• Published 27th May 2013
  • 1,261 Views, 18 Comments

Ponyville's Demon Bakers - Creepypasta Pinkamena

Pinkamena must co op with a new baker and her cousin in taking over the sweet business.

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Scoutker, The Bloody Baker pt. 1

This entire facility, from Pinkamena's perspective, looks more like a empire for a God of Princess Celestia's Status. Her and Gill have walked for what felt like half an hour or so, with the speed they were going. As she looked around with her surroundings, she spotted a few Griffons flying in the distances along with some walking on the ground. She also spotted two big and muscular Minotaurs on her far left guarding two double doors to a huge building of some sort. Overall, she thinks that this place looks really cool and wait to go exploring later. But right now her thoughts were on the colt that Gill said he's taking her to see. What kind of pony is he? she thought to herself. Is he friendly or mean and fierce? Star Crusher said he killed 20 ponies for picking on him. If I say something wrong on first impression, will he choose me as his next target? Pffft like he will be able to to touch me.With those thoughts going through her head, she found herself giggling at them. Gill took notice of her laughter and decides to intervene on her private thoughts, as well as lighten the mood.

"Well well. Looks like somepony is having them a good thought." Gill said chuckling as he walks.

Thus, Pinkamena snapped out of her thoughts and looked back at Gill with a hint of red on her cheeks

"What? Oh it's nothing. Just doing some funny thinking." Pinkamena said while trying to look some other way to hide her face.

"Hmm I see." Gill said chuckling. Suddenly, A thought hit him.

“By the way Pinkamena” Gill said looking at her with concern “I’m sorry you had to feel that painful magic of mine. I can easily control myself but when something doesn't go the way I wanted it or if trouble is loose around here, I can lose my temper. If you know what I mean.”

“Oh that’s OK! It felt good.” Pinkamena said normally.

After hearing that, Gill stopped walking immediately and looked down at Pinkamena. Did she really just say that?

“What….do you mean it felt…good?” Gill said while looking at Pinkamena with curiosity.

“Well….I don’t know can I can explain it but when I felt that magic, I felt this surge of adrenaline hit me like a ton of bricks. At that moment, I felt like killing something with no reason.” Pinkamena said.

“I…see” Gill said.

Gill suddenly felt like shouting at the world saying he found a worthy Foal saying that he found somepony worthy of handling is aura. But he knows that she must overcome greater obstacles in the future in order for to achieve power to help him with his purification of the world.

“Did I do something wrong?” Pinkamena asked.

“No…it’s just not many creatures can handle essences of my power and for you to overcome it so easily is astounding” Gill reassured Pinkamena and not telling the whole reason.

That made Pinkamena smile a little bit.

“Now then…shall we continue our walk to the dorm?”


After their short conversation they continued the long path to the dorm where Scoutker resumes. Pinkamena realizes that since their both in talkative mood, that she should get some info on this Scoutker guy.

“Um…Gill?” Pinkamena asked.

“Hmm?” hummed Gill.

Can you tell me some things about Scoutker? I like to know more about him if there is a possible chance of us working as partners here.”

“Hmm pretty observant are we? Gill said with a chuckle. “I'm pretty sure he will tell about himself but I can tell you about few things about him.”

Pinkamena’s ears perked up, ready to listen.

“As you have yet to see, Scoutker is just like you; a colt who suffered family loss. Now unlike you, he didn't kill his own family but rather watched them get murdered by a couple Diamond Dog thieves that broke into their home late at night.”

“Wow” Pinkamena said “How did he survive?”

“When I found him, he was in the Hollow Jungle, covered in blood.” Gill said.

“The Hollow Jungle?” Pinkamena said looking slightly confused.

“Yes the Hollow Jungle, a forest even more deadlier than the Everfree Forest that resides close to Canterlot. How Scoutker even survived in there is a mystery to me.”

After their conversation, the two arrive at a huge dorm taller than anything Pinkamena ever seen. There are two guards standing by the doors. They must be to their keep watch on something dangerous. As they spotted Gill, they presented themselves in front of him.

“Lord Gill! We have Scoutker locked in his room” the guard on the left said.

“What are going to do to him my lord?” the guard on the right asked.

“Don’t worry about it. I have everything under control” Gill said calmly to the guards. “You both may leave your position and take a break.”

The two guards looked at each other smiling and turned back to Gill.

“Thank you, my lord!” they both said in union.

As they took their leave, Gill and Pinkamena went through the doors. Pinkamena couldn't believe her eyes. The dorm looked like palace within a building. She expected to see blood and dead bodies all over the wall and floors but what she saw was big chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, a lot of huge red and blue curtains on each of the windows, the floor itself looked like it was made from diamonds but they are just plain floors that still shine like them, huge stairs that look like they reach about 30 stories, and not a single being in site…….wait what?

“This place looks amazing but where is everypony? I expected to see about 1000 or more creatures here!” Pinkamena said while puffing her cheeks out.

“Star Breaker informed that she made sure everypony was out of the building, because of Scoukter’s incident, until I had arrived.” Gill said.

“So where is his room at? I have to imagine that it have to be on the very top floor huh?”

“That’s not a problem. His room is #1 on the second floor”

Pinkamena looked confused.

“So the rooms start on the second floor?” She asked.

“Yes. The first floor’s rooms are generally for resting areas or rooms for them to practice their abilities.”

“So how many rooms are there in this building?”

“2000. But don’t let that mistake you for the number of creatures that are here. While some have their own rooms, some actually share with each other as roommates or a new-founded respect of friendship.”

“Ah ok. That makes more sense to me now.” Pinkamena said smiling.

“Well as much as I like talking with you Pinkamena, I believe we should get going. Don’t want to keep him waiting now do we?” Gill said with a chuckle.

“Oh yea that’s right. Let’s go.”

As they made their way up the second floor and at Scoukter’s door, Pinkamena felt that there was a killing intent behind that door. Sadly, the intent just made her more curious then cautious. As Gill opened the door, Pinkamena walked in first.

Scoukter’s room was surprisingly not covered death. It looked like any other colt’s room with enough space for two ponies. Only thing different about his room is that the posters on his wall looks like pictures of the inside of a pony’s body. That only raised a question….where is Scoutker?

“Wow….a filly in my room.”

A voice appeared. Pinkamena looked around but she didn't see the where it was coming from.

“I never killed a filly before but hey….first time’s the charm!”

Suddenly, Pinkamena saw a blur in front of her which quickly pinned her down on her little back. She tried to move her front hooves but was unable to because of the force that was put on them. As she calmed her mind she noticed what was holding her down. It was a pony; a little colt that looked around her age to be exact. He had a green coat, brown mane and tail, and his eyes were blue.

“You’re Scoutker aren't you?” asked Pinkamena in a calm voice despite the position she was in.

“And the filly knows me too. I guess I’m infamous now huh?” Scoutker said with a sadistic grin.

Scoutker looked at the pink filly and notice she was actually kind of cute. Too bad he has to kill her now to satisfy his hunger.

“You’re actually pretty cute you know?” Scoutker said. “Sadly, I’m not interested in dating my victims. But you do look like you would make a tasty treat though.”

“So you’re going to eat your new roommate?” Pinkamena said with sly smile of her own.

“My new roommate?” Scoutker asked with a confused look.

“Yes your new roommate” Gill said while walking in the door and closing it.

“GILL!!!” Scoutker shouted while hopping off of Pinkamena and running up to Gill to hugging his front leg.

“Ha-ha! It’s nice to see you too, Scoutker!” Gill said while patting him on the head.

As Pinkamena got up, Scoutker turned to her.

“Gill, who is she?” Scoutker said looking confused.

“This is Pinkamena Diane Pie, your new roommate and partner.”

Pinkamena got up and dusted herself and took out a hoof.

“Hello! It’s nice to meet you, besides you trying to killing me.” She said with a giggle.

Scoutker shook her hoof.

“Um…yea…it’s nice to meet you too.” Scoutker said while looking concerned. “Gill?”

“What is it Scoutker?”

“I thought I didn't need a partner. My style fits me going solo. I like to go all out instead of being held back by somepony.”

Gill closed his eyes for a few seconds and opened them back up looking at the kids.

“The reason I’m putting you two together, Scoutker, is because I think with you two can become more powerful when working together. Pinkamena here also has the same killing intent as you so I believe that will also help in building both of you two’s individual abilities.”

“Well….” Scoutker started to think when Gill put his hoof on his shoulder.

“Don’t worry. It’ll be fine.” Gill said with a reassuring smile.

“Well…..OK! I’ll work with her.” Scoutker said smiling back at Gill.

While watching the other two, Pinkamena had a smile on her face too. "Too Much smiling going on here." she thought.

“Well now, I think it’s about time you tell what’s happened here don’t you think?” Gill said with frown on his face.

Scoutker actually wanted to lie about the ordeal he just through with those bullies but he knew Gill would see through him. He thought it would just lessen his punishment if the just go ahead and tell him what went down.