• Published 20th May 2013
  • 6,282 Views, 12 Comments

Freedom Through Harmony: Book II - Electricut

Six years have passed since the events of Book I, but some loose threads remain untied. The Order is done lurking in the background, and it will fall not upon the Elements, but the Crusaders and anyone they can find to help to stop them.

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Some time later, nine people stood gathered around a large slab of rock, at each corner of which was a pillar, existing only for decoration and holding nothing aloft. Luna took a moment to survey her companions while they were all gathered and- for the first time in weeks, it seemed- not engaged in combat.

Starswirl and Surprise of Eclipse. Luna doubted the two would have ever worked together if not for the Elements of Harmony. Starswirl wore the trendy mage outfit of a blue robe and pointed hat, and behind his salt-and-pepper beard was a showman. His spells were as flashy as they were effective, and he had quite a way with words. Surprise, on the other hand, wore nondescript black and two lightweight swords across her back. She was a woman of few words, but of precision and efficiency. The one thing the two seemed to have in common was their deadly effectiveness in combat.

Madeline and Jonathan of Dawn. Madeline was a knight if there ever was one; no nonsense and proud, and an absolute terror in battle. Despite her apparent unapproachableness, she had become a solid friend since she joined the group. Jonathan was a small, soft spoken person, and even on the road could usually be found with his nose buried in a book. His blond hair was long and relatively unkempt, and he wore a pair of spectacles and a worn leather jacket. However, his mastery of ice magic- a difficult breed of spells even for a skilled mage- made him a force to be reckoned with.

Firefly and Ace of Dusk. These two, unlike the other two pairs, had already had a history together. Ace, an enigmatic gambler with sweet words and a speedy knife hand, often found himself involved in less than legal activities. Firefly, a cheerful but passionate enforcer of the law, often found herself clashing with him, but on occasion, they had united to bring down bigger threats. Each had developed devastating techniques during their various clashes with each other: Firefly, a sonic flare that made her a blur of flame, an unstoppable force that cut through her enemies; and Ace, a complex lottery of skills determined by cards and dice, each as effective as the next.

Then there was Xekora. He claimed to be from a faraway land, but more than that he refused to say. He was both a potent swordsman and a terrifying dark mage, more skilled than any Luna had ever seen. A student of dark magic herself, the girl had already learned much from the bard. It was difficult to learn anything about the man himself, however. He had many oddities, but they were all material, unimportant things. His cheerful façade was nearly impossible to bypass, and all Luna could guess about him was that there was something in his past that he wanted to forget, and didn’t want to speak of.

Lastly was her older sister, Celestia. As she always had been, she was a wise woman who believed firmly that the pen was mightier than the sword. If at all possible, she would resolve a situation with words before conflict. However, if it came to it, her Blade of Light- sister to Luna’s Blade of Dark- was a potent weapon in her hands. Though she was still the same person as when they had begun, the journey so far had affected the elder sister. She believed that the war needed to be ended in peace now more than ever, but she had been exposed to much bloodshed and cruelty that was plaguing Equestria. She now fought not only for the sake of the people of Equestria and the survival of the countries, but for justice for the lives she had watched fade away.

“So…” Celestia began, eyes lingering on the stone slab before them. “This is the Quest Bed?”

“It is.” Xekora said, nodding. “A gift from the fallen Goddess, Cheerilee.”

“How is it used?” Firefly asked, studying its surface. “I won’t lie, it doesn’t look like much.”

“This artifact will be best used by Celestia and Luna.” Xekora explained. “Through it, you will both attain the God Tier, a state of near immortality and a great deal more power. I’ll need a moment to set the conditions right, otherwise Discord will be able to locate one of several loopholes.”

Luna and Celestia nodded and watched Xekora cast several spells on the slab. It didn’t seem to change in appearance, but after a few minutes, Xekora nodded in satisfaction.

“So… how is it used?” Luna repeated.

“Yes, that’s the tricky part…” Xekora started. “To ascend to the God Tier, one must sacrifice the blood that currently runs through their veins. In essence- I assure you, you will be back on your feet momentarily after the act is complete- you must die on this slab. You will then arise again.”

Celestia considered the slab for several long moments. “You’ve made many dubious claims in the past, Xekora,” she began, “but you’ve come through for us with them time and again. However, this is a heavy matter. We’re playing with lives. Even your time-tested word does not quell my doubts.”

Xekora nodded. “Then I suppose I will need to prove it to you in the only way I can. I told you that I used one of these myself, yes? I arose from the slab that day, so long ago, and while I can be struck down, I will not remain that way unless by specific circumstances; if my death is heroic or just, then I shall not return to life.”

The enigmatic bard retrieved his sword and drove it into his stomach with one swift motion. Luna shouted in alarm and attempted to step towards him, but he held up a hand. “Give it a moment!” he ordered, his breath ragged. Life seemed to fade from his limbs and eyes, and his body swayed in place for a moment. None of the eight surrounding him moved, and few dared to breathe.

A rapidly flashing, multicolored light flared around him. He was suspended in the air, kept from falling. It dissipated with a flash after a short pause, and his sword clattered to the ground. Xekora landed on his feet, as alive as ever.

“There’s no trickery here.” he said, brushing the dust off of his clothes. “And no amount of dark magic can bring a person back from the dead. No, such an ability comes from sources beyond us, and the Quest Bed is our way of attaining it.”

Celestia looked upon the slab for several seconds, then nodded slowly. “I suppose if it’s the only way, then we must do what it takes to save Equestria. Luna, do you agree?”

Luna nodded after a pause, the lump in her throat too great to speak. She knew that she has to take the chance for the sake of her home. But at the cost of dying? This was not something she was looking forward to.

“Then I’ll need the two of you to lie down upon the slab.” Xekora explained. “I will take care of the rest.”

“You’ve done so much for us already, Xekora.” Celestia replied. “You have sacrificed much. I would not have you wear our blood on your hands.”

“The alternative is having one of the others do it, or doing it by your own hand.”

“I’m aware.” Celestia confirmed. “If we’re to take this power for ourselves, at the price of our own lives, then it should be by our own hands.”

Celestia took Luna gently by the hand and walked with her to the slab, sword in her other hand. She embraced her sister in an ultimately failed attempt to comfort her. “Forgive me, sister. I swear, it will be over in only a moment.”

Luna nodded, her breathing ragged. It was a necessary sacrifice, she told herself. She willed herself not to think about it further.

She felt the sharpest jolt of pain she had ever known, followed by several moments of darkness and numbness. She wasn’t sure if her eyes were open, but she saw what was surely the most bright, horrible light that ever existed.

Her eyes flew open, and she was on the Quest Bed again. She and Celestia scrambled to their feet, and looked at each other in wonder. Not only were they alive, but their wardrobes had been replaced with distinctive, foreign garments.

Xekora nodded in satisfaction. “The Thief of Light and Maid of Void. They suit you both well. Now… Before we face off against Discord, we should first help you to unlock the true potential of your titles, push you to your limits. He certainly will, and you’ll need to be ready.”

The group of nine approached a seemingly abandoned fortress, weapons at the ready. The landscape had been ravaged by weather and time, with dirt and rock dominating the area, and few patches of green in sight. Though Luna had been under the impression that this place hadn’t been inhabited for quite some time, Xekora assured her that this was Discord’s refuge.

“I hope none of you get stage fright.” Xekora commented. “Practicing your new techniques against each other is one thing, but you’d better be able to pull all that and more off here. Discord is not a force to be taken lightly.”

“Will the nine of us be enough for this operation?” Madeline asked. Behind her eyes, Luna could see her mind hard at work devising a tactical strategy of attack.

“We will be using small numbers for this, yes.” Xekora confirmed. “However, there will be one other joining us. He will be here soon, if he’s not already waiting for us somewhere around here.”

“You know me too well.” an unfamiliar voice said, and a man stepped into view from behind a rocky outcropping. He wore a God Tier outfit as well, a dark magenta color emblazoned with the image of a heart halved down the middle, and with one side hollow. A pair of triangular sunglasses sat on his face, framed by blond hair.

“So…” he started, looking to Xekora. “These the ones you picked?”

Xekora nodded. “I believe they have what it takes. The two sisters of House Apollo have achieved God Tier, and the six heroes from the three nations have unlocked the power behind the Elements of Harmony. We have to believe that this will be enough to put a stop to Discord.”

“Have you got a plan, then? We weren’t able to kill him before, when we had dozens of God Tier fighters to work with.”

“Yes, I’ve got a plan. And that’s the trick; we aren’t going to kill him. We simply don’t have any way to do that. But we can do the next best thing and seal him away. This world operates on a strong binary of light and darkness. And with Luna and Celestia at the God Tier, they are surely the strongest people with control over both. Surely they are strong enough to use this and lock Discord away.”

The man thought this over for a moment. “You know more about this world’s magic than I do, but it sounds like that might work. But it would make these two into the keys to his prison, you know that right? If one of them ever dies, he’ll be able to get out.”

“I know. But with him out of the way for the time being, we will have the chance to find another solution. And if this plan goes smoothly, they won’t die.”

After a moment, the man sighed and nodded. “Sounds like that’s our best option. I’ll cover you as much as you need.” He finally turned to the others standing around the two, listening intently. “Name’s Dirk. I’m sure it’ll be an honor fighting alongside you all.”

“Are you from the same place as Xekora?” Luna asked. “He’s told us that he’s from another world.”

“I got here the same way he did.” Dirk confirmed. “Discord attacked, and we had to leave. But I was from a different world than him.”

Luna nodded, and Xekora drew his blade. “Alright, everyone. The more time we waste, the more people are suffering. Let’s put an end to it.”

The others all nodded and readied their weapons. Luna and Celestia unsheathed the Blades of Light and Dark, weapons passed down through the Apollo line. Others could wield them, but it was said that only those of the House’s bloodline could use them to their full potential.

Luna took a wide look around the interior of the fortress. Fallen brick and dust cover the ground, and there is no ceiling more than five feet from any point on the walls. Tattered banisters hang around the entrance hall, swaying tiredly in the weak breeze. A cobbled staircase leads further into the ruined structure. By all accounts, it still seemed to be abandoned.

“Don’t be fooled.” Xekora cautioned. “Discord’s a showman. He’s here, just waiting for the chance to make a flashy entrance.”

“Oh, you’re no fun.” A voice pouted from somewhere beyond the group’s line of sight. “I don’t feel there’s any point to making an entrance now, now that you’ve ruined the moment.”

A large figure stepped out from the shadows of the next room, lanky and inhuman. Each of his body parts seemed to have been ripped from a different creature, and Luna couldn’t hope to name half of them. A smile sits on his fanged, bearded face.

“So, princes two from worlds so far away…” he began poetically. His gaze hardened somewhat. “This is your army? A pair of heiresses made gods and a handful of misfits armed with ancient magic? It’s a start if anything, but surely you don’t plan to end it with this?”

Xekora chuckled. “Discord, you and I aren’t so different, you know? Once upon a time, I had the same ideas in my head as you do. Incite chaos, take control, all that good stuff. But I was stopped, and by less numbers than this. Came to my senses too, but I doubt the same fate awaits you. My world had heroes, who brandished weapons of old to protect their homes. I know the kind. These people, the Elements of Harmony and the sisters Apollo? They’re made of the same stuff. And I believe in them.”

Discord laughed sarcastically. “Well, I suppose that’s all it takes then! A twinkle in the eye and the belief of their friends! Very well, Prince of Void. Let’s see if your conviction holds.”

The demon draws a huge red sword from behind him and twirls it in one hand. Xekora swears under his breath. “The Blade of Blood. It’s become swollen with the power of all the lives it’s taken, unable to properly unleash it.”

Ace cast his arms wide, a card in one hand and a die flying from his other. Four and diamond. Luna felt the gentle but reassuring pressure of a wave of magic, a defensive shield placed around the team. Firefly and Surprise kick off the ground and begin hovering on their wings, swords at the ready. Firefly made the first move, zipping forward at unnatural speeds, the sound barrier breaking almost immediately and a wave of fire filling the air. She rushed forward with sword poised behind her, blazing with light. Discord blocked, but the impact knocked him back several feet.

Jonathan was ready, magic flaring upon his palm. He pulled his fist back and threw a punch, ice forming around it and slamming into Discord’s unprotected side. The demon grunted in anger and swiped his sword across the ground, but Starswirl’s energy magic stopped it short, then pushed it back in the opposite direction. Firefly delivered several lightning-fast blows to Discord’s chest, and Surprise flew behind him and delivered several to his back with her twin katanas.

The two swordswomen and two mages were sent reeling, but landed on their feet. Discord’s eyes flared with anger, but he saw Madeline a moment after it was too late to stop her. Surrounded by a brilliant white aura, she leapt over his blade, her rapier poised at her side, and thrust straight into the demon’s chest.

He howled and flailed, shaking Madeline loose. She landed roughly on her back, but rolled quickly to her feet, her aura and armor absorbing the impact. Xekora’s blade collided with Discord’s flailing weapon, a wide smile on the prince’s face.

“What’s the matter, Discord? Gotten rusty? Or perhaps you’ve been doomed by your own blindness to the power of mortals?”

Discord only pushed forward in response, swinging his sword and moving Xekora back. Dirk was right on him as soon as he had an opening, and Firefly was at his back. “You’ve taken enough worlds.” Dirk states with an unwavering glare. “This one stands.”

The demon roared and unleashed a burst of energy, then charged forward with a flurry of strikes. Madeline and Firefly took hits in the attack, but got back to their feet easily enough. The others were able to dodge out of the way. Given an opening, Celestia charged forward and sliced across his back. Luna followed closely behind and fired a burst of dark magic, striking him in the head.

Surprise flew out of the sky and delivered a terrific barrage of attacks upon Discord, and he was only able to begin blocking after at least a dozen connected. The assassin was moving so fast, it seemed as though there were two of her, until she removed all doubt. She continued to keep Discord’s sword busy at the front, while an identical shadow form separated from her and began flitting around the demon, slicing at any point he left open.

Discord tried to swat both away, but a violet aura surrounded him, and a wide smile grew at Starswirl’s mouth. He had found the magical frequency necessary to block the demon’s energy wave. Xekora nodded slightly, his gaze still firm, but Luna could tell that his heart was racing. His chosen warriors were succeeding. She dared to hope that they might really pull it off.

Discord leapt forward, throwing off Surprise for a moment, and swings his weapon hard. Firefly blocked, but was sent reeling and colliding with the opposite wall. Jonathan dodged one attack and blocked another with a quick ice spell, but was hit by the third and fell to the ground some distance away. Madeline reacted immediately, charging at the demon and parrying his enraged attack. She threw several attacks at him, all parried in turn. She buckled under the weight of one attack, and was knocked back by the next.

Left open, he was struck by several bolts of light, a grinning Ace at the other end. He held up another card as Discord charged, and blocked the next several hits with his spear, before dodging out of the way of one that would have been too strong to parry. Celestia was quick to pick up the fight, flying over his sword on her snow white wings and slicing at his arm. He swung clumsily at her and missed, giving her an opening to strike at his chest.
She flew forward, intending to take the shot, but is knocked back by a blast of energy. She tumbled to the ground, but was able to get to her feet. Discord turned and struck Starswirl to the ground, distracted by attempting to contain Discord again.

His arms were suddenly bound by darkness, and he was pulled back stumbling. Xekora waited behind him, one hand on the dark strings. When his balance had been sufficiently taken, Xekora leapt into the air and delivered several powerful strikes at his back.

Dirk skidded to Luna’s side. “He’s weak and distracted. You know what to do?”

Luna nodded, her blood pumping. Her heart was screaming in fear, but her mind was sharp and ready. Dirk nodded and dashed across the ruined hall to Celestia. Madeline ran past Luna, rapier glowing with energy, and joined Xekora in his continuing attack. Surprise and her shadow persisted in the air alongside them. Firefly, Jonathan and Starswirl were struggling to regain their balance, all wounded. Ace watched the battle intently, giving supportive effects and delivering attacks whenever he saw the opportunity.

Luna looked across the hall and saw Celestia nod. She nodded back, and the two sisters readied their swords. Leaping into the air, an aura of light surrounded Celestia, and one of darkness surrounded Luna. Their wings flared behind them, swords poised to strike.

“Move!” Xekora shouted, leaping back. Surprise and Madeline followed. Discord had only a moment to allow his eyes to dart around the room, searching for a threat, before the sisters struck. A blinding burst of magic filled the room and shot into the sky above, and scarcely a sound left Discord’s lips. The sisters hit the ground feet-first on opposite sides of the hall, the demon frozen in place, eyes full of rage and panic. His sword was on the ground.

Celestia and Luna raised their swords to the sky, then pointed them at the frozen demon. Beams of silver light left both, and Discord disappears in a brilliant explosion of light. Though the ten warriors gathered were unharmed, the mortar of the fortress groaned, and the walls of the opening hall collapsed outward. Dust filled the air, but soon settled on the loose bricks. Luna’s breath was heavy, as was everyone’s.

Xekora smiled and shook his head. “It actually worked… I had my doubts, but it really worked. He’s been sealed.”

“So… what happens now?” Firefly asked, having pulled herself to her feet. “Do the three nations call truce?”

“It won’t be quite that simple, but tensions will begin dropping.” Dirk explained. “But the war hasn’t ended yet. It’s not enough to remove the catalyst, but to bring in a new catalyst of peace.”

“What do you mean by that?” Madeline asked.

“I think I understand.” Celestia commented. “They need someone to inspire them to lower their weapons and bring discussions of a truce to the table.”

“Precisely.” Xekora said with a nod. “And more so, they need someone from a position of neutrality, who can bring all to peace without any feeling as though they’re the loser of the war. Celestia, Luna, I don’t think there’s anyone better suited for the job than you.”

Luna looked to her sister, who looked just as surprised as she felt. “How will we do that?”

“I’m not certain.” Xekora admitted. “You’ll need to be able to speak from a position of power.”

“Perhaps she can fill the shoes of the late Queen Platinum.” Starswirl offered. “She had no descendants, and in the event of the royal bloodline coming to a halt, one of the heads of the royal houses is to be elected to ascend the throne.”

Celestia nodded. “Me, become queen…? I suppose it could work. But only if I can continue to rely on you all for support.” Everyone gathered voiced their approval. “Very well. Then let’s leave this ancient, accursed place and return to Fortress Apollo, and we’ll plan our course of action. That includes you, sir Dirk. I’ve only just met you and know precious little about you, but you fought alongside us all the same. I’m sure we’d all like to get to know you a bit better.”

Dirk shrugged sheepishly, but agreed. Xekora hefted the blood red sword. “I want this hidden. It’s terrible power should rest.”

“I can take care of that.” Jonathan offered. “It can be buried deep below the fields beyond my hometown. No one will find it there unless they know just where to look.”

The ten walk out of the ruin, weapons sheathed, patting each other on the backs and offering congratulations. Surely the worst of their journey was over.