• Published 11th May 2013
  • 8,700 Views, 322 Comments

Changing Odds - Music Brush

A changeling decides to live a pony life and after four years of living a good life, Queen Chrysalis attacked Canterlot, the changeling is arrested and sent to trial.

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Ch. 3-4: Harmony

Part Two
Chaos And Disharmony

Chapter Four

Zuro had no idea what was going on. One minute he was standing side by side with his best friend, Jet Blast. The next, his vision became blurred and he felt like he was being licked by a dog. He could not think straight, but whatever was going on he was enjoying it like a school filly just a few years younger than him with a newborn puppy in her hooves.

After a few minutes his vision became more clear and he found himself sitting on his haunches with a bright red, winged dog licking his face. Zuro was giggling as the dog kissed him, but something was very wrong about this whole thing. As he heard his voice he noticed it was not his own, but the voice of a filly. He had no control of his body, but he managed to get a glimpse of his hooves hugging the dog covering his face in saliva and saw pink fur instead of blue.

What the... He thought.

His mind was beginning to go into a panic. He knew what was going on, but no matter what he did he could not stop himself. And to add to that this dog kissing him felt very familiar, but with something else added to it. Something very strong and delicious. Something that was feeding him just as much as when he was with...

Angel? He asked silently. No, not Angel. Jet! Discord, what did you do to us?

Zuro had given up on trying to gain control of his body and just focused his mind on everything else around him. He could sense Angel and Dili's love radiation coming from a good distance away, and from what he could tell they were with a familiar zebra the ponies once feared. This gave his panicked mind some relief, but everything else he sensed was a mix of everything, but love and harmony and this scared him.

Zuro's eyes looked up to where Discord once stood and found that he had vanished. Jet pulled back and smiled at him as his tail swung back and forth. Zuro's female voice giggled maliciously and started to get up from her haunches, causing Jet to fly away.

"C'mon boy!" Zuro said in his filly voice. "Let's keep things in chaos for daddy while he's gone!"

Jet barked happily as he assumed a position like he was on the ground with his rump over his head as his tail swung with more vigor. She ruffled his head between his ears, then the two hovered away to cause their own chaos in this town while the draconequus was out causing his own chaos elsewhere.


After a while of increasing the chaos with Jet as Zuro's loving pet, Discord appeared in front of them. Zuro cheered with a happy squeak and jumped up, wrapping her forehooves around Discord's long neck as he hugged the pink filly back with a fatherly laugh.

"Looks like you two have been having some fun." Discord mused.

"Ah huh!" Zuro chirped with a nod of her head.

Why am I so happy to see this creep? Zuro asked silently. All day since the chaos started Zuro and Jet had been transformed and spent all afternoon turning houses upside-down and making giant salt and pepper shakers without magic. Now Zuro was hugging Discord as if he was 'her' daddy and was as giddy as a school filly about it. He was holding nothing back, it was as if he was watching a play with his voice bonded to silence and there was nothing he could do about it.

"Did you take care of the elements?" Zuro asked.

"I certainly did my little abomination." Discord replied.

"How'd you do it?" She asked with a mischievous growl. Discord gave a broad grin.

"Well, I made honesty a liar, laughter a grouch, generosity a hoarder, loyalty selfish, kindness was a pain, but I forced her to be cruel."

"And what bout magic?" Zuro asked eagerly. In truth he really did want to know what happened to the six mares he knew for the last few years, but on the inside the more he heard what Discord did to each of them the more he grew angry. Apart of him did not want to know what happened to Twilight, but his body was eager to hear what 'her father' did to the last threat of to his power.

"She's still cooking my dear." Discord answered. "Soon she will be the opposite of who she really is and the Elements of Harmony will no longer be a problem."

Zuro's eye twitched as she felt a brief moment of control over her body. Discord did not notice this do to the fact he was to occupied with the added chaos of Screwball's hoof work on the town. Zuro felt another spark of freedom overtake him, but it was soon gone just as quick as it appeared.

"Oh look." Discord said. "The changelings have arrived." Zuro's head turned to see two griffons sneezing under one of her pepper shakers. Though her eyes saw another race, his senses saw someone he had been dying to see since the first week Zuro first came to Ponyville.

Gnator! Zuro's mind said while her mouth chimed "Oohhh!" as she bounced with excitement. "Can we go play with them daddy? Please?!"


Several minutes later Zuro was standing side by side with her pet, Jet with his family standing opposite them. Zuro wanted to run up and hug his brother after spending over three years without even once seeing him. Discord had vanished, no doubt to let chaos build up between Zuro and his family.

Zuro was furious about this whole situation. He was now standing against his family, minus his little sister, and he had now control over his body in order to prevent what was about to happen next. Zuro tried with every ounce of his strength to gain control of his own body over the filly Discord forced him to be.

"Zu, tell me you're in there!" Gnator called.

"Who's Zu?" 'Screwball' Zuro asked.

"You give me back my baby this instant!" Anorum demanded.

"Baby? Didn't daddy make me out of a grown up?" Screwball asked.

"Zuro, I know you're in there somewhere." Vitam stated.

"Didn't he say Zu?" Screwball asked pointing a hoof to Gnator, who was looking more frustrated as this conversation continued.

"Cut it out!" Gnator demanded. "I want my big brother back NOW!"

"Wait." Screwball said. "Zu is Zuro, who is a grown up, who is a baby? This guy you're talking about must be chaotic!" She said as she bounced with joy. "Does he have a marefriend?"

This made Zuro's mind burst with embarrassment and fury. To think that this chaotic being he was being forced to take the form of was interested in him made him want to cringe and hide in a corner till the memory of this day vanished from his mind, which would take a long time so he wanted to go to the pony princess and ask for a memory spell to be cast on him so he would forget every moment of the chaos.

"It just so happens that the one you're taking over has a very sweet marefriend, who I approve of and I would rather spend an eternity in Tartarus than let him be with some creature like you." Anorum stated sharply.

This made Zuro's heart warm up with joy as he heard his mother virtually grant her blessing to her son. Thank you mom. He called, but was not heard.

"Awww." Screwball said as she dropped her head. Then she perked up. "You think I have a chance if I get rid of the competition?"

At that moment she found herself on her back looking up at an angry looking griffon, who was glaring daggers at her. She let out a fit of giggles while Jet barked his head off at Screwball's attacker.

"Now you listen to me!" Gnator ordered. "I may not like ponies as much as Zu does, but I swear by my monarch's name if you do anything to break my brother's heart like that I'll make sure you don't get to see another ounce of the chaos you love."

"Gnator, that's Zuro!" Anorum cried.

"This is not Zu, it's some crazed pony taking over my big brother and I hate it!" Gnator snapped.

"Gnator..." Anorum began.

"Zuro, your mother had a baby girl!" Vitam said quickly.

Screwball looked down at Vitam with a look of shock. Zuro's mind gained more life and strength than before and for the first time today he felt more joy and happiness.

"A new sister?" He asked, still trapped in the body of Screwball.

"Her name is Dulcis." Vitam answered.

"And she was upset when she felt something was wrong with you." Anorum added as she realized what her husband was doing. "Even though she hasn't met you yet, she loves you just like the rest of us."

"Dulcis?" Zuro asked as the eyes of Screwball began to well up with tears. "M-my new little sister, Dulcis?"

"She's with Angel and Dili at your Zebra friend's hut." Vitam said as he walked up to them. Gnator kept his glare on the face of Screwball, but he slowly loosened his hold of her. "You can see her if you come back to us son."

There was a long silence after that and it was apparent that there was a war going on in Screwball's eyes. Jet Blast sat there glaring and growling at Gnator, who was getting up from the filly. Screwball sat up when Gnator finally released her from the ground and at there staring into space. Soon after tears began to escape her eyes and stream down her cheeks and she looked up at the two ponies and two griffons staring at her.

"Mom... dad?" 'Zuro' asked, still trapped in the body of Screwball. "I have a new sister?"

Both Vitam and Anorum let out a cry of relief as Entibus smiled at the three and ran up and hugged Gnator, who let his nerves settle and a smile build up and his face. Zuro was back in his right mind and they all gathered together into a group hug.

Soon after a loud BOOM caught their attention and a large rainbow rose up and back down toward the heart of the town, then made a large shield that engulfed the town and a blinding light soon caused them all to close their eyes. A few moments later they opened their eyes to find themselves in their natural changeling forms and immediately reacted by changing to three ponies and two griffons standing together.

"Did anypony see us?!" Zuro asked as he frantically looked around for ponies that may have been watching. His attention was turned to a flash of green light that blasted towards Jet Blast, who fell to the ground when the light died. Zuro's eyes widened in shock, grief and disbelief when he saw the pony laying on the ground and looked over to see Gnator aiming his head in Jet's direction and his horn disappearing.

Zuro jumped at Gnator with a growl. "Gnator, what in the name of Celestia did you just do?!" He asked.

"Relax, Zu." Gnator said as he raises his talons up defensively. "I only casted a memory spell on him. He will have no memory of seeing us in our natural forms."

Upon hearing this Zuro eased up a bit and turned back to Jet who was getting up off the ground. He looked up at Zuro and smiled.

"Oh, hey Guard!" He called.

"Guard?" Entibus asked.

"Hey Jet." Zuro replied to his best friend. Jet Blast nodded and waved at all of them. "Jet, these are my parents and... best friend." Zuro introduced him to his family one by one, starting with his mother and father.

"Well, it was a pleasure meeting you." Jet said. "I better go check on my family." He then took off toward the clouds saying his goodbyes as he flew.

Zuro then turned to his parents with a large grin on his face. "Now I believe you have a little filly I have to meet!"


"Can you explain to me why you didn't stick around to see your new sister and spend time with your brother?" Entibus asked as she followed Gnator through the forest back to the mountains.

"That draconequus nearly ended our chances of success in the queen's plan to save us from starvation." Gnator answered. "We have to tell her what's going on so that she can take immediate action before something like this happens again and we loose all hope of escaping our fate."

"What about what you did with that pony? Normally you would've just taken him away and use him as food for the reserves." Entibus observed.

"Would Zu have forgiven me if I did that?" He replied. "I have to keep up his trust for two reasons. If I can't get him to join us when we need to strike then I have to do something about him."

"And the second reason?" Entibus asked as they reached the mountains.

"He loves those ponies and if I took any of them away like that he would be very upset and we'll have no chance of getting him to help us." He explained.

This was a satisfactory explanation for Entibus as she nodded her head in acceptance. She remembered all the things Gnator told her about his big brother and this explanation made sense of why he did what he did, and he was sure that Queen Chrysalis would agree with his motives of his actions.

Soon they came up to the mountain area where Chrysalis remained when she was not overviewing the progress of her growing army. As they approached the peak Gnator was planning out exactly what he was going to say, thinking that he would have a tough time with it at first since the queen told him to take the rest of the day off.

"Here goes nothing."


Dear diary.

Today was the most chaotic and frightening day of my entire life and I can't believe the outcome of the whole thing. First Angel and I were planning on making this day a pure Dili day and do whatever my little sister wanted to do. Then everything became chaos.

I was changed into a filly against my will, Jet became a winged dog, and this draconequus was the cause of the whole thing.

The worst part of it is the filly I was forced to be was interested in me! Now when I think about it I just want to scream!

Anyway, after all the chaos I learned that I have two sisters now, and Dulcis is absolutely adorable! Already I can feel a strong level of love coming from her.

And there's something else I realized after the chaos when I saw Angel again. She and I have been together for over a year now and I have never felt so much pure love from anypony else. I want to take this to the next level and o start it off I'm going to take her to Canterlot where I will confess what I am to the princess and request her approval for marriage to one of her subjects. I'm not even going to tell my parents what I'm planning because they'll never allow it. Maybe my father will, but my mother with wrap me up in chains thicker than the mountains we live in.

I love Angel and I want to marry her, so as of tomorrow I will begin preparations to visit Canterlot and make my proposal the best she'll remember.

But for now, I'm just going to enjoy the rest of the evening with my marefriend and our little sister Dili.

Good night.