• Published 20th May 2013
  • 6,282 Views, 12 Comments

Freedom Through Harmony: Book II - Electricut

Six years have passed since the events of Book I, but some loose threads remain untied. The Order is done lurking in the background, and it will fall not upon the Elements, but the Crusaders and anyone they can find to help to stop them.

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Chapter in color


Years in the future, but not many…

A group of nine sat around a campfire, all but one in silence. Two knights, one ranger, three wandering fighters, a child, a bard, and a princess. As the princess recounted her visions sent through dreams, the others listened intently, defenses slackened but not dropped completely.

“We all voiced our dissent, refusing to accept Discord’s vision. He tried to convince us, but we weren’t having it. Leeroy took a leap at him with his blade, but… Discord was faster. Leeroy was brought to near death with one punch, and Discord took his weapon.”

She fell into silence for a moment. However, in the gap, Lenora’s head turned slightly. “I hear something.” she stated simply.

Tug turned his head too, and nodded after a moment. “Yeah. There’s something going on somewhere in that direction.”

The others looked to each other for a few seconds, and nodded. Lenora and Tug stood and swiftly but quietly made their way towards the commotion, with Mark just behind, followed by the rest of the group. As they drew closer, it became apparent that what they were hearing was the sound of combat.

Over the next hill, Lenora was able to see the combatants. A large group of soldiers was swarming around two men, fighting in the same manner as the Changeling troops they had fought previously. One of the two men they had surrounded was fending them off viciously, a hatchet in one hand, a whip in the other. The other man, equipped only with a short blade, seemed to be struggling to keep himself safe. A short distance away, Lenora spotted two horses that must have belonged to the two, terrified but unharmed.

“Say the word.” Tug whispered, an arrow already pointed into the fray. Twilight and Phil had a fire spell at the ready, and Princess Cadance a powerful light spell.

Lenora nodded. “Mark, Gordon and I will move down and meet them head-on. You four, give us covering fire. Protect those two travelers with everything you’ve got.”

Tug nodded back, and Lenora swung over the edge of the hill, sword drawn, and charged. The first arrow and wave of magic attacks crashed into the crowd first, but the Changelings at the edge didn’t have time to defend from Lenora’s attack. She struck with a diagonal slice, then followed up with a simple thrust, killing two before they could get their guard up. The third attempted to block with his spear, but she knocked it aside and sliced him through the middle.

An attack was inbound from the left, but Mark dove in and deflected it with an elegant spin, kicking the Changeling’s legs out from under it. To her right, Captain Gordon- Shining Armor- crashed into another two Changelings with one mighty swing of his axe, then kicked another into the crowd behind it. Lenora could still hear the two in the center of the crowd fighting, now even harder knowing help had arrived.

Lenora blocked a hit with her shield, bashing the attacker back, then delivered several slices into the crowd. At this point, it was hard to pick out a single opponent, and it seemed to the three that they were simply fighting a wall of soldiers. Those who tried to get around to attack from behind were quickly dealt with by the archer and mages above. Still, the enemy numbers seemed endless.

A voice echoed from the center of the fray. “Cards of fate, guide my hand… Chaos Suite!”

A bright light shone from the center of the battlefield, and a series of powerful attacks blasted back the swarming Changelings. Lenora watched as the man leapt above the fray, axe glowing with power, orange wings keeping him aloft, and lanced through at least a dozen troops with some strange magic. Symbols flashed around him just before each attack. Spades; a mighty lance rent through several more troops. Clubs; a scattershot flew into the crowd, thinning the number standing. Hearts; an aura of healing surrounded the fighter. Diamond; he swung his axe, and a bolt of red lighting erupted through the crowd.

He dove back to the ground, swinging his weapon wildly, but the enemy had been severely weakened. With him and Lenora and her friends working together, the Changelings soon realized that they were vastly outmatched. Those still standing elected to cut their losses and run. Lenora let them, and when the crowd cleared, she saw that the other two had done the same. The two men carefully picked their way around the bodies, reaching their rescuers.

“Thank you.” The stronger fighter said. He wore a now dirtied trench coat equipped with various tools, and a round explorer’s hat atop his head. He had clearly seen some action, with his graphite-colored hair out of place, suntanned skin and a small scar just above his left eye. His red eyes were still glinting with energy and adrenaline, but as he began to calm, they grew softer. His companion was dressed more simply, with a green shirt covered by a light traveling cloak, and short brown hair. Judging by his inexperienced fighting earlier, this one had not been exposed to danger as frequently.

“We’d be dead if you hadn’t intervened.” the explorer states.

“It’s no trouble.” Shining Armor assures him. “We’ve been fighting these Changelings for some time, as well. I can’t guess what their goal is, but they have been at the root of a lot of the trouble here in Daein.”

“Don’t I know it.” The stranger agrees. “This is my second fight with them. The first was just a small group jumping me and my friend after we started poking around. Something big is happening here. You and your group are doing the same?”

Lenora nodded. “Yes. But we’re pretty deep in it already.”

The rest of Lenora’s group had made their way down the hill. The stranger looked at Cadance for a moment, then nodded. “I think I see. You are the princess of Daein, are you not?” She nodded, and he bowed shortly. “It’s an honor. But as far as I’ve been made aware, someone is already sitting on that throne. Meaning…”

“She is an impostor.” Cadance answered. “I am the true crown princess.”

“Are you sure we can trust these two?” Mark asked warily.

She nodded. “Yes. The Changelings are our enemy, and they are clearly the enemy of these two travelers as well. And while I cannot speak for any of you, or even you two, kind sirs, I sense no malice towards us.”

The explorer’s companion nodded in response. “We appreciate it. We mean no harm to any of you. We both blew in from Ivoire recently, heard there was some trouble out here. We heard right. If an impostor is sitting on the throne, then there’s clearly something very dangerous at play. Do you know who this impostor is? What she wants?”

“I can only guess she is one of the Changelings, as she’s changed her shape to mimic mine exactly. She may well be their leader. Why she’s doing this, I cannot guess, but she also seems to have some dealings with the group called the Order.”

His eyes widened slightly. “The Order? I’ve heard of them already. They’ve been raining attacks on Ivoire. A group I was traveling briefly told me a bit about them. They said they survived an attack on Eclipse City in Equestria, and that the Order framed them as traitors. Their leader was called… Discord? And it seems he’s done the same here- ousted someone who could potentially stop him and set her up as a public enemy.”

It was Lenora’s turn to be surprised. “Who was in that group? A lot of that was inside information. I was with the Order for a time, before I deserted with my companion.”

“Lemmie see… There was Sweetie Belle, Luna, Angel… Scootaloo and Applebloom. Daring, they were the ones you sparred with before you left for Tellius.”

The explorer, Daring, nodded in sudden understanding. Twilight gasped slightly, and exchanged a few whispers with Phil and Trixie. “They targeted the kids?! It sounds like they had to get out of Equestria for safety…”

“Hope they’re alright…” Phil said in agreement. “But it sounds like they’re safe, and have a plan. I don’t think we can get to them right now. We’ve got our own mess, and I think they need us here…”

The explorer’s companion continued. “Then some other people joined their group, but I didn’t catch their names. Their leader, a kid with blue hair and sunglasses, told me that the Order had been active here for about six years, and something was wrong with the princess. This must be what he was in the process of discovering. And he told me to look out for a guy with black hair and a curved blue sword…” His gaze drifted to Mark. “Which would be you, it seems.”

“I’ve seen that kid.” Mark added. “The one with blue hair and shades. He was with the Doctor when he visited me six years ago.”

Lenora nodded slowly. “That was likely Scratch. This is all very strange, but perhaps we were brought together for a reason. We’ve all been touched by the same allies, and the same enemies. For the conflict ahead, I believe we should all work together.”

Everyone gathered voiced their agreement. The members of the group introduced themselves to the two newcomers. The explorer tipped his hat. “Daring Do.”

His companion nodded. “Drew.”

“So…” Daring asked, “What now? What were you planning on doing next?”

“Before this, I was recounting the events of a series of dreams I’ve been having.” Cadance explained. “Discord is involved, but not in his current state. I believe that these dreams may hold the key to defeating him, if we can uncover it.”

Daring nodded. “Right. I won’t ask you to start from the beginning, but could we at least get a quick recap to catch us up?”

Cadance nodded. “The story begins in a land called Equestria, but it is a different place entirely from the continent across the sea. This land is inhabited by ponies, intelligent as you or I. More so, in fact; their technology far outstrips ours. Six of these ponies begin a game that sends them to a new galaxy, while their old planet is destroyed.

“The six heroes- Derpy Hooves, Doctor Whooves, Leeroy Wingkins, Quick Fix, Fancy Pants, and the pony through whose eyes I saw, Cheerilee- adventured through the galaxy across six planets, two moons, and the great battlefield of Skaia, learning more about themselves and their new powers. Through dealings with the leaders of these planets, the six learned that they had a much grander destiny ahead of them: they were to create an entirely new world, and to watch over it as gods and goddesses. Standing in their way was the conflict of the two kingdoms of the moons, Prospit and Derse.

“There came to be a flaw with this plan, of course. Upon reaching the end of their journey, they were accosted by a mighty being who had snuck in from their homeland of Equestria. This creature called himself Discord, and when he stole two mighty rings from the Queens of Prospit and Derse, he assumed the form the Discord we know wears.”

Cadance paused briefly. “He killed Leeroy when he tried to retaliate. That’s where we left off.”

Daring thought for a moment. “So you’ve been getting these through dreams, right?” Cadence nodded, confused. “And they need help. Someone like Discord, he isn’t going to just let them slip by, and he’s too strong to be fought by normal means.”

Lenora nodded, but was just as confused as everyone else. “That’s true, but what are you getting at?”

Daring smiled. “I want to try getting in there. I might be able to buy you enough time to get away.”

Cadance frowned. “I… don’t see how. These dreams are far from normal, and even then, I don’t see how one would access a normal dream. I believe there are others who are having similar dreams, through the points of view of the other five, but I don’t think there’s a way in beyond that.”

“Just takes practice and persistence.” Daring bragged. “Ask Drew, he’ll tell you I’ve had plenty of time asleep to master it. There’s a sort of limbo-dream place tied to this world, and I’ve spent a lot of time there. I think I may be able to access these dreams from it. Are these dreams ongoing?”

After a moment’s pause, Cadance nodded. “Yes. And, now that I think about it, there was a slightly odd, unexplained occurrence just after Leeroy was slain… In fact, I think Tellius was mentioned! Sir Daring, I think you are right. If you think you can help, I would have you do everything you can. And when you find the heroes, tell them that the door out of the galaxy is open, and that they have friends here in Tellius. I don’t know who the others are, but they’re likely fighting against the Order as well.”

He nodded vigorously. “Absolutely, your majesty. If anyone here has a bottle of whiskey or something, that would help me get asleep quicker.”

Shining Armor nodded, and the group led the two newcomers and their horses back to their camp. Shining Armor dug around in his pack for a few moments, then retrieved a flask and handed it to Daring. He nodded appreciatively, drank the whole thing, and was unconscious within a few minutes.

“He’s… A bit eccentric.” Cadance commented.

Drew simply nodded. “He is. It took me some time to get used to his odd ways, even if I still don’t quite understand them. But he’s pulled me out of the fire more times than I can count, and I’ve done the same for him a few times. He’s a good friend if there ever was one. And if he says he can get into those dreams and do something to help, well, I believe it.”

Years in the past, but nothing to write home about…

A Dignified Dersite stands atop a hill of the great battlefield of Skaia. Derse stands on the brink of victory. The White King and Queen are dead, and Prospit’s forces are falling to pieces. A Prospitan Shadow seems to have assumed command of the troops in cooperation with his associates, but this is not cause for concern. All the bravery and determination in the world cannot save them now.

The Draconian Dignitary suddenly loses all control of his body and mind. From an immeasurable distance away- but a measurable amount of time in the future- Daring Do assumes control of the man. He looks around through the binoculars still in the Dignitary’s hands, soon finding what he wants to see: The monstrous figure of Discord, and the six heroes fighting against him, one already down.

He nods, and takes off in a run towards the commotion. While he runs, he checks his inventory to see what weapons are at his disposal. A solid looking spear, a pair of knives, and two very unfamiliar weapons of different sizes. Daring had never seen anything like them before, but he could only guess that they functioned like a crossbow: point the long end at the enemy and pull the trigger. One was a small handheld size, while the other would need to be held with two hands.

He also can’t help but note that underneath his immaculate suit, his body is covered in a hard black shell. It doesn’t seem to restrict movement, and he guesses it will vastly improve his defense.

His feet are a bit oddly shaped though, as he quickly discovers by tripping up and taking a headlong roll down a hill. He scrambles back up and dusts himself off, never pausing from running towards the fight.

Just as Discord readies his sword to attack the five that remain standing, Daring lunges between them, his spear ringing against the blade. Discord frowns, not quite sure what to make of this. Clearly he hadn’t expected an intervention from one of the bystanders on the battlefield.

Move!” Daring shouts, his voice slightly distorted. “The door’s open! Get in and close it behind you! And, to those watching, you’ve got friends in Tellius. Now GO!

The ponies only pause for a moment more before fleeing. Discord doesn’t pursue them; instead, he tilts his head slightly at Daring. “Now THIS is an interesting turn of events.” Discord comments. “I expected some form of retaliation from the remains of the kingdoms, but I hardly expected the nobleman of Derse to step up personally. You’d be the next in command after the King and Queen, correct?

Daring nods, playing along. “That’s right. Your interference with this battle cannot be ignored. All of Derse will stand behind me in stopping you, and I’m sure Prospit will do the same.

Discord chuckled. “Fair enough. As the acting commander, and an honorable opponent, you are entitled to your weapon.” He motions his head towards a black marble staff lying discarded on the ground.

Daring shakes his head. “Never been good with magic. Give me a blade any day.” He shifts the spear in his hands.

Discord laughed and hefted his own weapon. “I like your attitude! Come, then. I’ll even let you attack first.

Daring rushes forward, spearhead towards the monster. Discord moves swiftly, sword swinging to block, but Daring’s reflexes aren’t slow either. He sidesteps and thrusts forward, delivering a solid hit to Discord’s leg. Discord grimaces in frustration and punches the Dersite, sending him sprawling backwards.

Daring scrambles to his feet, retrieving the smaller of the foreign weapons from his coat. He points it towards Discord and pulls the trigger several times in succession. Discord’s eyes glint, and he deflects three of three of the bullets with his blade, dodging the others. Discord now steps forward, rushing towards his opponent. Daring raises his spear to block, and as the two weapons ring out again, he retrieves one of the knives from his coat and stabs it firmly into Discord’s arm.

The arm wavers, but the sword is not dropped. Daring has a hard time telling if his attacks are doing any damage, but they are definitely annoying the monster, keeping his attention away from the six heroes. Discord pushes his opponent back with a mighty spin, then rushes forward with a flurry of strikes. Daring manages to block most of them, but the last two connect, cutting through both his coat and outer shell.

Discord adopts a genuinely confused expression. Clearly, Daring shouldn’t still be standing after a hit like that. Using this confusion to his advantage, Daring charges again, deflecting two sword strikes, dodging around a third and jabbing the spear deep into Discord’s other leg. This strike seemed to finally give the demon some amount of pain. He swats Daring aside, and readies his sword for another barrage, but soon finds a storm of bullets headed his way. Daring holds the larger gun confidently, a bloody grin on the Dignitary’s face, bullets flying.

Discord throws an angry arm forward, blocking a few of the bullets with his blade, and rushes straight through the storm. Daring is knocked to the ground by the first punch, and the ground explodes under him after the second. Discord is no longer simply annoyed, but completely enraged. He lifts the broken but alive body of the Dignitary into the air, tosses him upwards, and slams him back to the ground with the Blade of Blood. Daring watches dimly as the Dignitary’s severed left arm floats before him on the way down, extremely glad that he cannot feel his pain.

The impact is dizzying, but he manages to retrieve his pistol once again. In Discord’s rage, Daring is able to slip in a few more hits to his torso before he is lifted from the cracked ground again.

You’re an unusual one.” Discord says, half growling, but quickly composing himself. “No normal mortal being should be able to withstand this much beating, but here you are, still trying to hurt me. I have to say, I’m impressed. What’s your secret?

Daring doesn’t answer, but attempts to shift his remaining hand to reach a weapon. Discord frowns and shifts his grip, pinning Daring’s arm to his side. “Suppose it wouldn’t serve you well to tell me.” Discord squints, staring into the Dignitary’s eyes for several seconds, searching. Finally, his own eyes light up, a grin on his face. “YOU’RE not really here! The Dignitary is already dead! You, you are but a puppeteer, and this Dersite, your puppet. Oh, that is good. Bravo, good sir. But that begs the question… Who are you, really? None of these six have such a power.

Daring still doesn’t answer. His hand has almost reached something in his coat. “No answer, eh…? You mentioned something called Tellius to them. Could you be there, pulling the strings? I haven’t heard of the place, but I guarantee, I can find it.

Daring retrieves a communicator and flips it on. “Armies of Derse! Point every weapon towards the demon Discord! Ignore Prospit, and if you see the Heroes of light, you are now ordered to assist them!

Discord snarls. “So that’s how you want it. You’re no fun. Very well, sir puppeteer. You want to keep this engagement going, I’ll play along. But let me assure you that I WILL find this Tellius, I WILL find you, and there will be repercussions for this.

Discord tosses the Dignitary into the air, hefts his sword, and swings.

Years in the future, but nothing too overwhelming…

Daring Do awoke with a start. The other members of the group were anxiously watching him, and looked curiously to hear of what had happened.

“I certainly managed to make him angry.” Daring said. “There may not be any lasting damage, but with someone like that, we’re going to need a lot stronger weaponry than a spear and some knives and mini crossbows. What’s important is that I got his attention away from the ponies. I just hope that bought them enough time…”

Cadance smiled and nodded. “It bought us enough time to escape, yes. But, regrettably… Not all of us.” She sat down again, the others gathered around. “Gather around, and I’ll tell you what happened next, and the fruits of your efforts.”