• Published 11th May 2013
  • 8,700 Views, 322 Comments

Changing Odds - Music Brush

A changeling decides to live a pony life and after four years of living a good life, Queen Chrysalis attacked Canterlot, the changeling is arrested and sent to trial.

  • ...

Ch. 3-2: The Challenge

Part Two
Chaos And Disharmony

Chapter Two
The Challenge

"Not good enough!"

Gnator flinched at the bark of his commanding officer, growing even more angry and frustrated with him everyday he trained under his instruction. He had enough skill when he started training a year ago to start at a higher level than most, as instructed by Queen Chrysalis. Fortis was never impressed by Gnator's progress. He always demanded better results from the young changeling, and Gnator was sick and tired of it.

"Again!" Fortis ordered.

"I've done it a thousand times already!" Gnator snapped as he glared at his officer. Fortis arched a brow as he glared at his inferior student.

"You will do it again until you have the technique perfected! Is that clear?" Fortis stated more than asked.

"I have it perfected!" Gnator replied. "Teach me the next level. Gnator then found himself lying on the ground with a sharp pain on his face. He looked back up to see Fortis glaring fiercely at him.

"You will learn your place before you go any higher in these ranks, child!"

Gnator immediately pounced from his place on the ground and tackled the officer with full force, knocking him to his back and swinging his hooves, making contact with Fortis' face, causing blood to drip from the older changeling's ears, nose, and mouth.

"I am not a child!" Gnator spat with each swing of his hooves.

Fortis managed to catch one of Gnator's hooves in mid swing then countered with a right cross, sending Gnator flying over and rolling on the ground a few feet before coming to a stop on his side. Gnator lifted his head off the ground as he spat blood from his lips. He looked up to see Fortis stomping his way. He stammered to his hooves to strike again, but he was not quick enough. Fortis grabbed him by the neck with his magic and lifted him off the ground.

"You will not progress any farther in this army, child!" Fortis barked.

"Let him go, Fortis." Came a female voice from Fortis' right.

"This little scrap has no place in this army, Entibus!" Fortis barked without taking his eyes, nor loosening his grip from Gnator.

"You know the queen herself selected this young man to be a part of her plan." Entibus said calmly.

"The queen can kiss my..."

"Please, finish your sentence, Fortis." Came a deeper female voice that attracted attention of all the changelings gathered around. All changelings, except Fortis, gave a deep, respectful bow. Gnator would have done the same, if he was not suspended by the neck in Fortis' magic, the lack of clear oxygen flowing the his throat beginning to make him light-headed.

"My queen, this 'child' you've selected to lead us from starvation assaulted me, and lacks the proper skills to perform his duties admirably. He has 'no' place among us!" Fortis stated matter-of-factly.

"And you're the one restraining him from his breath, and dared to insult me while under the impression I wasn't in your presence." Chrysalis observed.

At this Fortis released his hold on Gnator, letting the younger to drop to the stone ground beneath them. Gnator coughed and gasped as fresh air filled his lungs, and Entibus came to his aid. He made no effort to stop her as he glared up at the older changeling.

"My queen, with all do respect, I feel your decision to bring this 'child'..."

"Don't call me a child!" Gnator barked.

"... this child into our army is a terrible mistake." Fortis finished.

"Are you the one who devised the plan to lead our hive from starvation?" The queen asked.

"No, my queen. But..."

"Are you the one who recruits the solders into my army?"

"No. But..."

"Have your suggestion in the recruits promotions ever had any meaning to me before now?"

"No." Fortis was growing more impatient with each question, and Chrysalis smirked at this." But my queen..."

"Then why should the word of a single, unimportant field trainer with higher expectations have any effect over a young recruit who has more chance to become captain in the next hour than you do in the next millennium?" Chrysalis asked with a growing smirk on her face that only increased with the reaction on Fortis' face.

"I beg your pardon my queen?" Fortis asked.

"I claim the right of challenge!" Gnator barked.

"Gnator, you should rest first." Entibus whispered to him as Fortis shot a glare at the younger changeling and Chrysalis grinned at the call.

"How dare you make such a claim!" Fortis shouted as he raised a hoof to strike at Gnator.

"Move that hoof any farther then you'll have no choice, but to accept his challenge." Chrysalis mused.

Fortis froze in place after shooting a look of shock to his monarch, who just gave him a smile that dared him to go on.

"Besides, a challenge has to be answered." She encouraged.

"You expect me to accept a challenge from this spoiled, unworthy little scrap?!" Fortis spat.

"Do you have the guts to say that to my face, phoenix fodder?" Gnator asked, earning a sharp, dagger filled glare from Fortis.

"What did you say?"

"Call me a scrap, or child again, and I'll make sure you can't be used for anything more than a pony's cat toilet!" Gnator mused, earning a chuckle from Chrysalis.

"Oh, I simply love his spirit." She stated. "Maybe I should make him my personal captain and demote you."

"My queen?!" Fortis whirled his head to Chrysalis.

"I say there shall be a battle for supremacy right here, right now!" She called to her gathered subjects, who all buzzed and cheered at the thought. "Sounds like your comrades are up for a fight, Fortis. Are you going to accept the challenge of a strong youth, or will you allow yourself to be called a coward for running away from an underage?"

This question did the trick. Fortis visibly trembled in place, the anger bursting from his body like a flame that could warm up a large mess hall. He turned his focus to Gnator, who was being held by a concerned looking Entibus.

"Gnator, don't do this." She pleaded.

"I won't be pushed around by this fodder anymore!" He spat towards Fortis, increasing the burning anger radiating from his trembling body. Gnator raised a hoof and placed on her shoulder while keeping his eyes locked on his opponent. "Entibus, don't worry about me. Just get a safe distance from this." Entibus turned her gaze to Fortis, who was still waiting for his opponent to ready himself. Then she returned her gaze to Gnator with a smile on her face.

"You just need to do one thing for me." She stated. She leaned and planted a kiss to his cheek, making sure not to obstruct his view from his opponent. "Come back to me unharmed." The anger within Gnator subsided and he let a smile form on his face.

"Enough!" Fortis spat. "Name your terms, and let's end this!"

At this Entibus flew away from her lover as Gnator got to his hooves while keeping his eyes locked on his opponent.

"One," Gnator began. "No magic, or multiple transformations. Just one race within reason. No dragons, monsters, or anything like that." Gnator noticed Fortis flinched at this. He knew Fortis preferred using magic and large creatures to gain the advantage, and this made it easy for him to overtake that advantage.

"What makes you think I'll agree to that?" Fortis asked.

"Then get out of the hive now!" Gnator ordered, earning a pleased grin from his monarch.

"If you can't meet demands, then it's highly recommended you don't show your face in our hive again, Fortis." Chrysalis mused.

"Fine!" Fortis agreed. "What else?"

"Only use what can be naturally used by the race you become. Pegasus flight, earth pony strength." Gnator stopped right there, watching Fortis expression about the strength portion.

"And if we change in combat?" Fortis asked.

"Then you forfeit all, and are banished from the hive." This earned approval from all the changelings gathered to witness.

"And to add on, the one who looses will have to witness the loss of his loved ones before exile." The queen added.

Gnator blinked at this while Fortis agreed without hesitation. Now Gnator had an even better reason to win this! He loved his family and that was the whole reason he joined Chrysalis' army in the first place, so his family would not starve, and they could be together again.

And Entibus. With loved ones on the line, that meant she was in danger as well, so he could not back away, or loose. His determination increased tenfold. Gnator took in a deep breath as he kept his eyes locked on Fortis.

"We're at an understanding, then?" He asked.

"I agree to the terms of this challenge!" Fortis exclaimed.

"Then, let the battle begin." Chrysalis called.

Fortis, as Gnator expected, immediately took the form of a well built earth pony stallion and charged his target. Gnator transformed into a griffon and leapt into the air, almost expecting Fortis to transform into something that flies.

"You loose!" Fortis barked from the ground.

"I said, no monsters or dragons. I never said no griffons!" Gnator stated matter-of-factly.

"My queen, he lost - oof!" Fortis was tackled to the ground by Gnator once he took eyes off him. Fortis was pinned to his back as Gnator slashed his claws at his face. Fortis managed to get his hind hooves under Gnator's gut and bucked him off. Gnator got back to his feet as Fortis got to his hooves.

The changelings around them were buzzing and cheering as the fight heated up between the two while Chrysalis and Entibus watched side by side. Chrysalis with an amused smile on her face while Entibus showed nervous expressions.

Gnator made the next move as he charged his opponent, who whirled around and bucked Gnator in the beak, sending him flying backwards to the ground.

"Stay down, scrap!" Fortis barked.

Gnator immediately flapped his powerful wings as he extended his claws out for Fortis' throat. Fortis tried to dodge, but he did not anticipate Gnator's fierce speed, and was left with deep claw marks on the right side of his neck and face.

"Oh, an intent to kill." Chrysalis mused. "Your boyfriend is quite promising."

"You don't intend to kill his loved ones, do you my queen?" Entibus asked as she watched Gnator and Fortis fight on.

"No." Chrysalis answered. "I only said that to give Gnator the drive he needs to get rid of that well."

"Can't you just banish him as you please?" Chrysalis chuckled.

"And leave a promising solder without a good challenge to rise up in my ranks? No. I need to be sure he can take care of a situation like this."

They continued to watch the battle as it carried on, going back and forth as one claimed the advantage over the other, then switched. Anytime Fortis would gain the advantage over Gnator, Entibus had to refrain herself from jumping in to help Gnator, or he would automatically loose this fight.

It seemed to go on for hours as they both steadily grew tired with each swing they made. Things began to look bad for Gnator as Fortis started to push harder, and harder, gaining the advantage over the young changeling until he pushed his griffon form to the ground, pinning him on his back.

"I said it before!" Fortis yelled. "You have no place in this army!"

Gnator was exhausted. He was low on strength, and he was almost ready to give up. He looked to his right and saw Entibus, looking terrified, and showing him how much she cared with her eyes. Those beautiful, brilliant blue eyes sending him all the love she could afford to give him without interfering.

"Give up you scrap!" Fortis barked.

Gnator looked up at Fortis and glared daggers at him. The sudden change in Gnator's expression made him flinch, but he kept hold of the 'griffon'.

"What do you have to fight for, fodder?" Gnator asked. "I have my family. My mom. My dad. Dili. Zuro. A new sibling to ensure doesn't go hungry! And Entibus! What do you Have?!" As Gnator spoke, his voice grew stronger and more forceful, causing Fortis to loosen his grip over his opponent. "I thought so. You have nothing!

Gnator used his hind paws and gave Fortis a hard buck, sending the 'earth pony' flying through the air, then he flapped his wings to charge after him. Fortis stammered to his hooves, but he was to slow. Gnator landed on top of Fortis, and slashed at his back twice before placing his paws on the ground and grabbing Fortis by the neck and held him up for all to see.

"Resign!" Gnator ordered. Fortis coughed and uttered out something inaudible. "Again!"

"I... 'cough'..."

"I can't hear you!"

"... 'cough'... I... yield...!"

With that, Gnator loosened his grip and Fortis fell to the ground, his pony form disappearing as he hit the ground as he gasped and coughed with fresh air rushing through his lungs. The crowd around them all cheered as Entibus flew up to Gnator and embraced him in her forelegs, and locking her lips with his beak. He let his griffon form disappear to make it easy for them to enjoy their kiss as he wrapped his own forelegs around her.

While the two were locked in each others embraced, Fortis slowly got to his hooves and ignited his horn in green, preparing to attack both the scum who dared to call themselves changelings.

A loud blast pulled Gnator and Entibus from each other and they looked to find Fortis laying on his side with smoke rising from his body. They looked over to find Queen Chrysalis slowly walking up to him as she fiercely glared daggers at him. Fortis struggled to get to his hooves, only managing to lift his head up and find his monarch standing over him.

"You dare cross your brethren when their back is turned?" She stated coldly. He gave no reply, the pain he felt from her blast was to much for him to barely breath, let along speak. "You are here by stripped of your changeling title, and forever banished from my hive."

"But... my... que -..."

"Leave these mountains, or face more pain than any changeling has ever endured in our history!" Chrysalis ordered.

Fortis struggled from the ground, loosing his balance and falling back to the ground several times before he finally gathered the strength he had left to fly out toward the forest.


Gnator and Entibus were both out at the edge of a canyon in the mountains. Chrysalis, after banishing Fortis from the hive, had given the two some time alone to enjoy his victory. She leaned in on his shoulder and he to the invitation and wrapped his foreleg around her, making the love vibes she radiated increase.

"You were incredible, Gnator." She mused.

"I have you to thank for that, Entibus." He replied. She hummed happily at his words.

She was only a year older then he was and had joined Chrysalis' army around the same time he did. At first the two wanted nothing to do with the other, but that soon changed after a few training assignments together, then they became close friends and took every chance they had to be alone with each other.

Gnator looked down at her and nuzzled her head. She looked up at him with a smile and slowly leaned in to close the gap between them until their lips met. Gnator gently broke the kiss and looked into her eyes for several moments.

"Entibus?" He said.

"Yes, Gnator." She replied.

"We've known each other for a year now." She replied with an 'mhmm' as she gave her head a small nod. "Well, I was wondering... Would you..."


"Would you... um..." She leaned in and gave him a long passionate kiss. When she broke the kiss he smiled sheepishly at her and opened his mouth to speak again.

"Shut up and kiss me, captain." She said, confirming his question. He smiled and leaned in for another kiss, this one more passionate than the last as they wrapped their forelegs around each other.

They were locked in their love embrace for a few minutes before Gnator suddenly broke the kiss and looked off into the direction of the small town said to be just on the other side of the Everfree Forest.

"What is it, darling?" Entibus asked as she followed his gaze from her place on the ground.

"Something's wrong." Gnator stated. "Zuro and Dili are in trouble!"