• Published 20th May 2013
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Freedom Through Harmony: Book II - Electricut

Six years have passed since the events of Book I, but some loose threads remain untied. The Order is done lurking in the background, and it will fall not upon the Elements, but the Crusaders and anyone they can find to help to stop them.

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Scratch’s Journal
Six months later

If I learned one thing in my time spying in Nevassa- other than actual information- was that surveillance was slow and mostly boring work. Six months Doc and I spent on lookout, seeking more clues as to what was going on in the Daein royal family. You might even say that our lives picked up a sense of normality, being stuck in one place for a while, experiencing time like anyone else. Travelling into the future the slow way, at a rate of one second per second.

Looking back, I know what Doc was trying to do. And I’m really glad he did it.

We were able to unearth some information during our mission, but whoever was orchestrating the princess’s strange behavior had been covering their tracks very well. Some of the soldiers were able to tell us that her strange behavior had begun a few months before we arrived, and had consisted of the same actions: meeting with the black-cloaked individual- or individuals- and returning without any visible evidence of a trade of any kind. It was obvious that they were trading not material, but information, possibly reaffirming a deal of some sort. We couldn’t figure out what the terms of this deal were though, no matter how close we were able to get to the princess.

We did, however, learn of the next scheduled meeting. As with the previous ones, it was a good distance from the capital, but this time at least it was within Daein borders. When the princess and her caravan began packing up to leave, we took the liberty of taking a head start, setting off down the road for the unmarked meeting place. We didn’t bother staying off the road itself, since it was cobbled and wouldn’t leave much in the way of tracks, and well-traveled anyway, so that a pair of travelers wouldn’t be unusual in the slightest. We would have to diverge from the path once it grew less worn.

On the second night, we allowed the caravan to pass us, and we fairly sure they were unaware of our presence. While they camped with a fire and warm food, Doc and I had a wonderful meal of bread, dried fruit and some trail mix. We couldn’t risk a fire with so little cover around, but he let me huddle close for a while to keep us both warm. Once again, I would look back on this and be thankful, but at the time I thought nothing of it.

I dreamt again that night. This one contained much more content than the last. I did not see anyone else, or even a mirror. I was sure that I was not human in these dreams, but I couldn’t tell what I was, or if any other characters in this dream were the same as me. There were other characters though, as I was able to speak to them through a text-based application on a rather futuristic looking computer, the likes of which I hadn’t seen even in the real world’s future. I was able to identify these other characters based on text color: one gray, one brown, and one deep red. Most of the chat seemed nonsensical or unimportant, but one thing seemed constant: everyone, including myself, kept talking about a game that we were preparing to play.

When I awoke, I wrote down absolutely everything I remembered in a log book, as Doc had instructed me to. I had two journals at this point: one for the events in my dreams, and one for events in real life, which is the one I imagine you’re reading now. Shortly after I finished, the royal caravan began to pack up camp, and we were ready by the time they set off. The destination point at which Cadenza was going to meet the Order was on a hill about a mile from the Riven Bridge, the ancient structure that once served as the central commuting point between Crimea and Daein. It now served only as a memorial, with several other more convenient passes between the countries.

The party reached the meeting point that evening, with me and Doc on another slight incline, well-hidden behind some bushes. However, time passed, and Doc and I became increasingly perplexed at the lack of a meeting. They were at the correct place, and it was the correct time, but they were simply setting up camp as they had the last night. There was no sign of an Order member at all. Once it became apparent that something else was going on, I turned to Doc, but he was already shaking his head.

“I know. This is no meeting. This is a trap, and we walked right into it. Whoever our adversary is here, they are cleverer than I gave them credit for.”

“So what do we do now?” I asked, somewhat obviously. “If this is a trap, then surely we’re already in it. We need to get out. Use the Time Tables if we have to, they probably think we’re just normal spies…”

An authoritative voice from behind us nearly made me jump into the air. “I would recommend against attempting to run, Doctor.” Our heads spun around to see a broad-shouldered figure, clad in black Order cloak, arms folded. “You’re through running from me.”

Doc stood, a smile on his face, but I could see in his eyes that he was calculating rapidly, even nervously. The rest of his face was confident though. “Ah, Number Two, my old friend. It has been a long time, though- considering the path you’ve chosen to take- I can’t honestly say it’s been too long. I do wish you’d open your eyes and see that you’re being deceived.”

I turned to look at Number Two. He laughed harshly before beginning again. “You speak as though I’m the one that’s strayed! Am I not on the same path that we set out on in the beginning? Am I not still here protecting the Goddess, your Goddess, while you’re just running around, running away?”

“You know as well as I that protecting her is not your so-called lord’s intent. The end to which he is working, and leading you all towards, is a cruel bastardization of that original goal. I had held faith that you would be able to see that, but perhaps I was wrong.”

“Enough!” Number Two barked, pulling something from his cloak and raising it in the air. I just as quickly drew my battle discs, but Two’s other hand shot forth and launched a sword at me, landing barely a foot from me and causing me to stumble. The blade was a thin katana, and an unusually bright pink. A violet aura emanated from Number Two’s skyward hand, and a similar aura formed around Doc’s chest.

“Goes without saying what that is, I’m sure.” Number Two stated. “Time-anchor. Those Time Tables of yours won’t be taking you anywhere. Now I’m going to make you one last offer, Doctor, in honor of the friendship we once had. Hand over the Time Tables, any other artifacts, and the boy. Cooperate, and I’ll let you escape only near dead. Any less, and I won’t give you that much.”

Number Two raised his hands to his head, and the hood fell to reveal his face. Shaggy black hair covered the top of his head, and his face- while pale from a presumed lack of direct sunlight- was marred by several old battle scars. A set of steely gray eyes were locked on Doc, letting us all know that his offer was no bluff. What was most unusual about him was that at the center of his head, just above his forehead, was a single conical horn the same color as his eyes. I wasn’t sure how it had fit under his hood, but in my travels I had already learned that space could be just as malleable as time.

Doc’s eyes closed, but his lips adopted a look of mischief. I had no idea what was happening right now, how Doc knew Number Two, or what was going to happen next. Doc reached into his coat, and the Time Tables floated to his sides. For a moment it seemed as though he were giving them over, but his fingers quickly began playing across their surface, faster than I had ever seen him operate them. The green symbols sprung to life in front of him, and his hands drug across the surface of the discs in a manner elegant enough to put my own skills with disk-jockeying to shame. Number Two laughed again. “Didn’t catch me the first time? The time anchor is authentic. You know me; I wouldn’t risk using a fake. You are not going anywhere.”

Doc didn’t respond at first, instead reaching into his jacket pocket and retrieving another object, this one too small for me to see clearly from where I stood. Clearly Number Two saw it though, as I saw his eye twitch, his confidence falter for a moment. Doc put whatever it was up to the symbol before him, and I heard a distinct whistle as it activated and the symbols shifted wildly.

“I am not going anywhere, this is true.” Doc answered finally. “But in the end, you’ve still lost, my old friend. I can only pray that the man I once knew awakens before the end of all this.”

“One more move and you’re dead, Doctor!” Number Two barked. “Hand them over! The sonic thing, too!”

Doc’s eyes closed again, and just as I was beginning to truly panic at the whole situation, his lips moved again. “I’m sorry, Scratch. Do not forget the others you’ve met, the allies you have. I trust that someday, you will know what to do, and why it all had to be like this. Good luck. I… I love you, son.”

Everything after that happened in a split second that lasted an age, and without the aid of any time manipulation. Doc’s arms lifted forward and pushed back firmly, sending the Time Tables, ready to travel, straight for me. My hands lifted on instinct to catch them. Number Two’s face contorted with rage, and he launched forward, right arm pulling back behind him. When he thrust forward, a sword identical to the one that he had thrown at me- but this one a bright blue- shot forward, straight into Doc’s chest.

I screamed, but by the time sound came out of my mouth, I was already flying through the time stream. When I landed, I was launched onto my back, a roof over my head. A weak moan was all that was left of the scream I had attempted. I immediately sprung up and tried to operate the Time Tables, hoping to get back to Doc and help him, but the controls were completely locked up. Whatever Doc had done after setting the destination must have temporarily disabled them, meaning he knew I would try to get back to him. This was his way of saving me from throwing myself back into the fire and probably getting killed. Just like he was…

Somewhere along the line I had started crying, and upon realizing that Doc was really gone, I just started sobbing. I didn’t even realize where I was until the tears finally slowed down, several minutes later. When my vision at last cleared, I saw that I was in Base B, located in the hills of western Equestria just south of Baltimare. At first I was confused about why Doc would send me here of all places, but it was probably to help soften the blow and leave me with something familiar and comforting. However, that brought up the question of whether or not he knew this would happen.

I walked across the room to sit on my bed and gather my thoughts. He had said it had to be this way, but that one day I would understand why. This probably meant that he knew he was going to die sooner or later, but wasn’t sure exactly when. He seemed pretty calm and accepting when it happened, but surprised when the confrontation first began. I took my head out of my hands and looked around the room. Sure enough, against the wall I could see the White Staff and Lucius’s spear. He had snuck away and brought the artifacts back here as a precaution, knowing this was coming.

He had to have left behind a message, too. Doc was good at planning ahead, in an extremely roundabout way. He wouldn’t just set aside all the valuables for me to collect after he inevitably died- I cringed at even thinking that word- without leaving some instructions with them. After a few minutes of searching, I found what I was looking for: a small video recording device, smuggled in from somewhere around the seventeenth century of Equestrian history, more than one thousand years from my current position. Now that I thought about it though, I wasn’t sure exactly when I was. I checked the date reading on the still-unresponsive Time Tables, and saw that I was in January of the year 491, a symmetrical six months after we had left.

I sat on the bed again and pressed the ‘play’ button on the device. I saw the inside of the room I was in, and after a few seconds Doc walked on camera and sat down. Seeing him again brought up another wave of sadness, as did hearing his voice, but I held it together to hear what he had to say.

“Vinyl. When you see this, I’m afraid that I will be gone. Alas, I do not know the terms of how I have passed, but the most likely case is that the Order finally caught up with me. I understand that you have a lot of questions by now, and I will try to foresee and answer for you all that I can… I also understand that you are going through a very emotional time right now. The time and place I sent you to is safe and secure for the moment, so if you must, you may pause this recording to collect yourself before I continue.”

I let it keep going, and after a moment’s pause, he continued. “I am going to try and tell you all that you need to know, but there are some details that I’m afraid are not ready to be unearthed. These, you will surely discover on your own later along the road. First and foremost should be a fact that I’m sure you’ve had your suspicions about by now… I am not human. I come from a lost world, much like my mentor Strider, although I do not come from the same world as he, either. I am of a race called the Timelords, although to call it a race is a stretch, as I have had no indication that there are any others of my race aside from myself and my kin.” He gave the camera a look, and I know he meant to include me in ‘his kin’. “I’ve lived for an impossibly long time, though I’m afraid the memories of my life, and the Timelords themselves, have been lost long ago. Though who knows? Perhaps you will unearth some of those memories along with the others someday.

“I do not remember how I came to be on this world. My first memory is when Strider found me, and took me on as his apprentice. I was raised as friends with two other children, the two who would become the Order’s Numbers Two and Three. And, yes… I was a member of the Order at one time as well, when it was an entirely different organization, their Number Four. You see, I was… very well acquainted with the Goddess, who is still being held as a centerpiece to Number One’s dark designs. If you take one thing away from this, let it be that: The Goddess is nothing but good and innocence. Your enemy, and indeed the enemy of the world and all worlds, is Number One.

“When Number One arrived, the Order- then consisting of the three of us, as well as the one who would become Number Six- was immediately changed. He brought with him Lucius, the former Number Five. More began to ‘join’ the Order, though all of the next six to join were either on their last legs and had no choice, or were far too young to be able to make the decision, and were stolen from their lives to become Number One’s tools. Not all have been corrupted yet- there still lives some light in some of their hearts- but some have already given in and follow Number One’s darkness. I spent much time with one of these youths, a young lady named Lenora, and I can guarantee you that she will not succumb. If you happen to meet her in your future travels… please tell her what became of me, and that I am truly sorry.

“As you could guess, yes, I eventually decided to leave the Order under the cover of night, and it has taken them a long time to pick up my trail. I only wish I could have done more to fight them… Remember what I’ve taught you, Vinyl, and the things I’ve told you recently. Keep chronicling your dreams, as there are others who are experiencing similar dreams, and together you will find some answers, ones that even I cannot give you. I trust that your heart will tell you what path to take, who to trust. Good luck, my son. Remember that you have allies everywhere you go, and that I will always be proud of you.”

The recording ended, and I simply sat where I was for several minutes. What in the world was I supposed to do now…? Doc was gone. The Order killed him. No, more than that, one of his former friends, a childhood friend, betrayed him. He hadn’t said so, but I could tell he wanted me to keep going, and find a way to stop them. He was able to get me started by handing over the Time Tables, even though they were still locked up, and several other powerful artifacts, even though I couldn’t use them. He must have done that to motivate me to find allies to help me fight the Order. I didn’t know anyone who was competent with a spear or staff, but one potential swordsman did spring to mind. I was in the wrong time, but once I figured out how to unlock the tables, I could grab Raphael to help me.

A realization hit me. I was in Octavia’s time at that moment. I could recruit her and… no. No, I couldn’t do that. In the first place, she had a destiny to fulfill on her own, and I couldn’t separate her from that. Plus, I could never bring myself to put her in harm’s way if I could help it. Still… I also couldn’t leave without seeing her, letting her know that I was okay and that I was going to keep fighting. I’ll go back to Ponyville and stay with her for a while, while I figure out how to fix the tables. Then I’ll tell her everything she needs to know to stay safe, and get away from here, so it doesn’t draw the Order’s rage to the home front.

I nodded and began to collect what I would need to travel to Ponyville the slow way, as well as what I thought I’d need in the long run. I packed a bag full of food and supplies, then stuffed the artifacts in with it to keep them safe. I changed my clothes before I left, choosing to wear my black and white outfit, with the red collar and sleeves. Last but not least, I gingerly placed Strider’s sunglasses over my eyes, and strode out the door, eager to get away from the place that reminded me of what had just transpired.