within her mind was the fact the figure, partially draped in a sheet and wincing upon being noticed, was her.


With the intelligent comment given, the female doppelganger offered a decidedly sheepish grin from her awkward positioning. Taking stock of the situation, Jessica reacted as she felt any rational person would. That is, taking into account she didn't know the whereabouts of her children, or the ones meant to be looking after them and she was confronted with a copy of herself... she felt grabbing the sculpture from the side table that ~Octavia~ had chosen for her, as an improvised weapon, was well within the realms of acting prudent.

"~Okay... while I admit this wasn't the most well thought out plan on my part, I don't think I deserve to be hit by that hideous thing.~"

Two things now puzzled Jessica, ceasing her slow advance towards the copy. For one, it was odd hearing the perfectly spoken equine language flow past her lips, even if she wasn't the one actually speaking. The second thing was she suddenly pieced together who the doppelganger might be, and decided to test her theory.


A very bashful nod was given as her twin, now identified to be Ebony in disguise winced as she tried to sit upright. Gently placing the statue down, Jessica made her way over to help her friend into a more comfortable position, not for the first time feeling very weirded out in seeing herself before, well... herself.

"~What are you doing? Where are the others? Why are you me?~" A heartbeat later the more pressing question was put forth. "~And... why are you naked?~"

Silence pervaded over the house, which left Jessica to note there had been a lot of awkward pauses throughout the day so far. Eventually Ebony looked down at her hands, wriggling the fingers with a curious expression.

"~I am currently sitting, the others have gone for a walk.~" A slight pause was given before the disguised-queen tugged at the linen wrapped about herself. "~I am also not naked, clearly I am wearing a sheet.~"

Jessica gave a decidedly unamused expression towards her friend's words, a small grin the only thing given in reply.

"~You know what Jessica mean... why are you me?~" The frustration and confusion were starting to make Jessica break into old habits of speaking, yet she was thoroughly lost as to why Ebony was disguised as her. More to the point, she wasn't even aware her friend could do such a thing.

"~Because I know you won't change your mind.~" Ebony spoke with a sigh in her voice, moving to look at Jessica with a surprisingly serious expression. Blinking as she was forced to look at herself in a very unique perspective, Jessica was surprised when Ebony gave a toothy looking grin; one, that were the mare in her natural form would look mischievous... with Jessica's face though, it looked almost psychotic. "~So... I am going to be stubborn.~"

What... what is she talking about?

Trying to think through the fog of bafflement that was spreading through her mind with the whole conversation so far, Jessica watched as Ebony's demeanour changed. The shoulders slumped and for a second the doppelganger looked... vulnerable.

"~I know you want to see your home, and I know I can't stop you. You promised 'Mayari' and 'Tala' that you would stay with them no matter what, so I am going to hold you to that.~" Ebony was talking with conviction now, her eyes moving to gaze resolutely into Jessica's own. "~So if, and when you go to your home world I will go with you. After all someone has to keep you out of trouble.~"


Gently moving her arms, Jessica hugged her friend softly, surprising the disguised-equine into silence. A smile crossed over Ebony's face as she leaned into the embrace before blushing red and pulling away, clearing her throat several times. Giggling at this, Jessica helped her up and guided them both to the couch. Once seated, she moved a finger before Ebony's nose and flicked it gently, getting a small wince for the effort.

"~I wont leave you Ebony, or my girls, or even Minder. I want to find a way to see my home world and keep my family and friends, even if is selfish of me.~" Jessica said with a smile, her friend looking to consider the words while rubbing her nose absently.

"~Now you're thinking like a changeling. But as the saying goes, when you bet it all, you risk losing everything.~" Ebony leaned back into the couch as she spoke, folding arms to hold the sheet closer; more for Jessica's benefit that anything else it seemed. As the girl frowned taking in the disguised ~changeling's~ words, she heard Ebony continue with a slightly amused tone to her voice. "~But... even if you lose everything, you will still have us.~"

Jessica blinked at the words, blushing slightly before giggling behind her hand. Looking to her friend she saw Ebony looking somewhat taken aback by the reaction given.

"~That makes no sense you know... if I lose everything how can I keep my family and friends?~" Jessica's rebuttal caused Ebony to frown slightly before shrugging, the action looking intriguing given the mare clearly wasn't used to human shoulders.

"~I use my right as queen to ignore your logic.~"

Finding herself smiling, Jessica couldn't help but feel a thought crawl into her mind. Like a nefarious parasite it wriggled in and multiplied until it was all she could think about, eventually forcing her to voice her concerns.

"~But if you leave, what will happen to 'Pagasa' and the changelings?~" As soon as the words left Jessica's lips, Ebony had looked back at her, immediately replying.

"~I could ask the same towards you.~"

Mulling over that thought Jessica could only be reminded of how important she was to this idea, this new village. She, as a person, was not overly critical to the success, but it was what she could do, what she, for some unknown reason was capable of doing. That definitely was. Without her to feed the ~changelings~, they would most likely be forced to go back to stealing emotions, love... or instead choosing to starve themselves until nothing remained.

I don't know which is more horrifying...

With the mood soured, Jessica rested hands upon her lap as bitter thoughts filtered into her mind. Soon however she felt a familiar, but completely different sensation brush against her shoulder. Looking down, she watched as Ebony rubbed her small human nose against the skin, which when she was an equine felt reassuring. When the mare was currently an identical twin, it was leaning far more towards weird and embarrassing.

"Ebony!" Unable to restrain herself, perhaps due to the complete bizarre circumstance of it all, Jessica felt the smile cross her lips before Ebony grinned, pointing towards her triumphantly.

"~You smiled, it counts.~"

Jessica huffed at her friend's words, folding arms over her chest in an obvious sulking gesture. Even so, she felt a little happier now from the affectionate nuzzle, strangeness notwithstanding.

It was... still, admittedly cute.

"~That was completely unfair.~" Jessica said, disregarding how she might have truly felt over the nose rub. Gazing with green eyes into a matching pair, she saw Ebony lean back into the couch now looking rather smug with herself.

"~Your love is delicious, I regret nothing.~" Ebony's completely neutral tone really sold the statement to Jessica as she sighed, smiling good-naturedly at her friend. Deciding to change the conversation subject slightly she instead targeted another issue that had been bothering her.

"~Why... were you at the bottom of the stairs.~" The inquisitive question put forth caused Ebony to look slightly bashful, her emotions far more evident given Jessica was undeniably familiar with the face.

"~I may have tripped on the sheet, stairs are hard you know on two legs. Why do you not have a tail? Even minotaurs have tails! Frankly, I am amazed you can stand upright let alone walk.~" Ebony folded her arms after speaking, Jessica about to offer her theory along with further questions on how her friend was so familiar with her body, clear indications given that this was not the first time, when Ebony continued.

"~Your ears are... well, next to useless. You have no tail, your fingers are really weird as are your toes, although thank goodness your eyesight is about the same. But honestly, you can barely smell anything unless it's right under your nose and don't get me started on how impractical your body is. Why is it top heavy?~"

...Okay that does it.

Ebony made the crucial mistake of closing her eyes after speaking, and as such was completely unprepared for the cushion to strike her in the face. So surprised in fact, that with a burst of green fire a rather surprised looking ~changeling~ queen was left blinking, wrapped loosely now in a sheet.

"~What was that for?~" With a completely indignant tone, Ebony huffed at Jessica who stuck her tongue out, the taunting gesture given.

"~Because you were insulting me, you act like you know my body better than me.~" Regardless of her words, Jessica's tone remained jovial even as she failed to realise the peril she had put herself into.

Slit pupils homed in on her, finding Jessica smiling mischievously as she held the fluffy weapon within hands, continuing to remain oblivious. Just as her brain started screaming of the danger she was now in, Jessica found a green glow surrounded her, pinning her to the couch while Ebony now stood above, a malicious grin spreading over the equine's muzzle with her horn glowing ominously.

"~You know... I have discovered a few things about your body 'Jessica'... that I would be more than willing to share with you.~" The words crossed the space between, the pinned girl blinking twice before a rogue blush crossed her cheeks. Slowly her sweater was gripped with the aura, rolled up to expose her belly as she struggled against the restraining magical grasp.

"~'E-Ebony'... wait, what are... a-ah... ah-hahaha... hahahahahaha!~" Jessica's worried tone soon gave way to giggles, which soon devolved into unrestrained laughter as the magic crawled over her stomach. Like a feather it teased her skin, working on her most ticklish areas as she tried valiantly to get out from under the equine to no avail. "~S-Stop... hahahahaha... I... 'Ebony!'~

The tickling only intensified, Jessica squirming with tears rolling down her cheeks as she lost herself to the laughter. It looked like she was at the mercy of the insectile-mare until salvation came in the sound of the front door opening.

"~We're home... and... um... girls?~"

~Twilight's~ voice was soon followed by Ebony pausing her assault upon Jessica, both suddenly realising the positioning on the couch they were now in. With both set of cheeks starting to turn crimson it was Spike who only upped the ante. A soft sniggering was heard, Jessica tilting her head back to look upside down over the edge of the couch to get a better view. What she saw was the dragon holding small claws over his muzzle, a cat like grin spreading ever so slowly along its width as he took in the sight.

"~It's not what it looks like!~" Ebony's quick defensive tone only led to ~Twilight~ suddenly blushing herself, the denial only bringing the mare's mind to the exact opposite conclusion. Spike however was rubbing his muzzle now, gazing at the sight as if appraising how much this situation could work in his favour.

"~Really? Because what I see is you and 'Jessica' on the couch getting all lovey dov- ack!~" Cut off mid-sentence, Spike suddenly realised the position he had put himself in as Ebony launched herself off the couch. Quickly ~Bastion~ stepped aside with a confused expression as he entered the house, only for Spike to sprint outside, closely followed by a ranting ~changeling~ queen.

"~Get back here so I can de-scale you, you little wyrm!~"

With Mayari and Tala bouncing over to their mother, she in turn held them close to herself, still unsure of half of what Ebony had screamed at the small dragon. The look on ~Twilight's~ face told her not to worry, and the matter was, for the most part, dropped. Soon, all were seated in the living room while her daughters recounted their day to her as best they could, with Minder and ~Twilight~ filling in the gaps.

Throughout it all the sound of pandemonium sounded from outside, and yet...

Jessica would not have had it any other way.


After the others had left, Jessica had gotten the foalings ready for bedtime. Eventually a ceasefire had been reached between Spike and Ebony, primarily due to the former threatening to scream out what he saw in the middle of the village. This proclamation had quickly resulted in an immediate, if rather grudging on the part of Ebony, stalemate.

Not that I want that scenario to be made public either...

Pushing past her thoughts from what had happened earlier, Jessica hugged her two daughters closer. With the moon already high in the sky, she along with Ebony and Minder were now in bed. Mayari and Tala were comfortably resting in the crook of each elbow, their forelegs resting over her arms and the sheets. The cold chitin of Ebony was pressed to Jessica's back as she leaned against her friend's side, the mare curled behind her so her head rested near the girl's belly on the covers. Minder meanwhile lay in her customary spot at the foot of the bed, ~Bastion~ having gone to sleep in his room while the night guard took over guarding the house and its vital occupants.

"~T is for?~" Jessica's questioning tone was met with two soft chirps from her arms, both foalings looking at the page in the book she held open for them. With a look between the sisters, Tala reached forward with a hoof to tap the picture opposite the runic symbol.

"~Tree?~" A smile and nod given by Jessica caused a happy smile from Tala, having guessed correctly. Each page brought another guess from the foalings, and where their mother was unable to interpret the symbol, which... admittedly happened often, Ebony would gently offer the pronunciation to a grateful Jessica. Eventually the book was completed, two sleepy foalings nuzzling into her arms.

"~I think it is time for sleep girls.~" Jessica was only a little surprised when a soft noise emitted from Mayari.


Tala, opting instead to just pout softly had Jessica sigh gently in response, yet the smile never left her lips as Ebony sniggered beside her. Patiently, after allowing Minder to levitate the book away onto a nightstand, Jessica looked down at her two sullen looking girls, a tilt of her head leading errant locks to fall over one eye.

"~Well then... what do you two want?~" Her words would normally have inspired a thoughtful look that led to silent debate, prior to falling asleep in her arms. It was a sneaky trick, but it was an admittedly efficient one. This time however, their answer was immediate and had the mark of Ebony's guidance.

"~Story!~" Tala smiled upwards as she spoke, Mayari quickly nodding and repeating the request. Jessica could only smile at their antics, she adored her daughters with all her heart and couldn't deny them such a simple request. However, that didn't mean Ebony was off the hook. Cuddling back against the mare and the pillows against her lower back, Jessica got comfortable as she cleared her throat.

"~Very well... let see, oh I know...~" With the complete attention of the foalings, and even Minder looking noticeably curious, Jessica started recounting a tale very close to her heart, of course heavily edited.

"~Once upon a time, there was a girl who found herself in a strange world. But one day she was captured by very mean stallions that made her perform for them. Yet, even in this bad place, there was still hope... as she met a beautiful changeling princess who freed them both.~"

A pause was given in the story as Ebony gave a deadpan expression upwards at the choice of words, an innocent smile the only reply she got. With a heartfelt sigh the queen gave in seeing the clear delight on Mayari and Tala's faces at the idea of a pretty ~changeling~ princess, moving her head to nuzzle gently at Jessica's arm in a sign to continue.

"~The two escaped into a forest, only to find a mean creature trying to catch a little filly. The brave princess fought off the beast but sadly she and the girl were separated. But all was not lost... as-... ~"

While Jessica recounted the tale she observed the lunar object dominate the sky through the open curtains. With moonlight spilling into the room and over the occupants upon the bed, Jessica felt safe, protected. A glance to the side saw the light catching on the two sets of bracelets upon the dresser, reminding her of everything she had, everything she loved.

Returning to her story she knew deep in her heart that no matter what, she herself was also loved. She had those who would protect her, who needed her. She belonged, and she had purpose.

And, with a gaze out the window she knew... that as long as the moon was in the sky she would be protected, along with an equine tied to it who cared for her. Maybe not quite as a true mother figure, but certainly as someone very special to her. Someone who would be there for her when she was down, who wished the best for her daughters, for herself.

A true family.

And she always would.


In a distant cloudy sky, lightning flung its fingers through the atmosphere, the heavens being torn apart by eldritch powers the likes of which the world had only once before experienced. Yet, almost as soon as the thunder roared through the atmosphere, the event was over.

Small chunks of dirt fell, each impacting the grass and road with minimal impact, missed by those going about their daily life; their attention still on the now silent sky, curious as to what would follow.

Also un-noticed, a small note drifted slowly through the clouds. Twisting and spinning, moving as if caught in a dance, it began its descent towards the ground. With a stray gust of wind the note however took a different turn, flipping and fluttering, up and over until it found itself upon the roof of a building. Coming to a rest it lay, droplets of rain starting to spill from the tortured clouds to impact against its surface.


To my friends,

I know you will never read this, but I must do this... I have to put my feelings onto paper if for no other reason than for my sanity, and to actually do something. I am not dead, I am alive and on an alien world as unbelievable as that may sound. Yet I have not forgotten you, and I miss you all terribly.

In the miracle this makes it to Earth, if it makes it to civilisation please let my friends know. My name is Jessica Rivera, my mother was Maria Rivera and I was studying abroad at Victoria University in Australia. Please, please tell my friends I am okay, I am safe... that I miss them. I have included a picture of myself to be identified. I will find a way home, this I promise. Priya, Kimiko, Raju, Elise, Steven...

You are my rocks, my support and I miss you all horribly. But I have also gained new pillars, new family and friends to help me here. Please don't give up hope on me, because you guys are my family on Earth and I need to see you again, I have to see you again.

I vow, that I will see you all again one day.

~Love, Jessica.


With the ink finally starting to run, the wind resumed toying with the note and on catching an edge, flipped it over to display a photograph. Upon the surface was a young woman of mixed heritage, green eyes showing mirth directed at the one taking the picture. Most curious, was the fact that gently held within the embrace of her arms were two small black equine-creatures, a smile on each of their fanged faces.

Across the bottom, signed in ink was the owner of the note's name, and beside it two small hoof prints with 'Mayari & Tala' scribbled underneath. With the rain increasing, the paper was reduced to a sodden mess, in turn releasing the binding that had held them together. The photo being further protected from the elements, was sent sailing off the building in a gust of wind shortly after.

With it flew hope.

Hope for one day a girl to see her friends again, and to once more bridge the gap between the two worlds she was now a part of.

For as the photo landed upon the street below, writing could be seen scribbled onto the back, a single sentence with meaning far greater than its words would allude to.

'Home is where your heart lies, and this is my family, my heart.'

Comments ( 394 )

Sorry, cant help myself but first!

All my feels! Take them!

Beautiful. Just beautiful. :raritycry:

Congratulations on completing the story. Makes you wonder what happens next...

Wow, finally finished. Been a long time since you started. I'm glad I've been able to stick with you since the beginning.:twilightsmile:

Are you trying to kill us with adorableness?

Well... This was a sweet ending to a very sweet story.

Can't wait for the side-quel from the ponies' perspectives.

Damn, the ending is sad. The destruction of her message home is heartbreaking.

Very fitting and wonderful ending. Though, I do have to wonder if Jessica realized what everypony assumed, or at least joked about, between her and Ebony before this incident.

Also given the hint that another human may also come through, are you planning a sequel?

Sweet! Obviously, in the parallel story, you're gonna have to show Ebony getting used to Jess' body.

So I'm guessing that final scene means the sequel will not feature any other humans besides Jess?

Thank you for this story. It was wonderful.

So good...

Why must it end.

So very good...

:fluttercry: Alas.. All good tings must come to and end. 'Tis a shame in my eyes that this must end so soon. Perhaps a sequel, perhaps not, but damn, this was one of the best reads I've had in a long while. Thank you for writing this friend. :pinkiehappy:


You're most welcome, I am flattered you enjoyed. ^-^


I am not giving anything away about this one. But I will say, the book can't come back on its own.

And... the note did make it to Earth, at least one of them.


I am tempted to keep the epilogue the same for both sides as communication is reached. Of course, a side-story explaining just how Ebony got so used to the body is not one to be ruled out!


Thank you for enjoying it! I think Jessica is still a little unaware, she had her suspicions in an earlier chapter but at this point... I think she might still be blissfully ignorant.

And a sequel is definitely planned! Slight tone shift, but hoping to keep the same feel to it.


The ending was a little bit debated, I was going to leave it ambiguous after they go to bed... but I wanted to add that in. Because despite it all there is still hope, and even if her message was lost, the feelings that went with it remain!


Hee, I am looking forward to that too!

Wait, I'm the one that has to write it? Curses!


-Shifty eyes.-



Hehe, it has been a strange few months. From just messing around at writing something on a dare, to actually writing over 200k words, not to mention people actually enjoying it.

It's a strange feeling, but not a bad one by any means!


Thank you, it is such a good feeling to hit the completed button and know this stage is, as such, completed.

There is definitely more on the horizon, if I don't injure myself further. Stupid shoulder.


Hee, glad you enjoyed!

Sequel please. I loved this story and I would love to see more. Keep up the writing


I was sad to end it myself, I have grown very attached to those I created. Jessica, Ebony, Minder, the guards, the foalings to name a few. Even Flute and Ledger have their moments!

But there will be other stories involving them coming soon, especially the re-telling from the Equestrian side of things.

Thank you very much for enjoying my first foray into a story!


I wish it didn't have to myself, but it would of dragged on otherwise. Doesn't mean I cannot write side stories and other assorted suppliments with the characters! Plus the other planned works!

Am glad you enjoyed. ^-^


Hee, the end was rather bittersweet I will admit. ^-^;

Frankly this was awesome. I am a little sad to see this story complete but it has a really good ending.:fluttercry: I hope you are considering a sequel as this is in my top ten stories of this site.


You have no idea how much I enjoyed this tale. Well, ok, maybe you do.
I will await further side-stories in an-... ticipation! :rainbowwild:

Love the ending. I don't know why but it reminds me of the ending of Forest Gump with the feather.


Hee, I still get a little choked up about the ending myself, and I wrote it. ^-^;


A sequel along with a re-telling and side stories are planned, yes. ^-^

Thank you for enjoying!


Don't worry, there will be a sequel, re-telling and side-stories. ^-^

I am very honored that you enjoyed this, and flattered too!


Hmm, I only just noticed that myself. ^-^

Glad you enjoyed the ending though!

This story was great. It was probably one of my favourite ongoing stories. It was definitely one of my favourite current HiEs, right up there with Celestia Sleeps In as far as detail and thought put into it goes.

Sad that it's over. :C

Adorable in every aspect. I would only wish this could be viewed so much more by so many. Thank you for its writing.

That ending was so beautiful!:fluttercry:
Now I feel like part of my soul is gone! Damn, it was so beautiful!:raritycry:

Wow. Just.... wow. Now THIS is how you end a story!

We need a retelling in the pov of the two foalings. That will be adorable and hilarious

That was a wonderful end/stopping point. You madam are a true gem. :moustache:

My feelings on this ending entire story can be summed up by everything after 1:45 in this clip.

This is undoubtedly one of the best and most heartwarming stories I've read on this site, and I don't say that very often. Bravo, just bravo.

No, no stop i dont wanna cry! :'(

The destruction of her note while sad was expected:pinkiesad2:. Though having it so close to people, man that is a it harsh. Love this story, YOU are well I can't articulate right now but you are [positive adjective] . You can take that to heart.:heart:

Wouldn't it be great, if someone made this story from Ebony's POV? :pinkiehappy:

Well, it's nice to get a birthday chapter but I'm kind of sad that this great fic is already finished. Still I know you have something in the works and I definitely look foreward to reading it. :twilightsmile:

So on to festivities and enjoying this last chapter. :pinkiehappy:

Bravo, it's always a joy to see an close to such endeavors.

I'm just glad that they'll be a side-quel. and as far as sequels go I'm picturing all the possible scenarios left open and they are amusing.

Thank you for taking the time to write this beautiful story. I look forward to seeing more of your work good luck.

Have some of these :heart::heart::heart::moustache::eeyup::pinkiehappy:

Beautiful, exactly what I've come to expect from this story, and author. I've loved seeing your writing improve since the first chapter, and am eagerly looking forward to :flutterrage:MOAR!!1!

2965676 or maybe, how you begin another story...

This is an amazing story. Not only did you make a heartwarming/-breaking story, but you emphasised the point of the story by only using dialogue for the eqilogue, and when it was absolutely required, even after the language barriers started to crumble. This is a great work of literature.

Fanfic writers and their 13, 000 word epilogues... :facehoof: The bit with the note alone could have been an epilogue and the rest a normal chapter.

Loved it all the same.

Truly this story is one of the very few I will forever point to and say, "This is why it was worth being part of a fandom rather than merely watching a cartoon I liked and leaving it at that."

This story is officially my 3rd favourite completed story out of every story I have read on the site.

I am at peace

Thanks for the Tale



Congrats on the end of a long road. This story was phenomenal, and deserves all the praise and more of what is has received. I did see your blog about your potential projects from this point on, and regardless of whether it is the sequel to this, the POV from the ponies, or one of the other two you mentioned, know that I'll be there to read it.

Excellent writing. I look forward to what the future brings from you.

Mayari, the more adapt at learning the equine tongue was quick to respond


It's not often I feel sad when I get to the end of a story. This is definitely one of those times, without a doubt.

Looking forward eagerly to the sidequel!

HHNNGG loved it. Absolutely loved it. This is gold. Good job!

Kind of sad its over.. but im really looking forward to the side-stories/sequel you mention in the comments. There is just sooooooo much potential for future content you opened up (and going back on older stuff)... and its going to be a delight to read, im sure of it.

Heck, right there, just Ebony being curious, discovering/experiment a human form from her perspective.. interesting fun potential is high.

All in all, loved it. Thank you for doing it.

amazing conclusion to a amazing story, thank you for creating this :twilightsmile:

This is why, when sending letters through a blind dimensional rift to a planet that's 70% covered in water, you really should put them inside sealed bottles instead of paper envelopes. :)

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