• Published 27th May 2013
  • 1,261 Views, 18 Comments

Ponyville's Demon Bakers - Creepypasta Pinkamena

Pinkamena must co op with a new baker and her cousin in taking over the sweet business.

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Scoutker, The Bloody Baker pt. 2

"Well, Scoutker" Gill said in a nice tone voice "Care to explain?"

Scoutker walked past Pinkamena and sat on his bed. As he got comfortable, he notice that his bed felt bouncy but resisted the urge to bounce on it. "Well it all started before you guys got here. I was in the lunch room going to get something to take back to my room. But that's when he and his gang stopped me.


"Well, look who decided to stop by to see us, guys! It's Gill's little pet." said the tall black stallion with green and red stripes on his mane and tail. His height almost rivals Gill. Him and his gang stands in front of Scoutker.

"Whoa, Black Jack! I can actually see you standing in front me." Scoutker said with a straight face followed by a little smile.

"What the hell does that suppose to mean?" Black Jack said while looking a little aggravated.

"I'm just saying that if this little meeting was in a alley somewhere, you would blend in perfectly in the shadows. Actually, that would be a good a thing since nopony would have to see your ugly appearance."

That comment gained a few good chuckles from the other creatures in the lunch room. Even one of Black's goons chuckled a little until he got a death glare from Black. That made him straighten his ass up.

"You know for a little shrimp, you do like to talk shit don't you" Black said with a smirk.

"What do you want, Black? I just wanna go back to my dorm to eat my food" Scoutker said looking annoyed. "But that seems unlikely as you and your shitty ass crew are standing in front on the door."

That comment made the gang pissed and were about to walk closer to Scoutker until Black held up a hoof which signaled them to back down.

"What do I want? Hehehehe i'm surprise you didn't notice yet." Black said with a sinister smile.

"Notice what?" Scoutker said looking confused.

"Gill is not here! Which means their is nopony to stop us from killing you and becoming his right hoof pony. And don't think about his secretaries coming to save you since their always with paperwork to come and look at little scrabble. Also, this might be a true or false rumor, but i'm pretty sure those twins have it out for you as well."

Scoutker pretty much tried to ignore everything he was saying since it all sounded like shit to him but the last statement made him think. The twins having it out for him? Sure they would be to busy to with their paperwork but wanting him dead? That sounded like crap to him since he like the twins. Their like the big sisters he never had. Instead of dwelling on that thought for now, he turned his attention back to Black.

"Why do y'all have it for me? What have I ever done to y'all other than talk shit to ya?" Scoutker said. He was starting to look serious this time.

"Why you say!? It's because you're a fucking faker that's what!!!" Black said in a pissed off tone.


"You heard me you piece of shit! Ever since you arrived here and Gill just automatically announced you as his right hoof pony, you haven't even shown us what the hell you could actually do that impressed him so much. You hang around him like a spoiled little foal that wants attention. But you know what? That's gonna change today."

This made Scoutker arch a eyebrow up. "How so?"

"Simple" started Black. "By killing you, Gill would wake up and notice that you wasn't worthy of his time. He then would make one of us talented ponies out here his right hoof pony; or basically pick me because of talent being able to break an entire building with one punch."

At this point, Scoutker just sighed and shook his head. "You're so pathetic."

"What did you just say?" said Black in a most gruesome tone. Getting told your pathetic by somepony is one thing, but getting told your pathetic by a little foal made his blood boil even harder.

"Unless your going deaf, then unclog your ears. The reason I don't show ya'll my talent is because what's the point? I maybe be a little cocky bastard but even I wouldn't show my abilities to weak asses like you and your shitty crew. It would just be a waste of power and my time." Scoutker said with evil smile.

At this point, the whole lunch room was quiet as a mouse. If anypony ever heard the saying "The calm before Storm", then this would be it.

"Well, I guess that shut all of you up" Scoutker shrugged. "Now then if you wouldn't mind, I would like to back to my dorm so i can be my fo-"

That was Scoutker could say before a hoof, out of nowhere, connected with his muzzle and sent him flying across the room, pass everypony's table, and into the concrete wall which the force made a crater like shape in it.As he hanged in their, blood came dripping from the back of his head while a small-like river of blood dripped from his forehead. Everypony in the lunch room turned to look at the little colt in the wall-like crater. Scoutker's body eventually dropped from the wall and landed him in the pile of rubble from it. He didn't move....at all.

Everypony started to mutter words about how that was cheap thing that Black had did to the little colt. Mostly it were the mares. They know that age doesn't matter in the Demon's Garden and anypony could get killed but this guy just killed their's Lord's right hoof pony. One mare sneaked out the back door while the commotion was going on and muttered something about informing the secretaries. The stallions on the other hoof, was just stared at the body while looking emotionless or chuckling at it. They knew that colt had a bad mouth on him and thought he deserved it. Right hoof pony or not, he was still little colt and need to learn respect towards his elders.

Black and his gang were laughing so hard, they might have died from popping a blood vessel. "You see kid!? This what happens when you piss off the Bloody Terror Gang! We leave bodies in our wake! Mares and Stallions, fillies and colts, we kill anything or anypony that gets in our way!"

As the crew were going to celebrate there victory, there was a small chuckle from the pile of rubble that was recently made. Everypony in the lunch room, including the Bloody Terror Gang, was quiet and stared at the rubble. Black, unlike the rest of them, was shocked the most. From what he's seeing from his perspective shouldn't be physically possible for a little colt.

Scoutker rose from the pile of rubble with scrapes around his coat, blood around his face, and with a cold look in his eyes that stare into a pony's soul. The blue color of his eyes changed into that of a crimson like blood to them. This eerie grin formed on the side of the colt's face to make him look more sinister. All in all, he looked hungry.

"hehehehe! Is that all your punch had to offer? Pathetic!" Scoutker said while laughing. "Even the Secretaries hit way hard then that!"

This infuriated Black as he wanted to charge in and straight choke the colt to death but he couldn't on the count of something holding him back. His fear. Nobody has ever survived a full force punch from him! But this little shit head in front of him just did and is shrugging it off like it was nothing!

"Black! What's wrong with your face? You look like you just seen something worst than a ghost. A devil perhaps?" Scoutker replied, still laughing.

Black tried to speak but something prevented him as not one word left his mouth. At the point, Scoutker took at his surroundings and saw everypony staring at him in fear. Using this to his advantage, he yelled out single sentence in the lunch room with a demonic voice.


With in a instant everypony that wasn't apart of Black's crew scrambled out in 15 secs flat. Everypony had their own way of evil inside of them, but this colt's aura felt like he was different level them, maybe even close Gill's level.

"Well! Now that their is nobody here to interrupt us, I can enjoy my big buffet here" Scoutker said while walking slowly towards the gang. His smile turn into a sadistic grin. "Since you guys ruined my lunch, I'll just have to use y'all as my appetizer." He licked his lips after that last statement and continuing to walk towards them.

One of Black's unicorn lackeys couldn't take the insults anymore and went charging towards Scoutker screaming. "THAT'S IT! I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU THINK ARE TRYING TO SCARE THE BLOODY TERROR GANG, BUT NO LITTLE SHIT IS GONNA MAKE A MOCKERY OUT OF US!" He levitated a knife as he reached Scoutker. He then had pointed the knife straight to the little colt's head, trying to finish him quickly. "DIE!"

"bon appéti, Scoutker"

"Wha-" was all the unicorn could get it out of his voice before a little hoof went straight through his neck, tearing through the skin and tearing his throat out. The unicorn was dazed as he didn't what just happened and fell on his side,choking on his blood, and eventually dying instantaneously.

The rest of the crew just stood there.....speechless. Nopony knows what just happen but as they see their member laid out on the floor, their gazes when back to Scoutker.....who was slurping the blood off his hoof! He literally eating somepony's blood of his hoof! Where they do that at!?

After Scoutker finished the eating some dead unicorn's blood, his sight turned to the others and a creek smile formed on his mouth.

"That was just appetizer! Now it's time for the full course menu!" Scoutker whispered in a low voice but enough for the others to here it.

The other crew members couldn't take it anymore and all 30 of them went charging at Scoutker! He may have killed one stallion, but there is no way he can take all them on at once they thought. As they circle around him, each one pounce in for an attack.

That was when their ambush went to hell as Scoutker grew smirk on his face as he muttered two words "Puppet's Clock."

*2 minutes later*

"W-w-what?" was the only word Black could get out of that mouth of his.

Black has was speechless as look around the lunch room. If he didn't know any better, he would have thought this was a slaughter house as countless of his men were scattered across the lunch room. Heads were detached from their necks and around somewhere on the floor, limbs were scattered across while some hanged from the ceiling, but was worse that some of the corpses of the dead stallions were bent back in ways that should never be tried unless you were practicing Yoga. What actually made him sick was the all this blood that everywhere in the room. Now he has seen a lot blood before, as it also comes with his gang's name since he cause bloodshed before too, but this too much even for him as whatever he this morning came back at a brutal force and made its way on the floor in front of his legs.

As Black looked away from his ealier food from the floor, he notices Scoutker looking dead in at him in his eyes; those percing red eyes. Black couldn't believe that at a little colt did all this massacre in a short amount of time and didn't even look like he broke a sweat. But the evidence was right in front him as he finally comes to terms with his conscious to see why this colt was choosen as Gill's right hoof pony; he was a demon incarnate. As he shook himself, he decided to get away from this demon. It's was futile as for some unknown reason, he couldn't move. He couldn't even let out a single word as Scoutker was instantly in front of him.

"You know that was really fun, Black! Too bad your people were weak minded and it only lasted for a short while." Scoutker shrugged.

Black stayed silent as he looked at Scoutker in fear.

"Hmm? What's wrong with you? Cat got your tongue?" Scoutker giggled to himself "Oh god, that was so corny. anyways, the reason you can't move is because of my technique that I like to call "Puppet's Clock". It's named after the guy that I saw in my dreams one day. Don't worry about him though but the point is that I am able to bring out the fear in anypony's heart and manipulate it to my will. For example I could have made your crew slaughter each other like a puppet in on a string but instead I just made them paralyzed so i can do it myself."

If Black could cry, he would but can't on the account of him being paralyzed too by this move. After giving this speech to Black, Scoutker decided that it was enough talking to someone who is about to die by his hoof.

"You know Black? We could have got along in the future but you had to go be a dick and look where it got you? Mostly all of your crew is dead and it's basically your fault. Scoutker shrugged. " But it's cool though. You will be joining them soon enough." Scoutker gave right then gave him a Sadistic grin. " Now then, time to put you down like the dog you are."

It seems fate gave Black a little hope now that the Secretary Twins busted through the door looking angry as hell. However, that dropped when they at the bloodshed around the room. Star Crusher almost felt the urge to throw up but Light Breaker let out a low whistle and seemed to be rather impressed. "Not as bad when I made a mess in here before but it's a start".

"Oh shut up" Star Crusher said as she looked annoyed at her sister. This is going to be more when we have to explain this to our lord! Wait......where is Scoutker?

They both looked around until they found a little colt pointing a knife at bigger Stallion. Scoutker saw them and immediately dropped the knife. The hold he had on Black had suddenly released and caused the stallion to fall and pass out. Scoutker's whole demeanor changed and he shook in fear when Star Crusher stomping over to him.

"WHAT....HAPPENED HERE, SCOUTKER!?" Star yelled which much force to rival Gill's voice.

"Umm........ummm.....uh...." Scoutker was stand still of what to say. He knew if he told them what happened, he might get a punishment worse then what he did to these guys. Unless.........

"Um......I Love You"Scoutker said with a big smile.



Star had hoofpalmed her face while Light was laughing her ass off.


"And that's what happened." Scoutker said as he layed on his pillow.

Pinkamena didn't know what to say. This was first time her blood got this pumped from hearing somepony's story that involved him killing a entire crew by himself. Not only that, she seen his whole flashback. How this even possible? Did I see this colt's story with my own mind too. I guess there is more to me than I thought she thought.

"That...was.. AWESOME!" Pinkamena screamed.

"Huh?" Scoutker asked confused.

"Your Flashback, silly! It was the best thing I ever seen in my life! My favorite part was when you used your Puppet's Clock on that first guy that attacked and you made him slit his own throat while the others thought you did!"

"Hahaha well thanks. I never did get a chance to ma-what?"

"What's wrong?"

"You just said that you enjoyed watching my flashback describe your favorite part......"

"Yea and?"

This ignorance from this pink pony made him scream out. "YOU WATCHED MY FLASHBACK EVEN THOUGH YOU WEREN'T THERE! HOW DID YOU DO THAT!?"

Pinkamena looked startled. "What's wrong? Is that bad thing? can other ponies not see other people's flashbacks?"

Scoutker was amazed. Not only is this pony a ignorant to her surroundings sometimes, she can see through other people's mind. I mean, Unicorns can do that but they have to connect their horn with the other pony's head but this filly not an earth pony but saw an entire flashback without any connection. Seems there is more to her than just that cute stupid look of hers.

"Oh it's nothing um.....what's your name again?" Scoutker said while bending his head sideways.

"Pinkamena Diane Pie. But you can call me Pinkamena or Mena for short." Pinkamena giving off a nice smile.

"Pinkamena huh? Ok I will do to remember that."

As much as it was nice to see these two have a conversation, Gill was on a tight schedule now that he's back so he decided to intervene in their chat.

"Well it seems you two are getting along very well now. I guess that it's safe to assume say that she can stay with you, right Scoutker?" Gill looking down at Scoutker.

"Yea she's cool" Scoutker shrugged.

"Excellent! You two have hidden abilities no one else here has and I can't wait to have ya'll awaken them. While not only working together and getting close as best friends, i'm pretty sure your abilities will waken much sooner than you think. But Scoutker."

"Yes, Gill?"

"Your powers may be a blessing but it can also lead to your demise in the future. You need to learn to control your new-found blood-lust or you may end up loosing control of yourself. You understand?"

"Yes, sir" Scoutker looking shamefully on ground.

"Good. Because of your show earlier, your grounded for a week. You are a smart pony and you knew there was away to avoid that incident but instead you showed. I wouldn't be surprise if everypony is scared of you now or out for your head. Now if will excuse me, I have a few things to take care of now."

As Gill turned to walk out the door, he looked back at Pinkamena gave a smile. "Welcome to the Demon's Garden, Pinkamena. Wish you good luck in your adventures here while your hanging with this troublemaker here."

And with that, Gill disappeared in a instant flash. Pinkamena was shocked as she never seen a teleport that fast before. She was starting to wonder if he was really a Earth Pony or a Unicorn.

"So, Pinkamena" Scoutker said while interrupting her thought "Since we're roommates, you wanna go see the arcade room? They have so many games it's not even funny!"

"Sure!" Pinkamena shouted loudly.

As the two kids left the room and headed down the hall to the right, on the left was two watchful eyes that be belonged to two twins that smiled at the two that was going to bring change in the future.

"Mena? You ok?" Scoutker asked looking at a trance-looking Pinkamena.

"Huh? wha?" Pinkamena looking dazzled now that she's out of trance state.

"I asked were you ok? You been staring at the wall for at least 2 hours now."

"Really? That long? Haha it felt like months."

"What? What do me- ah never mind." Scoutker said with a chuckle. He almost forgot how Pinkamena was usually random back then.

Pinkamena looked at the time and noticed it was getting late and realized she didn't finish cleaning up the kitchen. "Looks like me being spaced out wasted time for us to clean up. Sorry, Scoutker"

"Nah, it's cool. We can finish this up before I leave." Scoutker said with smile. As the two resumed their clean of the kitchen, he thought it would be a good time to know what she thinking about. "So, do you know why you were spaced out?

"Yea. I was just think about the past and how i met Gill and you. It was good times back then and i learned a lot about clean killing with out making a public mess. Though I like to get dirty now and then these days." She said with a wink towards Scouter. He shrugged and laughed.

"Yep, I was little badass back then. I couldn't control my lust for blood and ended up making trouble in the garden. Now, I learned to control it and now it's pretty much apart of my killing style. I'm still called the Bloody Baker but i'm much on the laid back clean style of murdering my victims unlike you."

Pinkamena rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Don't knock it till you try it."

As soon they finished the cleaning, they walked to the front door of the bakery were Scoutker was about to head home. Luna's incompetent moon rose to the sky filling it with beautiful stars of the night. As Scoutker headed out the door and into the street, he realized he forgot to ask her something.

"Hey Mena." Scoutker asked.

"What's up? Pinkamena asked

"I was wondering can-"



"You can see the basement tomorrow. That's where all the magic happens, duh."

Scoutker laughed. "You just love reading minds, don't you?

"I didn't read your mind. That was just a guess."

"By the way, Scoutker paused. "How do you get your shipment of ponies? I know you can't kill tall these ponies in Ponyville or it would raise suspicion as to many disappearances."

"Cloudsdale." Pinkamena said nonchalantly.


"Yep. I have a supplier who ships me ponies from time to time. I she's also apart of the Wonderbolts she wouldn't be suspected."

"A Wonderbolt acquaintances huh? Nice. Anyways I have to go. See ya!" Scoutker shouted as he trotted down the road.

Pinkamena put the 'Closed' sign on the doorknob walked back into the bakery. Before going to her room, she walked to toward's the basement's door and made sure it was locked. After that she walked up stairs to her room. Then suddenly, a random thought came to her. I wonder what she's doing? I need a new a shipment soon so I think I'll contact her tomorrow as well.

Author's Note:

AAAAAUGH!!!! SO LATE!!! I'M SOO SORRY GUYS!!!! :( enjoy this chapter :)