• Published 27th May 2013
  • 1,261 Views, 18 Comments

Ponyville's Demon Bakers - Creepypasta Pinkamena

Pinkamena must co op with a new baker and her cousin in taking over the sweet business.

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The Vacation! Woohoo!

It was just a normal day like every other day around the Wonderbolts. Fame. Fame is everywhere they go. Fame is where ever there casual hangout is. But mostly, fame is always during their work time.

As all the Wonderbolts was getting ready for well rounded break from their shows for a month, it didn't mean they would slack off on their work at the academy for there was still work to be done at the headquarters. Spitfire, Captain of Wonderbolts, knows all to well that most of the members would go out to Cloud 805, the most well known club in Cloudsdale , either to drink, get laid with other chicks or dudes, or start fights with other ponies. She was in her office finishing some of the paper they got from Canterlot about the new outfits that would be getting soon. After that, she plans on getting all the members together for quick lecture on what NOT to do on the well deserved vacation. This was all going through her head until Soarin, Vice-Captain of the Wonderbolts, came running in through the door breathing hard like he just got into a fight with a dragon.

“Um….should I even be asking why you look like you ran 500 laps around the field?” Spitfire asked looking confused but at the same time trying her best not to laugh.

Spitfire and Soarin have been the best of friends before their leaderships of the current Wonderbolts. From foalhood to now full grown adults, these two have worked hard to get were they’re at now and hold in their hoofs the future generation of young flyers's dreams everywhere.

"I was running away from her!" Soarin said with a angry face.

"Her?" Spitfire asked with a curious face.

"Yes her! She's trying to take me somewhere but I don't want to go! But no matter where I hide, she always manage to-


Soarin and Spitfire was startled as they saw Surprise bursting in from the office door.

"Me....." Soarin sighs in defeat.

"Watcha guys talking about?" Surprise asks while hopping on Soarin's back.

Surprise is a year younger then Spitfire but what is most shocking about this silly mare is that she's oldest member of the Wonderbolts, period. She was the first pony to ever be accepted in the Wonderbolts at the age of 8. The previous Captain of the Wonerbolts, Tempest Wind, assigned her to be his wing pony at the age of 10 and she became his Vice Captain at the age of 12. Her skills was kept secret from the press by the Wonderbolts themselves and was passed on as 'She's a very talented filly at her age. A Genius born out of a million ponies in the world.' When she reached the age of 20, Tempest had stepped down from Captain as he stated that it was his time to pass the torch to the next generation. Some months later, the rest of the oldest members had followed Tempest's hoof steps and retired too but Surprise was the only one that stayed. A Year Later, Spitfire had became the New Captain of Wonderbolts. She wanted to disagree the position because she believed the Surprise, being the oldest member, should be the Captain but Chairman Committee of the Wonderbolts told her that it was Surprise herself that recommend her for next Captain. Sometimes Spitfire try to ask Surprise about why she did what she did but Surprise always shrugs it off. Till this day, no matter how silly she is, Surprise is still a mystery to all ponies except her earth pony counterpart, Pinkie Pie.

"Surprise, we were talking about why you were chasing Soarin around like a mad mare." Spitfire asked with a warm smile.

"Well, since we are getting a 1 month vacation, I figured what way to kick off our vacation than to all go out to Cloud 805! "Surprise said beaming with glee.

"Uh......you want all of us to go clubbing with you?"

"Yep Yep! I already asked Firestreak, Lightning Streak, Misty and Wave Chill and they said they'll be there. I also asked Fleetfoot but she said her and Rapidfire already got plans for tonight. Rapid also said something about not letting pretty boy get too drunk."

Soarin looked away not wanting to remember what happened that day.

"Well that sounds um..... nice Surprise. But that places is a little expensive for my money at the moment." Spitfire said with said face.

"Oh don't worry about, Spitfire. This is my treat for all my friends and I made reservations."

"Well.......I guess I need a drink from all this work. Sure Surprise, I'll come with you guys."

After hearing Spitfire's answer, Surprise did a backflip cheering out loud. meanwhile, Soarin was having conflicted thoughts about going back to the club that almost put him in the hospital.

"Surprise, I don't think it's okay for me to go back there. You know I almost died!" Soarin blurted out.

"No you didn't, silly! You just almost lost all your pretty little teeth. Besides it was your fault for kissing those mares WHO had boyfriends by the way!" Surprise said while patting Soarin on the head.



Soarin couldn't retaliate after that comment so he looked away. All the while he spots Spitfire trying so hard not to laugh the scene in front of her. The death glare Soarin gave her still didn't calm her from laughing to herself.

"Anyways" Surprise spoke as she started walking towards the door, " I have to go get some things sorted out for tonight but Spitfire meet with me by the entrance gate when ya get finished, ok?"

"No problem." Spitfire said with a smile.

"Great! oh and Soarin?"


"I will watch out for you so you won't get into any trouble. But if I see you talking to any other mares,I'll slice their throats and then I'll cut off your dick, okay luv?" Surprise said with a straight smile face.


"I said I'll look after you, silly!" Surprise walks towards Soarin and gives him a kiss on the lips. "Welp, See ya later!"

As Surprise bounces her way out of room and down the hall, Soarin turns to Spitfire with the most confuse look on his face. "Spitfire...what just happened?"

At this point, Spitfire couldn't hold it any longer and released her all the laughter builded up in her while Soarin continued to look at her with an annoyed face expression. Then again, the way she looks while laughing always makes his cheeks blush since she looks so cute look that.

"Hahaha I'm sorry Soar!" Spitfire wiping tears from her eyes,"But you should know at the is point that you can't explain Surprise."

"Yea yea" Soarin said with his head down.

"Aww don't look like that." Spitfire said while getting up from her chair walking towards Soarin."Tell ya what. Before I go meet up with her and we lock up the academy for the month, how about you and I go get some races in on the field?"

At that Soarin, shot up with the biggest smile on his face that made Spitfire blush. "You're on! First to 10?"


As they walked out in the hallway and spitfire locked her office door, she gave Soarin and sincere smile. "And Soarin? Don't worry about the what happened that night at the club, ok? Surprise says she's going to look after you. I mean what's the worst that can happen this time?"

Soarin gave her a Are-You-Serious look.

"Spitty..... with Surprise looking out for me, A lot of shit can with her around in just 1 day."

Author's Note:

CURSE THIS LAZINESS FROM ME! 2 YEARS OF NO CHAPTERS! :pinkiesad2: Well it's mostly because I lost interests in ponies but I really want to continue this fic! I also have another fic planned in the future but that's for another time. If anyone wants to help me edit my story, please let me know! HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE AND SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT!

Comments ( 3 )

Was wondering when the Wonderbolts and Surprise would make an appearance, it's about time. :derpytongue2:

Surprise makes an appearance! I hope she'll be something else than a complete Pinkie(mena) clone. That'd be dull, right?
I've got a strong feeling that a lot of shit is going to happen to her future ex doe :pinkiecrazy:
Overall, I still feel that there's potential in the storyline. Keep up and you may harness it!

I'm still up for being a basic-tier editor to get rid of some of those grammatical errors you keep making.
Mostly about was/were, their/they're/there, the likes. Ones that aren't a problem of spoken language.
Some weird additional words here and there, too, like "the" in random positions.

i love please make another chapter

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