• Published 11th May 2013
  • 8,700 Views, 322 Comments

Changing Odds - Music Brush

A changeling decides to live a pony life and after four years of living a good life, Queen Chrysalis attacked Canterlot, the changeling is arrested and sent to trial.

  • ...

Ch. 5-2: Truth And Intervention

Part Five

Chapter Two
Truth And Intervention

"Go ahead, sweetie." Angel said to Dili.

"But, bubba said to stay like this when others are around." Dili replied in her pony form while Angel, Jet, and Zuro were all gathered in Zuro's living room.

"I know what I said, Dili, but Jet is a friend, just like, sissy." Zuro comforted. "It's high time he learned the truth."

"Guard, what's going on?" Jet asked. Jet had woken up from Gnator's memory charm and asked the same question and Zuro was at war with himself at that point.

Zuro and Jet were going to start figuring out what was going on with those two workers that disappeared with the black pagasus earlier when Gnator just showed and told Jet the truth, only to wipe his memory of the event and threatened to expose Zuro to the whole country if he did not go to reunite with the other changelings outside of Canterlot for an invasion. When Jet came to Zuro took him straight to his house to tell the truth, starting with Dili.

"But..." Dili started as she shuffled her hooves.

"It's okay, sweetie." Angel nuzzled her cheek. Dili swallowed then closed her eyes, letting her pony disguise drop to reveal the black, crusty shell of her true form.

Jet jumped. "What the...!?"

"Jet! Relax!" Zuro jumped in before Jet could burst out the door.

"She's a mon-..."

"Finish that sentence and I'll give you a black eye." Angel stated. Jet looked up at her briefly before turning back to the young creature in front of him.

"Jet, this is still my little sister." Zuro said calmly. Jet stared at her for a minute before he found his breath again.

"If she's actually like... this... are you...?" Jet could not finish the question with words, so he took his gaze off Dili and turned to Zuro.

Zuro took a step back and let his pony disguise drop and the same black crusty creature in a larger size stood before Jet. Jet looked between the two in utter shock and disbelief. His best friend was some kind of creature that was not a pony and he knew him for four years.

"is your whole family like this?" Jet asked.

"Yes." Zuro answered. "I've been meaning to tell you, but so much has been happening lately."

"And you knew?" Jet turned to his cousin.

"He confessed to me a few weeks after you introduced us." Angel answered.

"Because you two fell in love." Jet stated more than asked. "What are you?"

"Jet, I'd love to tell you the whole thing, but right now my hive is about to make the biggest mistake it's ever made because of our new queen, and I need your help." Zuro said.

"There're more of you?" Jet asked.

"Yes, thousands. But we need to move!" Zuro stated in a more panicked tone.

"What's going on?" Jet asked.

"My hive is about to invade Canterlot, and we need to stop them." Zuro explained.

"What're we standin' around here for?" Jet asked. "Let's go tell the princess!" Jet started to run out the door. Zuro was glad Jet was taking this so well, but they could not just storm in.

"Jet, stop!" Zuro ordered as both he and Dili changed to their pony forms.

"What?" Jet asked confused.

"Canterlot is aware of a threat." Zuro explained. "There's a shield protecting it as we speak."

"Then what do we have to worry about?" Jet asked.

"Because the new queen has managed to get in there somehow and she's taking down the shield from the inside to let my brethren in." Zuro explained.

"How do you know this?" Jet asked.

"Because my little brother, Gnator told me." Zuro answered.

"The griffon?" Jet asked, but then realized a fact. "Never mind."

"So how do we help?" Angel asked.

"you aren't going anywhere when you're so close to birth." Zuro stated.


"No. My brethren are only interested in following the queen, and right now the queen is a big, bad, fat, no." Zuro explained.

"So what would you have me do?" Angel asked. "Huh? Just sit around waiting to hear that a changeling armada just destroyed the capital, or died and Zuro the Guardian just disappeared?"

"You're gonna stay here and protect the three, most important things in my life." Zuro answered as he rested his forehooves on her shoulders. She looked up at him curiously. three she thought. "You, Dili..." he rested a hoof on her bulging belly. "... and our foal." She looked into his eyes as her welled up with tears.

"You're talking like I'll never see you again." She said.

"Don't think like that, honey." He leaned in and kissed her. "I will be back for you."

"Bubba?" Zuro looked down at Dili. "You're gonna save bubby, right?" She asked. She knew Gnator was getting himself in trouble. She could sense it in her parents and older brother.

"I certainly will try, Dili." He picked her up in a warm hug. She wrapped her forehooves around his neck, returning the hug with tears. "You take good care of sissy while I'm gone, okay?" Zuro asked. She pulled away and smiled at him.

"Ah huh!" Was her response. Zuro nodded and set her next to Angel.

"You comin' bro?" Jet asked as he waited by the front door. Zuro kissed Dili on the cheek then he kissed Angel.

"I love you." He said.

"Don't get yourself killed." Angel replied. Zuro nodded and turned to Jet.

"Let's go!" Zuro mused and they both flew out the door.

"Where are we going, Guard?" Jet asked.

"We're going to get help from the other pegasi." Zuro answered. "We can't take on my brethren alone and they'll most certainly be expecting us."

"Okay. I guess." Jet muttered under his breath. Soon they could see the great cloud city, Cloudsdale ahead. "Here we go."


As a white pony, Gnator sat on a cloud watching the town of Ponyville very closely as he waited with high hopes to see his older brother fly out toward his brethren outside of Canterlot. He knew his brother would make the right choice in leaving the ponies he called his friends and family and return to his real family. This was the one and only thing he wanted most in his life for four years.

"Come on, Zu." He said under his breath. "Show me you haven't lost who you really are." Now after four long years he would finally see his brother come home. His brother would help him and their brethren save the hive.

Then he saw the familiar blue pegasus flying out of a house with the red pegasus he had cast the memory charm on only minutes ago. Gnator narrowed his eye. "Why are you still with that pony?" He asked. He followed after the two as they flew toward Cloudsdale.

Gnator glared. "Zu, don't do this." He increased his speed for the great city ahead of the two pegasi before they could get help, his anger rising. He flew past them and hovered between them and the city.

Jet and Zuro flew side by side toward the great cloud city with one intent, to get help to stop the changeling threat. Zuro looked up to see the pony waiting for them and tried to fly around him only to be butted out of his path by the stallion.

"Hey!" Jet billowed. He charged for the pony. Gnator turned and bucked Jet in the chest, knocking the wind out of him. Jet grasped his chest, wheezing as he fell to the ground.

"Jet!" Zuro cried as he dived for his friend. Gnator blocked his path by flying in front of him and back hoofing him in the face.

"Let him go!" Gnator barked. Zuro looked up at the pony, first in anger then in disgust as he realized who it really was.



In the dressing chambers of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza the changeling queen, Chrysalis was receiving the final touches of her wedding gown from the white unicorn with an under done hair style.

"That should do it, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza." Rarity said as she smiled at her work. Chrysalis looked at her reflection in the mirror and shrugged.

"It'll do." She sad. "You can go now."

"Of course, your highness." Rarity bowed as she left the room.

Chrysalis closed the door with her magic then she beamed at her reflection in the mirror. On the outside was a beautiful pony princess with pink fur and multi toned hair in a very well designed wedding gown. Roses and tulips lined her hair and the train stretched long. On the inside, however, was a tall, thin changeling with the desire to devour all the love for her subjects.

"Hahaha!" She chuckled. "Soon everything will be in my..." She looked up as she felt something she never felt before. "Anger?" Indeed, the feeling was anger. Anger of her prized solder towards someone very close. "So." She turned to the balcony. "Young Zuro has voted to betray me." She saw her army beyond the barrier of Shining Armor's shield.

"No matter." She said. "The Element of Magic is locked away with Princess Cadence. My army awaits the moment my “fiancée's” shield drop. Gnator will certainly take care of his brother. And all Equestria will be under my control. And all I had to do was cut the supply of love to an all time low and persuade the council to name me queen." She turned back to her reflection and smiled.

"This day is going to be perfect."