• Published 5th Apr 2013
  • 41,665 Views, 2,089 Comments

A Voice Among the Strangers - Tystarr

An unsuspecting girl finds herself in Equestria, thrust into a world she has no concept of. Unable to communicate with the inhabitants, how will she cope?

  • ...

Chapter five: Audience

One of Jessica's hands rested on soft curls of hair, the sensation of warmth flowing between herself and the one she stroked gently. Positioning the other hand under her chin, she looked out the window watching the scenery go by, lost within her thoughts.

She was unaware how long they had been travelling for, thinking back however she could deduce that it would take until night, presumably, to get to the castle. Thinking more on the issue, it might take even longer since it was further than their original destination. Glad to be off her feet at least she continued to gently pet through Ebony's mane, the mare as always never far from her side.

The equine in question raised her head slightly, regarding Jessica's gaze with a quizzical expression before offering a small smile. Returning the gesture, Jessica returned her attention back to the cabin, noticing not for the first time just how cramped it was with so many within. Jessica would never admit it, but she was in some small way glad she had come here; to this strange and rather confusing world.

But only for a handful of reasons.

Those reasons mostly consisted of the those currently present, with one other back at the hospital where she had been... healed, physically but also mentally to a small degree. Thoughts of the specific nurse helped her relax, she would need to see Red again, she owed that mare so much that she could never hope to repay. With the closing of eyes, Jessica thoughts turned to the ponies she could count as a friend, the ones she trusted and looked out for her.

Ebony, Espa, Bubbles, and Sparkle, the list had grown now, becoming more robust with those she had come to trust and enjoy the company of. Apple, Spike, Rainbow, Scar, Stoic, they all made her feel... they made her feel like she was actually worth something in this world. Looking out for her, caring for her, or simply trying to understand her.

I wish I could have met them first, I wonder how different it would have all been...

A hand gently went to her left shoulder feeling the bandages where the clothing ended. She would not have so many injuries, that's for certain. Brought from her thoughts by a soft nuzzle to her side, Jessica looked down noticing Ebony looking back with a concerned expression. Realising she had removed her hand from her friend's mane, she returned it to gently stroke once more, hopefully easing Ebony's worry.

"I'm fine, really." Making sure the tone was filled with a little jovial nature, Ebony however giving an unconvinced look in reply before lowering her head regardless. The warm feeling she got was always welcome, enjoying how it flowed from within before pulling into the equine. Dusk, whom Jessica was still unsure about, was watching curiously at this action with a small grin pulling across her muzzle.

Jessica really didn't know what to think of the bat-winged pegasus, mostly because she had arrived out of no-where. There was also that... fact, that strange dream where she had known of Dusk's existence before ever laying eyes upon her. Jessica pushed that line of inquiry down into the depths of her mind, down that road leads to madness as they say.

From where she sat she took note of the others, trying to discern what they were currently talking about. She watched as they were all gathered around, some sitting, some lying on the seats; all having questioning tones directed primarily towards Apple or Scar who in turned answered. Rainbow's voice would occasionally interrupt, expressive gestures from the mare accompanying each time, such as at that moment a thrust of a foreleg forward. Jessica still wasn't sure what part of the journey that was relevant to.

She did have to stifle a giggle occasionally when Espa got excited, adding her perspective on some issues Jessica guessed. At such events Apple would seem to defer to the young filly's version, allowing her to speak freely. Throughout it all Jessica just sat with Ebony, able to discern a few words here and there, her name mentioned quite constantly as well as... whatever the other term they used meant when referring to her.

Jessica had suspicions they were describing what occurred over the past two days, with Apple occasionally letting Scar speak before taking over again. Between the two of them, and the several interruptions from both Espa and Rainbow, they seemed to have the others' undivided attention as they recounted the events. Every now and then a question would be put forth from one of the others, primarily Sparkle and the pink, oh so very pink pony.

She needs a nickname... balloons? It would seem mean to name her Loon, or Loony. Ball? No that's... that is just stupid.

Mentally throwing her arms in the air she just settled on the other distinguishing trait the mare had, she was positively pink, thus, Pinky. As far as nicknames went, it was decidedly lazy but Jessica decided to just go with it at this point. That however left one other she hadn't nicknamed yet, the extremely shy cream pegasus.

Looking over at that particular mare, she watched as the long pink maned equine was listening intently to the story. It was actually kind of cute watching her Jessica decided, how her reaction would give her some hint to how the tale was going along. Occasionally a soft gasp would escape the pegasus's mouth and she would try to hide partially behind her hair. Sometimes she would ask a question in the softest voice Jessica had ever heard, Apple always replying in a patient and kind tone.

Eventually Jessica was noticed watching, an aqua eye looking back at her before widening in shock. A small whimper came from behind the mane of hair that the mare hid her face behind, Jessica in reply gave a blink in surprise at the reaction before offering a small smile, turning her attention away to watch the others once again. In the process she was also debating upon a name for the pegasus.

Butterflies... I guess I could name her Butter, but that doesn't seem fitting. Butterfly? No... think Jess. Well she does seem extremely timid, Buttershy!

Jessica's brain promptly rebelled against such an awful name, she doubted that the pegasus was lactose intolerant.

Okay, now that is just stupid. Okay, Butterflies, she's shy, she's cream and she's a pegasus. Butterflies flit and flutter, so... Flutter? No, how about Flitter? That's actually not bad.

Content with having given a nickname to Flitter, she became aware of a shift in the atmosphere. The mood had seemed to darken some, a few annoyed faces and murmurs of disapproval flicking about the cramped cabin.

Apple's voice surprised Jessica, the mare's tone slowly edging into anger accompanied with a low growl from her throat. Jessica blinked at this, trying to discern meaning behind some of the words spoken to figure out why. Frustratingly she could only pick up a trivial amount here and there, or what she thought was their meaning at least. Her understanding of their language was still only a handful of known words thus far, along with a large amount of speculation, much to her continued chagrin.

A disapproving comment from Jewel, followed by sounds of disbelief from Pinky, Bubbles and Flitter caused Jessica to blink, now completely confused over what they were discussing. Several heads turned to Scar who gave a small nod, one armored hoof tapping the scar upon his muzzle gently, this action at least gave her some clue. Spike however was looking concerned towards Sparkle who was gritting her teeth while moving towards Jessica, who in turn looked down at the unicorn with bafflement clear upon her features.

Ebony raised an eyebrow, talking towards Sparkle who levitated a roll of paper and quill before herself. Quickly sketching an image she turned it towards Jessica, allowing her to see the unicorn's work. An image of what she assumed was herself in a cage greeted her sight, two male unicorns in striped shirts nearby. The whip readied to strike was just the cherry on top, Jessica wincing as she looked at the picture floating before her face, then at Sparkle.

Sparkle almost stabbed the paper with the quill, drawing an arrow towards the image and then pointing at Jessica with a hoof. The unicorn's frown deepened as if something was clearly troubling her, Spike by now gently tugging on Sparkle's tail as if to pull her away. For her part, Jessica was terrified, unaware of what she possibly could have done wrong. Did Sparkle not believe she was imprisoned? Were they about to turn on her?

Wait... I get it, she wants to know if it's true.

She blinked as Sparkle gave a soft sigh, coming to realise her actions were causing her to frighten Jessica, bowing her head as her tail drooped. Calming herself, Jessica held her hand gently down with the palm up wanting to try her hand at drawing to clarify. Sparkle blinked and seemed to get the idea, her head lifting as murmurs rippled through the cabin, paper and quill both placed in Jessica's hands.

Eyes focused, she quickly sketched on the paper turning it around shortly after to show Sparkle what had been added. Another cage had joined the first, inside of which a rushed picture of Ebony in her natural form was drawn. Situated above both was a sad face, tears added to Sparkle's representation of her upon the paper. A few gasps were shared upon seeing the additional cage and occupant in the picture, the tones of voices quizzical and somewhat alarmed by the inclusion. Strangely the guards seemed to not be sharing the sentiments of the others.

Ebony was now leaning closer to Jessica, a tiny shiver running along the pegasus's spine. Moving one hand to try and comfort her friend, she dipped the quill into the levitating ink pot, Sparkle now looking curious to see what else Jessica would add. On the left side of the page she added what occurred after, detailing in basic form two busted cages with Jessica and Ebony escaping into a forest together.

Flitter looked rather uneasy, either by the revelation of what occurred or something else, Jessica was unsure. Scar and now even Dusk had their jaws set, glowering at the image of the two unicorns on the paper, almost as if they could bore holes through them. The others didn't seem to be taking the news any better, Jessica unsure if that was due to finding out how she had been treated, or about the brothers' kidnapping of another equine.

Surprisingly, it was Pinky who broke the now somber mood. Her cheer filled tone of voice snapping everyone out of the funk that seemed to fall over the occupants. Apple cleared her throat, continuing the story on while the others listened, a few laughs shared now. Rainbow puffed up her chest and interjected something, Espa's young voice also commenting on whatever part they were now up to.

A soft push of a muzzle to her knee made Jessica look down, Sparkle looking ashamed before her as she scuffed a front hoof softly. Spike stood nearby, arms folded before exhaling loudly, gesturing with his claws at Jessica, then towards the paper. Whatever was said seemed to lighten Sparkle's mood slightly, Jessica however offered a smile down towards the unicorn.

"It's okay, I know you didn't mean to make me upset." The words as usual were met with an ear flick, however the warm tone she was very conscious to use seemed to at least be comprehended. A small smile was given in reply, before the unicorn's expression shifted to uncertainty about some issue. Jessica blinked and hesitantly held out a hand, Sparkle looking at it curiously before Ebony gave a roll of her eyes.

A comment from Apple was given, Bubbles also adding to whatever was said as Sparkle blinked, looking unsure. Ebony exhaled loudly and raised her head gently to Jessica's other hand, who in reply stroked gently through the pegasus's mane... the owner of the hand quite confused over what was being talked about. The raised eyebrow from Ebony, followed by a flick of her fore leg over the edge of the bench seemed to get the meaning across.

Sparkle gently moved forward just as Jessica was having second thoughts about trying to comfort her, the soft mane of hair gently meeting Jessica's fingers. Sparkle seemed to relax slightly, letting the hand rest on her head before stroking twice and withdrawing. Confused as to what was going on, Jessica looked at Espa who was bouncing beside Sparkle now. The purple mare exhaled and conceded to a point, a warmer smile now gracing her face.

I'm glad she's feeling better.

The sound of hooves coming into contact with the bench beside her made Jessica aware of Espa about to clamber up; a warm smile coming to her lips as she helped the small unicorn. Bubbles soon joined them, occupying the space beside Espa as she rested a wing over her daughter's back. With equines surrounding her, Jessica gave a small giggle while Apple and Scar continued to recount the details.

She found herself, if not content, then at least comfortable. Despite the little altercation just previous, which was born from misunderstanding, Jessica felt, a little happy about her current situation. Thinking back, she noted that the anger Sparkle displayed was unusual, but... it was actually kind of nice in a bizarre way. That the unicorn had got so worked up over the fact she had been treated in such a way, it at least showed she was cared about on some level.

Thankfully the mood was now in high spirits, that is aside from a small dip where Jessica presumed the bug-like equines had kidnapped her. Closing her eyes she simply enjoyed the calm, the illusion of normality. If she wasn't looking and didn't pay attention to the language used, she could pretend she was listening to people talking in the student apartment she lived in.

Almost able to smell the burnt food from her room-mate's cooking, she was jerked out of her memories by a loud gasp in response to whatever Apple had just said. Cracking open one eye she found herself now the focus of attention once more. Pinky, the apparent owner of the gasp was pointing a hoof towards her with wide blue eyes. Before Jessica could presume she had done something wrong yet again, a cheshire like grin split along the mare's muzzle as she started bouncing on all four hooves.


Espa was now talking excitedly from beside Jessica, making the latter curious as to what was actually being said. Looking about her gaze fell upon Apple, the mare giving a smile and nod of her head as if conceding to a point brought up by Espa. Looking at the other she traveled with, Rainbow was looking nonchalant, right up until a nudge to her side from Apple caused her to roll her eyes, almost grudgingly giving a grin after.

What... has Pinky so excited?

Still aware all eyes were on her, Jessica offered the paper and quill down to Spike, a questioning look upon her face. After a brief pause as understanding came to him, he quickly sat down and scribbled furiously on a piece of paper. The finished drawing was offered up to Jessica, where upon taking it into her hands she attempted to see what all the fuss was about.

A frown quickly found its way across her features, not of anger, no this was one of complete bafflement. Turning the page over several times she raised an eyebrow down at the little dragon-like creature.

Uh... how the heck do they think I can do this? Why?

"No... I don't breathe fire?" The puzzled look given in return prompted Jessica to once more request the quill and turn the paper over. Scribbling on the back she drew an image of her breathing fire, a large circle surrounding with a line diagonally through to give the meaning. Passing it down to Spike only to have an eyebrow lower, the paper was dropped before both claws were raised, palms upwards in a very clear 'what?' gesture.

So... they don't think I can breathe fire?

A comment given by Sparkle prompted the dragon to frown, his shoulders slumped some as he gave an indignant reply. Picking up the picture again he flipped it to look at his original image, turning it over several times before addressing the equines, one claw patting his drawing. It was Flitter who gently spoke up, her voice soft and hesitant as a shy smile crossed over her muzzle. Whatever was said made Spike blink, looking at the image again more closely.

Jessica was... as much as she hated to admit it, rather amused as he scrunched up the paper into a ball and tossed it over his shoulder. Rainbow and Dusk, appeared to have less reservations about how funny they found it, their laughter filling the cabin. Spike threw his claws into the air, looking as if he were on the verge of sulking before Jewel spoke soothingly towards him. Jessica was most impressed by the change of his attitude, now somewhat flustered as he scratched his scaled head bashfully.

Okay, that's cute.

The sound of Ebony speaking brought Jessica's attention to her friend, the mare turning her head to speak towards Sparkle. With a nod the unicorn began to levitate another sheet of paper, Jessica assumed to draw a more accurate image of what they meant. Just as the quill was pressed to the paper, a pink foreleg moved to block Sparkle's attempt.

Sparkle looked surprised as Pinky started to speak, the fore leg lowering as the hoof started to tap on the floor. Jessica watched in bewilderment as the mare's head started to sway, thick pink curls bouncing along with the discernable rhythm caused by the hoof tapping. The other equines seemed to realise what was going on, most gaining a small smile. In fact the only one other than Jessica who looked lost as to what was going on, was Ebony who had a furrowed brow, confusion etched upon her features.

What... what is she doing?

It was then that Pinky began to speak, no, not speak Jessica realised. There was a definite melody along with tonality to the mare's words, a subtle shifting within her voice as Jessica watched the others for guidance. Eyes fixed on Sparkle, she watched as the unicorn gave a long good natured sigh and smiled, speaking encouragingly towards her. Apple met Jessica's gaze next, giving a reassuring nod with a small grin upon her muzzle.

She's... singing?

The pink mare was now looking directly at Jessica, her voice shifting in pitch as she bounced about the cabin. The energy displayed was almost infectious, a small smile tugging at Jessica's lips as she heard the musical voice issuing from Pinky's mouth. Abruptly the singing ended, one hoof pointed directly at Jessica who blinked in surprised, while a rear hoof kept up the beat against the floor.

Jessica pointed to herself with a confused expression, starting to grasp the intention of the singing mare. A vigorous nod was the response given, Pinky once more returning to her song. Eventually the wonderful, if rather spontaneous number ended, silence filling the cabin before Pinky once more pointed a hoof at Jessica, humming a few more notes; the expectation was now clear.

Oh... she wants me to sing?

Giving a small nod of understanding she then gave a strangled squeal when the rest of her brain caught up, pointing to herself again.

Okay, now Spike's picture makes sense.

"Y-You want me to sing? In front of everyone?" Despite the inability of her words to be understood, the context was surmised by Pinky with the questioning tone. A sage nod followed, Jessica looking around for an ally only to find hopeful smiles looking back at her. Well, except Scar and Stoic, but they were easily exempt from any expectations. The one who surprised Jessica the most was Ebony, a small pang of betrayal striking true when she saw a tiny, barely hidden smile on the pegasus's muzzle.

Et tu Ebony?

Sighing she realised there was no way out of it, her brain now putting the snippets of conversation she had picked up earlier together. This is why they were excited it seemed, she probably had Espa to blame for exaggerating how well she sung by their reactions... not that she could ever be mad at the little filly.

"Okay... okay, I'll sing, I'll sing." She held up her hands in a clear sign of defeat to accompany the words, Pinky bouncing about gleefully while Espa cuddled into her mother's wing.

I can't believe I'm doing this...

In a way despite her protests, Jessica felt a little at ease, it was something she knew how to do, it was something she enjoyed doing. Aside from how her nerves were acting up, she also felt a little embarrassed, embarrassed they wanted her to sing, but in a weird way, also flattered. Knowing she was only delaying the inevitable she closed her eyes, trying to stave off a majority of her anxiety. Jessica took a deep breath, thinking back to standing before an audience, her human friends in the crowd cheering her on.

"There was a time when men were kind..." The song passed her lips, the first that had come to mind as she made sure to control the pitch, now back into her element. Despite her reservations it felt... good to sing, as long as she didn't dwell on where she currently was.

"I dreamed a dream in time gone by, when hope was high and life worth living..." She sung the piece a little faster than intended, adding her own spin to it. She was never one for slow songs, but for some reason this one in particular just seemed so... right for her situation. Now it felt like she was back on stage, performing with her mother in the audience, friends trying to make her laugh as she sung her part.

"I had a dream my life would be, so different from this hell I'm living." Nearing the end of the song, she felt her mind churn over the words as they left her mouth. She really couldn't have picked a better song for the situation, almost as if her heart was what truly drove the words forward.

"So different now from what it seemed, now life has killed the dream... I... dreamed." Jessica simply sat there, part of her wanting to laugh at what she had just sung. It was, while not exact to her situation still remarkably apt for how she felt. Without musical accompaniment it probably sounded less than impressive, Jessica musing on this thought until she was forced to peek an eye open at the strangest of sounds.

She saw several of the equines stamping their hooves on the cabin floor, most with smiles on their faces, a couple with grins. Only Stoic as per usual remained impassive, even Scar looked mildly amused at the antics. Lost as to why they were stomping she blinked again when blue eyes peered almost into her own.

"Ack!" Pinky smiled widely, her muzzle inches from Jessica's own before she threw her front hooves upwards and spoke excitedly. Forelegs wrapped about Jessica's neck making her give another unintelligible sound, Pinky releasing to bounce around excitedly afterwards. Jessica felt, well she kind of felt like the victim of a hit and run, if it was caused with hugs instead of a vehicle.

I... guess she liked it?

Jewel had a look of approval upon her face, even the shy Flitter looked like she had enjoyed the song. The pushing against her hand made Jessica aware of Ebony, the pegasus smiling up at encouragingly before feeling her own cheeks burn slightly. Looking up she spied Dusk watching with a wide grin, noise beside her making Jessica aware Espa and Bubbles both were impressed. All this attention was making Jessica fluster until an azure glow snagged the unused piece of paper from before Sparkle.

Jewel moved with determination, a quickly spoken word to Sparkle and the ink pot and quill were also levitated. The white unicorn started to draw, her eyes narrowed in focus while the others watched on curiously. Espa gently spoke up, as inquisitive as Jessica seemed to be only for Apple to reply, peeking at the picture then giving a nod towards Jessica's feet.

Okay, now I'm confused. Is... she drawing my feet?

Still feeling somewhat bashful after her song, Jessica turned her gaze from whatever Jewel was up to, the equines talking amongst themselves once again. Her attention turned to out the window, watching the scenic landscape pass by while left alone with her thoughts. The inability to have a conversation or partake in one was - as much as she tried to deny it, beginning to make her depressed.

In a room full of friendly equines, and I've never felt more alone...

She barely caught out the corner of her eye Rainbow whispering to Apple, their eyes continuing to glance in her direction. Turning her head to regard the two of them with a raised eyebrow, she couldn't help but notice Apple looked like a kid with a hand stuck in the cookie jar. Biting her lower lip, the mare's eyes darted left and right before exhaling loudly.

"Okay, I'm starting to get real sick of not being able to understand everyone." A small amount of annoyance snuck into Jessica's voice despite her best attempts, Apple wilting slightly at the tone before trotting forward. Rainbow looked about and gave Apple a slight nudge with a hoof before taking to the air, moving to hover before Jessica's face with a wide grin.

Personal space seemed to be quite the foreign concept to Rainbow as she gestured with a fore hoof for Jessica to follow. Sparkle's ears perked as they conversed, Espa turning her head to talk with Bubbles quietly before a nod was given. Jessica was now, confused as she moved onto her feet, wincing at two combined things. Her feet, of course were still tender but the fact her legs felt stiff made her realise how long they had been travelling for.

Dusk moved forward immediately, Scar and Stoic sharing a glance before the former gave the tiniest of head movements, Stoic now the next to move beside Jessica. Spike spoke to Sparkle who looked thoughtful, tapping her muzzle with a hoof prior to answering. Next the reptile's attention went to Jewel, a tone of admiration clear in his voice as she replied, seeming quite touched by his offer while she continued to work on... whatever she was working on.

Rainbow flew quickly over to Flitter as Apple spoke to Bubbles and Pinky, repeating the questioning tone Spike had used with answering replies given in return. Jessica frowned thoughtfully, she was sure she heard the word for apple again in the equine tongue, but also the word she was starting to associate with food. A grumbling came from her belly at such thoughts, garnering a chuckle from Dusk while Ebony moved off the bench to support Jessica.

Well... I guess we're getting food? I think that's what we're doing at least, or hope so.

Dusk led the way into the next cabin, opening the door with her mouth allowing Jessica to see that the next cabin was a little more up class than their current one. Espa brushed against Jessica's leg, a smile given before the filly was picked up, becoming quite accustomed to the treatment it seemed. Apple and Rainbow both returned, following Jessica as she entered the cabin behind Dusk.

She was surprised to see it was not empty as she first thought, several equines looked startled at her appearance as they walked through, or at the guards, she wasn't exactly sure which. One white male unicorn in particular looked taken aback by her appearance, feeling more self conscious as his blue eyes went wide. She felt instantly nervous even despite the black suit coat he seemed to wear, while somewhat amusing, he was still a male unicorn.

Waiting for the looks of shock and possibly anger she was now used to, and indeed, a few equines were already giving her, she was shocked when in fact none came from him. Feeling the tingle of anxiety running down her spine, Jessica was further surprised when he turned to address the mare beside him.

The mare was far more slender and a little taller than most mares Jessica had seen, figure, if not stature more in line with the hybrid Night, the form her subconscious seemed to have adopted. Somewhat confused as to how they were looking at her, she followed Dusk through the cabin, who was enjoying herself in giving sadistic smiles to any who directed anger towards the one she escorted.

It was a surprise to everyone in the group when a male voice spoke up just as they were about to leave.

No... screaming?

She turned her head and found the stallion looking at them, of course she now saw he had a monocle and a small blue moustache, both things she had neglected to notice previously. The other option was her mind had blocked these facts to stop itself from shorting out. She tried valiantly to hold the giggle in, the corner of her left eye might have twitched slightly though, but she held it in.


Spike seemed to have a look of recognition as he spied the stallion, the look followed by Apple next as she gave a friendly greeting to them both. The greeting was returned with a nod from the now nicknamed, Snooty, Jessica having picked the name due to the stallion's manner of dress. The mare with her shadowed lids and long pale pink hair, seemed rather relaxed as she gave a soft nod of her own head in greeting.

Okay, I know I wasn't going to dwell on it but how... just, how do they wear eye shadow with fur?

Once more dropping the matter, adding it onto the ever growing list of things that just did not make sense, Jessica watched as the equines conversed for a bit. Dusk acted somewhat more cordial now, or at least to the couple, there were plenty of malicious grins to still go around. Ebony remained unconvinced, pressing harder to Jessica's side as the pegasus glowered at the others who were still giving her strange looks, grateful for her friend's presence.

"Jess-e-ka!" The sound of her name spoken from the filly in her arms made her somewhat baffled. The stallion looked thoughtful, tapping his muzzle with a hoof as he repeated her name, rolling the sounds around on his tongue. Apple for her part seemed amused, gesturing to Jessica while Rainbow grinned widely, giving a firm nod. A tug on her skirt made her look down at Spike, releasing her clothing he pointed at Snooty then back up at her.

"I... I don't understand?" Holding Espa gently with one arm she gestured with her other hand beside her ear, showing that this was the case, hopefully. Spike slapped his face with a claw before clearing his throat, four sounds escaping his mouth. Each sound was a few octaves higher than the last, finishing before looking up at her hopefully with one claw raised beside his mouth.

Jessica mulled on this before Espa repeated what Spike had done, smiling up at Jessica as she realised they were quite likely doing voice exercises. Rainbow sighed and opened the cabin they had just left from, disappearing inside before returning with a piece of paper in her mouth. The crumpled up drawing that Spike had discarded was brought before her, now roughly smoothed out.

A hoof pat against the paper before directing the foreleg towards Jessica got the meaning across. A blush coming to her cheeks as she looked aside as she contemplated this, they wanted her to sing, with all these ponies giving her horrid looks? Ebony commented as she flicked a hoof at the glare receiving equines, picking up on Jessica's nervousness reasonably quickly. The pegasus became quite acquainted with her body language over the past week, so it appeared.

Snooty gave a nod at whatever was said, the stallion almost exuding patience. Another tap to his chin before the hoof was held up, pointed to the next cabin door with a questioning tone. Dusk considering before giving a small nod, leading the way as Snooty and the mare followed behind Apple. Entering the next cabin Jessica was relieved to find it empty, Stoic the last to enter as he closed the door behind them.

Once more Rainbow tapped the paper and gave a hopeful look towards Jessica, who in turn looked around her for support. Apple gave a gentle nod, a smile accompanying the action, Dusk as normal giving a grin... although thankfully it was less malice filled than when directed at the inhabitants of the previous room. Espa's excited voice said it all, Jessica's attention lastly turning to Ebony.

The chocolate mare saw all eyes upon her before she rubbed a foreleg gently with the other, looking somewhat guilty. A small blush seemed to cross over the mare's muzzle prior to exhaling and giving a small nod up towards Jessica. The warmth passed between them as she realised that Ebony seemed to like her singing, remembering Ebony was the first she sung to in this world.

Okay... fine, but if I have a nervous break down I know who to take it out on.

The equines all sat down as she nodded her consent, Spike snatching the drawing from Rainbow's hooves before smacking it with the back of a claw along with a smug look. The action was amusing but she couldn't for the life of her figure out why he was acting that way. Taking a deep breath she held onto Espa prior to singing, repeating the song from before. Her teacher would be proud, she had hated performing in the school's Les Miserables production, and now she was going to sing one of the songs twice in one day.

Ah the irony, or is that karma?

"There was a time..." She closed her eyes, fighting off the fluster that threatened to claim her cheeks. Doing as her mother taught she pushed the feeling down, living for the song, for the moment. Careful to project her voice and control the pitch she continued, reaching the end before her eyes slowly opened. The mare, dubbed Fleur by her tattoo, along with Snooty were looking at her with a small amount of admiration upon their faces.

Okay... can I just go curl up into a corner somewhere and just, die?

She had never felt so self conscious, still nervous of the unicorn she was surprised when he spoke with a gentle tone to his voice. Fleur shared the tone, no fear present on either of their faces as she nudged Snooty with a hoof and looked directly at Jessica with a smile.

Okay, they liked it... can we please go now?

Jessica was feeling, exposed and edging far beyond nervous. Snooty seemed to notice her demeanor and gave a nod towards the others, one last nod directed towards her as he gave a thoughtful expression. A questioning tone entered his voice as he moved to re-enter the previous cabin, whatever Apple's reply was it seemed to give a broad smile, a nod given to the others before the duo exited.

"W-What was that all about?" She had picked up bits and pieces but overall she had only grasped a word or two, or what she thought they meant at least. Shaking her head she followed Dusk into the next cabin, glad to see it unoccupied except for a normal brown mare wearing an apron.

Well, more accurately it was occupied, but these occupants she was more than happy to meet. Two long tables lined each side of the cabin, upon each was a substantial buffet, Rainbow's eyes lighting up as Dusk spoke to the brown mare. Thankfully other than a very curious glance in Jessica's direction, the mare didn't cause much of a fuss, continuing to tend to the tables as she moved in and out of the next cabin.


Rainbow went about creating a plate heaped with food, then two, then three. Most impressive was how she balanced them upon her nose as she flew before moving to get on all fours, sliding them down her neck to have them rest upon her back and wings. Not to be outdone, Apple upped the ante with matching Rainbow before adding two more plates for a total of five, a playful grin given in the pegasus's direction who almost looked like she would take her up on the challenge.

Dusk moved to grab three plates of food, moving to balance them between her wings, Jessica guessing it was for her and the two other guards since Stoic didn't grab anything. That is unless Dusk was that big of an eater, the same could be said for the other two as she assumed they were getting food for the others. Realising this she looked down at Espa who was fidgeting slightly before she pointed towards the buffet table with a finger, offering a smile to the filly within her arms.

Espa nodded happily up at before focusing, her eyebrows furrowing as a golden aura surrounded a muffin, slowly levitating it up. Jessica moved to hold a plate with her free hand, sliding it under the baked good before letting Espa select a few other items. As she spied Spike reaching for a bowl and a plate, Jessica noticed what she thought was a decorative piece, until remembering what occurred in the hospital.

I'm sure somewhere there's a jeweller crying about what those gems are about to go through.

Noticing Spike couldn't quite reach she offered a hand, letting him point at things and filling up a plate before handing it down to him. Next he pointed at the pile of gems, the bowl filled with a variety of precious stones shortly after. A smile and word of gratitude offered up to her, Jessica feeling a little warmer inside due to it. Thinking back to her earlier thoughts on the train she realised she was glad to come here, despite it all, despite how much she longed to get home so she could talk with others again, see her friends...

She was glad to meet creatures like Spike, Red, Ebony, Espa and all the others. Sure the bad outweighed the good so far, but ultimately without them she would at worst be dead, at best a quivering wreck in a cage... her mind broken.

Well that's a depressing image... thank you brain.

Jessica still wasn't sure how bad the mental trauma she may be suffering was from everything so far. Now easily agitated, suspicious, not to mention other things, but what frightened her the most was she couldn't tell how deep the damage went. Her shoulder was almost healed, or at the very least it didn't hurt unless it was bumped or stressed, but... mentally?

How do you gauge that?

Jessica knew she couldn't, so dismissing the thought she filled up her own plate of food, gazing at Ebony who politely shook her head. The others eyed Ebony a little at this, Rainbow lowering one eyebrow before sharing a comment with Apple. Both looked suspiciously towards the only one without a plate that wasn't Stoic, both sharing a look and shrugging afterwards. Dusk just gave a knowing smile and caught the gaze of both Jessica and Ebony, the latter giving a small frown.

Moving the plates to hold one in each hand, somewhat awkwardly but Jessica made it work somehow, moving to follow the group back to the others. A few pleasantries were shared with Snooty and Fleur on the way back through, not to mention some snide remarks given by Rainbow and Ebony towards the other equines. With the door behind them closed when back to their cabin they went about eating their lunch, or was it dinner?

Jessica decided it didn't matter, she was hungry now and that was that. Placing Espa gently down on the bench, she offered the plate down to Bubbles which was graciously accepted. Seating herself, Ebony quickly returned beside her, lying on the bench and yawning before getting a meal of her own. Jessica just smiled feeling the warmth shared between the two of them, glad she at least understood what it was now.

It was, admittedly a little creepy that Ebony fed off emotions, by deduction only positive ones it seemed. Compassion, trust, friendship, concern... they all appeared to be the food source of her kind, the negative ones as Jessica discovered were at the very least harmful towards them. As she watched the others receive their plates of food she mulled over something else that was bothering her.

What happened to the other bug-like ponies in the cave?

She very much doubted they were harmed, she was sure on that part. It didn't seem like Ebony would have allowed that to happen, especially given she stopped Jessica from interfering for a second time. She also found herself trusting Scar and Dusk's judgement, but she was still concerned none the less.

The soft voice of Bubbles broke her out of her thoughts, the cross eyed mare noticing she hadn't touched her food yet, the muffin already consumed by the traces of crumbs about the mares muzzle. Offering a smile, Jessica lifted up the sandwich she had selected, gently eating and savouring the taste of the salad and dressings. Everyone else was eating now, Rainbow, Pinky and Apple with more gusto than the others, with the possible exception of Spike.

Sparkle was looking at him with a raised eyebrow, her voice taking on the tone almost like that of a big sister as he gave a small whine, a whine somewhat muted around the sapphire he was sucking on. Finishing her sandwich, Jessica turned her attention instead to the guards, all eating quietly, Scar taking up the door where they had just came from while Stoic and Dusk guarded the other. Glad to see they did in fact eat, she caught herself being watched.

Looking back at the aqua eyes she saw Flitter gazing back at her timidly, the cyan pegasus beside her engaging in what could only be described as an 'eat-off' against Apple. Needless to say, it wasn't a pretty sight to watch, Pinky however seemed to be joining in with her own plate of food, by her expression her reason being 'just because'. Decent manners were unfortunately a victim of what occurred by the three mares, chewing looked to be the next casualty.

Flitter however looked aside before speaking softly, directing her voice towards Jessica. Sparkle and Spike seemed to notice, Spike taking the opportunity to sneak a few more gems into his mouth when Sparkle wasn't watching. With some encouraging words from the unicorn, Flitter chewed upon her lower lip and slowly got to her hooves.

The shifting of Ebony beside her alerted her to the fact she also noticed Flitter approaching, blue eyes regarding the pegasus with a quizzical if almost bored expression.

"I won't hurt you." Jessica spoke like one trying to coax a scared kitten from under a sofa, she immediately felt bad for it but at the same time the way Flitter was acting it seemed a good analogy. Sparkle had now caught onto the fact of what Spike was doing, a little sound of distress coming from his mouth before he folded his arms, grumbling as the half eaten bowl of gems was kept out of his reach with a pink glow.

Giggling at the sight she was surprised when Bubbles spoke up to get her attention, following the pegasus's gaze she looked down to see Flitter shyly gazing up towards her, now situated within touching distance with a foot. Thinking, Jessica hummed and looked towards Sparkle, making a gesture as if to write she was rewarded with a pad of paper and a quill, another ink pot set gently on her empty plate while Jewel was still using the other. Those still not eating, or whatever it is you called what the other three were doing, now looked at the exchange.

Frowning in thought Jessica brushed the feather against her chin, an idea coming to her as she drew upon the pad. For some reason the image of the bunnies she doodled in her dreams came to mind, drawing one with a carrot looking positively pleased with itself. Given her artistic level it wouldn't be called art, but as far as a silly cartoon doodled on paper with a quill, It was still up there on skill level she had to admit.

Tearing the page off she turned it around so Flitter could see, unsure what the pegasus would think of it. She was pleased when Flitter's eyes went wide and a small smile came to her muzzle, the drawing offered down as Flitter took it in her mouth, careful of the drying ink. As the mare turned to head back to Rainbow she paused and turned, giving a small bow of her head along with something mumbled, a soft tone of gratitude in her voice.

She really is quite pretty.

A momentary pause caused Jessica to exhale before smiling at her own thoughts, suspecting her mind really was beginning to rebel on her.

That is, as far as equines go. Jess, they're horses. Not to mention she's female.

Exhaling again she wondered what was wrong with her brain, deciding it was just the anxiety of going to the castle she shrugged it off. Now with a full belly she began to get heavy lidded, the warmth of the equines either side of her only aiding in the drowsiness. The last thing she noticed before sleep snuck up on her was Spike mentioning something offhandedly to Jewel, the unicorn letting out a loud shriek before dashing towards the cabin door where they had gone to get food.

There was a momentary pause as Jewel played with her mane before she opened the door, trotting into the next room with a tone of surprise in her voice.

After that Jessica's eyelids drooped and dreamless sleep came to claim her.


An excited voice filled her ears, a soft pushing to her side making her mumble in agitation. Unwilling to wake she tried to brush the annoyance away only to find her hand brushing against something remarkably hard and slightly pointy. Blinking she reached up to rub her eyes of sleep, realising that no, she wasn't at home in bed, and no that wasn't her room-mate.

Sparkle spoke again, this time nudging gently with a hoof as Jessica covered her mouth with a yawn. The sun was shining outside, low in the sky signalling either early morning or late evening. Unsure whether she had slept all night, or only for a few hours, she noticed one other key thing out the window.

They were now surrounded by buildings, the rest of the group already up and ready to go as her attention turned back inside. Reaching into her sweater to check her cell phone for the current time out of habit she stopped herself, pushing the sling and device back in before giving a stretch. It was about this time that Jessica's brain finally arrived late to the party, bashed down the door and screamed at her.

...Wait, we're here? This is the castle?

The information was akin to ice-cold water being tipped down her back, instantly awake she got to her feet, Ebony who had yet to leave her side following without a word. Sparkle gave a smile as they made their way towards the open cabin door, the guards already in position waiting. Slowly they made their way through the surprisingly empty cars, Jessica suspecting they had allowed her to sleep until the train was clear. The thought was a kind gesture at least to relieve her nervousness.

Ebony was however looking decidedly nervous, very similar to how the pegasus was on the way to the train in the first town she found herself in. Jessica gently rested a hand on Ebony's head, a gesture she felt was now natural to calm her friend down. It seemed to work slightly, the others talking in excited tones as they made their way to the exit. That was when she felt her stomach turn, one of the guards, she wasn't sure if it was Dusk or Scar, giving a short click of the tongue in agitation.

It was the sound that she up until now had only barely acknowledged in the back of her head, now it was a cacophony of noise she couldn't ignore.

So... many...

There were equines everywhere as they left the train, and some other creatures she was completely unfamiliar with. Several flashes erupted from the crowd as the sound started to build making her wince, distantly aware of the fact that cameras were the source of the light. Various emotions seemed to line their faces, shock, curiosity, anger and surprisingly several were excited... the last group was one that took her off guard the most.

Jessica wasn't terribly surprised when the guards moved to break a path through the mass of bodies, the fact it was Stoic was a surprise in itself especially when he spoke. His voice was raised as he challenged anyone to defy him, his tone full of authority as the crowd quickly parted allowing a way through. Flitter looked how Jessica felt, hiding under her mane as she meekly walked with the rest through the flashes of cameras and voices shouted in questioning tones.

Is this due to me?

Bubbles had a wing protectively over Espa as they trotted along, Rainbow flying with an expression torn between wanting to keep the crowd at bay, but also wishing to indulge in some of the attention. Dusk and Scar walked either side of Jessica now, Ebony sneaking behind with Apple and Flitter. Sparkle led the way with Stoic, Spike riding upon her back while Pinky and Jewel followed close behind. All moving to keep Jessica in the middle, away from those that surrounded them.

It was as if she was being escorted like a celebrity, that thought making her frown a little. Perhaps in this world she was, a monster and something different to be watched, studied.

Brain, I'm warning you...

She was suddenly snapped out of her thoughts as a creature that looked like someone had stuck together an eagle and a cat approached her from the side, holding a notepad in one claw, the other holding a pen as it used its wings for balance.

A griffon, but... wait... what does... what is going on?

Confused by so many wanting her attention, she was thankfully saved when Scar gave a frown accompanied with a strong tone, the griffon wisely backing off. Thankfully several more guards flew down from the sky, each quickly taking up position to force the crowd back and create a perimeter. Looking ahead, Jessica also noticed several other guards, these ones with darker fur, all standing in two neat rows leading to a large wall.

Too frazzled to even take in the fact most were male unicorns, she also noticed the crowd wasn't trying to hurt her in any way. It didn't stop her feeling anymore nervous even as Apple spoke reassuringly from behind her. What was taking up most of her attention however was like with Dusk, she knew what this large gate situated in the wall was, or where it led was the more precise way of putting it.

As the large doors opened she found the group walking along a large paved area, stairs present on the other side of the courtyard leading into the castle directly. She knew this, the knowledge of such scared her, how could she possibly know any of this?

Is this due to the dream?

She heard the crowd's voices die down as the large gate shut behind them, of course given a sizable portion had wings, several began to hover above the wall to watch. As they entered the castle doors she saw a large room, decorated with checkered floors and tapestries creating a very noble feel about it. Directly in front were stairs leading to the second floor and onwards, branching off to the left and the right with a large stained glass window before her. She felt herself slowly moving along a set path, knowing where she was going even when not paying attention to those in front.

A sound of surprise came from Sparkle as Jessica almost bumped into her, blushing as she offered a shy smile to the unicorn who in turn gave a confused smile followed with a nod. Spike looked at Jessica oddly however, rubbing his chin in thought before giving a shrug and speaking to Sparkle.

Why do I know where to go?

Eventually they made their way to two large, and for Jessica, scarily familiar doors. Guarding each side were two guards, a bat-winged guard on either side matched with a unicorn guard. Nods were exchanged with Dusk and Scar before with a glow of the unicorn horns, the doors slowly opened.

Jessica held her breath, she now knew what to expect and her brain wasn't ready for it, part of her wanting to be wrong, just to prove she wasn't insane. Being led in she looked at the stained glass windows, the long red carpet, the ornate and large throne. It was no use, no matter where she tried to avert her gaze, slowly her eyes inevitably crept to the two figures seated before the throne.

The taller of the two females, the white hybrid looked over their group with soft pink eyes. The colour filled mane flowed just as it had done in her dreams, the crown, the sun tattoo, the kind almost maternal feeling that just seemed to radiate from her. All was familiar, all from her dream.

Then there was the other hybrid, the dark almost black coat of fur, not to mention the teal eyes that had been a presence in her dreams for over a week. The star-filled ethereal mane, the black armor and the moon tattoo on her haunch were all very, very well known to Jessica by now.

"Night..." Jessica spoke the word as the rest of the equines gave a bow towards the two, the doors behind them closing as both, Jessica assumed, queens gave kind smiles to the show of devotion. Night's eyes seem to twinkle with mirth when they spotted Jessica, her own mind roiling as she tried to make sense of how she had the knowledge she did. It was then that Night spoke.

"Jessica, welcome." The words were spoken perfectly, without any hint of the tumbling like in the dreams she had. Jessica's eyes went wide as she took a step back, a finger pointing towards Night, well she attempted to do so, but given how much her arm was shaking, she could have been pointing pretty much anywhere at that moment.

"Y-You... you were in my dreams!" She was confused, yet, not scared which surprised her, but still, she was completely and utterly confused. The others looked shocked as Night spoke in Jessica's language, a small part of herself wondering how they felt to be the ones left out of a conversation.

Night seemed to consider the words, one ear flicking before she looked towards the white hybrid. They both conversed in the equine tongue before Night's horn began to glow gently. Jessica blinked, her head starting to swim as she staggered back a step. She found Dusk quickly moved to support her with a wing as her eyelids became unbearably heavy. Confused as to why she was suddenly so very fatigued given she had just slept for so long, she barely noticed as Night walked down the stairs towards her.

The last thing she heard was Ebony's voice calling out before falling to unconsciousness against the guard.


Jessica rubbed her head as she got her bearings, she was still in the throne room but now there was just Night and herself, the mare looking decidedly apologetic.

"So you were the one watching me, why?" Jessica felt, she didn't actually know what to feel. Night however had her horn glow softly, then unlike in the throne room when she spoke the words this time were awkward on her tongue.

"S-Sah... Sa-orhy." Night frowned before clicking her tongue a few times and repeated the word when Jessica gave a baffled expression.

"Sah-orry." This time she got the basic pronunciation right, Jessica blinking as she took this in.

"You're, sorry?" Jessica's voice was filled with confusion, resting fingertips to her head as she sighed. There was a distant voice calling her name, echoing from outside the walls that was becoming mildly distracting. Night looked about and gave a soft sigh, her ear flicking showing she heard the same sound.

"Sah...S-Sorry fur...s-suh-lip maaak-u." Night's words were struggling, the glow on her horn growing in intensity as Jessica blinked.

"Sorry...for..." Realisation dawned upon Jessica's face before she finished her sentence, she was asleep. Looking around it made sense now, she tilted her head and looked at what she presumed was one of the queens.

"Why?" The question was simple, even if Night didn't understand the context she clearly understood the tone. The ethereal mane extended around the room like in her, well dreams appropriately enough, covering all as Night smiled gently. Images were pulled from everywhere, glowing within the stars. Several caught her attention at first, an image of the white queen talking to the group, also within she could see herself and Night, both clearly asleep with herself supported by Dusk, meanwhile Ebony was speaking her name several times before being calmed down.

"So, you put me to sleep so... to talk to me?" Jessica tilted her head, she wasn't sure how far Night's grasp on her language went. From what she had seen so far however it wasn't much further than her own grasp on the ponies' language, perhaps maybe a little more. Night seemed to mull on the words, her horn glowed even brighter before she gave a small nod, one ear flicking again.

The tall mare began to talk in the equine language once more, Jessica showing a tilt of her head in a gesture she was unable to comprehend the words. A frustrated sigh escaped Night's mouth before she gestured to another image. Looking in its direction she watched the mare practising in a mirror, talking repeatedly until she got the greeting she had used originally down perfectly. A questioning gaze at the mare was met with a bashful smile and the image was quickly discarded.

Jessica realised there was clearly a barrier between the two of them communication wise, but had to admit with the pictures it made things easier. Trying something out she moved her hand into the stars, forming a small window within which an image of her back home was shown, surrounded by other people. She gave a questioning glance at Night who sighed heavily, a small tilt of her head given to look behind her.

Turning around Jessica saw a gigantic library, both Night and the white hybrid, whom Jessica decided to name Sunny, were looking through books one after another. The message was clear; they were working on it. That filled her with a bit of relief, at least they were trying to help her, supposedly.

"Jessica." The use of her name made her turn and see an image of several bug-like equines. Night was regarding them closely, one in particular moving towards Jessica as it became three dimensional. The image distorted, slowly becoming that of Ebony's pegasus guise as Night tilted her head towards it. Unsure what the queen wanted with her, she was surprised when the dream version of Ebony spoke.

"How do you feel about me Jess, really?" A look at Night's horn glowing made it clear she had something to do with what Ebony was asking. A raised eyebrow under the glowing horn confirmed her suspicions as she looked at Ebony, considering how exactly to reply. Bending down Jessica slid her arms around her friend's neck and gave a soft hug.

"I trust you, you're there for me." Jessica spoke with conviction before nuzzling the dream-mare's curly mane.

"Plus, I guess I consider you my real true friend in this world." The words blind-sided Jessica even as she spoke them. Considering what she had just said she found that she couldn't deny them, they were true. Night watched on, her eyes half lidding as a smile came to her face. The way her ears were flicking seemed to imply she didn't understand everything that was being said, but it was clear she got the message.

Why it mattered to her, Jessica had no idea.

Night gave a small bow of her head, everything fading away before the throne room they had been in was replaced with a very well furnished bedroom. She found herself standing against a wall, Night beside her as she watched a perfect copy of herself reading over a book. Nearby sat two unicorns and one normal pony, none of whom she had seen before. The equines were all speaking slowly as the dream version of herself repeated the words back.

Looking beside her she saw Night regarding her with a raised eyebrow, gesturing back before her with a hoof. Jessica frowned in thought, trying to discern what exactly was going on. Her eyes went wide when realisation hit her, the words coming out of the dream version of herself was the equine language, the three ponies giving sounds of approval.

"You... want to teach me how to speak your language?" Jessica again wasn't sure how to feel as she put forward the question, on one hand it was a wonderful gesture; it would be hard work but it would finally allow her to finally communicate. Then there was the other fact, if she was here long enough to learn it, that meant the way home was possibly not going to happen anytime soon.

Night seemed to pick up by her expression what she meant, despite not seeming to understanding the question. A small nod was given before one of her silver clad hooves gently pushed under Jessica's bosom, a soft tap given to her sweater.

"~Let home be where your heart lies.~" The equine words flowing from Night's mouth filtered into her head, able to understand this singular sentence perfectly it seemed. A reassuring smile from Night made Jessica sigh softly, giving a small nod in consent.

"Okay." Her voice resigned to the fact as she made sure to also offer a smile in return. Why the queens were willing to do this with her, well one of the queens at least, was beyond her. Perhaps they just wanted her gone from their world and the sooner the better, or perhaps...

Her mind seemed to make the dreamscape react to her darkening thoughts, Night's equine language incomprehensible, but her tone was firm as she shook her head at what Jessica had been thinking. Looking behind her she saw what her own mind had conjured, images of her being betrayed, being cast out, imprisoned, mistreated... all the things she was scared of every day since the first.

Night's horn glowed as she watched this, the pictures shifting, replaced with those of Red, Ebony, Sparkle, Apple, Espa and all the others. The message was very clear as Night looked sternly down at her, gently gesturing with a hoof over those shown.

"Okay... okay, there are those that do care for me." Jessica sighed, the fact her mind was an open book to this equine was a little... disconcerting but at the same time it made communication easier. A thought she had pushed away earlier quickly took priority in her mind. Night looked interested as Jessica indicated back to the group of bug-like equines that had appeared behind her, following her thoughts.

A questioning look on Jessica's face made Night look thoughtful, waving a hoof as it showed the guards escorting them from the cave. Watching carefully she observed the couple of young ones riding on the back of one of the adult insectile equines. Night sighed softly and directed Jessica's attention to another window, this one having them escorted into a large carriage with bars.

"W-What? That's... you're imprisoning them?!" Jessica's voice became raised as Night winced at the outburst, the image changed showing the destination, the castle... where she currently was.

Confused now she was directed to a swirling vortex, within opened up what appeared to be several of the bug-like ponies attacking other equines. There was screaming, shouts of terror, Jessica took a step back as she took in what was going on, the enormity of the horror hitting her. Holding a hand over her mouth she witnessed Sparkle and her friends battling through wave after wave of them, eventually succumbing to the sheer numbers.

"W-What... what are you?" Jessica felt physically ill, is this what the bug-like equines did? Is this what Ebony did? Night gave a small sigh and banished the image as if regretting showing it. The quality had seemed slightly grainy now that Jessica thought about it, but she instead was now focusing on something else.

Night offered a small smile as she stood beside Jessica, watching as Jessica's own memories showed her with Ebony. Their interactions, how she felt towards her and how the feelings seemed to be returned.

"~Your heart.~" The equine tongue once more spoken by Night, a gentle push to Jessica's chest made her exhale as the words sunk in. Ebony, despite what others had done wasn't like that, she was there for her, and most importantly had not hurt anyone. The ones in the cave, she wasn't sure what was going on with them but she still didn't want to see them hurt, especially the young ones.

Jessica frowned and struggled with the word in her mouth, she was frustrated but she was going to do it. Night looked confused until Jessica worked on putting what she knew together in her head, she had heard the word enough to surmise its meaning hopefully.

"~Mu-Muh... Ma-i... My Heart.~" She pressed a finger gently to her chest and smiled at Night, hoping she got the word right. It was a simple two letter word, but for her it was a huge accomplishment, the look she got in return proved she had done well.

It was silly, it was a simple concept, but knowing Ebony would be with her made the fact she had to wait to go home... while not good, not even nice, but acceptable. She would learn more of this language, she would repay the kindness she had been given, and most importantly... she would go back home.

Gesturing with a hand she made an image open up, the dream version of Ebony once more appearing. She had now learnt why her friend had been so nervous of coming here if what she saw was true, not that Night had anything to gain by lying to her that she was aware of. Placing a hand upon Ebony's mane she looked up at the queen, she was in no position to make demands but this was one she had to do.

Ebony had protected her more than once, now it was her turn. Her body language was clear as she looked at the tall dark equine.

Night looked surprised before a smile came to her muzzle, a soft chuckle escaping before she nodded. It seemed she wasn't expecting anything less from Jessica, or at least seemed pleased by this decision. A wave of the hoof was given, three figures appearing beside Jessica as the counter offer was given.

Blinking she smiled, communication given without a single word passed as they made a deal. Perhaps it was because she was in her own mind, but she felt, confident and not afraid of Night at all.

As she felt consciousness tug at her, she also knew the other reason she had agreed so readily.

How could she possibly object to having Scar, Stoic and Dusk being the ones to guard her?


Jessica furrowed her brow as sounds entered her ears.

No, voices.

A concerned and welcome voice spoke softly, Ebony looking up with worry as Jessica offered a smile and removed herself from off Dusk's back. Night was slowly getting up as well, turning her head to address Sunny as the two conversed, a small nod given by the darker mare with a smile returned.

Wait, was that really a dream?

Running fingers through her hair she noticed the others were looking at her now, Sparkle turning her head to talk to Sunny who replied in a calm patient tone of voice. Still trying to go over the thoughts that swum about her head she felt the events catch up to her, understanding exactly what had been said, discussed mostly without words.

"So... I'm stuck here for a while." Her tone became depressed, it was one thing to accept it in a dream, but reality? Ebony pushed to her side, her hand stroking into the mare's mane glad for the comfort she brought her. Sunny seemed to notice this, an arched eyebrow given to Night who gazed over at both Jessica and Ebony.

A small nod was given with a smile creeping over the dark queen's muzzle as Sunny turned to address the group, her voice raising in volume as Dusk gave a large grin at what was being said. Sparkle wasn't the only one to gasp, but she certainly was the loudest, all eyes turning to look in Jessica's direction. Sunny moved to approach, Ebony cowering down behind Jessica before the white hybrid, which Jessica had to admit was taller than even her, looked down at them both.

Rainbow and Apple seemed to share a look before voicing their thoughts, Sunny exhaling before a questioning tone crept into her words. Night regarded Ebony curiously before another question was given, Ebony shifting nervously before replying, fear filling her voice.

"Ebony?" Jessica's voice full of concern for her friend before green fire erupted about the pegasus, stepping back she saw the fire ease away revealing glowing blue eyes gazing nervously down. Moving forward Jessica slipped arms around Ebony's neck, feeling the cool surface of her chitin covering. In return Jessica felt the cold muzzle push to her right shoulder, nuzzling softly making her smile. No matter the form, Ebony was still Ebony.

The shadow of Sunny fell over Jessica as she was hugging Ebony, blinking up she saw pink eyes slowly narrow, gazing down while majestic wings spread wide. The look was imposing, light almost radiating from the queen's form as her tone became forceful, Ebony's body shaking within her arms.

"What... what do yo-" She was cut off as Ebony took a deep breath and moved from out of Jessica's arms, standing before her while steeling herself. Sunny raised an eyebrow, looking curious but not impressed by what was going on. Ignoring Ebony, Sunny turned her attention to the guards, a questioning tone given to Scar first. The stallion looked thoughtful before raising his head, standing to attention with a clear strong voice.

Whatever he said made Night give a small knowing nod, Sunny however didn't change her expression. She next turned to address Stoic who repeated the action of Scar, whatever he said did make Sunny raise an eyebrow, regarding Ebony with less intensity now. Finally it was Dusk's turn, Jessica surprised to see the female guard was all business right now, her almost constant grin vanished from her face. One hoof moved to give a salute as she too spoke, Night giving a smile and nod to the words, Sunny meanwhile looking thoughtful.

What... what are they talking about?

Next it was the others' turn, Sparkle looking confused before Rainbow spoke up, her mouth opening several times before she simply shrugged and gestured dismissively with a hoof. Apple adjusted her hat when it was her turn, face an expression of mulling something over before she gave a small grin. Whatever the orange mare said caused Ebony to look a little surprised.

Sparkle finally spoke, Spike adding a few comments in as the unicorn looked over towards Ebony, biting on her lower lip before she considered further to say. Looking up towards Sunny, Sparkle's voice took on an earnest tone to which Sunny's features shifted to a warm smile before the stern visage returned as she looked about.

Pinky looked thoughtful before approaching the one seemingly on trial, rubbing under her muzzle with one hoof as if scrutinising Ebony for any signs of treachery. She spoke with conviction, pointing a hoof at the bug-like equine before green fire erupted around Ebony, replaced with an identical copy of Pinky, resulting in two of them.

Wait, she can copy other ponies too?

The original Pinky rubbed under her muzzle once more, walking around the copy before giving a sage nod and bouncing over to the group satisfied with... well Jessica had no clue what was to be gained out of that. From the looks of the others, a few deadpan expressions on several faces, neither did they. Ebony for her part looked completely baffled before wilting under Sunny's intense gaze once more.

Bubbles spoke up next, looking extremely hesitant before a soft voice from under her wing added to whatever was said. Ebony clearly wasn't expecting what she heard, especially from the small filly. Sparkle and Apple giving a smile at whatever Bubbles had spoken of, the cross eyed mare adding a small firm toned comment which made Ebony wilt slightly. A soft apologetic sounding word escaping Ebony's mouth which seemed to ever so slightly satisfy the mother.

Flitter and Jewel were both next, Flitter softly spoke up, peeking from under her mane as her eyes darted between Sunny, Ebony and the floor in quick succession. A quick glance over to the insectile-equine gave one more soft comment, a tiny hint of a smile on Flitter's face before Jewel scoffed. The white unicorn seemed the most put off, gesturing with a hoof before stomping it down onto the carpet. Finally however, Jewel exhaled and gave a dismissive flick of her hoof, gazing at Ebony with a small frown, Apple giving a small chuckle under her breath.

Were... was she asking what they thought of her? Is this because of what Night showed me?

Jessica watched as a long exhale came from the white queen, her wings folding in to her sides as she spoke with authority down towards the bug-like equine. Her head tilted towards Jessica briefly before she moved a hoof to encompass all those in the room, finally Sunny looked down at Ebony, an expectant look upon her face.

Ebony took a deep breath before letting out a soft hiss, looking to be considering her words carefully. A shake of the head was given before she looked up at Jessica with luminescent eyes, the gaze returned with worry. Jessica was unsure what was going on, why the queen was acting this way when Night acted so differently. She was surprised when Ebony moved against her, turning to look up at Sunny to speak with a conviction filled voice.

Dusk and Night both seemed to nod at this, a small grin finding its way along Rainbow's muzzle although she did try to hide it. Sunny however appeared to mull over the words before a soft sigh escaped her mouth, slowly her personality seemed to slip back into the maternal like figure from before. Her tone was kinder but holding a strong undercurrent of threat within as she spoke towards Ebony, a head gesture including Jessica into whatever was said.

Thoroughly confused, Jessica found herself looking at Ebony who exhaled loudly, her body slumping slightly as if relieved over something. Night spoke carefully, looking at Sunny as the two exchanged a small smile, the dark queen's gaze directed at the bug-like equine with a raised eyebrow, questioning tone given.

Ebony blinked and gave a small nod, returning to her pegasus guise as Espa trotted forward, Bubbles looking to try and hold her back before Sunny spoke softly. Espa paused before looking behind her, her mother sighing and giving a nod of consent. Ebony looked confused as Espa approached, gently speaking with a questioning tone. Jessica watched as the disguised pegasus scuffed a front hoof and looked to the side, only to be surprised as a small muzzle pushed to one leg.


Jessica couldn't hide her smile as Ebony raised the nuzzled leg, gazing at the small filly with a confused expression. Opening her mouth a few times as if tasting something, Ebony looked down at Espa, a small smile coming to her muzzle as she stuck her tongue out immaturely. The young unicorn returned the gesture before both gave a small laugh between them, Sunny looking a little amused by the exchange.

Bubbles thankfully seemed to relax slightly, still eyeing Ebony warily as Espa returned to her, pulled under a wing protectively. Spike rubbed his chin with a claw, talking to Sparkle who hesitantly looked at Jewel. The white unicorn was frowning, turning her nose up into the air as Ebony's eyes narrowed, the look of an argument about to start being cut off as Flitter gently spoke up.

The others seemed to consider her words before Dusk gave a shrug and a wide grin came to her muzzle. Her head jerked to indicate towards Jessica before she spoke, Jewel looking reluctant but replied, glaring at Ebony where the look was returned. Apple and Sparkle sighed softly at their friend's actions, it was Night however, who interrupted any further conversation by speaking gently before Sunny gave a small nod to what was said.

Ebony blinked and moved against Jessica who hugged her softly, noticing Jewel looking out the corner of her eye with a concerned expression upon her face, which, was quickly hidden with a flick of her curly mane. Jessica also noticed a rolled up piece of paper protruding from the mare's saddlebag, still curious as to what she had been drawing. Her attention however was pulled back to the queens seeing they were once more speaking.

With a single word from Sunny the door once more opened, a cautionary tone of voice coming from Night as the equines and Spike all gave a consenting tone. Rainbow's voice however did hold a strong sense of sarcasm making Sparkle quickly speak up with a rushed and worried tone, Sunny laughing gently. A small nod was given by Night towards Jessica, a smile given in return for everything the queen had done for her, the other queen, Sunny also giving a small smile her way.

It was as they were about to leave when a thoughtful voice came from behind, Jessica turning as Sunny was looking to the side, her tone almost playful as she looked in her direction. Sparkle looked back, blinking as she gave a small nod, speaking reluctantly but leading the way out. Jessica was about to follow when a voice made her turn, just in time for her to miss the door closing behind her.

"Jessica?" Sunny moved forward, Night following as Ebony stuck close to Jessica's side, also not having left. The sight of Scar and Dusk flanking her either side also showed they weren't completely alone.

"Y-Yes?" Something about the tall white mare made her, nervous. Not scared, but there was almost something about her, something lurking beneath the surface.

Power... it's like... it's like power is emanating from her, a lot of power.

Ebony was still nervous beside her, Sunny regarding her friend with a more pleasant tone now, gesturing towards Scar and Dusk with one hoof, before finally directing the appendage towards Jessica. Ebony blinked and gave a small nod, one of Sunny's eyebrows lifted as she repeated what she had just said, this time in a questioning tone.

Ebony jerked as if she had been slapped, unable to make eye contact with the monarch before speaking quietly, her teeth gritting gently. Sunny seemed to consider the words before accepting them, a patient voice gently speaking now looking at Jessica. Night stepped forward, conversing with the white mare for a moment as Sunny gave a sigh, her horn glowing brightly.

Jessica had no idea why Night had her mouth slightly open during this, prior to it closing as she cast a small frown towards Sunny. The white queen in return offered a small smile to the other mare, moving her gaze back towards Jessica after. Sunny's horn glowed steadily brighter until almost pulsing, a look of focus coming to her face.

The floor before them erupted into light, Sunny concentrating as an image formed of Jessica and Ebony sitting in a well furnished room, the same room she had seen in the dream with Night. The three guards were present as well, Jessica blinking as Sunny spoke during this, more for the sake of Ebony and the guards it seemed as she herself couldn't understand. She picked up some implied meaning, and from what she had seen she got the general idea.

She was to stay in the room, and learn the language while the queens worked on getting her home. Would she however be a prisoner or a guest, she was unsure about this and started to become nervous before Night's gaze found her own, a small reassuring nod and smile given. Sunny seemed to pick up on this, the projection caused by her horn vanishing as the white queen also gave a reassuring smile.

I guess... a guest then, hopefully.

Jessica offered a shy smile back, realising she hadn't thanked them for what they were doing for her. She was pretty sure hugging a queen was, probably frowned upon with social etiquette, so instead she gave a small curtsey. Granted she could never get it right but the gesture was understood as both queens gave a small nod of their heads and a smile.

A few words were spoken to Ebony who hesitated, giving a nod before the doors were once more opened, revealing the others waiting outside. Sunny's voice called out, Sparkle blinking in surprise before she trotted quickly into the throne room, Spike following behind. Jessica, following the two guards left as the doors shut behind them. Questions were quickly thrown in Ebony's direction, the pegasus looking uncomfortable and answering what she could.

A soft nudge to her side from Rainbow made her blink in surprise, one eyebrow lowering as the flying mare gave a grin and spoke in a flippant tone of voice. Gesturing to Jessica with a hoof she landed, Scar adding his voice as well to whatever was being commented on. Ebony looked, confused until she snorted and looked aside, a small blush creeping along her muzzle. Rainbow just grinned wider at the reaction, clearly enjoying being able to push Ebony's buttons.

Dusk spoke up, the other mares looking surprised as she gestured to Jessica with a flick of her head. Scar added onto whatever was said, addressing the seven others as they looked thoughtful. Apple rubbed under her hat as she looked about, considering whatever was said before reluctantly speaking. Bubbles looked hesitant as well until Espa's pleading voice spoke up, the mother's slumping shoulders showing defeat to her daughter's request.

Pinky bounced about Jewel who gave an exaggerated sigh, Rainbow and Apple both rolling their eyes at her theatrics. Flitter looked nervous before Jewel spoke reassuringly towards her, Flitter turning to talk to Apple who gave a firm nod, a wide grin spilling over her muzzle. With that the stetson wearing mare approached Ebony and Jessica.

Jessica blinked, unsure what had just been discussed before Apple looked thoughtful prior to offering a hoof towards Ebony. Jessica blinked as the pegasus looked unsure, one fore hoof raised reflecting her mood before hesitantly pressing against the other mare's. Her eyes went wide as her foreleg was shook vigorously, Apple next looking up at Jessica, rubbing her mane. Espa spoke up, Apple considering the words before rearing back on her hind legs, holding forelegs upwards.

A hug?

Jessica accepted the gesture, sliding her arms around the mare's neck and into her blonde mane. Apple's voice was that of soft concern before green eyes looked into Jessica's own, unsure what was being said she just gave a soft smile which seemed to be enough for the mare. With a few foreleg hugs given to the rest she turned and made her way towards the exit, Jessica only now realising that Apple was leaving.

She felt a little upset until she realised the rest remained, all looking at her with some form of reassurance as they saw the look of nervousness upon her face. Grateful she wasn't left alone she heard the doors open behind her, Sparkle returning as the others quickly encircled her. Sparkle gestured towards Jessica and Ebony while speaking, Dusk nodding to agree with what had being said.

Pinky seemed delighted with whatever had been mentioned, bouncing all around the others before flailing her forelegs and giving a loud gasp. Sparkle quickly spoke calming her down while offering a smile up at Jessica. The look was returned, once more lost in the conversation.

But hopefully, hopefully that will soon change.

The group moved, heading back to the intersection at the entrance in time to say farewells to Apple who waved back, being escorted by two guards across the courtyard. Dusk giving a grin as she led them up another flight of stairs, heading up several floors before gesturing down a long hallway, windows lining each side to let warm sunlight drift in. A few equines dressed as either maids or butlers looked surprised by the appearance before a greeting was given towards Sparkle.

Dusk deferred to Sparkle who spoke to the gathered... Jessica presumed, staff who nodded, seeming to take everything in stride. She was most surprised when not even one looked at her for longer than a few seconds aside from a small bow in her direction. Finally she was led to a room, Stoic taking up position outside the door along with Scar. Dusk however seemed quite pleased with herself, commenting to the two male guards causing only the slightest frown to crease Scar's face.

The rubbing of a hoof to his muzzle as he looked thoughtful, made Jessica, for some reason remember when she had hurled sticks at him for peeking. Sparkle smiled at Jessica, the smile waned slightly as she took in Ebony but it was still partially present. The others were led away by the unicorn further down the hallway as they talked excitedly, Jewel in particular was almost matching Pinky in enthusiasm as their voices drifted down the hall.

Espa gave a little pout over her shoulder as she followed her mother, Jessica just offering a warm smile realising they would have separate rooms. Ebony for her part, despite all that had happened stuck her tongue out at the filly, the gesture returned much to Dusk's amusement.

Led into the room she was shocked at how... expansive it was not to mention well furnished. Three beds were available although Dusk gave a comment to Ebony who flustered along her muzzle, looking aside with a small snort of air from the nostrils.

"My room." This would be where Jessica would be staying for a while it seemed, moving to the window to look outside she felt the presence of Ebony at her side. The room matched exactly as she had seen in the dream, along with the image that Sunny had created in the throne room. Dusk it seemed would be her room-mate, either to keep an eye on Ebony, watch her, guard her, or quite possibly all three.

Dusk moved to stand near the doorway, giving a mock salute before sitting down on her haunches to yawn widely. Looking out the window Jessica gave a wistful smile, she was closer to getting home hopefully, the queens seemed to be looking for a way to do so. Most importantly, Ebony was still with her, along with the others except Red, and now Apple.

Taking in the majestic view she smiled softly, the warmth easing into the mare beside her. Watching the sun hang in the sky she knew there was still half the day to go, but for now... this moment she just wanted to enjoy the view.

Later would come and things would be done, but this moment?

This moment was hers.