• Published 27th May 2013
  • 1,681 Views, 109 Comments

From the Outside In - DarkParable

The tale of a young boy's life, from lowest to highest points.

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Chapter thirteen: A Visit from a Goddess

A couple days had passed since the... Incident... And Red found that life had turned rather disconcertingly hectic. First there was the entire mane six asking him to various engagements, lunches, outings, and other such things and he couldn't bring it upon himself to decline at all. He could honestly say that he'd never wanted to get away from a woman, let alone six of them, so badly. Still... It was nice to be so aggressively wanted in a platonic manner.

At the moment however Red was glad to be home alone and enjoying some time curled up with Luna's parting gift. He'd been engrossed in the book all morning, and he was quite surprised at the fact that she'd thoughtfully given him a copy in English as opposed to Equestrian. It wasn't that he couldn't read it, but this was another tie to something familiar and he appreciated the gesture. If he didn't know better he'd have to say that the Princess of the Night cared for him as if he were her foal. Nah... That was just too far fetched. That, however, paled in comparison to the old legend he'd just finished reading. Kitsune... He couldn't believe that Equestria had their own legends and myths about the mischievous little fox spirits.

He'd loved reading the world's mythology when he'd been human, and one of his favorite bits of lore happened to be Kitsune. Little nine tailed balls of mischief, pranks, and unshakable honor. Messenger spirits for a goddess named Inari, who's domain was rice and the harvest if his memory served properly.

Here in Equestria however they were something far simpler, they were free roaming immortal beings who made trouble in harmless ways wherever they could. The book's few bits about them said that, much like their Earth counterparts, they had a strong sense of honor and went out of their way to cause the most trouble to those who did wrong to others. In another random bit of similarity they had the appearance of nine tailed fox-like creatures the size of a filly.

Chuckling to himself Red sat the book aside and shimmied himself out of his bed with a reluctant slowness that one can only get when comfortable, warm, and lost in a haze of wonderful literature. The blood colored pegasus stretched slowly, spine popping like a zipper, as he worked out a few kinks and cramps from a long morning spent in bed. Long, but pleasant in a simple manner.

Limbered up a bit he staggered his way to the bathroom, flipped on the light, and jumped in surprise at the sight before him. "I swear to Gaia I'm going to shove a cupcake in Pinkie's ear... Or something." he muttered to himself as he poked at the shower curtain that had been somehow printed with a rather large picture of Pinkie's smiling face and the words "Pinkie is always watching!"

...Yeah that one came down quick and he just settled on a relaxing bath. He still found bathing with hooves and what was basically four legs to be a novality even after the time he'd spent as a pony. Sighing softly he allowed himself to sink into the warm water and rested his head against the edge of the tub. A soft little sound of pleasure escaped him. "Why did I ever stop taking actual baths in favor of showers...?" he asked himself, mumbling slightly as he melted into the tub. He drifted slowly off, lulled by the warm water lapping at his body like soft fingers. Tension he'd not known he was carrying eased away in simple relaxation.

He opened his eyes slowly and found himself not in his tub, but laying upon a large, and rather comfortable, bed. The midnight blue sheets of satin left his fur a-tingle as he sat up slowly, blinking and looking about in confusion. A quiet giggle sounded behind him an instant before he found himself hugged back against a warm body, feathers covering his face.

"Hello Red Wyne." purred the voice of Luna in his ear as the feathered were pulled away. He looked up, blushing bright enough to darken his face even against his blood red fur. The sight of which drew yet another soft sound of mirth from the alicorn. "I am glad to see you whole and hale once more."

He blinked slowly, his mouth opening and closing as he tried to find a few words and come to terms with the fact that she still hadn't released him. In fact she hugged him a bit tighter, or so it seemed to him. He finally found his voice and the only sound to escape him was a simple "Meep."

Laughing, Luna gently let him go and backed up just a bit. The stricken human turned pegasus seemed more than a bit flustered by the rather sudden glomp and snuggle he'd just been subjected to, a fact that she found amusingly cute. Still, she knew he'd bounce back quickly enough and that made the tease all the more fun. By my moon and stars... That's adorable. she thought to herself as she watched him cover his face with his hooves and lower his ears.

A few moments passed before Red got his act together and managed to speak properly once again. "He-hello Princess... Umm... I'm dreaming aren't I?" he asked, peeking at her over the edge of one of his hooves. His icy blue eye holding a depth of embarrassment that only Fluttershy could have ever matched... Or a certain lavender colored mare after a particular accidental kiss...

Luna couldn't help the soft little "D'aww" that escaped her at that sight. "Yes Red, this is a dream... And for future reference, falling asleep in the bathtub is not a good idea. Still, I suppose I cannot fault you for it. I've let warm water lull me into a nap a time or two... Now then, as to why I brought your astral self here... I wanted to check in on one of the few who hold my night sacred and who pays homage to my moon, especial when that somepony in question is one who we gave a new life." she said, a faint smile on her muzzle.

Red blinked slowly, sitting up at a languid pace and giving her a bit of a confused look. "You mean you... Oh horse feathers, should have guessed you'd know about that." he said with a small nervous smile of his own. "Umm... It wasn't inappropriate was it...? My religion I mean. I mean I know there's not a lot humans who actively practice what's seen as a pagan religion in today's world... Heck, my grand mother was the only other one I knew directly and that's because she taught me what I know... Wait a second... Are Druids common here in Equestria?"

Luna let out a quiet little laugh at his ramblings and gently shushed him with a hoof over his mouth. "In order, No it's quite flattering. That is sadly true but I do not begrudge your people for their break from their old ways. Finally, no religion is not something most practice here in this land, though shrines to our mother, Faust, are common enough. I cannot help but wonder if you would have had an affinity for natural magics had we graced you with a horn instead of wings... However, the freedom of flight seemed more fitting and if the way you seem to enjoy it is any indication I'd say it was the right choice." Luna smiled softly at him, lifting her hoof and settling down at his side. In a manner fit for a mother she drew the pegasus closer, letting her wing rest gently over him.

Red sighed softly, leaning against her and gently nuzzling her shoulder. "Honestly... I don't think I can ever thank you for bringing me here, not even if I had an eternity to spend saying 'thanks' over and over again..." he said quietly, letting out a soft little sigh once more. The unabashed sincerity in his words brought a smile to the lunar goddess' face, a smile of one who is genuinely touched on a deep emotional level by the words of another.

"Crevan, you deserved this and more. If you'd not earned a place here in peace before your defense of another certainly cemented it. Do not thank me, my sister, or any other. It is we who should thank you for showing your kind are not a completely lost cause." Luna said, gently hugging the stallion at her side. "Now it is time for you to wake before you catch cold in that tub of your's... Go on you... And expect a small reward for your heroism, something from me to you my little pony."

Red awoke with a sneeze, getting a nose full of water for his troubles. "Pleasant dream that.." he muttered as he shook the water from his face and slowly climbed out of the tub and shook himself, both to return some feeling to his icy limbs and to shed a bit of water. Wrapping himself in a towel he dried off as quickly as he could, headed for his kitchen, and prepared to face the rest of the day, armed with a nice toasted bagel slathered in cream cheese that is.

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