• Published 27th May 2013
  • 1,261 Views, 18 Comments

Ponyville's Demon Bakers - Creepypasta Pinkamena

Pinkamena must co op with a new baker and her cousin in taking over the sweet business.

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Reunion and Beginnings

"Woooow! You've really done a lot these 12 years Mena!" Scoutker said with a bit a jealous tone in his voice. He trots to the nearest table to take a seat. It's been 5 hours since the bakery had been bringing in ponies like a storm and now the crowd seems to have died down now so it's just Pinkie and Scoutker in the their alone.

Pinkie has been in just a shock faze after having that many many ponies in the bakery. Somepony actually complemented Pinkie on her new hair style in which completely forgot it she still had it straight flat. Since it was just her and Scoutker in the room, she decided to leave like it is. She looks him one more time notices that he actually gained some meat on those skinny bones he use to have. His physique looks almost, but not as close, to that red stallion that works on the farm on the outskirts of Ponyville. But still, Scoutker does look handsome more than he use to those years ago.

Now that the shop was empty, Pinkie decides to go to the back to bring two more of those new cupcakes she baked hours ago and give her guest and herself one. As she takes her seat, Scouker look away from the window and to Pinkie.

"Are these two for us?" Scoutker said as he looks at the cupcake with curiosity. The cupcake had this glazed look to it which made some saliva slip from the side is mouth a little.

"Well duh" Pinkie laughed as she picked hers' up with her hoof, " Why else would I bring out 2 of these? It would be a little nice to eat with a old colleague."

Scoutker said no more as he picked his cupcake with his hoof and gave it a chomp. As he chewed it for 10 seconds, he already had a little tear sliding from the side eye and also a little smile as he was eating something from not only a colleague, but from one of the best bakers he ever met.


"Hmm?" Pinkie sounded from her mouth as she was also eating her newest masterpiece that she can proudly add to her menu.

"This cupcake......is freaking delicious! I would expect nothing less from the best baker in Ponyville!" Scoukter said as he manage to get that sentence from still eating the cupcake.

Pinkie starts to laugh." Im glad you think so! Feels nice to here it from an old friend."

"But....." Scoutker said as he put the cupcake down for a second " I do have one question to ask...if you don't mind that is?"

Suddenly Pinkie starts to put hers' down as well. She had a confused look as to what he was to ask her."Um....sure go ahead."

Everywhere around the shop started fell different. The Atmosphere around the 2 ponies started to feel tense up a bit. As Pinkie was staring into Scoutker's eyes ready to his question, she notices something that's changing with him. His bright smile he just had moments ago started turning into a look of one who is not amused by something, his mane also just a tad bit wild, and his eyes, that were still staring into hers, had this gleering look in them. If looked closely one can see aspect of bloodsthirsty red within them.

Soon, His unamused smile had turn into a sinister looking one as he was about to talk.

"Can you tell me who was unlucky pony that I should thank for this tasty treat?"

Suddenly, Pinkie's confused looked turned into one that is sadistic. Her coat and mane became somewhat of a dark pink instead of a bright look. Last thing that changed on her was eyes that her pupils dilated themselves and more blue was shown.

"Hmm...some mare by the name of Cinammon Flower" Pinkie said as she smiles at Scoutker.

"Hahahaha..... now that's the Pinkamena look that I was looking for!" He said as he starts to pick back up eating where he left off.

"Pfft.....not like I was trying to hide from you." Pinkie blantly said as she also resumed eating.

"So......Cinammon Flower huh?....meh.... not a bad name if I say so myself"

"Scoutker, every name is not a bad name to you"

"But, their are somepony's names who carries great value with them"

Pinkie laughs as she seemed to miss his wannabe wisdom talk. Dusk seems to hit them both as Pinkie got up and closed blinds the on inside and also put the 'Sorry, we're closed' sign on the door. "By the way Scouker..."

"hmm?" Scoutker hummed as he finished his treat.

"What are you doing here in Ponyville?" Pinkie said as she started to trot to the back of the kitchen. Scoutker picked up tray that had their cupcakes on it and trot to the back with her.

"I Already told you that Mena. I have a bakery that's a few blocks down yours" He stated as he started helping her clean up.

"You know you don't have to help me clean ya know?"

"Yea, but it feels just like old times" Scoutker shrugged.

Pinkie put the mop down and started staring into space. Scoutker saying that just made remember her 12 years back at that the Organization. That place is where she became who she is today........and where everything had started.

12 years ago

Pinkamena's head was throbbing. It felt like somepony had punched her forehead because the more she was moving, the more the pain felt like it felt like hell. Wait a minute......i'm not walking......why does it feel like it im on something and its carrying me? As Pinkamena began pondering the thought, it was interrupted by the thing that was carrying her.

"Ah! I see your finally awake."

"Huh...a wha?" Pinkamena began blathering weird sentences until her head started to calm down little. She started looking at her carrier to see who this pony was. Apparently, that pony seemed to be a red stallion. She spotted a horn on his forehead so she figured he must be a unicorn. She couldn't see how tall he was given that she was his back and still a little woozy from what ever whacked her in the head. But it seeing as she was way off the ground, he must be pretty tall if she had to guess. But what really peeked her interests, as she looked down on the left side of his flank, was his cutie mark. It was ball shaped and it seemed to be covered in flames. She then began wondering what that meant.

The stallion carrying Pinkamena turns his head around and sees her staring at his cutie mark. He started chuckling. "You see anything you like back there?" he said as he started to joke with her.

Pinkamena quickly turned her head as she was blushing from that question. "N-n-no I was curious" she stuttered. "By the way....who are you?"

"Hmm you don't remember already" he said started facing forward. "That fall must have got you good"

"Huh" Pinkamena asked confusedly "What fall? I don't remember falling?"

"Oh i'm sorry. I think the term 'trip' falls into place."

Suddenly, Pinkamena starts to remember something. What appeared in her head suddenly looked like a rock and also a faceplant. Now starting to puzzle what happened, She started mad blushing like she wanted to hide under a rock. "Damn I hate those rocks" she thought to herself.

The stallion was chuckling a little louder than before. "Don't worry, I won't tell anypony what happened. You have my word"

Hearing that made Pinkamena sigh a breath of relief. She then thought back to her original question.

"Um mister?"

"Hmm? What's wrong?"

"Can you tell me who you are? If you did tell me earlier, it seems I forgot."

The stallion smiled. "Sure. My name is Gill."

"Gill?" Pinkamena said out loud. That was a weird name as she never heard a name like that before. But nonetheless, it sounded cool to her.

"Yes that's my name" Gill stated calmly. "If your also wondering, we just left your place 2 hours ago. We can't stick around a crime scene now can we?"

"Crime Scene?"

And at the moment, reality started to blow in Pinkamena's face like a hurricane. Everything started come into place in her mind. She started to remember what happened those few hours ago. Like how she threw a party in her family's shed, and her and her family partied together, and how she poisoned poisoned the punch bowl and watched her father get cup and drink some of it. She then watched him fall to the ground and started choking. Her mother ran straight towards him but to no avail as a flying knife impaled her in the forehead and fell inches from her husband. That stab instantly killed her Obviously. The sisters, Inky and Blinky, started screaming and ran to the door but as they made their way to the exit, 2 ropes, simultaneously, wrapped around their forelegs and quickly lifted them in the air. They both were next impaled by 2 more flying knives in their their foreheads ending their lives in a swift second.

The was a sad a moment for the father as he struggled to stay alive from the poison. His famliy just died around the corner of his eyes and he couldn't do anything to save them as he was mere minutes away from death's door too. He tried to gain his balance on the table but the poison got to all his legs so he fell back on the ground. As he was looking ahead, He saw a Pink figured walking towards him. I knew from the size that is was his daughter, pinkamena, and called out to her.

"Pinkamena! G-g-g- go get help qui-" was all he could say after getting a good look at his daughter's face.

Instead of having a petrified face, It was more of psychotic look than an anything he seen is his life. And for that look to be on his daughter's face was more terrifying than anything. It's like she was practically enjoying this! Seeing him and her family die before her eyes......no it couldn't be....

"P-p-p-Pinkamena.......you didn't...."

"Sorry father...... I don't know about you guys but i just had the best time of my life!" Pinkamena said while smiling sadistically towards her father.

"B-b-but why?"

"Because I was bored and staying on this farm was not gonna help me find happiness. So why not throw my family one last party before I go?..hahahaha" Pinkamena started laughing hysterically while her father was starting to cry as to see what his daughter was becoming.

"Pinka-" was all he could say out of his mouth before the poison finally done it's job and he was gone........

Pinkamena sat on haunches for a few minutes and look around to admire her work. Her family was gone and she only remained, which means could do whatever she wanted without anyone holding her back. But the real question remained: Where would she go from here on out? She doubt anypony would want a murder living with them. Soon after, a tear fell from her cheek and then she started crying. She didn't know if it was from sadness or happiness but the tears starts coming on out on their own.

She sat their for a minute, pondering in her thoughts, and decided it was time to go. Where to? Who knows. As she was about to go get here things from her house, A bright light appeared from the shed's entrance. The light was too bright for her to see what but what came out of the light surprised her. It was a stallion. A tall unicorn stallion to be exact. He had a golden-like mane that reached to his back, a light red coat, blue and red eyes, and cutie mark on his left side that looks like a fireball.

"Well little one. It seems someone had a little too much fun here." the stallion chuckled.

"Who are you?" Pinkamena asked.

"My name is Gill. And you would be?

"Pinkamena Diane Pie."

"Well it's nice to me you Pinkamena" Gill said giving a warm smile.

"Thanks but why are you here?" Pinkamena said confusedly.

"Why it seems i'm here for you of course?"

This caught Pinkamena off guard. What would somepony like him want with her?

"I can pretty much guess your wondering what I want with you right?" Pinkie nodded. "Well while I was on my way back from Canterlot, I sensed this evil aura far from where I was. I was interested in what was giving of such power so I had to come see it from myself. And what do you know? It's coming from this little filly right here." Gill stated while point at her.

"So what do you want me for?" Pinkamena asked now curious.

"Pinkamena Diane Pie, I want you to become a part of my organization for gifted creatures. This world is corrupted in so many ways that I can't help to save it by myself. Will you help me purify this world?"

Now this offer was a stand still for Pinkamena. One part of her didn't want to trust this guy as he just came out of nowhere asking her to join him; the second was that she wanted to see what lies beyond this farm and going with this guy would she ever experience it.

Gill thought that was too much for her right of the bat so he decided to help her out. "Pinkamena, I promise that if you come with me, you will find happiness with your new self soon."

That it was she wanted to her right their. Since she is now a murderer, their no going back to her old life so now she wants to see what she can accomplishe with the new her. "OK i'm in" as she gave Gill a big smile.

"Excellent!" Gill said, "We shall depart at once."

"Hold on second!" Pinkamena said while leaving Gill for second and ran to her house.

"Something the matter, Pinkamena?" Gill called back.

A minute had passed and Pinkamena came out of her house with a little saddlebag. "I had to get my things. OK now i'm rea-" as soon as she started running towards gill, she didn't see the little rock under in front of her and ended up tripping on her foreleg which ended in a faceplant on the ground.

Gill sat their watching her little accident and chuckled a little "My, you are something special." he said while he lifted her unconscious self with his magic and sat her on his back. "I can't wait to see what you accomplished in the future, Pinkamena Diane Pie." He then trotted, with Pinkamena, away from the farm only to lose it in sight.

"I remember now." Pinkamena said now out of her thought from what happened at the farm.

"I figured it would come back to you." Gill said without turning his head around.

"But Gill, I also realized you didn't tell me where we were going"

I didn't? Oh my i'm sorry, I guess I forgot to mentioned the place." Gill said while smiling" Where we're going is my organization's hideout."

"Organization's hideout?" Pinkie said.

"Yep and it has a name other than organization."

"So what is it called?"

"It's called the Demon's Garden."

Author's Note:

Sorry I took so long for the chapter guys. This was suppose to be out 2 weeks ago but I had family issues and I was somewhat being lazy XD

Anyways, the whole middle to end is a flashback and the next chapter will continue it in chapter 3 where we will me Scoutker. Enjoy the story and let me know if you see any problems (which i'm sure it will be) and I'll try to fix them :)

btw I have a editor and he's working on chapter 1 as I speak. :)