• Published 11th May 2013
  • 8,700 Views, 322 Comments

Changing Odds - Music Brush

A changeling decides to live a pony life and after four years of living a good life, Queen Chrysalis attacked Canterlot, the changeling is arrested and sent to trial.

  • ...

Ch. 3-1: What The...!?

Part Three
Chaos And Disharmony

Chapter One
What The...!?

Dear diary.

Another year has passed. Dili just turned six and is staying at my place for a month this time instead of a week. Gnator still hasn't turned up yet. He disappeared a few days after the celebration a year ago and no one has seen or heard from him since. I'm scared for him. I'm afraid he may have gone off the deep end, but I have to hope he's still okay.

Apart from family matters, Angel and I have been moving on in our relationship. No I haven't popped the question yet, but we now live under the same roof. She sells some of her artwork at galleries, but for the most part she helps miss Cheerilee at the school or the daycare center. When we're not working, or watching over my sister when she's visiting, we spend our time together, and I love every moment of it.

Anyway, I got the day off tomorrow, and we plan on making the day a Dili day and do what Dili wants. Pinkie already threw her a party for her today, which made everypony's day a good one.

Well, I'm going to bed. We got a day planned and I hope it'll be a good one.

Good night.

Zuro finished the latest entry of his new diary and placed on the shelf with the rest of his diaries. Before he had a chance to get up a pair of hooves found their way around his neck and he felt a warm furry cheek against his own scaly cheek. He smiled at the high level of love coming from the pony hugging him as he leaned into her before turning his head to meet his lips with hers. Zuro and Angel kept their lips locked for a while before slowly breaking apart and smiling into each others eyes.

"Little Dili is asleep." Angel whispered before planting another kiss to his lips. Ever since Zuro and Angel became a couple Dili had grown very close to the pegasus. Dili had come to call Angel, sissy, and loved her almost as much as she loved her big brother.

"That's good." Zuro replied. She pecked his lips again.

"We have time to ourselves tonight." She whispered and kissed him again.

"Are you trying to tell me you want something from me?" He asked with a grin. She turned him to face her all the way and sat on his lap as she wrapped her forelegs around his neck and kissed him again.

"Maybe..." She said with a grin before moving her muzzle to his neck. He opened his neck for her as she planted kisses.

"Could I at least clean myself up first?" He asked sarcastically since he already knew what the answer would be. She growled in response as she applied more kisses to his changeling neck. "How about the bed first?" He asked. She hummed a response, still keeping her lips attached to his neck. Obviously she was not going to let him go tonight.

Using his changeling magic to help him he got up with her in his forelegs and carried her over to the bed that was set where his desk used to be. He laid her on her back and hovered over her with his forehooves on either side of her shoulders. The two smiled at each other as she waited for him to make his next move.

"I love you, Angel." He said.

"I love you too my Guardian." She replied. He closed the gap between them and locked his lips with hers as she wrapped her forelegs around him.


Zuro and Angel flew side by side with Dili sitting proudly on Zuro's back. Zuro and Angel both wore proud smiles on their faces that seemed to radiate off of them onto other ponies that passed by the three. The day was starting out so beautifully until Zuro happened to look up and see Rainbow Dash chasing after a rogue cloud. The rogue cloud was not the thing that bothered him as much as the fact that the cloud was pink.

"Bubba, why is that cloud pink?" Dili asked. Zuro looked back at his sister and saw that she was looking in another direction. Sure enough, there was another pink cloud flying around on its own. He looked around and saw a score of clouds that were pink and flying on there own, some of them were raining... chocolate?

"What the...?" He started to say when a red pegasus stallion flew in front of him.

"Guard, we've got a problem!" Jet Blast cried.

"What's going on?" Zuro asked.

"The clouds have all gone rogue, and turned into cotton candy and raining chocolate! Dash is trying to get them under control, but..." Jet was interrupted by the sound of popcorn popping. All four of them turned their gaze down to see corn being sold at a market stand turning into popcorn. Not only that, but there were animals running around like wild animals of the Everfree and they looked different.

"What in the wide world of Equestria is going on here?" Zuro asked before turning to Angel and placing Dili in her forelegs. "Watch over Dili for me, hun." He said before taking off with Jet to wrangle the clouds.

"Bubba!" Dili called as she reached a hoof out for him.

"He'll be fine sweetie." Angel said.

"But, what's going on, sissy?" She asked.

"I don't know, Dili." Angel replied. At that moment a surge of magical energy engulfed the entire town. Angel and Dili closed their eyes until the energy around them became less strong and found everything was back to normal. Angel smiled and was about to say something when all of the sudden everything was chaotic again.

"Sissy, I'm scared." Dili said as she clung to Angel, who held the little filly tight.

"It's okay sweetie, I've got you." Angel said as she held the disguised changeling. "This is weird." The sound of laughing filled the air. Angel looked around to find the source of the laughing, but oddly found no pony around.

"That's what makes it all the more fun, my dear."

"Sissy, I want bubba." Dili said as she clung to Angel for comfort while the older mare spun around looking for the source of the voice.

"I'm afraid big bubba is a bit preoccupied at the moment, little changeling."

Dili and Angel both blinked at the comment, then with a flash of white light turned Dili into her natural form. Dili gazed up at Angel in a panic at the sudden unintended transformation of her body, the look in her eyes screaming 'I can't change back' and immediately Angel bolted for a rogue candy cloud to hide the filly. As she sat on the cloud, wrapping her wings around the filly, the laughing grew more hysterical.

"Oh, you should've seen the look on your faces!"

"Show yourself!" Angel barked. The voice continued to laugh for a few seconds after her outburst.

"Look down you silly filly." The voice said. They both looked down at the candy cloud to see the abnormally curved face of a pony with bushy eyebrows, a bit of a beard on his chin, and a long tooth poking from his lips. "Happy now?" He asked.

"Who are you?" Angel replied. The face blinked at the question.

"What?" He asked sarcastically. "You don't know who I am? Oh, that's a shame. After all, I was the one who ruled Equestria before being imprisoned in stone."

"What the hay are you talking about?" Angel snapped. The face chuckled.

"You obviously didn't do your history." The face laughed. "I'm Discord, the spirit of disharmony." The face shrunk down in size to reveal its full body. It was long like a snake and had various other animal parts instead of just a single creature.

"Change Dili and everything else back to the way they were!" Angel ordered.

"Oh, but that's no fun." Discord said. "Besides, I've got tons of wonderful plans for this place." The figure vanished. Angel searched around the cloud, then the area to find Discord, but was only met with his laughter.

"Discord!" Angel called. There was no reply.

"Sissy, I don't like him." Dili cried as she clung to Angel. "I wanna change back. why can't I change back?" Dili asked as she began to sob. Having no answer for the young changeling, Angel held her close as she wrapped her wings around her to hide her.

Angel watched as the town continued to change around them. Houses started floating in the sky, the ground became like tile with a giant chess board pattern, ponies started acting weird like animals, and the roads turned into soap. Angel was beginning to fear the worst when an idea came to mind. She turned her head over toward the Everfree Forest, which appeared to be unchanged. Discord's focus was obviously Ponyville right now, which meant that even though the forest was not the safest place, it was better then sitting and waiting for Discord to target them any farther.

"C'mon Dili." Angel said as she scooped her up in her forelegs. "We're going to Zecora." And she took off toward the forest.

Discord reappeared on the top of the town hall tower, watching the pegasus flying away with the changeling in her forelegs, laughing at the mares futile effort in escaping his power.

"Go ahead and fly away, but when I'm done with your mate and the Elements of Harmony I'll come back for the forest."


Zuro and Jet flew after some rogue clouds for the start of this chaotic day until a surge of magic sored through the town, turning everything back to normal. Zuro breathed a sigh of relief until he looked up and saw everything seemed to increase in the chaos.

"What in Tartarus is going on here?!" Zuro asked.

"The town is being rearranged, and I think it's an improvement."

Zuro and Jet both searched for the source of the voice, but with no luck.

"Guard, did you say that?" Jet asked. Zuro looked at his best friend with an annoyed look.

"Would I be joking around like that at a time like this?" Zuro asked. Their attention was turned to the sound of laughing.

"Who is that?" Jet asked.

"Oh, calm down, Blaster." Said a creature with a long body made up of all sorts of animal parts with an oddly curved pony head dawned on his neck. In his lion paw he held a two baseball cap with a propeller on top, twirling it with an claw. "After all, this is gonna be your home from now on."

Zuro's eyes widened at the sight of the creature that just appeared before him and his friend. That's impossible. He thought. The draconequus have been extinct for a thousand years. The draconequus turned to the two pegasi and let his paw drop while leaving the cap twirling in the air. He turned his gaze to the cap with a smirk before turning back to the stallions.

"Nice cap, isn't it?" He asked. He turned his focus to Zuro with a more serious grin. "I think it would look good on the changeling if he looked more like my daughter, Screwball." The draconequus snapped the talons of his other arm and Zuro suddenly transformed into a pink earth pony mare with curly purple mane with white along the edges, and derped purple eyes with white swirls instead of black pupils. The cap teleported from its place in the air onto Zuro's head and 'she' began making bubble noises with her mouth.

"Zuro!" Jet cried as he stared, wide eyed at his friend.

"Aw, look at her." Discord said. "She looks just like my daughter." Zuro began hovering away with his head billow his rump as she made funny noises. "Behaves like her, too!" Discord mused.

"Change him back!" Jet barked.

"Oh, and you'll make a fine pet for the little angel." Discord said. Jet did not like the sound of that. He made to jump for the draconequus, but before he could get any farther Discord snapped his talons again and Jet became a bright red winged dog. Zuro smiled and opened her forelegs to Jet, who barked happily and flew up and licked her in the face.

"Now, you two behave yourselves while daddy goes to have a little fun making the world chaotic." Discord mused before disappearing into thin air, leaving Zuro and Jet alone in their new forms.