• Published 5th Apr 2013
  • 41,666 Views, 2,089 Comments

A Voice Among the Strangers - Tystarr

An unsuspecting girl finds herself in Equestria, thrust into a world she has no concept of. Unable to communicate with the inhabitants, how will she cope?

  • ...

Chapter six: Interlude

Once more the warm kiss of the sun fell over Jessica's body, warming her soft brown skin where exposed. Absently rolling her left shoulder, testing the mobility before wincing at a slight pain, she found herself relaxing with thoughts returning to earlier.

After settling into her room the others had returned and Sparkle had taken them on a tour, Jessica had to admit it was quite fun exploring the castle. When she was younger she had always wished for a castle, as most seven year old girls tended to do. Of course in her case she had also wished it to be a moving mechanical castle with laser cannons, but then again who didn't at that age?

She had noticed rather quickly that most of the castle staff seemed to be on friendly terms with Sparkle and Spike. The guards she had expected as such, but Sparkle?

Maybe she used to work here in the past?

Jessica mulled over that thought quietly, Sunny had seemed somewhat more fond of the unicorn than the others. Reminded of what had occurred in the throne room she found her hand straying gently into Ebony's mane, the mare remaining almost attached to her hip since the event. Something about this place had her friend rather spooked, but given how the white queen had acted after Ebony revealed her true form...

Her mind had much to think about, what Night had shown her about the bug-like equines attacking the other types of ponies, being chief among them. Would Ebony do that, or worse, had she been a part of whatever that was? The thought was like a hooked spur, slipping into her mind and digging deeper the more she worried about it.

She thought quietly on the other equines like Ebony, they had acted strange, desperate even when kidnapped by them. With a lowered brow she tried to focus on a thought but found her attention unable to latch fully onto one alone. She knew the reason why and that fact more than anything else was worrying her. All the thoughts swirling in her head, pushing and shoving for attention all pointed towards one important singular question.

What if they really did do those horrible things?

Pushing aside that question and the path it most likely would lead down, she found herself distracting herself instead on the age of the equines around her. Espa was easy, the small filly was clearly a child but the others she had no idea of their ages. Were they young adults or older, teens or otherwise? Jewel, Red, Sparkle and Apple seemed to be the most responsible, but that didn't always reflect physical maturity... as she knew very well while she was studying.

Yes, most University students are shining examples of maturity... yep.

Thoughts then turned towards the other two prominent equines; Sunny and Night were queens, but were they royalty due to being hybrids, or did ponies grow into that stage? A stray idea hit Jessica as they made their way out into one of the courtyards, what if they each had life cycles and the hybrid was the end part? Normal pony, pegasus and then unicorn or something similar?

Okay, now that is just silly...

She dismissed the idea, but still found herself curious on all their ages. Bubbles was most likely an adult given she was a mother, Red was also most likely an adult she decided. The others though, she couldn't place it, and she wasn't even about to try and figure out Spike's age. His actions seemed to fluctuate rapidly between responsible and then to the other end of the spectrum, almost at the drop of a hat.

The other equine she was most curious about was the one walking against her, one of their wings brushing to her side. Looking down at the chocolate furred pegasus she smiled, one blue eye gazing up to regard her though thick dark curls. Ebony looked mildly confused before giving what she had come to figure out to be the equine's equivalent of a shrug before looking once more forward.

Ebony was a wild card in Jessica's life, looking up she saw several pegasus guards flying above them, something she had come to notice during their walk. Given she had the two guards following behind, and the darker armored guard in front, Jessica didn't believe they were for her. Thoughts rolled back to the image Night had shown her, the bug-like equines attacking the other ponies, a shiver running up her spine.

They're not for me, they're to watch Ebony...

The thought was sobering, but she also saw a dual purpose to the guards. A griffon and an unknown pegasus attempted to fly over the castle walls in the distance, only to be firmly blocked by three guards who swooped down. Deterred they flew away, the guards once more taking a patrolling path and were soon out of immediate sight.

Jessica decided she was definitely not wishing to find out what those on the other side of the wall wanted with her. Her hand gently rubbed her arm nervously before moving her hand back into Ebony's mane, a habit now when she or her friend desired comforting. Ebony seemed to pick up on her body language, looking up with a slightly concerned look before frowning as she saw the aftermath of what had occurred at the wall.

Scar's voice filtered through the air, her friend's head tilting back to listen as he seemed to be speaking in her direction. The two conversed for a bit, the guard's eyes narrowing as he looked at the wall, Stoic adding a small, barely noticeable sigh to whatever they were discussing. Jewel who was walking in front of them along with Flitter and Sparkle gave a small snort from her nose, a tilt back of the head accompanying it as she spoke in a disapproving fashion.

Unsure what the context of the conversation was, Jessica just listened absently to them talk. She was aware Jewel seemed a little stand-offish towards Ebony, Bubbles also didn't seem to be completely trusting of her either. Watching all the equines, along with Spike who was travelling on Sparkle's back as he seemed to do, she found herself observing instead Espa who was talking excitedly with Dusk.

Dusk had surprised her, the dark-pegasus guard looking amused at the young unicorn's comments, Sparkle led them into a large arch through which was a stunning large garden. A hedge maze was to one side, but Sparkle seemed to be avoiding that area, instead walking between statues of equines set either side of a path. Slowly they made their way closer to a grass field at the end, a lovely park with several blossom trees in the center with - much to Jessica's delight, some benches.

Without prompting she made her way to a bench and sat, happy to relieve her feet as she gave a stretch. Opening one eye she noticed Jewel observing her feet with a lowered eyebrow, the mare noticing she had been seen offered a small smile before talking to Flitter once more. Confused, Jessica wiggled her toes unsure of what the fascination with her feet recently had been.

I guess they are strange to look at compared to their limbs...

She felt the presence of Ebony to her side, the pegasus having climbed upon the bench to lie against her. A smile came to Jessica's face easily at that, looking down and stroking over her friend's mane gently, the feeding sensation pulling from within to sate the mare's hunger. Sparkle looked over with a curious glance before exhaling as Spike commented, slightly smiling when their attention was drawn to giggling laughter.

Jessica found her own attention pulled towards Espa and her mother playing near one of the trees. A smile tugging at her lips as Ebony rested beside her, simply enjoying the serenity of the scene presented before her. Bubbles was, Jessica now discovered, a little bit clumsy but in an endearing fashion. So far two vases residing on pedestals had met their untimely demise at their antics, although one more at least had been saved by Sparkle's quick application of magic.

How expensive the pottery was Jessica could not hope to guess, but the guards seem nonplussed about the incident despite Bubbles' mortified apologies. Eventually Sparkle seemed to calm the pegasus down the first time it occurred, the second however was met with good natured sighs from most present. Espa had cheered her mother up, who if it had been Jessica who had knocked them off, would have been fretting just how to replace such pieces of art.

Bubbles soon resumed playing with her daughter, Rainbow joining in as the game became one of tag. Jessica thought it slightly unfair due to the young filly being without wings, but she was pleasantly surprised when Bubbles didn't use her ability to fly. Rainbow however seemed unable to help herself when Espa almost tagged her, taking to the air to dodge; that is until a small huff was given up in her direction and the pegasus sheepishly lowered herself to receive a light tap on the front leg.

It seemed Pinky couldn't stay on the sidelines anymore, soon the aptly named pony was entering the fray and the tag game became far more intense to watch. It was around the time that Spike entered that there seemed to be a shift in the dynamics of the game. Teams were starting to get created within the shifting chaos when Sparkle was coaxed to join in by Spike. An attempt at convincing Flitter to join by Rainbow was met by a firm, if quiet refusal by the shy pegasus.

It seemed they didn't even try to get Jewel involved as she sat beside Flitter, continuing to work on the piece of paper from earlier. Which, to Jessica's growing curiosity, had now grown into three sheets of sketches now. A firm tone from the grass made her aware that there was some form of team selection going on, Espa picking two others for her team, Spike choosing two for his own.

As the teams of three separated, Bubbles, Espa and Pinky were on one team, Sparkle, Spike and Rainbow on the other. Jessica was mildly surprised when Pinky procured a ball from behind a tree, that she was quite certain did not have one behind it earlier. Dismissing the thought as simply neglecting to notice the glaringly obvious yellow ball, she was further surprised when Espa spoke up, the others looking thoughtful at what was said.

Watching them look in her direction between their talks Jessica mused quietly on how they were acting. Despite what had occurred, here they were about to play a game amongst themselves. It was almost eerie how at ease they seemed within the castle walls, herself noticing almost an aura of calm filtering through the air. Tilting her head up she noticed where the sun was positioned, drifting lazily through the sky on its last legs, bathing the garden in a dull orange glow.

"Jess-e-ka?" Looking down at the sound of the voice she saw Espa looking up at her, a hopeful look upon her face. Curious as to what the filly wanted she leaned partially forward, Espa's voice taking a questioning tone before frowning cutely at Jessica's confused expression. Looking at Ebony she was surprised that her friend was acting taken aback, one ear flicking before pointing a hoof at herself. Whatever Ebony then asked was met with a firm head nod from Espa, Bubbles looking slightly anxious while Sparkle seemed to have a strained smile.

What... what is she asking? I can kind of... make out, maybe the word she uses for Ebony, and... my name but-

Pulled from her thoughts as Sparkle spoke towards Jewel, a sheet of paper given with an ink dabbed quill to the purple unicorn who smiled in thanks. Quickly sketching a picture she held it up before Jessica who tilted her head, a baffled look finding its way along her face.

They... want me to goal keep?

The picture had herself standing between two trees, blocking the ball. The other side had Ebony doing the same for the other team's goal between two vases... which, aside from the poor choice of markers, got the message across clear.

Considering for a second she gave a small sigh, Espa instantly wilting at the expected rejection. Jessica considered for a second, she couldn't mope constantly, and to be fair she had not been given many chances to do anything fun; the last instance being when they were camping. She had enjoyed that mundane activity far more than she had any right to, so, going off that logic...

"Okay." She gave a nod of her head, tucking hair behind one ear as Jewel in particular looked slightly surprised; the expression crossing several other faces most notably Sparkle's and Dusk's, although Ebony's seemed to surpass them all. Pinky and Espa both gave enthusiastic cheers as Jessica got to her feet. Thinking quickly she removed the sling from her sweater pocket, untying it and then using it as a makeshift ribbon to tie her hair back. Her cell phone was removed carefully and left upon the bench, the last thing she needed was for it to break.

Walking to her designated area she gave a small nod and smile towards Ebony who still held a stunned expression, along with also looking rather indecisive shortly after. Rainbow gestured with a hoof, an impatient tone in her voice as Spike shouted reassuringly cupping claws about his mouth. A firm head shake was given from the bench occupant, Ebony lying down to instead watch, looking very out of her element, about as much as Jessica felt.

The expression of the others was one of accepted disappointment, it seemed they hadn't expected Jessica to actually partake in the activity anymore than they had thought Ebony would. For her part, Jessica was actually starting to second guess her decision when she realised she had only assumed what game this was. Very abruptly she realised she had no idea what exactly they were going to play, most soccer players didn't fly after all, or have magic.

Okay... I guess this is kind of like Soccer? I really can't believe I'm doing this. Wait, is no-one actually going to tell me the rules?

Jessica suddenly realised no-one was going to explain the very much desired rules to her, just as Pinky gave a loud shout and the ball was immediately claimed by Rainbow. Using her head the pegasus flew upwards, the ball precariously balanced as she shouted a challenge at Bubbles. Soon the pegasi were battling in the air, Rainbow laughing as Bubbles attempted to get the ball off her. Eventually however Rainbow got over-confident and the two collided, both falling to the ground unceremoniously as the ball slowly rolled away.

The ball was grasped in an aura of pink, only for a soft yellow aura to partially envelope it, trying to tug it out of Sparkle's grasp. Espa was grunting softly, digging her hooves in as the others watched on in quiet amusement. Eventually Sparkle gave a soft cough and very obviously pretended to trip as she trotted towards Jessica, the ball leaving her grasp only for Espa to happily claim it.

Okay that was cute, but how would pretending to trip mean you don't hold onto it with ma-... you know what, never mind.

Jessica simply watched as Espa turned and launched the ball past the confused goal keeper, the look of bewilderment upon Jessica's face clearly contrasting the happy cries of delight from the young filly. The soft cheers from the sideline indicating at least Flitter enjoyed the goal.

But... I thought, and... what... am I not on Espa's team?

Jessica at this point was completely confused, sure there was only one goal keeper but was she expected to defend against every ball, and if so why was...

"Okay, this is not in any shape, way or form Soccer Jess." Her tone was full of a cynical nature as Jewel laughed softly behind a hoof, Ebony rolling her eyes from where she lay.

Thus the game continued with Jessica getting more and more confused as it went on, it would seem there were rules involved, what they were she had not a single clue. Sometimes they would fire a goal into the other side, Rainbow, Spike or Sparkle moving to intercept, sometimes into her goal where she had to defend. Sometimes team Spikelbow - the best name Jessica could come up with on short notice - would try and score into their own goal, the other three having to rush to defend.

Despite having no clue and only stopping two goals so far, one of which was from Spike and the other from Pinky, she was enjoying herself. Upon admitting that, Jessica did have to dive out of the way of at least one attempted goal from Rainbow, given the velocity of the ball. A firm rebuke from Sparkle followed, although the others had voiced their concerns, resulting in a half hearted apologetic toned voice from the cyan pegasus directed towards Jessica.

It was when Rainbow decided that given Jessica wasn't at the other goal posts, no such terms of gentleness were required that she kicked the ball with hind legs at a breakneck speed. To the pegasus's credit, she did avoid smashing another vase, but the ball also did pierce the hedge maze with remarkable velocity.

Okay, I think upon seeing that it's a good time for me to stop.

Despite her low levels of exertion thus far, she was feeling rather out of shape as her body reminded her of its current weakened limitations. Just as Rainbow was being coerced into retrieving the ball, well Jessica assumed thus from Pinky's fore leg flailing and Spike's pointing in the direction, she decided she would at least retrieve the ball before sitting out.

Plus, my shoulder is beginning to ache a little.

Walking in the direction of the ball's trajectory the others watched on curiously, Jessica offering a smile and pointed to indicate she would bring it back. A few looks between the players and those on the sidelines seemed to indicate they were okay with the idea, although Scar quickly trotted up beside her, Ebony slipping from the bench to follow.

Unsure why she would need protection simply to retrieve a ball Jessica just accepted it, unable to dissuade either of them even if she wanted to. The grass at least felt softer on her feet as she entered further into the maze, the sound of Scar's heavier footfalls echoing her steps. A brushing to her side made her aware of Ebony's closer presence, offering a smile before spying where the ball went. The hole in the other side of the hedge where it had continued through caught her slightly off guard.

You're kidding me...

She blinked and leaned forward, peeking out the hole where it entered to see the others looking back, Rainbow seen to be grinning and rubbing the back of her head sheepishly. Knowing it would take the pegasi a fraction of the time it would take her, Jessica simply sighed and continued to follow the series of holes deeper into the maze.

Eventually she found the ball with Ebony assisting by flying above to direct her path, an idea she should have used from the beginning Jessica lamented. The ball rested before a rather strange looking statue, very unlike the others of equines throughout the garden. Scar appeared to be hesitant to approach the sculpture, Jessica noting it seemed to be modeled after several creatures mashed into one.

"Odd." Bending to pick the ball up, Jessica stood upright, giving the statue a curious glance as if...

What's that noise?

Jessica frowned, it was almost like a voice was trying to whisper into her ear but neither of the two nearby were speaking. The strange draconic like statue seemed almost malicious as she felt un-nerved merely standing in its presence. The voice in her head gained a questioning tone before repeating itself, then tried again with a hint of desperation. Upon realising she could not understand it, the voice gave an almost comical groan of disappointment before mumbling quietly.

"Very... odd." Scar's ears flicked, looking up at her with a lowered eyebrow before she smiled reassuringly, wishing to get away from the creepy statue. Ebony's legs tensed, ready for her wings to flap and take her airborne before Scar suddenly stiffened. Jessica blinked, seeing his eyes flick for only the slightest of instances behind her. Ebony flew up, guiding them out as they exited the maze.

Once returned the ball was rolled back for the game to resume, this time with her watching from the bench. Enjoying being a spectator while the others enjoyed their strange game, stroking Ebony's mane as Dusk and Scar talked quietly between themselves.

Yet, right up until they went back inside Jessica could have sworn she felt the frighteningly familiar presence of someone watching her.


When the sun had started to set they had all gone inside for dinner. After eating in a room Jessica thought was a tiny bit extravagant for simply sandwiches, muffins and fruit juice, they had gone back to their rooms for the night after a short tour led by Sparkle. Well all except Jewel, who had excused herself and gone elsewhere, possibly to explore somewhere else in the castle.

Pausing outside the door to her room she turned and smiled down at Bubbles and Espa, the small filly shuffling a hoof nervously upon the floor. Bending down Jessica slipped arms gently around the young unicorn, the action rewarded with a happy voice escaping the muzzle pushed to her hair.

Slowly releasing Espa the unicorn looked far happier now, raising a foreleg as she nuzzled gently under Bubbles' muzzle, her mother smiling and returning the affection. Gently waving to the rest of the equines she opened her door, trying not to think of the fact most doors were opened with mouths.

I hope I never get used to this fact...

Dusk and Ebony followed her inside, Scar and Stoic giving her a small nod to her smile before taking up position either side of her door as it was softly closed. Leaning against the cool wood she sighed gently, watching as Dusk and Ebony conversed in the center of the room. Unable to discern what they were discussing, Jessica was mildly confused when Ebony cast a look in her direction.

Dusk just gave a waggle of a fore hoof, a slight teasing tone to her voice that caused Ebony to frown. Jessica yet again picking up instances of her name several times in their conversation before Ebony's frown deepened. Green fire enveloped the mare until a black chitin-covered equine creature stood upon her hole covered hooves, glowing blue eyes narrowed at the guard.

"Um...?" Jessica, while in no way disliking her friend's natural form, was more curious as to the sudden change. Dusk seemed pleased with herself prior to getting ready for bed, reaching back with her mouth to work hidden straps while removing the dark armor. Jessica felt a cold muzzle push to her leg, looking down to see Ebony looking up at her, for some reason a worried expression upon her face.

Looking outside the window she could see the occasional glimpse of metal reflected under the moonlight, a reminder of the guards that now patrolled outside her window. Thinking the reason for Ebony's discomfort was due to this, she bent down and hugged about her neck. The bug-like equine seemed a little surprised before a smile came to her muzzle, the warmth flowing between them as she relaxed.

Releasing Ebony she suddenly realised something, well not quite realised as smelt. Her small amount of exertion, plus the fact her new clothing had not been washed yet made for one very easy conclusion. Ebony's resulting nose scrunch was completely un-necessary all things considered.

"Yes, I stink okay." Rather self-conscious now, Jessica looked at the now armor less Dusk, the bat winged guard regarding her with a quizzical expression. Unsure how to word what she wanted, instead Jessica pointed at Ebony who seemed to get the meaning and scrunched her nose again, a comment following the gesture.

Please don't tell me that expression will catch on...

The highly amused laughter from Dusk sent a small chill through Jessica's guts, her eyebrows lowering as the fear was realised. Looking at Dusk's face, her nose now scrunched up matching Ebony's only led to Jessica's frustration.

Ebony, I swear...

She exhaled slowly, calming herself as she forgave her friend's hopefully oblivious faux pas. The message had at least been conveyed and Dusk gave a nod, a questioning look was given towards Jessica which was met with a firm shake of the head. She really didn't want someone else coming with her, even back home she wasn't a big fan for communal showers or the like, always a bit nervous in the changing rooms.

Jessica knew she had been considered pretty by others, not in a self conceited fashion but just a simple fact. Personally she didn't see it herself, always thinking herself to far on the side of short, or to skinny, or too small in the chest chief among them. Whatever the reason, she didn't flaunt the fact off, she dressed as she wanted, acted as her mother brought her up, although one thing she did have a bit of a vanity for was her hair. More than anything she loved playing with it, styling it...

And now it probably looks like... ugh, well...

Jessica had bigger problems than the state of her hair now anyhow, namely the fact she smelt, and she smelt bad. Her thoughts had gone on a tangent but the easiest way she could summarise it, was that she was a very private person about certain things. Looking now at the two mares eager to accompany her, one to continue guarding her and the other due to practically now being her shadow, she sighed softly. Ebony was looking with a curious expression, head tilting before Jessica shook her head softly.

The two equines talked among themselves before an agreement was reached, common ground beginning to be created over similar interests. Unfortunately for Jessica, those interests seemed to be on occupying her at all times, though while she thought it reassuring and lovely most of the time, being followed into the bathroom and toilet were not such occasions.

One of Ebony's tattered looking ears flicked, looking thoughtful as Dusk spoke. Green light filled the room until the pegasus guise was reapplied, Ebony then moving to head bump Jessica gently to the doorway. Dusk followed behind, a playful grin pulling at her muzzle, Jessica's protests falling on deaf ears. The door was opened from the outside at a call from Dusk, a very confused Scar now looking back at her.

Not them as well...

She was about to panic, she knew the two mares meant well but she did not wish either of them in the room as she cleaned up. Being led by insistent head bumps down the hallway towards the bathroom, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed by the looks the maid and butler ponies gave her. Despite their lack of reaction earlier, they were trying to hide a look of bemusement from their faces, Dusk following behind with Scar nearby; Stoic appearing content to continue guarding her room.

Finally making her way to the bathroom Jessica could barely breathe, panic gripping her ribcage at what was about to follow.

Only... it didn't.

"H-Huh?" Looking over her shoulder she found Ebony seating herself against the wall waiting, Dusk and Scar taking up position either side of the bathroom door. The fear slowly gave way, feeling foolish for doubting them now as she entered inside, giving a nervous smile to the three. Before she could close the door, one of the maid ponies trotted up, a towel held within her mouth.

With only a little hesitation on both parties, Jessica accepted the linen with a word of thanks. Closing the door to lean back against it she sighed, eyes closed before slowly catching her breath.

Feeling somewhat silly for how she over-reacted to the situation, Jessica spied one thing that made it all worthwhile. Reaching with one finger to tug the fabric from her hair, shaking the locks about before working on her sweater, the smile growing on her face at what was waiting for her.

That is a wonderfully large shower.


After the shower and returning to her room, the next logical choice had been to sleep. By the fact most of the rooms were lacking any light source implied the others had made this decision as well. It seemed only Sparkle's and Spike's room seemed to have any illumination present.

Once in her room Dusk had claimed the third bed, flopping on the covers before giving a wide yawn revealing small fangs. The fangs, while not as large as Ebony's were still rather disconcerting on a horse-like creature. Slit pupils gazed back at her before the bat-winged equine claimed her bed, resting under the covers before falling asleep almost the instant her head hit the pillow.

Jessica followed the guard's lead, moving to her own bed to slip under the covers, discarding the towel at the same instance. An awkward dance almost took place, shifting the towel off as she slipped under the blankets. Finally satisfied she rubbed her shoulder, a little tender after the activities of the day before laying her head down as the light went out. She still wasn't quite sure how they worked, were they magic candles, globes, or... she wasn't going to think on it at this hour.

As her eyes closed, a bright flash filled the room and past her eyelids, making her peek open one eye as a hole covered hoof pushed to her sheets and lifted Ebony up. The chitin-covered mare lay down without prompting, gazing with one eye in Jessica's direction before resting her head down on the blankets.

The intent behind Ebony's eyes was clear, she wasn't moving.

"Fine... you can sleep there." Even as she tried to sound suffering in her voice, the smile upon her lips told the real story. Despite herself she was growing firmly attached to Ebony, they had yet to communicate in words but whenever she was nearby, Jessica felt... reassured, safe, content to a certain degree. One hand reached from under the blankets to gently stroke over Ebony's smooth surface, running over her muzzle before getting a soft nuzzle in reply.

"Good night Ebony." Something was said back in reply with her name, even without the context of what was said she smiled, the tone was enough. Carefully rolling onto her right side, mindful of her shoulder she closed her eyes and rested, sleep quickly claiming her.


Several hours later however Jessica was awake. To be honest she had been awake for at least two hours, but hadn't dared move much of her body. The reason for her reluctance was the soft rising and falling of the black chitin-covered body upon the duvet she slept under. The moon shone brightly outside, spilling light through the window as she used the natural illumination to look about the room. She noticed Dusk was still sleeping quietly, the guard having claimed one of the two other beds.

Ebony is probably exhausted after what happened today.

A smile tugged at her lips as her attention returned to watching Ebony sleep in her natural form, her hole covered forelegs moving slightly to paw at the linen intermittently. Stifling a giggle, Jessica looked over at the other equine on the other side of the room. Discarded armor was put with almost revered care upon a desk and chair, Dusk looking subtly different out of her armor, not quite as imposing.

It could also have been the fact she currently had her limbs splayed out on the bed, the blanket rolled back to expose her sleeping form. The little kick of a hind leg pushing the blanket further off every so often was particularly adorable. Slightly amused by both their sleeping activities, along with the fact Ebony's chose to sleep upon her bed other than in her own, Jessica lay her head down once again, counting the moments in her head.

Her own clothing sat folded upon the dresser and Jessica was painfully aware they would need to be washed, beginning to long for at least one other set of clothing. She wasn't vain, or a shop-a-holic but she did desire at least two or three more changes of clothing, if for no other reason than hygiene. Mulling that thought over she felt restless, wanting to stretch her legs but didn't wish to disturb Ebony.

Faced with indecision she finally relented and slowly moved, trying her best not to wake either of them. Carefully she shifted, moving to the edge of the bed before peeling the blanket back just enough to sneak out. Realising she was quite naked she looked down at herself then at the blankets she normally procured for her modesty. Given they had a rather comfortable looking Ebony upon them, she wasn't about to disrupt her friend's sleep just to cover herself up.

Moving to the un-used bed she removed a sheet, wrapping it about herself before making her way quietly to the door. Ever so carefully moving the handle, she put her weight gently to the door and slipped out, turning to push it closed with equal care. Moving one hand to adjust the sheet about her chest, Jessica suddenly found herself remembering there were a total of three equine guards assigned to her.

They're looking at me aren't they?

Turning her head she found her guess quite accurate, Scar regarding her with one raised eyebrow. A look to the left had Stoic matching the expression, a soft sigh escaping Jessica's lips in response.

"I just want to go to the toilet then for a little walk." Jessica's words were thankfully not needing much in the way of pantomime accompanying them, an understanding had been forged from when she was recovering. A point down the hallway got a sage nod from Scar. Thankfully earlier in the day when taken for a tour by Sparkle, the toilets were first shown on this floor, then bathrooms and finally the less critical things. Less critical for Jessica, that is. She was sure someone, somewhere just had to know where the study room was.

As she slowly walked down the hallway, a few glowing orbs lining the walls providing light accompanied with the moonlight from the windows, these allowing her to take note of several things in particular. Firstly, her feet were cold and still sore, but that was a given with the tiles and didn't require the light to notice. Secondly, upon Jewel's door she noticed a sign stuck to the front as light shone from under the gap at the bottom. She couldn't tell what the words meant, but she felt that knocking to find out the reason for the note would probably be outside her best interests.

Lastly and most importantly she felt like she was being watched yet again. She couldn't put a finger on it, but it felt like when she left the town, observed, watched, studied; overall it was a decidedly unattractive feeling to have especially after earlier events. A quick look about her only got a glance from both guards, each looking somewhat confused by her body language before Jessica sighed. The feeling soon had ceased anyhow, so she made her way to one of the female bathrooms, slightly bemused to the fact there were at least three on this floor compared to the singular male one.

Come to think of it, I haven't seen as many stallions as I have mares...

The thought was a little strange but she put it down to just simply not noticing them for whatever reason. Pushing a hand to the door she paused before casting a quick glance at Scar, the guard lowering one eyebrow in annoyance to her insinuating look. An immature protrusion of her tongue and Jessica opened the door, slipping into the bathroom before closing the door behind. The orbs on the wall flickered with a warm glowing light as soon as she entered, almost as if sensing an occupant had entered.

Making her way to the toilet she shut the door separating it from the rest of the room, seating herself as she did what most people did when tending to their biological functions. Although lacking any type of reading material she instead settled for the second most common option, mulling over her thoughts.

So am I studying their language? Will that start tomorrow, and who will be teaching me? Night? Sparkle?

Absently flicking the toilet roll on the holder, a stray question presented itself on how non-unicorns would use such a thing...

"Ugh!" Her hands pressed into her hair as she shook her head quickly, seriously beginning to contemplate that her brain was somehow out to get her.

Why?! Why would you even think that?!

An attempt to glare at her brain was met with little success so she instead turned her thoughts onto other matters, such as how to get home. The book had obviously sent her here, or whatever she had inadvertently cast, provoked or awakened within; the jury was still out on just what had happened but she was leaning towards the first option. The question is, why did it send her here?

She had no answer to that other than the cryptic words she had managed to translate.

"~Let home be where your heart lies.~" Jessica rolled the words over her tongue, it felt awkward to speak in the equine language but at the same time... it made her feel a little bit of self accomplishment. Still, when she thought back to how Night had reacted upon hearing it originally, the queen obviously knew something. Jessica didn't think it was malicious knowledge per se, but it would be nice to know what it was regardless.

A palm rested on her chin while she continued to flick at the toilet paper absently. What did the phrase mean exactly? Was it a spell... was it meant to bring her here and if that was the case why was it so vaguely worded? Another question that rose from her current line of thoughts made her blink twice, why exactly was there a book written in the equine language in her school library in the first place?

So... many... questions.

She had no answer to any of them, her frustrated sigh punctuated by tearing some paper from the roll. When she had a better grasp on the language maybe she could enquire to Night about why such a book would be in her world, or what the phrase meant at least. It made no sense for it to send her here, her home and heart were with her friends back where she lived. It definitely wasn't in a strange world where the clouds were directed by flying ponies and you could get captured, tortured, treated like a...

The tearing of more paper pulled her from the thoughts, knuckles clenching as she fought the shaking suddenly enveloping her body. She didn't wish to think on it, she especially didn't want to think about earlier today when she was accosted by the equines, griffons and other things off the train. She didn't want to think about the two who tried to sneak over the wall or that constant unnerving sensation of being watched.

Taking a deep breath she steadied herself, focusing on the better things. The garden at the start was nice, exploring the castle was also pleasant. The bed was nice...

Her hand gripped the roll of toilet paper almost in a death grip as tears rolled down her cheeks, eyes slowly shutting as she felt her body resume shaking. Jessica didn't know what to think at that moment, the knowledge she wasn't going home anytime soon sinking in fully. She was scared, scared of how the others reacted to her, for every nice equine or creature like Spike there were three or four others who reacted poorly to her.

She had been holding it all in so far, trying not to dwell on these thoughts. The looks of shock, the looks of anger, the incident earlier however brief, they all confused and scared her. She knew the guards would keep her safe, she knew Sparkle, Bubbles, Rainbow and the others were kind to her, but...

"~Home.~" The word pushed past her lips as she sobbed quietly, all the events that had happened rolling into her quiet moment of reflection. The simple act of communication was daunting, let alone along with how she was treated half the time.

"Why did that stupid book send me here?" She tried to reign in her emotions, her legs starting to cramp due to how she had to sit to use the equine toilet. She didn't want Scar and Stoic to know she had been crying, finishing up as she used a piece of paper to make sure no tears were present upon her face.

Standing up finally she adjusted the sheet and flushed, moving into the main bathroom to wash up before catching sight of her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes were still red, slightly puffy as she gave a small bitter laugh. Turning to look fully she took in her appearance, despite the weight loss she was looking fine, well as fine as she could be under the circumstances. Satisfied that they would be none the wiser, or at the very least, deluding herself on this to a satisfactory level; Jessica left the bathroom after washing her hands.

A small chuckle escaped her lips to a stray thought as she closed the door behind her, Scar looking rather perplexed up at her as the door clicked shut, a hint of concern also crossing his features if only for a mere second.

I guess given how they open doors, it's a little prudent I do make sure to always wash my hands.

With a point of her finger away from her room she started to move in that direction, the guards falling into step behind her. Having gotten a few things off her chest in the bathroom, she now simply wished to walk. If Scar and Stoic had noticed she had been crying, they were professional enough to not make a scene over it at least.

Feeling the tiles under her feet, part of her mind wondering just why creatures with hooves would use tiles as a surface to walk on in sleeping areas. She discarded the thought just as quickly, it was likely they just grew accustomed to the noise; it would be no different than people who lived near high ways.

Finding two doors open leading outside she curiously entered finding herself standing on a small curved balcony. Looking out she could see the city surrounding the castle, seeing just how beautiful it looked at night time. Several lights were on indicating that at least some equines, griffons, or whatever else lived here, had a few among their numbers that enjoyed the night. The fact there were some awake at this time gave her a sense of familiarity, being somewhat of a night owl herself due to studies.

Watching past the flying equine guards noting the golden armored ones were now replaced with the bat-winged variety, Jessica drank in the cool night air; feeling it's touch upon her skin as goosebumps formed while she watched the guards. A little reassured by the patrols, although unsure if this was normal or something caused by Ebony and herself arriving here. Her gaze swept over the castle, enjoying the landscape before returning her attention down to the city below.

"It kind of looks like, something like home from this height." Sighing wistfully she leaned on the balcony, crossing her arms as she drank in the view. Soft trotting made her aware of Scar's presence until she was proven wrong, it was in reality Stoic who had approached her side.

Resting one hoof upon the stone railing he offered a small smile up towards her, the gesture shocking her as he joined in observing the gigantic waterfall, the water cascading down the side of the mountain. The lights running along the streets below were dim, allowing the night sky to shine brightly as her attention went skyward.

The stars, they make no sense...

It was a small thing, she never really paid much attention to them but she remembered what had been taught to her when little. Holding a hand up she tried to imagine where the familiar stars would be, the patterns she knew from her childhood having no discernable equal here. Looking over her shoulder she noticed Scar having a small smile upon his muzzle, observing herself and Stoic admiring the sky.

"Thank you, both of you." Both the guards flicked their ears, regarding her before noting the sincere tone of voice she had used. Stoic just gave a tiny nod, back to his impassive self while Scar replied back with a gruff but pleasant enough sounding comment. Leaning once more on the railing she looked upwards, the stars making no sense really did hammer in the reality of the situation.

"That this really isn't home." She could feel the moistness starting to build in her eyes, blinking quickly to try and resist their flow. As luck or divine providence would have it, clouds were slowly moved over the city. The stars and moon becoming hidden from sight as teams of pegasi moved the clouds into a structured layered shape of... well clouds.

That's... both really cool and really, really freaky.

She watched, mesmerized as several flying equines, under the watchful eye of the guards she noticed, finished their set up, the sky blanketed in a dark fluffy mass. Unable to see exactly what they were doing she was surprised when rain started to flow at a steady rate. Blinking as the cool moisture hit her face she felt them mix in with her tears, a small laugh escaping her throat.

Scar spoke up, his tone one of concern as he mentioned her name and gave a gentle tug to her blanket with his mouth. Looking over her shoulder she shook her head softly, feeling the cold drops impact onto her hair and skin. Rain, most people she knew hated it, loathed it. But for her it was special, it was something she loved, adored.

The guard pony, while confused shared a look with Stoic, the latter giving a barely noticeable shrug before Scar slumped slightly, giving in to her stubborn-ness. The tears rolled faster down her cheeks as the light rain splashed about her, the smell of wet concrete filling her nostrils. The rain hid the tears, but it couldn't do anything for the smile upon her face, bittersweet though it was.

Regardless of the situation, regardless of what had occurred... some things were at least the same. Feeling the blanket start to become damp she relented, stepping back from the balcony only to catch a glimpse of someone watching her. Standing in the courtyard looking up was Night, a smile upon her face. She looked, pleased about something but Jessica could not be sure what.

Words were spoken towards Scar as he leaned over the balcony, despite the quiet volume of their voices they seemed to understand each other clearly. A jerk of the guard's head towards her and mention of her name caught Jessica's attention, whatever was said however Night seemed to approve of it. The smile growing before she gave a small nod and spread her wings, flying up to a spire and entering within a similar balcony to the one Jessica stood on.

Confused by the exchange, using an arm to wipe the rain and tears from her face she entered inside. The sensation of being watched refused to leave her however, turning her head to peek outside she thought she saw the faintest glimpse of something; something in the distance on the mountain side, two small flashes of light that vanished so quickly she could have imagined it.

Were those, eyes?

Unsure exactly what she had seen, she walked back down the hallway. The light under Jewel's door was now thankfully out meaning the mare was hopefully getting some sleep, Sparkle and Spike's room also lacking any kind of illumination. Making her way back to her own room she hesitated for a moment before bending down to hug first Scar, then Stoic.

Both stallions looked taken back by her actions before relaxing slightly.

"Thank you, both of you... again." In truth, she was finding hidden depths to them both. Stoic seemed to have an almost artistic side to him in how he enjoyed looking at scenic landscapes. Scar, despite his clean image and well maintained appearance was actually the more open and less rigid of the two. In response to her contact Stoic looked aside, a small snort coming from his nose while his muzzle slightly flustered.

Scar gave a bashful little grin, both taking up their positions once more as Jessica smiled more earnestly. If she was to be stuck here longer, she was glad for the company of the two.

"Goodnight." The word accompanied with a little wave of her hand as she quietly slipped back into the room. The sound of two sleeping mares creeping into her ears as she very, oh so very carefully slipped back into the bed after discarding the blanket - using it to gently dab her hair dry first. Just as she got comfortable, mindful of Ebony's positioning in regard to her legs, she noticed that she was being looked upon.

Both mares were regarding her with one eye opened, Ebony with a look of exasperation while Dusk had a small upward tugging at the corner of her mouth. Realising she had been found out, or they knew all along she sighed softly and reached to settle her friend with a hand sliding over the mare's head.

Ebony bumped her head back to her hand gently before resting once more. The sound of the rain easing Jessica's inner turmoil, something familiar and special to her helping ease her into the land of dreams.



Wincing slightly at the sound of her name, Jessica squirmed a little under the blankets. She had been dreaming with Night once more entering her mindscape, working over the book as well as exploring more of her memories. The encounter with the rather ugly statue seemed to make the queen frown, but otherwise she was more intrigued with previous memories, especially any containing the book that got Jessica into this situation.

It was funny in a way, Jessica was sitting within a lovely furnished room, her room from when she lived with her mother. Somewhere she felt safe and the memories were the most warm. In her hands was the picture book, something she felt even a two year old would begin to think was childish; yet it was still causing her frustration trying to learn.

Meanwhile Night was looking into a mirror, Jessica's memories flowing within, completely without direction as her subconscious showed whatever it desired. Some memories Night smiled at, some she laughed, some she looked upset and others made her angry. Not surprisingly, one of the memories was directly related to the reaction she had for rain.

Night seemed to have both moisture in her eyes and a smile on her face, a strange combination of emotions and yet fitting, especially for when Jessica looked at it. She knew Night probably didn't understand the words being said by her mother in the memory, but the sound of the rain, the expressions, how Jessica herself felt would have helped give meaning.



Remembering she wasn't exactly alone in her room anymore, and despite her attempts to continue recalling her dream she reluctantly opened her eyes. Resting a forearm over her forehead she continued to listen to the comforting impact of rain outside. It was when a small muzzle pushed to her cheek that she smiled, realising just who had been trying to wake her. A voice sounding stern came from the entry point to the room, Jessica quickly deducing the owner.

"Morning Espa." Removing the arm to grant vision allowing her to be greeted with two golden eyes gazing down, a smile on the little filly's face. The other voice now closer, spoke once more, now softer toned as rolling her head to the side greeted her with Bubble's distinctive cross-eyed face.

Gently sitting up she was very quickly aware of two things, one was that Ebony and Dusk were missing from the room. The second was the fact Bubbles was nosing a tray onto her lap, complete with two plates of food and a glass of water. Touched by the gesture she stroked Espa's mane softly, reaching to also do the same to the filly's mother.

"Thank you Bubbles." A flick of her ear showed Bubbles did not understand, but interpreted it as either a compliment or greeting, returning the gesture with a warm tone of her own. Peeking at the sandwich she saw it was the same as one she had eaten several times so far, Bubbles or Espa noticing this small fact was also extremely touching.

I will never be able to thank these two enough.

Taking a bite, she made sure to give very appreciative sounds of the taste, Espa puffing out her chest at Bubbles' kind words in her direction. Jessica at least now knew who had been the one to guess what sandwich she liked. The other item on the plate was a pie of some description, she was unsure what exactly, but presumed it to be strawberry due to the color, a small scoop of possibly vanilla ice cream on top.

Taking the fork she cut off a portion, spearing and then placing the morsel into her mouth. Assumptions were proven correct, also noting it was indeed delicious. Finishing off her sandwich she offered a fork full of the pie to Espa, giving a look at Bubbles first to make sure it was okay. When the nod was given the filly opened her mouth wide and made a good attempt to try and consume the fork itself. Giggling Jessica moved the plate for the mother and daughter to eat the remainder if they so wished, the fork placed beside.

Now curious where the two other occupants of the room had gone, she was greeted with the door opening as both Ebony and Dusk walked in. By the towel draped over Dusk's neck and the not so pleased look upon the chocolate furred pegasus following her in, she could only guess they had gone to get clean themselves.

A scrunched nose was given by Jessica in Ebony's direction, the mare looking suitably unimpressed with her own comeuppance. Giggling behind her hand, Jessica tugged the blanket with her as she got up, careful to make sure the plate wasn't caught upon it as she moved to grab her clothing; which wasn't there.

"Uh..." Confusion warred on her features until Jewel's voice echoed down the corridor, Dusk rolling her eyes with a small smirk while methodically getting into her armor. Scar and Stoic were also no-where to be seen outside her door, hopefully catching some form of shut-eye themselves.

Bubbles turned her head, swallowing the pie she had just consumed at Espa's urging to reply to whatever was asked, again Jessica hearing her name.

So where are my clo-...

Her thought answered before it could fully form as Jewel trotted in, two bags held within her magical aura's grip. Trotting before Jessica she placed the bags upon the bed, a wave of her hoof indicating for them to be opened. Curious, Jessica moved closer, holding the blanket up with one hand as she used the other to procure the items within one of the bags.

Wait... wait... oh... this...

Her eyes lit up with excitement as her hand impacted against something within. Something made of hard material, possibly resin or rubber as she tugged them out. She was like a kid on her birthday, Jewel looking anxious as the two items were removed and held before Jessica's face as the smile grew upon her lips.

"Shoes!" They resembled at a glance her original pair, but the heels were enclosed now and a little higher, yet more resilient looking overall. Despite this fact she could tell a lot of effort went into them, noticing the small collection of gems on each outer side; each creating an identical symbol, although she was lost as to what the pattern meant, but it did look pretty.

These... look far too expensive... did Jewel buy these for me?

Looking at the unicorn she felt a lump in her throat, unsure why Jewel would spend so much money on her. The bag contained her previous outfit, repaired and washed with one minor difference. She now noticed the skirt's symbol created from gemstones was altered to reflect those upon the shoes. Curious as to the reasoning she looked at Jewel who smiled encouragingly.

Placing the items in a reverent manner upon the bed, she in turn opened the next bag finding a very similar outfit, minor differences being sleeves upon the sweater and the skirt created slightly longer. Most amazingly, and a welcome detail to Jessica was the addition of another set of underwear. About to figure out exactly what to say or do, she was surprised at feeling another item at the bottom of the bag.

Almost dropping the blanket in shock she removed a hairpin, the symbol repeated in its construction of silver and sapphires. Looking at it she gazed at Jewel, about to shake her head in a gesture that she simply could not accept these items, it was far too much. Before she could politely refuse the clothing she noticed another two items in the bag, everything starting to fall into place as she realised she had overlooked something obviously important.

Needle, thread... the expression and reaction at the hospital...

Jewel had a tape measure still draped over her neck missed in her excitement to see the shoes. The needle and thread spool which had fallen from one of the bags being sheepishly retrieved by the unicorn only added credence to Jessica's growing theory. Looking down at the hairpin in her hand she gave it a slight squeeze, sniffing softly.

The equines in the room looked startled by her reaction until Jessica fell to her knees and moved to wrap arms around Jewel's neck, the unicorn looking very startled before slowly relaxing.

She... she made these, she made these for me?

A soft pat with a hoof to her hair made Jessica lean back, Jewel offering a warm smile with equally toned voice. Espa was inspecting the shoes, poking them with a hoof earning a questioning tone from Bubbles towards Ebony. As Jessica released Jewel, a bashful smile given for her impulsive hug, she noted all eyes were now upon Ebony.

Jessica was rather confused as to the context of their conversation, the glances between the shoes and her feet giving some idea. A small nod from Jewel and encouraging hoof wave made it clear what the unicorn wanted. Reaching down she retrieved the clothing and the much desired footwear, looking about before looking at Ebony with a pleading gaze.

Getting the message, the pegasus spoke up, indicating towards Jessica then at the door. Jewel frowned at Ebony, for some reason some form of animosity had formed between the two. On that note Bubbles was also not looking quite at ease around her either ever since the throne room incident, a fact that saddened Jessica as she and Ebony were starting to get along.

Regardless, Jewel gave a small smile and nod towards Jessica, all four equines retreating from the room allowing some privacy. Now able to get changed in peace she let the blanket drop, slipping on the thankfully now clean pair of underwear afterwards. Next the sleeveless sweater and skirt went on, all before she sat down on the bed for the next two items. Inspecting one of the shoes she found it did have a slightly higher heel than she would normally have worn casually, but she wasn't about to complain.

It seems Jewel reinforced the bottom, making the heel higher... I think she was trying to make it more comfortable in her own way.

Touched by the gesture, not to mention the effort that the unicorn had clearly gone through overnight which also explained the note and the light being on, Jessica slipped one shoe on, buckling it before doing the same for the other. Wiggling her toes she found they were slightly bigger than her old pair, but she wasn't about to complain. Slight discomfort over bare feet was really a no-brainer decision in her book.

"How will I ever thank her?" A soft knocking on the door made her aware she had been sitting on the bed for longer than she thought, lost in her thoughts on how to pay back this wonderful gesture.

"Come in." She blinked and gently sighed, pressing fingertips to her forehead realising she replied almost automatically to the door knock. Thankfully they got the idea and opened the door, Jewel's eyes going wide as Jessica stood up. The unicorn looked about, talking excitedly as she spoke towards Flitter and Pinky who had now joined them. Slightly self conscious she gave a little twirl at Jewel's insistent hoof gesture, another loud gasp of delight coming from the mare.

A questioning look was given her way, smiling as she repeated the action she had done at the hospital, picking up the items and hugging them tight to show her feelings to the gift. The message clearly conveyed as a long breath escaped Jewel, the unicorn now looking relieved. Flitter spoke quietly with admiration in her voice, Pinky however was bouncing about displaying no small amount of energy.

Curious where the others had gotten off to, she was relieved herself when Ebony and Dusk walked in, Espa walking behind while Bubbles gave Ebony slightly more distance. All looked inquisitive at her shoes, Espa gently poking them with a hoof again while Jessica smiled. She never knew she would be so happy to get something as simple as footwear; although there was nothing simple about the craftsmanship of the clothing.

Wait... where are Rainbow, Sparkle and Spike?

The approach of hoof steps down the hallway caused her to expect the other three to arrive, although when the others who looked outside bowed down, or in Dusk's case saluted, she knew it was not. Sunny peeked into the room, a smile on her face as she gave a pleasant comment towards Jewel who blushed along her white muzzle at what Jessica assumed was a compliment.

The hybrid equine regarded Ebony with a slightly stern look which was met with the pegasus cringing behind Jessica's legs. Upon seeing the reaction the queen exhaled softly and smiled instead, addressing everyone with the gentle toned voice as she had yesterday. The equines all gave slight murmurs of disappointment, Espa especially who nuzzled Jessica's leg softly.

"What's going on?" Her tone filled with confusion as she bent down to pet Espa's mane softly while the others slowly filed out. The filly turned and nosed Ebony's front leg as well reassuringly, the owner of the limb looking surprised before a tiny smile came to her muzzle. Seeming to make sure no-one was watching, Ebony lowered her head and gave Espa a tiny nuzzle back.

A gentle laugh alerted Jessica to the fact that Sunny had at least seen the display of affection, Bubbles also looking indecisive at the doorway as Espa trotted over to her mother. A small smile was given from Bubbles towards Ebony before they left as well, the equines' voices drifting down the corridor.

Now left alone with Sunny, Ebony and the guards, Jessica was thoroughly confused until the queen smiled warmly. Looking back over her shoulder she addressed Dusk who gave a small nod and trotted down the hallway in the opposite direction to where the mares went.

What's going on?

Sunny's attention seemed to be on Ebony, calmly speaking to the pegasus who replied with a little more earnest tone within her voice when Jessica's hand rested upon her mane. Trying to figure out what they were talking about, she was further baffled when Ebony looked surprised, her tone becoming quick, concise.

The white queen seemed curious to Ebony's now clipped responses, looking thoughtful before speaking gently. Fur pressing to Jessica's leg made her look down as Ebony rested closer, looking up at her with concern prior to speaking resolutely towards Sunny.

It concerns me?

She was hearing her name thrown around a lot, along with picking up the word for home mentioned once along with heart. Sunny nodded with a warmer smile at whatever Ebony had said before regarding Jessica with a more inviting expression. The sound of trotting caused the hybrid to look back down the corridor, a pleasant greeting given to whoever it was.

Stepping back, Sunny allowed access for Dusk to lead in two equines, the first Jessica had never laid eyes on before. He was a normal stallion, with a pair of glasses perched upon his nose and dark short blue mane parted to the side. Although what stood out the most to her was the saddlebag bulging with books and scrolls. The tattoo of an open book being written within adorned his flank, Jessica promptly thinking on an appropriate nickname to give him concerning this.

Booky... glasses...four-eyes? No that's mean, hmm... professor? Oh I've got it! Ledger!

The grey pony, newly dubbed Ledger cleared his throat as he looked at Ebony, an eyebrow raised as he spoke towards Sunny while gesturing to the door. A few growl filled words from Ebony made him back up several steps, Sunny raising an eyebrow before a patient smile crossed her muzzle. Dusk meanwhile was failing to hide her amusement at Ledger's discomfort towards the other pegasus.

Before Jessica could figure out why Ledger didn't seem to want Ebony present she noticed the second arrival. Blinking in curiosity she was surprised when the slender white unicorn smiled and gave a small dip of her head, Ledger looking surprised at their knowing each other as Jessica offered a small wave with accompanying smile.

Why is she here?

Jessica wasn't upset that the pale pink haired unicorn was here, what she was was curious as to why Ledger and now Fleur were in her room. Sunny seemed to smile at Ledger's confusion, Dusk speaking up with a teasing tone to her voice as the stallion looked quickly between Jessica, Ebony, Dusk and Fleur. Whatever he asked was met by a nod from Fleur, a hoof tapping her muzzle in thought as she mentioned something offhandedly.

From the reaction from Sunny raising an eyebrow inquisitively, Ebony smiling in a slightly sheepish manner and Dusk grinning... well, grinning like she always did, Jessica could surmise what was just said.

Oh no, I am not singing in front of a queen...

Dismissing that thought from her mind she was further confused when Ledger cleared his throat, Fleur smiling as Sunny gave a small nod. A pleasant few words were given towards Jessica from the queen, her name mentioned as she in turn gave a small curtsey which seemed to amuse Sunny. The queen addressed both new arrivals, one more comment given to Ebony before the hybrid equine left, trotting down the hallway in the direction the others had left earlier.

Looking back between Fleur and Ledger, she was startled when Fleur looked towards her with dark purple eyes, a warm smile upon her face.

"~Let home be where your heart lies, apple, my.~" The words were spoken in the equines' language, a raised eyebrow accompanying her voice as Fleur spoke in a tone Jessica would not have put out of place from one of her lecturers.

Ebony moved to sit as Jessica blinked yet again, a slight head tilt given as she realised they were all words she knew, in fact they were the only words she knew in their tongue. Ledger spoke next, although his words were muffled around the book he currently had in his mouth, a book Jessica was rather well accustomed with already.

Placing the alphabet book Jessica had been attempting to solve in her dream down onto one bed, Ledger tried speaking again.

"Jessica." He then tilted his head and spoke again, this time in their tongue. He repeated this several times while Fleur smiled patiently, seating herself while Jessica's mind slowly took this in. Her brain, when not putting her in a self-pity party was becoming a little slow on the uptake. Eventually however it banged the two rocks together, bowed before the black monolith and put the blatantly obvious clues together.

Wait... that's... my name in their tongue?

Fleur looked at Ledger, her long horn glowing as a large roll of paper was pulled from a bag and flattened against a wall. An ink quill scribbled a symbol down, the one Jessica knew was for 'a', the one beside accompanying it she was unclear on however. Fleur smiled encouragingly as she tapped the small symbol, Jessica pronouncing the vowel in their language which was met with a big smile.

The other symbol was tapped and the vowel sound repeated, Jessica coming to the conclusion that it was the capital equivalent of the letter. Slapping her face she groaned into her palm, frustration starting to eat into her. If it was taking this long just to get the basics, it would take weeks, months even until she could hold even a simple conversation.

Ledger sighed at her reaction as Ebony nuzzled her side reassuringly. It was Fleur however who tsked gently and offered a warm smile, bringing Jessica's attention back to the paper.

"~A... Ah... Apple.~" A picture of an apple was added, a hoof pointed in her direction before repeating the sentence. Jessica's brain thankfully picked up on what was wanted quickly and repeated the sentence, a smile given for her reward.

And now I feel I'm in kindergarten...

Unlike Ledger who was seeming quite exasperated, Fleur never let Jessica give up. Soon she moved onto other things, a hoof pushed to her chest as she spoke what Jessica thought was her name. She only spoke four words, but of those the only one she could understand was 'my'. Soon however she pointed at Jessica with a hoof, the words spoken but now her name was added.

This repeated several times until Ledger grunted impatiently, a growl from Ebony resulting in the stallion stumbling and almost knocking over the now carefully stacked pile of books he had constructed. Dusk of course finding this remarkably hilarious.

Think Jessica... what is she trying to get you to understand.

She could understand half the sentence, the start and the end but lacked understanding of the middle two. It was frustrating, as Jessica sat on the edge of the bed she chewed upon her lower lip, a habit for when she was concentrating. Fleur shot Ledger a nasty look when he gave a complaining tone seconds prior before the stallion clicked his tongue, moving to tug something out of one of his bags.

Holding something in his mouth he cautiously trotted over to Jessica, giving Ebony a wide birth while still looking rather nervous towards her. He held something out to her, her hand reaching with palm up to accept the item which was dropped carefully onto it. Retreating back, Ledger spoke to Fleur, the mare's eyes going wide as a smile came to her face at what she saw.

"What is... oh!" Jessica looked at what was in her hand, smiling when she identified the item. It was a small badge, attached to a lanyard with what she assumed to be a name etched onto it, a profile picture of Ledger also occupying space upon the rectangle. An identification badge she realised, Fleur smiling as she tapped it with a hoof and then pointed to herself, saying one word.

Seeing Jessica still wasn't getting it, Fleur tapped the badge again repeating the previous sentence with 'my' and Jessica's non-equine name then pointed towards her. Suddenly it clicked, the answer so obvious she was almost angry at herself. She knew the anger was just born from frustration but it didn't make it any more palatable.

"~My name is 'Jessica'.~" Pointing to herself as she spoke she was met with a wide smile and excited confirmation from Fleur, Ledger's attitude also shifting into something more positive now he had seen progress. Ebony just smiled, the sensation passing from her into the mare showing her own happiness at learning a simple, but very welcome sentence.

Jessica was unsure how long the lesson went for, once she grasped how to introduce herself in the equine tongue she lost track of time. Only when Sunny returned did she notice the sun had travelled a fair distance along its arc, reflecting how long they had been at it. Fleur and a much more tolerant Ledger both spoke reassuringly towards her, some words she picked up, thankfully several more than what she knew yesterday.

Both spoke towards Sunny who gave a smile, one eyebrow slightly raised at whatever was said. A wave was given to both of her language teachers as they departed, Fleur hesitating before asking Ebony something, the reply given in return making her look thoughtful, a smile upon her muzzle now. Farewells, or what Jessica had now learnt was a word for farewell were given and returned, Jessica proud of her own progress.

Now left alone with Dusk and Ebony, she sighed softly. Reaching to the clothing upon the bed she gently lifted the hairpin from the pile. Turning it over in her hand she found a smile coming to her lips, reaching up to fasten it into her hair on the left side. Making sure it was secure, she walked to the small mirror put at pony height, bending down to observe how it looked. Satisfied after a little alteration to its position she gave a small exhale, now feeling somewhat better.

She had made progress on expanding her vocabulary, understanding several new words and beginning to get a grasp on their written language. Standing upright she felt Ebony's wing brush to her side, reaching to rest her hand upon her friend's head in response. Dusk's voice made her turn her head, the guard addressing Ebony as the two mares conversed. Thankfully, Jessica noted the tone was cordial, Dusk giving a small feminine chuckle as she seemed to recount something.

Moving from the two, Jessica made her way to the window to look outside. She was still getting used to the new shoes, the added height throwing her balance off slightly. Thankfully they weren't high heels or anything, that would have been monstrous to walk in day to day.

I do wonder where the others are...

Finding herself feeling... to be honest she wasn't exactly sure what she was feeling. She realised she missed the company of the others, Espa especially had become a constant. Rainbow, Sparkle and Spike had been missing so far, growing increasingly inquisitive as to their whereabouts. She knew they had their own lives before she came into it, a little pang of guilt hitting her with that fact.

And yet they've done so much for me, been there for me, protected and provided.

Before her brain could drown in the growing angst, she instead focused on the rain. A long calming breath brought her focus back to where it should be, on the here and now. The voices in the room she realised had ceased, a warm brush of feathers to her side making her look down to see Ebony looking concerned upwards.

"I'm fine, really." Her fingers gently stroked down the pegasus's mane, Dusk just clicking her tongue before a playful tone snuck into her voice. Jessica felt Ebony tense under her, a snappy retort given which did nothing to stifle the amused look on the guard's face.

What is she teasing Ebony about now I wonder?

Jessica had to admit she was happy about the teasing, well not the activity of it so much as the fact the two got along enough for it to occur. She could tell it wasn't malicious, which she was thankful for.

"Jessica." Turning her head to the source of her name, spying the speaker to be none other than Sunny having returned once again. Beside her stood Sparkle, Spike, Rainbow and several guard ponies. An icy grip slid into her gut, wondering if she was in trouble for something, or anything for that matter. Her expression must have reflected her thoughts as Sunny spoke calmly, smiling warmly as Sparkle mirrored the expression.

Rainbow flew into the room, talking to Ebony who flicked an ear, a curious expression taken onto her face. She seemed to be taken by surprise from what was said, Sunny's voice calm yet determined with a nod given to Ebony's questioning tone. Once more Jessica heard her name spoken several times, occasionally one or two more words picked up on, but nothing to give her the context of the conversation.

Ebony seemed worried, lowering her head before exhaling and looking up at Jessica, a small nod given. Puzzled as to why, the reason was given when Sunny gestured with a slight tilt of her head, leading the way down the hallway; Ebony had been indicating to Jessica it was okay to go with them. Sparkle spoke reassuringly towards Jessica as she followed, Dusk, Rainbow and Ebony walking behind and to her sides. Sparkle keeping pace beside the queen with Spike upon her back, Jessica now re-evaluating her earlier guess about the unicorn.

She could be a personal assistant to the queen, but how they act... is she Sunny's daughter? No... she's a unicorn, but then again Espa is clearly Bubbles' daughter... unless she's adopted?

Her brain was back in flailing mode, almost able to feel smoke pour out of her ears as she found the equine race confusing. They were so similar to humans but also different in very profound ways, least of all being... well... ponies. Looking behind her as they walked she was a little apprehensive to the number of guards following. The bat-winged ones deferring to Dusk as she spoke, the ones in golden armor acting more like Stoic and staying silent.

Why so many guards... what's going on?

Despite the reassurances given to her by the equines she knew, not least of all Ebony, she was still feeling a shiver travel down her spine. Something was happening, something quite possibly important for there to be so many guards let alone the queen. Finding herself now lost, unsure exactly where they were as they descended stairs, went down hallways and moved through several doors.

Eventually the windows ceased to be, the only light provided by the orbs and candles that lit up as they got close. Still they descended until finally the ground leveled out and they walked down a long corridor. Jessica was breathing a little faster now, fear starting to tug at her while Ebony also pressed closer to her side. Despite the still very impressive design of the corridors, it was feeling... oppressive now, the atmosphere very different.

Perhaps it was the lack of fresh air, but it didn't feel inviting down here at all. Rainbow's tone of voice seemed to reflect her thoughts on this, Sunny's given tone of reply showing she also was not fond of this area. Spike, riding upon Sparkle's back gave a little whistle of awe when they filed into a large area lined with crystals. Sparkle specifically seemed a little apprehensive about this place, Sunny comforting her with a few kind words.

The beauty of the cavernous area was blended with new looking construction. Either the area down here was new, or it was barely used given its lack of scrapes, marks or chips in the masonry. The crystals having the appearance of being smoothed down to form a room, untouched jagged ones still lining the ceiling showing their original form. But it was one addition that marred the majestic nature of the room, that addition was the metal bars that showed the true purpose of this place.

In one large area a prison of sorts had been set up. Bars separated an area where within, which was admittedly rather well furnished, twenty or so bug-like equines resided. They all turned their heads to regard the arrival of the group with a mixture of anger, fear and, Jessica noted on a couple of faces, hope.

"They're prisoners? Why?" She knew the answer already but the words were blurted before she could stop herself. If the vision in her dream was correct, they had attacked the others... but it still didn't sit well with her given their similarity to Ebony. Her tone of voice seemed to make several of the insectile-equines look surprised, a well natured sigh escaping Sunny as she spoke towards the guards.

A quick word from Dusk and soon the armor clad equines were spread out to create a perimeter, Dusk herself standing near Ebony and Jessica at all times. The thought of whether it was to protect them, or prevent them doing anything considered an untoward action was a bitter one.

Sparkle spoke towards Ebony, looking rather apprehensive as Rainbow frowned at what was said. Ebony simply closed her eyes and returned to her normal form in a burst of green fire, stepping forward towards the cage. Jessica was about to grab for her friend before realising that she had stopped near the bars, seating herself to look inside with narrowed eyes.

Several of the bug-like equines started to behave oddly, some looking downwards, others showing expressions of anger. Others flinched as if scolded or struck.

Wait... what's going on?

Sunny stood, watching with slight intrigue upon her face, Sparkle not quite so reserved with wide eyes. A question given by Spike, presumably repeating Jessica's inner thoughts caused Ebony to turn and address him, a look of understanding coming to his face. Rainbow just snorting and gestured with a hoof, the creatures in the cage wincing at whatever she had said.

Finally Ebony closed her eyes before opening them, the bug-like equines moving to the rear of the cage as Sunny turned to address a unicorn guard, the singled out pony moving to open the door with a key held in his magical grip. Ebony's eyes opened and she looked at Jessica, a small smile given as she indicated for her to enter the cage.

What... am I... why?

The icy grip was practically using her bowels as a punching bag now as she took an uncertain step backwards. Were they locking her up, what had she done wrong to deserve that? Ebony blinked and sighed softly, looking towards Sunny with a voice of irritation as the queen gave a small bow of her head to whatever point was given. Rainbow tsk'd and trotted forward, gently head butting Jessica in the backside before giving her a cocky grin as she trotted past.

"W-What?" Thoroughly confused now she felt her skirt be gently bitten, Rainbow leading her into the cell before gesturing with a hoof that the door was still open. Jessica blinked and looked behind her, reassuring smiles given in her direction easing some of the fear.

Well if they're not locking me up, what do they want me to do?

It was then she noticed the two small creatures looking at her from in the corner. Their glowing blue eyes regarding her with fear, curiosity and... hunger? Jessica suddenly had an epiphany, these were the equine creatures who had stolen her away in the forest. Looking back at Ebony she found her friend glaring at several of them within, a tone of warning escaping her mouth which caused at least two to shy back a few steps.

They're listening to her? Is she angry for what they did?

Unable to discern what exactly was going on she found herself nudged gently forward by Rainbow once more, the mare seating herself near the exit to the cell as two guards moved to sit inside beside her. A tone of confidence came from the pegasus, gesturing to the two guards and then a grinning nod given towards Jessica. The message was clear, they had her back.

"T-Thank you." Turning her attention forward she blinked in surprise seeing one of the bug-like equines moving cautiously forward, with curled upon its back being the two young ones. Jessica watched, taking a half step back before Sparkle and Ebony both gave reassuring tones, one after the other.

Slowly the pony creature approached, still not looking much better than in the cave. Jessica realising that was partially her fault, still torn on how she felt about that particular issue. Regardless, she watched the equine approach her before pausing a few feet away, one hole covered foreleg partially raised before looking towards Ebony. Jessica followed the line of sight, watching her friend give a small nod before she gasped as something cool pushed to her fingers.

Wait... what?

Two hopeful blue eyes gazed up at her, the equine's muzzle having gently and very hesitantly brushed to her fingers. Raising her hand she looked at her palm, the equine turning to display the two children more clearly, its head moving to gesture to them.

I... I don't understand?

Just when she was about to gesture or ask for a piece of paper, she heard one of the small creatures cry out, its tone a mixture of fear towards her and something else. Understanding dawned within as she hesitantly moved her hand, reaching to place her fingertips upon one of the young insectile-equine's head. The young one jerked away before blinking, sniffing her fingers as Ebony's soothing toned voice filtered into the cell.

"I won't hurt you." Jessica made sure her own tone matched that of her friend, gently stroking over the young one's head as warmth tugged from within her, flowing not only into that particular equine but the one beside it as well as the one which carried them both. All three blinked and relaxed slightly, the two foals settling more as one smacked its mouth as if savouring something, the other lowering itself down to relax.

Once the act was done, the equine-creature that carried them both smiled slightly, bumping its muzzle to Jessica's fingers in a gesture of appreciation before turning to take the two quietly sleeping foals to the corner once more, gently putting them on one of the beds. Blinking as her skirt was gently tugged from behind, she saw Sparkle call out her name and gesture her to come out.

Taking Rainbow's less subtle cue, she left the cell as it was locked, realising now she had been brought down to feed the young ones. Unsure exactly why, she did notice a smiling face given in her direction from within the cell, a small one returned. She still couldn't forgive them for what they had done, but they had been desperate... that she could understand.

Some of the others in the cage were frowning towards Sunny, possibly due to whatever words she had just spoken. Ebony gave a small reluctant nod to what was said and reapplied her disguise, moving beside Jessica who gratefully stroked her friend's mane. Sparkle looked thoughtful, writing something down upon a piece of paper as they left the cell behind, several guards remaining behind in the chamber.

As Jessica followed Rainbow and Dusk out she cast a look back, a small smile from one of the now sated foals given in her direction with a sleepy expression upon its face. She offered a smile back, a new warmth filling within her causing Ebony to blink with a look of curiosity before she too began to smile.

Jessica was unsure what was going on, but the small look of gratitude from at least three within the cage made her heart feel a little lighter. Sunny seemed to notice this, something kind spoken in her direction with her name attached. Her expression showed a lack of understanding as Sunny gave a small laugh and smiled more warmly, Sparkle just smiling at Jessica as well.

I guess they're... happy I'm happy? I don't know...

Truthfully she didn't care, while she was still confused, feeling the warmth flow into those two young equines had made her feel... well, useful. For whatever reason they needed her to feed the two young ones, or perhaps they were just testing to see if she could. In either case she now felt she could give something back, even if a little. As they walked down the corridor, hearing the others conversed she still felt a little uneasy about them being locked up.

Of course, one could hardly call that a dungeon...

She walked with her thoughts churning, drifting between ideas, wondering about several things in particular; chief among them why they were incriminated in the first place. They had been in a cave, but then had been transported the vast distance to this place. If they were in a cave not hurting anyone, why go to all the trouble to bring them here to the castle just to lock them up?

The theory they were paying for their crimes had pushed through first, then upon dwelling and considering that idea for a while she decided it didn't make much sense. The prison, which no matter how dressed up it was didn't change its designation, was built for comfort as much as security. The lack of bathrooms was a strange thing, but she had yet to see Ebony actually do anything of the sort herself.

Not that I am watching out for stuff like that...

A little disgusted by the last thought and accompanying mental image she was brought back to the present by Spike trying to get her attention. A claw was waving at her, voice accompanying as he looked a little concerned. Sparkle peeked back at her while they trotted, her voice adding to the concern pushed her way.

"I'm fine, really." Another lie passing her lips as the forced smile was applied. Clearly she had been around these equines too long and they had learned she was a horrible liar, even with the lack of verbal communication. Sparkle's expression said it all, they didn't buy it one bit.

Hearing them converse she tuned it out, aside from of course the occasional use of her name and a few other words she knew, it was pretty much just all noise at this point. Only when they made their way up several stairs did her mood lift. The cause coming from a loud scream of her name before a small bundle of energy expertly dodged around the queen, then Sparkle to impact gently to her legs.

Looking down she saw Espa smiling up at her, looking excited for some reason. Curiously she regarded the filly, bending down to pick her up, delighted giggles emitting from the equine now in her arms, fore legs gently resting over her forearm. An appearance of Bubbles, Flitter, Jewel and Pinky also lightened her mood further, Sparkle and Sunny asking something curiously to which Pinky nodded in reply so fast Jessica was concerned there might be risk of injury.

Fears unfounded as Pinky once more bounced about, moving about the group with limbs flailing before finally residing before Jessica. Her tone of voice was quick, excited as blue eyes shone with glee all adding to Jessica's intrigue.

What's... going on?

Sunny just gave a warm smile, nodding to the group, then to Jessica in particular with an almost knowing glint in her eyes. Now becoming very curious she looked about, the guards still accompanying them moving to follow Sunny down the hall as Dusk moved to lead them down a separate passage.

As Jessica found herself passing her room, she found her inquisitiveness growing with each step, now walking the way the others had kept vanishing to earlier. A delighted tone of voice from Jewel made her regard the unicorn with a head tilt, noticing dark blue eyes focused on the side of her head. Reaching with fingernails in dire need of some clipping, she touched the hairpin and smiled, realising that was what had Jewel excited.

"T-Thank you very much for this, I know you can't understand me... but, thank you." She paused her walking to give a small bow towards Jewel, tone full of gratitude making the mare in question almost misstep. A foreleg held gently before her chest as her expression was slightly bashful at Jessica's action.

A wave of the fore hoof was given, Jewel's tone clearly appreciative of how much Jessica seemed to like the crafted items. Sparkle offering a smile to her friend while Pinky took it upon herself to bounce beside Jessica, trying to get a better look at the hair accessory. While nervously backing away, grateful for when Pinky was coaxed away, Ebony sighing in annoyance while Rainbow guided the pink mare to the front of the group.

That pony... I think she would tire a five-year-old on a sugar binge out...

Still, her antics were endearing and did make a giggle escape her, something she needed which Pinky seemed to calm down to give a warm smile, almost as if that was her intention all along. Once more resuming walking, Jessica found herself being led into a large two door room, within she heard something... nostalgic, the tuning of musical instruments.

The sound reminded her of something, panic sliding up her spine as she reached into her sweater pocket. Relief was evident on her features when she felt the hard smooth surface of her phone, glad Jewel had slipped it back into the repaired sweater. One of her only items remaining from home, it was now surpassing its use as a phone and had transcended into something much more meaningful.

I used to complain about wanting a new phone, now this one is the only real link I have to remind me where I came from.

Several concerned looks were given her way, Jewel speaking to the others as she indicated to the pocket where Jessica had frantically pawed within. Sparkle looked thoughtful, tapping her muzzle as Spike piped up, the interest of Pinky rather evident as she gazed at the pocket thoughtfully.

Dusk gave a soft chuckle before regarding the other mares and Spike, gesturing with her head into the room. Affirmations were given as they led Jessica inside, allowing her to see the room had been cleared, seating set up before a small stage where possibly meetings were conducted. Or, given it was a castle this was probably where dignitaries or representatives met when staying.

Unsure the true purpose of the room, Jessica was very much aware of what its purpose currently was. Snooty and Fleur stood talking to her two missing guards, Scar giving a small nod in her direction as she entered. Snooty gave a small nod of his own head towards the group as well. Jewel smiled brightly as she trotted over to the stallion, admiration clear in her voice.

What... what is this?

Looking around she saw several equines on the slightly raised stage, each checking their instruments. Upon her arrival a few looked in her direction with expressions of shock, one in particular having a rather perplexed expression upon her face. The lime green unicorn standing beside a large harp spoke in a questioning tone towards Snooty and Sparkle, both giving nods of their heads in answer.

The answer seemed to be enough for her, a small shrug given as the mare went back to sliding hooves along the harp strings to pluck each string individually, an impressive feat Jessica had to admit. Noticing the tattoo upon the pale green and white haired mare, she couldn't quite place the name of the instrument.

It's a harp, but there's another name for it... ugh, I can't remember it. I guess... Harpy? I always liked them, it'll have to do.

Harpy turned her yellow eyes to the mare standing near her, speaking in a questioning tone to which a shrug was given. The dark grey furred normal pony looked rather elegant, a small pink bow tie fastened around her neck along with a long well kept dark mane, looking far more like a normal hair style than most of the equines. Of course the most distinguishing factor was the fact she was somehow holding the bow for her instrument, in what Jessica guessed was the pony equivalent of a wrist, all while standing upright beside it.

Her tattoo... I... have no idea. Well she has a cello... or is it a double bass?, I guess Celly? Cellist? Bassy? You know what... Posh. I give up on this one.

The mare now nicknamed Posh, looked with purple eyes towards Pinky, giving a small frown as if they shared some form of history. What that was she had no idea, but Pinky seemed unfazed by the attention. The mare instead gently moved to tug Jessica's skirt with her mouth, the owner of the skirt finding herself tugged along towards an empty bench at the front. Ebony followed, moving to lie beside Jessica while Espa claimed the other side, Bubbles quick to join her daughter.

Eventually the others joined her in sitting, or lying in their cases. Jessica watching as the two other members of what she presumed to be a musical ensemble got ready. Posh and Harpy both talking to them, although the one on the piano was wearing... interesting eye wear. The white unicorn mare had reflective purple shades on, her two toned blue hair looking as if it had never seen a brush.

I can't make out her tattoo either, and she's at a piano... and she had shades... Brain, seriously help me out here! You know what, Shades...

Feeling remarkably uncreative at the moment, Jessica observed Shades waving a fore hoof towards Posh with a flippant tone to her voice. Posh had one eyebrow lowered as if unconvinced of whatever Shades was talking about, or the mere fact she was at the piano itself. Without context to their conversation she only had their body language to go off. Ignoring their squabbling, as it was evident that was what was going on, Harpy and the other rolling their eyes at the situation proved the assessment.

The last one was a unicorn stallion, a flute held within an orange magical aura. Quelling her nervousness she watched as the purple furred stallion exhaled at Posh and Shades who by now were openly arguing, Shades gesturing to the piano empathetically before sticking her tongue out at the dark haired mare. The stallion sighed as he flicked the dark brown hair from his face, Harpy giving a small laugh at the other two and their antics.

I guess for him...I can't tell what his tattoo symbol is either. Um, I guess... Flutey? Um... Purpley? Flu? Flute... I give up, good bye originality.

Eventually Fleur spoke up, the four, now including the nicknamed Flute, realising they were now being waited upon causing a blush to cross both the arguing mares' cheeks. Unsure what to expect, Jessica was caught off guard as they started to play, the music filling the room. No, not just music but beautiful music.

Her eyes went wide, it was clearly classical but she couldn't place the piece. It had hints of Mozart, Beethoven and a little bit of perhaps even Strauss within. Closing her eyes she berated herself, there was no way she could place it given such composers didn't exist here. The music was beautiful however, her eyes opening as she rested one hand on Ebony's mane, the other resting upon Espa's head who had claimed her lap once the music begun.

Posh peeked open one eye while she was playing, watching Pinky closely before noticing that Jessica was watching spellbound at the beauty they were creating. A small look of smugness passed over the mare's face before she moved the bow in a way Jessica never thought possible, especially with no hands.

Blinking she realised Snooty, Fleur, Sparkle and Jewel were all looking at her further down the seats. Snooty had an eyebrow raised, his head indicating towards the musicians before looking back at her as if asking for her opinion. A wide smile was given in response, the expression mirrored upon the others, Jewel speaking quietly as Snooty gave a small shake of his head, a smile gracing his muzzle as he gestured towards Jessica with a hoof.

Wait... why...

Her eyes went wide again, blinking twice more as she listened to the music drift through the room. This was for her? From what she could deduce, the four who looked pleased with her reaction seemed to have organised this.

Sparkle... did this for me? After hearing what was on my phone?

Feeling overwhelmed that anyone would do this for her, the costs involved to organise a private musical number, well if they had to be hired that is and they were not castle staff...

Sitting there she listened to the music, enjoying it all the more as she believed to know the reason behind it. Soon the number finished and she applauded accordingly, a little over zealous she realised as the others laughed politely. Flustering slightly along her cheeks, she was surprised when Rainbow flew up from where she was previously sitting next to Flitter. Placing hooves either side of her muzzle she shouted something out, Shades giving a whoop of delight before Posh gave a dramatic sigh.

Wait... what's going on now?

Harpy, Posh and Flute bowed to the applauding audience before moving aside, Shades looking positively exuberant as she pushed the piano out of the way. Pulling a sheet off what Jessica had presumed was a moved out of the way podium, she was... well she had no real words for how she felt upon seeing a turntable wheeled onto the stage.

"Uh..." Jessica was caught off guard as a record was slapped down, loud music blaring from each side speaker. She certainly was not expecting a microphone to be thrown in a light blue aura towards Sparkle, her own pink aura surrounding it. Cheers went up as Sparkle began to sing, Jessica blinking at the melody and tonality exhibited. It was... if she was completely honest, rather lovely.

Soon Sparkle finished her song, looking around the assembled audience until Pinky raised her hoof. The pink pony moved to the front as another song was played, the microphone held within Sparkle's magical grip for Pinky's benefit. Jessica watched as Spike was next, waving his claw frantically before he too sung a song.

Wait... is this karaoke?

Fleur followed after Spike, her voice like the others remarkably lovely to listen to. Next Espa sung, like Spike it was more adorable than anything else, even Posh joined in after some persuasion from Shades. Just as she was starting to enjoy listening to the others sing, the microphone was abruptly gestured in her direction, a hopeful look upon several of their faces.

... Okay, that was low. This is either a very elaborate scheme to get me to sing again, or they just want me to not feel left out.

Jessica sighed softly, she really had no option. If she declined it would look rude given the others had done so. Before she could steel herself, she notice the microphone move away, Pinky taking her spot for another song. Surprised she looked at Sparkle who gave her a small smile, the others nodding to show she didn't have to sing if she didn't want to.

Relieved she smiled and sat back, enjoying listening to the others sing while stroking Espa and Ebony gently. Eventually the event wrapped up, the musicians thanked before Jessica realised her bladder was fit to burst. With a quick point and departure from the room, and guards in tow, she made her way to the bathroom and relieved herself.

Leaving she found Ebony waiting for her in the hallway along with Scar, Stoic and Dusk where they had remained outside the door. Needing some fresh air after being in the room for so long, she made her way to the balcony again. The rain had stopped, the clouds clear and now able to see the stars within the sky.

Wow were we in there that long?

Leaning upon the railing she looked back over the day she had, from the start with the language lessons with Fleur and Ledger, escorted down to the prison area with the bug-like equines and feeding the young ones to having a wonderful surprise given to her.

And shoes, can't forget the wonderful outfit and shoes.

Closing her eyes she breathed in deep the cool air, taking in the moment. She had ups and downs, numerous ones in fact but this would be one of the first days that nothing had happened, nothing bad at least. The warmth of Ebony close by and the security provided by the three guards made her feel relaxed.

Looking down she saw Ebony smiling slightly up towards her, returning the expression back down earnestly. A feeling swelled within her, closing her eyes as she felt the same way she had upon the train with her and Ebony alone. Before she realised it, she had already begun singing with her voice carrying along the night air.

"When I'm lost in the rain, in your eyes I know I'll find the light..." The song sprung unbidden into her mind, perhaps it was just because of Ebony being close. The song was not one she normally would sing, actually to be fair it wasn't one she actually enjoyed. It was however her roommate's favourite song, thus she had heard it more often than she could count.

"And when I'm down you're there pushing me to the top, You're always there giving me all you've got..." Continuing through the song she barely overheard a strange sound behind her, although she clearly felt Ebony press closer to her side.

"For everything that's true, I turn to you." Finishing she blinked and heard murmuring behind her, freezing up she slowly turned to look over her shoulder seeing the hallway behind packed with guilty looking faces.

...I wonder if I jump off this balcony, will it kill me.

She looked over the edge, giving it a half hearted amount of thought before sighing and pushing away. A small laugh came to her lips as she heard the group behind her talk amongst themselves, deciding just for once not to care that she was overheard. Leaning over the balcony she gripped the rail, looking out into the night sky with Ebony giving a small laugh at something mentioned, although the mare did try to hide her amusement at it.

Looking down at her friend she was met with blue eyes gazing back up, a small smile shared between the two before Jessica took in the stars blanketing the sky. The stars may be different, the world may not be her own...

Reaching up she rubbed a thumb gently over the corner of one eye, collecting the tear that threatened to spill. Turning she smiled softly at the guards, equines and Spike as they led her back into the room.

But with Ebony and the others with me, I will be able to endure until I can go home.